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Aa Harvey Aug 2018
To My Wife: The Love of My Life.

This is a poem written in two thousand and eleven.
This shall start the count down, to the day I find my Heaven.
If by the end of my life, I never found a wife to lay in bed with;
Then consider my life a waste,
For every wish of love never did become real…
It only became a myth.

The story of the peasant boy,
Who became a hero.
He slayed all his demons,
Even though he felt like a zero.

He believed in true love,
From the second he was conceived.
He found an illusion of what love was,
In his magical bag of needs;
But this was just a substitute,
To help him live without love.

He loved many things throughout his life,
But everything he could ever have hoped for,
He found in His Wife.

Everything else that he had ever felt love for,
Always came second to the bliss he felt,
When he felt he was loved by His Woman.
His one and only Woman…
For I am Your Man.

So Wife of mine, the real star that shines here.
Take a bow and show them how beautiful you are;
For I am so lucky to have met a woman like (…)
So this poem I dedicate to my one true love…
I love you (…)

One day I shall sing her praises,
For she is the one, who has forever been my biggest wish.
A Wife who loves me and does not lie;
Someone who can be true to me, even if I think it’s a good line.

It’s my poem, I don’t have to write it your way.
Shortly after, we’re both naked
And I’m writing whatever she says.

My Wife I love you, lolz, I said it first.
I love you!  I shall blow you our first kiss.
You are truly perverse,
To fancy an ugly *** like me.
Yeah, I found her in the asylum, she claimed to be E.T.

So I gave her my number and she gave me a call.
I told her I wasn’t interested
And she told me to go take a running jump!
I could tell it was love, because she kept telling me off;
So I kissed the telephone
And put the phone down, without saying “Goodbye My Love.”
She rang me straight back to complain of course…
And now a few years later, I have finally proposed…

She didn’t know I was in the pub that night,
She had been telling her friends, how she wanted to be my Wife.
So they gave me a call
And I heard her talking on her friend’s phone.
I didn’t want her to see me,
Getting out of the car…before I proposed.

She was sat outside the pub, in the beer garden;
So I snuck up behind her, while her friends kept her talking.

Her best friend stood behind me,
Holding a huge cardboard sign;
It simply read : ‘Will You Marry Me?’…
I Love You.  You are My Life.
I was down on one knee, with a ring in my hand.
Just in front of my girlfriend,
Asking her, to allow me to become Her Husband.

She looked a little shocked, as I announced my desire to her,
In front of everyone, when I had always been scared.
But when my words had been spoken,
Every syllable of the proposal checked,
She said “I Will” and I nearly fled.

What have I done?  I must be out of my mind!
Oh wait.  No I’m not.  Look at her…Is she really going to be mine?
No, surely not, this broad is **** hot!
This Goddess of Love, wants my ugly ***?
Ok then yeah, let’s rock ‘n’ roll.
You’re beautiful and You love Me, so let’s elope.

The Ceremony of course was perfect.
Nothing is allowed to go wrong for my beautiful Princess.
This Queen of my Heart, my life has truly blessed;
So for Her, I shall pull down the stars from space,
If that is what she should wish?

My fortune, fame, kingdom, pain…
I would give it all up for Her, for she has given me life again.
The Woman of my protection, my enchanting masquerade;
I have the most beautiful Wife…
She is my Angel; my saving Grace.

You compare to no-one,
Yet you outshine everyone.
You are The One, My Wife, My Life,
You are the reason I was born.

To offer you my love and anything you want me to give.
Everything I have ever done, stands invisible once you are seen.
My blinding light, that makes other Goddesses become mortal.
Angels fall from the sky to become human,
Once you have been thought of.

One second without you;
One thought, one mention,
Makes my mind split in two,
I love it when we share each others attention.

My Life is here, her name is (…),
We have been married a long time now; it’s (… …)
I know her thoughts, because she is the same as me.
Just one crazy, mixed up, fool for love, humane being.
But she is much more than ‘Just …’ could ever be.
She is Just! And Loving! And ****!...She is Fit innit!

Love you Babe, I am your Love Slave.
Here whenever you need anything, until I go to the grave.
But you must go first…
When you are Seven Hundred and Fifty Eight;
I think by then, my *** drive would be worn out
And then Heaven awaits.

We can both, by then, have read my finished books;
We can defy immortality and go to Heaven to show them  
My True Love.
You saved Me, from Me somehow;
So to you I simply hand my destiny now.
This is for you, for you are My:

My Life,
My Heart,
My Soul,
My Destiny,
My Future is now in our hands now,
For you are My Everything.

My Eternal Love.
My Eternal Promise;
My everything I give to you,
For You made Me become Us.

My Love,
My Marriage Signature,
My Fate,
Our Fortune;
Our choice of Date.
Please I beg you…Do not be late.

My Wife,
My Beloved,
My (You other people can leave now, if you want to...)

I Love You,
I Love You,
I Love You,
Yeah You!

My Lover.
My Queen.
My Goddess!  You are Gorgeous!
My **** Fine *** Honey!
My reason to write this.

My, My, You do look beautiful in that dress.
I am yours forever…Oh I found this ring.
I guess it’s yours if you want it.  It’s kind of nice.
Sorry it’s not a diamond,
But people use Gold rings, not ice.

But it can be whatever your heart does desire;
I shall say, here are my life savings!
Go and buy whichever ring you wish,
For you are the fuel, that burns my eternal love fire.
The passion inside me, is yours now,
If you wish to make love my **** siren.

You have given me this ring so I can show them my love for You.
I give you this ring, to show you how much I want You.
I will be your Husband, until this life is through.
Then I shall meet you again in Heaven, to welcome You.

If we have a kid or kids, don’t let me name them;
Get everybody’s opinion,
Then pick the one we both liked most, please.
If you like, we can have,
As many you want to.
As long as You are a Great Mother
And I’m what I think I could be too.

Some say I’d make a good Father,
Some would say I wasn’t good enough.
Anyone who knew me would know I would love nothing better,
Then to have a kid of my own.

But that is the future; or maybe it’s just a wish.
I shall write it here, all this time in the past.
Now I only think of the future.
And pray to the Wife I do not yet have.

I Love You.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
To Never…

To never kiss your lips again,
To never make you smile.
To only know abandoned tears,
To never I leave my sorrow.

I beg you please, take this from me,
My heart, it is dead without you near.
My tears are an ocean of pain,
That I cannot drown in, I fear.

Oh love, why must you be so hard?
So soft to the touch, the soul bound lover.
Oh love, why must you leave us scarred?
We hurt, we ache, we cry forever.

My love is real, inside I can feel,
An empty hole, that leaves me drained.
For I feel nothing and everything at once,
I feel your hurt; I feel your pain.

I say I’m ok, I know I’m lying,
For this is worse than death.
For if you were dead and gone, to become a memory,
Then I know my life, I would no longer live.

But one day I know, fate will **** me again,
As my lover tells me she loves me no more,
But I will never feel that way.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Tortured soul

Only in the darkest hours can I find my soul.
Only when I am falling can I see the rope, but I cannot take a hold.
When I hit rock bottom, I kneel alone;
I am scared to death of failing to live, but I have no desire to go.

When all is dark and I am without hope,
I find myself, the tortured soul.
When all is gone and the silence becomes deafening;
Only then can I believe I have done what I need to do and so…

With the lights turned out and no light to be found,
I am able to find the way inside my soul and write it all down.
When all is lost and apathy is my only friend;
I find a way to drown.

I sink to the bottom and I can find the peace I seek;
No noise to be heard, no vision to be seen.
Only beneath the surface am I truly free;
No feeling a necessity, no compulsion to breathe.

Inside I am able to escape reality;
Outside I am forced to hear and to see.
Within my dreams I am immortal, super human and unique.
Without foolish needs, I can make myself happy.

If only I was able to live a life of fantasy;
Maybe I would be able to erase this nightmare
And pretend this life is just a dream.

Somehow worth it;
Picture perfect.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Since the first time I saw you,
I wanted to hold your hand.
I wanted you to let me, become your man.
I wanted to tell you, you’re so beautiful,
But I was so scared of messing up
And losing you like a fool.

Because you’re so cool,
You know I think I could grow to love you, Tracey.
You’re so cool,
You know I think I’m falling in love with you Tracey.
You’re so cool,
You know I think I could grow to love you Tracey.
You’re so cool,
I think I’m truly falling for you Tracey.

So come pretty lady, let’s go travel the stars.
Come dance with me and I surely won’t,
Miss a single step and tread on your foot,
Kiss my lips and my heart could become ours.

Because you’re so cool,
You know I think I could grow to love you Tracey.
You’re so cool,
You know I think I’m falling in love with you Tracey.
You’re so cool,
You know I think I could grow to love you Tracey.
You’re so cool,
You know I think I’m falling in love with you Tracey.
Because you’re so cool.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

Tranquility is what I see before me.
A place of peace; a nice day dream.
A sun above; the grass is my seat.
There are smiles here and I have no phone to ring.

The beautiful people are lying under the sun’s rays.
The parents are watching their children play.
The couple brings a smile to the widow’s face
And as they all pass by each other,
Pleasantries are exchanged.

The dogs are barking and the people are laughing.
Friends are meeting,
To talk about when they are next going to go drinking.
It is a lovely day for all the people that I can see.
The jogger is walking, the cyclist is resting
And the artist is painting the scene.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

The tree of the ancients has stood for millennia in this grove;
So vast is its foliage that no other can grow in its vicinity.
With its strong wooden branches and roots hard as steel, below;
Unseen, but vital, it has risen and it will stand for eternity.

The tree of ages has become eternal and spiritual.
The tree of knowledge has Druids kneeling at its feet.
They dance in the sunlight and contemplate at late night vigils.
The life of the forest entices them naturally.

Their way of life is ruled by the law of nature.
The wind in the air is their voice, through their veins runs clear water.
With words of wisdom they teach all those who are around.
The people who grow with them
And those who are going from town to town.

The noble tree is proudly served.
Its leaves kept as gifts;
From the air to the Earth.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Trojan Love

I’ve got the melancholy blues,
So keep your blue suede shoes,
For I don’t want to dance.

I’m in the mood of a tragic victim,
Going through a personal bereavement,
On the very last gasp of his awful life
And now is the time to kiss my forehead goodbye.

I hope and pray I have a better afterlife
And I hope it’s much shorter than my time on this Earth.
For a life time of Hell, I have endured.

I never did manage to find a cure,
To this black smoldering effigy I call my heart.
The solid stone prison, which keeps me trapped
And stops other people feeling this crap,
But stops me from feeling any happiness.

For my body is my temple and I worship at no altar,
For this temple is now in ruins and my faith has been shattered,
By this thing called love, which I have taken for granted,
For it is now a cryptic Aztec mystery which I cannot master.

And the barbed whip I crack,
Cannot tame this Trojan love,
That has crept into my heart and eaten away at my soul.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
True Love

When I think about our love for each other;
It brings a tear to my eyes.
You love me the way I always thought lovers should love each other;
Without your love, who am I?

An empty shell, devoid of life
And lust and passion and feeling.
Without your love, I shall surely die;
You made me a King, when you became my Queen.

My everlasting heart’s desire,
You ignite my passion, like a raging bush fire.
For nothing can stop this feeling inside.
My true love, my favourite drug,
Without your love, I would surely die.

My intense love for thee,
Cannot be described, with words man can speak.
For in your eyes it is clear to see,
Your love for me and your honesty,
Allows me to be all I can be,
Would want to be and could ever hope to be.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
True to love

If you light a cigarette and it is only half lit,
It means somebody loves you.
Gladly, I’ve always stayed true to love
And at last it eventually came true to me too.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Truly live.

Find your light in another light.
Do not continue to search blindly in the darkness,
For darkness is all you will find.
Open your eyes and see what is out there waiting for your insight.

Know what you want and find it aware,
That it may all just fade and die, if you don’t make it there.
Maybe it will survive.
At least give it the chance to live.
If it does and you feel alive,
Then you will have truly lived.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

Trust to me is nine tenths of love;
So if you want me to love you, then have to earn my trust.

If you are good enough for me and I can make you complete;
Then maybe you and I shall become like Romeo and Juliet…

Should have been, living together in harmony
And fit together as one, like a perfected rubix cube
And happily remain, as two halves of one love.

(C)2011 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Trust In Me.

What is love, but a leap of faith?
To open yourself completely and risk feeling this pain.
To let someone hold, a metaphoric pistol to your brain,
To let them have the power, to ruin you today.

For you to feel like this, I do not wish
And to say I can heal you, would be like ******* in the wind.
For I cannot cure, your lack of trust,
Only try my best, not to break my promise.

Have faith in me and I’ll have faith in you,
Have faith in no-one and you shall always be alone.
Try your best to trust, even though it’s hard to do,
For maybe I will feel love as you do,
The solid oath that should not be broken.

Others have done you wrong and not kept their word,
But I too have felt the agony, of a broken vow.
These words I am sure, you have already heard,
But my heart I offer to you, as a sacrifice now.

The risk is so high, because the rewards could be endless,
Truly alive could you become, you could find your Heaven.
You could get all you want,
With this person if you could just find your confidence.
You must truly be able to trust them, for you to find love again.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Turn the page

Inside this mind a thought is formed,
Then cast aside to remain no more.
A lightning bolt inside a storm;
My memory returns as if it was before.

So words are said to set us free
And they do, as I tell you the tale of me.
Myself and I are a symbiotic personality.
My mind, body and soul create poetry.

Succinct when in sync,
Through these stories I speak.
The boy, now a man,
Is forever becoming more unique.

This life is too short and time is no friend;
The watcher is watching and waiting for the end,
But he shall remain unfulfilled, on that you can depend,
Because I have much more to do, before I ascend.

My soul has grown weary and needs to speak out.
Protest, or suggest; a way to remove the doubt.
Many have come before me, so I have no need to shout;
We are close now, so I can whisper and you shall hear aloud.

Minds are for changing and I am no longer the same;
I have passed through the dark times, I have turned the page.
The rain has stopped falling and even now I remain,
A poet, the poet; unheard of…
But one day you will know my name.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018
Twenty One

So far above, you’ve been flying high with the angels
And still you stand so far above us.
You are amazing to me, when you speak about your problems
And those things you wish you could have changed; such pain.
Impossible not to like you when all you do is show us love.

So complicated to me, I want to walk inside that mind of yours
And share your empathy, because you speak so elegantly,
When you write about your love life
And you show us how you really feel on the inside.

A broken heart that we all share.
I want to put us all back together with the pieces we are lost without.
I hope you are happy in love;
I want to find a place I too belong as I too need to be loved.

I’ve met a woman like you, but she will never compare,
To those feelings that I hear in your voice
And I am still having these doubts,
But she loves me like I love your songs; they are so good!
So I think I will let her become my reason to believe in love.

You got me through to the other side,
When I was lost, you made me see the truth and I too found my way
And now I see all those tears I cried,
Were just a way to regrow the feelings that I thought I threw away.

Now I am happy in love with her,
So I can never tell her of you, or she would just be gone;
But we each share our love for your love songs.
So I will let her have all my devotion,
But I will never forget an album called Twenty One.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Two knocks

When the sun has long since stopped burning
And we should be hearing those two knocks,
We will already be gone and the Earth will be but a rock.

Voyage into the future, heading for a new galaxy;
We are evolving, new planets are beckoning,
So we must build a space ship to secure our destiny.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Two peas in a pod

Two peas in a pod, we are like a family.
Two peas in a pod, the better half of me.
Two peas in a pod, she gets the best of me,
Like nobody else ever did, has, could, or would, do you see?

We are like two separate halves and three dimensional.
Like two fast cars, we need our petrol.
Like two shooting stars, she is my place to go.
Like water getting cold, she is my lovely snow.
Like a bull and matador, we are a rodeo show
And there are no clown cars in sight, only hope and sorrow.

Opposites attract, but we are identical.
We share the same sign, it’s astrological.
It’s written in our stars, our love is monumental
And who am I to complain; I’m unconditional.

A rose and a Rosé, liquid state of mind.
A red and a white, sleepy and party time.
***** and coke, it’s nearly closing time, sigh,
So I will have to be her aspirin, come morning light.

The bandage to her sore, I need to be her cure.
The key to her door, I want to be inside the head of mi amor.
The curtain has finally been called.
Here comes the final line, it is the only way to say,
I never said we were one and the same.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Two truths.

A perfect person cannot picture a perfect truth.
Perfect people want other perfect people,
To be a perfect picture of porcelain too.

I see a painting by many a Mane’s.
A copy of a copy of a copy of a man.
Upon this crystal-stair-lead-palace,
There lies a liar in his lies;
Living his ultra-ordinary life.
We all live under a glorious crown…sometimes.

If a fugitive of love is on the run
And scared of their web of lies ever coming undone,
Then what are you to ever become,
If you have never been thunder-struck?

A piece of ash slid across the glass;
No DNA left to draw a map.
A shadow of the former man that I was;
Upon this cross, I live through loss.
The end of all that which came before.
I only know what love is for.

I crawl into this world of make believe;
Believe this life I lead is moving me into the gulf of a frozen desert.
God bless kindness.
Thank you?…never said it.
Ignored for not being more; please be blessed.
Remember all I have taught you before I forget.
Have a nice day; No way?  Ok.
In the end we are all the same.
I am not your mess!

Just give up this ghost, my horse ain’t for beating;
My demons keep screaming at me from deep in the shadows.
Let it go!
Let go.
I need to go…
Back down deep into the shallow.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Two wheels on the highway

I’m heading out on the highway!
Two wheels on the highway!
I’m heading out the highway!

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Under a dying sun.

We are a dying people, on a dying world;
We are constantly dying and all we have left is hope.
Under a dying sun, the clouds of doubt are formed
And we head into an unknown future, afraid and alone.

Without doubt we need faith, to journey on for,
Behind us is a memory of all that which came before.
We are a God fearing people; some say it is a Godless world.
With God at our side, anything is possible.

The stars have always been with us
And they will be there long after we have gone.
When you are lost in the darkness, you will find what you need.

When the world has been emptied and all nature is lost;
We will realise this land we call our home is only borrowed,
So let us be free of apathy.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020

I’ve been catching sunbeams in a little glass jar.
I’ve got nothing to lose now, apart from my self-control.
I want to set free the world and release my soul afar.
I’ve lost control of growing old.

Head still thinking sideways, but now I don’t know.
With youth I was so sure, but now I fall alone.
Lost my support family, friends used to surround me,
Until I gave them away to live again happily.

Reaching out for independence.
Lost the will to learn to dance.
Inhaling songs never heard before.
Trying to cure the endless bore.

I call me ugly;
Unhappy underneath my empathy.
I am empty, skeleton bones.
Stripped bare of skin, broken soul.
Drink everything away to sink into oblivion.
Riding high over the world gliding on the equilibrium.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Feb 2020
Unfinished Business

Feel like giving up.
Think I have had enough.
Impossible to finish a book.
Keep on getting stuck.

All begins with good intentions.
It all ends with procrastination.
Thought it time for me to mention,
I never reach the end…

Keep it real or never said.
We are all a long time dead,
So do something that matters.
Hearts are made to shatter.

Throw your words through each and every window.
Heaven’s knows where they will go.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Let everybody hold hands and we can build bridges across the horizon.
Let all nations be of equal character and we can stand united as one.
Let all people gather together, if we try, we can all offer asylum,
To those who are in need; those who are in need of someone.
A helping hand across the world, reaching out to raise you up;
A voice from a distant land, from a never seen face,
Is needed to offer the thirsty, an endless water cup.

If we have riches, then they should too;
If a person has nothing, then charity they should be given.
If we are full, then they should be full too;
We are all only trying our best, to not just give in.

Without charity we would be without our humanity;
Without an embrace, where would we as a species be?
When we are lost in the dark and need a light to set us free,
Tell me where are we going without companionship?

Let no person stand alone, when they are in need of a friend.
Let no woman cry and let no man be able to sell the world.
We are all together under the same sun, without end,
So let us rise as one each morning, side by side with a smile
And mankind will be kind to the future boys and girls.

If it is already too late for us to save,
Then let us make the best of a bad situation.
If there is nothing we can do about climate change,
Then let us at least be united as one planet;
So together we can all find a united constitution.
Imagine all the people, living life in peace…
We could really start something.

If the hippies are all gone, then let them all be reborn.
If peace is truly lost, then let us find it once more.
If there is no hope left and we are only here to mourn,
Then let us heal the world with healing hands;
Our hearts are in need of being loved
And if one man is poor, then we are all of us, poor.

If we all plant a flower-power into the barrel of a tank,
Then we can put an end to war and remember how to love.
If we all stand united and truly give each other thanks,
Then we can shine a light so bright,
That it will be seen up in the Heaven’s above.

In our world of plenty we have more than enough to give.
Let us all become friends and send the love all around the world.
We are all human, so let us all be humane and think…

Do they know it’s Christmas time at all?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
United states

You and I are not so different,
But still we are worlds apart.
You and I are living with each other beneath the same stars.
You and I are different people, living ordinary lives.
You and I live under similar banners;
They tell me mine is a union,
You tell me yours are the stars and stripes.

But what each of us has inside, is the will to change;
The will to try.
What we have together is everything;
The only thing we always need, is more time.

Life is a fleeting illusion of a perfect dream,
Inside a story book fantasy; we each have our own Queens.
Books written for children and adults; the rich and the poor.
We are all capable of many things together, you and I.
We have many common denominators and we all want more.
New York to London and back again;
We are only separated by the sea and the sky.

We are not so different you and I;
They tell me of a union; you tell me of stars and stripes.
So let me read you a poem on this cold dark night,
That will tell us that you and I are not so different.
We are united by television.
Songs and the internet connects us
And we each have stars in our eyes.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
United States of Aa.

United States of apathy,
United States of anger;
United States of a *******,
I am the United States of Me.

United States of love,
United States of trust.
United States of dreams,
But I am never free.

United States of disharmony,
United States of tears;
United States of sorrow,
I have become united with my grief.

For attraction leads to speaking
And speaking can lead to a kiss.
A kiss leads us to touch each other
And to touch can lead to ***.

*** can lead to love
And love can lead to a need for each other,
That is incomparable,
To anything you’ve ever felt before.
For each time you fall in love,
It takes over you like the most addictive drug.

It’s somehow better than the last time,
At least that’s what you think.
But sooner or later you’ll realize,
The pain you felt the last time has reared its ugly head.

United States I wish to heal,
But only I can heal me.
United States of empathy,
I am the United States of Me.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Unknown enemy

In an alien world with three moons in the sky,
A luminous thing flies high in the air.
It looks like a pterodactyl,
But it has three heads and breathes fire.
My fellow soldiers and I are searching for resources,
Among the dead bodies, inside a spaceship called ‘The Debonair’.

It’s been here for over a hundred years;
But no man has been to this planet since.
It was just a coincidence that we heard its distress signal,
As we passed by, heading for Alpha Six.
Our home world we haven’t seen now,
For seven months and sixteen days.
But now we have a new mission:
Salvage what we can and bury the bodies in graves.

Sergeant Angelos is reading an elegy, to commemorate the dead;
While the scouts we sent out earlier, haven’t reported back yet.
The scouts are on gravity bikes looking for anything we can use,
But so far they have found nothing but volcanoes and rivers of sulfur…
But something has found them.

They didn’t know they were being followed as they returned to base.
There is a loud other-worldly scream in the distance
And we are all put on high alert.
“What the Hell was that Captain?”  “I don’t know Pike;
Hit the dirt!”

A huge ball of blue light is flying straight towards the medi-bay;
Soldiers run this way and that and thankfully we are all safe.
But the medi-bay is destroyed by an alien weapon.
“Fire at will!”  Shouts the Captain,
As strafes of bullet fire fly off into the distance,
In search of the alien.

“Where did it go?  Anybody see it?”
There is silence; then a shout.
“It’s there!  Two o’clock, beyond the red rocks!”
We all open fire and create a dust cloud.

As the dust disappears the Captain says:
“Did we get it?  Is it dead, or not?”
Before anyone can answer, there is another scream
And this time it comes from behind us.

“Oh my God!  This thing's got friends!
Round up the caravan’s lads, we’re hunkering down for the night.”
As the sky gets darker, more aliens surround us
And our bullets fire, lighting up the sky.

Blue luminous fire rains down upon us and our barricade.
Our ground to air ship, takes a Hell of a beating,
But it’s been through worse than this in its days.

By morning light, the shooting has ended.
We all walk out our ground to air ship and see what we can find.
There are dead aliens all around us, seventy five in total.
The cheers and joy of our victory,
Has been sullied by the number of our side who have died.
Fourteen gone from us; taken by an unknown enemy.
This is our job, our life, our fight and our destiny.

As we leave the planet behind, the memories stay with us.
We have conquered one enemy;
Now we are heading home to our family and friends.
The people we do this for and the people that we love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Unknown future

Age steals my soul one day at a time
And all that which I own will one day no longer be mine.
One day I will cease all these words that I write
And in my eyes you will no longer find any light.

In a far distant future where we are all immortalized,
I’m catching rainbows in my hands and setting my dreams alight.
I hope you take inspiration from these things that I say,
Because I am already old
And I am already grey.

When I am gone, new words this world will create,
But I exist in the old world
And when I leave this place,
It will all become too late to change.
They may cure all the hurt that lives in this world,
But the cure will come too late for us as a people.

Future generations will learn from our past mistakes,
But those lessons are not yet known, the ozone is floating away.
The ark of all knowledge that contains the DNA of the extinct,
Will one day be needed if we are all to truly live.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Until death do us part

Until death do us part, that’s how it all starts.
Entwine two hearts and you will be dancing under stars.
Today we find smiles that stretch on for miles,
With family and friends all around us, dressed in style.
From top hats to sharp shoes and dresses covered in diamonds.
The ‘just married’ cans are rattling behind us,
As we drive away towards a tropical island.

And when we return from our honeymoon holiday,
The love is never ending; the memories never fade.
When we have spent the last two weeks under sunshine and in bed,
We look towards the future and talk about a life we haven’t lived yet.

Then the children are born and our enormous hearts grow;
Our love is always with them and they add value to our home.
New gifts are forever appearing and our future is written in vows.
Let’s hope this love is eternal and we remain side by side,
Even after we are sitting upon a cloud.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Until the end

I’ll be with you until the end;
I’ll be here with you, my friend.
Until the end,
The very end;
I’ll be with you until the end.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Oct 2018
Unwavering hope, in the face a dead hole

All your thoughts are bullet points,
Shooting through our broken hearts;
And all our hearts are bullet proof,
When we are joined in a state of love, you can stay where you are.
You are stationless; we are unmoving and motionless,
In our ardent belief that you are becoming less and less.

Why can you not understand the evil that you are?
We are the innocent passer’s by, running in fear of your gun.
If all we are is soon to be gone and you our last red star,
Then I hope you have a peace of mind, a better life
And a way to cope before you are done and we are only found afar.

We are the innocence of youth, broken in two by people like you
And all you have is already ashes, broken pieces of war on classes.
War on man and woman kind;
War is all that is on your mind.

All we ask is please don't shoot;
Please don't let us end up like you,
With your braindead minds and lack of kind;
You have to hide, from your own cruel conscience.
Never let it be said that you are only subconscious,
Because here you stand in front of me now,
And all I ask is why and how?

Why take a life so easily?
And how are you so different from me?
For all I am is humane and helpless;
All you are is death and worthless.
Who decided to let you go?
What was the price of your worthless soul?
What is it that makes you think you are right?
You have no right to take a life.
So find a place of peace and leave it be.
Just leave; just leave and let us live in peace.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2019

You hit me like a bolt right out of the blue.
Every time I think of you,
And every time I try not to,
Still all I think is, I need you in my view.

You lift me from the Earth to the stars.
You spin my mind around, feelings fly like darts,
Between my left and right hemispheres;
I need to have you near.

I see you when I am hypnotized.
You float with me like butterflies,
And all around I feel you strike;
My heart beats twice, because of your eyes.

The electrodes hit my dreams;
The dream’s in which you leave me to scream.
My day dreams become a nightmare,
Because I am without you, to lift me up there.

(C)2019 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Up there.

You and I walk on different plains of existence.
You walk with the beautiful people, who can only pretend to fall in love;
Everything is just a pretense.
Whilst I am devoted to my one love only;
Only she can find me in the depths of despair, so lonely,
Gasping for air, drowning in my apathy,
Swimming against the currents of what could have been.

You dance the night away and then you are gone before the day breaks,
While I sleep here alone, on my back, with my arm out,
Waiting for my true mate;
My best friend, my girlfriend,
Not your one for this weekend.
I mean a lover who wants to be with me,
Again and again and again.

Your list is so long that only my belief can match it;
You are perfectly aware of all the faults I have to deal with
And you do not care, because you have beautiful hair
And all the attention you deserve, you get.
I am never going to go there,
Because you look down on me from your higher plateau;
You and I are not the same, for I am so far below.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

You are my opposite, with eyes that see so far.
You are my partner in time, my lassoed shooting star.
My head only has infinity spaces; my words are lost upon the ether.
Gone to forever, lost to never, you give voice to my speaker.

Eyes so big, you can see deep down inside,
That I tell no lies when I kiss you goodnight.
Perfectly pretty;
I am addicted to your love.
With lips of satin you spoke to me
And the stroke of a feather hand,
Is what I feel with your every touch.

Thoughts flow from you into me so freely,
That they are nearly never seen, upon the air of inspiration.
All the love I crave burns from inside your heart
And into my heart.  
Your love has arrived at its final destination.

You carry a heart-shaped tattoo with you, everywhere you go.
I carve our names inside a heart shaped design upon an old oak tree,
To show people that we were here more than once
And if they have missed the show,
Then we will be here again to repeat our actions.
From now until the end of us;
Or until the end of me.

We find each other under the cover of moonlight.
We are in tune with our love;
We have one love on our minds.
Sensuality must be our priority,
So I can once more savour your touch,
As you welcome my touch.

You are my pretty picture I can’t help but paint,
To show the world what I see.
When I think about the two letter word ‘Us’,
I know I’m right where I want to be.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Useless love

I’m so full of useless love; nobody wants it.
They can have it for free; I can’t even give it away.
I’m so sick of this useless love; there is no point,
In being so pessimistically disappointed,
Or even trying to speak about, this hopeless romantic love.  Hooray!  
Is not a word I use lightly, only sarcastically.
Misery, my only continuous companion; gone is passion,
For useless love.  Take it all away.

Remove this heart, this useless thing;
This useless love that exists, inside of me.
Remove yourself from my nothing; the bitter waste of your pity.
Keep it all; you need it more, than you will ever need me.
The final fall, worth nothing at all; this useless, useless love.

Loser speaks; says nothing, of interest.
Stop listening to my silence;
Just try your best to be apathetic and not detest.
Just admit that you do not care; join me in my despair.
Go away, I will lock the door.
You will not have to see me crawl
And beg for this useless love, once more.
Just take it all!  This useless love.
I cannot take it at all, anymore.

Stone; gone; pause.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Use me again.

I’m not sure what I think of you,
But I still have to come and use you.
I’m not sure what I think of you,
But I shall let you use me too.

There’s a tidal wave of pressure, crashing down upon me;
I think it’s time, to refocus my energy.
I need to lift this weight off my shoulders;
To remove your expectations and set myself free.

All I want, from you, is nothing!
All you need is all you see.
Why did you not, buy a conscience?
Why can you not, sell your greed?

Give me a gun, so I can eat a bullet;
Break my skull, with just one bite.
The hole in my head, let’s out the blood;
The cold air needs, to rush inside and hide.

Our time has now, just burnt away,
Into a cloud of misspent youth.
All I was looking for was love…
I only found sorrow and contempt for you.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

In utopia there is no war;
No angry raised voices, just a smile on every face.
There is a place without a need to be poor;
Without a money system, there is no greed or hate.

The sun shines daily, unless you are in need of the rain,
Then the Heaven’s will open to wash any sadness away.
Freedom is in the air and morality is at the centre of everything.
This is a land of happily ever after; oh hear the angelic people sing.

There are people shaking hands, saying “How do you do?”
There is no fighting in the street,
There is no crime and no-one is homeless or blue,
Because all are able to succeed and remain stable.
Every King has a Queen and everybody lives in their own castle;
Be it big or small, skyscraper or bungalow.
Everybody feels at home here and they always have a place they can go.

The streets are always clean; the charity workers are buzzing bees;
Content, it has to be said, there is no-one begging on their knees,
For a coin to feed their starving children;
They are all fed and happy and the fun never ends for them.

People are swimming in lakes, so crystal clear;
The water is warm in the evening and the fish swim without fear.
There are genie lamps to grant wishes, so if you wish to fly,
They will give you your wings and you will soar through the sky!

Boredom does not exist; you are able to do a million different things
And when you are ready and have done everything,
You are taken to a beautiful new land;
The kingdom of Queens and Kings,
Where angels speak of dreamers and love is guaranteed.

There are clouds to rest upon and there is no cold,
Unless you want to feel the refreshing breeze of the wind on your soul
And as you enter the mansion, gold doors slowly open without hands;
The entrance welcomes you to come inside and see the wise woman.

The wisest of them all, The Oracle.
She is so knowledgeable,
That any question can be answered without delay
And she understands your every thought.
With grace she takes you by the hand
And leads you through a beautiful door into your next wonderland…

And so it continues, for the rest of time
And if you ever want to return, then you just have to think it
And it will be.
Through endless doors
And with the advice of infinite oracles;
Time is non-existent for all,
For this is utopia…
What would you like it to be?

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2018

Mental exhaustion, burn out, constant confusion.
Fix me; leave me to find a way to a solution.
Juggle many ***** in the air and watch them fall.
I crash to the floor, unseen by you all.

Lift me up by letting go.
This balloon needs a break from all the noise.
I used to have the coolness of snow,
Now I am at melting point and I am without choice.

Follow the line with pressure feet;
Crawl through the crowd of demands I must meet.
I accept all charity, but no help seems to be forthcoming.
So alone I fight with the demons inside;
I don’t think I will ever be winning.
I lose my way,
I lose the fight,
As I lose the will to try…

Hollow eyes tell my story;
Vacant space between the ears;
Ever closer to seeing the glory;
Always one step too far, so close, so near,
But so far away from ever succeeding;
I just do not have the understanding.

I just do not have the time
And I certainly do not have the energy.
A state of mind, no place to hide,
My head used to be my sanctuary,
In which I could confide,
But now I cannot…simplify.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

As I walk through these gates ahead,
I am left, I am left; I am left behind.
In this cold world when there is nothing but regrets,
I fall to my knees to pray, all I can say is why?

As the beauty shines from up above,
I am alone in fields of thorns, waiting on a sign.
In a land of darkness, I am searching for true love,
But there is nothing out there to be found, all the flowers have died.

The roses I carry are wilting away,
The basket I made has holes throughout.
The hope I once had will never find me again
And as I fall I can no longer carry on, there is too much to doubt.

When I look up into the night sky,
All I see is an empty galaxy; we are alone in this life.
A single moon shines down upon me from way up high,
But I am without direction, because I am left broken
And I am without light.

My soul is calling out; wishes are the only words I have left.
I need to find myself a place where only I exist.
This place of humanity is without, all promises, never said.
As the darkness surrounds me I am buried by my regrets.

A haunting voice whispers in the wind
And I can hear the shadows calling my name.
A single whisper that is forever becoming,
Ten thousand voices; echoes remain.

Bones are all I have beneath my skin,
I have ejected all my feelings onto paper.
When the moon disappears behind a black cloud I begin,
To close my eyes, I vanish beneath,
The words that I shouted…into the never.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019
Video killed the radio star

I do lyrics, not politics.
I play songs, not what is right or wrong.
What I listen to should not concern you.

If you listen to The Beatles,
It does not mean you took a trip.
If you hear Bob Marley on the radio,
It does not mean you smoked a spliff.
If you like Marilyn Manson, it does not make you racist.
TV is not to blame for tragedies.

What is wrong with society?...

You find faults because you have too many to choose from.
You are so perfect, so you blame me for mentioning a song.

Video killed the radio star…
Put the blame on VCR.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Violent heartbeat

Poets are sponges, we take it all inside.
We keep it for use later, safely in the back of our minds.
A memory, an image; a picture of a picture.
We are the student, the expert, the novice and the teacher.

This is all I have to give!  This and nothing more.
Nevermore shall I lead forward; stand alone and learn to crawl.
For I am but an infant, inside this land of experts;
I have nothing of importance to say,
Except, I love the way you use those words,
With a memory so clearly full of megahertz.

I am forever learning how to talk in verse;
Exaggerate the truth, some say there are lies beneath those words.
Poetry is yours to do as your own.
Someone else’s opinion shouldn't affect your writing,
So find your feet in your own time and hope to become well known.

Empty your mind of negativity, so you can become free and shapeless;
Then you can become anything you want to understand.

You can become that thing without effort ever being wasted;
Write like you mean it, with a violent heartbeat
And all you will become is a writer and a poet
And on the shoulders of giants you shall stand.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Visiting the palace

In palace corridors the music glides throughout minds
And finds itself welcomed and ignored at the same time.
It drifts in and out like the smiles on the faces,
Which say they are happy, but there are also traces,
Of nervousness; some emotionless.
The never ending search for acceptance.

Wishing to fit in, but never able to attain a place,
For you are born below and below you will always remain;
But still you try to become more,
As you walk the beautiful palace corridors.

Never fitting in, trying to not stand out,
When all you are made to do is stand around.
Never making your way into,
So always ending up without.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

He is just a pauper, preaching from his own pulpit.
All the thoughts he has, have grown from his own agony.
Beaten down, but never kept down; he is not in sync.
Living one way, his way.  At war with everybody.

One fist holding a flower, with a hand upon his heart;
He has never known a love like yours, so give him your sympathy.
Down on his knees, he is crying in the dark;
Begging for you to just show him a little mercy.

Anti-social, humanitarian ghost;
No longer does he believe in the hope you offer and the joy you see.
Happy Days is just a T.V. programme; not a thing he knows.
Death and despair is all the news shows today
And there are no hippies to bring him some peace.

A countdown to oblivion is the only image he can see;
An Armageddon with love and hate…he is our last hope.
This is the time, this is the hour; let us not be empty.
Share loves wealth around; give him thanks and not rejection…
Betrayal is a no, no.

Last man standing under a banner with a heart design;
Let a pacifist army march with him, as he holds his flag up high.
Let all the wandering lost souls, be drawn to what he has inside.
He is the keeper of the secrets of how to love;
Let just one soul see what he keeps within, so he can save two lives.

When all others have fallen beneath the sword,
A lone man will walk beyond the ruins and find a paradise.
If you have faith in him, he will be all yours;
Let him show you a future where we all love each other…

Allow him to help you to visualize.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Sep 2018
Viva la morning sun

Midnight, dark night, no light, can’t go.
So dark, so quiet, so I guess the neighbours are not home.
Waiting for sleep to arrive, but it never does on time.
Still waiting to permanently close my eyes;
But match sticks under baggy eye lids,
Will not show me the peaceful dreams I need to find.

Brain storms while outside it is silent.
Not a raindrop in the air.
Sun will rise shortly, as will the neighbours;
They all arise without a care.
I will hear their alarms and the beeping of their cars
And each and every door they all slam, *******!

Muffled music drives away and I am left with clinking milk bottles.
How I hate to hear the milk man moving in full throttle.
The bin men arrive flashing their ‘vehicle is reversing’ lights.
I close my eyes, but they peek around the curtain…sigh.
People are busy nattering and I am left sinking;
There is no calling for the postman singing.
The birds have not even got their song books out yet,
Because there is too much noise, for all their rehearsing.

Now I arise from the deep pit in which I dwell.
The zombie arisen, the power button pressed, another day of Hell.
In a state of half-dress the violins begin,
Quietly at first, but soon a full orchestra of noise;
A cup of tea is soon ready to drink.
This symphony would wake the whole neighbourhood,
If it wasn’t for all the toys and work, which mean they are already up.

The din would be said to be deafening, ironic,
If I cared to hear those muggles out there, but today is supersonic
And the strings are rising up to the top of the planet,
And I am drifting within the music’s magic.

I am taken away to a classical age,
Where maidens play while in-waiting in castles.
The beer is served in tankards,
Meat ripped with fists and soldiers prepare for battle.
This warrior mind has no strength for a Queen,
The zenith passed, the air up here is so clean
And now the end of the song approaches
And with a whimper, I remember, the line of forgotten roaches…

I raise to my height, now at full length, a citizen.
Viva la revolution!  I am at one with creation.
Hello Earth and morning sun!
Let me feel your warmth…my morning divine, my elation.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018

With the sweetest of voices, she called out my name.
Once again I crave to hear her say;
I love you today and every day.
She will never be forgotten, not even at the end of days.

Once in a lifetime you will find someone who is worth it;
One who deserves love and shows it.
Just once more I crave the moment she says it,
She means it and she really shows it.

Because loving her is so easy to do,
When there is nothing left to lose.
But this is not my choice to choose.
Will you love me like I love you?

I need to know; I need to know;
Will you love me too? I need your touch.
If you hold me I’ll never let you go,
Because if I loved you; I would have enough.

What have I got to do to prove my love to you?
What will it take for you to hear my words?
I’ve been up and down and broken in two
And now all I wish is for my voice to be heard.

(C)2012 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey May 2019

Politics?  I won’t vote for it,
Because everybody is a liar and they only do as they see fit.
Without consequence, they miss-represent.
The truth is just an afterthought.
Forget the house of common sense.

You gave them the power to ruin your life,
By voting for a change of time and closing your eyes
And with fingers crossed, you hope for the best,
But too soon they just forget,
Every promise they made before they took their chance…again.
Now they will do all they can to stay
And stop you ever getting your way.
They take their pay rise and stop you having your say;
Well it is your choice that is made.

I will not be to blame for not wanting to vote.
So you can tell me I cannot speak, because I chose to say no.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018

I love you…

With every drop of every tear,
That I will ever spill from my eyes.
With every bead of sweat,
That will ever fall from my brow.

You are my reason for joy;
You are my reason for pride.
Until the end of all that which could ever be;
Until even after I have died…
You are my reason;
Our new life starts now.

For now we begin as one;
We are no longer two.

From now I will always stand proudly at your side.
From now until the end,
Through thick and through thin…
You will be my truth.

I will love you, like I always have, until the end of time.
I will love you, even after I have long since died.
I will love you after there are no longer disco stars in the sky!
I will love you forever and even after we have each risen up on high.

Because you love me,
I already have,
All I will ever need,
To make me happy.

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Mar 2019
Waiting and wishing.

I see each woman stood in front of me,
Could possibly hurt me, or save me today.
I can’t see which is which, or who will become a *****,
Like I cannot distinguish your face,
From the faces I’ve seen, in all of my dreams.
From the faces I see, every day in front of me.

But if you are out there, I’m waiting here,
For this place, I just cannot leave.
For this is the place I have chosen dear,
For this is the place that I live
And it keeps me here, safe from the world
And it keeps me here, just waiting for your love.

For friendship I willingly offer you.
A relationship I guess we could have;
But for you to find love with me my dear,
I guess I’ll have to make you laugh
And make you happy, all of the time,
For I am simply, another guy.

But if you are willing to stay with me,
Then this life I offer to you.
If you are willing to be with me,
Then I could improve all that I do.
For you could be, my personal muse;
You could be with me, if you choose.

So I’ll simply ask you a question.
I’ll simply offer you my hand.
I’ll simply await your decision,
On if you would like a new boyfriend.

Here I am, just waiting on your call.
Here I am and here I shall remain.
Here I am, just needing your love.
If you come with me, I shall never walk away.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Waiting for an angel

Waiting in Heaven for my Angel to arrive.
I hope I wait a long time before my Angel dies;
Before she is brought up to Heaven…
To once more be at my side.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jun 2018
Waiting in line

All that I knew.
Simply a lie.
Waiting in line, for all of my life.
Waiting in line;
Behind all of those,
Who are still waiting to fall in love.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Aug 2018
Waiting to be found

It breaks my heart to see and feel love,
It’s so overwhelming to cope with.
I try to feel nothing then I see how much,
I need to believe in love and hope to believe.

We need to have something to believe in,
Be it religion or love or destiny.
Whatever you believe or hope for in life,
Love is real and will not be doubted by me.

Love is the reason I wake up every day,
It is my lifelong search for happiness that drives me forward in hope.
It doesn’t matter if you believe in true love,
Just heed the words I say because nobody knows,
What will happen tomorrow.

Our destiny is already written
And when you love it cannot be denied.
You know it is the truth to you and they can see it in your smile.

Love is all you need to make the world go around.
I love love; love loves me.
I am waiting to be found.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Walking down Main Street

As the rain pours down and all the people are indoors,
I walk down Main Street, under my umbrella, alone with the world.
The moon is full, the air is cold,
But I am at peace in this town where nobody ever goes.

They only pass on through, as they think there is nothing here to do,
But there is so much to be seen, if they would only take the time;
But nobody ever has the time,
Because as they say “time flies!”
And this place is no fun, when you have money and you are young;
They all seem to be…in such a rush…

The other old timers watch them all just pass on by.
This old town may not have those alluring big city lights,
But it does have its charms, its people and a picturesque beauty.
If only they had the time to see;
But their minds are closed and they all have some other place to go,
So they will never know of this town
And it’s charming folks…

There goes Taylor-Rose; I guess her parents wanted twins,
But she has no siblings, so I guess she is their blessing.
Their pride and joy, they spoke about long ago,
When they too were young and they got hitched in the snow.
It sure was cold that day, but the sun was so bright;
They said they could not wait until the summer time.
A shotgun wedding; a lasting romance.
It’s been twenty years now, for Taylor-Rose’s Mom and Dad.

There’s the old General Store
And there’s the Post Office next door.
The Doctors Surgery is three doors down,
Past the Pharmacy and The Needle and Thread Store.
At the end of Main Street, there is a sign with more names;
I turn left behind it, to get to my old house,
But I am not heading that way.
Sweet Melissa is making our supper at home again tonight;
She is so wonderful to me; I’m a lucky family guy.

I remember when we met; I had just arrived in town.
I was just passing through like all the others…
And then my car broke down.
The mechanic was busy and then he had to send off for some parts,
So I booked myself into a room at the hotel and there she was…

A housekeeper with such beauty, like none I had ever seen before.
Her parents worked in the hotel too back then;
Her Mom told me my room was on the first floor.
Eventually I asked Melissa out to dinner;
I was a loser back then, but she turned me into a winner.

Now as I turn the right way into Lovers Avenue,
I can see Melissa at home; her silhouette moves in to view.
I’ve brought her some roses, they are not red; they are blue;
They are artificial, of course, but that just means they will last longer
And they will symbolize our love…
It will never get old,
It will only grow stronger.
I should tell Melissa that, I guess it sounds kind of nice;
But I will still give her the card Madison wrote and I simply signed.

She sure is clever, that Madison in the flower shop;
She always writes a verse of poetry for Melissa, from me,
When I cannot find the right words, to say what I want.
I’m just a simple kind of man, with love and our anniversary on my mind,
So I thought I would remind Melissa that I truly love her…
I’m so lucky to be her guy.

Three knocks on the door and “I’ll be right there.”
My love opens the door
And there is the smell of freshly baked bread in the air.
“It’s nearly done; did you forget your key?
Oh are those for me?” She smiles
And I go weak at the knees.

“I didn’t use my key, because I wanted to recreate our first date;
Do you remember me nervously knocking on your door?”
“Oh; the memories.  
And all these years later, you are still…my love.”
“I’m sorry I am late.”
“Nonsense, you’re just in time.”  She smiles at me
And after supper and dessert, we are both still smiling…

I have to go now, for my time is all just for Melissa…
So long memory lane; I hope you enjoyed the memories.
I sure am glad I didn’t just drive on through;
Just think what would have happened, if I had never met her…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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