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Jan 2021 · 287
Eyes Closed
Bhill Jan 2021
Eyes Closed

what do you feel, when you close your eyes
do you see the world, in an odd, unique size
how do feel, when someone says they care
can you feel the passion, when they are not there
open your eyes and see what is true
experience the frontier, that is offered to you....

Brian Hill - 1/2021 # 27
Jan 2021 · 357
Word Game
Bhill Jan 2021
as words escape from their hidden space
their meanings are free and open to embrace
as they descended from the keeper of words
they have to decide if they were nouns or verbs
take just a minute and try to understand
language is different and tough to command
some words in English, sound just the same
THEIR objective is THERE and THEY’RE quite the word game....

Brian Hill - 2021 # 16
Dec 2020 · 635
Disturbance - Rant
Bhill Dec 2020
Disturbance - Rant

in the depth of today's disturbance, there is an escape
the overwhelming evidence is in the art of discovery
learning how wrong or how right you are by the intoxicating evidence
evidence, that both sides seem to have and believe
that my friends is where a disturbance dwells
in the mirror, you will greet the only someone that can change the outcome...

happy holidays and may the image in the mirror be the one you expect

Brian Hill - 2020 # 351
Who do you see in the Mirror?
Dec 2020 · 1.1k
Brain Blow - Rant
Bhill Dec 2020
Brain Blow - Rant

nothing displeases silence as quickly as the noise
I know this sounds, literally crazy, as I try to regain poise
my mind was reduced to simple thoughts as I opened up from sleep
sometimes I know my brain just goes, with words that are too deep....!

Brian Hill - 2020 # 350
Sometimes it happens
Nov 2020 · 219
Good Riddance
Bhill Nov 2020
Good Riddance

it’s Thanksgiving day in a year that has ******
we haven't had fun, in that you can trust
it's really about over, and we all need to cheer
2020 is behind and absolutely will disappear
be thankful for the doctors, scientists , and all
be thankful for tomorrow and hope you don't fall
be careful, have some fun, wear a mask like you should
give this year the ******* and good-riddance for good...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 324
Nov 2020 · 668
Your Pardoned...
Bhill Nov 2020
it seems Prez Grinch, has a job to commit
it's that time of year, we have to admit
turkey pardoning is indeed a big thing
Prez Grinch just loves it as he thinks he's a king
the turkey is chosen and brought to the garden
it struts and it clucks and Prez says ”Your Pardoned”...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 322
Nov 2020 · 858
Met his Match
Bhill Nov 2020
Met his Match....

it seems Prez Grinch has met his match
most people agree he needs to dispatch
it won't be long before our man Joe steps in
and cleans up the mess that was not a win-win
I'm told, that in history, this story will reign
I'm hoping we learn from all the insane
let's learn to be forgiving and get back our pride
and try to all be, on at least the same side
I love this great country but hate where it's been
can we all just agree, at least try to begin?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 320
Bhill Nov 2020
there once was a land that was rich with things
everything working with no broken swings
about 4 years ago it started to fail
the spirit of the nation was turning quite pale
some thought it was good and just went along
others were appalled and knew it was wrong
what was the reason many of us asked
it appears that our rights are questioned and tasked
we rambled about and fought from within
losing some friends and a few of our kin
we need this to change we said in a vote
but the man at the top, he started to gloat
he ate up the laws and turned into a grinch
casting people about and not giving an inch
we elected in another to take on the task
to cast the grinch out and peel off his mask
well grinch wouldn't budge and sent out his saps
to alter results and further the collapse
what do we do, can we take on more ****
I for one am just done, and the grinch has to quit....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 319
Nov 2020 · 134
Lost Humanity
Bhill Nov 2020
Lost Humanity

another scattered day looking for lost humanity
look behind every rock
look behind every nook
look behind every cranny
        think, just think
where would you be, if you were humanity
where would you go, if you lost yourself
        look, just look...

Brian Hill -  2020 # 311
Nov 2020 · 623
The Rains Came...
Bhill Nov 2020
The Rains Came...

the rains came in short, but lovely, bursts
clouds, that had been only skyward visitors, decided to weep
welcome, welcome rain from high up
come and fill our flowers cup
leave some moisture for us to keep
leave it while the desert sleeps
let it soak into the ground
giving up lifes nector, with nary a sound
the rains came in short, but lovely bursts....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 308
Nov 2020 · 837
New View...
Bhill Nov 2020
is it too soon, to hope this is true
can I say it now, and share my new view
fogs are lifting and hope is back
the sun will come out and get us on track
if all goes well and unity returns
democracy will follow around the next turn
arguments and yelling will soon be replaced
kindness and friendship should return in great haste
looking forward to the change in the world we all know
go out there and help this new message to grow.....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 307
Nov 2020 · 129
Looking Down...
Bhill Nov 2020
up in the clouds, is where we are
floating around our very own star
how can it be, we ended up here
we are so high and it seems unclear
the world below is all f-ckd up
I'm looking down and it seems corrupt
time will tell if a correction will come
I'll wait up here, till my sanity is numb....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 305
Nov 2020 · 879
Is Democracy Alive - Rant
Bhill Nov 2020
the spirits of our forefathers are turning in their grave
our land has been home to freedom and liberty for years
why would we allow the orange fog to control and suppress that right
our founders fought for and gained that right for us
why would some question, and want that privilege squashed
is it a reality that has come to stay?
NO, is the only answer here
let our ancestors know that democracy is not in hiding....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 304
Nov 2020 · 507
Today’s the Day....!
Bhill Nov 2020
today's the day, and the future will talk
we all had a choice to give rise to the walk
I hope we all did, what we know we should do
the results will mean, some difference to (who)?
I'm hoping the change will move us along
with a peaceful exchange and a newness that's strong...!

Brian Hill - 2020 # 303
Nov 2020 · 666
Bhill Nov 2020
if the barrier suddenly opened up
what would appear in your view
would it be a cleansing for new times
or the continuing of unpleasant news
I would hope for a fresh and welcome world
where society all got along
go back to sanity and reason
and return when the nation was strong...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 302
Nov 2020 · 515
The Other Side
Bhill Nov 2020
the feelings that exist don't seem real
suddenly relief is beginning to rise up
change may be waiting on the other side of the twisted highway
on the other side....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 301
Oct 2020 · 742
Big Horn
Bhill Oct 2020
have you ever seen a Big Horn Sheep
they wander about with nary a peep
they climb on rocks like they're not even there
jump all around without any care
their beauty is amazing, their magnificence divine
just seeing one is lucky and that's by design
be careful and quiet when the chance comes your way
observing these animals will make for a great day...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 300
Oct 2020 · 1.7k
Through the Windows
Bhill Oct 2020
a pleasant memory of riding in cars
taking us to places so near and so far
looking out the windows in amazement and wonder
as we pass all the sights that make our minds ponder
the freeways, the streets, the canyons, and alleys
rolling along at great speeds and right through the valleys
through the window you see, a whole different world
as the wheels roll along and the sights are unfurled...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 298
Oct 2020 · 457
Bhill Oct 2020
man, without wisdom, is uncivilized
understanding how to decide and teach
are we headed backward or forwards
the future, currently exists, only in our minds
do, or will we, have the vision to move
to move past the present, into the future?
((ouch)), (my brain exploded)....))

Brian Hill - 2020 # 295
Oct 2020 · 342
The Path
Bhill Oct 2020
the secret path appeared before us
what is to become of the path behind us

Brian Hill - 2020 # 294
Oct 2020 · 301
Fade Away - Haiku
Bhill Oct 2020
Fade Away - Haiku

it's nearly over
suspicions will fade away
we can dream can't we

Brian Hill - 2020 # 293
Oct 2020 · 674
This Year - Rant
Bhill Oct 2020
the reactions we've had to this year's differences are a predicament
they will have an effect for year's to come
friendships lost because of opinions
opinions established by the social dependencies we retain
the dumbing down of real news
as we come to the end, be one to pause and reflect
look back and determine where you fit in, in this spectacle

Brian Hill - 2020 # 292
Oct 2020 · 1.6k
5:55 AM
Bhill Oct 2020
laying in bed waiting, just waiting for 5:55
dawn has arrived
5:55 AM is a reminder that a fresh new day is here
arrived with a gentle call to stretch and welcome its newness
listen to the sound of coffee grinding and brewing into your cup
gaze at the morning stars that have been above for eons
smell the chilled dawn air as you just breath
take a moment, throw your arms up and out into a large welcoming stretch
and then
noise from morning traffic on Center Street shakes your mood
you're awake....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 290
Oct 2020 · 475
Patches of Time
Bhill Oct 2020
life is like a patchwork, of various scenes
like the quilt you had, filled with so many things
the colors were bright with patterns mixed up
there were even flowers, sitting in a bright cup
the squares and the shapes made it dizzy to see
they told you a story in patterns of three
life is like that quilt, of patches I suppose
you go, and you go, seeing what life has chose
you never realize what you're about to conceive
just patches of time is what life is, I believe...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 289
Oct 2020 · 97
Rise to Change
Bhill Oct 2020
the state of the Union needs to be addressed
it appears to me to be in a big mess
it time to VOTE for one and all
get out there and do it, please answer the call
it's a RIGHT we all have, so please, please VOTE
we can give RISE TO CHANGE, and that is my quote....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 287
Oct 2020 · 385
Silent Time
Bhill Oct 2020
suddenly, silence without any expectations occurred
being alone, with the quite, does not have to survive unattended
silent time can be shared in the best of moments
silent time, even alone, should be pure

Brian Hill- 2020 # 286
Oct 2020 · 94
Between Thoughts
Bhill Oct 2020
waking up this morning, I was left between thoughts
should I or shouldn’t I
I took a mental vote and did it
what will you do?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 284
Oct 2020 · 381
Bhill Oct 2020
thoughts of your beautiful face penetrate my mind
how can the experience of that moment be genuine
a meeting with so much circumstance
a crossing of paths so real and so seamless
somedays just reach unheard of results
thank you for being there on that day...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 283
Oct 2020 · 96
Dinner is Served
Bhill Oct 2020
the hawk waited for his meal while resting atop the fence post
gazing intensely at the old dirt road for activity
the storm, that just passed, left a muddy mess for his prey to splash in
suddenly, from under the gate, he saw movement
a gesture so slight and insignificant that only a hawk's sharp eyes could see
and see it, he does
slowly, ever so slowly, he begins a slow, engineered glide, from the post top
swooping in to gracefully capture his target
dinner is served...!

Brian Hill - 2020 # 282
#hawk #meal #fence #post #dirt #storm #road #muddy #prey glide #capture #dinner
Oct 2020 · 1.1k
Bhill Oct 2020
the cowboy slowly enters town riding high on his horse
the town had no name, he just knew he would find what he was after
townsfolk seemed to stop in time and stare at his rugged face
the desert had stolen his youth and good looks
he was a renegade cowboy looking for what seemed, a friendly face
not sure this town had such a person
this town was not real
this town was a ghost
these folks were in the wind waiting for departure into the next
he had found Middletown
was he real, was his horse real, where is he
he thought he knew

Brian Hill - 2020 # 281
Oct 2020 · 317
Humanity - Amen
Bhill Oct 2020
is humanity going to be beautiful again
it has lost its way, and I want to know when
all people of the world, deserve a little break
it has been too long since all of us, really could partake
mama never told us, there would be days like this
she told us what she knew and would she gave us a kiss
I want humanity to be beautiful again
let's find a way to save ourselves, and I end, with an AMEN

Brian Hill - 2020 # 280
Oct 2020 · 381
Vote - Haiku
Bhill Oct 2020
tension politics
tomorrow we need to vote
we need liberty

Brian Hill - 2020 # 279
Oct 2020 · 540
Gone Nation
Bhill Oct 2020
im tired of the conflicts erupting between us all
let's get our act together and answer the needed call
the politics and policies are in grave need of revision
why can't we get together to avoid the mad collision
throw away all the so call facts and see what's going on
quit throwing your temper into the fray and creating a nation that's gone...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 278
Oct 2020 · 93
Fly in my Hair
Bhill Oct 2020
there's a fly in my soup and on somebody's head
how long will it stay there, maybe it's dead
I know I would be dormant if I landed there
right on the top of a lifeless head of hair

Brian Hill - 2020 # 277
Oct 2020 · 656
Jack and the Bat
Bhill Oct 2020
jack and the bat went on a hike
they walked and walked till the nuisance spiked
it’s seemed kinda strange to see a bat walking
it doesn't really matter, as they both were just talking
what in the world could they be talking about
I'm sure it doesn't matter, at least I have doubt
as long as they talk, and talk while they walk
and don't cause trouble as everyone else squawks
there is too much squawking, in the steps of today's life
we are all very different, so put away that old knife
jack and the bat exist only in my mind
if you see something here we must be aligned....

Brian Hill- 2020 # 276
Oct 2020 · 892
Morning Moos
Bhill Oct 2020
yes, I see it
no, its got to be from the smoke
I know, it does make for some great sunrises and sets
oh, can you hear the cattle mooing this morning?
makes for peaceful coffee time...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 273
Oct 2020 · 369
Make Time - Haiku
Bhill Oct 2020
it is time to stand
it is time to let off steam
make time for yourself

Brian Hill - 2020 # 272
Oct 2020 · 518
Bhill Oct 2020
when life serves you lemons, you make lemonade
when life performs cycles of crazy patterns, you listen
you listen to the science of reality and truth
you stand up to the certainties that can be validated
you survive the onslaught of the cycle and wait for lemons
you make lemonade...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 271
Oct 2020 · 549
Cheeto - Rant
Bhill Oct 2020
the image of Cheeto Face can’t be unseen
glaring at us through the tube
spewing forth random worthlessness
infringing on all who watched
how do you undo such nonsense

Brian Hill - 2020 # 269
I wasn't going to post this but my mind wouldn't let me not post it. Who saw that **** show?
Sep 2020 · 92
The Twelfth?
Bhill Sep 2020
simplicity will explain the mood of the day
no troubles are coming, they're staying away
I'm spending some time with me and myself
don't get in my way, I'll be back on the twelfth

Brian Hill - 2020 # 268
#trouble #mood #day #spending #my #way #back #twelfth
Sep 2020 · 249
Bhill Sep 2020
dreams fixed with lost opportunities seem hopeless
what to do, oh what to do
everyone must remember that dreams occur most nights
plans can take on different conclusions and survive
we will withstand
we will create a promising future
look up to the sky and see what's ahead in your dreams

Brian Hill - 2020 # 267
Sep 2020 · 1.0k
The Enchantment
Bhill Sep 2020
as the world sleeps, the enchanting begins
being unseen and quiet, messages are delivered
information bouncing in and about all sleeping intelligence
apparitions and memories of long-ago actions
as the world awakens, the enchanting flees the mind
some of the enchanted will recall with faint impressions
some will remember nothing...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 265
Sep 2020 · 278
Bhill Sep 2020
your touch is why I survive
the very thought of you makes me smile

Brian Hill - 2020 # 264
Sep 2020 · 93
Your Measure
Bhill Sep 2020
the measure of one's self exists in us all
to observe and recognize true nature can be difficult
to feel and realize how you are seen has it's questions
will you have answers that your true self will listen to
perhaps you will, but how will you respond
the measure of one's self exists in us all...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 263
Sep 2020 · 184
Bhill Sep 2020
the struggle with opportunity is an interpretation
how do you recognize what is, or is not an opportunity
have you ever thought about this
it's a struggle....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 256
Sep 2020 · 497
Bhill Sep 2020
be astonished by the capable, healthy eyes looking at you
stop hiding behind the facts
facts, that caring is crucial for survival
we must find a way back to caring and supportive actions
what happened to us....?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 255
Sep 2020 · 78
Bhill Sep 2020
mysteries are what inspire
Inspiration is subject to discovery
discovery is subject to research
research is subject to seeking
seeking is subject to the knowledge of what we seek
do we really want to know
it's a mystery...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 254
#mystery #inspire #discover #seeking #seek #know #research #subject
Sep 2020 · 636
Your Cup
Bhill Sep 2020
vast and impressive views saturate your existence
day to day they alter, shift and evolve
with open eyes, you will see
with eyes shut, you will feel
with emotion, you will desire
fill your cup with the sights unfolding before you

Brian Hill - 2020 # 253
Sep 2020 · 86
Bhill Sep 2020
the conscience was born
existence was accomplished
wonderment arrived

Brian Hill - 2020 # 252
Sep 2020 · 497
New Routes
Bhill Sep 2020
in my new existence, I seem to be seeing the world differently
I have rememberings of a time that no longer are there
that part of life changed at some point
do I want to know when that was
do I want to move on with the existing reality
I need to not forget
I need to stay with eyes wide shut
taking in all that is new, with the memories of forgotten eternities
allowing myself to welcome in the freshness of new routes

Brian Hill - 2020 # 251
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