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Styles 1d
The fragrance of her essence
Dances upon my senses.
Her desire stirs;
as do I.
Styles 1d
Fingers trace the
curves of his bare chest,
Every touch, a deliberate exploration.
In the quiet moment, I find my desire,
Styles 1d
I part the sheets,
Softly, as if unveiling a sacred truth.
Your skin, a canvas of devotion,
I trace each line, worshiping every inch,
A believer reborn in the grace of your touch.
Styles 1d
In shadows cast,
fingers roam,
Tracing lines on skin and bone.
Sheets part like sacred tides,
Reverence felt in love's confines.

A surge,
a gasp,
a whispered plea,
In the dark, desire set free.
To touch, to feel, in passion's blaze,
Lost in the fervor of love's embrace.
Styles Jul 9
Her body's speaking in tongues,
and I'm captivated by love.
Her vibes
fit me perfectly,
In my mind,
we've already made love,
my size,
fits her like a glove.
Styles Jul 9
I yearn to dwell
within your mind,
woven into your thoughts,
devouring your desires,
bringing your fantasies to life,
tied together by
our ****** chemistry.
Our journey leads
to ecstasy.
Styles Jul 9
A deep need arises
a desire to be filled
leaving you
in ecstasy
as my essence
pours out
Styles Jul 3
In her solitude, she finds her night,
A whispered touch, soft and light.
In quiet shadows, her secrets unfold,
A dance of pleasure, pure and bold

Her soul entwines with silent might,
In moments stolen from the night.
Each gentle caress, a sacred rite,
In this private realm, she finds her light.
Styles Jul 2
When I’m lost in her rhythm...
                                 I am in Heaven.
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