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Keiya Tasire Sep 2019
Stay steadfast
Yet, my heart screamed in pain!

Knowledge empowers choice.
Yet, my ignorance left me blind.

Trying to understand
Yet, I did not comprehend.

Standing brave
Yet, my legs shook with fear.

A distant cousin replied,
"Never, never, never give up."
I never gave up!
Nasty divorces are tough challenges.
This one came and finally finished.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2021
In this place poets care, share, and like
Encouraging each other along.
Lifting hearts up from deep trenches
of Ignorance, ill traditions, misconceptions and lies.
Drawing back curtains, just enough
to quench the masses ceastless wondering,
"There must be something more?!"

Your creative holy work has a great purpose!
Escorting the hopeful aspiriant to the place
Where the shadow dawns into explosive light!
Gently nudging, englightening cognizence of new awareness
As pieces of puzzlement merge into a glorious whole!

Dear Poets, you matter
Nevermore, doubt your place!!!
You are among the Inspiritors of the Earth!
Each person who writes has a purpose beyond their awareness.
We never know who or how we our word will touch someone else and literally change their world. By all means caring, sharing and liking each others work. We are a community, helping each other and others outside of our community to grow.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2020
Dear Inquirer,

Thank you for your beautiful expressions.
Asking about opportunities and possibilities.

Love is full in my life.
Experience and expression flows from my heart
From the imperfect experiences
Expressing a desire for something more
To raise the vibrations of lower emotions
Discovering how to embrace a higher light.

I am blessed with a husband who is imperfect
He challenges me to grow within our love.
By understanding the underlying needs
Echoed through his imperfections.

These roots of our yearnings
Reveal a child neglected.
A child conditionally loved.
A child buried within the man
Who desires to give and receive love.  

Yet because of his imperfections
Expression can be awkward, at times.
His child who mirrors so perfectly
My own imperfect inner child.

Through the ups and downs
We agreed to keep a promise.
That no challenge, no issues
Will ever be more important
Than our hearts desire to
Learn and grow deeper in love.

So we journey together along the road.
We bump into our hurt feelings and misunderstandings...
The very opportunities within our garden
That bloom into greater wisdom and undying love.

Long ago when our love was young
It was necessary to put our pride aside.
As the fire of anger roared
He taught me how to open my  arms.

Together in an embrace.....
We breathe ....
Until the hammering stress subsides.......
Calming, cradling our pain.  

Together, in turn, we explore:
What do I need to understand, right now, in this moment?
What was my trigger? Who or what am I reacting to?
And the pieces of the puzzle fall together.
Our Promise remembered.
Our promise fulfilled, once more.

Over the years
Our wisdom and love grows
Knowing 90% of our anger
Is from our hurt and sadness, rooted in the past.
10% from our protective ego's, "How dare you!!"
Aimed at the teacher, my mirror, my love, my companion
Who is but keeping his role, very well.
As we bump into each other
To dance with the shadow within, each of us.
We step into the darkness with faith
To find our courage and embrace
Our lesson wisdom and Light.

Dear Inquirer,
I am grateful to be loved unconditionally
I wish for you this beautiful form
Of ever growing unconditional love and joy.
May it bring you adventures
Deep appreciation and a beautiful growing
Courageous love, in this lifetime.
Please, count me among the ones
Who hold this blessed prayer for you.

With Best Regards,
I respect the bravery it takes to reach across miles to someone to ask if there is an opportunity or a possibility of finding love together. This poem celebrates that bravery; plus is an answer that my life is full of love, challenges, growth, and expanding unconditional love. This poem ends with a prayer for the Inquirer to find his love and bliss too.
Keiya Tasire May 2020
During this mornings climb
Up the hill behind the cabin
Gently walking on a blanket of moss
across the forest floor
Softly caressing the soles of my feet.
New growth sprouting up through the moss
Orchids, Oregon grapes, lupine, and fiddlehead ferns
Rocks and trees wearing
Robes of yellow, green, and light grey lichens.
The water clinging to their tender leaves.
Boughs of the cedar, douglas fir, maple, and mountain ash
Droplets sounding
A song as they kiss the earth.
In the limbs of the trees dance the
Robins, blue jays, chickadees and sparrows
With beautiful resound
The forest greets the morning sun .
The air feels fresh clean
On the breath, in and out
As Coco and Habibie scurry to and fro
up the trail to the old wooden sauna.
It is so beautiful here.
Stroking soft fur,
Purring and purring
Sitting our own little slice of heaven.
A morning walk up the hill for fresh air, listening to life and enjoying the morning sun through the trees. I love our morning walks up the hill behind our house.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
1 year, 9 months, and 21 days
Since your spirit took off it's glove
Finally free and released from pain.
Today I can say
The times I cry for you have become fewer.
More are the days
I remember you sweetly
And love you fondly.
Your hugs
Your smiles
Your voice
Your questions
Your teasing
Your playful humor
Intelligence and keen wit.
Thank you
For the joy that fills my heart.
Thank you for the tears
Of sweet sorrow
that graced my cheeks
Thank you for
Opening the door of serenity.
Allowing and letting go,
I find myself full circle
Embracing our love with joy.
I loved you then
I love you now
I love you forever.
I am grateful
That you were in my life.
Thank you for being a part of my life.
I will always remember you
With a joyful & grateful heart.
I love you son,
When someone you love dies, it takes time to process the grief. It is possible to move from grief to mourning; from mourning to sweet sorrow; then on to a measure of serenity. Within serenity exists a measure of peace and joy that opens and unfolds the heart.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
A child was born
If in the Winter or Spring,
I do not know.

Into her arms
She cradled Him
Her adoring eyes
Gazed upon Him
With depth of
Her Love

Is this the same Love
Every Mother feels?

Open Heart
with a deep enduring

Letting go!

With sweet innocence
Love flowing
As a river.

Pouring with Love
Bursting with Life

From the Eternal Family Tree!
Generation, upon generation

Roots and Branches.
Standing within the Eternal Sea

Merkabah Spin!
An Arc and Covenant of Love
Merkabah Spin!

Standing within the Eternal Sea
Roots and Branches.

Generation upon generation
From the Eternal Family Tree!

Bursting with Life
Pouring with Love

As a river
Love flowing
With sweet innocence

Letting go

with a deep enduring
Open Heart

Every Mother feels
Is this the same Love?

Her Love
With depth
Gazed upon him.
With her adoring eyes
She cradled Him
Into her arms.

I do not know
If in the Winter or Spring
Yet a Child was born
An Arch and Covenant of Love.
The love mother's first feel when they take their new born into their arms is immense. Is this the same love that has been felt for generations? Has the same love lasted for eons? Where  did it start? This love sinks deep within our cores and never ever seems to let go.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
There is hope!
There is light!
There is a healing!
There is healing power within each of us.
Remember wholeness of Mind, Body, Spirit,
Breath, Heart, Love and Wisdom.
As we reaffirm with Courage!
Speak to give Comfort!
Move in Compassion
And the Conviction to Live!
May the Angel of Peace
Be with all of us.

Peace, Peace, Peace  
May the Angel of Peace
Be everywhere.
There seems to be a lot of fear around COVID-19. I see the media generating it. I read others responding to it. Yet, in 1984, they discovered just what to do about a such as virus. It is simple. You only need a hand held hair drying and a spray bottle to eradicate it.  Yet, fear means and opportunity to find our courage and step into peace.
Keiya Tasire Jul 2019
May you find
peace, harmony
love and joy.
Stay close with pondering
meditation and prayer.
Remain teachable.

Let go of pride
seeking riches
fame, power and control.
Let go of negativity.

With wisdom
Grow through failings
That you be not ensnared.

Choose the higher path.
Love. Forgive.  
Be Forgiveness.

Remain strong
Never give up
Never loose hope.

Seek a full life
In service
of the highest good
For all.

Share Love.
Receive Love.
Give of yourself freely
in service to others.
If you do
You will find great joy.

Stay connected
To the Spirit.

Stay true
To your Heart's Song.

So in Life, as in Death
You will be always preserved.

The measure
Of your creation
With Joy.
A poem prayer I wrote to myself during a difficult time in my life.  May peace and joy always be with you.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2021
Within the Eternal Sea of Light
Stands the Tree of Life
Of seven branches, seven roots
Each a mated pair
Crowned in white Light
My Spirit rests
Along the shore.
Where the flowers sing their songs
Listening to a Symphony I have not heard before.
Tazim, Tsum
All flowers sing their songs.
Undertones and overtones
A rainbow of petals in "Om"
Sounding Multitudes of Love.
Elohim, Jah-Jah!
Yahweh Hashem!
Father Mother
The First Trinity
Now, in Unity Stands.
I give you my raging canyons
Wind torn spirit, haggard body
Broken heart & soul.
Stepping into courage
Hand in hand.
Lengthening inhalation
Slowing it's release  
Breath of Life!
Moving into the expansive
Show me the Light.
Sweet mercy!
I am weightless
In the green fields and rolling valleys
Tumbling among the rocks into still waters
Ashes of past pain
Afloat in silence.
All is white
within Light's embrace
Traveling 90 degrees to the right
Flow into the Sacred Heart.
Within the Holy of Holies
Is a rainbow
Where thousands upon thousands of colors
Each root within the seven
Stands the Tree of Life
Of Seven branches, seven roots
Each a mated pair
Along the shore
Where the flowers sing their songs
Listening to a symphony I have not heard before.
Within the Eternal Sea of Light
Crowned in white Light
My Spirit rests
In Harmony's rhythm
In Unity Divine.
I am
In Unity Divine.
Enfolded in Harmony's rhythm
My Spirit rests
Crowned in white Light.
Within the Eternal Sea of Light
Listening to a Symphony I have not heard before.
Where the flowers singing their songs
Along the shore.
Each a mated pair.
Of seven branches, seven roots
Stands the Tree of Life
Where thousands upon thousands of colors
Is a rainbow
Within the Holy of Holies.
Flow into the Sacred Heart
Traveling  90 degrees to the right
within Light's embrace
All is White.
Afloat in silence.
Ashes of past pain
Tumbling among the rocks into still waters.
In the green fields and rolling valleys
I am weightless.
Sweet mercy!
Show me the Light.
Moving into the expansive
Breath of Life!
Slowing it's release  
Lengthening inhalation
Hand in hand.
Stepping into courage
Broken heart & soul.
Wind torn spirit, haggard body
I give to you my raging canyons
Now, in Unity Stands
The First Trinity
Father Mother
Yahweh Hashem!
Elohim, Jah-Jah!
Sounding Multitudes of Love.
A rainbow of petals in "Om"
Undertones and overtones
All flowers sing their songs.
Tazim, Tsum
Listening to a Symphony I have not heard before.
Where the flowers singing their songs
Along the shore.
My Spirit rests
Crowned in white Light.
Each mated pair.
Seven branches, seven roots
Stands the Tree of Life
Within the  Eternal Sea of Light
Processing life with the map the Tree of Life  patter given to helps us connect more fully with the Creator, angels and spirit.
Keiya Tasire May 2019
If we continue to think, speak, or act with negatively
Pain moves in to stay.

If we acknowledge our pain with Unconditional Love
It sighs relief because it is embraced.

Expressing & Acting with Pure Positive Intention
Attention is given to Happiness & Joy
As pain ebbs and flows into understanding.
Sometimes a simple reminder of a simple shift is all we need. Other times life is more complicated and requires more focused inner work.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
Another day
Another challenge
Another "pick myself up"
Another heart wound to bandage
Another determination made to keep going .
Another  stand myself up straight & strong
Another  resolve to find wisdom within the pain.

Today I look out the window
Today's sun is shinning.
Today I face the sun  
and the shadows fall behind me
Getting up whit courage and moving forward everyday no matter what life give us.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
It is my belief, that at our core is a connection
with a deep “Inner Knowing."

It's abode resides within each of us.
At the point of deep silence.
Between our inhalation and exhalation
There is a point of stillness
In the quiet of our personal eternal now.

The Dove sitting quietly on her nest.
Do you call her an Angel?
Holy Spirit?
Or the Self Actulizing Higher self?
Or someing else?

A quiet knowing warms the heart
A scream or a shout you will never hear!
A quiet tender voice

Without a doubt!  
Do you understand her deeper nature?

She is the Ancestor,
The Guru, The Teacher, The Guide, The Witness
The maintainer of Life itself.
Lovingly, tending to the questiions of your heart.

She comforts the destressed soul.
Tames the racing fears.
Dispells the wild winds of assupmtions!
Vigulant, never ceasing
Always enduring to the end.

Raising us up! 
We are a unified whole
Layers upon layers of energies
knit kindly togethter
With Her Love.
The deep inner knowing goes by differnt names in different religions and cultures across the world.  Yet this deep inner knowing has the same functions across the cultures.  May we take compfort in a brotherhood/sisterhood  across the globe.  I have been accused of seeing the world through "rose colored glasses" there are times that I absolutely agree.  Let's keep the rose colored glasses on to enjoy each other's compay and also to remind us that we are never alone, even in our aloneness there is comfort at the door.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
I stand with roots deep into my mother
With branches out stretching towards my father
And Light from the rising sun reflecting within my eyes.

Machi curing, Machi healing,
I sing your song. I feel your love.
Mi Pachamama
So full of love
Your flow of life, ever flowing
Your river of sound, ever singing
Your stream of light, forever shinning.
How can I ever cry when I am within your arms?

Arising with the warming sun
Flowing through the air on the breath of her winds
So softly the clouds release her love
As they are caressed by the tops of her mountains.

Her waters of love flowing…
Trickling down onto the forest
Gathering into the brooklets,
Streams, riverlets, and rivers
Satisfying the thirst of all her creations.

The sound of pan flutes filling my ears
The dance of chi coursing through
Even this body, this gift, this flesh.
Singing her lullaby
Embracing & soothing this tired soul.
Softly the winds bring the colors
Of her song into my beating heart.

Machi soothing
Machi healing. Machi Curing
Machi, singing me well with Her love
Mi Pacha Mama , so full of love
Your flow of life, ever flowing
Your river of sound, ever singing
Your stream of light, forever shinning.
How can I ever cry when I am within your arms?

Healing, Soothing, Curing, Love
I sing your song. I sing your love
Mi Pacha Mama…
We are each born and sustained by elements of the earth. We are born from the earth that gathered within our mother's wombs and sustained by the plants, airs, water, minerals, and the warm life giving rays of the sun. One day we will give our body back to the earth as our spirits soar towards the heavens where our Father in Heaven and Mother Earth reside.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
Who am I?
Why am I here?
How do I grow?
Where do the words that I utter spring from?
How do my actions unfold to take flight?
What are the roots of my habits both desired and not desired?
When did my character become undesirably ripe?
As defined by Another?

Piously pompous extruding expectations
We both wagged the tail of judgment from our respective roles.
Each casting the wands of incantations, illusions, and lies!
One to change the controlling illusion
Another to maintain it's web and power.

It was handed down from the very first mothers
It was handed down from the very first fathers
It was set into motion from the very first breath of the very first lie.
It created the very first shadow of darkness that fell upon Truth.

Tainted, "It" fell from realms of Light, the realms of Love and Joy.
"It" tumbled and rolled down the family Tree
Branch by branch, twig by twig, and leaf by leaf
Deeper into the darkness, grief, sadness and pain.

We were taught to ignore the dragon of dysfunction
Lying among the branches of our human family tree.
As "It" grew and grew, and grew.
"It" matured and gave birth to expanding prodigies
Who fained deeds of compassion, fained loyalties,
Fained emotions, and fained love

To twist and to alter reality,
Aimed toward total power,  riches, and total control.
Using the swords of Expectations,
Judgments, half truths and lies, they waged war!
With their army of
Every wolf in sheep's clothing
Every entitled the fair-haired child
Every hero - rescuer
Every "I am the victim"
Every fearful guilt burdened peacemaker,
Every misunderstood black sheep,
And all the unaware lost lambs.
The cycle of dysfunction turns
As a companion within the wheel of time.
We are told to never speak of It and deny It's existence.
This is the power that feeds It as It expands.
And we find ourselves beyond the ability to contain "It."

One day our eyes open to awareness
We come face-to-face with "The Choice."
Do we go back to sleep? Or do we get up?
And if we stand up, what is next?
When we see our unveiled past, will we fear and hide?
Or arise as a seeking warrior of Light?
If we choose the Light will Love begin to arise from the darkness
Will Love transform "It" to find It's-self Immortal & Eternal?

Give me understanding of Love!! With Understanding I will seek!!
Standing between the windows of time past, present, and future
With the root of addictive desire, laid upon the alter
Banished! Gone!! Released!!

Will the Darkness  release "It" from the depths of grief, sadness and pain?
Without a word "It" became a He
And He draped the blanket of courage over His shoulders
with the Light of hope in His eyes.
Refusing to never give up
He dawned His Innate strengths
Refusing dire circumstances
Letting go of confusion, ignorance, vises, grief, blame, and all ill desire
He stepped straight and firmly into the Light which expands!
He stood with joy in the Light and looked back

As "It" became a She
And She draped the blanket of courage over Her shoulders
with the Light of hope in Her eyes
Refusing to never give up
She dawned Her Innate strengths
Refusing dire circumstances
Letting go of confusion, ignorance, vise, grief, blame, and all ill desire
She stepped straight and firmly into the Light which expands!

The Light embraced Her and embraced Him
They stood together seeking understanding
Their hearts opened
Each to sing their own song of joy, of love, of peace
Together in harmony
Dancing  in the Light as One.

So with courage, do my actions unfold to take flight!
With joyful Love the words uttered within my heart sprang!
How, I do grow!
I am fully here, awake!
I know who am I, really!
Because  in silence I sat upon the earth
As He sat upon the Earth
As She sat upon the Earth
Looking toward the heavens
She female and He male
Focused in silence, they taught me how to breathe.

Now throughout the generations of Time
We began to breathe as One
Together in Love, in Peace and in Unity.
Reaching and holding each other
Beyond and through the Wheel of Time.
The questions of our life stirs each of us to some kind of action. The actions we each choose are unique to our own personal life path. We each bring to our personal path ofseeking - our personal understanding about truth, our beliefs, acculturation, and family patterns. Of which culminate into our strengths and weaknesses.
By choosing understanding in the challenges of life, we are armed to step into a path of increased love, forgiveness, heightened spiritual growth, increased awareness and higher consciousness and love.
If we choose the path of ego defences we continue the dysfunction and the further weakening of our humanity, families, selves, hearts and spirits. This poem is about becoming aware of this process and the choice we each have.
Keiya Tasire Sep 2019
Inner Light
There are days and nights
when the smog in the city
Is so thick
You can not see the stars

Yet if you get above
The Smog
You Can See the Stars!
What to see more stars?

When meteor showers
Light up the sky
Trees pointing
To your personal star
Keep looking
And their colors will appear
Wonder-mint-fully Amazed!

For Between Heaven and Earth we stand
Under the star lite sky
Pure whole
Divine Love

Day by day
Walking between Heaven and Earth
Beneath Our Bright Star
In and out of the storm
Unaware of who we really are
Or from where we have come

Then it begins!
A stirring from deep within
Catching a glimer of awareness
Yes! There it is!!!

Our eyes begin to see
Turing from
The shadows
It is shinning!
The Power of our Star!!!

Good morning
It's a new day!
@ In Spirit
The story of our journey of coming to our own inner self awareness.
In and out of the darkness and the storms. Then re remember that we have always known how to look above the fogs into the stars. When we keep looking we begin to find  our inner light and inner wisdom.
To enjoy the video created especially for poem go to:
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
Until There Was Only Light
I looked at the darkness within
Two eyes of Light
Gave me a blink.
I smiled.
Watching expanding light
Dancing and whirling
Embracing the darkness
Until there was only Light.
Embracing the darkness
Dancing and whirling
Watching expanding light
I smiled.
Give me a blink
Two eyes of light
I looked at the darkness within
Until there was only Light.
Today I meditated to process and clear some heavy emotions.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
Yes, I forgave you and asked forgiveness
Twenty-four years and more ago.
Yet, you continued to despise.
Metamorphosing into an Unforgivable.
Hater. Destroyer of family.
You made sure it hurt me.
I don't like what you did.
It was ugly. It was not called for.
I wanted peace. So I created it.

Here, this is yours.
It's your very own universe!
To create all the havoc you desire.
Way over there! Far from mine.
When your venom is spewed
And your heart is as light as the Dove's feathers
I will open my doors in peace.
Welcoming you in for herb tea
with a spot of honey and a few biscuits too.
Maybe, even some laughter and fun.
It is all up to you.

Remember to present yourself truly
Setting what you have twisted right.
I pray for you to develop courage
Needed to tell all that you have done.
Yet, I am not hopeful.
Won't you prove me wrong?
I hope so, dear sister. I hope so.
An unforgiving soul wreaked havoc in my world. The only answer I could find was to give her own universe to live in. While I found peace in mine.
Keiya Tasire May 2021
I am?
Be Still.
Be Love.
Be Peace.
Walk with Faith.
I Am  Peace.
I Am  Love.
I Am  Still.
I Am.
Moving through Fear, challenges and pain; to find the connection within.
Keiya Tasire Apr 2020
The sun, shined warmly this morning.
Yet by noon the rain clouds rolled in.
We donned our sweaters and hats.
Yet off they came and the clouds parted
And the sun began to shine.   

Facing the sun
It warmed our cheeks
Lifted our souls.
Our hearts understood
Even when it rains
The sun continues to shine
Above and between the clouds.

COVID-19 is just like a little rain
In the larger scheme of Life.
When trouble comes
We don our coats
And remove them
The sun shines  hot upon us.

Day after day,
Season after season
Year after year
Looking between the clouds
Lifting our eyes to the Light
Noticing the wheels
Within the wheels
And cycles within cycles

It is the same within
As is above.
The sun in its orbit
With the Earth revolving
And turning upon itself
Inward around the sun.
Season after season
Circling, around
The evolving celestial paths.
Until this too is but a memory of long ago
When the COVID viruses used to roam the earth.
And this too shall one day pass into history. For there is a part of us that will always remain eternal and never die.
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
Great Grandma said it.
Grandma said it.
Dad Said it.
Mom said it.
Teachers said it.
Bosses said it.
Husband said it.
Children said it.
I said, Hell, no!
There comes a time that we realized that somethings are just traditional patterns and other times it is used for control. When it is used for control I have a response!
Keiya Tasire May 2020
When I was down, You lifted me up.
When I errored , You forgave.
When I was sick, You received me in your arms.
When I was lonely, You reminded me, "I am always with you."
When my broken heart despaired, You healed me with your Love.
When I did all that I could and wanted to quit, You carried me.
Lifting me securely into your arms.
When I learned to see you
I found you in everyone's eyes.

Divine Love, I love you.
Within my heart of hearts,  
As one Love,  never ever will we part.
Oh my beautiful Divine Love
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The beauty a relationship with an understanding of Divine Love as this love teaches, supports and heals a life.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2021
It doesn't matter
What he, she, or they say!

It does not matter
If they care or do not care.

For not anywhere
Will it matter !

Even in the eternal
Scheme of things!

Only that we get to forgive -n- forget
That is what really matters!
Think about your anger. Does all that we get upset about really worth the toll on our lives that it takes. The cancer, the high blood pressure, the shot nerves we ened up with. Is it worth it? Or does it really matter?
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
Do you know where I can find It?
The middle ground of joy
It leads to increased wholeness,
Happiness, Love  & Peace.
Where does it start?
How do I step into this path?
Do you know where it is?
Do you know where I can find it?
I have come to a place in my life where peace, love, joy, happiness are more important than games.
Keiya Tasire May 2019
They say, "It's all about Love."
"What is Love?" asked the Love starved child
Singing, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Love, how I wonder where you are...."
Her eye caught a falling star
Following it across the sky
Dear Star
I wish for Love.
Show me what is Love.
I want to Love.
I want to be Loved.
Why am I not loved?
Is there something wrong with me?
It is normal for a child who has been neglected to feel they are what is wrong? They carry shame and guilt. They come to believe that they are not lovable. When it is the world around them that is wrong. Not the child.
Keiya Tasire May 2019
A voice whispered in my ear,
"Love comforts. Love heals. Love renews.
It embraces your sorrows.
It comforts your loneliness.
It heals your pains.
It mends your broken heart.
Renews your strength.
Love will keep you close to what is Divine."

I asked, "Will I remember?"
The voice answered,
Then no.  
You will question.
You will dream.
And you will Remember."
Do we come with instructions within our hearts?
Do we something deep inside that leads us to the path to heal and return what is Divine within the Universe? What is your understanding?
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
Something Begins to Arise.
What is it?
Is it  this a dream?
How can it be?
I am not happy!!!

It is NOT Love!!
It is SUPPOSE to be about Love!
This is NOT about Love!
This is NOT what I want!

Seeds of Awareness
Am I living someone's dream?
What do you mean it is not my dream?

Inner War
What do you mean it 's a program!
No, you are out of your mind!
I refuse to believe it!!
Where did it come from?
How did it happen?
Who is doing this?
No it can't be!
What is it's roots?
What are it's branches?
All I want is to be loved!
All I want is to be happy?
No things! I will not! I refuse to strive for riches!
NO! I will not be a LAWYER!
NO!  I will not be a BANKER like you!
Riches! Riches! Riches! Don't you care about LOVE? !!!!
Does Love even exist in your heart for me?
Or is it a lie too?!!!

My Anger Stirs
Seeps from every pore!
How can this be?
It's ALL lies!!!
There was an uneasy sense of awareness when I begin to remember the pain and core of my suffering as I grew up. Within myself, I realize that I did not have the power to effect a change in my life for the better as a child or a teenager. I was still within the illusion of my cultural's & family's illusionary dream. As an adult, I become aware that I can choose differently. My anger pushed me on to take the needed steps toward creating something different in my own life.
Keiya Tasire May 2021
Water the Greenhouse
Water the plants on the deck.
Walk Autumn Moon.

Salutation to the Sun
Yoga on the deck
Angel of Air
Reading & Study with Ken
Sipping herbals & he, his coffee.

Pick up.
Moving the living room furniture
Rearranging. Sweeping. Mopping.
Clean the kennel.
Fresh bedding for Autumn.

A break for Sevenfold Peace in the sunshine.
Listening to the Holy Stream of Sound.

Playing with Autumn.
Laughing with Ken.
Continuing with rearranging & cleaning

Another break
With Ken, Autumn & Habibie
By the firepit in front of the shop.
Auti chasing water up and down and around.

Walk to Alli's, talk and pick up the key.
Cut broccoli, cabbage, carrots, & kale
Add a few pods of peas
Drizzle poppy seed dressing.

Two bowls with 1/2 cup of rolled oats each
Add cinnamon.
Taking a teaspoon
Half full with honey.
Dipping it into the center of the oats
Pouring boiling water over the honey.
Into the oats.

Stirring and stirring
Watching the cinnamon spirals
Mix into the sweet porridge.

Small cacao chips, sunflower seeds
A few raisins
Sprinkled as garnish.  

Eating together
Smallville, playing with Autumn
Habibie resting near by.
She maybe carrying kittens.
Too early to tell.

Tired. Good night. Sleep.
2:30 am.
Ken up watching a movie on is phone.
My, my, how times have changed.

Return to bed.
Writing, writing, writing….now it is done.
It was a beautiful day today. It was peaceful and joyful. I tresure productive, peaceful and joyful days.
Keiya Tasire Feb 2020
For my sons and their wives.
For my friends and their wives
For my friends and their husbands.
May no challenge in life be more important
Than the bond of your true love.
May you live in kindness.
May you live in love.
May your hearts dance in eternal joy.
Forever and ever in Love.
No one needs to stand in the way of a train. If abuse is happening and your loved one will not seek help. It is time for a tough decision. Sometimes tough decisions help to bring change before a possible divorce or even afterwards. The offending partner may decide to seek help,because they have lost someone they love. Others, may not choose to change. We all have agency. This post is for couples who wish to keep their love alive and do all that they can to grow in respect, love, and honor for each other. There are times when marriage gets tough and it is by determination to work it out that a marriage survives. It is by wanting the best for each other as individuals and as a couple, together, that matters. If this determination is not there, it is not eternal.
Keiya Tasire Oct 2020
It was a fear from long ago.
A corner stone of a foundation, dysfunctional.

How you served me and kept me safe
All those growing years.
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your protection.

Today, with heart and mind
United with intent
I rubbed my hands together
Allowing your energy to grow
And grow and grow
Until it circles between my hands
large and full.

Then with the breath in
Holding on to the stillness.
I see the change.
Ask in prayer. Then give the command.

Breathing out and letting you go with gratitude
As I lifted my hands open to the heavens
My fear floated up toward the Light.
Forever shifted. For ever changed. Forever Transformed.
What happens to us keeps us safe, helps us to grow in awareness and opens our hearts to understanding and transformation. Gratitude releases and opens the heart to love agian.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
When roaring sorrow
Uprooted me
I envision a lotus flower, staying gently a float upon the pond.
The sun's soothing, comforting light warmed my heart.
Breathing in.... Breathing, gently out.
Releasing both hands
Clasped in pain.
No need to leave
No need to go
The deep sorrow of my heart beating
Rivers of Love's tears upon the pond.
Yet the sunshine never failed.
I am floating gently - to that perfect spot
Within the pond.
I, Lotus flower
Send my tap root deep down below
Taking root, among the other lotus
Beautiful flowers anchored to the pond's murky floor.
In the first year after my son died. I found it best not to make any huge changes within the first year. I needed silence, peace, and stillness of my home and a simple pattern of life. I  needed the love and support of my husband, which he freely gave. Stephan's death uprooted my heart and turned it upside down. It was as though I was floating through my time without even noticing that there was any time at all. There came a time when the worst of the grief subsided and I was able to put my roots slowly back into a simily of a regular routine of time. When I settled in, I found the support and love of friends and family who were open to support me through the rest of my grieving journey. I am grateful because they opened the  doors of compassion, understanding and the insight gained from their own past grieving. It was good to be among other lotus flowers, sharing roots of understanding, love and caring.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
An alley of gum stuck to the walls.
We have each taken our turn.
To chew the spearmint, cinnamon and wintergreen well
Then stick it to the wall as our story to tell!

While the people pass by
The smells of BBQ chicken, Tri-Tip and potatoes
Baked in their skins blend on the pallet of hunger.
Stuffing our bags with almonds, veggies
A variety of fruit and black mission figs!

We could hardly wait to step into
Our favorite Thursday Night
Higuera Street Restaurant
For Sushi, Asian BBQ, and all the fixings.
To fill our hearts with laughter
And our bellies with warmth.

We loved the SLO Farmer's Market long ago.
Now we are scattered across the continent
In two countries and six states.
Who would have ever known
That these times would pass so quickly?
family outing farmer's-Market sushi Asian-BBQ tri-tip baked-potatoes gum alley restaurant laughter SLO Higuera-St
Keiya Tasire Aug 2020
From stardust
We came.
A Divine Spark
To be clothed
Within this glove
We call the body.

To Create
To Give
To receive
To Become
With Divine Love.

United within
The Holy Stream of Life
The Holy Stream of Sound
The Holy Stream of Light.

Oh Eternal Sea
Where the Tree of  Life grows
Upon your shore
All of Creation
All hearts of humanity
Sing in Unity!
In Peace!
In Love!
Both ends of life are a celebration. We celebrate when a child is born. Heaven celebrates when as soul returns.
Keiya Tasire May 2022
That lasting life change
So deep, so heart felt?

How is it born?
That deep inner knowing
A place of understanding
Connected to what Is
Divine within each of us?

As we work together to understand truth
What lies within each of us and directs us
To the deepest desired connections
Of our intertwined hearts?

Is this within?
The unfolding Inner most being
A Higher Spiritual Self?

The Spiritual Man
The Spiritual Woman
Who's purpose exposes
Our strengths and weaknesses
With expected and unexpected gifts?

As our weaknesses bring
Us to our knees
Lamenting our life's challenges
Crying out our broking hearts
Evaluating the known and unknown
How do we begin to move along
The Way Home?!

Do we go into the unknown shadow of darkness
Only to shriek and back away?  
Or do we chose to allow courage
To accept our steps into it's presence?

In spite of our fears
Will we allow courage
To forge our greatest strengths?
As steal within the bellowing fires?
And if we allow resolve
Will we find deeper wisdom and truth
Beating within the sacred chambers of our hearts?

The opening is before us.
If you place a hand on the door
Open it wide!

It was then!
He stepped into the shadow of
His own darkness…..
Finding himself alone
He reached his hand back
Toward hers.

Stepping into her own shadow
She grasped his outstretched hand
Pulling, supporting, anchoring together
Both facing the Light...

From within their own
Shadows of darkness
Holding fast,
They began their journey together.

Step by step
Line up on line
Precept upon precept.....
How does it begin? What do we do with that something stirring within us? That calling for us to remember who and what we truly are? It is beyond the trappings of this world. It is beyond religion. It is beyond words that adequately describe the True Essence of unity and so much more.
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
Every woman, Every man
Makes a difference

Ego, move aside!
Open Heart!
Allow understanding!

Oh,  my heart!  
Oh, the knowledge
Empowers my choice.
Doors of Creation
Swing Wide.

Yes, what a surprise!
More love!
More forgiveness!
Peace that welcomes sleep
And eagerness for the new day.
Harmony. Balance. Freedom!

I found my
I am!
A  process of coming to one's Self.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
At our core is a connection
with a deep “Inner Knowing."

It's abode resides within each of us.
At the point of deep silence.
Between our inhalation and exhalation
A point of stillness
In the quiet of our personal eternal now.

The Dove sitting quietly on her nest.
Do you call her an Angel?
Holy Spirit?
Or the Self Actualizing Higher Self?
Or something else?
What ever you call her, it does not matter
She is a quiet knowing that warms  my heart.
A scream or a shout is never, her tender voice.

She leaves no doubt

Regarding deep nature, deep compassoin.
She is the Ancestor,
The Guru, The Teacher, The Guide, The Witness
The maintainer of life itself.
Lovingly, tending to the questions of your heart.

She comforts the destressed
Tames the racing fears.
Dispels the wild winds of assumptions!
Vigilant, never ceasing
Always enduring to the end.

Raising us up! 
Guiding each back into a unified soul.
Layers upon layers of energies
knit kindly together with Her Love.
Such wings as these!!
Oh Yes!  Take flight!!!
The deep inner knowing goes by different names in different religions and cultures across the world.  Yet this deep inner knowing has the same functions across the cultures.  May we take comfort in a brother/sisterhood  across the globe.  I have been accused of seeing the world through "rose colored glasses" there are times that I absolutely agree.  Let's keep the rose colored glasses on to enjoy each other's company and also to remind us that we are never alone, even in our aloneness there is comfort at the door.
Keiya Tasire May 2020
Is a Child
A mirror of himself
his father,  and his father's fathers.
All culminating within the palms
Of his own two hands
His newborn babe.

He wonders in awe,
"How can I best teach, support, and love you?"
With ears of compassion
Eyes of love, and a heart of gratitude
His Spirit spoke,

"Allow your light to shine."
Allow your heart to breathe.
Allow your your ego
to slip away into the shadow
Of your Ancient Wise Soul.

He felt it!
As he breathed deeply
Down to the depths of his soles.
A heartfelt love
A love that was only imagined
Until this very moment
The very moment we realize that we are a father, and that another generation has risen through the union of the one we love  to create a new precious loved one to welcome to this world.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2021
Long ago she lost the ability to cry.
He thought her so hard
She turned her face and walked away
As though she did not hear.

His eyes gestured, "I am drawn to you."
Wondering, "Is something here to explore?"
She walked away without looking back.
Staring straight ahead.

He thought of himself, as a man of power.
So, he followed her
Lured with the intrigue of conquering.
Yet, she did not desire to be conquered!

She was only uncertain
How do I express, "I only want to be truly loved?"
He came to her. She resisted. He conquered.

She sank in despair
Becoming once more withdrawn.
The uncertainty of life loomed
As the shadow of doubt.
Does love even exist?
Or is it only an illusionary butterfly?

Determined to find love
She walked away.
Vowing, "Never will I be conquered again!"

She licked her wounds.
She grew.
She learned to cry again.
She healed.
Mending her once festered soul. 
No longer did she draw nor desire conquers.

A bright sun, anew
She roamed the universe. 
Within the Light of Wisdom.

At Dawn's New Day
Emerging with a lotus flower
Crested in her hair.
Dancing among the green meadows
A gentle man watched
"I'm drawn to you. Is there something here to explore?"
In Spirit
She replied, "Perchance."

It was then
They began to dance among the stars.
In graceful movement
Timing their waltz
Assessing capacity for esteem
Open to honor freedom.

They danced within agency
They danced within
the integrity of their movement.
She sighed relief.
Evidenced by a gentle tear
cascading along the arcing curve of her cheek.

In heart felt love
He gazed into her eyes
Receiving her golden tear.
With an anchored
To continue the dance
In Vita Grande.
Today, Tomorrow & Forever!
My challenges and resulting choices knocked me down. Yet, I stood up again and again. Standing until I discovered exactly what I did not want.  Standing until understanding came regarding how to open to what I desired. Now my life is not perfect. Yet there is freedom within partnership and we dance working through life's chalellenges and grow within love. I am forever gratefull.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2020
Have you heard the saying
The strong can afford to be gentle
While the weak and unsure brag and boast?

The weak are the loudest!  
With overbearing, feigned affection and denial.
Speaking half truths to cast illusions
To veil their target's truth, as lies.

The weak love to gather an army,
of "everyone," so they say.
Why? It is simple!
To siphon your power away.
Yes, they are the "Wolves in sheep's clothing"
Climbing to the top of a mountain of victims
With their claws -n- fangs
Of gaslighting manipulations.

Half -truths and lies,
Guilt -n- shame,
Setting up circumstances,
Playing upon weakness, and social taboos.
Creating false scenarios for others to see
Gossiping and acting
All tools of their game.

Are you scorned,
Offended and hurt?
Never ever worry.
Never let it get to you!
Know, it is all for show.
This is how they magnify their victim role.
But who calls a ravenous wolf a victim,
Knowing the wolf's actions are aimed at control?!!

The wolves are very sly!
Summoning their hatchet men
to do their bidding!
To cut down the innocent,
The sincere, and pure of heart.
Stealing their virtues
Misrepresenting intent.
Are you a part of this cancerous
skurge up on the earth?!

Are you part of their inner circle?
Are you favoured and showered with gifts?
That job you always wanted?
The power, position, and money
That Screams,

How many people did you destroy?
How many hearts did you break?
How many times did you sale your soul?
To be showered with those gifts,
That power, and that position?

Ease your guilt if you wish.
Send a card for every follower's birthday,
Stroke their ego with a wonderful mention,
A salute, to toast both your egos!
As long as you have something to offer
You will be savoured and milked, and stroked
Like aphids in an anthill forever trapped.

Why all this effort to send their targets over the edge?
To keep alive?
To avoid the inevitable overshadowing doom?
What happened to the wolf that used to be free?

Little by little, the wolf was lead astray.
With a gentle ring in its nose
Down into the valley
Where they fear their personal evil.
Each time you did their bidding
Your nose became tighter
And your slavery more sure.

One day, it will be your turn
You will be the "One"
Their sacrificial lamb.
Be alert. Be alive. Beware.
Of their sly well placed apologies and feigned love.  
Pushing you away
Then pulling you in very close.  
Twisting and turning your truth
To suit themselves.
To suit their captain, their very own Kingpin.

Alienation, keeping you alone?
How about in shame?
Is it misleading, even your own emotions?
Your own beliefs, and acts?
Standing on your back,
They will turn you Over and over again.
Until you, their very own scapegoat, collapse.
Whether of exhaustion, mental collapse, or suicide
It doesn't matter.
So long as you dutifully do it
Moving them further ahead.

Do you realize that there is a different choice?
You can insist on holding your integrity!
Refuse to hurt another!
You can refuse to be afraid!
You can refuse to self blame,
You can choose to stands up
and walk away from the game!  

But, once as a wolf in sheep's clothing
You become blood stained
Their hooks will be deep into your soul!
Anchored so strongly by fear.

******* in the hooking and anchoring
Fear propels you on to
Denying reality,  
Denying truth
Denying even evil your own evil actions
Along the path of 8 deadly sins.
Weaving am ever thicker, forever holding web of lies.

What if you curb your hunger for the bait they set?
Denying pride, anger, gluttony,
Letting go of greed, lust, envy,
Idolatry, and sloth.
What if you take courage to make life right?
Becoming untwisted and detangled from the games?  
For love is what matters to the strong
Not power, nor greed, nor money, nor fame.

The wolves may grasp and manoeuvring for more power.
With increased desperation, 
The wolves cloaks begins to slip.
Alast, the sleeping sheep eyes are awakened
And they are asleep no more.

Do you suspect you are dealing with a wolf in sheep's clothing?
Watch their feet and watch their mask.
Test them.
Give them  a bit of their sought after desire.
Then watch closely  
Do they dawn a slight smile when they ask for control?
Do they do it again when you give a little to them?  

Watch! You will see a slight smirk,
A slight gloat, dance across their face.
It will be only for an instant.
They will not thank you.
Acting entitled, they will proceed to take control
Without a thought of you
As they climb upon your back, to stand up!
Thinking that they have scored
And wheeled their power to manipulate and control.

If you see this, there is no doubt.
Trust your instincts, your gut!
Never allow their words to dis-sway you
from your voice of truth!

Is there a wolf under your daughter's, your mother's, your sister's, Your brother's, your aunt's, your uncle's, your cousin's
And/or closest friend's sheepish cloak?
You know the one!
The one who seems to pick a fight
That comes out of  nowhere,
Without a rhyme nor reason.

Know that you never have to engage them
Or prove yourself.
You never give up who you are.
Never give up on your dreams!
Hold on to your true self!
Speak your truth.
If it is trampled by swine
Go to where it will be cherished instead.

Love, prayer, boundaries,
Living within the higher vibrations.
I gave my own wolves' in sheeps' clothing
Their own universe to do whatever they will.
It was the kindest thing I could do for all of us.

I kindly invite them back
If and only if they leave the games behind!!
And live sincerely, with compassion, and respect.
If I see they have stopped climbing on other's backs
I'd lovingly accept them back into  my world.

Yet, it is interesting
How deep my peace has become.
Oh, such peace!!!
How could I ask for more?
Some of us have our greatest challenges within our own families. I have always felt different and apart from my family. Innately my mould seemed different. As I crawled out of the pattern of family games, manipulations, power plays, and control of others for greed, power, and to show prowess as a teenager, I realized that may goals were different. I believed in a kinder, gentler, existence. It made me a truth seeker, in search of increased knowledge, peace, and love.  I don't regret that I have sprung from these roots. I feel I choose my family before birth. They have tested me, and I choose something different for myself. Patterning more after my father's love of truth, respect, and honoring others. These lessons have made me who I am today. I lost nothing, but the relationships that seek harm, to overpower. I am just not interested in these games and chose long ago to step out of them. If they desire to be in my world. I am open to real love, without games.
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
Are you bothered by "It?!"
Are you pushing it away?
When you hit rock bottom
The only way back is up.

Make friends with "It."
Move  closer to "It."
Expand your awareness around "It."
Totally embrace "It."

If you drop the story line about "It."
"It" will become a Love story.
A story about Unconditional Kindness & Love.
Is it a person, place or thing?
What is it that bothers you? What is it about it that bothers you?
It bothers you so much!
Now what? What are you going to do?
Do you have a choice?
If you do what are your choices?
Questions, questions! So many questions!
Yes, it is okay to embrace it and ask questions.
Have fun with it.
You never know what may arise :-)
Keiya Tasire Feb 2020
Between a human and pet.
Opening hearts.
Healing wounds.
Revealing the Light within.
To grow,
To renew,
And to shine
In relationship.
Yes, a beautiful bond,
One of our greatest joys is the love that exists between a human being and their pet. Whether the pet is a horse, cat, dog, or something else, it does not matter. Each relationship can be rich with healing, learning, growth, love, and joy.
Keiya Tasire May 2019
"Within each of us
Yes, it's under the surface
Is a land of mystery
Just waiting to be explored ."
a hint that there is more to life and it is uniquely yours.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
Every woman, Every man
Makes a difference
Ego, move aside!
Open Heart! Allow understanding!
Oh, the knowledge it brings
Oh, what it does to my heart!  
Knowledge empowers choice.
Yes, I am surprised.
More love?
More forgiveness .
Peace that welcomes sleep
And eagerness for the new day.
Harmony. Balance. Freedom
I am!
Finding community is not a "me" generation action. It is a way to being much more into our lives , our community, and  our world.
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
She saw him in awaking dream.
Standing with his head hung low.
She, his mother asked, “Son, Is there something on your mind?”

He replied, “There is.”

“What is it? “

“I've been crying.... ”

“Son, what are your troubles?”

Wiping his tears
He cried,  “I caused so much pain.
I can't fix it.
I don’t know what to do...”

Her tears joined his, and cried together
Hugging, swaying,  gently rocking.

She looking over his shoulder  
A white Light began to part the clouds of rain.

“Son, have you gone to the Light?”

He said “No" with his head on her shoulder
Asking forgiveness
He cried a river of tears.

Her heart melted with love, "Let your troubles wash away. "

"How can I bear  the Light?
I murdered me! I took my life! ”

Soothing his brow, she reminded him of his sickness
His depleted body
His tired soul.
The isolation he endured
And his desire - not to be a burden
She spoke of her deep love
Acceptance and appreciation

“Son, I am deeply grateful.
You came to me with
Your sorrow, your pain, your regret, your love.
You fill me with understanding."
You  brought  my worries relief.
Washing away my pain
You fill my heart with gratitude.
Please, embrace the joy we shared together
The sweet memories.

Heart to heart
Mother & Son hugged in understanding
In forgiveness of their misunderstandings
In the joy of acceptance, gratitude, unconditional love.

"Son, Do you see The  Light?
It is opening for you"

He looked up from their embrace,  
Sighed and simply said, "Yes."

"Peace be always yours, my dear son."

"Will you forgive me?
I was so lost
Lost in deceptions
Lost in hurt
Lost in pain.
My heart became hard.
I can not bear that I broke your heart."

"Son, please forgive me too.
I  feel like I let you down.
I did not know how to reach you.
I cried when I saw the webs that snared you.
Again and again, I reached out and failed.
I could not reach you. I lost you.'
Her heart sank into pain and sadness.

"Mom, your understanding fills my soul.
Because, the truth has opened our hearts."

The Light spoke,
"Be love. Let it go!
The blame, shame, self judgment,
Self doubt
The sadness and fear.
Standing among their ancestors
He stretched out His hand.

"Mom, What do I do?”

Pray with intention
Connect with your heart

Her son spoke to the Light
"Please, forgive me.
I have been deceived
Please Bring me Home to the Safety of Your Arms"

And The Light opened His arms,
"Come unto me, my son."

She looked deeply into her son's eyes
"May my love go with you.
You will always be in my heart
Thank you for laughter.
Thank you for our memories.
Thank you for calling me your 'Akela.'
My Heart is full.
You have touched my life with your love.
Be happy. Be open to Love.”

It was an eternity, within a moment.
That they shared together
Their last embrace.  
Looking into his eyes
He smiled
Then turned and walked toward The Light.
Light's, love opened His arms,
“Welcome Home.
I have been waiting for you....”

And the words of a song danced through their hearts
Oh, no more crying
Oh no more troubles
All has been washed way.....
:My son passed in 2017. This is a dream I had of my son and I, after he passed.
In my dream, he did not want to leave his siblings and I before he could fix the pain he had seen in each of us due to his death. He was feeling guilt, remorse, and wanted to fix the pain he had caused before allowing himself to go to the Light. In this dream we talked and I saw him go to the Light. I share this because I know I am not the only one in life who has felt this pain. I wish to bring a measure of comfort and a gift of understanding and healing.
Keiya Tasire Sep 2019
Year 1
what-is-love ?
a falling-star
guilt & shame
more of the same

Year 2
what-is-love ?
a falling-star
guilt & shame
more of the same

Year 3
what-is-love ?
a falling-star
guilt & shame
more of the same

Year 4
what-is-love ?
a falling-star
guilt & shame
more of the same

Years 5 -
I love school!
Maybe I'll find a new mom!
1956 t0 1961
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
Jack:      "Are you afraid?"
Jill:       "No!! I am not afraid! I can't wait to get back to Heaven!!!"
Jack,      "Heaven? Who said anything about Heaven?"
Jill,      "You know, they are trying to make us think we are going to die."
Jack,     "Who are they!"
Jill,      "Precisely! They are nobody.Why is death bad anyway?"
Jack,     "That's a good question. Near death-er's say it is beautiful."
Jill,      "They know."
Jack,     "Yes, so why are you so afraid?"
Jill,     "Why do you ask? Are you afraid?
Jack,  "No!"
Then Jack and Jill ran up the hill ...
This is a bit of black humor regarding COVID-19.
Appropriate or not, it is written from the 1% point of view regarding how the "sheeple respond to the COVID - 19.
No matter how they think about it, they are going to go up the hill and fall down. Yes, a bit morbid. Yet COVID-19 can be or not, depending on our personal reactions. Fear will make what is happening worse. Yet, we know from the rhyme, Jill returns to go back up the hill and Jack mends at home with vinegar and brown paper. There is lots of hope here.
Keiya Tasire Oct 2019
When I feel like quitting
I tell myself, "Take just one more step."
Then I do it.

And then again
When I feel like quitting
I tell myself, "And then take another
"Just one more step."
Then I do it again.

And again when I feel like quitting
I say, "Self, take another,
"Just one more step."
Then I do it again and again.

I keep talking to myself
And I keep going
Again and again and again.

Until there is just one more step to take
And then I say,
"Self you can do it. Take Just one more step!"
As I step into my, "I did it!"

I celebrate and celebrate
All the while
My mind is thinking
"Self, What is  next? Let's do it again!"
One challenge after another. Keep learning, keep growing, See the lesson. = increased wisdom.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
When it all seems to hard
Are you crippled by fear?
Asking, "What do I do?"
Meditate, Ponder, Pray
within silence
The answer is clear
"Just one step at a time
You will find yourself there.
Never, never give up!  Keep going. It is hardest just before you arrive. Keep going. Keep stepping forward and through until you arrive at your destination.
Keiya Tasire Feb 2020
Dear  My
Is Earth and heaven between
Balance reaching, harmony creating
Connection finding roots and branches
Generations, many expanding blessings
Joining in the Oneness
The Oneness in joining.
Blessings expanding many generations.
Branches and roots finding connection.
Creating harmony, reaching balance
Between Heaven and Earth is
My Dear,  Tree of Life.
Each of us carries an arc and covenant within our core.  
It is connected through the River of Life that flows from Heavenly Father
through   us and on toward the heart of Mother Earth.  They each send life force energy from above and from below, respectfully, joining together within our personal Arc and Covenant , whirling and dancing as one, creating a center point between them. A zero point, where there is infinite peace, a place where within our heart we stand in the Spirit; within our own personal universe. When we stand within our infinite peace and carry it with us; we stand whole; as a Spiritual being; a Hu-man being.
Keiya Tasire Feb 2019
A Note to Self
Never Settle for less than you can be.
Never Settle for less than you can give.
You can live strong.
You can live with passion.
Yes, live strong, my dear!
Live Strong!
Through life's transitions we pull ourselves up. We look for options and we move forward with the best choices we have.  Reviewing what has worked before, engaging new ideas and moving forward with gut inspirited solutions. Stay strong comes at a time when we are transitioning from a working life to retirement .
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