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Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Utopia Must Be An Invention of the Mind**

I have searched long and hard, trying to find that place
where peace and serenity, in our world may yet grace
a chance to meet a dream come true, if only for a few
where pain and suffering are gone, and will never renew

Then I realized, this Utopia I seek, on a map will not be found
still an undiscovered world, whose contemplation will confound
finding some comfort, the thought of my soul ascending on high
no longer to be troubled, suffering on earth never again to decry

A world exists but not for the living, to experience this garden of delight
a place where the happiness of life's dreams, will satiate your appetite
where fear and worries cease, hope and desire now become your reality
trials and tribulations throughout life, ending with that long awaited finality

Maybe Utopia really does exists, but only with extreme effort can you hope to say, it you have acquired
but most people refuse to commit, unwilling to put in the time and effort that is unquestionably required
how mistaken we often are, thinking we can still remain happy, giving up by settling for that much less
only up to the point we are once again challenged, and our daily events again cause us all of our stress

To understand why so many people never seem to be satisfied, no matter what they have, it is never enough
first we must acknowledge the answer might be found in the lies people believe, but most of them are a bluff
Utopia must be an invention of the mind, convincing itself that feelings of joy and happiness are close at hand
seemingly it might then be prudent to maintain this self-deception, since this is what our egos really demand

Although it has been stated time and again that Utopia does not and can not exist, yet we still continue to dream
coming to teach us this great lesson in human psychology, how much for happiness' sake, we're willing to scheme
yet we can take note to the fact that despite our varying differences, this human condition remains constant in us all
our primary need for true happiness is why we can rest assured, invisible Utopia we will forever continue to recall
This is a short poem about Utopia, that place we all seek
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Loneliness Is Wishing To Cry

Can we really control our loneliness when it attacks? Of course not. However, we can employ the means by which to channel it into a positive force. A force whereby we recruit others and together battle this power of the dark side attempting to cajole us into this state of melancholy. We have to collectively rise to the occassion, and with the force of Good, vanquish it forever more.

Here is a short poem about what loneliness means to me. It was written at a time in my life when I was trying to deal with the recent death of a close family member. Needless to say, I was most devasted at the time of this writing. This poem at that time, in reflection, acted as a therapeutic means for me to "get it all out".

Loneliness is despair
Loneliness is something to beware
Loneliness is the thought today
of no tomorrow

Loneliness is wishing to cry
without knowing why
Loneliness is a simple feeling
without a simple answer

Loneliness comes
Loneliness goes
Loneliness is that uninvited guest
who visits, always without a request

Loneliness is a sickness
you my friend are the cure
Together we will strengthen
and together we will endure.....
A short and simple poem to which everyone can relate
4.0k · Jul 2015
Love Comes At The Right Time
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
The Right Person At The Right Time.....

Love can only come at the right time
your heart knows, hearing the chime
almost by itself, suddenly on the whim
drawn close, wanting to be near him

Like something magical, and it's in the air
your whole life, now wanting to finally share
when in someone's arms, it just feels right
undeniable feelings, as he holds you tight

A passionate look into your eyes, you see delight
overcome with feelings of love, you don't fight
realizing the waiting, finally has come to an end
finding with whom to become, an eternal friend

Love you thought was lost, miraculously found
moving your heart to a new and wonderful sound
feelings of satisfaction and being a person complete
no longer to run the single scenes, nor to compete

Thank those lucky stars, and the patience you had
never again to suffer loneliness, no longer to be mad
love has brought the right person, and at the right time
undoubtedly heaven's fingerprints, certainly by design

Despite mistakes of the past, you can now know for sure
those were years lacking direction, you were immature
let the past stay in the past, into the future you happily go
your love, a place to dwell, in him alone forever to bestow
This is a poem with a message. Love comes when it is suppose to come; not sooner, not later. Only at the right time!
3.6k · Jul 2015
To Overcome Adversity
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
My Principles Are Not For Sale!

This poem is dedicated to all those secret, righteous souls, the silent minority (and heaven alone knows who they are) who guide their principles of conduct, whenever their evil inclination challenges them, by the credo "G-d is watching." They do what is right, unimpressed with what "everybody else does." They readily hold their lip, and bow their head to maintain this "peace" in G-d's world. To them, know, this is their holy sacrifice--a sacrifice to G-d, on his very Alter (our world).

Surviving adversity, it is really against the odds
that you'll still stay normal with your full deck of cards
Like many a cause that you know have a price
where principle is concerned, you're ready to sacrifice

There is right and there is wrong, you don't need to belong**
your principles are just, they have made you headstrong
No rhyme and no reason can sway you from this cause
because you've pondered its justice and have found no flaws

Shouts of anger and negativity galore
you are now tasting just what is in store
What words could you offer to those limited in thought
when all is finished, would it be your wisdom they sought?

Words of the heart enter the heart, when all else fails
it's not a bad place to be, when addressing another's ails
To overcome adversity there is not always one solution
but it can never be found in starting a revolution

In final sum, it seems like the rule of thumb
better to negotiate that peace and then some
For the alternatives are all to clear
why perpetuate hatred and fear
so put aside your differences
and find a world wishing to care
This short poem is dedicated to all of you "Survivors", with love!
3.3k · Jul 2015
To Overcome Adversity
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
My Principles Are Not For Sale!

This poem is dedicated to all those secret, righteous souls, the silent minority (and heaven alone knows who they are) who guide their principles of conduct, whenever their evil inclination challenges them, by the credo "G-d is watching." They do what is right, unimpressed with what "everybody else does." They readily hold their lip, and bow their head to maintain this "peace" in G-d's world. To them, know, this is their holy sacrifice--a sacrifice to G-d, on his very Alter (our world).

Surviving adversity, it is really against the odds
that you'll still stay normal with your full deck of cards
Like many a cause that you know have a price
where principle is concerned, you're ready to sacrifice

There is right and there is wrong, you don't need to belong
your principles are just, they have made you headstrong
No rhyme and no reason can sway you from this cause
because you've pondered its justice and have found no flaws

Shouts of anger and negativity galore
you are now tasting just what is in store
What words could you offer to those limited in thought
when all is finished, would it be your wisdom they sought?

Words of the heart enter the heart, when all else fails
it's not a bad place to be, when addressing another's ails
To overcome adversity there is not always one solution
but it can never be found in starting a revolution

In final sum, it seems like the rule of thumb
better to negotiate that peace and then some
For the alternatives are all to clear
why perpetuate hatred and fear
so put aside your differences
and find a world wishing to care
This short poem is dedicated to all of you "Survivors", with love!
2.9k · Jul 2015
All You Radicals
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A short poem for all of you Special People that don't want to belong. I am a true radical. I am different. No one really knows who I am. Perhaps, this is the way I want it. Perhaps, this is "the real me."

While growing up, I too didn't "belong" and still don't. Freedom is the right to choose. Often others want to impose their will on you. Too often, it seems that external pressures force us to do things which are not always necessarily in our better interests. Peer pressure, social pressures entrap us, and we end up "going with the flow."

I went through my early education with very few friends. They were what I would define as friends of the moment. Sound advice, have many "friends," but find yourself one "true friend." This is the one to call friend for your entire life. With this true friend, you are going to grow in this world. Growing in confidence, in wisdom, in knowledge, in security and in realizing who you really are. They will be the "Real Mirror" whose reflection, in time, you will honestly be able to call your own.

**For all you radicals, there is a time to stand up and shout
refuse to belong to those that choose the easy way out
For what purpose would he decree, when G-D granted us life
if not to stand firm and avoid all forms of strife

I'm a radical, to this I must admit
always looked upon differently, as if I'm unfit
But why follow others who think they suffice
to control everyone else with the roll of their dice

Having gone through a lot, one begins to discern
there's a time for discipline, and a time for concern
Stand up and be counted, you alone have begun
to realize you can be different, and still be as one

All you radicals, to you alone do I salute
your ways may be different, but none could refute
Imagine our world, without you, what it would be
a place where individuality could never ever be Free....
It's OK to be different!
2.9k · Jul 2015
Living a Life of Deception
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
It's All About Perception**
No one can understand you, because you're not your typical run of the mill
it's all due to your philosophy, a mind that thinks but a tongue that sits still
years quickly pass you by, finding yourself alone and in a world of your own
as you learn the value of pen and paper, finding refuge in a place unknown

Like being trapped in a bubble, peering out upon the world as a screen
watching everyone going about their business, while you remain unseen
transfixed on your reality you close your eyes, wishing it were but a dream
unable to fathom the depths of emotions, waiting to take you to the extreme

The reality of who you are can no longer be ignored, facing each day from anew
accepting the fact that you have no control, from others, forced to take your cue
this world is all about rising above, as it starts at the very moment of conception
it follows us throughout life, as we learn the rules, mastering the art of deception

The external images you portray, a needed smokescreen, to maintain the perception
your moves are well planned, the primary focus of your attention, without exception
failing to have considered the matter, you realize you haven't made the connection
your insecurities have misdirected your behavior, demanding the world's affection

There's no denying this fact; life is nothing more than a continuous act of deception
while the true level of your mastery of it, your ability to advance without aggression
at the end of the journey, despite what we went through, it might come as a surprise
realizing that happiness was always there, only hidden from us by our own disguise

Why continue living the life of lies, playing the games people play, there is yet hope
break the bonds of self-deception, because this vanity has really become your dope
be who you really are, a genuine beauty to behold, and in you will someone admire
your hidden love now freed, surrendered to someone true, to build that endless fire
This is a short poem about the life we live and the games we play, or don't play.
2.7k · Jul 2015
A Time to Set Yourself Free
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is a time in a person's life when that internal clock will ring
when a higher force will wake us from our slumber with a sting
having been given individual trials, we hope we'll do our best
but we are insensitive, overcome with laziness, a desire for rest

The little things in life, how so often we take them for granted
quickly losing touch with reality, and becoming disenchanted
thinking we can forge relationships, with the blinking of an eye
failing to feel the hurt we cause others, with our final good-bye

We, as human beings, must first come to acknowledge the truth
the problems we all hide in our closet, they started in our youth
but the error of our thinking, is clear and can only be addressed
when we're willing to accept the fact, that this life is only a test

Attempts at self denial are truly futile, because you remain unchanged
accomplishing nothing, only from yourself will you become estranged
an endless light of healing must be released, to that location unknown
thereby removing that which blocks our thinking, our heart of stone

Your mind is your cage, only if you desire, you can set yourself free
don't believe in the lies you're told, you can be what you want to be
if you never give up, you alone will be able to preserve the true way
by choosing your destiny, no one else will, because this is your day

Liberate yourself from the enslavement, transitory passions of the day
either stand up to the pressures, or you'll just find yourself blown away
you must trust your heart as it knows the truth, and it alone will succeed
choosing the only real path, that path from where the light shall proceed
This is a short poem about taking a minute to just stop and reflect.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Haiku Poetry is a very short poem with poetic images that can transcend the limitation imposed by the usual language and thinking. What if we took that imagery into the realm of human nature? While attempting to do this I tried to stay within the bounds of contemplative poetry that indicates a moment, sensation, impression or drama of a specific moment in nature. However, I broadened this framework to at times include moral, historical, scientific, legal, social, etc., issues as well. I believe, by doing this, we are introduced to a unique and creative imagery that paints a mental picture where you the reader can find much deeper meanings to personally relate.

**Cute little test mouse
caged for scientists to share
waits death, for health care
Very Short Haiku Poetry - Poetry with a message worth a thousand words
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
God made every single creature for a reason!

It happened many years ago, an average day at work
when I was employed as nothing more, just a simple clerk
Heaven sent me a lesson, they saw fit that I learn
sent through the smallest of creatures, knowing I would discern

My first instinct was simple, to one all could relate
a desire to crush this cockroach, I could not wait
As I raised my foot, making sure my aim was set
knowing that he'd be finished, with nothing to regret

I was overpowered by a thought, a simple thought to consider
why should this ugly creature, cause me to be bitter?
With great plan and purpose, was this cockroach surely made
but where was born this eagerness to ****, or for me to be afraid?

With great difficulty going against my nature, I did then dare
no more justifications were acceptable to me, for I was now aware
Although small and ugly was my limited perception, I could still care
With this cockroach, nothing would stop me, and would I now spare

Lessons throughout life, does our Creator continually teach
empowering us with free choice, and potential growth that we reach
By contemplating our thoughts, and their true meaning that we may find
a change of heart in our actions, and a true desire to be kind
A short but True Poem (story) I wrote of one of the very great lessons I received from the smallest of creatures
2.4k · Jul 2015
Whispers of Love
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Whispers of Love, they come in the still of the night
carried on the cool breeze, their being ever so light
promises of love echo, as birds flying high above sing
where hearts bound as one, will forever lovingly cling

Whispers of Love, they come from those giving hearts
softly floating from body and soul, waiting to impart
a heart once sad, elevated, with depression to depart
life's ultimate meaning, a long awaited love to start

Whispers of Love, they really come from G-d above
we are only messengers, giving each other His love
unique contentment, found in the fidelity of the dove
a unity of which devotion and trust are really made of

Whispers of Love, emanating from a heart wishing to share
a man and woman carefully choose a partner in whom to care
whether for good or bad, better or worse, together to the end
a world of love to bestow, on the wife in whom you can depend

Those Whispers of Love, are really desires from way down inside
earnestly hoping for that one soul alive, in whom you can confide
so when you start to hear those soft whispers, remember to smile
because your love is now to begin, as you walk her down the aisle
This is a short poem which whispers messages of love
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Trust in Faith

It's raining and the sun has returned home
although I am by myself, yet I am not alone
mind engages intellect, with time to consider
how this heart of mine, has grown so bitter

Not long ago, reflections of the past were a delight
then in a brief moment, my happiness took flight
once having a life with meaning, love and security
now with remorse and desire, for a heart with purity

Continuing to pursue life normally, while anxieties drown the mind
no matter what I might do, any sense of happiness seems confined
confused with mixed emotions, and knowing that they are both true
yet despite my conflict, still mustering the will to tell her, I love you

With each and every passing day, I look forward to behold
once again to greet those yesterdays, those yesterdays of old
but those yesterdays are buried, the fear of the future takes hold
all of what now remains, are those few tomorrows left to unfold

Worries must stem from this lack of control, how not to consider
thinking of how few years are left to live, could anyone not be bitter
the unknown of what the rest of your life will bring, an awesome fear
when you advance in years, only then does it become all too clear

Times passes, the body ages, memories flounder, and reality sets in
maybe tomorrow the mail will arrive, addressed to: The Next of Kin
finding yourself in an emotional upheaval, there is but one thing to do
forage deep down inside, and uncover your faith, your only rescue

Faith will give you the strength, it will guide you to trust in the One above
fears of the future and of the unknown, disappear in this world called love
experiencing midlife crisis, something you can and will successfully overcome
but first never stop searching, trusting in G-d, and to depression never succumb
A poem that describes a man's midlife crisis and a successful way to deal with it
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Reflections of the raindrops falling, and birds flying overhead taking cover
your soft hand against my face, and your love waiting for me to discover

Reflections of the rainbow, magnificent colors bending as if taking a bow
never realizing how much you mean to me, until you're not here, like now

Reflections of the falling snow, glistening in the warm sunlight, so bright
how I admired your true beauty, my eyes upon you having laid there sight

Reflections of the moon, how it had paled in comparison to your lovely smile
how my feelings then became known, as I held you in my arms for just a while

Reflections of the waves pounding against the shore, as the sun began to set
having been overcome by fear of the thought, what if we would never have met

Reflections of my everlasting love for you, with shared feelings and hearts full of bliss
love for you having never diminished, since the first time you gave me that tender kiss

Reflections of the reality of life, as we age beauty withers but true love will remain unscathed
two souls sharing a lifetime of joy and happiness, hoping with each other to forever be enslaved

Reflections of love, something for all to acquire, needing only a heart that dares to fall in love
a love that will be found, but only when true feelings become unmasked and together rise above
This is a poem about reflections of love that rise above
1.9k · Jul 2015
A Heavenly (court) Date
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is a Judge, and there is Justice. Our time in this world is very much finite. When the time comes, and our name is called, some will be very much surprised to find out that there WILL BE full accountability for their past actions below. Only, the plan is that our last days in this world MUST remain hidden from us. Our thoughts, speech, and actions will be our witnesses. For better or for worse, this is our Destiny.

**three, we know relate
our thoughts, our words, our actions
our trial, heaven's date
Short Haiku Poetry - where an image is worth a thousand words
1.8k · Jul 2015
You're Never Alone
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Fears and troubles, never too far away
almost impossible, keeping them at bay
feeling destitute, your energy is sapped
in perpetual unhappiness, your trapped

Falling into worry, it just does not pay
life's beyond control, never your way
wanting to understand, try if you may
you'll fail miserably, only to turn away

In the end, realizing nothing is ever free
all that was, it was really destined to be
now, when you can look back, you see
all those secret wishes, would never be

Find normalcy in the world, by accepting disorder
soon to understand, your insanity is at the border
peace of mind exists, when the soul is in control
until life ends, then leaving your body in the hole

Looking forward to a happiness, you once dared dream
acknowledging in time, this is a possibility too extreme
a sunrise with anticipation, where the sun refuses to set
thinking that with a glimmer of hope, you'd avoid regret

While reflecting on life, could happiness ever really be achieved
with the day of death in mind, could you let yourself be deceived
days and weeks turn into months and years, life quickly ticks away
knowing that time itself is the cause, your happiness does it betray

Yet, what if this time was spent productively, we may begin to really achieve
understanding that time is our very best friend, only we first have to believe
happiness is within the reach of us all, we have the ability to make it our own
"seek and yea shall find," happiness from Heaven, knowing we're never alone
This is a short poem to remind us that despite how bad things can sometimes get, we're never alone
1.8k · Jul 2015
X Breaching the Crossroads X
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Finally reaching the crossroads, we will find out, having been unaware
unfulfilled obligations still remain below, but then, sadly we didn’t care
past opportunities will forever be lost, leaving everything else behind
failing to have prepared, a loss only now beginning to plague our mind

Life’s journey has brought us here, we at the end of the line
existence in a new form, truth finally revealed, heaven’s sign
decisions are required, before we enter through our last door
destiny no longer to ignore, our time in this world is no more

Crying for those we are about to leave, those good-byes never seem to suffice
so many engulfed in self-deception, with bloated egos facilitating a life of vice
time no longer a barrier from the truth, and we will now clearly be forced to see
how we foolishly wasted precious time, thinking our own pleasures were the key

When we breach the crossroads, there will be no time left for us to reflect
all that has happened, now a memory, upon which loved ones try to connect
neither gold nor silver can do us any good; money has no value in the grave
squandering spiritual investments, eternal happiness we can no longer pave

When trust is the foundation of faith, then hope still exists, it will never take flight
what is required of us is an inner strength borne of conviction, and the will to fight
accepting nothing as too difficult, diligence is the goal to be kept constantly in sight
by utilizing the power of prayer, since it reaches above the tallest mountain height

You’re alive, so never give up no matter what they tell you, you alone hold the answer
when hearing the sarcasm and negativity of those around you, avoid them like cancer
remembering always you were created in G-d’s image, the entire universe will attest
a chance for eternity awaits, but first we must pass our, individually tailored, divine test

To which category of human did you belong?, of us will G-d most certainly inquire
Did you honor all men created in My Image, or did you revel in hatred and conspire?
for you to recognize My plan for a perfect world, by being an active participant I did await
thereby bestowing upon you this ability, hoping you follow My plan, using “Good” to create

I put before you the chance and ability, did you spread love, or choose to hate?
either to follow or negate evil from within, this power to choose your own fate
sound advice is to think wisely and choose nobly, and to do whatever it takes
prepare now while there is yet time, before it’s too late to fix those mistakes
To which category of human do you belong?
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
It is not unusual that at some point in our lives we will have to deal with a tense encounter where words will be exchanged in an environment of anger with others. Usually there is one person who is in less control of himself and poses a greater risk to harm the other. How do you defuse the situation? How do you calm someone who is angry? First, talk with a low calm voice. Secondly, show them your white teeth (smile), if possible. And don't look them directly in the face. These three suggestions are predicated on the fact that they are all non-engaging and have a tendency to calm or reduce tension from the aggravated party.

It all starts by using the wrong words, or the right words interpreted the wrong way by the offended party. This escalates potentially becoming a provocation by someone who is incensed or upset over a matter. Angry words then usually follow. Depending on how you handle things, will determine whether you succeed to defuse the situation or not. And sometimes, just sometimes, friendship regains that upper hand. This is the best case scenario which everyone could only want.
I tried to capture all this with a short Haiku that now follows:

a word, provoking
angry words are now exchanged
smiles come, peace remains

As an interesting afterthought, a person once shared with me his unusual approach he himself uses to avoid getting angry. He told me whenever he feels that he is about to get angry he forces himself to laugh uncontrollably and loud that his anger not "take control of Him." He said it works. I am fortunately happy to tell you have never had a chance to test his system out.
A short Haiku poem that discusses a way to avoid anger
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Making The Right Choices With Your Money While You Are Alive

We think we'll live forever. Who among us will readily admit that they will ultimately die, without maintaining that secret hope that somehow, not me! How many people get swept away in there lust for money? Saving, calculating, weighing, balancing, adding, economizing, with frugality and ultimately for what. So they can amass this tremendous wealth that they won't be taking with them in the end anyway.

Sound advice, use you money wisely while you are still alive and with your full faculties intact. You can do much good with the money you have saved, while you are alive, that will bring you happiness even when you are long gone! Faith that the good you do will live on (in your merit). It's only a matter of faith. Perhaps a faith worthy to live by, as well as die for.

When we pass that final gate, there might not be any opportunities for a last chance. What we have accomplished in this world will be ours forever more. This my friend will ultimately, and truly, be our "final score."

wealth not happiness
here today, gone tomorrow
with death, nothing left
Money, it's a TEST! The root to ALL GOOD if used properly. The (potential) root to much EVIL if used improperly. It is all within your control. Choose!
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
That day has been branded when my world did stop
I experienced new meaning to that word called shock
How that womb through which I was first brought into life
has now been rendered so void, having gone under the knife

While doctors and medicine had been one form of plight
living with cancer had imposed its own fright
So when her will to live seemed to be giving up the fight
my world around me began to look very blight

What words and what feelings can overcome
that moment of emptiness standing under the sun
How naked and shallow does all reality take
when your meaning for life gives you nothing but ache

What reflections would weigh, when my tears started
other than my mother before me, my mother now departed
A soul has been released from our world below
no longer to bring me her smile with her loving hello
A Poem written in honor of my mother
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Sacrifices don't always have to come at the expense of pain. How often we recognize, after the fact, that had we done things correctly the first time it would have certainly come out right from the outset. Then again, how many of us learn this lesson and put it into practice? However, when we look at things through a more spiritual light, our questions become more precise. We are then forced to consider the deeper meaning of our existence and what it all means.

Everything In Life Has a Price

Pain and suffering which we are often forced to endure
are an anguish of the mind which we cannot ignore
at times we have tried to help someone in need
only to receive in return greater troubles to heed

To lose the power to do that which is right
nothing worse other than the greatest slight
while the more we might struggle to be set free
the more these troubles increase in their intensity

As we contemplate what the end will bring
sometimes seeing nothing but sorrow for everything
then our friends bare witness, what have we become
a confused conscience is all that we have won

As time goes by, left is but a single memory to recall
when this too is gone, what remains but our own downfall
so we seek an escape, some refuge, anywhere to run
but we find it is too late, our web has already been spun

Everything in life has a price, only sometimes we realize to late
how much precious time we wasted, as we approach our final gate
while the clock ticks away, and with the inevitable growing near
sorrowfully reflecting on our past, for in the end who would care

A smart man learns from his own mistakes, this he will never repeat
while a wise man learns from the mistakes of others, and becomes complete
why continue to waste time, why suffer from that which cannot be made straight
there is great benefit in choosing wisely to avoid pain, and avert that terrible fate

Reconcile yourself with the facts of life, real happiness comes only with sacrifice
it is foolishness for one to think, you can have both worlds living a life of vice
just weigh the temporal pleasures you so much sought, and what they really cost
in the world of truth we will find, only righteousness is ours, all else will be lost
Everything In Life Has a Price
1.3k · Jul 2015
Unforgettable - Haiku Poetry
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
a rose with her smell
as the beauty of first love
captured memories
Very Short Haiku Poetry - Poetry with a message worth a thousand words
1.3k · Jul 2015
Give Peace A Chance
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Without Peace We All Know Where We're Headed......

Give peace a chance, will those of nobility declare
Intelligence of spirit, who could ever compare
Valiantly fighting the evil in the world, unwilling to fail
Earnestly helping those needy, without ever becoming frail

Peacefully sacrificing time and energy without ever reconsidering
Endangering themselves to constantly make a difference
Antagonizing the establishment for an instance
Coming home with battle scars to wear and none to share
Emphasizing they are not heroes, only that "they care"

Angering all others, for showing they disagree

Considering the options with nowhere to hide
Hiroshima and its aftermaths, would never subside
Attempting to disrupt, what those warmongers insist
No necessity to justify, the results do persist
Coming full circle does our world continue to exist
Ending in oblivion, if we don't learn how to desist
A short poem on the importance and need of pursuing peace, and the great nobility of all those that have sacrificed themselves in one way or another to TRY and bring about that peace. As world history has shown time and again, death and devastation on a world (numbers) scale, sadly, are all too real.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
This Mirage We Want to Last Forever

Love, the mother of all 4 letter words. The elixir of life for peace and tranquility on Earth. The one desire that binds mankind giving her hope, stability, and unity. All this, in both the public and private realms.

"Better to have loved and lost rather than never to have loved at all," is a very popular saying that we all have heard. But in reflection, how true it is. Love, in its simplest form, is 100% pure---until, as sometimes happens, it wears off. We may then ask if it wears off, then maybe it was only a (an extended/prolonged) mirage.

pure love, what a scene
like utopia, a dream
only, never seen
L.O.V.E. - The ultimate of desirable words. But is it Real?
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
The A to Z of Choosing that Special One

Actions speak louder than words, some say
Belonging to that period of time, we call day
Considering their impact on others, we may
Develop that strategy, and keep negativity away

Endlessly searching for that special one
Frankly speaking, will that time ever come?
Going to convince yourself you've won
How to deal with failure, calling yourself dumb

Investigating a way for you to have fun
Jack of all trades, yet master of none
Keeping the truth from under the sun
Laughing at you, you turning numb

Managing those feelings of despair
No one knows of those cries you fear
Over and over you say that you care
Predictable enough, when you pull out your hair

Quickly running to gain that control
Relying on your friend, in whom you've trusted your soul
Standing there alone when all takes its toll
Then finding out, devastated, she's been that mole

Under that pillow, the one you once wished to share
Victory to those that you thought had a care
Willing no longer to ever bring near
Xenophobe is now that condition you bare

You've now learned one of many more lessons to come
Zealous in choosing that someone to call, "Special One"
How often have we placed our trust in those we believed to be our closest friends. Tragically, how many times have we been mistaken. Even worse, they are the ones having hurt us the most, when and how we least could have expected it. Only after do we recognize that we must reevaluate in whom to really place our trust.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Adam & Eve, originally, had all their needs provided for until the snake (embodiment of the Evil Inclination, an outside force) caused them to Sin (through Eve). The snake was the second most important creature after Adam. He actually had legs and walked upright which is a sign of dominance and importance. His punishment was that he would now lose his legs and crawl on his belly. So displeased was G-d with him that he made sure the snake's food would be plentiful so that He would have no need to ever again deal with him (directly). Remember, the snake slandered G-d, His Creator--just about the greatest sin one can do in this world! Perhaps, this is where the statement, "the bigger (greater) they are, the harder (lower) they fall," came from.

**Eve made from Adam
first sin causes them to fall
men now fend alone
The Real Culprit in Man's Downfall
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Who will be my friend**, because no one really understands
this poem is just a device, from which my broken heart stems
with these words I now articulate, does my soul seek to take cover
looking for a real friend to have, willing to share the pain of another

Perhaps you too, having been made numb dealing with your concerns
subconsciously focused on healing your own pain, before it burns
then how can I earnestly ask of you, thinking I would be able to find
someone with the ability to help, maybe I myself am just blind

One who is a prisoner, is not free, nor himself in a position
he's trapped in that continuum, caused by his own condition
so I cry out in the only way I know how, this now my mission
hoping to be shown some light, these feelings need definition

Maybe I am delusional, not wishing to accept the fact
that there does not exist a friend, I could ever attract
then what prosperity awaits me, what are my hopes really worth
perhaps the truth I will find, when I am resting deep in the earth

How I must be a paradox, bold and yet full of contrition
thinking long and hard, I nevertheless came to this decision
yes I said what I have to say, but I know this pain is not my own
many of you reading this, whether you'll admit it, you too are alone

An answer exists, but only the strong-willed can discern
the weakness of the human ego, how easy for it to spurn
come off your high horse, for many it is too late
they lack the courage, that independent mind to concentrate

When all is said and done, loneliness of spirit is not exclusively mine
so I submit this proof, to you my dear reader, and let this be a sign
next time you feel on top of the world, where things couldn't be better
count the days that go by, before you too will be writing this same letter
A short poem about friendship and pain - "the weakness of the human ego, how easy for it to spurn"
1.1k · Jul 2015
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Resident Evil Always Lurking**

Transcend the world of darkness, beyond where human senses can go
perceive the existence of this reality, you would otherwise never know
waiting for you is your destiny, preordained, you alone have this control
preparations for the future, by casting off the body, elevating the soul

Transcend all physical boundaries, limitations are a figment of the mind
close your eyes and you'll see, following others is what keeps you blind
achievements are within your abilities, only others try and hold you back
hoping for you to stumble, harboring hidden jealousies, waiting to attack

Transcend the pettiness of an egotistical world, where the center of all is Me
until your life changes, until you become a giver, the truth you will never see
a world without is connected to our world within, bound by words and actions
another paradox of human existence, finding unity among conflicting factions

Transcend the selfishness of your surroundings, none of us are really fully immune
witnessing people with two faces, feigning kindness, wanting us to play their tune
surviving instability of an ever changing world, seek comfort in things of purpose
find consolation in this truth, the world is not what it appears to be on the surface

Transcend the resident evil clouding your thinking, and you'll free yourself to finally live
escaping from those pitfalls of hatred and bigotry, realizing the ultimate good is to give
now having come full circle in your life, you will understand the jewel you have found
spreading goodness to others, with an endless light of happiness, will you be crowned
This is a short poem which discusses some of the challenges we face in this world
1.1k · Jul 2015
Attending Your Own Funeral
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
You won't believe this, rightfully so, you'll think it’s not true
but a person will do anything, when he starts losing his *****
I didn't feel that any one loved me, so I devised one day
to test out my theory, in the most bizarre type of way

I found a way after considerable thought, to put myself on display
and to be able to stay inconspicuous, from a secure distance away
I watched them attend my eulogy, peculiar as it may sound
enjoying the reception, it was nothing short of spellbound

Who could think, a person as crazy as I might be
going to such extremes, who would ever foresee
to accomplish this great task, of convincing my heart
someone would somehow care, if I really did depart

In the back of the room, with shades covering my eyes
sinking into a chair, surrounded by this chorus of cries
who would ever suspect, that this stranger sitting in the back
was really not far away, from being deemed a quack

When my funeral was about over, I watched those flowers start to bend
they too seemed to be saying, haven't you yet been able to mend
so I pushed myself up front, in order to get a better look
this deaths looks too real, what if I really did pass over that final brook

As I approached my casket, overtaken by this powerful desire
could this really be happening, shaking with a cold perspire
to escape from this nightmare, there was but one thing to do
hastening to relieve myself, running from bed to bathroom, I flew

The lesson here to be learned, after thinking about it, was simple and clear
we often have these fears, and yet are not always aware
what’s important for us, is to truly recognize in ourselves, which is the key
understanding our need to feel loved, and the absurd lengths we go, in order to see
Do You feel loved? Just how far would you go to find out? Read on....
1.1k · Jul 2015
A Time to Choose
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
There is a time for love, you have the freedom to choose
there is a time for hate, but you will be forced to abuse
there is a time for peace, where differences are put aside
a time to even the score, differences that now lead to war

There is a time to laugh, because your heart has been tickled
and a time to cry, you, having been made emotionally crippled
a time to sigh, when you tire from having to fight the entire world
a time to die, when to that beautiful light your soul will be hurled

There is a time to choose, the time is unquestionably now
there is a time to negate, when your sin you wish to disavow
there is a time to confuse, to escape from those who are cruel
a time to stay at home, undesirables waiting for you at school

There is a time to run, because you can no longer hide from fear
and a time to hide, when your fear has overcome, it is very near
a time to have fun, the only way to drive worry from your mind
and a place for time to abide, now that evil has been put behind

A time to choose, defining your outlook on life, all people are brothers
having the ability to foresee consequences, our actions have on others
the element of hope has real meaning, those wishing life, if they choose
by reaching deep inside their hearts, and upon us their love they infuse
This is a short poem about one of the Greatest of Freedoms we have in this world, so don't overlook it!
1.0k · Jul 2015
Choose Your Destiny
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Choose your destiny, but your destination has already been prepared
you have only to follow the light of truth, with no cause to be scared
mercy is given to the merciful, and only in the land of the living
after returning to your heavenly abode, there is no longer forgiving

Know that the place to mend is here, and the time to achieve is now
passing into the world of souls, correction they will no longer allow
our personality traits are in need of repair, we must dig very deep below
if we fail to improve the error of our ways, forever will we remain low

Three things, jealousy, lust and honor remove us from this world
struggles of the body and duties of the soul, to us has this been hurled
we do not have the choice to desist from exerting our efforts, this is a must
heavenly eyes are watching, whether we will choose wisely and learn to trust

Encountering life’s trials and tribulations, mitigating circumstances they will weigh
what is required of us is to withstand, but for the right results we must surely pray
like in human affairs, judge your neighbor favorably is the correct way to go
becoming entangled in the net of gossip and slander, from them does sin flow

This world is the place where we are expected to toil, that is why we were created
at the end of this journey, we will finally see just how everything was interrelated
a person’s face in the image of G-d was he created, and yet we embarrass him so
his face turns red as he wishes himself dead, we have murdered him we must know

Those that lower themselves in this world, in the next they will be raised up high
everything is revealed, and for all the good you’ve done forgiveness you can rely
He neither sleeps not slumbers, throughout our lives G-d does patiently await
our shortcomings are no secret, despite our mistakes His love will never abate

The day is short and the work is great, consider your obligations the hour is late
how important it is to take stock, our destiny is ours and we control our own fate
suffice it to say when all else has passed, one thing alone remains to be said
look forward to what you acquired, eternal happiness, for you alone lies ahead
Spiritual Truth unbound by physical constraints, above and beyond human limitations.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
What can be said about the most disastrous day in the life of every American. The day, we as proud American Citizens, woke up to the realization that the love that Radical Islamists have for us is no less than for the Israelis. The problem is no longer in the Middle East. Unfortunately, it was never ONLY in the Middle East. Evil exists in this world. Sometimes it hides behind a scarf. Sometimes it hides behind a religion. Sometimes it hides in the guise of friendship. Whatever and wherever it takes its form, it still has one purpose in mind, our subjugation, our submission, or necessarily (if need be) our annihilation--at their hands!

Trying to capture the moment of this most historical and tragic of days was no easy task. Focusing on the three actors/victims of this most heinous of crimes, while still keeping within the limitation of a Haiku's 5-7-5 format, required boiling down the truth of what happened on this day into its minutest of elements.

What I came up with was the following Haiku which I feel does justice to the realities which now exist in the world, post 9/11.

May All the Victims, NO Heroes of the day, which include all those that lost their life and/or limbs, be forever engraved on the heart's of their brothers.
May G-d Continue to protect and assist us in our (mankind's) continued battle of "Good" (the Good) versus (those Evil) "Evil". One day, very soon, they will all be unmasked and vanquished!

**four birds fly the sky
men so trained to **** and die
world reborn to mourn
9/11 will forever be etched on our minds, and in our hearts
1.0k · Jul 2015
Divorce: A Bitter Course
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
On Par for Divorce?**

Where does he go and what can he do, this wife he married is not the same
words of love have been replaced by abusive words, bent on giving him shame
the sun has turned into rain; you’re trapped, with nowhere to avoid getting wet
now caught in the web of her discontent, and holding your head down with regret

You look toward compromise, hoping to work things out and make it right
only to encounter resistance, she wants nothing less than you out of her sight
as words fall on deaf ears reality sets in, you are full of contrition and remorse
no it gets worse, she's on the warpath and solely focused on threatening divorce

Looking at your young children, with tears in their eyes, what they must now see
a crushed father, withdrawn from the world, only wanting to take them and flee
while wisdom falters and silence overcomes, still dumbstruck on what you can do
remembering a love that once was, but no longer, realizing your marriage is through

Surviving the pains and turmoil of divorce, a challenge sought by many before
only too often leading some to those bitter waters, transfixed on evening the score
but children become the true victims suffering the most, unperceived by those in pain
only in adulthood will those scars surface, on future relationships they leave their stain

Trying to mitigate emotional scars in any divorce requires sheltering children from your hurt
their emotional well-being is of paramount importance, their exposure to anger you must avert
while difficult to accept, divorce can sometimes be for the better, perhaps you will yet come to see
your door to emotional stability was never locked, search deep within for only there lies its key
This is a short poem which deals with the tragedy of divorce. No one comes out the winner.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Death Is Not The End, But A New Beginning**

It is not the end, but a new beginning
a place that is the ultimate in giving
but a lifetime of attachment down here
clouds our minds, thinking of it with fear

The body replanted, with your soul finally released
a new way of living, part of a group called deceased
even though mentioning the word death causes fright
it's a place promised to be a delight, yes, for the upright

You're thinking how I can dare, mentioning death as a kindness
but your fear is natural, and perhaps caused by your own blindness
how would G-d, your Loving Creator, bring death upon you for naught
perhaps it has a benefit for you, but something you were never taught

The body is purged from sin, because our earth has this power to cleanse
so by burying the body in the earth, we will then enable it to make amends
if the soul is found worthy, after the day of judgement it will be redeemed
to be reunited with a pure body, something you would never have dreamed

Death, for the righteous, is then only the beginning, a harbinger for the ultimate bliss
an indescribable happiness beginning with G-d, taking his loved ones with a Divine kiss
thinking of death you no longer fear, because living a virtuous life you are now committed
the greatest happiness awaits for you to experience, knowing you will surely be admitted
This is a short poem relating to death and the righteous
970 · Jul 2015
The Concealed / Revealed
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Removing the Darkness from the Light......

From behind the veil, my tears, I dare to peer out
while forever longing, wishing to remove all doubt
waiting for a time, when the hidden will be revealed
when truth will prevail, no longer to remain concealed

This self-banishment is my unbroken silence, a journey I take
in order to traverse my world within, all else I must forsake
finally hoping to arrive, by following a destination foreseen
this remains my sole means of escape, fleeing to my dream

The hardships we all endure, why to remain mentally impeded
life's momentary setbacks, keep us from becoming conceded
this life is a prison, like in those dreams, we hide but cannot flee
ultimately time will dictate, how many years remain for us "to be"

To be" or "not to be" is then no longer a question, but is the answer
while for those who choose unwisely, "to be" becomes their cancer
how can they turn those unmovable hands, how to retrieve the past
to be given one more chance, and maybe to find eternal peace at last

Lies multiply advancing with time, caught in the confusion of the storm
nevertheless, you refuse to budge, you would rather die than conform
knowing what life is really about, you remove the darkness from the light
giving selflessly to others what they need most, and you become their sight

We can't always recognize the good in all things, but we will soon understand
when the concealed is revealed, only then will we recognize the guiding hand
along with the setting of the sun, are those dreams for us to ultimately behold
tears no longer to be shed, because now you're forever part of a heavenly fold
This is a short but deep poem with hidden meanings, some Concealed / some Revealed, for those ready, willing and able to navigate the depths.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
If harmony in your life is what you truly aspire
bonding of mind and body you must first acquire
when they have become joined, unified as one
know, only now, your journey have you begun

Removing yourself from materialistic desire
is a necessary condition that you will require
enhancing your ability to more easily find
this true wisdom embedded in your mind

Illuminate your way with this one light of truth
for the wisdom residing therein needs no proof
an internal voice proclaims its veracity above any other
your inner sanctum is impervious to any false cover

The heart is the battleground, a place where all is contained
where you find pain, ultimately you will find what is gained
no person can ever perceive, nor has he ever been shown
this place that awaits him, forever it must remain unknown

So too your heart, its real location is in your own mind
this true happiness we all seek, it need not be defined
only first we must truly begin to know how it is to be controlled
otherwise to be defeated by fear, and in need to be consoled

Fear for the most part, belongs to the forces of evil and is their tool
used for the purpose of confusing one’s wisdom, attempting to fool
while the forces of good have the power to enlighten, resuscitating the mind
strengthening those wishing to be saved, as well as giving sight to the blind

Yes good and evil will, necessarily, continually strive
if evil overcomes, it will be your soul that it will deprive
and when evil reaches that point beyond redemption
only its complete destruction will remove all contention

This reality, perhaps, is why as human beings we are truly bound as one
despite our differences, it is G-d’s will that evil must ultimately succumb
when this final day approaches, He will allow us to collectively deploy
united as one to execute G-d's command, and evil will we finally destroy
True happiness is what every heart seeks. Yet, where can it be found? Perhaps, in the way we choose to live our lives. Where there is love there is happiness. Where there is true happiness, only there can be found true love. Fear of change. Fear of changing ourselves for the better is what stops us from really finding this true happiness. The fear is, once embarked on this Journey, that there is no return.
927 · Jul 2015
The Sex Complex
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Life's Contradictions!

Life is full of contradictions. Take men and women as an example. They are completely two different beings. One could even say separate nations. Yet, what compliments their relationship is just that. Like a business partnership it's nothing less than a give and take relationship for the "duration of the ride." And when you look even closer, you begin to see the great wisdom, plan and purpose in just this kind of relationship. It's what living life in this world is all about. Learning to live with your opposite and making yourself a better human being in the process. Here's where the contradiction lies. Although opposite, yet made for each other!

My short Haiku illustrating the above now follows:

**two opposite beings
appearance, thinking, outlook
made for each other
A short Haiku Poem, where just a few words yields a thousand images
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
This is a short poetic/politic statement. Those in power understand that the pen is mightier than the sword. Where is this pen located? Somewhere between my tongue and two lips. When the words I speak are met with much public approval; that is power. So if I want to maintain my power in the eyes of "My Public" I am going to give your ears what I know they want to hear. Having absorbed all this, you'll be able to better understand the context upon which this article was written.

What the politicians do best--- Courting World Opinion

News is used to justify their views
Understanding political objectives
Controlling minds with disinformation
Letting us think everything is under control
Ending all major offenses on a positive note
Allowing for personal agendas to be camouflaged
Reinforcing a supremacy and will of might, that once (upon a time) really existed

Winning all of their objectives, in the marketplace of world opinion
Attempting to represent the people, having been promoted from rank of attorney
Reinventing the theory of a believing public, despite years of promoting misinformation campaigns to pursue hidden goals
When will the world go BANG!
910 · Jul 2015
Secret Shame
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
On Whom to Blame?

On Whom can we blame. Let's face it. We are human beings. Attributing blame (or excuses) is something we all do. Why? What is it in our physiological make-up that somehow justifies this tendency in almost all of us? The answer is that it's a secret. A true earthly secret that is kept even from ourselves. Perhaps our egos allow us to "live with ourselves" if we can somehow convince ourselves that we didn't fail; that we didn't do anything wrong. And as you and I both know, We (just about) never do! Right!

Here it is, but please remember, keep it a secret:

Secrets remain
a world to blame
hearts with no shame
life, but a game
they look the same
separate is their fame
from afar they came
but a secret with
no name, and
a life with no
When dealing with shame, keep it (hidden) short. Here's a short, but deep, spiritual message.
Can anyone decipher?
896 · Jul 2015
You're a Poet
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
You're a Poet, but you don't just write poems, you're so much more
gifted with the power of perception, knowing how to make hearts soar
compelled to share your heart's impressions, both the good and the bad
taking the beautiful and lyrical, making them happy, and sometimes sad

You're a Poet, writing poetry, sharing imagination with a flowing creativity
wanting to bring people close, ever watchful to avoid unwanted negativity
coming from the Greek word poietes, poet, which means maker or to make
allows us to appreciate each other as poets, life's all about the give and take

You're a Poet, loving the world and the people in it, wanting to see the truth
knowing your limitations and flaws, always open to introspection and proof
self driven from a powerful force within, and needing to share your thoughts
you tailor words just so, keeping your objectivity intact, as your poetry talks

You're a Poet, unlike the rich and wealthy, your treasure will never be stolen
a power to create, using the simplest of tools, even with a measured semi-colon
you have a venue for sharing and caring, you warm the feelings of those around
drawing people into your inner world, giving them words with a beautiful sound

You’re all Poets, all having the power, and making the difference to someone dear
never stop giving of yourselves, because so many find direction in what you share
so to all of you calling yourself poet, my friendship and admiration for you is clear
honorably spreading messages of hope, by disseminating poetry to those that care
This is a short poem dedicated to all of my fellow poets on this site. We know who and what you are.
871 · Jul 2015
An Eternal Friendship
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A Friend With No End**

What exactly is a friend, another mystery in life
how many have we had, until ending with strife
then picking up one more, you think you're there
only to be saddened, realizing, they do not care

Friendship has a formula, a bond of mutual affection
where two hearts and a mind, are the only connection
when personal considerations for gain, reside no more
a relationship with another, with pure caring as its core

Your respect and honor, are as dear to him as his own
continuously sacrificing much for you, time has shown
he can be compared to no one, a true friend that is rare
an unending friendship and love, with you does he share

How to tell a friend what words just can't describe, they fall short
holding you together all these years, was his never ending support
his time, experience, knowledge, and advice, he has never withheld
fears, anxieties, pains and anguish, so often, he alone has dispelled

Where his move to action is not just his credo, using humility to go about
helping others from the heart, pursuing kindness, is his continuous route
while thinking to take instruction from others, clueless to what he has done
having become our model to draw upon, this eternal kindness has he spun

An eternal friend, selflessly giving to others what they need, giving us this hope
throughout his life helping those in need, unknowingly, teaching us how to cope
may G-d grant Blessings of long life, to him, his family, and to his very kind wife
bestowing upon them the ultimate inheritance, eternal happiness in the afterlife
This is a short poem written to describe the ultimate reality existing in a True Friendship
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
What effect you as a writer can have on others.

Post a poem here
but only if you dare
they might give you a vote
they might give you a scare

Forum rules guides us there
give them your support, they declare
So while you're focused on your share
don't forget this forum to beware

Quick to write with that care
to avoid any excessive flair
ultimately finding words that pair
you think your poem is extraordinaire

With an open laptop lying next to your chair
eyes in the library begin giving you a stare
nevertheless, you seem to pay them no care
off to your posting like your very own prayer

Hardly finished but you can feel it in the air
somethings going on, something rare
fixated on that email button as your hand draws near
your fan club is calling, you've caught their ear

Once again you've been told, with a reader's tear
just what your poem meant to them, it's so very dear
finally arriving to this worthy conclusion alone to bare
what a world of difference have you made, moving others to Care.....
Please, Poets ONLY!
A short Poem reflecting a Poet's experience. I tried to captured "that moment" of what it's all about.
831 · Jul 2015
Silence is Key
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Now engulfed by silence, with my thoughts must I contend
trying to avoid the abyss, a state of loneliness to descend
being in touch with my feelings, I have become confined
thinking to escape, despite being directionless and blind

The days bring disappointments, with weeks fleeting hope
feeling you're at that point of no return, you just can't cope
yet, happy memories break that spell, in time wounds heal
constantly keeping yourself occupied, thinking you can deal

Regain your emotional stability, and recognize this very power
healing starts from within, so don't retreat from your ivory tower
the human mind has an endless light, where happiness is found
leading you toward a deeper understanding, this life is profound

Don't drown in the waters of silence, your mind brings you there
it creates images of fear, trapping you, your subconscious snare
find a friend in whom you can trust, and share your pain and fear
you'll then unburden your heart, knowing that someone does care

At times silence can be beneficial, when kept under your control
but if it causes your mind to become delusional, it will take a toll
silence breeds independence, so you can make it work for you
it resides in a world of its own; you don't have to be a who's who

So take advantage of this internal silence, a catalyst to achieve
exile yourself to its sanctuary, in its power you've got to believe
light is mere reflection, it is silence which you will ultimately see
it alone will enable you to find happiness, your true spiritual key
Sometimes silence can be deafening. Sometimes silence can be music to soothe the mind. It is the key that unlocks many doors. This is a short poem that seeks to make a little noise in the minds of those who feel that they are trapped in silence.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Love's burning desire**

Life passes by much too quickly. More often than not, we lack an appreciation for the true value of time. Almost like in the blink of an eye another day has past. Then, another week. Then, another month. Then, another year. When we finally come to our senses reality starts to settle in. We are now left with that ever recurring question of, where has the time gone? Ergo, why not come to this appreciation for life while we are still young. At a time, perhaps, when we still have most of our basic faculties intact and an ability to use them more beneficially and productively while "age" is still somewhat on our side.

Below is a poem I wrote in an attempt to get this point across in a more creative way. Here we can see the development of that passing time. Here we see the changes time necessarily impacts on us. The message is clear, don't let human frailties and shortcomings from stopping you from enjoying, accomplishing, living, experiencing, etc. Don't let things like fear, laziness, depression, unhappiness, or anything similar restrict you from appreciating everything that life has to offer and for you to experience. So mush exists in this our beautiful world. So much awaits us to experience and to grow. Why squander away that precious time that so often steals away everything we have from right under our noses. The real tragedy is when we finally see how precious time is. We see why it is thus so precious. It CANNOT be replaced. Appreciate Life! Enjoy Life! Don't even stop to turn around.

The sun will shine, and the clouds will rain
these winds will blow, and love will yet feign
the eye will see, and the heart will crave
the body will sin, and sin will enslave

The baby will crawl, and the boy will walk
the man will run, and love will soon talk
love's burning desire, but a fleeting fire
age overcomes, desires quickly retire

The old man now stooped over
memories have but faded away
that life once full of living, alas
sitting in solitude, nothing but decay

So in youth, don't ever miss the chance
never stop dreaming, a time for romance
the days are shadows, years will soon disappear
don't miss these opportunities when you're young
just because of this word called fear
A short Poem about Appreciating Life. Don't let time slip away.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
I lived a life throughout this land, and with time, wisdom have I earned
I'll try my best, this is my pledge, to share with you what I have learned
with a growing strength and new found wisdom, surely I've become  brighter
out of somewhere then came this burning desire, to be this new type of fighter

Not with  muscle or aggression, this is not an obsession, I would ever aspire
but with pen and paper and the truth to shape her, to this could I ever admire
discovering this power close at hand, knowing that it would finally afford
an opportunity for me to persist, because the pen is mightier than the sword

You, my adversary, might steal my money or cause me some shame
but know for sure, the words of my heart you would succeed only to inflame
mustering the will with all my strength, to oppose you when you conspire
but in the end the truth will be known, and the truth alone all will acquire

I have nurtured this dream since I was little, to find a way to bind
to make my words and thoughts come alive, and of a singular kind
so just plant this one thought in your mind, and never ever let it go
only with paper, pen and writing again, can you ever expect to grow
A short poem and the power of the pen, you'll be captivated once again
797 · Jul 2015
Love Heals All Wounds
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
How to come to terms with the pain inside
when hurt goes deep, when hurt spreads wide
and where to turn, in whom to confide
this was all that remained, for me to decide

A decision I made, of which I took in stride
though standing there alone, silently, I cried
knocking on her door, that cold winter night
as soon as I saw her, could not tell if it was right

That night was a test, trying to put my pain aside
accepting deep in my heart, it might forever reside
but the power of these feelings, inside of me took hold
consumed by a single desire, with her alone to unfold

Eye to eye we did meet, although our words were few
telling her of my sorrow, her reaction I then knew
those tears in her eyes, hurt me most of all
regret for having once left her, how I felt so small

Taking her hand in mine, never again to let go
kissing her tenderly, irrepressible tears did flow
my imprudent heart, would no longer do her wrong
whispering to her my love, forever my only song
I believe Love Is The Greatest of Medicines!
This is a short poem about love, mistakes, and a happy ending. Sometimes life looks bleak. There really seems to be no more tomorrow, being unable to find any consolation to your current situation. Then there is still hope. There can still be a "coming to terms" within yourself. And in the end, a happy reconciliation.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Hate is an Evil Within

You have feelings of hate for someone or something. Sometimes you don't even know why. Even against your will, you might not know it, or even understand it, but it plagues you. It controls you. It eats you up inside. You want to come to terms with it. Desperately you seek to put your finger at what it is that is making you feel so unhappy inside. Then, you realize it's a feeling of having "no control" over something that brings you pain. Perhaps subconsciously you're afraid that if you cannot control it then it will continue to bring you pain and /or suffering. Your ego needs a balance and this fact is causing an internal chaos you so much need to repair. To HATE, it is the most bitter of pills that we all, at one point or another, are forced to come to terms with.

Nevertheless, hope exists!

The secret to that equanimity you so need and desire is in knowing how to control, direct, or redirect this hate to make it work for you--Not eat you up alive. The best way is acknowledge that it serves no great positive purpose to hold on to it. Since anger and hatred are first cousins (never removed), it could be that there is an element of fear or the unknown is a contributory factor. If you want to overcome your hatred or dislike for someone, the best way to do so is to attach yourself to them. Give them something, or do a favor for them. Even by saying hello with sincerity and focusing on giving that hello or smile from your heart will necessarily affect that person and you as well. In fact, don't be surprised if you actually start to have misgivings and realize that the hatred and negativity was, not only misplaced, but perhaps even wholly unjustified from the outset.

Hatred is ugly, and we, as human beings, must learn how to remove it from our character traits in toto. It has even been suggested that anger leads to heart disease and shortens a persons life in general. I hope we never have to find out!

**consumes like desire
devours everything like fire
death will you acquire
Here is a haiku which attempts to capture the prisoner of hate. We've all been enslaved, at one point or another, to this very harsh and dangerous of emotions. Once caught in its clutches, even a Harry Houdini would have a difficult time breaking free.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Memories of Love**

Drowning in emotions, as your heart pines
you study her like a book, seeing the signs
what could you do, by chance you met her
unable to foresee, your heart she would stir

Waiting was killing me, deciding this is my stance
a game of nerves, there won't be another chance
with all my prayers, preparing for this special day
having spent so much time, thinking of what to say

So stunningly beautiful, my imagination did rise
now if she would look my way, my greatest prize
how to bring it about, to let her know how I feel
perhaps she won't believe me, her heart to steal

A love waits to be found, although its owner is lost
what I would not do for this love, whatever its cost
I've been imprisoned, and my emotions are on trial
love now at the mercy of another, there is no denial

Approaching from behind, placing my hands over her eyes
as I whispered "guess who" in her ear, but it was no surprise
she suspected who it was, finding out she too felt something
my heart was ready to burst, my blood pressure was jumping

My life was at a turning point, and feelings of love were at a stage
a love with depth and meaning, captured in a book on every page
as I look back to that time in my life, longing again for this feeling
in youth this love, fueling this happiness, was the ultimate healing

Coming to the end of my book, memories of past love have faded
reliving this happiness and serenity, can no longer be anticipated
yet, while you are still young find this love, for in your heart it sets
memories fade, but love remains, because the heart never forgets
Memories of Love might fade, but where it reigns it forever remains
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
I have a story to tell, a story that really happened quite a long time ago
forcing upon me painful memories, and a place my mind wishes not to go
although young, these teenagers were to learn about love for the first time
despite the threats on the part of their parents, who considered this a crime

How creative one’s mind becomes, when love begins playing her songs
imagination finds the setting, filling your heart with a love that belongs
the more anyone attempts to prevent, this love strengthens as a lion on call
a love so infused with sincere courage, none could ever succeed to forestall

How this fountain of youth, young enough to satiate that thirst from within
but only until old age arrives, then those lights of love will be forced to dim
while young time stops, as emotions are fully charged, dreams burn like fire
feelings of love, so real to mind and body, are engulfed in passionate desire

So as time crept on, these loving souls did part, a time of sadness did they share
thinking never again to experience that bond of love, as their hearts went bare
gone was the love and the experience it brought out, a happiness if however short
learning this painful truth, sadly, even true love we are sometimes forced to abort

Greater than love is the will and resolve, to experience a happiness and yet to let go
this is only a part of life's many challenges, strengthening us and allowing us to grow
despite the heartbreaks we often seem to endure, G-d affords us the stamina to persevere
so when your true soul mate will cross your path, you will undoubtedly find a love so clear

Life is full of trials and tribulations, and our happiness sometimes seems like a juggling act
yet we must know, our destined one G-d will surely never withhold from us, this is a fact
so when love that was not to be comes upon you, remember that the Almighty has His way
His Love for us is paramount of all, and true happiness will you yet find at the end of the day
Love: Life's Longest Roller Coaster!
This is a short poem about a love that never was
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
This poem represents one, of many, of life's journeys. A journey filled with tears, disappointments, and lies. Many years of watching relationships being tossed, people crossed, and still worse, years lost. Yet, one can never know when the sparks of faith will ignite. When you least expect it, it appears. With it, strength for some enabling them to overcome. You are a new person, with a cause and a reason to add to your "being". You have direction with a spiritual goal as your sole purpose. A faith, borne of pain, now bringing you into His inner circle. A circle filled with this bright light. A light that will never be extinguished, because it has now become a real part of you--a part of  your very soul.

I never sought your money, never sought your gold
all I ever asked, was for the truth to be told
while time has passed, my hope has faded
G-d only knows, how long I had waited

Memories I have as a little boy, once happy just to play with my toy
but as I grew up my mind did ponder, if truth really existed over yonder
reaching adulthood I saw for myself, the lies which my soul had been fed
only by the grace of G-d was I prevented, my steps to purgatory from being led

Now I am older, being blessed with a family of my own
left with so many questions, and still very very much alone
perhaps if only I could make sense, to understand who you really are
a chance to at least to be able, with hope to remove this scar

And you my forebearer, although you brought me into being
you gave me my strength, but my faith gave me my seeing
but now your are old, and you can no longer pretend
despite our relationship, gone is the ability for me to mend

Those missed opportunities, now my mother is no longer
only after her death, did I realize she made me stronger
my internal tears how inconsolable, when this truth set in
oh how much I failed to honor her while alive, this my sin

"Honor thy father and thy mother", have we been commanded
for no other reason or purpose, other than He has demanded
no matter how much grief or anger, you feel from you they deserve
avoid bringing punishment upon your soul, your anger do not preserve

Lessons of a lifetime, skeletons in the closet we all do hide
varying durations of time we have been pained, in whom to confide
there can be no escape, for our actions will we be judged
how difficult to overcome our ego, to this we can't be budged

While we cannot go back, stopping those hands from turning time
but we can seek to redirect ourselves, focusing toward the sublime
charity starts at home, therefore it's for our own ultimate good
eternal bliss really does await us, if we but only understood
Pain Is G-d's Way To Bring You Close. A Pain which will ultimately lead to faith.
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
A Way To Cope

A hidden world, like a heart's inner word
it cannot be seen, nor can it be heard
everyday of your life, it exists
you try to resist, but it persists

Just as thoughts control one's mind
so too, the will power where one can find
a way to cope, or at least to unwind
from troubles and fears that do so bind

Fear restricts freedom, your mind to explore
it is forcing your happiness into a detour
left is desire to find this calm, and be content
better than suffering, with fear to vent

There is no escape, you feel like you're bait
only time now stands, between you and your fate
no respite, whatever you might endeavor to do
knowing those worries, nevertheless, will continue

It plagues your mind, and plagues your soul
hearing inner voices saying, "I told you so"
so once again, withdrawing from that chase
retreating yourself, to your secret hiding place

That place of comfort, and place of security
a location guaranteeing you, your obscurity
time has taught you, you have fine tuned
this is your way, to heal your own wound

Overcoming fear is the only way
it requires patience to wait that day
thinking you can rely, to yourself do you obey
but with time, once again you do go astray

To regain control, of your inner world of fears
you need a friend, with whom to share those tears
someone who has been tested, someone to confide
allowing you to open up, and to no longer hide

A friend who listens, allowing you to mend
on a special someone, whom you've come to depend
that beautiful soul, she alone with her tears
knows that secret, to remove those fears

Your friend for the duration, till the very end
she is not into gossip, nor does she pretend
a ***** soul mate, destroying your world of fears
giving you a listening ear, and her heart that cares
A short poem to let you know how your fear will disappear
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