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Sep 2016 · 8.8k
Into the Sunset
Àŧùl Sep 2016
A happy couple,
You and me,
A painter paints,
Both of us,
Into the Sunset.
HP Poem #1150
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 917
Constipating The Believers
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I love these aircrafts rambling overhead,
Fighter jets they practise for the J-day,
But the judgement day never comes,
And forever its threat looms here,
Scaring all the civilians to ****,
Just constipating our minds,
In the lovely ugly paradox.
This is about the problem with the Jihadis.

HP Poem #1149
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Yes, I am the unlucky young man,
One true lover fabled about widely,
I'm the one who loves you forever,
Surely I'm not achieving anything,
Loving you is just like idol worshiping,
I pray you come to life sometimes,
Especially in the moments of heat,
In the days of loneliness and passion.

But just like idol worshiping it's vain,
As you don't come any lonely times,
Now I know why idol worshiping is bad,
Loving you is much like self-harming,
Surely I must change my mental makeup,
For I'm the one who suffers in this,
One stupid lover pointlessly loving you,
Yes, I know that I should change.

But the question is whether you are another failure of mine.
HP Poem #1148
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.7k
Never You Betray
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Forever loyal you should stay,
Never should you betray.

For the pleasure is momentary,
Not is the same for everybody.

From the heart of this man here,
New poems in her praise emanate.
HP Poem #1147
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I know that you can not love me,
I do not want you back anyhow,
Neither as a dear lover as you were,
Nor merely as a buddy as you wish,
You know that I can not hate you,
You can not have my love again,
Neither as dear friends as we were,
Nor merely as a contact as I'd wish.

So here is the last advice for you,
For you are a kid forever for me,
You have no liability to befriend,
Most people you meet are fakers,
You are the most innocent child,
For I have never known a cuter,
So have I never known a softer.
HP Poem #1146
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 501
My Old Ode For Her
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Inside this loneliness of my life,
There is none but you my future wife,
When you are here then I can play the fife,
There is much fun as there's no strife,
Inside now your presence is rife.
HP Poem #1145
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
Her Japanese Incubus
Àŧùl Sep 2016
My ex-girlfriend used to wake up scared,
More than often it had happened.
She used to tell about her nightmares,
She was really explicit about the dreams.
Oh yes, I remember each and every thing.
I remember when she told me about one,
I often sensed her strong interest in it.
More I deduced so after it is over,
My ex-girlfriend was a nymphomaniac.
Japanese Lantern Form
Concrete Poetry
HP Poem #1144
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 468
Cup of Life
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Don't torture me like this, oh my life,
Have mercy on my crumbling stature,
The towering height has now bent,
More than a lot it has dwarfed me,
I have gotten dizzy on the descent,
The load of expectations defeated me,
Don't you remember these hands,
Tinier they had been so cute,
Oh mother, oh father, oh,
Oh, I am so tired now,
Hold me in your arms,
Lest I fall into the oblivion.
Cup of life concrete poetry.
My HP Poem #1143
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 335
It's All Over
Àŧùl Sep 2016
It's all over,
I'm free to go.
You told me to get over it,
But I can't just move on.
For I'm a true lover,
Not saying that you are not.
But I didn't quit,
For I am not weak.

Maybe my concern about you,
Grew on your nerves too,
And you just quietly quit loving.

Maybe your carelessness about life,
Grew on nerves that are mine,
And I just felt defeated in loving you.
My HP Poem #1142
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Separated from you,
I still find you as my Succubus.

Disconnected from me,
You still find me as your Incubus.

The demons of our egos,
Far more powerful than the desires.
My HP Poem #1141
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
The Plight Of Our Dreams
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Dreams should be sweet & serene,
But our dreams are not so clean,
She dreams Incubus assaulting her,
I get the Succubus assaulting me,
Her Incubus has my face & voice,
And my Succubus has her face & voice,
Both of us have been in this soup.
My HP Poem #1140
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 442
Vain Sane Rain
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Compared to your savoury silence,
All my loudest shouts are simply vain.

Compared to my frantical madness,
All your boldest talks are simply sane.

Compared to your sensuous whispers,
All my milky ejaculations are simply rain.
For my last love forever even though she doesn't love me anymore.

My HP Poem #1139
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
What Lied Within
Àŧùl Sep 2016
What lied within your lips,
I could not read it.
What lied within your hips,
I could never treat it.
What lied within your love,
I could not sense it.
What lied within your eyes,
I could never see it.
What lied within your heart,
I could not beat it.
My HP Poem #1138
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 433
Said No Lover Ever
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I am sorry for all the reasons.
For all the reasons our love died.
I agree that it was only my mistake.
For I had proposed you my love then.
It was my sole onus to be a millionaire.
My HP Poem #1137
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Mary had a cute little lamb.
She also had a husband.
The husband's name is Muhammad.
Muhammad loved the lamb too.
Muhammad ate it on Bakrid after slowly slitting its jugular vein.
Then Mary was so very sad.
Muhammad told her that he felt equally bad.
But the spirit of Eid-Ul-Adha is to make sacrifices.
The prophet had sacrificed his loved sons.
Same goes for the symbolic sacrificial goats that they eat in grief.
Ignore the pristine preparation of the lamb of God.
And anyone killed in suicide attacks is also a Fedayeen.
My HP Poem #1136
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I am disgusted with the idea of doomsday/pralay/qayamat.
They just don't seem to learn that doomsday can't be brought by anyone other than the human species itself.
There is no invisible hand in the sky orchestrating this complex biological and physicochemical existence in this world.
We were just created by mother nature and now we are orphans since a long time.
Please don't try to force such immature thinking upon me because I am happy with my affiliation.
If you will still insist in your posts that I pledged allegiance to your monotheistic discipline, I will block your filthy manipulative presence.

My HP Poem #1135
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 4.1k
When It Is Beyond Profit
Àŧùl Sep 2016
When you help your buddy get married to his girlfriend,
Against the wishes of both their families and world,
You are observing the actual spirit of Bakrid,
No kidding here - I am so serious!!

You are helping his career in life of AGREECULTURE,
Because marriages are agreements that you sign without reading,
And of course you are sacrificing your friendship,
Just like the underlying principle of Bakrid.
A poem for comic relief.

My HP Poem #1134
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 2.8k
She Was Not Fake
Àŧùl Sep 2016
A fake lover,
She was not.

A fake girl,
She is not.

She is just incapable of mature love.
My HP Poem #1133
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 342
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Beyond life and death,
Away from the concept of right and wrong,
In the field of unknown,
Amidst the feelings I get in loneliness,
Running away from suicidal thoughts,
Memories of lost love haunt me hard,
Death seems like the perfect option.

I know that I can't give up until they are there,
Howsoever short may be life.
My HP Poem #1132
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 5.7k
Why Idol Worshiping?
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Wait before you start thinking,
You should wait and complete this reading,
Can it not be a tool for worshiping?

Inspiring idols of deities like Durgā,
You feel so cared for by their motherliness,
Can you otherwise visualise an imaginary God?

Teachings from the idols of Saraswati,
You get connected to a Goddess's wisdom,
Where else you'd rather gain blessings from?

Wealth from the idols of Lakshmi,
You gain financial security & confidence,
Or is imagining a formless promoter God easy?

Cutest idols of deities like Gaņeshã,
You will love a naughty deity Bãl Krshņã,
Why should you not use idols for worshiping?

Mature idols of deities like Šiva,
You would feel them bestowing their calm,
Should it not be fun visualising them?

Statues are made with dedicated love,
They all invite such respectful admiration,
How would you ever feel the hatred?

I am aware that none of these idols is God,
Neither stones nor pictures can be Gods.
But what bad is a peaceful polytheism?
Do not please be jealous of their art,
And do not hate idol worshipers.
Feel confident and so peaceful,
Try worshiping stone idols.
What I want to convey from the poem is that the idol-worshiping polytheism is a million times better than the monotheistic faiths which make its followers so closed in and insecure of bringing about any changes to their thinking, hence producing the most retrogressive brains which stick to the 'unquestionable' principles of monotheism, often 'killing' any voices that suggested otherwise.

Idol worshiping is much better than killing or imposing a faith in the name of a belief.

My HP Poem #1131
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2016
The day I met you,
'Twas not a regular one,
Such days are so few,
It was a special day.

'Twas not a regular one,
That day was new,
Sweeter I saw none,
For I had seen you.

Such days are so few,
Happy days are so rare,
But my days are new,
Might shine my future.

It was a special day,
Truer than the God,
Now you won't say,
I had fallen for you.
A modified quadrilew attempted.

Created by C. G. V. Lewis, the Quadrilew is a form of quatrain poem with an abab rhyming scheme, repeating lines, and contains an alternating syllable structure.

In the first verse, the poet may either start with a five or six syllable line. If the choice is five then the 'sounding' syllable count is (and opposite if the count is six):

Line 1, 5 syllables.
Line 2, 6 syllables.
Line 3, 5 syllables.
Line 4, 6 syllables.

Line 1, (which is a REPEAT of line 2 of the FIRST verse) has 6 syllables.
Line 2 new line of 5 syllables
Line 3 new line of 6 syllables
Line 4 new line of 5 syllables.

Line 1, (which is a REPEAT of line 3 of the first verse) has 5 syllables.
Line 2 new line of 6 syllables.
Line 3 new line of 5 syllables.
Line 4 new line of 6 syllables.

Line 1, (which is a REPEAT of line 4 of the first verse) has 6 syllables.
Line 2 new line of 5 syllables.
Line 3 new line of 6 syllables.
Line 4 new line of 5 syllables.

If the first line of verse one has 6 syllables then the pattern is
Verse 1, 6565,
Verse 2, 5656,
Verse 3, 6565,
Verse 4, 5656.
(The rhyme pattern still largely being abab.)

My HP Poem #1130
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 362
Love You Forever
Àŧùl Sep 2016
"Love you forever,"
I have heard it so often,
But she could not stay true.

Neither to me nor to herself ever,
I was not ever loved genuinely,
All I got was fake promises.
My HP Poem #1129
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.3k
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Yes you are right baby,
Your allegations are true,
I had done that previously too.

But was it something that I hid,
Had I not told you earlier,
Have I not been true?

Tele-tration was with you as well.
My HP Poem #1128
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Sep 2016
"You are so cute and deserve the best!"**

But I just sensed her own strong interest.
When I proposed her after she grew up,
She felt she was not at par with the rest.

I offered to show the world differently,
I wrote many songs and epics for her,
She agreed as instincts told to do so.

I saw her grow from a child to a woman,
When she was directionless I oriented her,
She got my focus and the comfort of poetry.

I invested my time in her once upon a time,
Gave her kind sermons to make her happy,
She even felt like having found that road.

But I got careless halfway through it,
Thought she had matured enough for it,
I was wrong 'cause she was always mature!

I loved her truly even if she was a bit unruly,
But when I said there's something so lovely,
She stepped on my love's throat carelessly.

And during this time I have gotten ancient,
My eyes feel so tired of her changing colors,
That I have sought death than this lonely life.
My HP Poem #1127
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 682
My Dream - Her Nightmare
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I dream of a disciplined life,
And she just wants to be a fun-loving wife.

I dreamt of wedding her,
And she only wanted to be bedding me.

I dreamt of getting married to her,
And that's a nightmare of hers.
My HP Poem #1126
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.6k
Glorious Morning Sounds
Àŧùl Sep 2016
As the morning descends here,
The surroundings come alive,
Birds start chirping sweetly,
Insects play violin of the legs,
Not far away I hear the engine.

The morning makes glorious sounds,
It also brings me back to her memories,
The train I hear moving away so swiftly,
It's the same train I mounted years ago,
The train doesn't wait not for me now.

It chugs away to where I had been,
Almost two years ago to meet her,
On her birthday to feel her close,
To greet her so sweetly & hug her,
She even had kissed a sleeping me.

I wonder how she could just forget,
Sharing the moments so intimate,
Waking me up for an active kiss,
For I'll never forget & move on,
Breath talked in the breathtaking moment.
My HP Poem #1125
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 1.8k
Nearly Lucid Dreaming
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I saw a sweet dream just now,
She has gotten admitted here,
Pursuing her master's degree,
She's even plumpier than ever,
I now met her just about daily,
And she has not a single issue,
For she's really busy studying.

I meet her one evening nearby,
She is going to Kaveri Hostel,
Public display of my affection,
She loves them so much more,
I cuddle her publicly & softly,
And she just smiles so heartily,
For she is thankful to destiny..

I then text her on WhatsApp,
She smiles after reading text,
"Your Punjabi cheeks are soft,"
She just blushes to herself now,
I plan a date coming weekend,
And she happily agrees to meet,
For it was always her dream...
My HP Poem #1124
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 853
What Happened?
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Tell me what happened,
What happened to the two of us?
What went so wrong,
Tell me if you know.
What you took offence at,
Have I said something so wrong,
Why have we separated both our ways,
Tell me if you happen to know,
What happened to the two of us?

Breaking away everything like this makes no sense,
There was no secret that was let to remain from each other,
Then how come I am silent, how come you are silent,
Why something suchlike happened,
Tell me, come tell me.
Such a trivial issue has blocked our way,
What happened to the two of us?
Why did you - why did I walk away,
Come tell me what happened to both of us?
What secret do you keep in your heart?
Why are we so apart,
Smiling on the surface,
Sinking to the bottom then?

What happened to the habit of telling each other every single thing,
What happened to the attitude of blowing away our differences?
How did such cool attitudes change,
How did such a tiny issue broke us apart?
What became of that positive nature,
Why such small issues bothered us?
What secret do you keep in your heart?
Tell me-tell me, tell me-tell me,
What's wrong between the two of us?

C'mon, now c'mon,
Just tell yourself why you gave up,
Why did you give up?
My HP Poem #1123
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 444
Me and Others
Àŧùl Sep 2016
I draw a stark contrast with my parents...
Though I am more similar to my dad now,
I was closer to my mother when I was a kid..
Both are traditional and strict vegetarians,
I am a strict omnivorous who'd eat meat.

I have stark contrast with my siblings too...
I exist actually but they don't even virtually,
They do not exist and I am just so very lonely..
I can only always just miss them so very much,
They are only so hypothetical like the happy me.

But I do draw some parallels with few friends...
Even they are lonely now after finally growing up,
My friend Madhur has had a really sweet singing voice..
That's how we are best friends for the remainder of our lives,
He only lacks practice as there is a weird husk to his voice now.

We rocked together, me & Madhur, surely...
They, our parents, say we would keep jamming,
Till the middle of the night would descend on both..
That's how we composed some songs rocking together,
We both lack practice as my playing hand is incapable now.

My body is 42% physically challenged, sadly...
But I have my limbs intact with the injured brain,
I am posed with allegations of me always faking it..
So yes, I will confess today, yes I can only fake it now,
But what do I fake? The smiles and the happiness I mean.
The only resentment is that we grew up.

Don't be mean with me.

My HP Poem #1122
©Atul Kaushal
Sep 2016 · 696
Do Not
Àŧùl Sep 2016
Do not be too much trusting,
For loyalty comes from within,
A woman cheated her father,
But her father was not at fault,
And now she apes, not her father,
She learnt nothing from him,
But from the woman instead.
My HP Poem #1121
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 907
If I Ever Love Again
Àŧùl Aug 2016
It would only be our child,
Not loving any other woman,
I'm definitely rigid with myself.

Because it's mature and patient,
Not just for all my principles,
But also for our happiness.
My HP Poem #1120
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2016
The great Mughal emperor of 16th century,
He died of multiple ***** failure,
Comprising of the heart as well as others.
They say that he loose motioned his way to death,
Then the ancient emperor had got a heart seizure.
Dysentery had made the dying emperor weaker.
So yes, dying in old age can be a smelly affair.

My HP Poem #1119
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
I Am Your Adam
Àŧùl Aug 2016
But I don't need you to be my Eve.
Just be my Succubus,
For Succubus was my first wife.
I am really in need of your love.
I miss those moments spent in heat.
Just be my divine angel again,
For I will otherwise long for you forever.

I don't want to be the incubus that haunts,
Or forces you to bed in your nightmares.
Yes I want to be your soulmate who takes you to paradise every single night.
I miss your excited whispers in my ears.
Yes I want to perish with you,
Even if the days of my life were few.

I am ready to give it up for my children,
If we procreate them in our moments wild.
Our son will be immortal, so will be the daughter,
My HP Poem #1118
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 1.9k
Touch & Feel Sculptor
Àŧùl Aug 2016
I love your eyes and the eyebrows,
And I love your nose & the lips.

I love your smile and the laughter,
And I love your grimace & the tears.

I love your happiness and the anger,
And I love your innocence & the glamour.

I love your appearance in my dreams,
And I love the lap dance you perform.

I love your sketch in all of my memories,
And I love those curves tempting to sculpt.

I love your memories with all my heart,
And I refuse to give up all hope even if you get married to someone else.
My HP Poem #1117
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2016
Can take you next to her,
Close, closer and closest.

You can still feel her soft,
Voice, skin or the organs.

Just forget all of her vices,
She doesn't remain impure.

The trinket in her ankle,
It makes a sweet sound.

She teases you and runs,
You'll run after her soon.

But open your eyes now,
And you'll find her gone.

She was never here dude,
You still are in the swoon.
My HP Poem #1116
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 954
My Lover, Oh My Killer
Àŧùl Aug 2016
Neither in the day, oh my killer,
Nor in the night am I pacified.
What madness is this age of rage,
That you have got tattooed some name,
The name is not mine either.

Rewarded my love greatly, oh my killer,
You greatly rewarded my love,
My lover you have stolen more than my heart.

All flowers of my love have wuthered,
Only this wind of thorns have come to my account,
I didn't like the sweet spring dreams,
For it ended up with the brazen summer.
My lover you have stolen more than my heart.
Rewarded my love greatly, oh my killer,
You greatly rewarded my love,
My lover you have stolen more than my heart.

Having put these beads of thorns 'round my neck,
You are happy making out with some new fish.
You betrayed my trust,
See you murdered my trust,
My lover you have stolen more than my heart,
You have greatly rewarded my trust.

I had bore with a smile all your tantrums,
I wear as pearls the tears in your memory.
Listen to my heart's agonising call,
Be heard oh heart's agonising call,
You have greatly rewarded my trust.

Rewarded my love greatly, oh my killer,
You greatly rewarded my love,
My lover you have stolen more than my heart.
My HP Poem #1115
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 506
Oh, Baby!
Àŧùl Aug 2016
You had said you'll stand by my side,
May my life be a calm sea or a harsh tide,
I counted that forever you would announce,
Thought not a break-up you would pronounce,
And now I wait, oh baby, I wait only for you,
Even if these colours of life turn so blue,
Oh, baby, I love you, and you only!

You will see a different side of the ship I sail in my life,
Come, be upset no longer than a good couple of years,
I have a few problems but I will overcome this strife,
Come, I'll be your Krishna and play this gleeful fife,
Slowly my career will shine and so will my life!!

How incomplete is my life at this moment,
Come, ascend to my life's queen's throne,
Your divine presence is much awaited!
Come and complete my jigsaw.

My HP Poem #1114
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 888
The Climax
Àŧùl Aug 2016
Anticipating a positive end result,
I give it my best attempt,
'Coz the anti-****** is not desired.

Love depends on my career in life,
I have kindled the dream,
For long enough to let you go now.
Call me a psychopath, Krispy, but I am only mature enough to not give up on myself and hold on to the dream I saw with you.

My HP Poem #1113
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 984
Àŧùl Aug 2016
Don't be present day Colombus,
Or you will die in misconception,
Like he thought that he found India,
Or the sea route to this mystical land,
Because America he had discovered,
Or a better land unknown to them,
He just died in the misconception,
Or would you die mistaken too?
Ditching me was the worst step you took independently in your young life but I still pray for your good.

And I know that I can find no better person to love.

So yes, wish or don't, I am really going to wait for you.

My HP Poem #1112
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2016
Long gone are the days of ******,
No more people say, "Alle Rufen ******".

Germany is now aseptic and really safe,
Na'zi germs are no longer there.
I have long cherished a dream to settle in Germany, the land of my paternal ancestors over 50 generations ago.

My HP Poem #1111
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 1.3k
Àŧùl Aug 2016
Just why, baby...
But why, oh baby why?
Ditched me, just         because
      I could not               find any time
                                  Free from my
                        Efforts to get a
         Decent life
For both
Of us to
A Haiku of a different kind.

Concrete Poetry

Kaiku simply means "why?" in the Tapori dialect of urban South India.

My HP Poem #1110
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 2.6k
Sexy Chick In My Plate
Àŧùl Aug 2016
I thought she was a **** chick,
I also thought she was true,
But she was only true to my ****.

I remember that chicken breast,
She flaunt her legs in privy,
Now it's someone else's leg piece,

Someone else will devour it over,
I won't ever get that very chick,
Because it was just a quick dream.
Dreamt about an edible chicken last night.

My HP Poem #1109
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 617
Àŧùl Aug 2016
I miss a true lover,
She was true never,
I know that it's over.
Technically, if your love is true, you won't quit ever.

6 syllables,
5 syllables,
6 syllables.

My HP Poem #1108
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 692
'Coz I Know
Àŧùl Aug 2016
You will end up with someone disappointed in you,
Your moments of happiness will end up in blue.

Ditching me you are not going to be happy ever,
If I weep off my nights alone then you won't be happy either.
My HP Poem #1107
©Atul Kaushal
Aug 2016 · 1.0k
Àŧùl Aug 2016
A tire tube without any air,
A boy gone crazy after a girl,
Both are known as flat!
Indian English!

My HP Poem #1106
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2016 · 855
Àŧùl Jul 2016
I can guarantee one thing with one hundred percent accuracy,
The moment you put your original display picture, many boys will go crazy,
And twice as many girls will contemplate suicide in jealousy.
This one is for my Sindhi friend Bhumika Fulwani!
She's so downright legitimately gorgeous!
The comedy about it is that she doesn't realise it yet.

I miss her poems, she did make few mistakes like plagiarising but she was unaware of the seriousness it means.

Some people here are just so hostile that instead of teaching her not to repeat it, they abused her emotionally and she was made to delete her account.

My HP Poem #1105
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2016 · 502
Do Not Read This Complete
Àŧùl Jul 2016
This is just to count the number,
The number of people who are,
Intentionally or unintentionally,
The wild crazier type of people,
This is just to acknowledge them.
Count them I will through this,
They who will like this post,
Or the ones who will just read it,
I connect so much with you all,
'Coz you are all just like me,
Doing what's suggested not to!
My HP Poem #1104
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2016 · 3.2k
No Passports
Àŧùl Jul 2016
Oh I wish to be a bird,
For then there would be freedom.

I could be here or there,
And freely without borders.

Then I will not be blinded,
Flight of my will power would be untamed.

I could be flying in Srinagar,
And then in Peshawar afterwards.

Then nothing would restrict me,
Unaffected personal would be my choice.

I could be in Moscow,
And even in Washington.
First step towards one world would be the allowance for passport-free movement.

My HP Poem #1103
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2016 · 1.6k
Àŧùl Jul 2016
Your face says otherwise,
And you say that you are not beautiful,
I will go with my observation.
Yet unrevealed this face,
Appears to be angelic it does not at all,
I have seen you in my vision.
The face seems sculpted in paradise.

But it will take a genuine heart,
Not a beautiful face to win mine.
My HP Poem #1102
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
And Nothing Else Matters
Àŧùl Jul 2016
Let's talk about a human being,
Be it a male or a female being...
The infant needs care,
It also needs to feed..
The infant cries,
The infant laughs.
And nothing else matters.

Then the infant grows up to be a kid,
Becomes a more big teenager next..
The teenager needs attention,
It needs to be accompanied..
The teenager plays,
The teenager enjoys.
And nothing else matters.

The teenager matures into an adult,
Blasts each one of the social norms.
The adult needs inspiration,
It needs to be truly loved..
The adult thinks,
The adult aspires,
And nothing else matters.
A poem inspired by the song title of 'Nothing Else Matters' from Metallica.

My HP Poem #1101
©Atul Kaushal
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