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Oct 2018 · 565
Shoot Down
Danielle Oct 2018
Shoot down those stars!
Their time of ending has come.
No bitter words,
Or tears shall fall,
From the bright windows of heaven.
For their time of ending has come.
On swift arrow’s wings.
Oct 2018 · 815
Danielle Oct 2018
Ride through my veins, driven by your cruelty and anger
Leave me nothing, but those shadows and dark places,
You were afraid to touch, afraid to enter,
As my broken hands clenched red fabric,
Twisted it ‘round as whispered screams echoed.
The cracks though my being, held together by silken webs.
A rough touch enough to break me and scatter,
My mirrored reflection towards the stars.
Oct 2018 · 567
Danielle Oct 2018
She supposed it was more than just rain.
It was a touch, light and rough upon the skin.
A harsh tap tap that seemed to echo through the world.
Eventually, it took over as she knew it would.
It felt cool, running down her soul
Not that she wanted the cracks cleaned out.
But the rain was insistent, formidable, and crushing.
It was, after all, more than just rain.
Oct 2018 · 333
Quiet Nothings
Danielle Oct 2018
All quiet nothings
Exist within the dark
Just like your broken promises.
Oct 2018 · 370
Quiet Days
Danielle Oct 2018
On those quiet gray days,
My mind wanders.
Echoes of anger and hurt
Greet it as they paint the walls red.
They haunt my footsteps
They haunt my memories
Making me aware of how wrong,
Absolutely everything was.
Make me wish for that time,
When I can live and forget.
Oct 2018 · 492
Danielle Oct 2018
This wreak of a world can barely sustain me.
And I’m not one to live in fear.
I wanted to add more, but nothing else I added did anything for it, so it is as it is.
Oct 2018 · 486
Danielle Oct 2018
The waters run
Murky deep.
Muddy chocolate
For my eyes.
I really do love just short poems with imagery.
Oct 2018 · 633
Danielle Oct 2018
Modesty diminishing.
Difficulty at the beginning.
Independence, confining
Taking apart stagnation.
Oct 2018 · 1.2k
Danielle Oct 2018
I refuse to let your eyes look back.
The Past is nothing.
A lesson learned and forgotten.
Let it softly fade
And the stars shine bright.
Don’t ever look back.
Oct 2018 · 248
Danielle Oct 2018
It’s soft almost unnoticed,
As it steals up on me,
And fills me with shear warmth.
My quiet dreams fulfilled.
Desperate wished unneeded.
Whole at last and free.
Oct 2018 · 315
Evening Rain
Danielle Oct 2018
In the still cool air of twilight
A gray rain falls
Changing the world to a dull blue
Quietly I watched
The remnants of the sun vanish
Beyond that horizon
Less fiery and bright
More cool and light
Peaceful and calm
A beginning rather than an end
Oct 2018 · 258
Danielle Oct 2018
Breath dances along red-ribboned strands.
Memories brush my lips, its sweet touch
Bursts into starlight.  I’m held,
Pinned by the moonlight.
Two hands clasped in promise,
Like a lovely butterfly,
The grass cool and dark
An earthly mirror for the night.
Oct 2018 · 342
Danielle Oct 2018
This Rush,
Heady, intoxicating
Pounding against my white interior
Clawing through my skin.
Begging, fighting, screaming,
For a way out.
Dripping, oozing
Through every word
And every well timed ******.
Its fire and warmth gives me
A new sort of fragile
Oct 2018 · 338
Danielle Oct 2018
And you’re here now
To wash away my fears.
No black angel,
Merely a human sacred.

No bells or prophecy
To claim your arrival.
Just one wish,
Spoken to the night’s sky

Paid in silent agony
Our tears heal.
The rainbow unbroken,
Our journeys begun.
A bit terribly ironic since I wrote this at the start of my last relationship, which meet a sticky end.
Oct 2018 · 274
Danielle Oct 2018
This dancing on wires never ends.
The thrill-seekers wish to see,
The body caught and twisted ‘round,
Lying still in the golden light.
Oct 2018 · 273
The Butcher Smiled
Danielle Oct 2018
The butcher smiled.
Crimson lips mocking,
As she took in the sight
An insignificant spat
Between two men.
In a stunning flash,
The victor stained scarlet stood.
The butcher’s grin became hungry
And she took her first bite
Out of his humanity.
Which was oh so inconsequential.
Since they all belonged to her.
Oct 2018 · 286
Quiet Space
Danielle Oct 2018
In the quiet space,
Between chapter three and four.
For now, there’s magic
Between these lines.
A point that is
Often ignored.
Oct 2018 · 261
Thunderous Intent
Danielle Oct 2018
I find myself wanting to cause you pain.
Every time that feeling rises up,
My scouring stick packs it down tight.
I can’t, after all lash out.
It’s the high road or nothing,
If only to prove I’m better then you.
But eventually after they’re aimed true,
The cry for “All cannons open fire!” will ring out.
And I will bring thunder down upon you.
Just feeling angry over all today I guess.
Oct 2018 · 783
Danielle Oct 2018
I’m a cannibal.
We’ll let that sink in.
It takes moment to digest that thought.
Sorry I have terrible humor, I know.
Why and who?
Mostly myself, I cannibalize me,
To rearrange my understanding of self.
It doesn’t survive upon contact you see.  
So I slice and dice, chop and whip.
Until nothing irritates and the rot sets in.
Then I have to cut out the bad parts
And try to put myself back together again.
So you see it’s really not easy,
Being a cannibal.
But **** I bet the final product will be delicious.
I hate it when I catch myself doing this, trying to put others so far ahead of myself that I just end up hurting myself. I'll learn how to avoid it eventually. Hopefully.
Oct 2018 · 395
Danielle Oct 2018
Blue eyes
Torturous and cruel
A cold beauty like
Windswept mountain lakes
Half frozen
Half there
Not reality
My soul catches,
Trapped, frozen by
Memories of blue
But any shade of warmth
Has been stolen
By time
By distance
So I’ll sit and wait
For summer’s sun
To thaw my
Frostbitten heart
Ahhh perfect for winter time.
Oct 2018 · 513
Danielle Oct 2018
I’m floating,
Just adrift in feeling,
Not fully one thing or another.
Except when I’m with you.
I get filled up with brightness,
So much, it overflows.
Spills out of me,
And  tries to fill the room.
Eventually maybe I'll stop being sappy, but I suppose one needs happy poems.
Oct 2018 · 351
Danielle Oct 2018
The embers still spark.
I’d mute them with tears,
But oddly everything has dried up.
Everything is either hot,
Or harsh cold.
At this crossroads
I can’t take the middle path
And so I stand frostbitten and burning bright.
Can't take the path I want so I'm standing around probably like an idiot, but right now that's okay, for now.
Oct 2018 · 278
Great Heights
Danielle Oct 2018
I’m not sure what jarred me loose,
Maybe the medication,
Maybe the ***,
Maybe the drinks I had sitting here,
Maybe just the texting,
But something just shook off the ashes and rose.
Something shifted, something SHIFTED.
I want to run, HA, no going back.
I got my parachute, time to fall and see where I land.
I think a bit more raw then I'd normally write, but I'm feeling raw tonight.
Aug 2018 · 1.4k
Danielle Aug 2018
Silky, red-ribboned Fate.
You shine bright,
Wrapped tight around,
This silent stack of letters.
They now smell of sunlight.
Instead of the damp and dark.
Well maybe not totally of sunlight, since they're still unread and in a box. But I don't dread them anymore, so progress!
Aug 2018 · 343
Danielle Aug 2018
Flip on the music
Flip on the water
(Try not to burn myself)
Grab the implement,
(A sponge with soap)
Let the mind ponder,
Cups first? Or perhaps
The plates.
How shall everything
Fit together within
The drying rack?
Got challenged to write about something mundane and since I don't hate dishes 100% this is the result.
Jul 2018 · 271
Danielle Jul 2018
Little leaky emotions run,
Dribbling onto paper, or
Those pale computer screens.
Mostly black and blue
Never white.
A good summation of why I write
Jul 2018 · 270
Danielle Jul 2018
It sits in my chest.
I wish I could say it was heavy,
But it flutters about as it aches.
It feels like a ******* wound to my soul
And cold snow in my shoes
As it seeps into my bones.
Jul 2018 · 417
Danielle Jul 2018
Sleepless nights
Basking in dreams,
Day dreaming when you should be dreaming in your sleep
Jul 2018 · 414
A Poem for a Tree
Danielle Jul 2018
Well, there had been a tree
All soft gray trunk,
Crawling with snails after the rain,
And carved with symbols of naïve love.
You couldn’t climb the branches to the sky,
But they could cradle you as you watched the world go by.
Sadly when I came back to live with my parents after my break up the tree was gone. I think that it had been hit by lightning and they had to remove it. I had been looking forward to seeing the names that had been carved into it again.
Jul 2018 · 589
Danielle Jul 2018
Selfish needy human that I am.

My false courage and determination.

Standing among the wreck;

The mess I seemingly created.

Confusion robs my judgment

And I stand lost and alone,

Until the pieces begin to fit.

But I will stand strong and steadfast

As this world tears apart.
Jul 2018 · 789
Danielle Jul 2018
As she fell down the wishing well,
A stray thought wormed right in,
“Who am I?
Am I’m Alice? The one with travelled the Looking Glass?
The one who fought the Jabberwocky?
Or perhaps the one who lost her head?
My own head feels a bit lost,
So I must be her, falling down to reality.”
I seem to go through major life events every time they come out with a new Alice and Wonderland movie. Not sure why, but something about those movies then get stuck in my head.
Jul 2018 · 278
Danielle Jul 2018
I want to write epic tales
Or little brilliant pieces,
To make a person think.
But the words are slippery,
Plunging. Falling fast from
My grasp, they vanish.
I’m not sure where,
They sometimes return,
And if I’m really lucky
A few moments of furious
Repeating is enough to
Hold them tight and safe,
If only to turn them loose
Onto pages.
The Poet's Struggle
Jul 2018 · 394
Danielle Jul 2018
Splinters jabbed deep over time
It was just a drop that dripped out
That miserable first time
Now a river cuts through me.
How do I turn off the tap?
I'm really not sure that Doldrum is what the name of this poem should be, but I'm having a terrible time actually coming up with something else. Suggestions very welcomed at this point.
Jun 2018 · 436
To Dance
Danielle Jun 2018
To dance?
The oncoming storm,
All breezy bluster and
Quicksilver lightening.
You dance in my mind
All silken whispers
And subtle grace
You dance.
Whoops a Doctor Who poem, for my favorite Doctor. Enjoy!
Jun 2018 · 3.7k
To The End
Danielle Jun 2018
Games played at train stations
As we all just slide by
Our weathered eyes
Begin to crack.
We’ve dried up.
Become husks
As we drown in lassitude
“To the End!” we cried!
This is just one of those weird poems where I build it around a single word. But I think it also captures the feeling of just giving up and not noticing things anymore.
Jun 2018 · 354
Danielle Jun 2018
If I call upon the wind,
It’ll dance upwards,
From the sea of green meadows.
From the hallowed arches of the woods.
It’ll dance around me
And cloak me in power.
I finally felt myself one day while on a walk near my home.
Jun 2018 · 344
Silver Inlaid
Danielle Jun 2018
Twisted silver
Aged divine
Horsed gallop
Priests beg
Gold flowers
Grow on
Bronze designs
Spent a lot of time in college looking at Inlaid Bronzes, the technique fascinated me, and the intermingling of religions.
Jun 2018 · 372
Danielle Jun 2018
White Knight?
All the stories have been told.
Black Knight?
A touch to evil for my tastes perhaps.
Gray Knight?
Most would say just right. I say eh.
Pink Knight?
Too tempting I should think.
So neither it is.
I’ll take the Jester
If you please
And smile as my woes crumble before me.
Sometimes you don't want a knight in shining armor at all.
Jun 2018 · 469
Danielle Jun 2018
There’s a coil in me.
It likes to wind itself up.
The only thing that eases
Is these words dribbling,
Down and out of my mouth.
Not the words I’m trying to use,
Nor the meaning
I’m trying to convey.
I’m sorry I’m this way.
I've gotten into a bad habit of just unleashing a stream of consciousness, when I get anxious about social things, which in turn doesn't actually really help much of anything.
Jun 2018 · 460
Danielle Jun 2018
I race against my heart’s beat.
There’s a wild call hanging in the still air,
A call of longing slips, escapes from my throat.
An answer to a thwarted hunt.
The Dreamer a delusion.
The Trickster a fool.
The Philosopher a liar.
The Musician a bane.
And yet I hope – struggle.
The hunt will be successful
Not sure that I should still call this poem whole. It's on it's third re-write and I like this one the best. Might actually come up with a full list of all my ex's to place in this poem. So I guess I'll have to see how it evolves over time.
Jun 2018 · 849
Black Ink
Danielle Jun 2018
A hand scribbles violently.
The pen carving through the lined paper.
Black Ink spilling out of the deep cuts,
Soaking into the pristine page.
Words blocking out the light,
By illuminating knowledge.
Strong, scared, and weary hands fight.
Sometimes writing poetry feels like you're getting ready to go into battle.
Jun 2018 · 869
Danielle Jun 2018
Ravens dance upon highwires.
Flashing pinwheels spinning in their beaks.
The merry-go-round grinds,
Its rusted gears, squealing into the wind.
Book pages whirl and fly off into the sky.
The fox’s cry to the butterfly
Went unheard in this whitewashed night.
Probably going to end up re-writing this for a fourth time, but for now it's good enough to post on here and see what kind of feed back I get for it.
Jun 2018 · 395
Danielle Jun 2018
These unspoken words,
They recall a moment.
Against the inky black of the sky,
Touch, whisper soft, on skin
Poetry spoken quietly, contented.
Movement, undone by moonlight.
Disquiet soothed by the stars.
A moment of peace in between.
Re-write. just a quiet moment that deserved to be remembered.
Jun 2018 · 431
Sweet Treat
Danielle Jun 2018
Sweet treat left upon the pavement
A sweltering, bereft mess becoming sticker.
I wish to scoop you up,
Stuff your blue shell back into
Your crinkly wrapper, all done up
In a pale green so dapper.
In a pale green so dapper, was the line that got stuck in my head.
Jun 2018 · 328
Danielle Jun 2018
Streaks of gray blot out my nothing.
Piano strokes key into the sound,
Key into my mind. Strings me along
With fevered pitches and staggering lows.
Till passed out in color I lie, drowning.
Jun 2018 · 375
Danielle Jun 2018
Searing tears,
Rubbing-sore hands,
Pounding drum headache,
Red eyes,
Lips and cheeks inflamed.
The embers burn,
Laying forgotten amongst
Dull gray ashes.
Shimmering smoke
Leaches away tenderness,
And slowly,
Oh so slowly,
Steal my soul as it rises.
******* sick of boyfriends who smoke cigarettes. Just done with it.
Jun 2018 · 457
Danielle Jun 2018
I see you world...
Through my mirrored eye,
Those nuanced shapes of yours.
Animal forms in all.
Sheer frustration at the human race prompted this poem.
Jun 2018 · 1.2k
Not Myself
Danielle Jun 2018
Not myself,
Not with those wide staring eyes.
Staring through this wall of water,
Leaking from my attic spaces.
My brain leaks fears, like a rusty tin tap.
No, not myself.
Not with these thoughts or falling tears.
Depression sometimes makes you into someone you're not.
Jun 2018 · 285
Danielle Jun 2018
Would you dream of me in the space of a breath?

Please say yes.
Short and sweet. Oddly this poem was a pain to write, it's been titled rough start and been sitting in my saved folder for like a year or so. I think it wasn't working because I was trying to add more to it and it didn't need it at all.
Jun 2018 · 441
Danielle Jun 2018
I’ll be...
Your scarecrow?
Soft touch.
Something that is...
Whispered prayer.
Kept silent, still,
In what mind
Might be left.
Playing around with character poems.
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