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Jun 2022 · 2.6k
Another Lovely Daydream
Kenneth Gray Jun 2022
Writhing, wroth and seething anger.
From this fool arose the urge to strangle.
Fiery hatred burns forth like the breath of a dragon.
An all consuming wrath that overflows the flagon.
From this worthless, living man lies the issue.
As I choke the very life from his dying brain tissue.
From this mental fantasy I finally awake.
Taking a life - Ah! what a piece of cake!
I was on Facebook and saw a post where someone was challenging people to write a poem using the words dragon, strangle, cake and brain tissue. So I thought for a while and wrote a little bit. Then this is what I finally ended up with.
Mar 2021 · 1.9k
Divine Serenade
Kenneth Gray Mar 2021
Beckon unto me with thine
Angel-voice so soft
In heavenly song that doest
Elevate mine soul aloft
Amongst the myriad of blissful
keys I rejoice
I've transcended to God's kingdom
by the sweet sound of thine voice
Something I thought of while out on the porch smoking. Thinking about how I wish my ex wife would apologize for all the things she put me through. How hearing her say she is sorry would be music to my ears and lift up my soul. This is what came from that idea.
Jan 2021 · 1.1k
The Weathers of Sin
Kenneth Gray Jan 2021
The clouds exude tears as a sign of God's sorrow.
For the fate of mankind in the hands of the morrow.
For mankind's heart has grow callused;
With his eyes set on greed.
Forsaking God's goodness
For all his lustful needs.

All the while the earth moans and it groans.
As mankind's heart is compared with the hardness of stone.
Consumed and devoured by the lusts of the flesh.
An expulsion of THE LORD;
A refusal to mesh.

Disease and strife have set in -
A move oh so bold.
As mankind grows more distant,
Isolated and cold.
And the skies continue to weep as man struggles to fight.
Darkness envelops the lands -
Darkness blots out the light.

Will the battle be fought?
Will mankind ever win?
Will the skies clear up
As man conquers his sin?

May he lay down his sin -
Then turn face and run.
Then may THE LORD show him mercy
And unveil THE SUN!

May the harsh weather of sin
Finally be cleared.
So that mankind's unclear future
Have no need to be feared.
I guess you can find inspiration from the least expected places. It was snowing and I got to thinking about clouds and rain. Then a light bulb popped up in my head like they do in cartoons. That was my inspiration for the first couple lines. Just wrote in the rest as I sat there and though about things.
Dec 2020 · 1.7k
I Hate You!
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
You're nothing but
An evil witch!
Your soul is decrepit -
A stupid *****!
I hope you wreck your broom And end up laying in a ditch!
You ******* ugly,
Heartless witch!
Some people truly ****!
Dec 2020 · 955
Love Is Not Our Enemy
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Who takes precious pearls and throws them to the pigs, I wonder?
Who considers gold and silver better off cast asunder?
Or who sees love as a fleeting thing? As if a crack of thunder?
All these questions lie inside as I sit and deeply ponder.

I have no doubt, folks choose these routes. A disfigured, battered blessing. Hate has wrought all love is lost. Our hearts need an assessing.
Humanity, as you can see, has backpeddled. Now regressing.
The world has fought for hatred to be taught. To love I am insisting.

For I remember a time so very long ago
When households stuck together, and in love they did grow.
When families basked in togetherness.
And each other they did know.
Now broken, battered blessings
This world has now bestowed.

Dont hug or touch. We don't get affection much. We all must keep our distance.
To be alone with hearts of stone.
Humanities resistance
A worldwide epidemic - not the flu,
But hatred is the menace.
Do not come near! Your presence is feared! For closeness makes us grimace.

Now here my plea, open up your eyes and see. Who it is, to be our true enemy.
Each and every one must flee - from hatred, lust, fear and greed.
For the devil has done his job. A job well done - a planted seed.
Dont embrace it or defend it! Fight back! Advice all of us should heed!

People act as if they think a vaccine might be the answer.
While hatred effectively grows inside like an insidious, smirking cancer.
People just don't get it because the truth
Has now been blurred.
Now all are fixated on the ruse -
A great deception has occurred.

This world has become manic and were caught up in the panic, but its our hearts that are diseased.
All in all hate has to stall. Our pride, our sins, must stop, must freeze.
We have to shed this wickedness -
This spiritually infested sleeze.
Come back to the LORD our God -
Come back to our knees.

Love inevitably is the cure, of this I'm sure.
You all have heard my plea.
Lay your sins down on the floor and sin no more and set your bound souls free.
For we were not made to live in fear -
But to be filled with love and filled with glee.
So let us all begin to love each other once again. I will start. I'll take the lead. Once you have revived your hearts then carry love and follow me.
Hope you enjoy.
Dec 2020 · 840
My Final Reflection
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
I'm so sorry that's its over now
we've abandoned sacred love
The passion we once held so dear We are now devoid of
We've past the point of no return
And now the end is here
The sanctity of marriage destroyed
An act I always feared

Do you take this man to be your
Lawfully wedded husband?
You nodded quickly and said I do
As we happily both grinned
Your answer I believed at once
To forever be upheld
The tribulations came and went
Then against love you rebeled

I held on tight and fought the fight
But my grip was not enough
We endured so many storms
but in the end they proved too tough
You slipped away so savagely
Your willpower grew so weak
Now our marital ship has crashed ashore
We no longer speak

After all is said and done
I have one thing left to say
If I could choose to do it all again
Its a price I'd willingly pay
Even though I suffered so
From this spiritual endeavor
My vows were to love you til I die
So I'll keep loving you forever

I cannot believe in your idiocy
That you no longer love me
Please let my final words imbue
And set your ignorance free
Even though all hope is gone
And this situation is very dire
Love is not a perishable good
Love does not expire
These are my final thoughts about my failed marriage. I'm using this writing to wrap it all up and finally put it away.
Dec 2020 · 2.4k
A Symphonic Proposal
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
My love, you see makes my heart sing
With musical notes it composes
Cause you do play on my hearts strings
My masterpiece laid before you
upon a bed of roses

I won't waste my precious time
& dance around the truth
For a symphony plays its song in me
And your beauty is my fountain of youth
My wife, you see - I hope you to be
My wife, you see - how lovely

My song, you see? Will never cease
It'll play throughout eternity
For the instruments that lay inside
Will never stop, nor ever die
For the beauty I see, instills in me
An everlasting energy
So hearken unto me, my sweet baby
Cause I'll never leave nor say goodbye

My song, you see? Makes my heart ring
Adoration does your heart bring
My masterpiece that will never cease
Is finally composed
I hope, my dear, that our union is near
& I'll become your king
My wife, you see? I hope you to be
Say yes to me, when I final-ly propose

Now we're here right at the end, my dear
A musical crescendo
As it plays, I do hope you say
That you truly love me and that you'll always stay
This song I feel, is very real
And its not an innuendo
Now on my knee, as you can see
Will you marry me? I plead and pray

Marry me, my wife to be, and let our duet play
Forever and ever entwined together
Mr. and Mrs. Gray
I wanted to write about love in a positive light. All my past poems about love have been dark and negative. So I wanted to change it up. Then I made the connection between love and music and then ran with it. The beat came to me as I was thinking and writing. Hope you all enjoy!
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Show me those eyes
They hold the grandeur
And the spectacle of the skies
Those beautiful eyes

Let me gaze into the windows
Of your soul - I'm mesmerized
As marvelous and lovely
And as vast as the skies
Those beautiful eyes

As I'm lost and entranced
In your gaze - time flies
Its as if I'm daydreaming
And embraced
By the awe of the skies
Those beautiful eyes

Just icing on the cake
Of a gorgeous soul - they mesmerize
So captivating and bright
Like the endless blue skies

Show me -
Show me those beautiful eyes
I saw a girl with beautiful eyes. Need I say more? Lol
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Bit by bit
I begin
  To understand it

  And piece by piece
I put the puzzle together,
  Ya see?

For each and every
  One of us are blessed
With life
With love
With blood
  With breath

And each and every
  One of us are stressed
With strife
With hate
With disease
  With death

But, nevertheless
We all have our individual
Yet some are blind
Some are deaf
Some are deceived
  And some are just stalling

All in all -
I find this spiritual plague
  Quite appalling

For each man
And each woman
Is quite aware
  Of God's longing
His plea
His cry
His desire
  His yearning

For His heart for you
  Is quite passionately burning

Therefore, each and every
One needs to let down their
Guards and open their hearts
Open their ears
Their mind
Their soul
And Their eyes

And submit themselves to the LORD
His plea
His desire
His longing
  His cries

And that's how ALL of us
  Should live our lives
Before we fall
Before we fail
Before we're deceived
  And before we die

This Is the plea
Of a lonely old man -  
  This is his cry
At the end of the day
  I just had to try
Now I bid you farewell,
My good friends
  Now it's time for goodbye

A lonely old man
Something I came up with while thinking about stuff on the porch.
Dec 2020 · 836
Left Behind
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Do or don't?
Just get it done!
Cause I don't wanna be
The only one
Left behind

The task at hand?
It is what God demands
Cause He doesn't want me
To be
The only one
Left behind

Will I succeed?
I am sure indeed
Cause it's the Lord's will
It is what He does need
The assurance for me
That I won't be
Left behind

Halt no more?
Of this I am sure
Cause if I do not
My spirit will rot
Then I will find
Left behind

Out of time
With no reason or ryhme?
Cause if so,
I'm not worth a dime
If I wind up being
The only one left behind

Spiritual warfare?
There's a battle at hand
To warn all the others
An honor so grand
Cause all of us know
We prefer
Not to be ******

Its time to go
And all of us know
Cause its time to change direction
And don't go with the flow
So take up your paddles
And vigorously row

Row and row
And take part in the grind
And in due time
You will find
Not left behind

Tis my warning
My warning for all of you
Cause the time is coming
I know this to be true
The time for each and every
One of us to find
Which ones will be left
The ones left behind
Gotta get it off my chest. Maybe all of us should look inward and see where we really stand.
Dec 2020 · 3.4k
The Ol' Faithful Clock
Kenneth Gray Dec 2020
Tick tock
  Tick tock
Throughout the years
   I've always thought
Of faith to be
  A clicking clock
With hands
So persistent
So determined
To never miss a single beat
  Nor stop

Throughout the years
  This faithful clock
Built up a longing in me
  My solid rock
Through which,
In times of trouble
I would pull
From my everlasting
  Love-filled stock

Brace yourselves,
My friends
  And do not
Let this coming news
Be some sort
  Of terrible shock
For the time is coming
  When this faithful clock's
Hands must,
  Inevitably stop

For you see -
The battery in me,
So to speak,
    Is nearly diminished
The continuation of
its intermittent
Clicking is
    Almost nearly finished
The gears within
This 'ol faithful clock,
Are most definitely
    Fatally blemished

I am so
   So very sorry
For this very moment
Marks the end
   Of my journey's story
I hate to say it,
But not every person
   Goes out in a blaze of glory






The clock has stopped
I feel like my faith is failing.
Nov 2020 · 409
The Langoleers
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
The gritty, grinding
  Of the Langoleers
Sawing and gnawing
  The bringers of fear
My mind is their playground
   They are all that I hear

They are the Langoleers,
I tell you -
  And they're at it again
I am trapped in their torrent -
  Their tormenting pen
They've knocked me out for the count,
Now they're gloating
   And ready to win
They're pouncing on my pain
   And stirring up sin
They boast of their victory
   Wearing a despicable grin

This sinister cycle of seismic suffering
Is all that these ******* Langoleers
   Have been offering
I look towards the future -
   Fiery hell is all that I'm seeing
As I watch these wretched Langoleers
   Torture my entire being
While in their grasp,
There is no hope for escape
   There is no hope for a freeing
As I scream in endless agony -
   I'll eternally be seething

They are the Langoleers
  And this is my story
Forgive me, friends,
  If my tale is quite gory

But they are the Langoleers
  That's just how they've rolled
Now I am just glad
  That my stories been told

This is the story of the Langoleers
My torment
My darkness
The source of my fears

Take note, and beware
  The horror
  The nightmare
Of the Langoleers
My mind is a ******* up place. This takes inspiration from the monsters in Stephen Kings "The Langoleers". Its my take on it. I'm comparing my mental turmoil to them.
Nov 2020 · 528
My 3 Little Angels
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
3 perfect little angels
30 little fingers
And 30 little toes
How ever was I blessed with you -
Who really knows?
Oh how you brighten my day if
The sun is shining -
Or even if it snows
Oh how your eyes sparkle
And your faces do glow
Oh how obviously you are from me -
And that fact surely shows
With every blessed day
With you in my life
My heart grows and it grows

My 3 perfect little angels
Ages 6, 5 and 2
Just keep in your hearts
That I forever loved you
And remember this fact -
Because of you,
My heart always grew
Oh, how I could write a book
My little angels -
If you only knew
As I sit and ponder these things
Emotions continually stew
Trust me, my 3 little angels -
I will always, ALWAYS love you
Trust this to be true
Just happy to be blessed -
With my little 3 angel crew
Devoted to my 3 beautiful kids that I adore.
Nov 2020 · 361
The Soldier
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
There lies a soldier deep within
He is strapped with might
To fight
The blight

He is not perfect, nay
He has even sinned
But this battle that's been laid before him
He will surely win
To help bring light
Into the night
Yeah, even unto his own kin

He carries great knowledge of the spiritual realm
For this - he has been placed right at the forefront, yeah
Placed right at the helm
But knowledge = power
Therefore, he will not be overwhelmed

He will be carried straight through
To victory
On the wings of an eagle
He will succeed
It is time for this soldier that I speak of
To be freed
Its time for him to ******* all his armor
For all the world to see
And this soldier that I speak of, is indeed,
Now is the time to be unleashed and be the promising soldier I was always meant to be ✌
I think the poem explains itself. Theres a lot of evil and darkness in this world. Somebody has to fight against it. Ive been called to, but Ive been struggling. Hoping to get out of this cruddy place I'm in and start fighting like I'm meant to.
Nov 2020 · 489
War of Roses
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
War of roses
War of roses
One will be betrothed
War of roses
War of roses
The other shall be loathed

Which one is left
Which one is taken
This War of roses has me shaken
Which one is here
Which on is there
This war of roses has awakened

War of roses
War of roses
One will be enshrined
War of roses
War of roses
The other n'er entwined

Which one is sought
Which come to nought
This war of roses must be fought
Who will win and who will lose?
This war of roses has me distraught

War of roses
War of roses
Whichever do I choose?
War of roses
War of roses
Which one will have to lose?
My buddy gave me a challenge. He said write a poem called War Of Roses, but thats all he gave me. He wanted to see what I would do with it. So this is what I came up with.
Nov 2020 · 537
My Hearts Song
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Bing, ba Bing Bing
If you, could only
Ting, ta ting ting
Just listen closely
Bing, ba Bing Bing
And hear, the beauty
Ting, ta ting ting
You would, abso-lutely
Bada Bing, bada Bing Bing
Know, that I love you

My hearts sweet song
Ching, cha ching ching
Will for-ever ring
Dada ting, dada ting ting
I'll prove, you wrong
Ding dada ding ding
When, my heart sings
Bing bada Bing Bing
Its beautiful song
Bada bing, bada Bing Bing
Now, sound the gong
Cause, I ******' love you!!!
I just wanted to do an experimental type of poem and try to express my feelings in a different way. I thought it would be cool to try and make a song sounding poem where the sounds are actually written out to help give it a different feel. I know its kind of lame, but w/e. I like it. ✌
Nov 2020 · 288
Sweet Surrender
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Sweet Surrender, cool nights bliss
Her heartbeat flutters from my tender kiss

Glistening bodies, faithfully entwined
Passions combined in love's grand design

Fiery fusion, hearts melted together
Joined eternally through an unbreakable tether

Love perfected ecstasy
Our hearts desire, love's destiny

Sweet Surrender cool nights bliss
Love conceived from our very first kiss
Remembering old love.
Nov 2020 · 609
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
You really showed me who's in charge
As I now deal with this goey, thick discharge

And you really caused me to consider castration
As days pass by while dealing with painful urination

Thanks alot!
Your moves were all really beautiful spectacles
So much so that I now have painful testicles

We were kissing, licking, twisting and twitching
I guess that explains the severe **** itching

Thanks, but
You do show room for great improvements
This I ponder while having unusual bowel movements

You do know that this might cause us to divorce?
I'm just so sick and tired of having painful *******

But you still think you're all that and endlessly gloat?
Hah, Id do the same thing, but I've got a sore throat

But Thanks
You've molded my spirit animal into a ******
Am I going crazy or have I contracted a fever?  

I guess I'm just another one of your victims
I wish I was lucky with no noticeable symptoms.

Oh well!

I guess that's it girl, I guess I'll see ya
Thank you again, for giving me gonnorhea!
Thanksgiving is coming up soon. What is everyone thankful for? For some reason I decided to be thankful to my ex for giving me gonnorhea lol. Its just a fictional story though. I wanted to write about being thankful, but then I was reading something and the word gonnorhea came up. I laughed and thought I should write up a funny poem about being thankful for contracting it. I've never had it though haha haha! I looked up the symptoms online and wrote them down. Then wrote lines to go with each symptom. Voila... There ya go! 😁😂
Nov 2020 · 177
A Hearts Burden
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
My mourning heart
tries to speak
comprehensible words,
But it cannot overcome
its studders and slurs
For pain and grief
as one creation
Bursting forth - tears initiation

I take full account of my past -
A great loss
As I depreratly hang
To my hope -
In the Cross

I sit, fruitlessly,
Searching for words
to reciprocate
My pain
As I slip and stutter
And mumble in vein
This vortex of sorrow
I can hardly contain

I have to lay it all down at the feet of God
I've lost it all LORD -
Take the reigns LORD -

I cannot carry it any longer -
I've carried it too far
LORD you are my lighthouse -
My northern star!
You have created my heart -
Loves repertoire
Now I surrender to you LORD -
And all that you are!

LORD, please,
Carry this burden,
This heavy heart
Once and for all, LORD
Let misery depart
And never, ever again
Let us be torn apart!
Sometimes you just gotta get stuff off your chest.
Nov 2020 · 518
Goodbye Suicide
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Daddy,  I heard you talking to that meany, Mr. Suicide
But I don't want you to go daddy!
I don't want you die!
What about me daddy?
What if you make me cry?
I'm gonna miss you daddy
I'm not gonna lie!

I'm so sorry, baby!
You're absolutely right!
What was I thinking, sweety
It'll all be alright
Just for you, my darling
I'm gonna win this fight

Promise me, daddy
That you're not going to lose!
Promise me, daddy
That its me who you choose!
Promise me, daddy
That you'll be tying no knoose!

I promise you, sweety
That its all in the past!
I promise you darling
That its not gonna last!
I promise you baby,
These ideas have been cast!

Goodbye, Mr. Suicide
You just cannot stay

Don't you see
For my darling,
I cast you away?

Goodbye Mr. Suicide
Now my answer is nay

Can't you see
For my sweety,
I toss you away?

I'm proud of you, daddy
Just know this to be true
You're the best, daddy
We can now start anew
Now guess what, daddy
I Love you!

Thank you, my sweety
I love you too!
I decided to rewrite Hello Suicide and say that I'm overcoming it because of the love of family.
Nov 2020 · 385
Evil Relations
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
The evil in my mind, ya see
Eviscerates the light in me
It clashes with the fight in me
I'm trying to break free

The evil in my soul, ya see
Devours all the life in me
It harbors all the strife in me
It must be a disease

The evil in my heart, ya see
Inhabits every thought in me
It loves what it has wrought in me
And now its filled with glee

The evil I will purge, ya see
discovering the might in me
Dispelling all the blight in me
For this I have the key
Just gotta deal with it I guess.
Nov 2020 · 504
I See Through You
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
I took you at a glance that day
And met you with a kindly nod
Although you a strictly tried
to hide your evil,
I unraveled your facade
You think you can deceive us
"Simple folk" with your bodacious ***
But babe, I know of your decrepid soul
I promise this on God

You strut yourself around this world
Up on your pedestal
You harbor your self righteousness
And think you're "oh so cool"
You think the world should worship you
And see you as if you're a dazzling jewel
But I hate to burst your bubble gal
Cause you're one conceded fool!

Don't try and dance around the truth
And lie your way to goddess status
Cause after all is said and done
You're definitely no Trish Stratus
Your well thought out ruse just
Stands no chance when your heart is filled with malice
Girl, you're a mortal just like us -
You weren't delivered in a palace
So come back down to planet earth
And relieve us of this madness!
Just a goofy little poke at fun I came up with while brain storming.
Nov 2020 · 1.3k
Hello Suicide
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Hello suicide!
Its been awhile
Remember me?
Yer ol' buddy Kyle?
I need your assistance
To escape from this trial
Forgive me friend
If I'm unable to smile

Ah, yes! Kyle, of course!
Forgive me bud
If my voice does sound hoarse

I've been hanging around
Don't you see?
I'm glad you've swung by
To console in me
For my first recommendation
Is hanging
Yes, in fact
This is my plea
Might I suggest a rafter
Or perhaps a nice tree?
This ones on the house
Yeah, this one is free

Ah, yes! A hanging
But if I were to do that
A rope I would need
Not only that
But I could be rescued
And freed
Do you have another?
Please forgive me suicide
Forgive me for my greed
What else can I do?
Please consider my plead!

Ah, yes! I can do one more
But I'm growing tired and weak
And my neck is still sore

Take a handful of pills
And overdose
This I know you've tried
And you came really close
But you can't be easily rescued
And you don't need a rope
Do it! Destroy your dreams!
And trample your hopes!

Excellent! This one sounds great
For sure!
I do have a decease
And pills might be the cure
But what if I live
What if my body endures?
But this option has potential
And it has great allure
I'll consider this option
To you, I ensure

Well, well, well!
Look what we have here!
Looks like I'm successful
As if a death is near
Theree no need to panic
Theres no need to fear
However, I do need payment
So start paying in tears!
Now RIP my good friend
Its been fun mate, cheers!
I've dealt with suicidal thoughts alot in my life. So this is kind of like the dialogue I have with it. As if we know each other and were friends.
Nov 2020 · 334
Just Dont Ask!
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
I'm so *******. I AM so aggravated.
I willingly and personally decide to be sedated.
The love lost, the love "you tossed" we've so heatedly debated.
A subject I intrinsically have loathed and thusly hated.
My heart you sliced, effectively diced and ultimately serrated. You've efficiently torn apart my bleeding heart, stabbed in the back right from the start. Since the very first time we dated. Now looking back, hinesight intact, I can't believe I was elated. Nay, even more I so adored. I did explore so far, in fact, that we even mated. My mind is blown, as love has flown. Your hearts now stone. As I have clearly stated. No love in sight, try as I might. I won't win this fight. Because your heart has been deflated. Goodbye! Now don't ask why I'm aggravated. I hate this situation! ✌
Anger is an issue when love is lost and marriage dies. Feelings flail and words do fly.
Nov 2020 · 618
XoXo, My Dear
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Do you love me back? I asked
Nay, she says.
Of that I am devoid, of that I truly lack

My love for you is like unto a dry riverbed.
All that lies therein is gone. All that lies therein is dead.

Did you ever love me? says I
Nay, she says
Nor ever will I, until the day we die

My love for you is like
unto a beaches sand
And as such has slipped right through my fingers, slipped right through my hands

Why did you ever say you loved me? I plead
Truly, says she
I abused you for my wants - your services I did need

My love for you was like unto a piggy bank
I take and take and take
But when you wanted a return on love
This piggy would just never break.

Its fine, my dear
I finally see
Your putrid love wasn't good enough for me

As my love for YOU was like unto a fine diamond ring
In spite of your decietfulness, my heart did truly sing

Nor did it ever wear and tear, or rust and rot and disappear.
Now I've learned that a love like yours
Is a love that I should truly fear

Its fine my dear,
The recompense for your twisted love draws near
A lesson in karma that you should truly fear

XoXo, My Dear
Have fun with that. Just some idea I got and decided to write down. Failed marriages give alot of angles to write about.
Nov 2020 · 250
Echoes Of My Heart
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
My words echo and bounce
back from a stone
The stillness of the air around me
Ensures that I'm alone
As I wait, there's no response
My heart does surely groan

I love you! I love... I... I... I...
The echoes of my heart sincerely cry
I still hold hope, but I believe there's no real point to try
I love... Love... Love...
I am sure, there'll be no response
Even unto the day I die

I love you! That's it! That's all I've left to say!
Although I eagerly await your response
I am sure the answers nay
As my words fade into darkness,
What will you have to say?
I know its all one sided
Its the price Ive had to pay

As I sit, listening to the echoes of my heart
Knowing that the void response will tear my heart apart
Knowing that my cries will die
And I'll be back at the start
Just here, crying I love you!
As my words fade into dark

I love you! I love... I... I...I...
My heart sincerely cries
I still have love for my ex wife. She told me "I don't love you anymore." And its left my heart in a painful limbo that really *****. I wrote this to express myself and get it off my chest.
Nov 2020 · 757
Dead Love
Kenneth Gray Nov 2020
Black hole
Broken heart
You've taken sacred love
and torn it apart
Now I'm left
In utter darkness
Did you ever love me from the start?

Black hole
Broken heart
Love is null
Torn apart

Black hole
Broken Heart
Your love is void
Love did depart
Now I'm trapped
In nothingness
You surely did impart

Love does not just "disappear"
Love conquers all and conquers fears
Love does endure so many tears
Love is victorious the moment it appears

Therefore, I must believe this one fact alone
As my beating, pain filled heart does groan
That you have abandoned me and turned your heart to stone
Along with the absolute apathy you have surely shown

Now, in a black hole
With a broken heart
Love did die
Love torn apart
I've made mistakes
Can I restart?
My "wife" left me and apparently stopped loving me. Now I'm left with a nothingness and pain and dunno what to do about it. Just trying to get some of it off my chest.
Oct 2020 · 5.3k
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
No ****** or dawdling just for fun
Gotta be the best gotta be #1
I scrutinize every detail
Until I am done
If I am not perfect I turn face and run

Its just a day in the life of a perfectionist
I could go on and on and make a long list, but I'm hopeful already that you all get the jist

I'd love to sit down and draw some cool art
But if every line wasn't perfect I'd crumple it up or tear it apart
However, I know that I'm talented and sharp as a dart
But my ideals are too critical and not very smart
However, this is my reality. So I hardly can start
Eh, Scratch all that - I guess I need to restart

Its all in a day of a perfectionist
I've reversed on my promise and made you a list
I'm second guessing myself that you're getting the jist

I'd love to sit down and write a poem or two
But it's impossible to write perfection though - we all know this to be true
That fact on its own is bringing me down and making me blue
Its making me sick like I'm getting the flu
How can I ever release this poem? What will I do?
Ugh! I've gotta scratch this again and come up with something that's new!

Don't you see? This is the life of a perfectionist
I've given examples and made a small list
But I'm confident now that you all get the jist

Of just what's its like being a perfectionist.

Hold up! There is one more thing I'd like to say
I beat myself up every night, every day
And although I fall short, I pray and I pray
That this wicked perfectionism will not stay
That one day I'll be content with myself and that it'll stay that way.
Now I'd like to wrap this all up - if I may

Well, I guess thats just the way it is
In a day of the life of a perfectionist
You've heard my reasoning and you've witnessed my list
So I can certainly say that you all get the jist

Of exactly what its like being a perfectionist
I came up with the theme of perfectionism and decided to write it out and explain my experiences with it. Not much more to it than that.
Oct 2020 · 790
I'll Tell You Why
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I hereby confess my sins, and must tell you why
Why this man that writes these words and holds the pen must die
Why evil so ferociously invades my mind
And will not cease no matter how hard I try
These words that I beseech unto you are truth and hold no lie

I received word from THE LORD above that I must preach
To take my knowledge of the spirit
To the streets to teach
To spread the gospel far and wide as far as I can reach

But, After 2 or 3 weeks of compliance
While doing His will and honoring our alliance
I was met with a streak of complete defiance

I went out and preached in stores one day
I was satisfied with the work id done and thought it was ok
But upon return back to my home the LORD said sternly, nay
That it wasnt enough and that I needed to preach more today
That I needed to jump back into the fight and jump back into the fray
But in my foolishness I decided that on my bed I should lay
Now ever since, that decision, I have had to pay

Right at that very moment, evil attacked and I became a target
After all this time has passed I am filled with utter regret
Its something I am ashamed of
And desperately wish I could forget

But during those times of preaching
I was always met with fear
Evil had encompassed me. And I was told that if I stopped my death was near
To this day "preach, or die" makes me want to shed a tear
The devil knows of my failures and meets me with an evil snear

Its been 8 months now since I stopped
8 months of mental torture since I flopped
8 months of fearing death since THE LORDS will I had dropped

Now the death that had been spoken of before
Grows and grows to the point that I cannot ignore
The suffering of my soul continues more and more
I don't know if I can take it. So is death truly in store?

I do believe in miracles, but I dont know if I will get one
Will THE LORD show more mercy, or is He finally done?
The grave is looming and life is no longer fun
So don't be a failure like me.
Put your faith and trust in THE SON
And whatever you do, don't turn your back and run!
I should have followed Him. I would have won.

Now I await my death. My life is done.
This is the story of the last 8 months of my life.
Oct 2020 · 342
Back To The Drawing Board
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Back to the drawing board I shall go
With hope and visions of rythme and flow
With words and patterns I already know
With goals and standards for my quality of work to grow
Altogether, having my accumulated knowledge in tow
Its back to the drawing board I shall go

Sometimes in life you find yourself in a slump
The complete lack of inspiration is creating a grump
You grasp at straws considering yourself to be stumped
When all of your ideas seem to be destined for the dump
Its at times like these that you can't give up like a chump
So jump up, get off your **** and get pumped up
Because its back to the drawing board you shall go

I know youve got talent and I know youve got skill
Now go write it all down and give these people a thrill
Just be positive and uplifting. Don't
Be negative and shrill
Do your best, dont be anxious,
But be peaceful and still
Don't rush it or force and don't release it until
Youve gone back to the drawing board and gotten your fill
I wasn't sure of what to write about next. I like to have a steady stream of new content. I woke up today and was pondering what to write about next. The thought of going back to the drawing board came to me while I was having a smoke. Then after my contemplating I decided that going back to the drawing board and not having anything to write about was poem worthy content on its own. So I sat down and starting writing. This poem is the result.
Oct 2020 · 587
The Book Of Life
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
As I ponder upon my life
I feel as though I'm trapped inside a book of science fiction
Deep down in my bleeding heart I hope its about a
fantasical expidition
But in reality,
all the pages therein
Are screaming of my affliction
I pray with all my soul and might that there will be a
miraculous transition

I know I am the author
and that I hold
the key to victory
But what becomes of the ending
We'll just have to see
I need to pen in an
overcoming battle
And set my future free
I need to set up the ending
And decide just who I am to be

With all these things in mind,
I still frantically flip
through all the pages
Knowing all the pain I've caused
And seeing my past rages
Seeing all the failures pass
As it comes and goes in stages
How can I conquer all of this
When Ive been a total waste of space for ages?

I cannot help but gaze upon the blank sheets that follow after
After all, this book is not sci fi and I wont let it become
a great disaster
I do however, have a hero
and that hero is my sister
Ill be a mighty warrior just like her and I'll become the victor

I look towards the ending with my inspiration right in tow
Knowing that ill overcome and that my strength will grow.
I see my hero overcome on a daily basis and this
hard fact I know.
So just like her, I'll fight this battle everyday even if the goings slow
Ill do my best and fight the fight
Take up my mighty pen of life and deal the final blow!
This one hits hard. Its one of my more self inspiring pieces. Its weird how I can write something that actually inspires myself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! It actually really was inspired by my sister. We were talking earlier and she mentioned something about her life being like she was in a book. She knows I write alot and do poetry. So I said that that line could make a good poem. I told her to give me 30 minutes to write something using that line amd this is the result.
Oct 2020 · 338
Infectious Fear
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Mystery faces veiled with fear. A worldwide masqeurade.
Faces hidden disappearing in this maniacal charade
Suppressed panic spurts of manic
Just let this virus fade
Fingers crossed and prayers uplifted
We all hope to evade
Depression strengthened anxiousness
The foundation has been laid
Masses herded like they're cattle
All because we are afraid.
Weaponized death in full effect
Mankind has been enlaved
My thoughts about life during this pandemic.
Oct 2020 · 448
What I Would've Done
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I would have taken a bullet for you.
Its no exaggeration for the words I speak are true.
And don't you know that of all those that would, there are very few?
Now that you are gone its apparent you have not a clue
For I would have without a doubt taken a bullet for you

Do you really have no clue
As to all I would have done for you?
I would have sacrificed my own life through and through
I would have swam across the ocean,
Yes, swam across the ocean blue
Just to meet your wants and needs
And to take the up most care of you
I most certainly would have taken a bullet for you

Now that you're so long, long gone and were longer tethered
I ponder all the sacrifices I made when we were both together
Even after all this time I still know that I would love and cherish you forever and forever.
But you say you no longer love me. Its clear your heart has dried up and toughened just like leather

Finally here now at the end I still hope that you'll break through
Because vast are the expanses I would go, Oh dear if you only knew
I am the only one on earth that would have done these things it true
If anything at all, my dear, then let my words imbue
For I'm the only one on earth that would have taken a bullet for you.
When you love somebody with all heart you consider all that you would've done for them. My ex wife apparently just "stopped loving me." And this is kind of what I'm left with.
Oct 2020 · 576
Sounds Like Insanity
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
The music of insanity
plays its song inside of me
The snare does snap and
The crashes crash
Inside the mind of me
The hi hat goes tss tss
And the ride says ting ting
Inside the mind of me
The tom drums role
And bass drum booms
Inside the mind of me

Inside of my chaotic mind they ring
With the hateful opposite of silence
The music of insanity does sing

If you ever ask if I am mad I will
Surely hear ding ding ding!
Just a poem about feeling like I'm going nuts and all the crazy stuff going on in my head all the time.
Oct 2020 · 964
When All Is Said And Done
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
The crooked claws of darkness clashing
Targeting my weakened soul
Upon my broken mind a'gnashing
Sizzling like scorching coals
Hope and faith they're busy slashing
Torturing with many wretched tools
As the world around me crumbles and comes down quickly crashing
How they've defeated many fools
After all is said and done

The fiery fangs of darkness mawing
Targeting my broken mind
Upon my sanity they're a'gnawing
As I'm running out of precious time
My freedom to live they are a'stalling
The hope of peace sounds so sublime
As I fall to my knees and attempt escape
By crawling Freedom sounds divine
Desperately losing the battle as I'm frequently bawling
Because I know I'm trapped inside
When all is said and done

Consumed in reckless insanity I still ponder
The depths of evil is quite the wonder
Will I be forcefully cast a sunder
When all is said and done?
Just some thoughts I have.
Oct 2020 · 1.3k
My Hand At Rappin
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Are you blind? Can you not see?
I do this **** without a thought
I do this **** so effort
Less - ly
Like an old man
sittin in his rockin chair
Sippin on some green - tea
Like I'm speedin down
The highway just free to be - me

Can you not see? Writings like an ***** and it functions like a heart - beat
Boom boom - strap your ***** in and find a comfy *** - seat
Boom boom - my writings all be formin when I'm walkin down the **** street
Boom boom -  Ima be lol'in as my fans line up - boom boom - for a meet n greet.

Do you finally - see?
Its like a mean grean hulkish transformation Ima straight beast.
I be smashing competition like
Michael Jordan - its a straight feast.
Hulk smash! Its a fine treat.
I be swishing all my buckets as they
All be kissin my - feet

It all comes without a thought and
Comes very natural- ly
like a virus - coursing through my veins like a musical dis - sease
Ima sneeze... Achoo!
And pass it onto others - as much as I - please. ***** freeze!
Ima infect the world with my
Musical. - ******

Now that I've laid my piece
While sippin on some green tea
While ridin so free
I hope you finally - see -
Ima straight beast.

I've heard alot of people say I write with a style that sounds like it could be music. So I took that idea and ran with it. This was more of a just-for-fun type of thing more than anything. I like it at least. I read it as rap 😁.
Oct 2020 · 1.5k
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Gazing out towards this ocean
This endless blue sea
Warm water
cool breeze
Coarse sand
Under my feet
Waves crashed
Waves beat
I understood what it meant
What it meant to be free
As I gazed towards this ocean
This endless blue sea
Just a soft, easy experiment.
Oct 2020 · 1.2k
The Poetic Apprentice
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
The poetic apprentice constantly
ponders and plans.
He dreams up wondrous writings that through critisms can stand.
He imagines mystical miracles he elaborates with his hand
Unending possibilities his vast
Mind demands

He scoures the depths and peruses vast heights.
He indulges crisp, cool mornings and envelops the nights.
He listens for lyrical lullabies and observes majestical sights.
He journeys throughout space
as he embarks on jaw-dropping flights.

The poetic apprentice searches
The depths of his heart
He dissects it and reads it
And tears it apart.
Then divulges it's secrets
And crafts them into his art

He wishes so dearly that his
Work becomes no disaster
He keeps his senses in tune
In hopes he'll one day be a master
As more work pours out the
Pressure grows faster and faster
But he'll slow down and humble himself
As his work evolves and becomes vaster

Now the poetic apprentice sighs
A great sigh of relief
He wipes off his brow
As he mumbles "good grief!"
His work is now over his
work is complete.
He knows they will like it.
Its his faith, his belief

The poetic poet now bows
To you, his work is bequeathed
I was just trying to bring a writing forward again from a slightly different angle. Just trying to be a little unique with my approach. Ive been thinking a lot of how I need to learn and grow. So through that the idea of an apprentice came to mind. I thought writing in 1st person as I wouldn't create much of a persona with the character. It would have just been me and that's not quite as interesting to write about. That's kind of the thought process with this one.
Oct 2020 · 648
Bet Your Ass!
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I sure would love to write. But long behold I have my consciousness to fight. Get out of my way you *******! Get out of my sight! What you're doing to me is vile, it just isn't right!

Ha! You're terrible I tell you! Your work is destined to fail! A pathway of let downs. A pathetic paper trail. You're just writing for dumpsters like its discarded mail.

Silence you demon! I will discover my strengths and discover my style. Bet your *** on that you *****. Or my name isn't Kyle! I'm not destined for failure. Youre making me tick. I'm fed up with your ******* and you're making me sick.

Hahaha I see what's happening here! Im winning you over because you're beginning to fear. You will never silence me because I am all that you hear. Throw away this writing because your ending is near. Boo hoo you baby! Are you shedding a tear?

Fall back because I'm conquering you! My determination is gritty and my motives are true. In loo of my weaknesses and in loo of my doubt. Ill never give in and cry, nor will I give in and pout. My armor is powerful and my posture is stout.

Ah, I see. Are you now breaking free? Are you standing your ground and silencing me? But what of your writings? What will they be? A dumpster fire! I bet your *** we will see! And when that happens Ill be filled with glee.

Its over Debby downer because I'll learn new techniques. I'll lay down my heart and all that it speaks. Ill write highs and lows, Ill write valleys and peaks. Ill write with the blood that my bleeding heart leaks. Now change your attitude because your attitude reaks!

I understand and submit. I lay out the red carpet for you. I see you speak from the heart and your heart does speak true. But nevertheless, I'll stick just like glue. When you worry and doubt I'll be pouncing on you. When you're pondering ideas and out for something that's new. The writings you write without me will be few.

Tousche, that's fine, but you've run out of time. Now let go of the pen because the pen is mine. I'm free to write my writings and the feelings sublime. When I master my craft my writings will be so divine. You're despicable, a decrepit rat! Ill be successful.
You can bet your *** on that!
Btw - my middle name is Kyle lol. There's a story to this one. I was at a point where I felt like giving up writing. I felt like I had nothing special or unique to bring to the table. Almost like a writers block in a sense. I didn't know what style I was after and didn't know if I was ever going to come up with something unique and special. Something just from me and only from me. Because the poems I've been reading havr all been the same. The same poem but with different words. I wanted to get out of that box. Well in my blocked mind I came up with an idea within my doubts and lack of content. To write about not being able to write. To write out my issue of being blocked. To write out the battle amd conversation I was having within my inner dialogue. This is The result of it. Ps. Thanks to my sister, Christina Daggett, because the conversations I had with her kind of helped me work this idea out. She deserves a shout on this one. Thanks sis! Hope you all enjoy it!
Oct 2020 · 2.1k
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Worry a'creapin
Confusion sets
Nerves are startled
Fear Upsets

Minds a racin'
Thoughts implode
Face is flushed
Fear Explodes

Hearts a'flutter
Chest tightens up
Voices stutter
Fear Erupts

Hearts a'poundin
Sweat then rolls
Panic resounding
Fear unfolds

Deaths a'loomin
Dreads attack
All consuming
Fear is back

Peace a'buildin
Calm ensues
If Gods willing
Fear defused
I learned a 2 beat structure similar to this from a friend on Facebook. I took what I learned and put my own twist on it by bouncing back and forth between 2 and 3. Even kind of a 3-4. I think it sounds better with that beat rather than a constant 2. As if I did anything to explain what I mean by a beat-structure lol. Its just my personal language that I use. I used that structure while thinking about anxiety and this is the result.
Oct 2020 · 1.2k
The Confession
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I woke up one day.
One cold, dreery, lonely day.
What happened that day?
I'd rather not say.
What day? That day!
I could probably tell you
But you might have to pay.

Ok, so I woke up one day.
That cold, dreery lonely day?
Yes that day!
Now someone I knew
They just had to pay
Now just who they are,
I don't wanna say.

This person -
They just had to pay
What person? I told you!
I don't want to say!
But this person I've mentioned
They just had to pay.

On this cold, dreery, lonely day
I woke up and decided
they just had to pay
Pay for what? I'd rather not say
Let me get along with the story
I don't wanna delay

So you decided this person
just had to pay?
Exactly! I decided at last
That today was the day.
I needed my vengeance.
I had no time to play.

So what did you do?
I'm not ready to say
But I'm willing to tell you
That this man was Jay
Jay was his name and
Today was his day. Today
Was his day and he
Just had to pay

Pay for what?
I'm getting ready to say
I was on my way home
Right at the doorway
When I suddenly saw him
It was none other than Jay

He thought he was sneaky
Thought that he'd get away
Little did he know
That I saw him that day.
What did he do? Put two
and two together - I think
its needless to say

So did he pay?
Yes, I'm getting ready to say
2 days later on that
Cold dreary day
I found out where he worked
So I was following Jay
I followed him til we met
In a remote alley way

What did you do? Im getting
Ready to say
On this cold, lonely, dreery day
I've cornered you Jay
And you just have to pay
You're losing your life
Over one lousy lay
That's right! I've caught you
And today is your day

Did you **** him? Its time
To say. I pulled out my pistol
And aimed it at Jay
Its time for my vengeance
Today is your day
I woke up this morning
On this cold, dreery lonely
Day. And now is my time
It is my time to slay

And that is the last time
We ever heard from Jay
On the cold, dreery, lonely day
This one was fun! My sister talked to me about my writing and said I should think about other subjects and explore different ideas. So I used that advice and decided to think outside the box and not use my own experiences. I decided to use an idea and story that had no tie to any experience I've ever had. With that frame of mind I came up with this idea. I only formed the back and forth conversation idea for the first few lines. After that I just had to keep adding to it and brain storming more and more to add. All in all, I'm happy with how it ended up. Hope you all enjoy!
Oct 2020 · 1.2k
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Lofting in the breeze
Her scent, So subtle
An Intoxicating allure
Hints of Rose and lavender
For my love, she's the cure

Her supple red lips, plump and ready
A most delicate treat
So luscious, so beautiful
Eagerly awaiting for
Both of ours to meet

Her eyes, so bright, so deep
Gazing with everlasting affection
So deeply entranced, encapsulated
In our powerful connection
So close now, I see my reflection

Her skin, so ripe, so smooth
So lustrous and silky
My longing for you
does not make me guilty
Truly a masterpiece, a work of art
I've fallen in love
Never again shall we part
I wanted to try my hand at writing about something thats less about dark subjects and more about attraction and love etc. Won't say its my best, but I tried.
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I know you always wanted to be a fairy. To sprout wings and fly away. Makes sense, because you were always beautiful and lovely.

I miss you and think about you every day. I wish that you weren't gone. I wish that you were here to stay.

Blessed with a heart of gold. So soft, caring. The extent of your unending love was untold. The world lost a wondrous soul. Without you the world has grown cold.

At long last you've gotten your wish.
You've gained your wings and are now free. No more pain, fear or heartache.
At long last you have no more anxiety.

Now in Gods kingdom, with your new found flight you can fly free. With joy in your heart you can finally enjoy the person you were meant to be. Even in sorrow, that idea causes me to be full of glee. Maybe in my sorrow that idea is the idea that I really need. To be at piece. Knowing you are free.

With sprouted wings.
I wrote this because my sister requested I write something in memory of our mom that passed away. She knows I write alot and I hadn't written anything about her yet.  I guess she wanted to see what I would come up. I really think she wanted to write one, but she doesn't think she can write good. So she asked me to instead. I think it hit the mark because she cried when she read it. Our mom passed away in May 2020. God rest her soul.
Oct 2020 · 369
Hanging By A Strand
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
A strand
Its all I've got
Some people have
Some people have not
A strand is all I've got

A strand
Its all I've got
Some people have little
Some people have lots
A strand is all I've got

A strand
Its all I've got
My strength is failing
Win? Nah, probably not
Because a strand is all I've got

A strand
That's all
That's all I've got
A strand is all I've got
This one is pretty self explanatory. I don't have much left to hold onto. I wanted to express that using as few words as possible. That way the poem structure relates to only having a strand as well. I love reading this one. Its exactly what I was after when I thought up the idea.
Oct 2020 · 5.0k
A Loving Lie
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
You were supposed to love me til death do us apart.
But Then you let go and decided to trample my heart.
You've turned love into a lie and made heartbreak a work of art.
It was something I should have seen coming from the very start.
I was so foolish. Choosing someone like you wasn't at all very smart.

I fell in love with you because I knew your heart and knew who you were.
Now everything good about you has been wiped away, now a blur.
When I told you I loved you I meant it. I didn't stutter nor slur.
Now, after all is said and done I wish this charade had never occurred.

My heart, soul, time and tears were all taken advantage of.
Oh, how you lied to me because what you offered was never love.
In spite of the suffering I went through by you, I still considered you sent from above.
You disregard the times I treated you like a queen, when you were my white dove.
When my heart utterly melted for you. When your beauty was my treasure trove.

Now that its all over, you've given love a bad name.
Now that its over, I'll never look at it the same.
Love is no longer beautiful. Its a disgrace, a pity, a game.
Because of you Ill probably never find true love and that's a real shame.
However, I do hope someday I can find another that'll light my heart aflame.
But for now its a darkness a void. Because of you that's what love has became.
I had been writing nothing but dark and depressing types of poems and wanted to switch it up. My ex wife did me ***** and apparently just "stopped loving me." That's just a garbage thing to say. So she just turned her back on me and abandoned me. This poem is what I now think of the "love" she used to have for me.
Oct 2020 · 496
My Broken Conclusion
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Tangled mess. Lost in confusion.
Troubled heart. Lost in delusion.
Twisted in sin.
A disgusting infusion.
Vague hopes.
A broken conclusion.

I ponder, I hope.
Where does it lead?
What is the answer?
What do I need?

A tangled mess. Lost in confusion.

Decietful ideas.
Where do they lead?
Broken lies,
Are not what I need.

Troubled heart lost in delusion.

Tempted to fail, to lose my way.
Temptation is here.
And its here to stay.
Struggling to fight and live
Every step, every day.

Twisted in Sin

There's light in my heart.
I know and I see.
Will I overcome this?
What will become of me?

Vague Hopes.

I must succeed, I must conquer the night.
Fight for my life and fight for what's right!
Pick yourself up and envelop the light.
A miracle to behold. A beautiful sight!
You're not canon fodder, you're a soldier - a knight!
Lets hope - you will stand  up and fight.

My Broken Conclusion.
I've been going through a lot and dealing with a lot of evil and temptation. I sat and thought about it a lot one night and started writing. I wondered what ought to come from all of it. Thats what led to my closing lines. My Broken conclusion regarding it all.
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
I've got the pedal to the metal on a highway to hell.
Gotta keep my eyes on the road. Only time will tell.
I struggle and suffer through each passing day.
Gotta change my route, Gotta change my ways.
I see the exits that are off to my right, as each lonely day
shrivels into night.
The hands of the clock aggressively tick. No time to decide, I've gotta be quick.
The exit sign reads "green pastures, still waters ahead". Gotta decide, or else I'll be dead. The sun rises in the east and sets in west, foolishly speeding forward at least I'm trying my best. Ignoring the signs warning "danger ahead!". I've gotta turn off, or else Ill be dead.
So focused, so determined, to barrel ahead.
Why can't I stop? Why don't I hit the brake? Its right there!
Turn off for Gods sake!
"Still waters, green pastures ahead". I rush along as if nothings been said.
"Excuse me, Lord? What did you say?" As I struggle and suffer through each passing day.
"I've told you once and I've told you twice. Is there really a need for you to be told thrice?"
I say "No Lord, the sign is there, I see. No need for a thrice, the problem is me.
The sun rises from the east and sets in the West, you know Lord, at least I'm trying my best."
"Still waters, green pastures ahead". With deaf ears I've heard it all said. Barreling forward. Soon Ill be dead.
"Still waters, green pastures ahead."
I was living a life that wasn't quite the best. I felt like I needed to change my ways, but felt stuck at the same time. I needed God. I was laying down thinking one night when the lines of this poem started coming to me. So I jumped on Facebook and started writing.
Oct 2020 · 820
Look to the Lighthouse!
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Broken hearts a flailing,
Reaching out for something more.
Broken hearts a yearning,
For one whom to adore.

Who will it be?
Who is the one?
Who will reach the top,
When all is said and done?

It is not enough!
So much more is needed!
Is it even possible?
Is the human heart defeated?
Is the human spirit fading,
Whilst stumbling in the dark?
Where is our higher power?
Awaiting to light the spark?
Oh LORD wilt thou arise,
To be our haven and our tower?
Come forward LORD and rescue us,
Amongst our final hour!

Desperately searching hither,
Eager eyes search for THE LORD.
God, you are their tower!
Let their scanning, be not ignored!
God, you are their lighthouse.
May you be visible unto their eyes.
God, you are their haven.
Save this world before it dies!

Trust me - I know this world seems putrid,
False veils forced over eyes.
Faith and hope are gobbled up,
seemingly, before one even tries.
There's one akin to mysteries,
There's one that sees the light,
I know THE LIGHT is covered up,
In never-ending night.

I am here to tell you
Take cheer - tho' you be weak,
Blessed are the poor in spirit,
Blessed are the meek!
Knock, my friend, and you shall find,
The ONE whom we all seek!

Fret no more my friends, relax!
There's no more need for flailing!
The GOOD LORD touches hearts,
HE is the one prevailing!

With hearts so full, so full of life,
There's no more need for yearning!
He is the one whom we'll adore,
This fact you'll soon be learning!
Everything going on with the 2020 election was bothering me. I was feeling like people were looking for answers in the wrong place. As if people thought the president was the one. I just felt like people should be looking to God instead. So that idea led me to right this poem.
Oct 2020 · 327
Times of Sorrow
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Drip drop drip drop.
Tears keep falling and never stop.
Tick tock tick tock. Tears fall away with every click of the clock.

Like clockwork flip the pillow to the dry side. Time will tell. Its a temporary lie. Alone in the dark. No one sees when I cry.
Wouldn't matter if they did cause no one cares if I die. Drip drop.

Dawn is nearing. Tick tock. Hope I once again see the light. Forever and ever I've known nothing but night. Eyes swollen from tears that distort my sight. Will I ever be free? Will things ever be right?

Tick tock. Time will tell. Another pillowcase soaked as I'm pondering hell. Drip drop. How long must I cry? How long must I suffer before I inevitably die? Can't stop the pain no matter how hard I try.

Drip drop Drip drop
Can't stop the tears

Tick tock tick tock
Can't stop the clock.
I wanted to write about how it feels when it seems like depression and darkness will never end. And that we have limited time here and that only makes it worse. Suffering ***** knowing one day you're going to die and that's not any better. It seems like it'll go on forever.
Oct 2020 · 515
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
Divine might through hinesight.
Unsure of what I could've done to make it right.
Mistakes, tragedies, my past is a blight.
Struggles, suffering.
I did my best to win the fight.

Hope, happiness, all lost in the dust.
Memories scrambled, diluted with lust.
All of my efforts corrupted with rust.
All in all, my life is a bust.

Looking back now, my faith has been lost.
My hopes and dreams have been trampled and tossed.
What do you do when all lines have been crossed?

Tell me now, where do I stand?
The truth, the answers are what I demand.
I've fallen so far, so where will I land?
Lord, reach out. Let me fall in your hand.

Get it together. Its all in the past.
Your trials and tribulations are not going to last.
Your burdens and heartbreak need to be cast.
Do not dawdle, you need to act fast.

You know your purpose.
You know your role.
Your faith and your power aren't defeated.
They have not become null.

You know, you've seen.
The light that's within.
You know the truth.
You know who will win.
You are the victor
over your sin.

Take action, be strong and take part.
Its not a game, its a demonstration, an art.
Show them your power, you're not foolish, you're smart.
Aim at the bullseye and unleash your dart.
Something I wrote after I spent time thinking about my past struggles and what Id like to see come of them.

— The End —