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june ivy May 2020
Insidious night.
Encapsulate me forever,
I beg.

The word 'depressed' is trite.
Just like love, I feel more than I can say.
I hide behind apathy
Yet my emotions control me every day.
Typewriter1 Apr 2020
Forgive forget regret

Somethings are just too hard to forgive
Some people are just too much to forget

I'm ruining my life and no one understands why.
But i do i just can't seem to tell you why

But tell me am i the problem to why this **** happens
I mean you seem to make it out as it is my fault

The **** that happens you don't know the half of it yet you don't bother to ask
Not that i would waste my breath in telling you what i need you to hear

No no you only want to hear what makes you happy, so have you thought that maybe just maybe this is why i don't want to hear from you?

Come on you have to question it.
Yes i listen to what u want me i agree so you don't get mad at me not because i agree to what you say.

Okay so we have talked about the first one forgive
Well that was leading up to that
Forgive ( definition to the word forgive, verb stop feeling angry or resentful towards someone)
But what if you just can't simply forgive.

forgive part 1
3 parts to this
Jules Oct 2019
I can't control your life
You can't let go of mine
What's left in my mind
You seem to cross my memory
If I choose close my eyes
I'll see
What's next on the other side
Yet I'm left in ponder
It's only half passed nine
But it feels like a century
Like the beginning of time
Since you said goodbye
Jules Oct 2019
You're gone
You left me
Now I'm standing here
You don't own me
But you showed me
How to be
A little happy
I'm sorry
For being sappy
But you moved on
To someone sadly

I tried twice
And again nothing
A blank stare
In silent suffering
Not left to die
But surely rotting
Away my mind
My heart unloving

You're gone
You left me
Mal Jun 2019
Take a peek inside my mind.

Are you scared yet?
Ray Dunn Mar 2019
My mind
On an axis of my creation,

It twists,
So very fast,
With not a single nudge!

It whirls
In its circles
For no reason at all.

A string tied to its base

It weaves that string tighter,
Until there is no more string to weave
And my twirl must cease.

But end! End it shall not!
The string has broken,
and my mind has won at last!

Maybe the spin,
Ever growing in speed,
Can at last go in the right direction,

Before I fall off my axis
And tumble
d o w n
d  o  w  n
This was an odd one sorry guys! Just playing with some new styles
Jann F Nov 2018
Its 3AM, and i´m all alone
nothings around me, just the walls of my empty room.

I´m sitting in front of the Window,                                                          ­     Just my silhouette, black and grey.
Listening to the songs we used to hear together,
but now you're gone,
and i´m sitting here all alone on my empty Throne

Hope your journey goes on and on,
maybe you will notice where you belong
Watching outside, the rain keeps falling down
just one word to describe it

Behind the window I see a lonely soul,
like yours, but no peaceful mind at all
just full of useless things,
despite everything, I still think about it

Now the sun comes out, and steals the sadly beauty of the rain away
There's nothing more to say, just one simple
way to keep you in my memory
I have to catch every raindrop that falls down on my skin,
I am looking into the rainy clouds,
just the see your teardrops falling,
falling into my Soul
Gangothrii Aug 2018
It’s an odd romance,
Yet it felt so right,
The charcoal that paints the pristine whites.
Like the scratches and scores across the flawless skin,
The smell of graphite sunk in her skirts,
A touch so rough, yet she yearns.

The creator smiled in delight,
The satisfaction shown in the depths,
From the soul the words formed,
Strung to a garland that met the lead.
The curves and lines the charcoal drew,
Made her quiver in pleasure and pain.

The creator dwelled in these sounds and sights,
Of the romance between his pen and paper.
Like water for a parched throat,
The words soothed many souls.
Write is all I love to do,
A delicious *******,
Between me, my book, and my pen.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
The thought beetle.

There is a little thought beetle deep within my mind;
He is going around, searching for a rhyme.
He digs out my unconscious thoughts
And helps me to write another line.
When his work is done, he hibernates
And I sit back and smile.  

The ladybird flutters around inside my head;
She is in search of the pages, I haven't written yet.
She zips and darts, flitting from here to there;
She is always in a hurry and she is a nervous wreck.  

The worm is just turning another corner, in my brain's maze;
He's having a look around, to see if there's anything I need to say.
Anything I forgot to mention; he will find what needs to be said.
The slowly moving worm is lazy, but he is useful in his own way,

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
M Jan 2018
My mind wanders
Leaving a part of me behind, catching up doesn't seem
to stop- it's inevitable
Is has a life of it's own
Nothing seems to stop the constant hunger of wanting-
Wanting. Wanting it's own mind aside from I.
How is that even possible?

Clearly i am over thinking.
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