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Zack Ripley Oct 2021
Things change every day
whether we like it or not.
That's why it's so important
to work with what we've got.
Because one day, they just might pave paradise to put up a parking lot
Zack Ripley Aug 2024
Everyone has limits.
It's okay if you've reached yours.
You can close any doors
you've opened.
No matter what people say,
you've got nothing to prove.
Just take life day by day, and someday, you'll find your groove.
I'm not saying it will be easy.
In fact, you'll probably
have some scars.
But if you're going to make it, it'll be because you believe in yourself and trust that you ARE enough
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
You could know everything,
But that won't mean a **** thing
If you don't start listening.
Listening to yourself.
To your body.
To your friends and family.
Listening to the people
Who ask for information.
Because they won't be interested
In what you have to say
If you don't care about
What they have to say.
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
I can't believe we've come this far.
Letting us see each other's scars.
I can't believe that you're still here.
Or that you've changed me so much
In less than a year.
I never wanted you to see
That I was an overthinker.
Or how much I love belting out
My favorite songs even though
I'm a bad singer.
I thought you wanted a protector.
That showing my fun side
Would drive you away.
Little did I know, that's exactly why
You decided to stay.
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
There are billions of colors.
But most only see black or white.
Don't be afraid to live in color.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
It's funny how stars are so hot
But only come out when it's cold.
They're millions of miles away
But shine as bright as gold.
They look like they're so close together but they're actually worlds apart.
it's funny how we always aspire to reach for the stars
When the way they live their life
Is so similar to ours.
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
there's nothing wrong with living in the moment
when you know you're dying by the second.
and, while it's true that you can get hurt
if you let your guard down,
there's nothing wrong with living like tomorrow's going to come.
because it will come whether or not you're here to see it.
but you never know when your time will come to an end.
so why not let yourself hope?
let yourself dream.
because life isn't always peaches and cream.
Zack Ripley May 2021
You've filled your pretty head
With a million excuses and lies.
Stop wasting your breath;
I've seen and heard it all a million times.
Sorry, little boy,
but you're not as cute as you think.
You may think you're water in a desert,
But I'm not desperate enough to drink.
Because I may be lonely, but I'm not alone.
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
Dear fellow lonely hearts I will never know, as this Valentine's day rolls around, I just want to let you know...i love you.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
it's time to let myself go.
It's time to give up.
It's time to let everyone know
That I finally believe
That I'm worthy of love. Praise.
That I'm finally comfortable
in my own skin.
And if I can feel that way about myself
I have faith you can too.
It all starts by looking within.
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
We're all magicians.
We all make money
Disappear before our eyes.
Too bad we don't have x ray vision
To see through people's lies
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
If you can't put words
To the pain and fear you feel,
Lose yourself in some good music
Until you start to heal.
Zack Ripley May 2024
I understand there will be times the words I say won't be the ones you hear.
And you might lash out in anger
disguised as fear.
Fear that one day, we'll fight, I'll leave,
and never come back.
But once you calm down, like you always do,
I'll be there to remind you that sometimes, words get lost in translation.
And it's OK, because it happens to everyone.
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
it's scary being lost.
Feeling lost. Alone.
So cold, you can feel it in your bones.
But the thing about being lost,
You can always be found.
Found by a person. By faith.
You can even find yourself.
If you're out there,
And you want to be found,
If you're READY to be found,
Call out your name.
Someone who can help
Will listen for the sound
Zack Ripley Jan 2024
As time keeps going,
my mind will start slowing down.
I won't remember when we met.
I won't remember how.
But there is one thing I can promise right now. I'm not afraid of losing those memories because I'll never have to wonder
why you came into my life.
Whether it's because you saved me,
you hurt me, you taught me a lesson,
or you became my best friend,
you made me who I am.
And that's all I need to remember.
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Red cheeks.
Flaming heart.
Soul stains and rusts
As it's consumed by lust.
But not for you.
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
I don't need stories of battles
Between knights and dragons
In the days of old.
I don't have dreams
Of everything I touch turning to gold.
I don't need to walk on water
Or turn water into wine.
I have enough magic in my life
Because you're mine.
Zack Ripley Jul 2022
You thought you'd left the days of make believe behind by the time you were nine.
And yet, years later, here you are
making yourself believe you'll be okay
so you can make your baby believe the same.
Somewhere along the way,
we seem to correlate imagination
with maturity.
But what if it has less to do with growing up and more to do with surviving?
What if it's a defense mechanism?
Zack Ripley Jun 2021
Have you ever watched someone
look at themselves in the mirror?
It's heartbreaking.
They never see what you see.
But that's why it's important for you to be there.
To make them feel beautiful.
Like someone cares.
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
Today, I know what it's like
To be a Russian nesting doll.
Putting a mask over my mask
That masks how I'm really feeling inside.
But you know what?
They're not all bad.
Masks can be beautiful.
And remember, at the end of the day,
You're still you underneath it all.
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
I can't see myself the way you see me
But maybe that's the way it's meant to be.
Zack Ripley May 2019
Today I stand beside you to honor those we love.
The ones who made it home, the ones still fighting, and the ones called to guide us from above.
Today, when they sing the national anthem, don't be surprised if you see me cry. It represents everything that makes me proud to be semper fi.
Today, it doesn't matter where you come from.
If you're here, you're American at the core.
Today, we celebrate everything we're fighting for.
Today, we'll visit our parents, daughters and sons
And tell them their war is over
"You can finally rest in peace. It's okay. Lay down your guns."
Whether you're a soldier, seal or marine, thank you for shielding us from all the things you see that should never be seen.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
Another day here.
Another day gone.
Another day wishing
I had somewhere I belonged.
Another day comes.
Another day goes.
Another day with nothing to show.
Another day begins.
Another day ends.
Another day with no new friends.
But in spite of it all,
I still hold on to hope
That someday, someone will help me
Be more like a river
And less like a wall
Title based on song by MacKenzie Phillips, featured in 90s Disney show called so weird.
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
You may not light up the midnight sky
But to me, you're more precious than a star.
Because if you let me close enough
To touch you,
You won't burn my hands
or blind my eyes
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
Love is more than just faith, trust, and pixie dust.
It's also stress, responsibility, and lust.
But that doesn't make it any less worth fighting for.
Everything has negatives. And sometimes, it can be hard to focus on the positive.
But no one knows what the future has in store.
So if you take it day by day, and don't forget to have fun along the way,
Your love will grow. And who knows.
It could eventually lead to something more
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
thank you for your love.
Thank you for your guiding light.
Thank you for being someone
I could talk to when I couldn't sleep
At night.
Thank you for making me smile.
Thank you for letting me cry
On your shoulder.
And know I'll do the same for you
When I get older.
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
I've seen good.
I've seen great.
I've seen love.
I've seen hate.
I've seen fire.
I've seen rain.
I've seen joy.
I've seen pain.
I've seen a lot in my time.
But just once, I'd like to feel it all
Before I reach the end
Of this mountain climb.
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
Words don't seem to mean much anymore.
Nothing's made sense
Since you walked out that door.
I don't understand how everything went so wrong.
Well, I guess the time has come.
It's time to move on.
Don't know how I'll get along.
Because with you, I felt strong.
What'll I do if I see you
Out on the street?
Not gonna punch or cry.
Won't raise my *******
to the sky.
Just gonna walk on by.
And if you grab my hand
As I walk away,
Baby, there's only one thing
I'll have to say. Move on.
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
The music man is the master of disguise.
He sings about his pain but no one hears his cries
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
Daddy says he's got to go. "No. You can't go with me today. I'll be back before you know it. But for now, I need you to stay." So I obey. As I look out the window pane, I know he'll be back but it still hurts to see him drive away. But he saved me. He gave me a home. He gave me love. So even though it hurts to see him drive away, I'll stay. Because he's my daddy and that's all there is to say
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
My eyes may say "cool as a cucumber."
But that's just what I want you to see.
Because in reality, my eyes
Are aquariums of anxiety in disguise.
Zack Ripley Apr 2021
Of all the days and all the years,
All the laughs and all the tears,
All the love and all the fights,
All the mornings and sleepless nights,
Of all the life we've been through,
My most precious memories
Are every day I spend with you
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
you say the cost of living keeps rising so people keep dying.
if that's true, then why should we bother trying?
growing up in small town usa,
the only opportunities for work are dangerous
and offer very little pay.
if you dont have thick skin,
you won't be able to make it through the day.
I need you to say that you believe I have a choice.
that you think people will listen to what i have to say
if i raise my voice.
I don't want to leave, but i know i can't stay.
if i want a chance to live, i'll need to live life my way
Zack Ripley Oct 2022
When you were a kid, you were given 2 choices: "you can make this easy,
or you can make it hard."
Only to come out realizing no matter which one you chose, you'd wind up covered in scars.
But it's OK. You couldn't have known.
And I'll tell you a secret. Everyone has scars. They're proof we've grown.
These scars don't have to scar you though. Just call them by their name, and let them go. The names you won't soon forget,
these scars are named mistake and regret.
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
Anger. Anxiety. Depression. Fear.
Imagine these feelings
Are a natural disaster.
What would they be?
Would they be an earthquake?
Making it feel hard to stay upright?
Do they create rifts
that drive you apart from loved ones?
Are they a tsunami?
Building up until one day, they burst, drowning you?
Or are they a tornado?
Just destroying everything in its path?
If you can find a way to explain what it feels like
When you're angry, anxious, depressed, or afraid,
it can be a good start to managing it.
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Whether you look up in the trees
Or down to the bottom of the sea,
Mother nature's beauty is plain to see.
But one look at the hurricanes
and fires on tv
Serve as a reminder
Of what she can do
if we make her angry
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
Negativity. Positivity. Opposites? Perhaps.
But they have more in common
than you'd think.
They both affect
your interpretation of situations.
They both require energy.
Both are choices.
It's up to you to make that choice.
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
In the middle of the night, I toss and turn screaming out your name
Knowing that even if you take me back, things will never be the same
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
I didn't tell you I loved you
Because I thought that you already knew.
I never told you you meant the world to me
Because I thought it was clear to see.
Or maybe that's just the way I wanted it to be.
But now that you've gone away,
I asked myself if it's too late to tell you these things.
A voice answered back.
"It's never too late."
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
It's never too late to live.
It's never too late to love.
It's never too late to dream
No matter how impossible
Your dream may seem.
It's never too late to make new friends.
It's never too late to make amends.
It's never too late to forgive.
It's never too late to move on.
It's never too late to sing your song.
It's never too late
To stop smoking or drinking.
It's never too late to try new things.
It's never too late for you.
It's never too late for me.
It's never too late
To be who you want to be.
It's never too late to believe.
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
Today is ending so tomorrow can begin.
Tonight, your eyes will rest as you grow your new skin.
This is something our body does every night so we can have the best chance to keep fighting the good fight.
In the morning, you might not feel the best.
So make sure you have enough energy to take on the day by eating breakfast.
Your body will do whatever it takes to make sure you survive.
But it's up to you to take care of your new skin so you can thrive
Zack Ripley Jul 2024
You may find it hard sometimes
to see the forest for the trees.
And you may get frustrated
if you ask why things happen
the way they do.
Because sometimes,
there just aren't good answers. And that can make you feel powerless.
But I hope you'll find peace, strength, power, and most of all, hope, when you realize you can't change what happens,
but you can choose
what you do next.
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
You can't see the light because you are the light. So don't worry about your scars.
They'll heal as you fly across the sky like a shooting star.
Don't forget the night doesn't last forever even in the land of the midnight sun. As long as you show up half the battle has been won
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
Life doesn't apologize
Love won't apologize either
You shouldn't have to apologize.
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
It's none of my business
To ask what's in your heart
Or what's on your mind.
It's none of my business
To know your story
Or the things you've left behind.
I don't even know you. So I know it's not my place to care
But I'm willing to listen if you're willing to share
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
NO ONE can help or please EVERYONE
But ANYONE can help or please SOMEONE.
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I close my eyes hoping for a lullaby.
You can imagine my disappointment when one doesn't come
No matter how hard I try.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
This is the story of a tipped tree,
Some fish,
And two men who hit the streets.
They wanted to spread the word
About how to keep pets safe.
To speak up for those who could
Not be heard.
They'd knock on the door,
Say "hi! We're from PETA!
And just like that, they weren't
Invited to say anymore.
This happened again and again and again.
Finally, they agreed "one more. Then that will be the end."
They knocked on the door.
But this time, no one answered.
They knocked again, no answer.
They went to the window
And what did they see?
Baby goldfish in clear ***** of water
Hanging off the tree.
They looked at each other,  and both said "we need to act quick."
Luckily, the door was unlocked.
No lock to pick.
Handling them with care,
They got the fish to safety and got
Out of there. But before they left,
They kicked the tree down in anger.
And that's the story of how the tree was knocked over not by a cat,
But a stranger.
This was inspired by a prompt to write a poem about why the tree was knocked over.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
"What would you do for loved ones?"
"What would you do for yourself?"
"Why not?"
"It's selfish."
"Why is it selfish?"
"Because I'm okay being alone.
They're not."
"First, just because you're okay
Being alone doesn't mean
you should be.
And second, you're not alone.
You have me."
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Trying to get ahead
but I can't silence all these thoughts inside of my head.
Looking everywhere for a place to reset. Get a grip.
But my demons are screaming so loud it's like I'm on a bad trip. They say god never gives us more than we can take.
But I don't know how much longer I can hold my breath
before I find myself at the bottom of the lake.
I clutch my chest gasping for air,
and with my hand on my heart,
I pray for another day; a chance to prove I deserve a new start.
I close my eyes one last time and let myself go.
The demons leave my mind, body and soul.
I feel a rush come over and open my eyes
to realize it was all a dream; I'm still alive.
Now that I made it through, my mission is clear.
I know what to do. I now have a purpose:
use my experiences to help the broken and scarred find their faith, and help them believe loving, living, fighting is not a mistake.
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