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Sep 2020 · 302
You'll be Back
Bhill Sep 2020
you’ll be back, I guarantee
you can’t stay away that long from me
I've been there when you were down
I've been there when you were such a clown
we have been friends for very long time
how could you leave when we were in our prime
where did you go, I don't even know
all I know is that I couldn't grow
please come back and show me the way
I need to have a good ole day
I need you back and close to me
you've been gone too long, I hope you agree...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 251
Sep 2020 · 780
We Got This
Bhill Sep 2020
everyone has heard of the acorn tale
”Delusional thinking, obviously, the other acorns concluded.”
everyone has listened to the Little Red Hen
”she made the bread herself, she will eat the bread herself.”
not everyone has their hands stained with labor
we all need to work together
stop the bickering and name-calling
stop the delusional thinking and help make the bread
we got this - we have to get this!

Brian Hill - 2020 # 249
Sep 2020 · 848
Enlighten Me
Bhill Sep 2020
enlighten my lips without touching my soul
seize the moment and commit
take me by storm and submit yourself to the sensation
leave me wanting for what has been forgotten
what has been forgotten
enlighten me.....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 248
Sep 2020 · 506
Darkened Surface
Bhill Sep 2020
fires raged as the winds fueled their fervor
taking on anything in their path with incredible force
moving across the ground and leaping up to reach higher fuel
doing only what fires do...
moving with the wind and leaving a path of blackened surface
is this our new reality...?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 247
Sep 2020 · 281
Bhill Sep 2020
the rising of the sun is extremely beautiful
the beginning, of what is, the rest of your life
will you make a difference

Brian Hill - 2020 # 246
Sep 2020 · 605
That Someone
Bhill Sep 2020
just look at THAT lonely glass of wine
today, THAT glass was assigned to the most wonderful someone
THAT someone has not arrived, as of this moment
who is THAT someone
is it yourself, are you, your someone
is it someone you don't know
how long must you wait
time moves at the pace of time
find, or be, THAT someone

Brian Hill - 2020 # 244
Sep 2020 · 684
Call for Help
Bhill Sep 2020
call from Mother Earth the other day...
“yea, this is Mother Earth”
wow, what can I do for you?
“well, I’ve been noticing that some of your poems are about me”
that’s true, are you happy about that?
“so far, however, could you ask the people to not use so much water?
there is going to be a little bit less in your area this year”
what’s the problem, I ask?
“well, she said, I decided to not send in the monsoons this year and appears to have been a mistake”
so that was you?
“yes it was, and I’m a bit sorry.  it’s going to cause a bit of a light winter as well I think”
is there anything we can do?
“just use a bit less water for a while”
and she was gone...or I woke up, not entirely sure

Brian Hill - 2020 # 243
Sep 2020 · 46
You Can
Bhill Sep 2020
fade into the familiar
talk like it never happened
act as if you can
speak out in favor
never look back into the yesterday
look forward to the next passage of time
be welcome of what is yet
do not be afraid of transformation

Brian Hill - 2020 # 242
Sep 2020 · 1.1k
Out of Tune
Bhill Sep 2020
the singer should have warned us about his out of tune song
it was so undeserving of our live ears
the melody was unpleasant and the tune horrific
how could there be devotees to such bad talent
it just shows you that some ears are deaf...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 241
Sep 2020 · 341
Nights Flight
Bhill Sep 2020
when the moon is full and very, very bright
you have to look twice and respect the sight
it's been coming around, since the start of it all
when it's at it best, it appears like a ball
that ball is bright if the clouds are just right
shining in the new day as it completes its night's flight

Brian Hill - 2020 # 240
Aug 2020 · 524
Life Plan
Bhill Aug 2020
awaken all people and try, try, try
if it can't be done should we all just die
that's not the conclusion we're all searching for
at least if we try, we might find the door
get up off your but and learn all the facts
the country’s gone crazy by the way we all act
let's see things, with respect, and love our fellow man
before it's too late and we lose the whole plan

Brian Hill - 2020 # 238
Aug 2020 · 43
Bhill Aug 2020
old impressions surrounded by miles of unused thoughts
rushing here and there, bouncing about to be first
first to survive the leap from conscious awareness to the written word
this effort does not come without struggle
it does not come without deep mental cleansing
at this time in life, thoughts are no longer old
they have played out and welcomed in fresh thinkings

Brian Hill - 2020 # 237
Aug 2020 · 48
Mind Junk
Bhill Aug 2020
nothing has illuminated my thoughts
it’s as if my brain was taken over by bots
the more I thought the less I thunk
I decided to write and it turned out this junk

Brian Hill - 2020 # 236
Aug 2020 · 371
Bhill Aug 2020
the silence will shock and the world will rock
when we all can go out and play
the world will be new and a lot less askew
so **** it and stay out all-day

Brian Hill - 2020 # 235
Aug 2020 · 44
Desert Relief
Bhill Aug 2020
the imagined clouds, coming from the south, turned into the real thing
flowing with the winds they arrived with a very vital gift
a gift of life served up from within their heavy mist
a rain, not seen in our desert for days
a welcome relief for all......

Brian Hill - 2020 # 233
Aug 2020 · 51
Was It
Bhill Aug 2020
unfamiliar things in the night
sleeping but not resting
mind movies of impressions not quite there
little thoughts like a memory souvenir
wait, what was that dream
was it a dream

Brian Hill - 2020 # 232
Aug 2020 · 2.2k
Bhill Aug 2020

welcome change, it's been such a long time
embrace change, it will not harm (us)
it's only (us) pursuing new things we aren't used to
change that works and change that protects us
welcome change with fresh and clear direction

Brian Hill - 2020 # 230
Aug 2020 · 578
Bhill Aug 2020
who belonged to this heart
beating all alone
alone in the middle of a crowd
was it a he or she
how can you tell when striped of all protection
all coverings gone and naked among the masses
we can tell that this heart is alone
invite the heart to join in and welcome its independence
we all need
we all need to belong

Brian Hill - 2020 # 229
Aug 2020 · 45
Demand Dignity
Bhill Aug 2020
repeatedly, the hope for correction is desired
desired by most intelligent entities
unexpected opinions placed upon the masses are wrong
we the people, demand our dignity back

Brian Hill - 2020 # 227
Aug 2020 · 44
Timing - Haiku
Bhill Aug 2020
beautiful timing
powers beautiful notions
absent of worldly hardships

Brian Hill - 2020 # 226
Aug 2020 · 634
Sleeping into Tomorrow
Bhill Aug 2020
the sky darkened and decomposed into the blackness
giving up a trail of reflections and thoughts
thoughts in mind, sleeping into tomorrow
thoughts waiting to be released into the light
feels so delicious to allow new composition to escape

Brian Hill - 2020 # 225
Aug 2020 · 316
No-Where - Haiku
Bhill Aug 2020
the road to no-where
who travels this lonely road
is there a finish

Brian Hill - 2020 # 224
Don’t travel this road...!
Aug 2020 · 476
Wake up and Be...
Bhill Aug 2020
the emotional stillness of the morning breathed newness into the dawn
the sun stretched, yawned and slowly peeked over the horizon
breathing in what was left of the night
letting her arms of light slowly turn into a new, fresh sunrise
wake up.....  wake up and be

Brian Hill -  2020 # 222
Bring in the new day....
Aug 2020 · 61
Mind Conversation
Bhill Aug 2020
conversations in my mind are often complicated
the crisis here, in fact, is that it's tolerated
what to do and what to think, are often misconstrued
it makes it hard to understand, what is to be pursued
I must unwind this twisted mind and put it down in text
adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and such, it's hard to see what's next

Brian Hill - 2020 # 221
D you all have this same issue?
Aug 2020 · 369
Wanting / Learning
Bhill Aug 2020
before wanting there is learning
you must discover before you desire
are desires more significant
how do you gauge
is desire the fuel to all information
just asking for a friend...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 220
Do you have the answer?
Aug 2020 · 296
Bhill Aug 2020
infinite joys tomorrow is a suggestion of change
does this mean today is a struggle
think hard about your, today
today you can make a difference
tomorrow, today is yore ....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 219
Aug 2020 · 336
Word Reflections
Bhill Aug 2020
great words, today, are flowing from the authur
what will be the message delivered, to you, the observer
how will each individual interrupt what is composed
it is not the author's duty to unravel written reflections
the chore in the written word is subject to reflection
what do you see?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 218
What do you see?
Aug 2020 · 583
The Door
Bhill Aug 2020
there is a beginning, in that I am sure
the ending is out there, right through that door
the door may not open, will that be a surprise
if you open it early you may meet demise
in my honest opinion, the secret is clear
keep that door tightly closed and kick life in the rear...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 217
Don't open early...!
Aug 2020 · 190
What's Next
Bhill Aug 2020
thinking about the morning
creating a new day
making new memories
changing direction
watching for the past to pass
waiting for the future to arrive

Brian Hill - 2020 # 215
Aug 2020 · 509
World Mess
Bhill Aug 2020
I must confess, that the world is a mess
but it's not to gone to save
it will take time, but with that in mind
how did it get so ”grave”
the people concerned, are the people who learned
what's wrong and will help make it right
it will be rather stark, as the mess is quite dark
but together, we can turn it to bright.....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 214
Aug 2020 · 472
Bhill Aug 2020
with fiery and attentive steps, our love remembers
remembers all the hours of living without
living without each other to balance life
life inhabited in the eyes of each other
other lives are covetous, of our balance.....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 213
Find your balance...
Aug 2020 · 461
Square-Faced Clown
Bhill Aug 2020
who set the temperance in the square-faced clown
he was dancing and strolling and roaming around
he was scary, he was strange, he was really quite large
no one knew how he got there but he came out in charge
his hair was was chaotic, his skin an orange hue
he wanted to tell stories, all of which were not true
his stay should be over, in that fact we hope
the square-faced clown, it appears is a hoax....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 210
Jul 2020 · 39
Poet’s Crusade...
Bhill Jul 2020
the poet's mind awoke to the yearning of the crusade
his quest to answer all questions in verse needs to prevail
be not astounded by how his mind paints his feelings
he will not rest till his mind is emptied

Brian Hill - 2020 # 206
Jul 2020 · 49
Old Ghost
Bhill Jul 2020
whispers already inspire the question
can you hear what is being asked
if you understand, what will be your action
i imagine there will be a task
the ideal purpose exists for a chance
to bring back the days of yore
those days can be seen, with a backward glance
but it will take time to fully restore
looking forward is simple but change is hard
moving on is what we want most
the shock, it seems, we know we are scarred
how do we shed the that old ghost

Brian Hill - 2020 # 204
Jul 2020 · 670
Bhill Jul 2020
interesting and unfortunate explain our days
humanity smiles as we lose our senses
the kingdom of today has been plundered
we must overcome the enemy, to return to yesterday

Brian Hill - 2020 # 203
Jul 2020 · 54
To Be...!
Bhill Jul 2020
i want to go back, to be
to be able
to be sure of my next activity
to be the one to say, not now
to be a person of manners
to stand for facts and not fiction
to breathe without the cover of uncertainty
to know that tomorrow will be OK
is it too much to want this?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 202
Is it.
Jul 2020 · 47
Bhill Jul 2020
the great kaleidoscope tormented the minds of many
many had been seduced with promises of greatness
greatness, intertwined with fortune, clouded their foundation
are they to be blamed for being mislead
promises need to be researched no matter how they arrive
be cautious of the great kaleidoscope out there....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 201
Is your mind tormented?
Jul 2020 · 49
The Cup
Bhill Jul 2020
sip from the cup of past memories
recognize thoughts that spill into the present
separate and blend them into your day
never miss a chance to remember...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 200
Jul 2020 · 47
Bhill Jul 2020
is it you
is it me
could be us
what if
the perfect thought
what if
the perfect question

Brian Hill - 2020 # 199
Ask that question..
Jul 2020 · 49
Bhill Jul 2020
the storyteller has a reason to see into the creation
to see what is not seen and illustrate with words
taking words and composing visions
visions of color, pain, sounds, and emotions
what would we do without the teller of things....?

Brian Hill - 2020 # 197
We all can't see the same story..
Jul 2020 · 59
Bhill Jul 2020
survive this world and submit
submit to its constant changes and challenges
challenge the challenge to make memories
memories are motivation
motivation gives us the determination
determination, after all, is life....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 196
Jul 2020 · 49
Colored Smoke - Haiku
Bhill Jul 2020
smoke has filled the skies
colored with the rising sun
drifting with the winds

Brian Hill - 2020 # 194
Jul 2020 · 255
Is the Sand in the Front
Bhill Jul 2020
is the sand in front of the ocean
is the water the end of the line
are the fish in the seas our connection
to a life, that has no define
just think of all the questions
that have yet, or may never be asked
i hate to make this proposal
as it seems like a tough task to grasp...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 191
Just a question...
Jul 2020 · 42
Grins... :)
Bhill Jul 2020
know where you come from
know where you're going
run the risk of failure
discover how your growing
see the chance and grasp the goal
be the one who wins
don't let the lazy drag you down
finish with big grins....

Brian Hill - 2020 # 186
Jul 2020 · 42
Identity - Haiku
Bhill Jul 2020
your identity
it is yours and yours alone
will it satisfy

Brian Hill - 2020 # 185
Be yourself
Jul 2020 · 68
4th of July
Bhill Jul 2020
celebrate today and remember what’s been going on
we, as a nation, have been put to a test
we have failed that test in many ways
we are divided and bewildered on issues that matter
issues that should have and could have been easier
TODAY forget the division and remember WHO WE REALLY ARE
happy 4th of July everyone.
bless this great country and may we return back to the real,

Brian Hill - 2020 # 182
Jul 2020 · 425
Wonder of the Day
Bhill Jul 2020
perform the wonder of the day
see it, feel it, and get on your way
take the challenge on and be not surprised
the results that endure just might be disguised
the decision is yours, and yours all alone
be ready for anything, that you might be shown
the end game is simple and could go awry
whatever it is, the fact is you tried...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 181
Always try!
Jun 2020 · 41
Shades of the day
Bhill Jun 2020
lighter shades of darkness, darker tones of light
radiant clouds of depression, sunlight making it right
sorrow following the sad-faced clown
the cheerful vagabond kneeling down
dogs and cats playing hard in the yard
today is the day to be on guard..

Brian Hill - 2020 # 178
Jun 2020 · 40
Home Base
Bhill Jun 2020
depart quietly but live out loud
enjoy the views that you can see
imagine how deep your mind can reach into the ocean
go above the clouds for the best seats in the house
don't slide into home base with a full beer
drink and appreciate the flavor as you run bases
spend it all, see it all, do it all...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 177
Jun 2020 · 744
Cycle of Life
Bhill Jun 2020
suddenly, up out from his hole, the lizard crawled
crawled and wriggled over the dirt searching for it's prey
the prey that would sustain him for the rest of his life
he didn't know that it would be his final meal
he didn't know that behind that cactus stood a roadrunner
a roadrunner, who delights in savory lizard treats right from the desert floor
he had no chance...
the cycle of life circles on as the roadrunner scurries away with the lizard dangling from its beak

Brian Hill - 2020 # 176
The cycle goes on and on...
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