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Aug 2019 · 3.2k
Love of Life
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
The blue of my deep ocean
my sunrise at dawn
the red of my rose.

My fiery beauty in the gentle breeze
My evergreen earth and missing heaven
on the other side of the wood
My golden old, present of now
and future fairytale
The song of my nightingale.

The colours of my day
lapis lazuli hue of my sky.
My graceful white cloud
over the rainbow
My serene night in the shadow.

My golden ratio design
My solemn rise for the star
over the hashed twilight hill  
when the day is done!

My love of life
My joy my patience
My secret made for heaven.
My Sun at the peak and my Moon
on the other side of the pool.
My homemaker above the storm
My fluid innermost.
Aug 2019 · 593
The Sun at My Home
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
The sun is a small paintbrush
every morning it rolls with colour
and paints at my home the first light
exposes it as new as ever!
Not by the Moon nor by the star
but by me my home my planet earth!
Aug 2019 · 762
Something Is Missing
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
What will you do, should you do
If you are led pass to fly
far from the sight at the twilight?
Slip into a tucked away serene sky
Keeping your head held high
Sway free by posy astro ewers.
And as you please pick n fill them  
With your so exquisite star-flowers!
Then you may well fancy reaching out
to the Moon bubbling on the edge of the night.

If you then swing back at the day peep
Wake up listening to the nightingale singing
Now can you interpret what is it saying?

Or when all is in place something is missing?
Aug 2019 · 935
Live Your Imaginaton
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
Making the global village
a success story.
Live out of your imagination
not your history!
Aug 2019 · 756
Red Rose
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
A treat for every eye
a potion for every cup
a room for everyone.
One day the sun
will drop into a lap on earth.
It looked red, red
the first day it shone
is still the same red rose!
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
The earth without the light
is unseen not because it's dark.
Every morning shines on it
a new picture-perfect sunrise!

It's the sun's upside down heaven black canvas
the arch painter can paint on it from afar
off the sky until it takes a nap in shadowy twilight.

The earth by the sea isn't a beauty only skin deep
beneath its barely scratched surface billow seven seas.
Over the abyss down this way nothing is dark
with all the stars wake is half-lit clement moonlight.

The waxing moon again will be full looking on the sea-mirror
but won’t drop in the deepwater can’t touch the bottom line.

****** earth a veiled beauty packs the power flow in the heart
so fluid in its midst the river, the sea, the ocean all run melodious!
Aug 2019 · 524
In Love
Shofi Ahmed Aug 2019
Up and down
Far and near
In love closest is tear.
Jul 2019 · 507
Show Your ID
Jul 2019 · 1.4k
When You Are With Me
Shofi Ahmed Jul 2019
When you are with me
forever is not long.
The sea is a drop
so sweet a potion.

The earth is not
too big is short
I can walk along.

How can I compare you
only with the rose
you are much more.

When a dazzling day is gone
a half-lit world in bloom
full of stars we can tour.
I wonder just a one Moon
how many stars and lullaby songs
can it count on
that to you the stars croon!
Jul 2019 · 640
The Beauty
Shofi Ahmed Jul 2019
Before beauty
God created
beautiful human
is to be seen and sense!
Jun 2019 · 1.7k
God versus Intellect
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2019
With intellect alone
can't find God.
God is smarter
try with love!
Jun 2019 · 923
The Perfumed Rosy Soul
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2019
Given that a body
veils its better soul.
I pondered upon
looking at the beautiful rose
whats more does it withhold?
Its heady fragrance
made me wonder even more!
Jun 2019 · 770
Move Big Start Small
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2019
Move big start small the golden ratio
is always 1.618 something is never 2.
But gives the formula to design flawlessly on the go
from micro to macro level all the way to the true north!
Jun 2019 · 710
Don't Give Up
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2019
As long as a man
and a woman is, hear,
we are not to give up!
May 2019 · 1.1k
Lucky Blue Lucky Man
Shofi Ahmed May 2019
When God indeed
rubs a forehead with luck
what on earth can hide that?

For how long, how far
eclipsing on the way
can the clouds roam high?

The wind will blow
and will rain them down.
Ah, the pure blue in luck,
in abundance, up in the sky
always shines out!

That's a trait of the eternally blue
The lucky colour sets the better backdrop
for the shimmering sun in the sky.
Luckier is a man with a righteous wife!
May 2019 · 982
Who is She?
Shofi Ahmed May 2019
One can't see one's self
through the other
the discovery is made together.
The show is destined for a duo.

That one is her mirror
through the very one
one matchless nature see
Who is she?
May 2019 · 784
With Love
Shofi Ahmed May 2019
Tieying a couple the man
and woman with love is God's
most beautiful creation.
May 2019 · 737
The True North
Shofi Ahmed May 2019
Have a petal from down the sun,
a lapis lazuli hue of the blue sky
and a breath of fresh air?
All these are in place so on so forth,
now head to the true north!
Apr 2019 · 1.2k
Heaven on Earth
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
So what if the sky
won't let you walk away
with a patch of the blue sky.
Catch that slip through
the fingers close by
'a pair of butterflies'.
It does a matter whether
you say there is or there is none
truth is a piece of heaven is on earth!
Apr 2019 · 3.4k
No Light No Colour
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
Will it be shining again all blue water?
Now is up to the luck.
Far from the twilight beach the sun
jumped in the sea is out of the light out of colour.
Lest it dives out catching the moon in the dark!

Twinkly stars, the studded diamond set
up in the high sky softly whisper:
As dark descends, a new moon
can drown with blindfolded eyes
but never lose her sway!

Over the black canvas of the darkened sea
lapping up one more dwarf - a submerged sun,
the untouched moon comes out.
And by now all the half-lit light bulbs up in the sky,
the cherubic stars are mirrored upon the sea water.
Now will the moon paint its mystique blue limelight
or will toy away once again being untouched?
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
Tell us the Truth
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
Oh, you already had a look?
Not me I am not hooked
but tell me if you could
how did it look?
Please tell us the truth.

Like the sun at noon
shining upon the rose?
Or a veiled beauty
in the dark hewn
like the Moon?
Apr 2019 · 2.2k
The Summer Bumblebees
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
The sky is eye wide open
so bright a lapis lazuli hue.
The houri fair maid of heaven
colour in every shade of blue,
up to the door, she must have come through.

See the rosy spring's
bumblebees are on their wings.
Ah, the sweet flowing southern breeze
wafts along with the blue bees.
It must have thought,
humming up on a high they go,
but no!  

The sea sitting deep beneath is out and about
jumps to blue sky and slides down from the clouds
sweeping the land dance on the rivers.
By now, the silent land's sleeping beauty must be
wake by the mellifluous water nymphs.
The bottom is still a far cry; the water is cascading,
so are the bumblebees softly descending.
Beneath the open heaven's painting
into the honey spring, the punters take a peep.
Apr 2019 · 797
Love Can Do It
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
Turn the sea upside down
Love can do it.

Light the night with warmth
Love can do it.

Move the mountain with a stroke
Love can do it.

Fill the storm with soothing music
Only love can do it!
Apr 2019 · 945
Love Pain
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
Love loving -
               love pain!
Because you will also
               have a lot of it.
It's up to you -
               to complain!
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
My hunger pangs reducing beauty
not showing up in the mirror.

Goodness knows how did that though
agile inside me, into my tucked away
alleyways to my heart and whisper:

'Why only the face - you are never
too old to see my mind!'
Apr 2019 · 11.8k
The Month Ahead Is Ramadan
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2019
Our world today shines much brighter
the month ahead is Ramadan!
Blooming upon us is the best of the months
Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadan!

Chockablock with pure blessings
is the oasis in the opulence.
Bountifully raised dizzying high
comes with the Night of Measures
better than a thousand months.
Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadan!

Everyone, near and far
only look up high!
No rainbow can outshine
the finest face of the serene moon
is about to show up.
Welcome it loud with the whole heart
Ahlan wa sahlan ya Ramadan!
Mar 2019 · 1.9k
Why No Paradise
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Anyone with a stroke of luck
can be a king or queen on earth!
Why there can’t be a lucky paradise?
Mar 2019 · 562
Flower in the Fire
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Flower in the fire
The sea in a drop of water!
Mar 2019 · 2.9k
Just A Moment With A Rose
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Just a moment with a rose
that may come with a dew or so!
Ah, thousand and one fairy nymphs
wait for that sweet mo.

That moment painting the sky all blue
the sun hanging low
down the cool rainbow
will roll into an upspring water drop.

Oh, save a dew on the rose
if only one knew from
what a spring does it float!
Mar 2019 · 465
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Be the beauty
you want!
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Spring upon the rose and live on the flow
delve into the fragrance goes full tilt
on the petals never gone with the wind.

Let it be like it's without a form
without a visual show,
let's not forget the truth
even in a pitch dark invisible mo
the moon puts up a show.
And believe it or not that all round sweet spot
artistic paragon paradise could be the next stop.

The butterfly paradise slips out to fly
wafts into the enduring scent of a paint so bold.
Lo, on its picturesque wings it has all the eyeballs
where does it reach out to no one knows.
It's on the other side of the pool
only the Queen Fathima knows that sweet spot!

Any pause is deadly heavy-handed on that route
death is no more is totally unknown,
and time is rife for beauteous eye on for good!
If only one can hold to their eyeballs
all that walk on that secret alleyways of God!

Oh, they flower in the fire
and dip into the sea in a drop of water
pan out to the other world within the world.
This time Moses resists is for the open eyes
peep over the burnt Mount Sinai.
Gaze on wearing the burnt kohl - the shady
pollens down the Ultimate Burning Beauty!

When it's live in the true terra incognita
could be over the paradise's rainbow
the one truth seekers most sought after show
before long the rest may fade into kohl. 
Godsent beautified feminine paragon Fathima
leads lifting the black screen off the bat casts a gaze
from each of her never-blurred myriad fractal pixels.
All in all even the never known pi digits in totto
soak up in the one true description of realty show!

Be en-route, it's only the chosen eyes' wonder show
the handsome swans in paradise are on their toes.
Mar 2019 · 2.6k
New Zealand Mosque Massacre
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Tomorrow New Zealand's
beautiful sunrise won't see
some forty plus lives that they too
never expected to miss.

The rose will flower for them too
brimming with brightest hues
to colour the wind.
So are the nightingales have the lyrics
for them to sing.

Not to mention like yesterday
people around of all walks and colours  
expected to greet them good morning!

Alas, it won't happen tomorrow
one openly fired at the peaceful setting.
Killed them all in one go
loved by all the humankind around
and naturally nurtured by reality!
Because we have an enemy within.
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Looking in the eyes of Rumi
in the eyes of Shakespeare,
can we see their great poetry
that today like yesterday everywhere
the world has seen and admire?
Yet see the magic they pen on the paper!
Mar 2019 · 910
A small little Pearl
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
It may be only
a little pearl.
But someone
reached out to it
peeping in the giant sea.
Mar 2019 · 672
Love All
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
Love is everyone's cup of tea
is forever new everyone wants it.

More so everyone can give it
a lot of it, a boatload of it.

Keep loving, keeps the world moving!
Mar 2019 · 1.1k
Open Your Eyes
Shofi Ahmed Mar 2019
I will walk blindfolded
towards you.

I will forget I am walking
down the full moon.
One that's painstakingly alluring
so pure mesmerising beautiful.

Any star gets a glimpse of it
loses its sleep keeps eying on it
waking all night and it witnesses:
'The cutie is shining over my head'.

I will still keep it shut
I will let my sea sighs in the dark
while keep walking on my way.

Until you say so your sweet word:
'Now you do, open your eyes'!
Feb 2019 · 482
Seventh Returns
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
When time folding life goes by,
For a while did I ask for.

When the day folding sight goes by,
And its other face being unveiled
Fluxless moon glaring into the edge of night;
Being gazed upon by millions of stars
For a view did I ask for.

When the moon dance leads the starry night,
And takes the deep based mine,
The ocean dancing along;
For a space did I ask for.

When the red blossoms,
Where the tender zephyr's aroma blows,
****** green of the Earth break-throughs,
For a smell did I ask for.

Heaven wreathed the sun,
With garlands of myriad planets,
When the depth of the night is found,
And millions of lives awaken,
Over the violet Earth,
Singing nightingales upon the rose!
For hearing did I ask for.

Where the spring flourishes,
Into the meadows midst,
Spring from the secrets within!
Beneath the shadowy bower
Wherein the sun shines
Into the eternal shadow!
For a drink did I ask for.

When to reach end, the blooming flowers
The spring flourishes, utilize to the end,
For a touch did I ask for.

When rises the angelic dawn,
With the whole world anew,
And breaks through once more!
For a return did I ask for.

For your world brimful,
When I am no longer in,
But in nobody, an empty brim!
To fill them all I ask for!
Feb 2019 · 516
The World
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
The world is
because goodness exceeds!
Feb 2019 · 3.9k
Beauty in the Dark
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
Far from the light,
you, me, we live inside.
In one's own space
it's a far cry from the sun.

To show up though everyone
needs a slice of the sun.
But except one,
her beauty shines in the dark!
Feb 2019 · 765
Nothing but Everything
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
Thing is it's not a thing
is nothing but it cares
is at the heart of all things!

Following the first chirping
of the bird at the crack of dawn.
Floating clouds rendering
with the colour of the wind.
Take a sneak view of the day
at the first sight of the rose.
Believe it or not, the sun does it
every day every morning.
And paints the day, paint yours!
Paint your imagination, do it
as you please, the sky is no limit.

No one is behind, the sunrise
paintbrush is still wet is striving.
New every mo the time is on the move
springs in charting the full-blown spring.
The old rose is still the same beautiful
Happy with all remarks everything
till to date, it minds nothing, nothing!
Feb 2019 · 5.0k
A Colour Never Withers
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
The sun was so close to
the fingertips of the earth mother
while the rose bloomed so bright
the first morning the sun rose on the earth.
The sun spaced up high up to the blue sky
so the colour of the rose may not wither.

The mother Fathima smiled even brighter
upon the rose, the sun draws back every sunrise
is ever closer till to date a colour never withers!
Feb 2019 · 546
Not Just A Dark Passage
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
Sometimes a dark alleyway
is not just a passing passage.
Like a long haul shadow
it stays on down the moon.
Feb 2019 · 579
Know Thyself
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
Know yourself
nothing is deeper.

Better yourself
nothing is better.
Feb 2019 · 692
The Word
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
The word
moves the man
the woman.
Moves the world!
Feb 2019 · 1.2k
The Sun on the Moon in Bloom
Shofi Ahmed Feb 2019
The ocean moves
stirring the water.
But none see the sunshine
behind the full moon in bloom
that steals the starry night.
Jan 2019 · 3.0k
Beautiful Humane
Shofi Ahmed Jan 2019
Perhaps we could picture
the pretty lady with a rose.
But I wonder what on earth
is more handsome that we can
compare with a beautiful humane!
Jan 2019 · 14.8k
Zero is Deathless
Shofi Ahmed Jan 2019
Zero is enduring
zero is deathless.
Nothing is up to it
none can mirror it
though forever
it's an open case.
The eyes are yet to
see an open face!

Because like it's
nothing is in perfect shape
purely a perfect circle!
Nothing matches it
as like Fathima is none else!

Ever more sprawling pi decimals
never go unnoticed propelling
to the end surge before her.
Before the original one
Fathima is yet to be mirrored.

All the planets turn circular
before the unseen perfect circle.
Fathima nails it snapped it up
circled it with her hair!
Before the furthest sighted eyes,
the dot at the earth's centre
at its pool of primitive water.

Fathima embeds in a loop of her hair
thus supercharges the water!
It finds the cut, the golden ratio,
constant continuity in her hair's inner flow.
And the Big Bang happened
there, their breakthrough!
The potential worlds to be
from the first drop of water
she gets them all buzzed out.
From down the rock bottom,
from the zero null
Fathima finds and raises the sun!

Nothing is comparable to it on the ground
nor up on the high, we only see the fire
of a heavenly phenomenon is beyond the sight!
Shofi Ahmed Jan 2019
A man and a woman can art
their most secret way through  
from a speck of dust to heaven.

Or they can walk the walks together
living the daily hourglass ever closer.
But only to fall apart in the end
without finding an edge for themselves!

It can do heaven descends in dust
or not even in the gold it's never found.
Jan 2019 · 542
Heard in the Hearts
Shofi Ahmed Jan 2019
No word
no sound
no colour
yet a lingua
is heard in
two hearts!
Jan 2019 · 1.1k
Open Curve
Shofi Ahmed Jan 2019
It's all open through
without leaving a gap.
Got the meat in the curve.
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