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1.2k · Mar 2022
Am I WickedHope Or Are You?
WickedHope Mar 2022
You are still my stars
My song
My night sky
My lullaby
You never thought we could be enough
But moments like this
You remind me why I fell in love with you
You make me want to go back
Just to feel it all again
Before the hope left
And I became Wicked
I was so awful. But you were too.
I guess that's just what youth is.
Thank you for the compliment, you always had a way with words.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Medicate (10w)
WickedHope Oct 2014
Maybe you are right
Maybe I should be on medication
Actual medication.
1.2k · Aug 2021
Do You Know What It's Like?
WickedHope Aug 2021
It's like when you hear a song playing on gas station speakers at 1:30 in the morning and you swear you know it even though it is as foreign as wearing your left shoe on your right foot

It's like starting over a game to see if you get a new ending or find a new easter egg except you haven't started over and you're still staring at the credits

It's like being on a plane for your first flight and having the engine give out when you've just left the runway and never flying again

It's like holding onto a candlestick while burning liquid wax spills over scalding each of your fingers but the fame is too beautiful to put out

It's like being neck deep in the ocean with the spray coating your face and being unable to discern if the salt you taste on your lips is from your own tears or the waves threatening to drown you

It's like always falling asleep before sunset and never seeing the moon making you believe she was never real in the first place and everyone just wants you to look foolish
It's like writing notes telling your life story and putting them in code and actually meeting someone who has not only cracked your code but also writes you back

[Insert well-dressed penguin here]
1.2k · Jan 2015
Intimate With The Brick Wall
WickedHope Jan 2015
Why do we have to play this game
of who can hurt me more?

I'm your disfigured mannequin
and everyone else's little toy.
If you all keep threatening to slit my throat,
I might just do it for you.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Love Me?
WickedHope Oct 2014
I hate making the first move.

Even if you think it's stupid,

I really just want to be wooed.
Ya know?
I actually take physical intimacy really seriously. And people already make me anxious in general. What the hell is wrong with me.
WickedHope Jul 2021
Why are all the good things scary
You'd think that flying would be breathtaking and exhilarating
All I can think about
Is how close I am to falling
It's suffocating
I really, really feel like I'm watching my own life instead of living it. I'm not supposed to have days like that anymore.

**** the government.
WickedHope Dec 2014
why do you continue to ignore me
why do you continue to ignore me

don't you see that my heart is breaking
it's your fault i've been left this way

why do you continue to ignore me
my life is falling apart ever since you left
my life is falling apart and i've got nothing left

you packed up and walked away
no strings attached
nothing connecting us of course
because i tied all my strings into a bow
as pretty as her
as pretty as i wish i was
so sorry john green but i've no strings left to snap in me

why do you continue to ignore me
i've written song and song and poem about you
i was fine being nothing
until you made me something
i'd rather be no one and untouched
than someone left behind collecting dust

i was good enough for you until i wasn't
your brown eyes would look into mine
and you told me i was beautiful
and you told me i was beautiful
and you told me
told me you'd never leave me

why do you continue to ignore me
why do you continue to ignore me
why did you walk away with all my strings
unraveling off of your back
Paper Towns by John Green reference in there. I hate the way he writes.
- - -
I can't see out of my left eye at all right now. Hahaha, pain.
1.2k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
Has your heart ever been broken?          
Have you had your chest ripped open?
                Do you know what it's like to collapse,
      To fall to the floor begging why?
   Have you called and texted and written,
Waiting for a nonexistent reply?          
                  When you've watched them back away,
                   Have you reached out, cried out "Stay?"
Has your heart ever been broken,        
      It's unsteady beats left for you as a token?
      Have you ever been like me,      
Waiting to heal, to feel free?
Can you relate?
1.2k · Oct 2021
The Empty
WickedHope Oct 2021
Open spaces
Make me
The void
You opened up is
Smothering me
There is too much
And it is
Squeezing me tightly
Choking me
With emptiness
Stuffing it
Down my throat
I'm filled with it
The Empty.
I can't.
Please stop asking me.
I can't do this anymore.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Meaningful (12w)
WickedHope Oct 2014
Can I mean something to someone?
Please? Maybe?
I'll be your baby...
1.2k · Dec 2015
Thinking and Thinking.
WickedHope Dec 2015
He thinks she's sweet.                                    
He thinks she's intelligent.                              
He thinks she's beautiful.                                

She thinks he's funny.
She thinks he's honest.
      She thinks he's charming.

                                              But they've always been
                                                 the sort to think too much
                                         and live in fear of love
Just a guy and a girl who both like pretty pictures.
- - -
Idk, sorry.
1.2k · Dec 2014
Tattered, Not Touched
WickedHope Dec 2014
ask to
see me

but my hips
are a little too
ragged right

to have
your hands
at them
1.2k · Sep 2014
A Vignette
WickedHope Sep 2014
Waiting on my back on the stone bench at my second home. Outside with my feet tucked up on the bench and my head back. Ear-buds in listening to the radio. Waiting. Holding my arms up above my face with a book, reading. Or perhaps just watching the clouds. Waiting.
            I’d get a text asking where I was and asking if we could meet up. I’d answer. The car would pull up and then they would get out and walk up. Of course they’d laugh and ask what I was doing. The fresh air is good for me I’d reply grinning. We’d just do something simple then. Together. Something utterly childish. They’d think it was great and so would I. The fact that we weren't like everyone else wouldn't bother them. Wouldn't bother us because we were happy with or without it. The way it should be. And it would be perfect. Because we’d be together.
            I love him. He’s my best friend.
Something old I felt the sudden need to post.
WickedHope Dec 2014
Lets talk about how years evolve from days,
And when it comes to me, no one ever stays.
1.2k · Nov 2014
I'm So "Holy"
WickedHope Nov 2014
I am riddled with holes;
Poked, prodded, punctured.

                                        Names called
                                        that drill their way
                                        into my stomach and thighs.

                       Words yelled
                       that dance
                       around my ears in pinpricks.

                                                     ­  Slaps given, shoved up
                                                       against the wall until
                                                       my arms are swiss cheese.

           Sinisterly sickening hands
           that crave more and
           leave my legs riddled with bulletholes.

                                                   ­                   What he wants
                                                                ­      taken, forced out of me so that
                                                                ­      I've been gouged with a knife.

The same knife I hold
against my neck that
threatens my life.
Their sins and mine.
Not holy. Not at all.
1.2k · Dec 2014
For My (Ex?) Bestfriend
WickedHope Dec 2014
Please stop trying to **** yourself,
That was supposed to be me.
I'm worried about you.
You're killing both of us,
and it's only supposed to be me.
WickedHope Dec 2014
***** little *******
Get your hands off her
She gave birth to you
She brought you into this world
And she's on her way out
At least he doesn't hit her
He only hits you
I suppose that's why
You take everything out on me
And your mother too
Shut up.
WickedHope Aug 2015
I just want my words to matter to you
I've tried being silent but it hurts too much

Aim high and land low
Can't you tell I'm more than just show
I painted you murals that glow in the dark
Before you go to sleep just open your eyes
Look at me for once and tell me what you want

I'm too afraid of everything
And I'm still so stupid
Try as I might
I make new versions
Of old mistakes

Just crash with me once
You're not him*      
Make a bet*      
**I'm not her                  
We're supposed to make sense

Tell me something real.
I'm supposed to be the one too terrified to speak,
but I can't tell if I am anymore.
WickedHope Sep 2016
I've been praying for a sign
But I've been pretending not to see
Claiming I can't read
Yet here I am, dumbstruck on the ground
Knocked off my feet
And there is no easy way to piece your life together
All we can do is have hope
And you've always given me hope
You've always been my wistful hope
And I've always been your wicked.
1.2k · Sep 2014
Don't Leave Me
WickedHope Sep 2014
He lied
And I still believed him
He cheated
And I stayed with him
He called me things
And I let him
He hit me
And I accepted it
He forced me
And I kept quiet
He didn't love me
And I loved him the whole time
Sometimes I wish more of what I wrote was fiction.
WickedHope Oct 2017
"I love you."
Words can't touch me anymore.
My skin is coated in lies
Nothing penetrates.
My last hope is caught in my throat
And I can't swallow it,
Bumps and bruises are hidden behind
"I'm fine," "I'm just tired."
Words are branded into my skin.
They have left layers of scars
So thick there's no room left to carve -
So imprinted there's nothing left to root.
Nothing more to say to boot.
Prickly like a porcupine, consonants stick off of me,
Petruding like my long buried personality
Used to,
Like my personality used to.
Vowels form a new face of expressions
I was once able to pen for myself
But now
I can't.
I wear words instead of speak them;
I wear words like a coat of armor on top of my numb skin.
I swear words don't even touch me anymore.
There is no need to carry a shield ,
Instead you built for me a castle.
And I'm somewhere inside,
Not my best.
WickedHope Dec 2014
Once, I looked into your eyes and I saw arrogance, a layer coating sincerity.
Twice, I looked into your eyes and I saw fear and strength waging war.
Thrice, I looked into your eyes and I saw a desire to repair the broken.

But now I no longer see depth, turmoil, or compassion.
I see another broken soul pretending for the audience,
To play the part they're expected to live.

Occasionally I've seen you break the second wall,
And connect to the spectators looking in on your life.
And your character's mask did fall to the floor at times --
Long enough to get a good look at the boy inside --
Before we both resumed our true professions
As tricksters and jokers, jesters and puppets.
The lights are dimmed now, so they can't see our bursting seems.
The ****?
Idk what this is, but it's true and I like it. :p
1.2k · Jan 2015
"You can't... (10w)
WickedHope Jan 2015 everyone," they said.

                                                                    They were right,
                                                                          I died trying.
1.2k · Nov 2014
The Victim
WickedHope Nov 2014
This can't go on...
We both have a violent means of escape...
Living here makes us insane.
We feel the desperate need to inflict pain.
I lock myself away and bleed onto the floor,
While you take to pounding outside my door.
As I stare at the girl in the mirror I mustn't let eat
The door breaks down, and me you start to beat.
I'm covered in various cuts and bruises,
Me and panic is to you and short fuses.
. . .
This can't go on,
From both me and him --
I can't afford to be both of our victim.
Pain feels synonymous with 'my life' sometimes, whether it's emotional, mental, or physical.
- - -
The second line is just there and I don't know what to do with it.
Keep it or disgaurd?
1.2k · Feb 2016
Looking Isn't Seeing
WickedHope Feb 2016
Oh, you have... scars?*
Your words are drenched in disgust.
But don't let what you see deceive you,
you can't guess the stories I don't tell.
And you can't know if you don't ask.

You should know better than that by now;
my scars are not what you'd expect.
And neither am I.
For someone who thinks seeing me without clothes means seeing me naked and bare.
1.2k · Feb 2015
WickedHope Feb 2015
One month.
I'm still waiting
For myself
To find a way
To **** this up.
I think I'm getting there.
WickedHope Jan 2015
She rises at night,
As new or full,
And she pulls him to his feet.

He rises at the sight of her,
A reflection of her old self,
Yet still illuminated
In her inconsistent darkness.

When she is unbalanced
He aches to compensate,
Attempts to return her kindness,
But he is left merely trying,
With her unsure of dying.

For the moon can raise the tide,
But the tide can't light the moon.
Might do more about this or something similar.

For the one who calls me his moon.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Behind closed doors.
WickedHope Oct 2015
The scared little girl is still hiding in the closet.
Hiding from you and from him, at the back of the closet.
She's under a blanket, barricaded in the closet.
Holding a flashlight, off, dark, on the floor of the closet.
The scared little girl is still hiding in the closet.
Because everyone is home, which means she's all alone.
- - -
Happy Thursday. I love thursdays. They're my favorite.
Maybe because it's supposed to be the day God created the stars...
WickedHope Nov 2015
I often wish you met me first.

If only we met before
they gave you promises of desire
they were never sure they'd keep,
before they used you
to fill their boredom in between.
I wish there was a way you'd
let yourself love me,
or try to.

I want to give you
anything and everything
you could ask for.
But you only strip off the parts
that you feel can't hurt you.
I can only guess that
the part of you that wants me too
is the same part that doesn't want to
lose yourself in someone else like them.

I just wish you met me first.
I know you'll never give me a chance, but I can't seem to stop wanting one.
WickedHope Dec 2014
One of the saddest things is
We never got to fly together.
You were the one I could turn to,
When the one I usually turned to
Became unbearably intolerable,
But you never got to roll 'em
While I popped caps off.
So, I ******* hope you're happy,
Because you flew yourself into a tower,
And I'm flapping circles.
And it's funny, because
Everything you did was for everyone else
But me? I just hate myself.
- - -
Breathing ***** without you, but at least we're both numb.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Time Tragically Spent
WickedHope Dec 2014
This is                                                                  ­        going to be
one of those nights                                                        I hopelessly

up for you                                                                  ­ only to be
disappointed again,                                                      isn'­t it?
1.1k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
I don't care if it's Rock,
I don't care if it's Pop,
Soul, Jazz, or Techno
Are all the same to me.
I'll play an opera,
Or listen to Metallica.
Classical and Country are fine,
Or even a Reggae rhyme,
And Screamo is sublime.
It doesn't matter to me,
As long as it's
1.1k · Mar 2016
Deep Sighs and Regrets
WickedHope Mar 2016
Just one
One guy
Who doesn't want to **** me more than anything
Just one
One guy
I used to know who was content with intellectual intimacy
Just one
One guy
I'll always love him so much more than anything
Just one
One guy
I tried to give him my entire self but he was to quick to go
I'm tired of the same.
Missing K & A right now.
1.1k · Aug 2014
Can't Shake This Desire
WickedHope Aug 2014
memory and thought are a curse,
for they are drenched with you.
i wish not to be so blunt, so terse,
oh, i do long for you.
the fear of breaking
by the hands of another,
is what prevents me from
being your lover.
i run from the inevitable.
i want you.
WickedHope Sep 2014
No I don't have any piercings
I've already had too much
Go straight through me
desolō, desolāre, desolāvī,
WickedHope Oct 2014
asked for my number
saw me in the dark, nighttime trick
alone, off in a room
our breath heavy and thick
when we came out
and he could see me clearly
he said thanks for a good time
but I won't call you, not nearly
Happened at party over the summer. Happens too much. But it felt good right?
1.1k · Jan 2015
Your Dark Angel
WickedHope Jan 2015
Maybe I'm a little twisted and dark,
But I thought you liked it that way.
So I play with scissors and knives and darts...
Is the blood on the wall too much for you?
Is the blood on the wall too much for you?
I draw graphic stabbings and maimings,
You never said you liked your girls sweet.
Why did you ask for fresh strawberries?
I've always been more of a rotten lemon.
How was I to know you wanted a nice girl,
When you always loved to call me a ***** girl?
I thought I was your dark girl, dark angel.
You used to love the way I wanted to bite,
Bite you until I made you bled warm and red.
Now when I write you notes about butchering,
You abandon ship off the starboard side.
I wanted us to drown together darling,
But I suppose I can drown you alone...
No idea what this is exactly, it was a half finished piece I just found and completed.
Inspired by a ******.
1.1k · Oct 2014
Dark & Light
WickedHope Oct 2014
I don't want someone
So illuminated
With a bright light
Too keep me up at night

I want someone with contrast
Darkness, shadows
That makes the white whiter
And the black blacker

I want your darkness to add to my light
And my daybreak to enhance your night

I want to be your moon
With you as my sun
I ache to be your dark sky
Touched by your brilliant stars

I want someone with contrast
Darkness, shadows
That makes the white whiter
And the black blacker

I want your darkness to add to my light
And my daybreak to enhance your night

I don't need black
Or white
I need both, harmony
That you bring

I want someone with contrast
Darkness, shadows
That makes the white whiter
And the black blacker

I want your darkness to add to my light
And my daybreak to enhance your night
Words often happen
when I don't want them to.
But I need to get them out.
And they are often true.
- - -
** (12/23) I just remembered why I wrote this. And I want to throw up.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Drip, Drip, Down My Throat
WickedHope Dec 2014
******    fingernails

B l o o d y       p i n s

B l o o d y    r a z o r

I've  too  many  sins
My titles are getting more
... something
lately, aren't they?
- - -
I deserve to die.
WickedHope Sep 2021
Let the flames lick over my skin
Until my eyes roll back in my head
Cause you know I like the pain
Tip my head back as the demons crawl out
And their ink mingles in with the burns
The cartography on this canvas
Is littered with ashes and holes
Caught in wildfires and never spared or unscathed
Unleash the heat and I'll be engulfed in your rage
I like the way you hit me
Each scorching breath you take hitting my face
Choking on the smoke I caress the blaze
Razor sharp yet soothing to sink into
Drown me in this inferno
Cause you know I like the pain
Burning flesh never smelled as sweet as you and me.
1.1k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
peck, peck, peck
on my face
on my neck

peck, peck, peck
at my feet
at my heart

feathers all around
crowding my vision
filling my lungs

drowning, crowded
by birds
beasts of the sky

pulling in
crouching to the ground
reaching my lowest means

then quiet

quiet as dark as the crowded noise
the crows
that have overwhelmed me

   -   -   -

softly, quietly
i am approached
i lift up my head

to be greeted
by a sole, gentle
dove ~
A piece for a class.
WickedHope Aug 2021
Autumn is kissing the swamp maples
and God it feels like foreplay
The air is hinting at the frost to come
and it dances on my tongue
and crawls down my throat
The breeze grips me
like fingernails down my spine
My toes curl and my breath fogs
as I drink down the taste

Possessing a lover can be a feeling so addictive
and I've never know a lust like this
1.1k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
You quiet little sufferer
Don't speak a word
Make not a peep
Never ask for help
Don't be a burden
Help me.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Empathetic Feline
WickedHope Nov 2014
As I'm dipping pretzels in my tea
My cat wanders on up to me

He rubs at my leg, as if to say
I know how you feel, you wish he'd stay

He climbs on my lap, looks me in the eyes
I know you wish he were here tonight
I know you miss him -- I miss him too

But then I realize, he probably just wants some food
My cat and I are a lonely bunch.
1.1k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
You're going to look at me and think,
"Who the hell are you?"
And I'm going to stare right back as if to say,
*"What gives you the right to know?"
Meh. No energy for a proper note.
That, and my cat is on my keyboard,
so this is being made difficult.
1.1k · Aug 2014
Are You Superior Now
WickedHope Aug 2014
When you sacrifice me to your friends,
Do you feel like a god?
When you slap me across the face,
When you play me like your guitar,
In front of them all,
Do you feel good,
Feel better?
Because you just killed a girl
Who only wrote you love letters.
1.1k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
I've had hands want me.

I've had hands hurt me.

I've had hands trap me.

But I have never really

had hands just

hold me.
1.1k · Apr 2015
Paintings in my walls.
WickedHope Apr 2015
My consumption is somehow sinful but in a fabricated way that makes honey seem like cyanide, or perhaps just the opposite (, I'm not sure in truth). Delight is suppressed by my self-skepticism working to root out my faithful and trusting naivete. Somehow skepticism gets lost in my incessant wanderings and wonderings and surely in my pensive ponderings. I debate what your truth is and if you have seen the same paintings that hang in my walls and in my memories. It must be acknowledged, the chance that you have forgotten and remembered the entire Nothing. My only prayer is that you might have insomnia.
Ya kno'?

For a fellow poet on here. I'm slightly curious if they'll happen to read it.
1.1k · Nov 2014
I Am A Crazy Person
1.1k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
I want to get drunk
                         So I can talk to you
I wnat to get durnk
                         So I can kiss you
i wnta to gte dnruk
                         So I can tell you
                         So I can *******
Like you **** with my head
- - -
To bad I'm not big on drinking.
I'll just get high by myself instead.
- - -
Spelling mistakes are intentional, incase you didn't get it.
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