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5.7k · Oct 2014
Broken Girl
WickedHope Oct 2014
Why do they have to ******* degrade me?
Fight so hard, intimidate me?
I walk around bruised and scarred.
Is it fair my life's this hard?
Stay at his place, each night he breaks me.
Can't go home, they choke and cage me.
Twisted, confused, walk around broken.
Mustn't seek help, not a word of this to be spoken.
5.7k · Sep 2014
12 Words of Longing
WickedHope Sep 2014
What I would **** to have your eyes locked on mine again.
5.6k · Oct 2014
Hurt, Love, and Her
WickedHope Oct 2014
You hurt me
But I'm in love with you
You love me
But are with *her
Tell me how any of that is supposed to make sense.
5.3k · Jan 2015
Ringing In My Ears
WickedHope Jan 2015
There's a ringing, ringing in my ears,
You can't hear it, the people don't hear it.
I draw rings, the ringing in my ears.
Dark circles appear under my eyes;
I am so tired from doing nothing.
The lights flash and we don't blink,
Forces clash and we don't blink.
I can't hear what you're not saying,
What you're not praying, proclaiming,
For there's a ringing within my ears.
It drowns out the stars,
It drowns out all fright for
I am so tired from doing nothing.
Peace and retreat drive me mad;
Retreat is not peace, it is pieces.
There's a ringing, ringing in my ears,
You can't hear it, the people don't hear it...
Yet another example of how I don't pay attention during lectures.
...I'm tired of the seemingly unanimous refusal to fight.
- - -
I'm tired of talking about marriage, on a completely unrelated note.
5.3k · Jan 2015
WickedHope Jan 2015
If I'm a drought,
You're a desert storm.
5.1k · Aug 2014
Eye Glasses
WickedHope Aug 2014
I hide behind
My glasses lens.
How foolish is that,
When everyone
Can see through them?
Through me?
WickedHope Dec 2014
     that constantly run through my mind and fill my vision
     I can't get enough
Canisters and bottles
     that bring me peace when I'm done dealing
His hands
     that make me shake with desire and terror
Hello Poetry
      -- now I have somewhere to put everything
Connor Jessup and Finnick Odair
     because I'm a fangirl
     and it follows me everywhere
Sunsets and starry nights
     that I can't stop drawing
     -- always
My religion and beliefs
     -- I'll never sell out
Here's a handful.
- - -
In response to Stardust's #myaddiction challenge.
WickedHope Oct 2014
She saw him
And fell apart.
The only boy
She ever gave
Completely her heart.

He looked well,
Like a dream.
A dream that
Brought her tears,
Made her cry,
Laugh, and scream.

She misses him,
Doesn't want to.
He no longer
Holds her heart,
But he left
A burning tattoo.
God, you looked good.
Why didn't you tell me you were in town?
Why did you break my heart?
4.9k · Sep 2021
Being Dark, Sourly Morbid
WickedHope Sep 2021
Tie me up
Leave me
Hang me
**** me
When it ends
I'll choke
On the
Around my neck
When it ends
I'll choke
You choke me
Never enough
I keep breathing
I literally cannot take this.
4.7k · Oct 2014
Light Breeze
WickedHope Oct 2014
There goes my heart
Ripped out by the breeze
And carried off
For miles by the wind
WickedHope Dec 2014

You don't cut, your wrists are fine.
          If I was dumb enough to cut my wrists I'd have been caught by now.
You're not anorexic, I've seen you eat.
          How much, really?
You're not depressed, you smile all the time.
          Yeah, because acting and lying aren't things.

You can't have anxiety, you talk to so many people.
          Its funny how you see me talking, but don't see the panic attacks.
aesha nisar

You have a good life. There's no reason to be sad.
          You're part of the reason why I'm depressed.

You're not angry, you haven't raised your voice or yelled.
          Maybe the voices yelling in my head are so loud I can't do anything
          but focus on keeping them quiet.
You're not scarred from your past, you act normal.
          If normal is crying for hours at night till tears can't come anymore
          and apathy sets in, then yes I'm quite normal.

You are so lucky, it's so easy for you to be good at what you do.
          You don't see the intensity of doubt and countless hours of anxiety to
          get things to the point they're not too embarrassing to show someone.

You're fine. You aren't depressed, just really sad.
          If I'm not depressed, just sad, then why am I here everyday?
          Why am I here crying to you when I should be out, living?
Tiffany Smith

God I swear every guy you meet online just wants to bone you.
          You say that like its a good thing. All I want is someone I can trust,
          someone I can rely on, not someone who wants to bone me.
You have boyfriends from everywhere, india, japan, china...
          I have none. These are only friends, the only one I want is you.
Your so strong.
          Yea, 'cause going home to cry in a corner, then stuffing my face with ice
          cream while watching sad anime is totally legit.
Are you okay?
          No I'm not ok. I just want to punch both your eyes out, then cuddle with
          you and make out with your face. Then maybe I'll just take a long break
          to bawl my eyes out and get rid of all evidence, all but the telltale clue of
          how swollen my eyes are
Creep that Loved You

Come on. You can go to school. You're not sick.
          Physically, no. Now mentally...
Why are you so good at everything?
          That's because you don't bother to look deeper.
You look fine.
          Oh yeah, the red eyes and dark circles just add to my beauty.
I love you.
          Yeah, it looked like it when you were 'out' with your 'friends.'
maha salman

You're so resilient. You've been through so much pain, yet here you are living strong.
          That's because every time someone says, are you OK? I just smile and
          say I'm fine. But none of them can hear the screaming in my brain saying
          I should just die.
You're so beautiful.
          No.... The smile is fake, powder covers the circles under my eyes,
          mascara makes my eyes look bright and lip stick covers the bite marks
          on my lips from where I chew through them when I'm anxious, or
          panicking, or being asked questions. You would be repulsed by the
          beast underneath.
You're such a talented poet.
          If writing down my deepest darkest dreams, nightmares, fantasies and
          memories, make me a good poet, then yes. But all I write is the thoughts
          that scream to come out or my head will explode.
The Girl Who Loved You

You have never felt real pain, you are a man not a wuss.
          The worst pain hits you in the heart not in the head... Whats a man
          without pride, whats a man without a name?
Get over her bro, shes just one girl.
          One girl that I chose to love out of the 7 billion other people in the
Open up your heart to new people new things.
          What's the point in meeting people, when in the end they all just leave?
You aren't alone.
          I'm not alone? You lie through your teeth, where where you when I sold
          my soul to the devil and condemned myself to the abyss?
We are proud of you always, son.
          Words I've never heard, just the echoes of my parents inside my head.
You live a great life.
          That's not the message the untouched prescribed sleeping pills and           ecstasy portray.

You're so patient.
          On the outside yes, in the recesses of my mind I'm screaming my
          head off... waiting for something that will never happen.
Julian Pacheco

Who cares about the others? You're not like them you're different.
          What if I don't want to be different? What If I want to curl up into a
          ball and pretend I don't think I'm failing you every moment of the day.
Life's not fair.
          Well maybe it's time it should be. Maybe it's time for us to stop
          thinking that we deserve more because that's all we've ever known.
          Maybe it's our job to MAKE life fair.
Forget it, move on.
          I don't want to. Shouldn't everyone be able to hold onto the things they
          hold close? If they were holding it close it meant something and if it
          meant something good then it's worth fighting for.
Shut up.
          No. This time I won't be quiet because I sit here and I listen to what you
          say every day; you treat whoever you want however you want and that
          is not your right. Everyone has an opinion. I want to share mine.
Forgotten Dreams

You're so confident.
          Only because you do not see the pain and turmoil it causes me
          inside, and the sores inside my cheeks to keep from crying.
Why are you shaking? It's not even cold.
          Because I'm scared, scared of scenarios untrue.

You're not sad, you look so happy.
          Tell that to the guys who keep pointing all my flaws, and laughing
          about it, leaving me speechless because I have nothing to say in return.
You're such a good writer.
          And look how handy that is, won't ever shut them up for good.
You still have so much to live for.
          To keep living like this, might be considered anything but living. You're
          all too perfect for this world, but you know what? My body can't keep
          living in a different place my soul is.
A Sad Sam

Chill out man, it's just a couple people.
          To me, three people is like three thousand people. Their voices circulate
          in my head and drive me crazy until I can't help but break down. You're
          right, I should definitely just chill out because I don't know anything
          about the disorder that brings a constant burden to my days.
Why are you so antisocial? Get off the computer and do something productive for once
          Try the fact that everybody that surrounds me makes me feel like the life
          I live isn't worth living and the comfort of understand people on the
          internet keeps me sane.
You're so lazy.
          Don't you dare start on that, because every ******* day I wake up and
          breathe despite my lungs collapsing in on themselves from all the
          pressure people give me, and every single day I do the work I'm told to
          do and I'm trying my hardest but I'm fighting a war with myself and it
          takes up every ounce of energy I have left. Don't you dare tell me that
          I'm lazy when every day I take all the strength I have to keep on living.
Emma Tauzell

They had never met, didn’t know each other’s name --
          Yet their eyes were already making love.

You can't really love someone you've never met.
          He's the first thing on my mind when I open my eyes, the last
          thing I think about before I go to sleep, he's in my thoughts all
          the moments in between, his face takes away the nightmares and
          fills all my dreams. How is this not love?
Just Melz

Just forget about her and move on.
          How am I supposed to do that, when all I see is her and her
          precious qualities I so dearly love in every girl I talk to?
          Forgetting is a lot harder to do than finding.
Neb Dnarts
Feel free to add to this in the comments,
and I'll tac it on the end with credits to your screen name.
4.7k · Aug 2014
Silent Hey
WickedHope Aug 2014
something in you
catches my eye
can’t really say
it’s only the first day
i can't explain why i feel
this way  
i’m all alone
and chaos is happening
When you meet someone and they're instantly important to you, and you don't even know why yet.
WickedHope Nov 2014
Thank you for sharing your opinion
On something I didn't ask about

Thank you for generalizing groups
That aren't as like minded as you claim

Thank you for discriminating against views
That don't agree with your own
Thank you for acting like the dictating monster
Everyone expects me to be.
- - -
So I'm a Christian and we have a bad rep for not being tolerant, but I have a professor who claims to be 'tolerant,' but so isn't -- especially if you're Christian. I just think it's hysterical because I'm not the shove-my-views-down-your-throat type, and he completely is. Practice what you preach, please.
And so concludes my note-rant. I seem to be ranting a lot lately. Sorry.
4.6k · Sep 2014
Nonsensical Equations
WickedHope Sep 2014
I can't escape the thought of you lately it seems
I hear Thrice, Icon for Hire, Avenged Sevenfold, 7eventh Time Down,
       Sent By Ravens, hear them everywhere
See your brother in the store
See your mom at church
See a guitar
See the color red, the color green
Think of Christmas and what you meant to me
       Someone who waited for me to reach comfort
       Someone who left me too soon
       You accepted every piece of me
       You played the game, where we let the world laugh

The thought of skipping
When I dance, the salsa, anything
Watching the Sox game
Walking past you're old spot
       Remembering everyday that seemed to last forever and end
      too quickly

Every time I write the letter 'X,' your favorite
Think of green eyes, and how we said yours secretly were
Think Taylor Swift and the joke that you two were destined
My birthday comes and how you were the only one who
         remembered that year
Each time I still wear the perfume you bought me
Whenever I think of movies and how you drove out to be with me
See a bicycle or think long walks
Hear music in a language I don't understand
Get frustrated at Ecclesiastical Latin, because you do understand
Hide from the violence, because you grew up with it too

Think of leaving
Think of silence
Think of lies
Think of empty promises
Think of "I'll come back for you"

Think of calculus
And how you are such a nerd
And I stare at my paper
At these nonsensical equations
Of calculus
Of us
Title inspired by Rhymes With Purple, the rest of it by Mr. Class of 2013 who I need to forget. It's been over a year since it all fell apart, I just need to let go... right?
4.5k · Jul 2015
WickedHope Jul 2015
I know I laugh too loud
   I like to stay up too late
   My jokes aren't always funny
   And I'm not super into frisbee

I'm afraid of water
   Math is my sworn enemy
   I paint with too much paint
   And I flirt as well as a rock

But you wake up early
   Run the extra mile
   Just to bring me my tea
And I wish I knew how to thank you
I don't understand life.
Though I think I am starting to get a handle on the basics.
4.5k · Sep 2014
Hide and Seek
WickedHope Sep 2014
Playing hide and seek
with the little kids
I was oddly
close to you

Part of me wished
it was him
and that he was
seeking me
and I'd finally
feel found
4.5k · Jan 2015
Addicted to Assholes
WickedHope Jan 2015
I'm addicted to having my heart broken

Sometime while he's groping my chest
He rips my heart out of it

I live for being lied to

Keeping my eyes covered staying blind
As to only rely on his words

I'm crazy about being a game piece

To be handled and moved wherever he pleases
For toys are meant to be played with

Mostly though
I'm addicted to having my heart broken
4.3k · Oct 2014
Frozen River
WickedHope Oct 2014
being so near to you
i can sense how close you are
with every fiber of my being
     but i am frozen
i try to move against my pain
and reach out to you
to just step across the stream
     but i am frozen
beneath the surface
a river courses through my veins
begging for you, pleading
     but i am frozen
now i have so many dams
made of sharp ice
though naturally i flow freely
     but i am frozen
i want to be with you
i want to be in your arms
*i want to be thawed
     but i am frozen
I actually cried writing this.

Because I hate myself for what they did to me.

I want to be thawed, but I'm having trouble melting the ice...
4.3k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
You can do what you like,
but don't lie to me.
I hate a liar.

*I didn't sleep with her last night

I'm not embarrassed by you

I forgot

I didn't want to hurt you

I'm sorry

I want to be with you

I'll come back for you

I love you
Don't lie to me.
There's nothing I hate more.
4.3k · Sep 2014
Harmony (10w)
WickedHope Sep 2014
I should've
the song                        
we sung                       
For I miss the music.
WickedHope Jan 2015
i am seaglass
collect me along the shore
i am once jagged edges
now dulled by time and salt
wounds full of salt
i have forgotten what sweet is
foggy clouded
clarity lost for the sake of beauty
i am discarded
collect me along the shore
i am scattered in pieces
that no longer fit together
curves and waves
i am tough i am smooth
i have lived my life in rough waters
water and rock
have rearranged my shape
i am under your feet
collect me along the shore
will you hold my fragments
and tell me i am beautiful

- - -
Capitalization and punctuation
are completely optional,
no matter what anyone says.
WickedHope Nov 2014
You're thirteen, sorry fourteen this week
You think you know the world, have it figured out
You think you know yourself, without a doubt
Let me tell you some things I learned when I was about your age
I learned how to go from popular ***** to no good freak show
Nothing but an ipod every day at lunch, no friends, no food
I learned that I had addictions that I didn't know even existed
I learned how badly I wanted attention from his hands, his mouth
I learned what it like to be violated in the worse most degrading way
I learned how to get high
I learned that the intentional pain I'd always caused could be
A harnessed tool to cope by
I learned that if I stopped eating altogether no one cared
I learned what it was like to think you loved someone
I learned that I liked girls
I learned what girls could taste like, feel like -- what I could feel like
I learned that I didn't like girls
I learned what it's like to have people spread rumors about you
I learned what it's like to try to drown yourself then feel guilt
Guilt about your little brother who would have no idea why
You little *******, it wasn't long after that the violence between us started
You're big enough, strong enough to do damage on the family pet
I'm the family pet, you think you know but you don't
You've been calling me names for years
But you don't know how true they are
You think you love her -- you don't know love until you're nothing
When you're nothing and this skinny little kid everyone hates saves you
This annoying as hell kid who shows you that
The world isn't as dark as you thought it was
This kid who loves you not for ***, not for bragging rights, but because
He sees this skinny little bird who lost her feathers and her wings
And is waiting to die and he thinks she could be beautiful
She thought she knew who she was before but he helped her find it
Soon you'll be fifteen
When I was fifteen I couldn't find my skinny little kid, he'd changed
Not for the worse but away from me
I fell into old habits
And new ones
Deadly ones
I changed back into the addict, not eating, not sleeping, sniffing, watching, cutting, stabbing, nothing
I covered myself in laughter, hysterical and crazy
I became quiet
I fell apart more because of guys, complete ******* guys
Like you're turning out to be
Don't think you know everything, that you're an angel
Because I was ****** up at six because of what they did
You were ****** up at four because of him
Both were accidents, but as you can see in me from six to seven
To nine to eleven
To when I was your age, all that happened was
I got ruined because of the secrets
The ones no one can know
The ones that when crossing paths with the world **** you inside
You can't see that yet
You aren't aware that you're broken
Now you're **** well old enough to
Wake Up
I hate breathing.
Happy Birthday, ****.
WickedHope Jan 2015
Hearts don't beat
A beat is something steady and understandable
Hearts don't beat
They pound and knock and shake us all
They cause us to trip, lose grip, and fall
Poem: So sort, sorry! :/
Note: So long, duly sorry!
- - - -

700 poems! Hell, I have a lot to say it seems.

I just want to give a quick shout out to all you awesome people on here!
Especially those who have commented and messaged me the past few days -- or ever really -- offering support because I'm so grateful to you all. And to all my followers! Thank you for reading and writing, words are so very important. :)
Quick shout out to Daniel Smith - Freak Morbidity for his epic comment/heroic-act-of-defense that is now forever lost. The other non-trolls and I thank you.

Stay lovely all you guys ~
4.1k · Sep 2014
Imperfect Sanctuary
WickedHope Sep 2014
I feel like
you are the kind of
perfectly imperfect person
I could make
my home

The kind of
I could dwell in
Yeah. words just keep happening and I'm depressed and alone, so shut up.
4.1k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
Everyone just stop
I pretend to be okay
You pretend that you care
He pretends he's going to stay
Everyone just stop
3.9k · Nov 2014
Toxicity -- I'm Sorry
WickedHope Nov 2014
I'm sorry* your inbox is all me
I'm sorry I'm so **** needy
I'm sorry I'm afraid of everyone leaving
I'm sorry I say yes and then I say no
I'm sorry I beg you to stay then I go
I'm sorry I'm the sun then the moon
I'm sorry I'm so confused
I'm sorry I'm addicted to abuse
I'm sorry I hate being used
I'm sorry  
I'm toxic
I'm sorry  
I'm me
I'm sorry, darling.
3.9k · Oct 2014
WickedHope Oct 2014
Never grow up, take me away
To a distant Neverland
Where it's carefree, day to day
No need for an education
Or all these institutions
I want to run free amongst
The trees and the shadows
Takeaway structure and maturity
Embrace imagination, absurdity

I'll take my escape
Take it for release
Oh, Peter, Peter Pan
Fly me away to Never Never Land
...I've always had this thing with Peter Pan...
3.9k · Oct 2014
"Shadow And A Dancer"
WickedHope Oct 2014
One step ahead, and three steps left;
Sous sus, plié, and pirouette.
Let me dance adagio,
Will you play me the piano?
I can do chassé,
Float in bourrée,
Entechat, glissade...
Just play for me, if only once.
Shadow And A Dancer by The Fray kinda prompted this...
That, and I've been practicing pointe more than usual lately...
3.9k · Nov 2014
Unexpectedly Likely
WickedHope Nov 2014
I am darkness, I am fright
The deep blackness of the night
Nothing seen, nothing heard
Unpopular thoughts, my spoken words
Invisible until you feel my stab
Don't play games with me, I'm a match to be had
What the hell am I doing?
Words are so complicated.
I don't know what this is.
Just pretend it's not here,
shhh, now.
3.8k · Dec 2014
I'm Sorry, Sorry, Sorry
WickedHope Dec 2014
Don't tell me to stop apologizing when everything is my fault.

                                        *everything is my fault

                                        everything is my fault

                                        everything is my fault

                                        everything is my fault

                                        everything is my fault
Each time I say it today will be another slice.
Perhaps you can silence my words, but who can stop the blood?
3.8k · Jan 2015
My Face Is A Mess (10w)
WickedHope Jan 2015
Don't we all want
to be held
while we cry?
I'm alone.
3.7k · Jan 2015
Lucky 7
WickedHope Jan 2015
"You're so                      
much prettier
                      with wet hair"
"Mmm... Yeah."
- - -
The conversations we have... yup...
3.6k · Sep 2021
Black Widow
WickedHope Sep 2021
Do you miss her
The Hell's Mistress I used to be
Pretty smiles
Prettier lies

******* you with my eyes
Skinning you with my words
I miss the power that came
In lying to everyone
This angelic facade is suffocating
I miss slipping off the mask
And slipping into your head
Making you my puppet
Then getting bored
And making you wish you were dead
Shoving my knife in your back
When you came
Walking into my life like it was yours
Following my breadcrumbs
Swallowing them whole
Who would have thought
You can hide arsenic so well
With just a hint of sugar
And a short enough skirt

Do you miss her
The Black Widow in my web
Eating you alive
To fill the void inside
I love it when the words write themselves for me.
- - -
I'm so sick of this tbh.
3.6k · Dec 2014
Romeo And Juliet Makes Sense
WickedHope Dec 2014
I once heard someone say
That they both tried to **** themselves
But Juliet Failed the first time
(Even though she technically just
Wanted to appear dead)
But statistically girls are more likely to
Try to **** themselves
And if you count that first time
She tried twice
And Romeo died the one and only time
Which makes sense because

Though girls are more likely to try
Guys are more likely to actually die
- - -
Anyone else hate me? Because I used to feel hated.
Now I feel invisible, and not in the good way.
3.6k · Nov 2014
Calm In The Storm
WickedHope Nov 2014
Wrap me in a warm breeze
Take comfort that I can breathe

Is this a new sunrise
Or the calm in the storm
For some reason
I can see you clearly once more

I could laugh and mean it
I'm smiling content
Where this came from I don't know
But I don't want to let it disappear again

Let me curl up to you
And feel okay, relieved
Once again, I can breathe
I've been really depressed lately.
Right now I am so happy, I don't
know  why.  But  I  finally  broke
through, and I hope it lasts a while.
3.6k · Feb 2015
Mud Puddle
WickedHope Feb 2015
I promise to be your
                                          rain storm;


                 ­           ht

you will remain
                  as the
          keeps me
If I ******* knew, I'd tell you.
WickedHope Dec 2014
what am i supposed to do

                 when the people
                 who picked me up

        taped me back together

        shattered and ripped me

walked away
   and never
     turned back

      ~           ~           ~

*cut open
i bleed water
rusty and brown
in myself*
i've started to drown
Put away your scissors, I'm not sure who of us will hurt me more, but I'd rather it be me.
- - -
I can't control anything.
3.5k · Jan 2015
Lost or Locksmith
WickedHope Jan 2015
Lock and key
I have such rotten luck
I try the wrong key
And the lock gets jammed

Lock and key
Was the first ever
Sarah Dessen
Book that I read

Lock and key
One acts as a protector
The other one
Plays the part of saviour

Lock and key
I'm not quite sure
Which is you
And which is me
I-I don't know.
About a thing, for a person, blah blah blah, I hate breathing, the end.
WickedHope Oct 2015
What are we supposed to do
              with the string of hearts you've united in beautiful knots

Fading out of our lives without a chance to say goodbye

Your smile felt like home
                   and your voice was the calm in our storms
But your storm raged on
                   and you fought for so so long

         I'd like to believe you won anyway
My friend's funeral is tomorrow. What a beautiful soul she was.
3.4k · Jan 2015
You're Mad At Me
WickedHope Jan 2015
I feel like you're mad at me
But you know
You know how I am
You know that I'm in a fractured state of mind
You know that I don't remember what I say late at night
you know that I have to delete our conversations because my phone is stupid
You know that I can't accept myself
You know that I need someone patient to calm me down
You know that I'm hard to fight
You know that I've been ****** up for the past 11 years
You know that I'm constantly terrified of everything
You know that I am most afraid of being left alone
You know how I am
And I feel like you're mad at me
I don't really remember what I said, but clearly I made you mad at me. I wish you'd just talk to me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You're all I have right now, please. I feel like everyone else is gone. I just want someone who cares. I just want a friend. Please... text, call, email... I'm sorry I'm the neediest person ever. I'm sorry I'm ****** up and hate myself, I just don't know how to do anything else. I'm sorry I told you about the lists and now you think I'm a worthless idiot. I'm sorry I never had the nerve to properly chase you -- not that you ever wanted me, even though there was a time I thought you might. Please talk to me. Please. I'm freaking out even though I have no right to. I'm sorry that I can't just leave you alone, because I know that'd probably be easier for you. I'm sorry I'm broken. I'm sorry I cry so much lately... the girl who never cried. I just want us to be better friends. Tell me what you want, anything, name it, even if it's for me to go away. Outright say it and I will. I'm sorry I always want too much of you. I'm sorry you hate me now. I'm sorry, I really am.
- - -
Sorry the note's long.
3.4k · Sep 2014
Seeking Companionship (20w)
WickedHope Sep 2014
My cat
is the only living, breathing organism
remotely willing
to keep me any company
and even he is
Sometimes I just want someone to hold me, if only for a little while.
3.4k · Nov 2014
Pages In The Snow (Compass)
WickedHope Nov 2014
I left footprints in the snow
Trailing North, against where the wind blows
You drove East and ended up West
But our time flying South was arguably the best

Walking North, you followed me
It was cold, you provided heat
Snowflake-covered, you laughed at me
Time stood still -- it was just us, we

My books you carried, all thirteen
Me you carried North, to safety
You were helpful, and smiling with me
Until public eyes, us, could see

Then my heart stayed North
For in you I'd found my worth
But you left me for the West
(And stopped calling me your best)
Some poorly written poetry. Blah.
- - -
I miss my Two A.M.
3.4k · Jan 2015
Smoke Me
WickedHope Jan 2015
Put me to your lips and inhale
Taste me on your tongue
Before you force me out
In a puff of smoke
Watch me disappear into the air
As I swirl around you
Bring me back in
For round two
- - -
Anyone else wonder why I'm so lonely, like what the **** is my deal?
3.3k · Sep 2014
My Thoughts On Gaming (10w)
WickedHope Sep 2014
For some reason watching you game was a major turn-on.
3.3k · Dec 2014
Climbing The Lattice
WickedHope Dec 2014
Get back!
Get back in your box!
You are the last thing I could handle,
I can't handle you, my hands are breaking.

Crawl back!
Crawl back into my nightmares!
Stay there, where I can control you,
And you can't reach out and touch me.
This is ****.
3.3k · Sep 2014
Hating Love
WickedHope Sep 2014
I hate the word love
I hate how it's used
Tied to lust
Tied to abuse

I hate the word love
I hate how it's used
Tied to pain
Tied to you
KB, if you see this... I don't even know what to say to you anymore.
3.3k · Jan 2015
In My Mouth
WickedHope Jan 2015
He laughs at me

When I arch my back

Trying to get the last drop
... of my drink. :p
Does this pass as innuendo?
3.2k · Aug 2014
WickedHope Aug 2014
~Don't fade away~
WickedHope Jan 2015
A good day, today was a good day
Laughter and joy came out to play
But happiness can never stay
Depressed. Literally for no reason.
3.2k · Oct 2014
Single's Cinema
WickedHope Oct 2014
Sitting at home with a cold
You at yours, me at mine
Texting back and forth, watching
Same movie at the same time

Getting one that said
We should watch together
Rushing to get ready for your
Arrival, pretending it's 'whatever'

Two hours go by and nothing
Tell me later, sorry I fell asleep
It's okay, I love you so much
I only fell apart and weeped
Darling, you were such the perfect lie...
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