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sainche micano Oct 2015
i learnt how to burst when i lost my trust in you
i was a rose of Eden's nights
beneath a dome of dawn's star
little could i secure...
but fairly, i was pure enough to endure
till my breath became a betrayed justice
and your warmth began to heat up
became hot..a furnace of drowning relations
for all i could be is burnt if i survived
there is nothing we could save but ourselves
cause no matter how good..
it all became a severe overdose
and the poisons embraced the reactions my companion is with me
they say cold  ...
but this is one who stayed by me
wrapped my heart..woke me up at night
and said hello in the morning
after impatient sailing of goodnight kisses
i learnt how to burst when i lost my trust in you
sainche micano Sep 2015
i burst my heart out for you
you **** the breath out of me
my fragile ego..
is getting lost onto you

so i'll say,
long live dear conqueror
you've taken all of me
beside a pond to save my thirst these
Poetic T Aug 2015
I wallow in submerged thoughts,
Each movement is a drowning moment
Wasted energies of nothing
Under foot or part.
Will I submerge my inner self
In desperation,
Or will I float on hope.
Reliance is a bubble,
One that can easily be pierced
Then we sink beneath the crumbling thoughts
And we submerge slowly into tainted obscurity.
Paul Sands Jun 2015
the air seized it’s chance today screaming
“**** me!”
and every seed burst
obligingly in a torrent of stars and silken hope
yet a mere quarter hence
the deciduous mantle will slip, dowager dry and lentigo browned,
to dance tiny pirouettes with devils of dust & grit
amongst a litter of sepia confetti as summer’s rusted brides fall
their contract fulfilled
In honour of all the cotton fluff filling the air today here’s a older reflection of a previous years event
Dee Bach Jun 2015
Why do I have to be so confident all the time?
It’s as if I’m not allowed to be full of broken pieces
I have to be whole, for someone to want me
But who of us feels whole 100 percent of the time?
Isn’t 90% enough?
For some reason though,
We are taught to hold this all in
“Girls, guys like to see confidence”
“Show a little attitude and strut
           your stuff to grab his attention”
“Make a statement!”
With all the broken bottled up…
….it’s bound to burst.
Anna Marie May 2015
A bold abundance of magnificent color burst as the sun makes its way into the pail atmosphere. As I sit and watch the stunning work of art appear, I hear the wild turkey scuttle through the dry reeds. It is morning, and the animals of the forest are awakening. Looking up at the trees, I notice a great many birds soar up towards the endless ocean-blue sky. A buck and doe silently wonder through the thicket. I decide to walk back toward the house when I glance at a small gray-eared rabbit dash out of sight in to the brush. This is my backyard. My quiet, thinking place. This is where I go when all the troubles in my life are too many; or if homework is unbearable. Other times I go just because I enjoy the peace and quiet. When I walk outside each morning, I can choose to lie on the grass, or swing on an abandoned rope swing hanging from the tallest tree. As I plop myself down to unwind on the cold ground, I think of what a beautiful place this is. This is my quiet place. My own little world of nature.
Estherzz21 Apr 2015
Silence.*  *And.  Rage.

The beast in the cage.
Mercy till its death.
To enact on stage,
Forever holds its breath.

Ignited.  And.  Away.

The beast in the cage,
Patience was its gift.
Straining with its edge,
Finally out with swift.

*For them to grieve
For them to heave.
Anger is a sign of defeat;
So I kept my beast in the cage,
Hidden and secure,
Tamed and sharpen.
To await upon time,
For its leash to be loose.
Miranda Renea Jul 2014
Today I saw a tiny bubble
Dodging damp bullets between
***** sidewalks and blackened drains--
The rain of colors swirled in a world
Inverted, and my renege sister stared;
Caged, as she was, by such fragile walls of air.
Daylight 4U2C May 2014
I get the crust and the gristle of a thistle once a missile shooting out into the sky and I cry, wonder why. Never sure what I feel for the meal of a deal and then words more like air slip the breeze in my hair, butterflies in the skies killing what kept my alive. Oh too bad, well how sad, if the songs last lines din't matter it'd harm, it'd make the soul so very mad. Here I fall, there I stand like a robot dancing to the tunes. It's demand. Hear I laugh, hear I cry. I hear the screams and feel the burn, so why? Why unsure, of what's telling me my life is so impure. Threatened heart, from the strings that wrap it, tearing it apart. Feel the clench of a bundle of what you yourself have drench and so benched. And you threw to me the horror show, I never so have thought would reckon me to be. I, to be, it's master and it's longing family, here I cry. Hear "I" cry. For I exist in heart, but never, not in mind. There I stand once again as a memory of all that I pretend. If I tried, to be real, the pieces fall apart inside. So I hide, then I quiver and I shake as 'me' is inside. I can touch to the shelter covered in the unbelieving, underachieving to be who I know I am to be. Or at least what you see. I crush the old me and start anew, though I grew. I, immortal to myself have stomped the true. And I become something greater than simple little shrew. Do not lie! For I see with one eye, the look through me. What you see is a host, not the ghost, that lives on. "Awh, look at me. I'm so strong!" Laugh along. Child there. Where? Oops, forgot to care. Now I stare, towards the end that's never ending like this script. Never ending. Twist and bending. Don't kid me, I'm no kid. I'm the body of a youth, but I am dead. I've destroyed myself, if others didn't do a perfect job. Hold up stop! I'm letting go, a bubble that will pop. It will burst, destroying me, if it doesn't **** me first. Here I stand. Hear I cry. There I go. I have died.
I don't know if I posted this before, but I don't think so.
Cory Meece Apr 2014
I think it's ridiculous guys apparently have to text first
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