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Danielle Nov 2020
It wasn't a lingering feeling
but a shot in the dark;
love letter once written
in the middle of spring,
until these words left frozen.
GothicWonderland Sep 2020
Dearest Flower,

I know you have suffered
that you suffer still
but know this
that I love you
no matter your name
no matter your pronouns
no matter your size
no matter your shape
you are you
and that is who
I fall in love with
every day
I love YOU
no matter how
you define yourself

Love your Boyfriend
Cathy Devan May 2020
He penned
To the girl
With the
Braided hair
Shiny nose ring
A black rose tattoo
On her ankle
A damaged soul
With half cresent smiles
Crookedly woven smiles
Who always rejected
His advances
Maybe because of
Trust and daddy issues
That haunted
Her dark heart and colorful mind.
@roguelover in mirakee
It's always the damaged girl you tryna get💔
Snow falls before Spring.  

Ice laughs amidst freezing air:

the sky’s confetti.

Or torn love letters,  

once smuggled under pillow.

Now bitter on tongue.
Marina Nov 2017
we do not choose who we fall in love with,
and our perception of happiness is our own and
is determined by what we experience..
love cannot be expressed by one who shows it different.
Starry Sep 2019
Dearest darling Hill Morty
I am writing this told tell you them I wasn't able to talk to you my love. Our loving conversations  that which we have keep me sane. I cannot til we me and have that first real kiss. I can just feel it now.

Your lover
This is my love letters to my boyfriend.
Nely Jul 2019
I still write you love letters with my favorite pen.

In my favorite book, on my favorite colored pages.


I still walk to the post office in Hope's of sending them out.

I send em out to the universe instead of you,

cause you no longer appreciate the colors of my love for you.
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