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Zack Ripley Mar 2022
if you gave yourself half as much credit and praise
as people give you, I can't even imagine how much you could do.
take it from me.
it's easy to put yourself down.
but the only thing that will do is make you frown.
so, instead of saying "anyone can do that"
try saying "I did that!"
see how good it feels to give yourself a win.
then, maybe you can start to work on feeling comfortable
in your own skin.
like everything, it's a process.
so, don't be discouraged if you don't get the hang of it right away.
but, for what it's worth, I believe in you.
And I think you'll be okay.
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
Thought I had nothing to lose
Thought I had nothing to gain.
Just wanted someone to share the pain with.
Then one day you came along.
Made me feel I could be wrong.
You Made me feel like I could belong.
And just like that, I had a friend.
Now I don't want this life to end.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
Cause now I know I'm
Gonna be okay.
Cause now I have a reason to stay.
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
If something good happens,
Don't ask why or how.
Just enjoy it and accept it now.
Because you never know
When something bad will happen.
And when it does,
Don't ask why or how.
You can do that later.
Now is the time to deal with it
And heal from it.
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
Tonight, I'm going to let you go
Because I don't feel like
there's any room left for our love to grow
Zack Ripley Apr 2021
When I was a kid,
I thought I could be superman.
But now that I'm older,
I don't think anyone can.  
So, if no one can be a superman,
the next best thing I can be
is a good man.
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
If the road to hell really is paved
with good intentions,
we all work on the railroad at some point.
But if the stairway to heaven is only revealed when good intentions evolve into good deeds, does that mean we all go to hell?
Zack Ripley Jan 2023
Gravity and reality are one and the same. Both will bring you down regardless of your name. But staying grounded isn't the worst thing to happen in a world where people can clip your wings as they make you think they're help you fly to the heavens.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
have you ever wondered why the sky turns gray when it rains?
well, in every creature, there is darkness, and there is light.
and when you start to give up the fight,
the fight for happiness, love, life, when you start to lose hope,
the darkness starts to bleed into your light. but it's okay.
the color can come back. first, ask to talk to someone.
ask them to listen.
then, hold nothing back. don't stop until you understand
how you feel. what you want.
don't worry. it's not selfish to talk about it.
not to the people who care about you.
it will take time, but if you do this, someday, a rainbow will come shining through
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
When I feel low, cold as ice
I think of you, and I'm hot as hell.
And when I get frustrated,
When nothing makes sense,
I talk to you, and my mind
Is as clear as a bell.
Thank you for making me
See things in a different light.
Thank you for making me feel
Like someday, everything really
Will be alright.
Zack Ripley May 2020
Washing my hands even though
I know they'll never really be clean.
Too many stains
From the blood, sweat and tears
That will never be seen.
My hands may never be completely clean, but I won't apologize.
I did what I had to to protect, love, and survive.
Zack Ripley May 2021
You can keep your secrets.
You can keep the past in the past.
Just tell me what you need.
Because I think we have something
That can last.
All it takes is your smile
to make me smile too.
All I need to be happy
is to see you happy too
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa, new year's eve.
All the holidays that make you believe.
Belief in family, community, hope, love, and joy
That magical time
you can feel happiness
when a child receives a new toy.
Whatever you celebrate,
Whether you light a candle, menorah, or tree,
I wish for happy holidays for you and your family.
I know you guys are all over the world. What do you guys celebrate?
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
A palace by the sea for you and me.
a palace by the sea where mermaids swim free.
a palace by the sea where I wrap my arms around you tight
as we get lost in a beautiful sunset every night.

What's your happy place?
Zack Ripley Nov 2023
Someday, you may lose your faith.
You may lose your way.
But, once you understand
it's not your fault if that happens,
you can find new things
to have faith in.
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
You can have fun with a friend.
You can have fun in the sun.
You can have fun anywhere with anyone!
You can have fun by yourself.
You can have fun while getting work done.
But wherever, however, or whoever
you have fun with, remember this:
the noblest art is making others happy.
And that includes you.
Zack Ripley Oct 2019
Have you ever been confused about how you feel
Because you're not sure what's real?
Have you ever been filled with dread
because you can't get out of your head?
I have too.
Have you ever been picked on in school
and done something desperate just to make them think you're cool?
Have you ever neglected yourself by pushing your feelings aside
Because you were afraid of what would happen if people found out how much you were hurting inside?
I have too.
What I'm trying to say is if you think you're alone, you're not.
Take it from me. If you can find the courage to ask to talk to someone, it can help alot
Finally back!
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
Keeping my head high up in the clouds
Because it's too exhausting being just another face in a faceless crowd
Zack Ripley Mar 2024
It seems like it's getting harder to know
if it's OK to say or do something these days. Maybe it's because I'm getting older.
Maybe it's because I care more.
Regardless of why, I must admit I find myself somewhere between sad and scared.
Sad and scared that I can't keep up.
Sad and scared that I'm slowing down.
Maybe you are too. If that's the case,
I'll tell you what I've been telling myself
when I feel this way: it's healthy to be sad.
It's healthy to be afraid.
And if you're being healthy,
you don't have to feel guilty
or let it ruin your day.
Zack Ripley Feb 2022
Not everyone has a mother or father.
Some don't have a sister or brother.
Some feel they don't have anyone.
Some worry they'll always be alone.
Like no one will ever love them.
Fight for them.
But what they don't realize is they have had all of that all along.
Because everyone has a heart.
A heart that beats for you.
Breaks with you.
Heals with you.
A heart that dies with you.
You always wondered
how you keep going.
It's because the heart is a fighter.
And you have a heart.
Which means you have
The heart of a fighter.
But it's up to you
to do something with it.
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I can't lie. I can't pretend.
I'm not ready to dive
into the fire again.
After all the heartbreak
The world has shown
I'd rather have medusa
Turn my heart to stone.
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
If there's really a heaven and hell,
Baby you don't have to tell
Me where I'm going to.
Don't be afraid for my soul.
I'm still alive; still in control.
And for now, I have you by my side.
You, who makes me feel safe and sound.
You, who keeps my feet on the ground.
And when we look at each other,
We know we've found
Heaven on earth
Zack Ripley Feb 2021
Whether you're a victim
Of a firestorm, sandstorm, snowstorm,
Remember: hell hath no fury
Like mother nature scorned
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
In a world of pain
In a world of fear
I can't tell you how much it means
To have you here
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
The sun hid behind the clouds
So it could be ready to shine
Just for you when you have a bad day.
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
Here's to the women who stay strong.
Here's to the women who got men
To admit they were wrong.
Here's to the women
Who became mothers.
Here's to the women
Who don't take crap from others.
Here's to the women
who are struggling.
You got this. This one's for you.
Thank you for everything you do.
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
I'm going to take all of my scars
And build a highway to the stars.
I'll learn how to love myself
And stop living like an elf
Stuck on a shelf.
It will be the hardest journey
Of my life, no doubt.
But in the end, I'll find something
Worth writing about.
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
How can I build you up?
How can I break you down?
How can I make you see
That you are safe and sound
With me
Zack Ripley Nov 2024
It's taken hundreds of thousands
of hours,
millions of minutes
to get you to where you are today.
So don't sell yourself short
when you think of how far you've come
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
"How do I become successful?"
"Are you alive?"
"Then you're already doing it.
Keep it up."
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
you may never be whole again,
But if I can, I'd like to help you
Feel human again
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
The world is so cruel to you
But your words are so kind.
How can you trust people
or be nice to them
When they've robbed you blind?
I don't trust them.
But I believe that even though words
Have incredible power,
Actions have even more power.
So when life gets me down,
I think of a phrase
I act, therefore I am.
I act happy, therefore I am happy.
Yes, I'm still wearing a mask,
But if you say something enough,
you start to believe it.
I don't fully believe it yet myself.
But I want to get better
So I'm up to the task.
Are you?
Yeah...doesn't rhyme completely but important message nonetheless
Zack Ripley Dec 2022
I can't see why. I can't see how.
In fact, it doesn't seem like I can see
much of anything right now.
And normally, that would frighten me.
But if there's one thing I've learned this year,
it's that it's not always about what you can see or what you can hear. It's about what you know. It's knowing that people love me
that got me through my darkest days.
I've found my purpose in the knowledge that I've helped so many people in so many ways. I find power in knowing that my story's not done. And whatever you find when you think about what you know, I hope that it inspires you
and helps you grow.
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Today, the sky was sunny and bright.
Like ice cream, cold but light.
Then, the sky turned gray
as the wind and snow welcomed the night.
I look up, down and around
and wish I didn't feel so helpless here on the ground.
I can't control the weather. This is true.
But there are things I can control and so can you.
We can control what we learn.
We control what we type.
We control whether we run or stand up and fight.
We control all these things and so much more.
But you never know what life has in store.
One more thing to think about.
If we could control everything,
life would be so much duller.
Maybe that's why my favorite thing I control
is how much of the world I see in color.
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
I dare you.
I dare you to breathe.
I dare you to think.
Think about yourself.
Do something for yourself.
Because you have the rest of your life
to do things for everyone else.
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
I don't want to talk about the world.
I don't want to talk about the future
Or the past.
I don't want to talk about how old I feel or how the years fly by so fast.
I don't want to talk about my day.
I don't want to talk about the weather.
What I do want to talk about
Is what you need to make you feel better.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
There I was, sound asleep in my bed.
Memories of my wife and I
Danced in my head.
All of a sudden,
I woke up to a chill in the air
And I couldn't help feel
Like someone was there.
As I laid back down,
I heard a knock at the door.
I looked at the clock
And it was half past four (a.m.)
"Who could that be?"
I put on my robe,
And as I crept down the hall,
I checked in on my daughter.
"Wow. She's not even five
And she's already so tall."
The stranger knocked again,
So I hurried my pace.
I was about to scream,
But then I saw his face.
It was snow.
I was so angry, I couldn't speak.
All I could do was glare.
Finally, I said "what do you think you're doing, standing there?"
"Hey! I just wanted to let you know
I was back in town."
He was wearing a smile
But when he saw I was mad,
He replaced it with a frown.
"What's wrong?
Aren't you happy to see me?"
I scoffed. "Happy? To see you?
You killed my wife!
Last year, she was driving home.
That night, you covered her windshield and she got into an accident because she couldn't see.
Snow was horrified.
He looked me in the eye,
Said "I'm so sorry,"
And as he walked away,
He started to cry.
Just then, my daughter snuck out.
"Snow! Don't go!" I heard her shout.
I couldn't believe it, but she hugged him. I knelt down beside her and asked "if you know who this man is, why are you happy to see him?"
She said "because even though it's sad she's not here, snow was the thing mommy looked forward to the most every year."
After a moment, I knew what I needed to do.
"Snow, I will never forget what you did or the pain you put me through.
But in honor of my wife and daughter,
I forgive you.
This was inspired by a prompt to write a poem about snow returning. And I wanted to highlight seasonal depression and forgiveness.
Zack Ripley Aug 2024
First, I wanted to play.
Then, I wanted to make friends. Next, I wanted to cry.
Eventually, all I wanted
was for the loneliness to end.
I stayed alive for my family.
But it got harder every day. Because I didn't know how to say "I need help. I'm not okay."
Now, it's been years
since I've been in such a bad place.
But if you're reading this,
and you're wondering if you have anything left to give,
for what it's worth,
it's not too late
to decide you want to live.
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
If you want him, I could be the guy
Who makes you believe
That everything will be alright.
If you want him, I could be the guy
Who holds you til the morning light.
If you want him, I could be the guy
Who stays home with the baby
So you can have a girl's night.
I can be almost anyone
You want me to be
As long as I can still be me.
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
Close your eyes. Take a breath.
The pain you feel, the grief,
Won't be the death of you.
Because you've had this pain before.
And even though you're still sore,
There are still people
You need to be there for.
Who will be there for you.
Zack Ripley Jan 2022
Someday, I may start moving on.
I know that's what you'd want.
But I need you to hear me when I say
"I ain't going nowhere."
I may grieve, but I'll never let
the memories leave. I'll never let the music die. And when times get tough,
I'll never forget I have an angel on my side
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
I don't know what will happen when I die.
But I do know what will happen if I don't try.
So today, even though I want to cry
From all the stress, the pain, the fear,
The loneliness I feel, the **** that's real
No matter how much I try to deny,
My eyes will stay dry.
I'll try.
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
"Mirror mirror on the wall" is what I hear you say.
Yes, I am the mirror on the wall.
What can I do for you today?
We've been together so long,
what can I show you that you haven't seen before?
I've shown you your beautiful, strong hair,
the cute freckles on your cheeks,
the light in your hazel eyes
and your lips that make men weak.
I've shown you with your makeup.
I've shown you your smile when you let your hair down.
It hurt to show you your tears when he broke your heart,
but I was so proud to show you in your wedding gown.
I know it may seem strange coming from a mirror,
but seeing gray in your hair, I can't help but stop and stare. Looking back, I think the best part of being a part of your show
is seeing how much confidence you've gained as you've grown. Before our time comes to an end,
there are two things i hope you know are true:
i love being your mirror, and I will only ever have eyes for you
this poem was inspired by 2 questions i asked: how does the mirror feel knowing that people are sometimes disappointed with how they look, and do people appreciate how honest a mirror is or do they resent that honesty?
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Every day I worked that nine to five.
*** of coffee every morning made me feel alive.
But by the end of the day, after dinner with the wife and kid,
the demons I kept away came back.
So I had a date with jack until the world went black.
For years, i suffered in silence.
I eventually turned to drugs
to try and escape the violence gifted by the tyrants.
But no matter how many times
I pushed the trigger and pulled the thread,
every time I came down I couldn't help feel i was better off dead. Just when I was ready to quit, that's when I met her. That was it.
I finally found someone who cared.
We got married and our son was born.
I had never been more scared.
But we survived. We pushed through.
Life was perfect until the fight we had when he was two.
We said some things we didn't mean
and i walked away again never to be seen.
I'm telling you this because it's too late for me.
But it's not too late for you.
If you feel like you're ready to face the end,
please let me say what i needed someone to say.
I love you, please stay.
With this poem, I wanted a "voice from the dead" vibe. Like, what this guy who regretted what he did would say to someone who was considering ending their life. Also, as someone who has been suicidal and depressed, I wanted to talk about the fact that that level of depression never really goes away. Anything can trigger it. One thing I want to make clear though...I have never done drugs or even smoked.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
I didn't want you to stay.
But I'm glad you did.
I didn't want you to go.
But I'm glad you did.
Zack Ripley May 2021
I've been lost. I've been found.
I've been up, down, and around.
I've been here. I've been there.
It feels like I've been everywhere
Without going barely anywhere at all.
I've been accepted. Rejected.
Made fun of by my peers.
But i'm here to tell you if I've made it through,
There's hope for you too.
Just breathe,
and don't be embarrassed
If you shed a few tears
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
We don't need to save the world
We don't need to save each other
We need to save ourselves from ourselves
Zack Ripley May 2021
so, I decided to challenge myself and write a poem that included the titles of 20 of my favorite songs. and I did it. this might be one of my favorites. see if you can find all the titles. check it out

I thought I’d have to go to another world
to find somewhere I belong.
I felt powerless. Alone. A broken man in a carnival of rust.
My friends always tried to make me feel wanted
by saying “someone’s gonna light you up.”
But I always felt like the only thing people saw
were my imperfections.
They wouldn’t have tried so hard to break me
if they saw how good of a person I tried to be, right?
Or is it the opposite? They didn’t want one more light
in a world that was already so dark?
Well, they almost won. I almost tried to see heaven.
But I’m still standing.
I don’t know if it’s because I’m a simple man
or because I decided to stand in the light,
but I was given a second chance. Now, I don’t worry about a thing.
Because what I’ve got is all I’ve ever wanted.
Every time I look in her angel eyes, little by little,
the black of my iris gets lighter.
And now that I can see how beautiful life can be,
I’m not afraid to follow you wherever you will go.
I’m forever yours…faithfully.
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I'm with you in spirit
Just like I was before.
I'm right by your side
Even though you can't see me anymore.
I'm with you in spirit
So you have nothing to fear.
You're not in this alone.
I'll always be here.
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