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Keiya Tasire Sep 2019
every day
They do happen
All around us
Do you want to see miracles?
Open our eyes  
To the rainbow colors of  Light
Creating playful rhymes
Pros and songs
With joyful gratitude
Set your heart free to Love
As the sun shines
as songs of birds filling the air.
As pebbles of sand
Without number.
Miracles are. 
(now read the lines from the bottom up).
The journey from pain to increased joy and peace has been filled with the little and large miracles of life,   It seemed when the need arose it was met in ways, I did not imagine (synchronicities, gut feelings, hunches, dreams, visions, guardian angels, message through an unaware friend, etc). May of the answers were small. Some took  time. Yet over the course of my life all that I have asked for has come into my life. I am grateful for the assistance we receive from ancestors, and others on the other side of the veil.
Keiya Tasire Aug 2019
Be at Peace
You are the Creator's Delight
The Creator's
Wonder, Awe, Love & Joy
Be at Peace
For you are loved.
When I begin to stir from slumber in the state between slumber and waking. This is a time of seeing, hearing, receiving and understanding. I was given a dream yesterday morning that prepared me for the passing of three people in my life that is coming in their time, one by one. The first, I learned today, is very sick and will pass soon. The understanding I received was a kindness that left me knowing that I am loved.
Keiya Tasire Oct 2019
Hands of Love
Hands of Understanding
Hands of Compassion

Ears that hear
Eyes that understand
A heart of wisdom & knowing

Unwavering & supporting
Without blame
Without shame.
Never a criticism given

You heard me.
You held me.
You helped me
Move through Grief
Toward a measure of Serenity.

My dear love
How could I ever repay you?
When someone we love dies, the saddest thing I have experienced is no one there for support. Maybe they did not know how or were lost in their own processes. It was not until now, at 63, that I have felt this unwavering love and support.
Keiya Tasire Sep 2020
Oh, my dear loved one
I deeply feel you in my heart.
When all of my work in this life is complete
I look forward to sitting together on a green hill
Overlooking this Heaven most high.
Sharing, heart to heart
The memories and love.
My tears of Joy flowing
From the very first time we met in heaven, long ago
Sharing earth time together
Birth, laughing, playing, challenges, grief and growth
Becoming a comfort in each other's heart.

Such is the rising sun
Endearing thoughts of a heart remembering
With beautiful prayers of Love.
This expanding moment
Now comforts my heart.
Just knowing we can sit here on this green hill
In continuing, enduring peace.

Embracing across no time
In a moment of eternity.
My heart and soul are hopeful
Strengthening my resolve
To live fully within Love.
I was posting to a FB page I manage about grief today. This poem poured out of my heart within  minutes, placing itself on the page.
Keiya Tasire Oct 2019
See, smell, hold it, feel it,
Strum it, remember.
I see you  siting on the couch in the family room.
We are playing and signing together.

These are some of my happiest memories of you
This guitar, with it's four strings
With a rattling inside
Turning it from front to back
Back to front again and again
This 1938 Martin Tenor Guitar
My father held and played for hours
Weddings, family gatherings, holidays
And just because it was a Monday.
A family home for the evening - singing.
I was always the last one to leave.
"Play me another song, dad. Please!"

Rattling rattle, what's inside?
Turning, shaking
Reaching for the sound
Deep inside with my fingers
There it is! Got it!
What is it?

Look at this!
It's my dad's guitar pick!
A picture of a palm tree and  "Fender Heavy"
Stamped into an old plastic pick
Tucked into this Tenor Guitar for safe keeping.

Tears swelling to overflowing
Spilling from my eyes
I hear him picking, singing
It is so soothing.

To  His little girl's delight
Turning the guitar face side up
placing my left hand on the neck
Feeling, ******* the cords he taught me
Going through each one of them
One by one.
I loved this time with my father.
There are times I really miss him. He passed in 2003. These memories keep him strong within the love of my heart.
Keiya Tasire Oct 2019
I was tired today.
A long night it was.
He tossed and turned.
I tossed and turned.
The room was hot.
The room was cold.
It seemed the sun rose too soon.

Up the stairs
With Creaky knees.
At least the left hip is not sore yet.
Mind over matter, "Walk. Walk. Walk!"
Commanding myself to Step on the floor surely.
Keep going
Just a few more steps.
Keep it up,"Walk, walk, walk!"
Keep moving hip!
Maybe the pain will go away.

Why am I so sore?
Louis Hayes says,
"Fear of going forward in major decisions.
Nothing to move forward to."
Hum, is this really so?

Yes, I do feel like I am being still.
After all, it doesn't hurt when I am still.
Or does it?

Yet, I keep moving
In spite of my musings.
It is interesting what comes up in my mind when I am sitting still through pain.
Keiya Tasire Sep 2019
A flower sings  its own song
accompanied by a glowing inner light.
As flowers sing,  their rainbow of sound grows.
Keiya Tasire Feb 2021
Suddenly the dark clouds appeared!
A cry of disbelief!
A cry of despair!
The agony of a heart breaking!

The mind clouded over  
Relentlessly trying to push the pain away!
"Breathe! Breathe!
Remember to breathe! ...."
He said to himself, "Remember it is just a rainy day. "

He continued to breathe for years and years
Reminding himself,
"We all have reasons we grieve."
Until one day he realized there was a purpose.

"It was the lessons of the grief
That opened his heart to understanding."
It is here where fellowship began to bloom
Opening the door to something much deeper....

Longfellow, I stood still!
During all of "The Rainy Day" days.
Fully opened and allowed the tears and memories to flow...

And the lotus flower of the heart opened
One at a time
Petal by petal

He looked up into the top of the Tree of Life
The Dove came
Hopping down it's branches
Singing to him - a song
Dropping the fruit of wisdom
One fruit at a time!
Into his heart.

Hearts rejoice!
Hearts full of laughter!
Heart's still longing
Yet comforted
With Love!
We each have a different understanding and lesson we gain from grief. What is yours?
Keiya Tasire Apr 2019
The snow has melted!
We are busy planting seeds
In our garden of Life.
The gardens we work in have much more than just dirt in them.
This morning I spent time planting seeds of love in other's hearts.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
Evergreen trees & cranberries
Pine cones soaked in cinnamon oil
Candle holders for the beautiful Christmas candles.
Time to decorate with all the fresh trimmings.
Now where are the push pins and tacks?

They say there are only two reasons to forget:
1) I am in love, or it is 2) Senility.
I pray it is Love!
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
Angel of the Sun
Each Color of the Rainbow
One by one                            

Dancing together
within the  white crown of unity.
Twinkling and shining
Mirroring the universe within
Yes,  sea of green leaves in a
Breath of the blue azure sky!

Rainbows from violet to magenta
Together within my crystalline gift
Forever within the heart of unity!

My dear Angel of the Sun
You have blessed me with
The fire of life!

A knowing  intuition,
Echoes, we are all
Suns within the Universal Heavens!

Reaching out with her warmth,
"My dear Butterfly, fly!"
"My dear Angel of Sun, thank you."
Today, I began painting an acrylic painting of the Angle of the Sun. This poem came to me during a meditation I participated in to begin the  intuitive painting process.  It was a beautiful day today. The sun shone most of the day.
Keiya Tasire Oct 2019
Is the pain and suffering    
that comes from our generational weaknesses.
Born from the stuffings of our ancestors.
The pain and suffering they are not able to resolve
Is a gift for the next generation.

The choice to resolve or not to resolve
Is ours alone to make.
If we choose to resolve, it is a gift.
If we choose not to resolve, this too is a gift.

For more generations will follow
To make the same choice.
Stepping into this life
Fully aware of the new strengths
They will gain and pass on
to the generations ahead.

If they step into darkness
While holding on to courage.
For both strengths and weaknesses
Are blessed gifts.

One to bring us to our knees
And the other to lift us up.
There is both darkness and light in life each has its role. As we come to understand the role and gifts of our shadow side, we come to an awareness that black and white is more. As we explore their handshake in the gray areas, we learn that weaknesses take strengths by the hand and dance together to yield an even more durable strength within our life. Yet, choice to step into healing the weaknesses to cross into our greatest strengths is our choice alone. The question becomes, do I allow my fear to join hands with courage? Will I trust the process? Or do I stay stuck in the generational perspective that has enslaved myself and the ancestors before me?
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
Over the  mountains along the winding road
Crossing the distance
To the people of my heart
To hug you
To look into your  eyes
As you share your tales
Of challenges and joys.
I may not be there physically.
Yet I am with you
Always in  Spirit.
<3 u 8
I live a way from my family and there are days that I miss  my family a lot.
Keiya Tasire Mar 2020
Within of each  of us
There sounds a call!
The key within the keyhole
Quietly hoping we will notice.

Are we curious?
Do we wonder?
What are the secret notes?
Calling us from the wind?
Yet whispering to us from within.

The corridors seem lonely
Am I the only one standing
Alone in this great hall?

The fear is a lump pounding in my throat.
To turn the key and open the door
What is on the other side?
Everyone has run away
So  quickly, they are nowhere to be found.

Where do I go?
Why did they hide?
Quietly, I wonder.
Yet an Angelic chorus
Sings, "Come Follow Me!!"
In six part harmony.
It is calming.
I desire to taste its sweetness.

I turned the key
Stepping through the open door
What stood before me
I had never seen before!
It is a tree!
Seven Roots and Seven Branches!
As old as the earth itself!

In amazement, I stood,
looking high into the sky
To the very top of the tree
Soaring into Heaven Most High.

What can this be?
Is there a rhyme or reason?
I see only a tree!
Or is it?!

The song continued
It's sweet melody growing
Closer and closer.
Flapping white wings
Fluttering from branch to branch
A beautiful white Dove
Sings her melodic  enchanting song.
Each note embracing my heart
With love, peace and understanding.
Oh the Beauty!
The rapture and the peace!  

The flowing Love between
Opened my eyes to the wonders
Of all the beautiful stars shining
Within each galaxy
Upon her golden crown.

Oh how, I had longed for such an embrace!
As the tide hugs the shores
and the sea kisses the horizon.
Gently her touch
Caressed my face.

She is so familiar
For my body, was born of her body
My eyes, born of her eyes.
My ears, my muscles, and sinuses
Born of her ears, her muscles, and sinuses.
From her I have come.
To her I will return.  
The Amma of my  Spirit,
My beautiful Dove!
This is about personal spiritual growth and progression within "The Light." Mother Earth is the mother of each physical body on the earth. We are all made of her soil, water, air, and elements. When we look into another earthling's eyes we are also seeing a our mother through the other earthling.  In this piece, the Dove's symbolism is the same as the Early Essenes beliefs about the Dove, Mother Earth and our connection to both; finding our resting place within the arms of Mother Earth.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2019
Winter is here
Yet it is not yet Christmas
Not yet Winter Solstice
Nor Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the Essene New Year!
It is snowing in my heart
It feels like winter.
It must be winter!

Sitting, being warmed by the fire
Comforted by the touch of soft fur
Fur Babe, Habibie, I love you
Aaron's, Stephan's, Connors, Kevin's, Maria's birthdays
Singing with the Christmas Choir
Silver Bells and Deck the Halls
Evergreen trees, popcorn garland
Snowman soup
Gingerbread Cookies hung
On the boughs with red and green ribbons
Sharing gifts, laughter, hugs and joy
Christmas morning stockings
Filled with an orange, cinnamon roll
A few simple pleasures
Pass the Ibarra, please....

Why all the fuss? Continue to keep it simple!
Wrapped up in my fuzzy, two sided warm blanket

The comfort of my kitten and tears  
Lifting my heart from my feet
Yes, it is still in one piece.

Finding the  Christmas Cards and notes to write.
Creating, to  celebrate those close to us
It is time to create new memories
And keep the Holiday Spirit alive.
Today I am missing my adult children and grandchildren. We live far apart from each other and traveling is not as easy as I had once thought. Yet I gather myself together and get on with it.  By getting out of myself and invite the neighbors over to celebrate the season. Write Christmas  and create birthday posts to send.  It is helpful for me to  take a bit of time to grieve, and then celebrate life.
Keiya Tasire Feb 2020
Harmony, Truth, & Power
It comes through Love.
Never by manipulation.
Never by force.
Light seeking Light
Power & Truth opening Spirit
Embracing ...
Heart to Heart
Every spark within
Every world and every universe
Unfolding within each
The Inner Spark of each creative dance
Expanding eternally, into infinity...
Never by force.
Never by manipulation.
It comes through Love
Harmony, Truth & Power
We each have an inner spark of the Divine within us.
It is a continuation of all life force, beyond time.
It is powered through the Love created at a zero point within our heart that is connected to the first, divine zero point, the point of stillness within each of us
Keiya Tasire Apr 2021
This is, the Creator's Delight!
The Sun through the rain opens a rainbow of color.
Resounding within layers upon layers
Vibrational tones & hues.

Flowing continuously
Into each Arc & Convenient.

The seven flowering, whirling lights
Spin, emanating their specific color
Thousands upon thousands of tones & hues.

Shinning outward
Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue.

Standing together in harmony
Each a Rising Sun
A reflection of a reflection
Repeated in countless rays
Reaching from the rising base
An outstretched  fan.
Etched up on my mind
This memory  lingers long past sunset
Within the fan's folds
For here resides the mystery of Light.

With Great understanding. Great wisdom, knowledge and joy.
Love Arise!!
In Unity!  
The Creator's delight!
In Unity!
Love Arise!!
With Great understanding. Great wisdom, knowledge and Joy.

For here resides the mystery of Light.
Within the fan's folds
This memory  lingers long past sunset
Etched upon my mind

An outstretched  fan.
Reaching from the rising base
Repeated in countless rays
A reflection of a reflection
Each a rising sun
Standing together in harmony

Purple, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green  and Blue.
Shinning outward

Thousands upon thousands of tones & hues.
Spin, emanating their specific color
The seven flowering, whirling lights

Into each  Arc & Convenient.
Flowing continuously

Vibrational tones & hues.
Resounding within layers upon layers
The Sun through the rain opens a rainbow of color.
This is, the Creator's Delight!
This is about both a physical and spiritual sunrise and the splendor of all of the physical and spiritual color within each sunrise.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
What am I?
Water of Love
A kiss Divine?
Each crystalline design
A shimmering Angel!
Dear heart, uncoil
Open my seeking, hungry soul
Reaching beyond the breath of freedom
To sooth weary pains.
Am I enough?
Clasping each frozen crystal.
Gently touching. Gently Soothing
Each fallen tear.
Gently touching. Gently Soothing
Clasping each frozen crystal.
I am enough!
To Sooth weary pains.
Reaching beyond the breath of freedom
Open my seeking, hungry soul
Dear heart uncoil
A shimmering Angel
Each Crystalline design
A kiss Divine
Water of Love  
Am I.
Walking the medicine wheel as it turns through our life, we grow in wisdom and truth as our capacity to expand in love grows. We find within the core of our self our own a spark of the Divine.
Keiya Tasire Feb 2020
Occurs in Late Winter
Releasing water to the earth.
Beneath the ground the seedlings
Drink deeply this essence
This Love Child of The Sun & Air.
Yes, celebrate  the  gift of pure Love
Freely given to All the Living upon the Earth.
It is Creation!
Preparing to burst up from the Earth.
Joyfully Heaven Bound.
Spring is coming! The melt is the beginning of the process, preparing for the time and day when new life will emerge, announcing springtime is here.
Keiya Tasire Jul 2020
At times  I find myself blocked.
Stopped, unable to move forward.
Standing still, as the days pass me by.

Lost dreams, lost hopes.
Lost loves, lost friends,
Lost parents, siblings and children.
Lost heart, Lost soul.

Enter, exit, enter again and turn left
Or was it right?
May I go forward? Stop and  await.
Do this! Don't do that!
They are wrong. We are right!
Over manipulated. Over controlled.
Enough!!!! No more!!!

Watching loved ones leave
Never to return again.
Broken hearted,
Longing throbbing pain.

So easily distracted by appetite
The smells and enticing words
"Massaman curry with rice with spring rolls
A slice of cheese, with date or olive
Lost in tasting, numb in feeling....
Eating myself into the land of oblivion
Drifting, floating, never to return.

It came quickly!
The rain fell hard in my summer!
Can you see us?
Everyone in their own storm.
Oh, please be still my restless soul.

Watching "them" drawing up schemes
Complaining maneuvers and attacks
Smiling smugly, together
under their "justified" umbrella.
I turned my energy away.

The wind continues to blow
And the rain continues to fall
Do I give into despair?
Or take courage to persevere?  
Courage my friend.  
A  glorious choice, courage!

Moving gracefully through the storm
Calm stillness begins
Facing the sun
The shadows fell behind me.
"What if I grab the silver lining?
Will my life be forever changed?"

I am not a lone "Black Sheep" in this rain.
Each of us in line, shedding our fleece.
Letting it go, as white feathers
Gracefully floating higher
Upon sunbeams Home.

The storm continued as I built my  new home.
Among the quiet of the fragrant cedars
Maples, birch and pine.

The fragrance of the wind
and the touch of the rain
Now fills  my senses!

Opening, freely.
Spirit Dancing in the Rain!
My senses love the spring,
Summer and the fall rains!!

It was in this moment the clouds parted.
Revealing a flowing rainbow
With  vibrational colors of resonance
A phi ratio within each color
Singing, songs, and connecting
Each strand of my human DNA.

A smile expressing itself
Thousands upon thousands of Colors!
An adventure within each
New sunny and rainy day!!
Oh, how I love, this sweetness in life!!!
Alienation: as I looked for the silver linings within each challenge, I began to transition and move through the countless births, deaths, and rebirths within my current life, as wisdom opens and begins to sprout each day.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2022
Because every memory is still beautiful!
Even when intentions of actions were unkind.
For these burning fires have birthed
My greatest strengths.
Thank you for all you have done.
Our roles at the close of the last act, complete.
Watching as the curtain closes
Shedding the glove, we call a body
We return to the Light from which we came.
There is a purpose to everything we go through. There are rich lessons that come by seeking understanding as we grow through the pains, we face in life. No matter how difficult they may seem, there is a rainbow in each struggle. Ask to be shown the Light within your darkest moments.
I assure you, it is there. ❤ May you find it and find peace ❤ 🙏
Keiya Tasire Mar 2019
Never cage The Eagle
If you want it to soar!
With a heart filled with sorrow
No amount of love
Can cure a passion lost, caged heart.

No amount of pleading
Will make room in The Eagle's cage
For it to fly and soar.
No matter how much you beg
On bended knee
It will never fly again.

It's qi will leak, from its very core.
It's will to live, will vanquish.
As It gives up It's Life Dream
Slipping silently into
A quiet numbness.
All desire to live passionately, gone.

The Eagle you love
Will turn into a hollow body
That still breathes
With a  resignation to a hopeless
passionless, dreamless caged life.
Growing beyond feeling, beyond caring.

Yet, one day when you die
Or your Eagle passes first
The Eagle will open to find what was lost.
Whether in this life or the next
It does not matter.
The Eagle will rejoice and fly again.

From the look on your face
I don't think  you liked what I just said.
You do have a choice.
You can choose to set The Eagle free.
In freedom, feed your Eagle with respect
Love, acceptance and care.

Be in awe as you watch
Your Eagle fly toward the heavens
Reflections within the gleaming sun.
Casting It's soaring shadow
Over  rivers, canyons and high mountain peaks.  

With gratitude your Eagle will return
Again to your loving arms.
Because you love your Eagle enough
To set It free.
I have seen this so much over the years, where a husband or wife put the other in a cage, restricting their thoughts, beliefs, mobility, and/or actions because they feel insecure in the relationship. The person caging the other person becomes afraid of losing their love. They try to do everything they can to keep their love there just for their-self. Eventually the other spouse does get out of the cage by death of the relationship, finding an addiction, and/or their own personal death. It is much easier to love in the emotional climate of freedom.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2021
Notes.....are you? Mesmerize?
Keiya Tasire Dec 2019
We look different.
Yet we are the same people.
We each desire to love and be loved.
We each desire to belong and let others know they belong.
We each have gifts, talents, strengths and weaknesses.
We each have something innate within each of us
It supports us, leads us, guides and protects us along the way.
We each desire to know, seek and find peace.
Not only for ourselves do we hope for all of this
This yearning extends to our children, grandchildren
And to all of our generations to come.
In this way, we are the same, all over the world.
May peace and joy be with you and your loved ones
This beautiful holiday season
Heart felt reaching out.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
On the land of our family
Are the ashes of generations.
Each generation planted with the saplings of the trees  
The Cedar, The Fir, The Larch, and The Mountain Ash
Standing regal in the sun's early light.

It is a new day
Standing under their boughs
Comforted by ancestral arms touching
In a circle of Love and Light.

What is emerging?
Sprouting up from under the Sphagnum  
It's a seed! Raising its head
Peeking up, and stretching towards the sun.

Ever upward it expands
Though nights of rain and clouds.
Through days of heat and seeming drought.

Yet the seedling grows and endures
Bent by the late summer winds
The fiber of wisdom ever increasing within its core.

At the end of Indian Summer
The frost begins to unleash its chill
The young sapling freezes
As the blanket of white thickens across the land.

With the weight upon it's back
In humility the sapling bends low to kiss the earth.
Bravely holding this asana in the coldest of the winter days.

Today by my window
I am basking in the sunlight of a very early spring,
Bright are shimmering reflections of sunlight snow.

Squinting, with eyes half open and eyes half closed
The small rainbows begin to dance
Between each pair of lashes.
A delighted inner child
Chuckling with joy.

I can hear the sound of water running  
And ice falling from the rooftops above.
The snow is finally melting!

The tall cedar boughs dance with the wind.
Up and down, releasing their winter coats
As Ice crystals floating on the air.

Gazing across the white wonder
To the very spot where I last saw our little tree
What of the little seedling?
Is it still alive?
Or broken and crush by the ice and snow?
My musing over the Cedar Sapling
Shifted with a gasping surprise
It sprung up!
Announcing "I am still alive!"
And my inner voice giggled with delight.

Hum, I wonder
Do trees have a heart?
Do they perceive beyond their bark?
Do they remember?
In this very moment the sapling's sudden appearance
During my musing seemed to express, "Yes!"

Is it just a deep enduring feeling
That the elders of this world
Are the 400+ year old Cedars
Keeping their long record of time?

My dear little sapling
may you continue to grow into magnificence.
I will only see your first 100 years.

For your last four hundred
Allow me to lie at your roots
Under the Sphagnum from which you sprung.

And my children will water flowers at your base
That you may grow as the guardian of the ancestor
Who planted your seed and watched you grow.

Yes, the very one who is now delighted that you
Have popped up from under your blanket of snow.
The winter is giving to an early spring here where we live. There is a young sapling outside my kitchen window I have watched for two years now. This is the second season I have watched it pop up out from under the blanket of snow that has covered it thickly each winter. I am amazed at its flexibility, strength, endurance and tenacity. As the years pass I will continue to watch over this little tree with the desire that it will watch over me when I have passed and my body has been laid to rest.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
No matter what country
No matter what race.
No matter what religion
No matter what ****** orientation.
No matter what peoples we identify with.
We are all born of the elements of the same earth.
We breathe the same air.
We all are warmed by the same sun.
We stand in awe of the same moon.
We each look up into the night sky from the land of earth.
Within each of our DNA
We hold the same markers as all of humanity.
With our roots reaching back
To the same ancestral first man
To the same ancestral first woman
To ever walk up on our beloved Earth Mother
Under sky of our Beloved Father.
Remembering a very, very old story
About the Dance of Creation.
In this dance Yah was alone.
Yah desired to share love
Yah desired to have joy.
Within a dream to share joy
Yah looked within and fell in love
with the two eyes looking back.
Yah stepping in the within
Eye to eye and arm in arm
In a whirl they turned and danced
Spinning in love with ecstasy and joy.
Two together within the embrace of love.
So so speaks the ancient story
Of the creation of the Spirits of Man.
Long before we were each
Born of the elements of the same earth.
No matter what peoples we identify with.
No matter what ****** orientation
No matter what religion
No matter what race.
No matter what universe, galaxy,
Solar system, planet, continent or place we hail from
We are all related in Love.
Dedicated to a warrior, Mo Byrne.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2019
Joy, Fun, Laughter
Learning, Growing,
Discovering & Creating
Support & Community!
We are women!
We stand together
That all of humanity
May stand up too.

We love
We care for
We cradle
We teach and raise
Generations upon Generations
Each man and each women

Yes we stand up for all of Humanity
May man stand with us too!
For yes, are women!
We want peace.
We want kindness.
We want respect.
We value and want to be valued.
We want all to be free to live.
We want all to be free to love
In Peace.
In Harmony.
In Joy.
through the ages women took care of the ancient knowledge for health wellness birthing rearing children and loving each other through challenges then the roles of women were diminished, relinquishing it to powers that were hungry for not only the control over women but men too.  The human family became lost. Now many are waking up and calling for both men and women to stand together  and reclaim human, dignity, freedom, and the strength of family and the strength of community.
Keiya Tasire Dec 2018
The question rings as a rattle on my cage.
"I am writing poetry" I answered.

He mumbled, "I thought you were playing Mahjong."

I exhaled hard, "I was. I won two games. " I said  with a little aggravation.

"Hum..." he said, then all fell silent.
I did not respond.

Only the sound of my fingers typing on the keyboard continued
Until he could not stand it anymore, "There's news today. The USA is pulling out of Syria."

"Hum, that's good." I said.

He said, "I am sure the families of the soldiers that are coming home are happy."

"Yeah, they probably are." I said halfheartedly as I continued to write.

"Israel is still worried about their borders."

Sarcastically I replied, "Maybe they will build  a wall."
The sounds of tap-tap-tap on the keyboard, continuing...

He said, "Yeah, maybe Trump will help them."
I stopped typing.
We laughed and I continued to write.

It was quiet for just a moment.
Then he said, "What'cha doing now?
We both laughed out loud!!!
And I finished this writing.
Humor goes a long ways in soothing rough edges.
Keiya Tasire Jan 2020
It is so quiet.
I hear peanuts shells
teeth grinding
peanuts into butter
between his teeth.
The quiet page turning
Buried do deeply in
"The Scottish Prisoner"
It will be a while
Before he is hungry for dinner.
A bonus!
Turing thoughts inward
to the ever present ringing in my ears.
Long breaths in
and slower breaths out
Allowing the noise to disappear.
It is a quiet night. I like quiet nights.
Keiya Tasire Sep 2020
A pathway that gracefully winds
Into the heights of Heaven Most High?
I have heard what they call this place
Medebah, Medebah, Medebah
The seventh heaven of seven heavens.
Where the cherubim, unicorns
And all the Spirit Children, dance.
Around and round in the meadow
Where the flowers grow
Where the Eternal
Tree of Life Blooms.

Be still, the Dove whispers, be still.
You have a key!
It is the breath
She whispers to me.
"Follow your breath."

To where I wonder, to where?
Am I to breathe?
The intention of my mind
The intention of my heart
Bound by a Golden Ring
The breath circles, in
the breath circles out.

Did you feel it?
That moment of stillness.
After the in and before the out....
I smiled and nodded, yes.
Dear Dove, smiled and began to dance.
Celebrating brightly, "Yes!!" "Yes!!" "Yes!!"
Keiya Tasire Jan 2020
Grief on wings of the White Dove
With an olive branch hanging
From her beak.
My heart expanding
Yearning  to burst open
Into expressions of mourning.
Grief expanding into mourning  
I lost you!

My inner feelings crying
Thoughts, punctuated with deep sighs.  
Tears, watering the branches
Lying at my feet.

Crying, outside of my self
Longing for you...
So, many tones of agony...

Pouring out of my heart.
The songs  of longing
Music welling up
From deep behind my eyes.
Writing, sharing, feeling, expressing
Art of the heart seeking release

Each anniversary
The day you died
The month afterwards
Each month…2, 3, 4, 5...
Your birthday
The first day, of the sixth month.

The usual Christmas tree celebration
Did not happen.
No popcorn stringer
With gummi bears and gum drops
No snow man soup
No gingerbread house …
My heart so heavy
My limbs were numb.

Oh, I miss your quite
Knowing humor
The gilt in your eyes
One year…two years
7 months & 19 days ago
Around 10 pm….
I still feel the sting
Of  hearing the news
Brother, speaking, describing
I not wanting to hear, " ... he's gone ..."

It just did not feel real!
No, it can't be…
NO! Not STEPHAN!!!!!!!!!!
Lord, NO! Please no!!
I picked up my pen
To scribble the notes…
I needed to see!
I needed to read!!!
I needed to write it all!!!

And when I reread it
I cried! …Sobbing…..
It became the way
To express my grief
My sorrow
My pain.

As the pain poured out
Out come what was left unresolved.
It helped to quiet my soul.
I could feel you
As I asked questions
And the answers
Poured and poured outward.

Pain flowed out
As understanding
Entering my heart.

Flying this path
Healing in my way
At the helm of my love
I reach toward you

Issue by issue
Understanding by understanding
Through rain, sleet and storm
My heart, calming
Though, a little unsteady...
Hold on to me
I am a little unsteady.

Through their Misconceptions
I affirmed that  - grief is okay
Yet when mourning
Some still say,  "Just get on with it."

No orderly stages
Neither up or nor down?  
It Spirals round
In and through.
With the hand of Understanding
My heart, now stands in awe..
So this is compassion!

As the  key to the lock
Opens the door
The Dove flying freely
A fledgling peeks above the edge
Of the mud
Of straw and twigs.

I thought he few away
My spirit left mourning
The light dimmed
On this plane

Yet he lives!
My son lives!
His Light Shining
As the Inner Compass
Points the Way.

Now forever
Heart to heart
I embrace my son

It is much deeper now
All the unresolved floating up
As White Feathers Rising
Toward the Sun.
Toward the  Light

And the White Dove her sang of joy
Honoring the Red Rose
Of our Serenity.
Two years, seven months and 19 days ago my son passed away. It is just today, that I have been able to write about the full process of coming to serenity from the first screaming shocking news of my son's death.
For the first time, I have posted without tears, only the deep love and peace I am feeling by feeling his Spirit near. In death, our loved ones do not go so far away. They only cross over to another dimension. My ancestors have taught me that they are still close by.. It is comforting to me, to know that the family we travel with, to learn and progress with, are still with us.  Even after they have shed the glove know as "the body."
Keiya Tasire Jun 2019
My Inner Friend
Taught me to breathe.
To sing, to dance,
And follow my heart.

We merged
Into One Heart
One body
One Soul
One mind.  

Thank you."
My heart overflows
With Love.
As I allowed my heart to be emptied of sorrow, pain, guilt and shame, I learned to sing the songs of joy, happiness, peace and purpose. I learned about our emotions and how to express our negative emotions as tools that alert us to danger and negativity; and I learned how to use more positive emotions and thoughts to move forward in dancing and singing  a new song.
Keiya Tasire Nov 2019
Today I take my first step  toward freedom
Letting go of what I assume to be true
Letting go of the lies I have lived by.
Today, I take back my freedom.
I take back my personal power to choose
To follow my inner most guide.
Today I choose to reclaim my thoughts.
Today I choose to reclaim my feelings.
Today I choose to reclaim my physical body.
With my Spirit of Breath, Heart & Wisdom.
Today I choose to be whole!
The Poem "Wings to Fly" came to me this morning as an awareness. "Wings to Fly - Affirmation " sets the course of action to become whole.
Keiya Tasire Apr 2019
The first time you saw each other
The first time you spoke
The first time you hugged
The first time you laughed together.

Each happy moment
The laughter you shared
The joy that overflowed into happy tears
Rolling down your cheeks.

The adventures
And all the stories within your heart
Are now yours to share.

Your playfulness
And how you danced through life's challenges
Agreeing, disagreeing, finding solutins
Gems of wisdom
And the Silver lining amidst the clouds.

Feel and hear when it was good.
Allow all the unresolved pain
Embrace it with gratitude
See, listen, feel, taste, smell...

Your hearts responses
To the love between you.

Take comfort in bliss.
Remembering the sensations of peace.

Spirit to Spirit
Mind to mind
Heart to Heart
Forever as One.

Embracing Love
Those comforting feelings
Healing your pain.
Forever together
In each other's hearts.

Your Heart Mind Remembers
This embrace.

Do you feel the Love?
Oh, Sweet Mercy!
The Peace.
Record and listen to during meditations.  It teaches now to use the love we felt for someone who has passed to help heal our longing, our grieving, our pain, and unresolved challenges in life. This process moves one from grieving to mourning, to sweet sorrow, a deeper understanding and on to obtain a measure of serenity and peace. This process helps open the door to much deeper Spirituality in life and love.

— The End —