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Aa Harvey Jul 2019
There is nothing chivalrous about a ******.

In days of yore, when the rain did pour;
Inside an inn, they spoke of was and when.
Even then their present was defined by their history,
As they prepared to march off to war again.

With muddied boots, we stomp on those which we call our enemy.
With feasts of meat and ale and fruit, we happily fill our bellies.
We raise the roof with our own self-importance.
We sing of past deeds and of how the battles were won.
Where we once used swords so chivalrously,
Now we fight each other using any surreptitious means;
Instead of swords, now we use guns.

Will we ever learn to end these battles
We insist on having with our fellow humans?
We are righteous in our reasoning, never mind the consequences.
If I am stood before God and He asks me to defend humanity;
Humanity shall stand alone; indefensible and defenceless.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The Remains

I am the son of Sam,
I am, I am.

Daddy has gone a-hunting,
With his double barreled shotgun.

People can’t live on guns alone;
Gun’s at home.
Put a bullet in your mobile phone.

They take their lives, but they leave their bodies;
They keep on living in their world of pain.
All that we are left with is…
All that remains are the remains.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The remains of my heart.

In your arms…Edenheart.
Fire heart or ice cold.
A soothing sooth finds a way to soothe,
Crazy-love like lazy-love will only fall to pieces.
Never love like you don’t even need it.

Grieving widows weep as willows,
Wishing they were once more with their lost Princes.
A forest without sound is beautiful-still.
Like the mountains above,
Beauty remains.
I would climb a thousand steps if you and I could remain the same.

Centuries come and go.
Love remains.
You and I are worth it or worthless.
The decision is yours,
But hurry, it is starting to rain.

Falling days from calendar squares.
Another advent chocolate gone missing.
Is only a short time for us to love and obey.
Avast ye hearty!
Before I make ye walk away;
I will plant a plank for you to walk.

I will catch you in my arms if you take a leap of faith.
Love prepares you for the fall.
If you go, this memory I will keep on using.
Wouldn’t that be just ****-tooting!
You are all I want to know.
Shooting stars fly past your window.

Balcony Queen,
Think of me,
As I think of you,
Inside my dreams.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
The remains of what could have been.

I’ve got a fragile heart that is scared of breaking.
I would give you my world gladly,
If I could believe you were not just faking.
I look so confident to those who do not know;
My titanium bones cannot stop from shaking.

I am cold to the thought of falling in love.
I want to be, but still I cannot;
I am unable to feel touched.

Keep them at a distance;
Real love takes patience.
I will wait for love to find me;
I still believe in a romance,
So bright it lights up my darkest of skies.
First chance to find love,
I let it pass on by.
The beauty was there, but so much more was still missing.
So still I remain alone;
No kissing.
Just wishing she could have been more than she was,
But that love is gone…
Angel to dust.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
There’s something out there

There’s something out there, that I can’t find,
Or even knew I’d left behind.
There’s something out there, I can’t see,
Or ever knew had looked at me.

There’s something out there, for you and I,
So please don’t push this boy away.
There’s something out there, for you and I,
But what it is we just can’t say.
There’s something out there, before our eyes,
But we cannot see for our eyes are blind.

There’s something out there, there’s something out there,
There’s something out there, for us to find.
There’s something out there, there’s something out there,
There’s something out there, but we’re still blind.

There’s something right here, I wished to show you,
There’s something right here, I wished you to see.
There’s something right here, I wished I’d told you,
Open your eyes and see if you like the look of me.

There’s something out there, there’s something out there,
There’s something out there, for each of us.
There’s something out there, there’s something out there,
There’s something out there, if we are able to trust.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The River.

In waves it flows and rages full;
In moonlight it slows and trickles still.
In sunshine it roars a tumultuous call.
The river flows throughout the seasons and throughout the hills.

Down in the valley, the water still runs;
At first just a drip, then a tidal wave.  Its source is unknown.
It echoes throughout the mountains as if fired from a gun;
Its voice tells the same story as it did long ago.

Its people swim freely, never knowing they are entrapped;
Beneath its surface, a civilization is formed.
It gives birth to life and also takes it back;
The river is still flowing…the sunshine is still warm.

The river was eternal, long before the age of man;
Who are we to change nature and build a dam?
Let the ******’s ****** away and do as they must to be nourished.
Allow nature to do what is necessary and this world will flourish.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
These are the good times.

Betwixt and between, lovers caught in a quandary;
Do we fall in love forever?
Or just remember each other fondly?
What will be will be, but oh!  What might have been…
If we only took a shot in the dark at the never before seen.

Love is so new as to be exciting,
Yet the unknown is all so very frightening;
Bewildering days lost beneath the thunder and lightning.
And then at last the summer arrives;
The rainy days are washed away from our lives.
The sadness we clung to so very tightly,
Morning, noon and nightly,
Fades away from our memory as love brings us to life.

Such joy eternal!
Possibly to become, one day, matrimonial.
Anything is possible in these times of revival.
The good old days of love are back again;
No longer bound by self-imposed chains;
No longer afraid of falling deeply into love…
The world is my oyster and I could eat;
I will see if she would like to fall in love with a guy like me.
If not, then c’est la vie, it was never meant to be.

But eagerly I await her answer,
Because my heart is in a ballroom, waiting for my dancer,
To take my hand, so I can spin her around
And show her I love her,
As we glide across the ground.

She will run to me like a ***** dancer affair
And after I have picked her up,
I will lift her high into the air!

Finally we are all out of dance.
Hopefully when she lands,
I will find myself inside a new romance.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The snow leopard

A snow leopard is walking down snow covered streets.
In these empty streets, she walks alone, a vision to be seen.
With skyscraper buildings on either side,
All the cars are silent,
The apartments only have a few lights on,
As she walks outside in the night-time.

With every stride the snow leopard creeps along,
These empty streets with her eyes fixed upon,
Her destination; the local fountain has become an ice rink.
She needs a place where she can sit and think
And the frozen water is calling.

The scratches on the surface from skaters earlier in the eve,
Are sliced crisscross by fur-covered shoes;
Her claws dig in deep.
With perfect balance she moves along;
Tail flat, she is relaxed, no pressure is on.
No need to flee, no-one to be seen.
The snow leopard lies down to relax; her cub inside is heavy.

Before dawn has arisen, the snow leopard has awoken.
Her ears pointed skyward to listen to distant sirens.
From early risers, phone calls have been made;
The zoo keeper is on his way…
But with a flash of her silhouette, the snow leopard is gone;
She was only seen close up for a second,
Before she disappeared into the thick winter’s fog.

Never to be seen again, but the lights in the skyscrapers remember.
The snow leopard stood here, on this cold night mid-December.
From where she came, nobody ever truly knew;
Some people say she was here simply looking for food.

She had been hiding a long time in a snow cave;
Her footprints were filled by the snow and her tracks began to fade.
She never was found and never again did she return.
The snow leopard was just passing through, her image just a blur.
Like a wind through a narrow street,
A piece of ice falling through a cloud;
A memory of a snowflake that disappears as soon as it is found.

There was no sign that the snow leopard had ever been around
And there was no way to know why,
The snow leopard ever came walking through this town.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Snowman

The Snowman stands there day and night;
His arms are outstretched to welcome all to the house.
He was created by a dream of him coming to life.
One day he will fade away, but he is not yet gone into the clouds.

When all becomes bright once more and the sun continuously shines,
The Snowman, unfortunately, will no longer be alive;
But he makes us smile because of what could be.
He could fly with us through the air, if we truly believe.

His carrot nose and coal for eyes,
Brings a smile to our faces as we build him a smile.
His arms are sticks, because of the stick men we have seen.
We had fun building him; there was enough snow to have built three.

We gave him a hat to keep him warm;
A scarf was placed around his neck as well.
The pieces of coal we used, to give his coat some buttons.
He looks to be in good health.

But nothing lasts and one day he will melt away.
We have only just created him, so we do not think about that time…
Maybe he will be able to stay.
He waves at us through the window as we close the curtains at night.
We wave him goodbye, before going to bed; he is now out of sight.
But he is still on our minds and as we close our eyes;
He is happy being outside.
Staring off into the distance;
What does he think of as he stands there beneath the full moon light?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Snowman

The Snowman stands there day and night;
His arms are outstretched to welcome all to the house.
He was created by a dream of him coming to life.
One day he will fade away, but he is not yet gone into the clouds.

When all becomes bright once more and the sun continuously shines,
The Snowman, unfortunately, will no longer be alive;
But he makes us smile because of what could be.
He could fly with us through the air, if we truly believe.

His carrot nose and coal for eyes,
Brings a smile to our faces as we build him a smile.
His arms are sticks, because of the stick men we have seen.
We had fun building him; there was enough snow to have built three.

We gave him a hat to keep him warm;
A scarf was placed around his neck as well.
The pieces of coal we used, to give his coat some buttons.
He looks to be in good health.

But nothing lasts and one day he will melt away.
We have only just created him, so we do not think about that time…
Maybe he will be able to stay.
He waves at us through the window as we close the curtains at night.
We wave him goodbye, before going to bed; he is now out of sight.
But he is still on our minds and as we close our eyes;
He is happy being outside.
Staring off into the distance;
What does he think of as he stands there beneath the full moon light?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The square root of all people.

There is a cool breeze blowing over me.
Windows open, music playing, I am sitting with pretty.
Summer is the fading sun, so soon to disappear.
Winter calls as rain drops fall on those who are far and near.

We nearly made it back in time,
Before the dams all broke.
The ashes of a life in ruins were washed away, so clean, bespoke.

The cement is still yet to dry,
Hand prints will never fade.
Scribble your John Hancock so you remain,
A piece of along the way.

Some people want to go down in history,
As a person who never did a thing;
But nobody is free of sin and needful things.
So drop the stone, you are not alone
And I will build a dam, to protect our home.

The river will wash over us and then we will rebuild.
Run deep and stand still.
Find the peace sign you left behind;
Photographic memory.
I can picture next year’s dance,
All of this will be a party.
The dog days are over,
Look over my shoulder,
See through me to see my history.

I stand here in front of you a forgotten soul,
But I have seen my plans.
Three steps forward, then three more.
Knock on Heaven’s doors until they hear;
View paintings on every wall.
On past forefathers, past the rulers,
Past the history.
I live in a birthday present,
Give my future to me.

I am perpetual energy.
A little light lives inside of me and I’m gonna let it shine.
It may be dim; I may be dim,
But I’m with stupid <
And he is me
And together we make a pretty average team.

No expense spent on golden rings;
No bracelets, necklace or bling to wear.
We do not have to cut our hair.
We do not have to smile politely.
We have to inhale oxygen.
We have to eat.
We have to sleep on a nightly,
Basis; faces change with age,
But what remains is still the same.

The boy I was is this same man.
I just grew up, I am not Peter Pan
And who would ever want to be anyway?
I live in the real world come what may.
Earth day.

Show me how to make you happy.
You do things in your own way.
I have too many problems of my own,
To care about how much you spent on your phone.

Life is a domino effect,
A box of chocolates,
A list of regrets;
So send me back to Earth on March 21st 1970.
Peace, love and empathy,
You are too kind.
So know, I mean, I have to go, goodbye…

Here is all the love in the world…
Divide this 3.14159 pie.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
The stupidity of id.

I only dream of what I cannot have.
Wish for this, wish for that,
But if I give you my true opinion,
You will only give it back.

I stand alone amongst the crowd;
I have no way of standing out.
So if you do see me somehow,
Know that soon I will disappear and become invisible,
Like I feel now.

You cannot have my love, because you do not want a nerd.
You can never read my words, because they would not interest you.
You could have said the things I would like to have heard,
But now those lines are through.

Thank you for the inspiration;
I am sorry that I never mentioned,
The truth to you, but it would only ever have caused tension,
Where none ever needed to exist.
Wasted wishes, dreams of fruition,
I am just the stupidity of id.

But now I have regained my senses;
No longer fixated, no words must be wasted,
If I am to head into the future, patiently.
Waiting for the one for whom I have been waiting.

One day she will come and find me, I hope.
Somehow, someway, she will let me know.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The sunshine days

I need to remind you of happiness, because I am so sad.
I will talk about feeling sunshine and even I will try to laugh.
I will talk about love because it puts a smile on my face;
Can you picture the moment you met,
Which lead up to a first embrace?

The first time you kissed, the moment you fell in love;
These are your memories of times that were once good.
The first time you heard this song,
When we were so young and carefree.
Oh how I long for the way things used to be.

The first time they said I love you;
The first time you said it to them.
Already knowing how they felt about you,
So free to speak without regret.

The moment you realized you had a love that you knew would last.
I hope you always find what you need to make you laugh.
The old familiar comedian, your friend’s jokes or your kids.
Whatever makes you smile is surely worth it.

You know what would make you happy
And one day that thing you will see
And if you cannot get what you need right now,
Then continue to believe.
The love you need will find you.
One day you will have more cash,
So you can buy the things you want to have
And you will no longer feel so sad.

You will find the job you always wanted
And marry the one that you love.
You will have the family you always dreamed about
And you will be able to travel the world.
You will buy that house and own that car,
If material things are what you want.
I wish for this to all happen for you
And if it can never happen,
Then please know you are loved
And if I could I would wave a magic wand.

I want you to be happy;
If I could I would take away all your pain.
I want to pretend things will be good in the end;
These are the sunshine days…
There will always be plenty of time for rain.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
The Super Heroes of Rock!

There’s a little person named Gem, with a banjo in his hands;
But he’s too drunk to play.
There’s a guy with one arm and he’s slamming the drums
And I think his name is Dave.
Jenny plays the Bass, with a rash on her face
And she’s going to die today.

The lead guitarist (Jimmy) has no legs,
But he always tries his best.
But his lack of fingers and thumbs,
Is starting to become a pain
And the fact I can’t sing!
Well it doesn’t mean a thing,
Because we’re not even getting paid to play.
No we’re not, getting paid to play.

Because we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we came to save the day.
Yeah we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we came to save the day.

When Kurt decided today was the day
And put a bullet hole in place of his face,
They called the Super Heroes of Rock!
To come and save the day.

And when Black Sabbath crashed the plane
And Axl cancelled the show again.
They called the Super Heroes of Rock!
To come and save the day.

The little person, Gem, he used to sing,
But a girl named Lisa broke his banjo string,
So now he simply comes to our shows
And joins us up on the stage.

He used to be the ladies favorite,
But now he’s lost all of his confidence.
Because he hit the bottle hard
And he hasn’t been the same since.

But we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we’ve come to save the day.
We’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we’ve come to save the day.

And if there’s nothing else I can say,
I guess we’ll just rock the show our way.
Because we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we came to save the day.

And ladies there’s no need to fight;
Just come and form an orderly line.
Then come and be the bands groupies;
With us back stage.

And the fact that I can’t sing!
Well that doesn’t change a thing.
Because we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we do this voluntarily, anyway.

We jump into empty gigs slots,
When a band’s singer has lost the plot.
We’re the rehab missionaries
And we don’t get paid to play.

Because we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we’ve come to save the day.
Yeah we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we came to save the day.

And if our music isn’t your thing;
Well we already know we stink.
But we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we only came to save the day.

Could you give us back Jimmy’s false legs?
He only wanted to try and crowd surf.
Things are already bad enough for him,
What with the leprosy and he’s just lost his girl
And I think Jenny has died,
I can see Dave’s put a drumstick in his eye.

But we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we’ve come to save the day.
Yeah we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we’ve only come to save the day.

Yeah we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And our music will never be stopped.
Because we’re the Super Heroes of Rock!
And we’ve only came to save the day.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The thought beetle.

There is a little thought beetle deep within my mind;
He is going around, searching for a rhyme.
He digs out my unconscious thoughts
And helps me to write another line.
When his work is done, he hibernates
And I sit back and smile.  

The ladybird flutters around inside my head;
She is in search of the pages, I haven't written yet.
She zips and darts, flitting from here to there;
She is always in a hurry and she is a nervous wreck.  

The worm is just turning another corner, in my brain's maze;
He's having a look around, to see if there's anything I need to say.
Anything I forgot to mention; he will find what needs to be said.
The slowly moving worm is lazy, but he is useful in his own way,

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Three Angels

(The demon talks)

With all the death that surrounds our lives;
Surely it is no longer shocking,
That we are eternally searching, for that long goodnight.
In all the worlds, the stars and the twilight,
Live the horrors of a hive mind that is aching for sunlight.

You can only take the things that I have grown to hate;
For in each and every day, you have stood in my way.
But now the time has come for me to repay,
The hurt that you have caused me; with my own taste for pain.

When all else is dark and the birds have flown away,
You will be found cold as steel, in your personal shallow grave.
Without a doubt, you will be betrayed
And with an ice cold blade,
You will find yourself at the end of your days.

In a blackened cloak and cowl of ash;
The reaper is calling for you, so make a wish my Prince.
In this magnetic future, there is no turning back;
This death is foretold, forewritten and your future is destined.

You can never run inside a fate of quicksand
And as the breath drains from your lungs, you are left praying still.
Your precious life can be taken, simply by the touch of his hand;
So prepare for your dying day and write yourself a will.

In the depths of despair, we are all lacking air.
Offer us a sunshine inside a bag and we will honour your name.
A sickening world breeds only a lack of care;
Now this day of reckoning has come,
To splash this land with blood stains.

A ****** in mind; a vulture feeds upon the carcass.
I pity your entire life and your very existence.
We speak only of evil, because you people are so barbarous.
And now the evil has been awakened,
So you had better keep your distance.

We are forever indebted to the Devil and his teachings
And we shall remain devout and do all of his bidding.
Empathy is unseen through black eyes devoid of feelings;
So such beauty shall remain untouched by the hand of the King.

Love shall remain unrequired when the world is on fire;
So when all has turned black, I shall have no such desire.
The family feud shall reign eternal
And the gunshot will ring true and leave you down in the mire.

Falling and sinking and then drowning in blood.
With the dark angels touch, you will be conquered and taken.
No saviour is forthcoming to stop your society’s soul crush;
It will bring you down with every word,
That these imbeciles have spoken.

We all wear a mask to hide our inner-most secrets;
I have never taken a soul that didn’t need me to take it.
I stare into the stars from down inside this spiked pit;
Now the shackles have been removed,
So I can, at last, unleash this hatred!

(The angel speaks)

The darkness is unending in this place without hope;
We are trapped inside our memories and we will soon become ghosts.
If the burden we carry holds us back,
When forward is where we must go.
If we allow ourselves to become prisoners of thought;
Then our life will never leave the shallow.

The monsters are everywhere, so speak of them, for they will still be;
You cannot carry a book of spells that will banish everything.
You cannot live a life with beauty, if you are already inside your box;
You must face your fears head on and live your life free.

Free from the fear of death, we must all rest one day;
But for now we must sing to cover our nervous eyes.
Let joyous thoughts create your face
And keep the undertaker from your grave;
For too soon we will be taken, so use well your only time.

As the grandfather clock ticks and the pendulum swings,
The house of the dead will forever be beckoning.
But if we live carefully and let our dreams be carefree,
We can fulfil our destiny and change our time of reckoning.

In mirrors we see shadows flicker and their shape may change;
But as soon as we look at those shadows through natural eyes,
There is nothing there to be seen.
So we stare deep into the mirror that is our soul, searching once again;
Those images are no longer there to be found,
But they will be back inside our darkest dreams.

In the midnight hour we awaken screaming no!
We tell the tale of the beast that lurks in the shadows.
We see it all so clearly, in the back of our minds.
But our words are felt unnecessary;
They tell us go to sleep now and be mellow.

(The poet replies)

We can never relax in this nightmare of a bloodbath!
It is real I tell you!  So stop that laughter!
You will regret this lost minute, when you are under attack!
So take these words deep inside your heart
And remember them forever after!

Your time is coming, so beware the ides of March;
You cannot light your way in the rain with that torch.
The daylight may be your friend, but evil likes to lurk in the dark.
The killer, the reaper;
Your future is forever more.

In your last living hour and the first second of your death,
You will be praying for an escape key and wishing for a wish.
You will call out to God and inevitably you will still be dead;
Because when your hour glass is empty, then that will be the end of it.

(The angel speak)

Your future is uncertain, but the threat of death haunts us all;
We can be nothing without action, so seize this time.
When all is turning black and we are without a door;
We will hope for a purpose, a direction, a sight for sore eyes.

The bats will feast on your blood as you lay under moonlight;
The lost and found box will one day contain your soul.
If all we can be is dead, then surely we must embrace this life;
Now is not our final hour, it is our finest hour!
So along the pure path we must go!

Each stepping stone will carry us across the Dead Sea;
If we truly believe, then we can achieve anything.
So run for the hills, to bask in the dawns morning call
And as you drop to your knees to embrace the light,
You will find your true meaning.

Pause for thought beneath a rainbow, if you are thinking of the end;
Because we are just beginning to tell the tale of mankind.
Through bloodshot eyes, bullets have been fired my friend;
But here we stand, here we fall and still humanity survives.

The mischievous spirits dance in the rose petals beneath our feet;
As the angel’s soothe our hearts inside the pit of defeat.
In a hopeless state we can never set ourselves free;
But humans are kind sometimes,
So have trust, faith and love and you shall be at peace.

We cannot rest in peace if our soul is in pieces;
So stay true to your belief that the spirits are good.
As we gasp for air, we stay clear of our graveyard; we all want this
And as once more we rise, we become immortal
And in this Heaven I promise you, we shall all forever be loved.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The time is 10.23 pm

The time is 10.23 pm;
I thought I would tell you the time.
I realise you will want to have this time again,
But there simply is not the time.
I do not have an infinite supply
And oxygen tanks do not last forever…
I had to rewrite that word three times,
Because I am not fully focused when I should be clever.
I am tired and want to sleep;
Oh what a lovely dream.

The time is 10.42 pm
And my eyes are feeling heavy.
I should have been asleep by now,
But my brain simply said “Ok!…ready!?
And away we go!”  Writing more useless thoughts;
I truly cannot even remember the start.
But on I go, telling my tale,
Oh yeah, that’s right, it is the story of time.
My brain is as quick as a snail right now;
I want to be flying through the clouds.
The dreams I have, I want a drink,
But I won’t do that because my back aches.
It’s been a normal day.
I’m still the same,
But time is running me into the ground.
I wish I could be profound,
But not a chance; hey! Give it back!
The time you took,
I need it to write books,
Of poetry, but woe is me.
If I only had the chance to romance,
I think I could be happy;
But I honestly do not know where I would find the time.
I would like to raise a family;
But until I get my house in order,
I will have no wife,
So no son or daughter...

The time is 10.49 pm.
I wish I had more time.
I give everybody what they want,
But time is never mine.
I give to them a piece of me.
I give to you a piece of me.
I give to love a piece of me.
I give to work a piece of me
And I give to anybody who needs,
Yet another piece of me.
I give to friends and family even more of me
And then you keep on asking me,
Oh, why do you feel so empty?
Because I have nothing left to give,
But I want to be the best there is
And I will not accept second-rate,
Because I want the best from my next mate.
I want someone who is divine,
Who shines a light into my mind
And illuminates the thoughts I have.
I want someone to stop me being so sad…

The time is 10.54 pm.
Time is flying by again.
I think I already said that once,
But I do not have the time to go back and look,
Because I want to go to sleep
(Lost counting sheep)
And end this time-taking story.
But this is so much fun to discover!
I will continue and hope to not be boring.
If you have not given up by now,
Relax, we are nearing the finish.
I have woven a web of words for you
And I shall do so until the words run out.
As time runs by and I approach the end of this wish,
I simply remind you to give me a break.
Love me or not.
Like this or not.
I am tired, so whisper your response
And I will thank you for not being too loud…

The time is 11.02 pm.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Trapper

Through the deepest snow, I somehow carry myself forward.
In a biting cold wind that blows me back.
No other sound to be heard.
I have to find an animal to put in my knapsack.

With boots of old, made from a fallen foe.
The bear that once roared so loudly; roars no more.
At ten foot tall, he shrank my heart,
But the spear struck and he crashed down to the floor.
A cloud of ice burst up from all around his empty life;
This sorry sight is no longer the dreaded claw.

The darkness surrounds me; the burning fire my only companion.
Alone I travel, without rest, until the end of the campaign.

No dreams of peace, no calming presence,
Just hardship and cold ale; death is my only witness.
He follows my trail of footsteps, left behind to fade,
As the ice falls down upon me from all around;
This place is an ice sheet…I cannot let it be my grave.

The snow buries the landscape and erases all the memories.
This fairy tale image; half covered trees and lost wishes,
Of long forgotten beasts and long forgotten times.
All are left behind to rot, without record or witness.

No soul has passed through here in a thousand years.
No humanity to be found within a thousand miles;
As wolves howl in the distance, to spread their fear,
A sound in the air from the wings of an unseen flier.

The flies appear from nowhere to feed upon the animal;
It no longer has the will to have any desire.
No feelings at all, all meat stripped from the bones;
The body found by accident, as I fell through a hole in the snow.

This hidden bear cave, beneath the foot.
My bed for this night only; death is kept back, for once.
He cannot take me tonight; maybe tomorrow he will succeed,
For I am endlessly betwixt and in between,
The shivers that will end me and the rotten luck!
That leaves me to exist, as one of the living.

No future dreams; no hope of finding sanity.
I see ghosts in the shadows; they are haunting me
And as I finally collapse to my knees,
Before the giant that I must pass.
I pray for some guidance through the mountain;
A secret tunnel, perhaps?
Or maybe there will be a way to be carried upon high,
By angel wings; allow me to fly.

But the journey I take is along the hardest of ways
And I either keep on moving forwards on the trail of my prey,
Or I resign to this living and prepare myself to die.
A trapper’s life is to hunt the stalking beast;
It moves in the shadows, so I must too.
If I am to survive…first I must find something to eat.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Unspoken Truth of Desire

A woman’s hair is as important as her cup size.

Jeans **** your beautiful legs and strangle your thighs.

I like the fact your *** looks big in that.

When you are full of lust, you find new eyes.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The Wanderer

What land is this stretched out before me?
I am forever lost inside a world of hatred, hunted by their vengeance.
Trusting in no one but myself inside this Hell;
I find myself wandering in search of a saviour to offer me guidance.
I beg, I plead; I foretell a future with an unbroken promise,
If I am to be blessed with sight, when I am blind to all witness.

I confess I am lonely in such a barren place;
I fall detached from any form of comely shaped temptress, blaming all.
I am unworthy of your anger, for I am invisible to any kindness;
I seek some meaning inside this world,
But I see no way of becoming disenthralled.

A dark ranger stalks my footsteps;
I shall be captured and added to the prisoners of hopelessness.
Pain reigned, so I sought shelter within a drug.
Now all I am is lost in the wilderness and all I can do is wander on.

Could I have foreseen this foretold future?
Was it written down for me to read?
Is there any way I can fix my existence with a simple suture?
I need a loophole in my downfall, in which I can believe in,
So that I can put my faith in the hope that one day I shall be set free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The way we were

The way we were,
So simple to say,
But it was always so hard to keep your love.
You are my Her.
You were my way.
Now I must find myself again and once more become loved.

You were my summertime lover indoors.
I could never hide from you all my endless flaws.
So grateful to you for all that you have done,
My shining sun; it always rains now as my tears pour.

Every part of me is dedicated to love;
Every thought I think is concerning you.
Even today I still desire your touch,
Because my love for you will never end…
Love will always feel like it is brand new.

The start of love is a summer’s day;
The end of love is so cold and grey.
The centre of love is happiness in a glass;
The saddest time of love is when you turn your back.

So leave me here to never wipe away these tears,
Because if you cannot hear, then why am I even crying?
It is because of you I am oh so clear,
So certain of my fate;
This feeling must be what it feels like when I am dying.

Inside I am a snow globe without a pretty picture;
Outside I am an insect surrounded by dinosaurs.
Everybody is so sure they know how to make me not miss her,
But the truth is nobody has a cure to all that which came before.

The way we were…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The Words Are Wrong

The words are wrong, in this Radiohead song;
The words are wrong, in this Radiohead song.
The words are wrong; she wears me out.
The words are wrong, in this Radiohead song.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
The world we live on

The dinosaurs are dead, frozen in place;
They have gone, to never be replaced.

There is a sinkhole in our planet
And it swallows all beauty within it.
What is happening to our world before our eyes?
And why are we doing nothing to stop it?

We are in the eye of the storm,
We have safety in numbers.
There is a maelstrom so powerful it is eating up the waves
And drowning all the fishes.

A great blue hole in the ocean swallows the water down a whirlpool;
Where is the ocean going?
We have harvested the world of all its goodness
And the human consumption rate is still growing.

The world is dying and we are not crying,
Because it is someone else’s problem.
We are safe in this lifetime,
But our children’s children will die,
Because they have no oxygen.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
They’re there for their friends

They’re there to be seen,
Their thoughts are their own.
Their partner is their only saviour,
They’re currently living in their mobile home.

They’re trailer trash, in their home over there,
They love their partner, for they’re always there.
They’re there to comfort their daughter, like she was theirs;
They’re never quite sure if their lover is truly theirs forever.

For there seems to be no trust in their lover,
For they are paranoid their love isn’t just theirs,
But also another’s.
Their mothers were there on their wedding day;
They’re still together in their own place over there.

Amongst their friends over there; there my dear, over there.
Amongst their enemies, they’re there for their friends,
Whenever their friends need their love,
They’re always there to give them love;
Because their friends are there for them
To help them with their chores.

They’re over there in their caravan dying their hair.
For they’re bored of their life, lover,
Their home and their friends.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
This poem was written simply because there are three versions of 'there'.  It has no other reason.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
They sea me without.

I carry a raven upon my shoulder,
A sundial on my back.
The hat I wear is made of ash;
Sunlight is what I lack.

I drag my feet behind me on sandy beaches.
The ball and chain my ankle bracelet bling.
‘If only…’ is a wish, a fantasy; it’s incomplete.
I never made it big.

There is a line of memories behind me in the sand;
It shows the places I have seen.
It is my reason;
The reason I understand;
The reason I understand why you do not understand me.

It curves around, beyond the boulders
And on through rows of palm trees.
This dream I have, I have always carried;
It has always been with me.

I leave my burdens at the door,
But desire is a flame that still burns eternal.
It lights up my face, when I see her face,
But inside I remain forever nocturnal.

I walk in foreign footsteps,
No guide or friend in tow.
I cross the sea of peace, love and empathy forever,
Alone in my sinking boat.

I carry only what I need to make it to the end of the sea.
The cannon ball attached to my feet,
Is expanding more than I would like it to be.
It grows with each passing full moon,
The only time I can be seen.
I hide behind a smile sometimes,
Before it rows away from me.

I have a conversation, with a man who sells only ale;
His face is full of redness and joy!
My face is always pale.
I take a sip of this rotgut and begin to waste away from the inside.
I sometimes hear a hearty tune and sing!
While all the time,
Inside, I die…

The noise is intoxicating;
The words they speak are so enchanting.
Sooner or later it becomes closing time
And I am left walking away from the dancing.

The maiden’s flutter their eyes,
I haven’t shaved in several weeks.
My life is worn away by the sun, my clothes torn asunder.
They flirt and kiss me on the cheek
But there is no more thunder.
They ask if I would like to join them,
On their midnight adventure.
I have no words, I promise to return,
But they never get a real answer.

They cannot readily see the hole in my soul;
Oh what a charmed life I live.
I try to laugh, so tip my hat…

…a pirate’s life for me.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Things that = I love you

Everything you do for me = I love you.
Everything you did for us two = I love you.
Everything you would have done = I love you.
Everything you are yet to do = I love you

Every thought that is on my mind = I love you.
Everything I am yet to find out I like = I love you.
Every sense that draws us together = I love you.
Every second we spend with each other = I love you.

I love you, do you love me?
I love you, do you want to be mine?
I love you, could you love this?
I’ll love you until the end of time.

All of this, is to show - I love you.
All I ever did, was to prove – I love you.
All I could ever want is for you to say – I love you.
All I dream about every day, is the day you say – I love you.

I love you, what do you love?
I love you, who do you love?
I love you, who do you trust?
I love you, because in you I can place my trust.

If you love me, then I love you.
If you hate me, then I love you.
If you say you will never speak to me ever again!
I will reply – I love you.

Go away! = I love you.
Come here = I love you.
My girlfriend = I love you.
My everything = I love you.

My love – I love you.
My love is telling me that – I love you.
My love wants me to show – I love you.
My love I want you to know – I love you too.

All I do is to show how much – I love you.
All I want is to prove to you – I love you.
Everyone who has read this poem – I love you.
Everyone I have ever known, or never met – I love you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
This Generation

We’re a generation of single mothers.

Generation X; a generation of sinners.

The jilted generation, rejected by society;

Look down upon, thought less of,

Underestimated…just as we wish to be.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
This is important…to you

With life comes expectation’s, we only disappoint.  
With love comes expectation’s.  I have to disappoint.  
They tell me I must celebrate getting closer to the end.  
I tell them I don't want to and I don't have to, without a girlfriend.

With love you are obligated.  Without I am free to choose.  
They tell me it is another opportunity wasted,
To find someone I do,
Want to fall in love with;
I could end the night with a kiss.  
I say there are three hundred and sixty four other days
And she would find me any other time, if she truly knew me.  

I do not wish celebrate this day,
So come back tomorrow and try again.  
If you are only willing to try to love me once,
Then we will never find a way, so I think you should bounce.
If love is not committed, then tell me, what is it?  
If love has rules that I must follow religiously,
Then where is the spontaneity?  

I want love at first sight and true insight,
Not being forced to be happy this night.  
If I must, then I will begrudgingly
And I will wear a plastic smile and empty eyes;
So tell me if they will still want me?
If you cannot understand my reasons,
Then there is no helping you.  
I will not be helped to help myself, no matter what the season.  
I will remain in oblivion,
Searching for the driven,
Waiting again for passion,
To call out my name.  

I carry my pain in a box of misfortune,
As I walk alone down memory lane.  
Your glass is half full, my soul is shattered.
Happy Birthday...doesn't matter.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
This is mine

I’m just spinning my wheels, going nowhere fast;
I could try to care, but empathy I lack.
This place has ruined the person I used to be;
There lie the remains of me.

I have no strength left to fight back;
I look out at the world and everything is painted black.
The darkness surrounds my thoughts and leaves me feeling weak;
People are so depressing to a misery like me.

In sorrow I remember those days of light;
Every hope I ever had has disappeared out of sight.
No longer can I remember what I wished for,
That is if I was ever deemed worthy of a wish at all.

I guess not, because I sink under the truth;
When life is so hard, why should I ever try anything new?
It will all be the same at the end of the day,
So keep your happiness to yourself and I will keep walking away.

Do not try to follow me; this destination is mine to seek.
You are not even a memory; an empty head sets me free.
All the love in the world cannot fix my broken mind,
So leave me be and I will stay away from your world of lies.

Heaven is a dream and life is a nightmare;
People are all the same, so I cannot care.
Another day of sadness as I head towards the grave;
You and I are not so different, but we will never feel the same pain.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
This is my Blood Bowl.

Thank you Games Workshop for giving us Blood Bowl;
I’ve played it all my life and I’ve completely re-written the rules.
It allows my imagination to run wild carrying a sword,
Attacking all sorts of creatures, whilst playing American Football.
It has magic, magic items and you may think it’s just for kids;
But without Blood Bowl,
I wouldn’t have imagined half of the things that I did.

People need a release from the real world;
Mine is found on a football pitch in the game of Blood Bowl.
People cheat, steal and bribe referees and do almost anything.
If you give this game to your kid,
They could imagine the impossible
And some day, maybe, write random poetry like me!  He, he.

…And now down to the pitch to see the kickoff!...

The humans line up against the bad boy orcs;
The dwarfs and elves are in support.
Chaos lords and chaos spawn (twisted creatures);
Rain down pain and death on the undead and the living.

The undead walk slowly, the goblins flee!
Rat Ogres and trolls are invading the pitch!
The referee blows his whistle to send the giant off!
The deadly dark elves chop the referee’s up with chainsaws,
Or use swords and axes, grenades and clubs.
They are all fighting to win the B.B.C. cup.

The Blood Bowl Championship;
It’s like the NFL Superbowl trophy.
I’ve made leagues and cups
And every single thing possible, just for fun; just for me.

The Official Blood Bowl Organization,
Try to make all weapons illegal, but oh no, no, no!
This is the sport of death!  
This is Blood Bowl!

Use spells and magic items and cause suffering;
The tiny snotling is beaten by the little Halfling.
The ***** in there somewhere, though nobody cares;
The Beastmen are just here to fight,
Whilst the gnomes laugh at the high elves hair.
Such pampered fools, in love with themselves;
Vanity and self-love?  That must be the elves.

Here comes a chaos dwarf, driving a steam roller;
He flattens the Fimir and another vampire.
The zombies are clueless and one fumbles the ball,
Before he is decapitated, by the Reikland Reavers’ Mighty Zug!

The ghoul’s are hungry for blood;
Here come the orks, the band of goffs.
Crazy *** gitz, just having a laugh.
Here are the sneaky Skaven to stab someone in the back.

Amazonian women are running around screaming,
Like the banshee’s and all sorts of scary demons.
The Sisters of Battle are from the future;
A bear charges at a Treeman and look!  There’s a little Gnoblar.

Giant bats, giant snails, giant rats and giant eagles,
Giant leeches, giant frogs, giant spiders and giant scorpions.
The norse are Vikings, (ranked titles include kings);
There’s a termagant from the year 40,000 and something.
There are space marines, and space wolf marines,
All armed to the teeth with weapons.

The genestealer’s steal genes to make new creatures/weapons;
There are evil gnomes, evil ewoks, ewoks and evil Treemen.
Lesser demons fight lesser goblins and run from the Lictor!
The werebear’s and werewolves fight the wolves and Saurus creatures.
There is no victor.

The skinks fire poisoned blowpipes at the Large beasts & minions.
Chaos Halflings beat up people on camels and horses
And they beat up Khemri with anything.
Mummies climb out of their crypts to bring death to the mutants;
The slayers are here to bring down the mighty bone giants.

The noble Brettonians see Blue and Pink Horrors running around;
Tyranids, Tyranid warriors and tyrants send people underground.
Dead now in this game of Blood Bowl; the game of death!
Witch elves are being hunted by Witch Hunters;
There’s only three left.

To the right is a Zoat fighting a huge Yeti.
A chaos human rides a chaos horse; look out Goddess Betty.
Greater demons bring down Griffons and **** the crazy monkeys;
The mushlings and snotrooms are simply fleeing and screaming.

Skeletons on skeletal horses, fight salamanders and satyrs.
Jabberwocks and Juggernauts,
Destroy Hydra’s with the Hydra’s own fire.
Chaos Warriors and Chaos human cowboys, slug it out with Gods;
Norse dwarves fight Nurgles rotter’s and nurgling’s fight ogres.

The slann were the originators of the game of Blood Bowl;
The Ushabti Tomb Kings come from Khemri to fight the robotic Tau.
Vostroyan drunks are fighting with Wood elves.
Oh my God!  That troglodyte really does smell!

Warhounds race Gladehounds and cyborg’s fight cyboar’s;
Big cats include tigers and lions, so we must quickly carry on.
A carrion is an undead bird and they are ****** huge!
The imperial guard are like the rebels in Terminator;
They are humans.

Kroxigor’s smash boney clubs & break Kroot’s predator-like heads;
Kislevite Horsemen and Cowboy’s ride horses onto the pitch.
Night goblin’s and forest goblin’s steal from all including the Eldar.
They are elves of the future and there are chaos space marines…

They have travelled far.

Every creature has come to take part in this game of football.
Its American football with death included; it’s so much fun!
Harpy fly above Haradhrim as a Necron breaks his own jaw;
He fell over when dodging the tomb scorpion’s claw.

Thrall and Wights march to battle on the pitch against the living;
Undead champions are leaders of death
And the minotaur’s eat the dead.  
Nobody knows who is winning.
Chimera and other daemonic beasts are really tough to ****, I see;
But that boar just exploded, thanks to the grenade…
Bye life, hello death; he, he.

Elementals are like Gods of earth, wind, water and fire.
Dragon ogres are going to **** anything that gets in their way!
Dreadnoughts are made to ****; there’s a wolf!
This undead one’s dire.
Dryad are small Treemen; there are some Elite Skaven!
Open fire!

Savage orcs fight sea elves as squig hopper’s bounce past randomly.
Ungor’s are little Beastmen, but there are still quite deadly.
Manticores destroy lizardmen and there’s a blood-soaked cold one.
Bull centaur’s charge at black orc’s,
Who are ganging up with a chaos champion.

Centaurs crash into carnosaur’s,
As Dark eldar fly down from their space ships.
Hobgoblins can’t be trusted; the thieving gits!
Orc leaders are warlords, bosses and big bosses too;
The Redemptionists are the priest from aliens 3 or aliens 2.
Whichever I can’t remember and haven’t got time to look;
Oh yeah let’s watch the game again and see who has got the ball.

Golem!  (phlegm!)  Golem!  No; not that one!
These golems are Flesh golem’s and some are made of stone.
They are creature of magic and are here to smack some heads;
And this is the end of the poem…

Dedicated to Games workshop (thank you) and the sport of death!

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
This is my day.

Carpe diem my love; this is my day.
Goodbye for now; I’ll see you another time.
I tried to tell you, things will be ok,
But if I said that now, I would be lying.

For things will never be quite ok, until I know your mind.
I wish you to be mine, maybe; if you like?
But that all depends on your thoughts of me.
Enlighten me as to what you see,
So I can open my eyes and believe.

Too scared to speak; I’m a geek.
Words fall easier from a pen,
Than from my mouth.  I’d like you to see,
But now I shall leave and miss you again.

I like this feeling; the strange unknowing.
I can lie to myself and say who knows?
She could think something nice about me.
She could be the one to set me free.

You’re beautiful, gorgeous, ****, wonderful,
Happy, sad, funky, cool and all together unusual;
Unique, unlike anybody else, enchanting, divine.
I worship at your altar and pray for you to be mine.

If you decide I am not good enough;
Just know you truly had my love.
I thank you for making my day amazing.
Goodbye, my Queen; do you want me to be your King?

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
This is my station

This is my station.  This is my place to be.
When all is said and done, I am not free.
I guess I never left you with the best,
Of my heart, but this is my station.

This is my freedom of choice.
With all I had and threw away,
I know you must have felt betrayed,
But this is my station.
This is the place where I belong.
There is no other way.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
This is no way to be

Social dis-function; allow me to live.
I just wanna be a normal boy,
Not a wooden misery.
Failure to mention,
I hide away from everything.
Paranoia strikes, leaving me in Limbo, limply.
Walking quickly, talking quietly,
Hoping something will one day change;
But everything remains the same, useless brain,
Inside a head full of fearful steps.
Nothing but regrets to get me out of bed.

I look the same as you,
I act the same as you do,
But inside I am confused.
Born only to lose,
Born only to lose,
Singing my own blues.
This is no way to be,
But this is the real me.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
This is what I get?

I need to say Hakuna Matata, but I cannot bury these memories.
This world makes me feel like saying see you later,
But still I drift along these turbulent seas.
I oversee and become all seeing,
Inside these visions I paint with words.
I wish I was dreaming and no longer screaming!
Because you are a long time dead, down there in the dirt.

Zombie with a heart shaped heart;
Painting pictures, writing art.
Empty your mind upon this canvas;
Discover the truth that lies beneath the scars.

Anti-psychosis and anti-happiness;
Bless this mess I call a head.
All my life I have been devoted to love
And this is what I get!!!?

Vacant on vacation with medication;
Let’s fix this soul and mind meld a connection.
Show me you and I will tell you of me;
Peace, love and empathy will set us free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
The life that I live

Time is not infinite; life is only finite.
Please do never waste my time, for I only have this one life.
The day are not all numbered, we have only just begun to love.
This love you people speak of…will it ever be enough?

I can repeat the mistakes and I can make a change,
But I chose to do neither; I must find my way,
To become a better human being.
I have never been like you with your liar’s true feelings.

In the pit of my stomach I know there is really nothing wrong,
But still I go on passionately apathetic to all the faults you own.
I am not saying I deserve this or regret hearing what you want;
I am simply stating that I hate you for leaving me all alone.

My water is so full of salt, drinking leaves me crazy.
This glass is no longer drinkable, for it tastes of forgotten ladies.
I am forever dying from your thirst,
Without the realization that love is my curse.

Forever searching inside illusions;
My ghostly hands look real to me.
I am lost in a place of complete confusion;
I am lost in your reality.
Negative is my positive;
I carry lightning with my thunder.
Behind sunglasses I hide behind eye-lids,
This cursed spell I am under.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

Love, hope and faith can change the world for us all.  
One life can change two lives from the moment the baby is born.  
In a land full of fear where every path is covered in thorns,
Why not wish for a way,
To remove the pain,
That remains inside your foot?

A way to walk through that door,
Which leads us past all of the thorns.  
If we can find our way,
Then why not try, to at least try,
To walk through that door?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

The cup has arrived, take my blood.
Fill it up with the good stuff.
Drink the wine, while I unwind these chains.
I have been trapped too long in this self-made cage.

Tear at the bones with perfect teeth.
Ground to a point; been grinding for weeks,
To get the right blade to cut my food with.
This hole I exist in just leaves me livid.

I want to scream in the middle of day-dreams,
But people will see me and never know,
That the empire is crumbling; all around me is dust.
I have given up on this castle of rust.

The armour no longer protects my soul.
The happiness is gone and I am feeling old
And demoralized, the eternal night,
Beckons me to join it, but I am made of pure light.

The claws had dragged me under their spell,
But now the spell is broken, so let me leave this Hell
And find my own way, a better way;
All else only fades away.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Through the bitter end.

In the rain, here I stand;
We are the same, I am just a man.
You are you and I am me;
We are free to be whatever we want to be.

In your eyes I see black clouds;
I have no doubt that I can’t let you out.
Stay with me for eternity;
Be with me so we can be.
Live for love, take the drugs;
Do enough to give up.

Purple rain falls down on us;
Kiss my lips, this is it.
I want love to be real;
But I don’t know if that kind of love exists.

Take my hand and give a ****;
I will stay by your side through the bitter end.
Let it be, you and me;
We are one, you are me.
Let us be more than just good friends.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Throwing stones at Philosophers

Critical conscience is not an admittance of ambivalence,
But a philosopher once said:
“You threw a rock at my head Fred!”
A road along a path is but a journey to nowhere,
If your cart is broken by a donkey or the donkey is dead.
In all the worlds that I have imagined,
Surely all things are possible,
Except finality of bravery;
A human once said.

If I read your body language correctly,
You speak only of the bee disease,
But a bee society has never ever been set free.
So what use is it to me?
I am no slave, nor have I ever been free,
In this world you have created,

I…am a human being!
And once upon a time I was quite happy,
Until you chanced upon a whim to throw a rock at me.
“I never did!”  Lied he.  “And so what if I did?
I never meant anything by it.
I just wanted to see if I could do it
And whether I should or I shouldn’t is irrelevant.
I could, so I did
And if it got into your head,
Then at least I made you think.”

As I quietly pondered and thoughtfully wondered,
I was stunned, simply floundered at his absolute arrogance!
And a plundered thought was thus born…
Is he right…?

I will return his helpful hint with a tenfold of my own!
And so began The Battle of the Naut and the Earth
And upon Gods breath I roamed.
All that remain are a pile of bones,
Covered in boulders and sprinkled with stones.

If a man cannot agree, then folly!
I will become a beast and the nature of the thing,
Will forever be seen and heard!
But never truly understood.
I’d better read another book.
Look out duck!
“What?”  Said the thought bubble.
Never been at one with seeing double,
But now inflamed with insight,
I was clearly in and seeing trouble
And as sure as light, there came another stone,
From (this time) a complete unknown.

Oh the contradictions thought philosopher Uno,
As he strapped his helmet on as if he could predict the future;
And sure enough, just as peace had been bartered for and sold,
There came a clink, followed by a blink, and a thud and a lost think…
“Forget this!  I’m going home.”

So as I was roaming through the seven layers of Hell,
I thought I’ll have to ask directions to save myself.
Maybe a goodish citizen will pray tell me where the Hell I am!
Oh, excuse me young man, I was wondering if you can,
Or rather, could, tell me where the Hell I am?
The man he simply smiled and then he loudly laughed,
As he burst into a thousand screaming insect eggs!
This is not a laughing matter!  I said,
And pretty soon they were crawling up my legs.

So I ran and I ran as fast as I could,
But it did no good.
They were a part of me now and to each other we were each stuck
And it was all I could do to not let out a high pitched scream!
So I did.
And within a glimpse of time immemorial itself,
I had managed to escape from the dream.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

From the darkness comes a sound.
A heavy footstep on the ground.
The Earth it shakes and twigs are heard to break
And all the animals quickly run away.

From the shadows there comes a growl,
From a beast so deadly foul.
It moves so slowly as it prowls,
In search of something to ****; its face a picture of scowl.

Within the trees it is camouflaged.
It blends into the background
And from the jungle there comes an “arggh!”
A man to death is eternally bound.

The claws that rip and tear at skin,
Before the teeth sink deeply in,
To such soft flesh; the touch of death
And at the end there is little left,
To ever say man stood at this point.
The bones skinned bare of muscle on joints.
All that remains is the sleeping tiger, next to a pool of blood.
He is the lone survivor, for this is his neighbourhood.

Later as the tiger leaves,
The remains remain hidden behind the trees
And all that was, is no more.
All that is left are the prints of the paws,
That lead away through leaves of green.
A broken path is all that is left to be seen.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

There are times in our lives,
There are days we despise;
But we keep on moving on.
Yeah we keep on moving on.

Though we try to get by;
Though we hurt, we survive
And we keep moving on,
By getting ourselves high.

If we need some more time;
If we learn how not to die.
When time is not on our side,
We will know it’s time to say goodbye.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Time is fading away

Time is ticking away from this life;
I can see you getting older before my eyes.
The sun is dying.
What will become of the light that you always shine?

Age waits for no man
And it has overtaken me.
What will become of the lives that we lead?
Winter is coming to take away all other seasons.

Day after day, the years are fading out of existence.
We drifted until now, ignoring the storms that howl behind us.
In a world that is meant to be so joyful,
We are running out of love…

Love always seemed to be in abundance,
But now it is rare to find love.
All that everybody really needs, is love,
Because love makes us happy.
I never did all I could for you
And now I am truly sorry.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Time is running out.

I walk on egg shells, I got no carriage,
And I wait to see if you are Spanish,
Or Norwegian, or maybe,
You come from Japan; I await to see.

If that is the case and my future is in my hands,
I will love always and I will give you my thanks,
Because if destiny exists, there is a Princess
And true love, truly is, priceless.

I have tried my best; it’s time to confess,
That these are my words, my words for her
And love is my passion, with no guaranteed satisfaction,
But if I had things all my own way,
Baggy jeans would be back in fashion.

I would like to raise a nation of my own seedlings,
To become great thinkers, unlike me,
And they would always speak their minds freely,
And read other people’s poetry, from time to time;
I hope they read mine, I hope you like mine.

So if you are there, but I can’t see,
Then you need to take a big step forward,
Before I lose what makes me happy;
Before I leave you and everything else behind…
It’s getting harder and harder to rise from the blue…
I think it’s time to say goodbye.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

The sands of time, the consistent line;
The fervent cause, takes with it each life.
The deaf, the dumb and the blind;
The man, the woman and the child.

No rest for death or for birth on this Earth.
No end in sight, no end of time.
This is the beginning of a whole new life;
This is the constant ending of a piece of mankind.

Until death do us part, our life on the line;
Our destiny is out of sight.
The one, forever, changing, consistency;
The timeline of life; no hands on time.

No clock to keep us in control;
No deadline, no lifeline, just death, life and my time.
A speck of light that may never be seen;
A visionaries ideological dream.
A figment of your imagination…
Or a glimpse of a universe that is forever in creation.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Time on my hands.

Ain’t got time to have no time on my hands,
Because I’ve got to learn to fly before I leave this land.
Time stands still and goes in the blink of an eye,
But I don’t believe I’ll ever find my paradise.

Scared of leaving with this weight on my mind;
All I have left to give you is my time.
Trying to face the world whilst wearing nothing but a smile;
But life is dragging me down and leaving me to die.

Time, time, time, time, time. It’s time to live or die.
Time, time, time, time, time.  It’s time to fly so high.
I’ve lost my mind and I don’t know why,
I still believe in my paradise.

Seasons come and seasons pass on by,
But I’m still here waiting for the end of time.
Sat here crying in front of the wailing wall;
I wish I could explain to you the way that I fall.

Time, time, time, time, time. It’s time to live or die.
Time, time, time, time, time.  It’s time to fly so high.
I’ve lost my mind and I don’t know why,
I still believe in my paradise.

I guess it’s time for me to say goodbye.
My only feelings are, I’m feeling alive.
I’m gonna fly so high, I’ll touch the sky,
The day I finally find my paradise.

(C)2012 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Tired of T.V.

Because of T.V., I can no longer think;
I can only dream myself to sleep.
The film that I watch, was given a five star rating
And the star of the film, was on the front of Empire magazine.

But I feel so tired, as my eyelids fall down.
I can no longer concentrate; my short term memory is dead.
What was that thing, the lead actor just said?
Oh well, who cares?  I’m going to bed.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

It’s so comfortable inside my bed.
I think I will stay here until I am dead.
I’m never going to move again.

The air is cold, my quilt so warm,
My feet are nice and toasty.
I have a day off, so I will remain lost,
In a world of imaginary.

I drift off to sleep until quarter to three.
They say that’s a whole day you have wasted!
All I reply is, I have had a bad day since I was a kid,
So a lie-in once in a while is just what I needed.

But now my stomach is starting to grumble.
Three meals a day is a must.
So I throw on some clothes and drag myself to where I need to go.
Boring, boring, boring toast!
But, oh well, it is something at least.
They tell me I have to eat.

It’s been twenty minutes and I am still not finished,
With this rubbery, so dry!  Food,
With absolutely zero taste at all...
Have a guess what I am…Bored!

My cup of tea is just (stupid!) flavoured water.
My biscuits are broken in barrel and cup.
I should stop eating this toast, I know I oughta,
But it’s nearly done now
And once it is done, it is done.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Today has been the unluckiest day of my life;

Today has been the saddest day I have known.

I’m so glad my clock says midnight.

Maybe, who knows?  Things may be better tomorrow.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Today could have been a better day.

There is nothing wrong with singing a song,
As long as the words are right.
When all is said and nothing’s done,
Just start again and set alight,
The wishes that you used to have.
Ain’t got no bag so full of beans.
No way to learn everything.

I’ve got to fly through the night air or be unseen.
If all you say is meaningless, then just get out.
I’m out of breath to waste on dreams.
All you think, you only ever said out loud,
I never wanted you to speak;
So drop the act and leave,
Because all these pretty things you say,
Are only said in jest, with hate.
No malice left to fight for peace.
I’m all used up inside.
No masterpiece will ever be produced.
All the pointless things I do,
Are only to annoy you and all you do is take my time.

You waste my time, with only lies, on Valentines.
You talk of love and I’m left in stitches;
Side splitting jokes about your kisses.
Nothing ever makes me smile,
So pack a bag and leave here, I’ll,
Find myself a way to misbehave.
A way to get away from all you say
And I will find a better way to say,
Today could have been a better day.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

I’m not broken, I’m just feeling shattered.
All of my thoughts bring me back to you.
Words left unspoken,
Could never keep you enamored.
When we should feel like we are winning,
We only ever seem to lose.

Looking into pictures, searching for memories;
Needing to find a reason to explain the end.
We ask ourselves questions; what could we have done differently?
We go and seek guidance from family and friends.

But there are no answers; these things just happen.
Life is a journey and we do not have a map.
We must move forward and take our chances.
Accept the sad times with the happy;
They come as a package and there is no turning back.

Beyond the horizon, the rain is still falling.
But we know that tomorrow…
The sun will rise again.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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