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232 · Feb 2020
Turn around
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
Just because you don't have someone
By your side doesn't mean
you're alone.
Close your eyes.
Turn around.
When you open your eyes,
Tears might fall when you see
All the people who have watched you grow.
230 · Apr 2020
meant to be
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
I can't see myself the way you see me
But maybe that's the way it's meant to be.
228 · Mar 2020
Heart of stone
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I can't lie. I can't pretend.
I'm not ready to dive
into the fire again.
After all the heartbreak
The world has shown
I'd rather have medusa
Turn my heart to stone.
228 · Mar 2019
Don't give up on love
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Every day, you feel like you're dying inside
trying to ignore the pain gifted by a world that can be so unkind. You look in the mirror and try to like what you see.
But the ones who broke your heart
won't let you see how beautiful you are.
If you feel alone and scared to trust the ones that love you
because you feel like they won't understand,
it's easy to push love away
when you feel like you're the only one who knows your heart
and you're the only one who can.
But please, don't give up on love.
Don't give up on your heart.
Forget about the ones who couldn't see your beautiful soul right from the start.
Don't give up on your dreams
and someday you'll find
this crazy life can be so much better than it seems.
So don't give up on love.
226 · Jan 2020
blind love
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
I get undressed and pat my bed
Until I find the pillow that rests beneath my head.
As I slide beneath the sheets,
I can't help but get excited
As I hear the pitter patter of your feet.
Then the bed creaks,
And as you get closer,
My face gets hotter. I'm sure it's as red as a beet.
Now, I feel something close to my face.
It's not my pillow, but a warm embrace.
As my head lays to rest, I can't help but wonder
if it's cradled in your hands or your *******.
As I lay there, tears stream down my cheek
And then, I feel blessed as I hear you, my angel, speak.
"What's wrong, my love?" you say as you wipe away my tears.
"I just wish I could see you.
To be able to look you in the eyes and "thank you."
You have no idea how much it means to have you here."
You just smile, kiss my head,  and stroke my hair until we fall asleep here in my bed.
225 · Mar 2022
Every day
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
Your birthday is important.
The day you die is important.
But so is every day in between.
224 · Oct 2020
Don't say sorry
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
Didn't see the signs
Or read between the lines.
Was blind because you were mine.
Didn't take the time
To make sure you were the one for me.
Just didn't want to be lonely.
And now you're going to leave me anyway.
But when you do,
Don't say "sorry, it's the way it has to be."
Don't say
"sorry. Maybe we're not meant to be."
If you want to leave,
I won't make you stay.
But if you want to leave,
I promise I'll be okay.
220 · Dec 2019
Pain and gain
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Bring on the rain.
Bring on the pain.
So I feel like I have a chance
That there's something
I could gain.
218 · Jun 2020
Today's the day
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
today's the day I'll say good morning
Instead of goodbye.
Today's the day I'll laugh
Instead of cry.
But of all the things
I hope today will be,
I hope today's the day I'll be okay
218 · Dec 2019
Everything I've got
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Love me for who I am.
Love me for who I'm not.
If you can do that,
I'll give you everything I've got.
217 · Nov 2019
Questions and answers
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
"Who cares?"
"I care."
"Because I've been there.
And I know how much it means to be able to have someone to talk to when life gets so unfair."
"You have no idea what I'm going through.
How dare you say you understand."
"You're right. I very well might not understand.
But I'm willing to listen. And when you're finished, if you want, I'll help however I can."
216 · Apr 2020
Walk with me
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
I found myself in the darkness,
Then took a chance
And found you in the light.
Even though we're as different
As day and night,
With your hand in mine,
I know we'll be fine
As we walk the line
216 · Oct 2020
Another world
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
Would you tell me a story?
Something that I've never heard before.
Could you tell me a story?
One that leaves me wanting more.
Won't you tell me a story
About a world that's better than this?
A world where the girl
Gives the guy a kiss
215 · Jun 2019
Real talk
Zack Ripley Jun 2019
We talk about change whether it's good or bad
We talk about our dreams and things we wish we had.
We talk about our days.
We talk about our wives.
We talk about everything we hate in our lives.
We talk about things that never happened in bed, and yet for all the things we say, we can never seem to talk about what's really going on in our heads
214 · Jul 14
All that remains
Zack Ripley Jul 14
Of all the things I've lost
and all the things I've gained,
I've found the most meaning
in the things that remain
213 · Apr 2019
Time to move on
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
I take a look around this store
and can't help thinking...there's got to be something more.
Something better just waiting on the other side of the door.
I've made lots of memories through the years.
I even made some friends who taught me how to face my fears.
I may not know what lies ahead
but I'm leaving here with nothing left unsaid.
Now it's time to grow up. Time to move on.
Time to learn about the world and see a new dawn.
I feel so alive now that I'm finally free.
The only one who's going to stop me is me.
One thing I learned I want you to understand,
don't be afraid to fall. Someone will help you stand.
This is about me leaving my first job at a convenience store.
212 · Mar 2020
I want to go home
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
Where are we?
This place looks familiar,
But where are the screaming kids?
Where are the runners and bikers?
Why is it so hard for parents
To find toilet paper or diapers?
Why are people wearing masks?
It's spring, not Halloween.
I'm sure this place has its charm
But I want to go home.
208 · Mar 2019
What do you see?
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
I look at you looking at me.
Please, tell me, what do you see?
Do you see a man with a gentle soul?
Or can you see straight through to my darkness
trying to take control?
You ask what I see when i look at you.
Do i see a loyal friend?
Or can i see how much you're dying inside?
Pretending to be strong
for those who need a friend to stand beside.
It's something we struggle with every day.
And it's a fight worth fighting every step of the way.
Something i want you to keep in mind though:
even if the darkness wins, and all we can see is black
darker than the darkest night, in the end, we will all see the light.
206 · Apr 2020
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
The world is healing
As our worlds are crashing down.
But someone has to fall
So another can wear the crown.
But even if we have to resort
To eating beans and rice,
Isn't having a healthy earth
Worth the sacrifice?
206 · Sep 2019
Time is like death
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
I don't know what I'm doing. But that's okay. I have time to think about what I want to say. And so do you. Time is like death. It's not really an enemy or a friend. It's just always been there. No real beginning or end.
We're so worried about the things we can't control, let's focus on the things we can. Take the time to focus on what makes you happy and you will be a better man
206 · Mar 2019
Not a mistake
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Trying to get ahead
but I can't silence all these thoughts inside of my head.
Looking everywhere for a place to reset. Get a grip.
But my demons are screaming so loud it's like I'm on a bad trip. They say god never gives us more than we can take.
But I don't know how much longer I can hold my breath
before I find myself at the bottom of the lake.
I clutch my chest gasping for air,
and with my hand on my heart,
I pray for another day; a chance to prove I deserve a new start.
I close my eyes one last time and let myself go.
The demons leave my mind, body and soul.
I feel a rush come over and open my eyes
to realize it was all a dream; I'm still alive.
Now that I made it through, my mission is clear.
I know what to do. I now have a purpose:
use my experiences to help the broken and scarred find their faith, and help them believe loving, living, fighting is not a mistake.
202 · Aug 2019
true colors
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
If you want to take my hand, just cross the line you drew there in the sand
If you open up your heart I'm sure you'll find
Love doesn't have to be so blind.
If you're afraid, it's okay to let it show.
Fear is how we learn to grow.
So if it's me you want to stand beside, just close your eyes and free your mind.
Do you want to be my friend
Or do you want to be my lover
Do you want to see a movie or meet me under the covers
When you figure out what you want just let me know.
But whatever you decide, let your true colors show.
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
I want to tell a story but I don't know where to start.
See, I've kept the words hidden.
Locked away inside my heart.
Waiting for the day that you come find me.
Waiting for the day you rescue me from the darkness in my heart. Yeah, I know you'll set me free.
Free from all the doubts and lies I thought I had to tell myself.
So worried about the thoughts and words from everybody else.
It took me years to understand that life is not a race.
If you make your own path and stay with it,
someday you'll find your place.
I don't want to wait anymore.
I don't want to feel I've wasted my life
waiting for a fantasy that may never be real.
I want to prove I can be happy without you by my side
so I'll give it one last shot and tell the story of the time I tried
198 · Jul 2019
Follow through
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
Are you sitting at home waiting for work to start? Just so you can have something
to take your mind off the pain filling your empty heart?
Are you having trouble falling asleep at night?
Wishing that the last thing you said wasn't the result of a fight?
Sometimes, we all say things we don't mean.
Whether it's because we're afraid,
because we're confused,
or somewhere in between.
But what we say isn't nearly as important as what we do.
So if you really want to prove you're sorry, don't just say you want to change. Follow through.
196 · Feb 2020
Just live
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
"I'm too afraid to die but in too much pain to want to live.
So tell me, what do you do when you've given all you feel you have to give?
"Just live."
190 · Nov 2022
Voluntary solitary
Zack Ripley Nov 2022
I never thought I'd see the day
that I didn't think the pain
would be the death of me.
The pain of a life lived in Voluntary solitary.
I never realized I made myself a prison
when I put my walls up so I didn't have to listen to what they had to say.
Then, one day, I decided to listen to someone new, and their voices finally started to drift away.
But it wasn't the voice of God, or an angel.
It was someone who wanted to be a friend. And that's all I needed to be free in the end.
The message I hope you take from this tale
of woe is that not everyone's out to get you. And some people can even help you grow.
190 · Mar 2023
Zack Ripley Mar 2023
I'm not afraid of who I am.
I'm not afraid of who I was or where I've been.
I'm not afraid of who I'll be.
I'm not afraid of what people think of me.
The thing that's always stopped me was...
"I'm worried that I'll let their words affect me."
So, I've decided that "It's OK if they affect me."
Because I'd rather be hurt today
Than risk letting it stop me tomorrow.”
189 · Nov 2020
best for me
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
You don't see the world I see.
You can't know who I'm meant to be.
So how can I trust you
when you say you know what's best for me?
189 · Nov 2020
Lose yourself
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
If you can't put words
To the pain and fear you feel,
Lose yourself in some good music
Until you start to heal.
189 · Feb 2020
Mountain climb
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
I've seen good.
I've seen great.
I've seen love.
I've seen hate.
I've seen fire.
I've seen rain.
I've seen joy.
I've seen pain.
I've seen a lot in my time.
But just once, I'd like to feel it all
Before I reach the end
Of this mountain climb.
187 · Aug 17
A little
Zack Ripley Aug 17
A little

I'll always be a little afraid,
but I'll always be brave if I need to.
I'll always be a little sad,
but I'll always try to help the good
outshine the bad.
I'll always be a little different, but so will you. That's not a bad thing.
Your differences are what make you, you. Whatever happens, I know we'll always be
at least a little ok.
Because at the end of the day,
there's nothing better
than knowing someone loves you.
185 · Sep 2019
Let's talk
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
"If you don't want to hear "I'm sorry" then I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything. Even if you did, you wouldn't mean it anyway."
"We were great together. What did I do that was so wrong?"
"If you don't know, if you can't see how much you've changed, maybe you're too far gone."
"I haven't changed. I'm the same man I was before.
Yeah, I drink a little more.
But that doesn't mean you have to walk out the door."
"I don't want to. But you're not giving me much of a choice.
You don't listen to how much you're hurting me
no matter how much I raise my voice."
"You're hurting? You have no idea what I'm feeling inside.
You never asked why I started drinking.
You never even tried to understand.
Look, you said you don't want to walk.
So if you're willing to listen, I'm willing to talk."
"So let's talk."
181 · Nov 2019
Thank you my friend
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
I'm standing here alone tonight
As I watch these cars pass like my life.
They're moving on but I'm still here
Staring at the bottom of another empty beer
I don't want to give in.
I don't want to give up.
But wanting something just isn't enough.
You say you'll help
So I'm ready to fight.
Maybe now my darkness can be beat by your light.
I want to thank you my friend
For teaching me that it's okay to be me
I want to thank you my friend for not giving up when I had so little hope.
You've done more for me than you'll ever know
So I wrote this so I can finally show how much it means that you're in my life.
I was in a deep dark place with no way out
Then you came running when you heard me shout.
Now I'm ready to live all of the days ahead.
That's why I want to thank you for being my friend.
181 · Aug 2019
Music man
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
The music man is the master of disguise.
He sings about his pain but no one hears his cries
181 · Mar 2022
give yourself credit
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
if you gave yourself half as much credit and praise
as people give you, I can't even imagine how much you could do.
take it from me.
it's easy to put yourself down.
but the only thing that will do is make you frown.
so, instead of saying "anyone can do that"
try saying "I did that!"
see how good it feels to give yourself a win.
then, maybe you can start to work on feeling comfortable
in your own skin.
like everything, it's a process.
so, don't be discouraged if you don't get the hang of it right away.
but, for what it's worth, I believe in you.
And I think you'll be okay.
180 · Jul 2019
Oh how you'll grow
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
It's hard to live for the moment when you're dying by the second.
It's hard to dream about the years ahead when you know that someday, it will all come to an end.
It's hard to talk to people when you're secretly afraid of your own shadow.
It's hard, but if you find something that makes you happy, you'll be amazed how much you grow.
176 · Apr 2020
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
Today, I know what it's like
To be a Russian nesting doll.
Putting a mask over my mask
That masks how I'm really feeling inside.
But you know what?
They're not all bad.
Masks can be beautiful.
And remember, at the end of the day,
You're still you underneath it all.
172 · Oct 2022
Set in stone
Zack Ripley Oct 2022
Some people want to remember.
Others want to forget.
We may not always have a choice in the matter. But that doesn't mean our futures are set in stone.
170 · Jul 22
Zack Ripley Jul 22
You may find it hard sometimes
to see the forest for the trees.
And you may get frustrated
if you ask why things happen
the way they do.
Because sometimes,
there just aren't good answers. And that can make you feel powerless.
But I hope you'll find peace, strength, power, and most of all, hope, when you realize you can't change what happens,
but you can choose
what you do next.
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
Who do you see when you look in the mirror?
Turn away. Now look back.
Is the reflection any clearer?
Does it look the same?
Is it what you thought it'd be?
If it's not, don't worry.
You can change it because you control your destiny.
But just because you can change things doesn't necessarily mean you should.
Before you make any decisions,
Ask "is this a change for the good?"
167 · Oct 2022
Zack Ripley Oct 2022
You don't have to stand up.
You don't have to stand down.
You don't even have to stand your ground.
You don't have to stand up for yourself.
You don't have to stand up for anyone else.
You don't have to stand up for what you believe, but take it from me.
You'll never know how much of a difference
it can make if you do.
167 · Aug 2022
Eye to eye
Zack Ripley Aug 2022
There are so many differences
between you and I that, I can't help but wonder: could it ever be worth the effort
to try to find a way for us to see eye to eye?
166 · Nov 2022
Some nights
Zack Ripley Nov 2022
Some nights are dark, some are bright.
But does the moon hide behind clouds?
Or do the clouds hide the moon and stars?
165 · Dec 2022
I can't see
Zack Ripley Dec 2022
I can't see why. I can't see how.
In fact, it doesn't seem like I can see
much of anything right now.
And normally, that would frighten me.
But if there's one thing I've learned this year,
it's that it's not always about what you can see or what you can hear. It's about what you know. It's knowing that people love me
that got me through my darkest days.
I've found my purpose in the knowledge that I've helped so many people in so many ways. I find power in knowing that my story's not done. And whatever you find when you think about what you know, I hope that it inspires you
and helps you grow.
163 · Mar 2022
Not easy
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
It'll never be easy
To say what you have to say.
To do what you need to do.
But that's why it's so important
that you see it through.
162 · Aug 2022
Zack Ripley Aug 2022
Every day, the fatigue that plagues my body gets closer to my brain. And, I can't help but wonder. When it gets there, will everything I've worked for be in vain? No! I can't think like that. Not when I'm so close to my dreams. But how can you fight exhaustion when everything exhausts you?
161 · Sep 2020
I don't want to talk
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
I don't want to talk about the world.
I don't want to talk about the future
Or the past.
I don't want to talk about how old I feel or how the years fly by so fast.
I don't want to talk about my day.
I don't want to talk about the weather.
What I do want to talk about
Is what you need to make you feel better.
157 · Jun 2020
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
"the" not "the" truth.
It's your truth.
Some people will subscribe to your truth.
Others will shun it.
But it's yours.
And no one can take that from you.
So own it.
153 · Jun 2020
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
In case you didn't know
The pain you feel,
The fears you have,
The love you give,
Is real.
153 · Feb 2020
Time of your life
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
Time heals.
Time bends.
Time gives us chances
to make amends.
Time gives.
Time takes.
In time, we learn from our mistakes.
For a time you'll live.
In time, you'll die.
So make the most of your time.
Don't be afraid to reach for the sky.
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