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Sep 2015 · 3.2k
This Place
Rockie Sep 2015
This place;
It's full of the weird and the wonderful
This place;
It's creatures are more amazing than I've ever seen
This place;
It's got the style that got its unique tag
This place;
It's full of the weird, the wonderful and *us.
Sep 2015 · 996
Rockie Sep 2015
Bullet-proof vests
Won't be able to contain
The **** I have prepared
For you and your ******* team
Of roundabout ways
And undue leave.

Bullet-proof scars
Aren't worth noting,
Because I remember gladly,
Clear and true,
Just what I did
To you.

Bullet-proof hearts
Are so clearly fake
As destroying your life source
Is as easy as destroying the plague.
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Rockie Sep 2015
This* is what I'm made for,
Creating characters
With little more than
An image,
Paint and brushes*
I'm in my element,
Creepy or just plain gore,
I've got the equipment?
And I shall create away
Sep 2015 · 950
Rockie Sep 2015
Is getting ever closer dear
Rest your pretty little head
And lay out the treats
For all the tricks you'd prefer to miss
While I purge the night away!
Yeah, yeah, Halloween isn't for a month or so, and purging like in the films isn't real...
Sep 2015 · 1.1k
Rockie Sep 2015
It's your word against mine
Is it not?
Who shall they believe
The liar with nothing to lose
(Or so they say)
Or honest worker with everything to lose
(Or so they say)
They shall believe I,
The honesty teller
Because I can lie outta my ***
All day!
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
Rockie Sep 2015
A WKD bottle and
Pizza slices on the table
Everybody waiting in anticipation
For that beat to drop
Holding each other
In a circle
Arms around each others waist
Smiles spreading laughter
As the magic
Creates swearing and shouts
Somebody's guts
Flushed down the sink
In cleaning products
Shots being taken
Faces pulled
As they squeal for the burning to leave
*Time to go home.
Sep 2015 · 1.6k
Rockie Sep 2015
The only colour
In this sea of grey
Your red lips
Are stark against your pale skin
The only colour
In this sea of grey *suits

Oh London,
You dark, stark city,
Filled with wondrous prospects
For people made of *red.
Sep 2015 · 772
Rockie Sep 2015
I miss the girl that I once knew
The girl with hair blonder than dust
And cheeks rounder than apples

I miss the girl that I once knew
The girl with nerves of a wet napkin
And legs clumsier than spaghetti

I miss the girl I once knew
The girl who always did what she was told
And was always afraid to speak

I miss the girl I once knew,
That's all true.
But she grew up.
And I don't miss that little girl so much
Sep 2015 · 2.5k
The End
Rockie Sep 2015
If this is the end
Please make it subtle
If this is the end
Don't threaten me with childish lies
If this is the end
Then I shall miss the beginning, the middle, but certainly not the end.
Sep 2015 · 5.6k
Rockie Sep 2015
Chew that gum,
Flick that wrist,
And be that bratty little princess,
That nobody wants to kiss,
Oh, Prince Charming?
He's hoppin' on his horse,
Riding to the sunset,
To get away from you,
So shut your face,
Chew your gum,
And be a ******* diva,
Wearing that ******* crown.
Sep 2015 · 675
Rockie Sep 2015
Trying to grab words
And force them into something
Worth meaning
Worth making
Instead, getting this.
A not-worth-your-time thing
A sentence built on sentence
Without a reason behind it.
Sep 2015 · 1.3k
Rockie Sep 2015
Is that the applause of the leaves
I hear outside my window
Or just the rain
Tapping out a tune to the wind?
Sep 2015 · 2.2k
Some Tomorrows
Rockie Sep 2015
Some tomorrows shall be filled
With glitter and sorrow
While others shall have parties and pain

Most tomorrows shall be filled
With living everything now
While thinking why, why, why?

All tomorrow shall be filled
With people and loneliness
While others shall be house guests and emptiness

*Every tomorrow shall be filled
With something, nothing, and everything.
Whether we want it or not.
Sep 2015 · 554
Just Another Year
Rockie Sep 2015
It's just another year
Of crowded corridors
And wishing we were home

It's just another year
Of rushed revising
And wishing we didn't have to

It's just another year
Of stupid stress
And wishing we were younger

It's just another year
Of growing up
And wishing everything was over already

*It's just another year.
Sep 2015 · 1.2k
Ah, The Stars
Rockie Sep 2015
Ah, how the stars gleam
With the knowledge of a million years
And billion other more.

Ah, how the stars shout
With the knowledge of a million deaths
And billion other more.

Ah, how the stars sing
With the knowledge of a million songs
And billion other more.

Ah, how the stars love
With the knowledge of a million humans
And billion other more.
Aug 2015 · 1.4k
Rockie Aug 2015
Colours run
Into a clichéd rainbow,
A burst of unexpected fruit
From the depths within
Limited edition silver
To turn into even rarer gold
If you'd allow yourself
To open up about those splashes of rainbow
You can create something
The press would want to cover.
Aug 2015 · 564
Rockie Aug 2015
Though I am, and forever shall be imperfect,
There is someone who takes those 'faulties'
And turns them into quirks.

Though I am, and forever shall be impossible,
There is someone who takes those 'quirks'
And turns them into fun.

Though I am, and forever shall be quiet
There is someone who takes that 'fun'
And turns it into a game.

Though I am, and forever shall be easily pleased
And eagerly smiles,
There is someone out there
Who accepts it all as a *game.
Aug 2015 · 948
Rockie Aug 2015
His raven eyes would never see the light of day,
His heart as dark as the blacked out moon,
The weapons he mastered smelted down,
The children he fathered lost and found,
You wanted to see him locked up tight,
You couldn't have known he took his life,
Judge and Jury found him innocent,
Judge and Jury faced a fight,
Public policy said this wasn't right
Public policy told a story
Of the man that captured several views
Of several thousand million different few
That bothered to listen to the man
That changed the earth
For the better of our children.
Aug 2015 · 5.1k
Moonlight, Starlight
Rockie Aug 2015
Moonlight, Starlight,
Twinkle Bear Blue,
I've got a spell,
That's perfect for you,
One drop of night,
One ray of day,
And the joy of owning
Your very first kite,
Moonlight, Starlight
Little *Bear Blue.
Aug 2015 · 1.6k
The Best
Rockie Aug 2015
It all happened so quickly.
The shock, the tears,
The pain.
I wish you and your family the best,
That everything will turn out alright in the end,
Even though the time is tough
And the tears will fall,
We will stand tall,
For you.
For your family.
For the justice you deserve.
When you're told some terrible, shocking, tear wrenching news, you can't begin to comprehend what other people think of it as well-all you know is that it's happened and don't know when it'll be right again.
Aug 2015 · 1.6k
Hollow Man
Rockie Aug 2015
Hollow man,
Weak man,
Stupid man made of flesh and doubt,
Silly man, don't do that,

Hollow man,
Home man,
Choke man with rope around neck,
Finally man, please get down,

*Hollow man,
Hollow man,
Come close quick,
Hey man, you hollow man,
Feel the pain again!
Aug 2015 · 728
Rockie Aug 2015
A glassful of orange
And a plateful of eggs
Spiced up pepper
And the tang of chili
A room full of teens
And a wedding full of adults
Sweetened down candles
And the reeking nip of cake
Nostrils flaring
And watering mouths
Throats burning
And stomachs grumbling
People eat
And they can smell
The sweet, sweet shell
Of a rhubarb treat
Aug 2015 · 2.6k
Sit, Wait, Ponder
Rockie Aug 2015
We've all got time to

But everybody's time is different.
Sometimes we use our time to

Or maybe

The truth is, whether we make our time to fit either third category,
We all still have time to do them.
Time to sit down and wait for the time that pondering
Just becomes a figment
Of our imagination.
Aug 2015 · 632
Rockie Aug 2015
A bombs gotta explode someone, sweetie
Otherwise it could be dangerous in the wrong hands
Move away before it burns the skin
And kills your organs
Move further,
You don't want to be hit by shrapnel
Even that's dangerous you know?
Aug 2015 · 635
Rockie Aug 2015
I wonder what it's like
To be trusted with a secret so secret
That no one else but me
Has been told?
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Rockie Jul 2015
I danced for the eyes of others
And joked that they couldn't do as good

I danced so I could prove them wrong
And laughed when they stumbled like the jerks they were

I danced to grab your attention
And noted that someone else's dance seemed far more important.
Jul 2015 · 399
Rockie Jul 2015
If I was to write
Something so terribly drastic
I would get asked
Question upon
And if I was to write
Something so terribly amazing
I would be praised
Compliment upon
Instead, I write this,
Because that hardly happens
And instead I am left
Wondering doubt upon
Jul 2015 · 647
Rockie Jul 2015
You inspired her to write again.
To see the pure in what she wrote.
She'll still have days of doubt, of course, but...
*This song.
It catches the tears in her throat,
Causes her to think about the things she's done,
What she could do,
And all the things she aspires to be.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Rockie Jul 2015
Surely you would notice
If your heart was crushed,
Piece by piece.
So why can't you see
Mine had been missing
For a long while?
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Rockie Jul 2015
If every age lasted a decade
And I spent them all alone
I think I'd get rather lonely
Still, since I'm alien to you
I'll sit and listen to music instead
Because at least I can understand that
More than you can me.
Jul 2015 · 3.6k
Sweetest Song
Rockie Jul 2015
You haven't heard the sweetest sound
Until you've listened to a song
Played on piano
And sung with true feeling
You haven't heard this song before
Have you?
Jul 2015 · 743
Rockie Jul 2015
We all have to grow up some day
Get a job,
Earn money,
All that jazz.
It's funny,
Because it comes sooner
And more quickly,
Way scarier
Than some of us realise.
It dawns on us
Like a tidal wave on an unsuspecting village,
Or hurricane that didn't show on the radar.
Just think,
Everyone grows up.
Even if we don't want to.
Jul 2015 · 862
Rockie Jul 2015
Sometimes we have to let
Things from our past go
Stop reminiscing
To make way
For future memories
And even more great things.
Jul 2015 · 721
Rockie Jul 2015
I cannot begin to comprehend
The stupidity of people that think
I care about them
And their opinion
When they don't agree
With what
I have
To say.
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Rockie Jul 2015
If your voice is a drug,
Your singing a natural high,
Then let me inject your mouth
Into my veins.
Jul 2015 · 1.9k
Rockie Jul 2015
Greek goddess for me.
Rich money; need more.
Empty stomach? Not me.
Euphoria isn't enough.
Dancing girls; more than I can count.
Jul 2015 · 678
Rockie Jul 2015
Tell me.
Everyone is crying.
Jul 2015 · 3.1k
Rockie Jul 2015
If my knee high converse are making you nervous
*Don't worry. It's not the boots that bite. It's the face that does.
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
Rockie Jul 2015
We played frisbee on green
Acting the age of teens
Drinking alcohol and air
The time is late
As we troop through the gate
And go home
Our group laughing at the fun we had
Throughout the night
Jul 2015 · 1.4k
Rockie Jul 2015
Blue and yellow
Pink and green
Red and purple
Outdoor and furniture
Indoor and grass
Attic and basement
Nothing and something
Doesn't have to make sense
To have an impact
Does it?
Jul 2015 · 925
Rockie Jul 2015
The difference between
A bird and a map
Is that one knows how to read the lands
And the other
Is made for morons
Who don't know how to explore.
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
Rockie Jul 2015
I upload poems and
I upload junk and
I upload words and
I upload stories and
They may not be good but
All of these things are
Jul 2015 · 2.2k
War Paint
Rockie Jul 2015
Smudging blue and red
Across our cheeks
And down our noses
Lines pointing to our necks from our chins
We're ready to beat the crap
From our chests
And the bravery from the enemy
Our war paint is something to fear
As we wear it with pride
The Red and Blue
Oozes with greatness;
A title you'll never hold.
Jul 2015 · 3.4k
Rockie Jul 2015
Yawning wide
Against the tide
Of tiredness and drag

Yawning enough
To make muscles tough
Against strain and hate

Yawning small
Lesser the fall.
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
Rockie Jul 2015
You remind me to sing and dance,
To live life and rhyme,
This train is
Clickety clack, clickety clacking
Onto the track
With a little guide from the hand that is yours,
I'm thankful for you guys,
The friends that can act more like sisters
And play the music we listened to
In each others rooms,
Because our friendship has grown to the point,
That our every nothing days
Become the days that is *something.
Jul 2015 · 7.1k
Rockie Jul 2015
It's something ordinary
To love things beautiful,

But it really is something beautiful
To love the ordinary.
Jul 2015 · 500
Quick, Quick
Rockie Jul 2015
Quick, quick,
Catch me before I fall,
Leave me if you dare,
This rock sound playing,
It won't last long,
So quick quick,
**** me quick.
Jul 2015 · 2.0k
Rockie Jul 2015
Things have changed for me,
And that's ok,
I feel the same.*
Why is it that,
Once you really listen,
You understand the words,
And they become clearer to you,
Touching your mind
In ways you wouldn't expect?
The italics is from P!ATD's song That Green Gentlemen [Things Have Changed]. <3
Jul 2015 · 3.3k
Rockie Jul 2015
I regret not taking the chances
To do the things I wanted to do
With you.
Jul 2015 · 1.5k
Rockie Jul 2015
They try and make
Their subtle gazes
As quiet as possible
They're in love
And know things about each other
Whispered in ears
In the crowded morning sunshine
And secrets shared in the shade of the afternoon
Tepees made of duvets in the shadows of night
Lovers be ******,
Because they are granted the wishes
Of hopeless God's and Goddesses.
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