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Ken Pepiton Feb 4
seeping art intuiting in our time.

My time, existing while others
struggle, my life has passed thus far,
with little efforting on my part, low ambition,

what good can I do
beautiful nets, Arpa to Darpa, through my time,

crossing all faith's propagation lines, living long,
on a single strand that ties all things in mindtimespace.

our jointed articulated mind frame with windows,
the old … mindshare bubbles in bubbles paradigm;

William Blake painted his visions but failed
to make plain the lies he believed, because all are
cloaked in the grand cloud of all no one needed to know,

until our eyes ^ 10x'd Galileo's and Newton' s
up and down,
and around and around,
we twisted, till the sun shined through…

did that ever really happen to you,
or did you see it at a drive in, with an easy girl,
every body knew, knew the drill, an easy lady
later made famous,

after a series of booms in economic terms,
good pay working on future warfare,
nobody could afford, until, somebody

ran the numbers, attention value,
glimpse the ox,
that gets it going, all the way to the ride,

But where is the bull that was that ox,
in a previous purpose?
Soon the whole novel forms around the initial point... pastless state in mind
Shofi Ahmed Nov 2021
Wrap your spring
in the winter.
Only to unleash it
on the rose later.
Garrett Johnson Jun 2021
Anyways on the walk to your house.

Twice in the hall.
Lose it.
Felt like permanent.
Grass keeps the air cool, like matte.
Perhaps crawl.
So enthralled.
Liking it, lose it all again.
A corpse chiming with ideas.
Chiming only to finest, hideous.
More hideous.

Garrett Johnson.
mmm I guess
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
If something good happens,
Don't ask why or how.
Just enjoy it and accept it now.
Because you never know
When something bad will happen.
And when it does,
Don't ask why or how.
You can do that later.
Now is the time to deal with it
And heal from it.
flamingogirl Sep 2020
The worst feeling
is remembering
how much I love you
five years later;
and not having
you by my side.
Juwayriya Jul 2020
Bad,,,,, Bad,,, Good.

Bad,,,,, Bad,,,, Bad,,, Good.

Bad,,,,, Bad,,,,, Bad,,,, Bad,,,,, Bad,,,, Bad,,,,,  Good.

Sooner or later.

Just why not 'sooner' rather than 'later'?  

Maybe.... Let's not waste our time.
Just a Random Thought!
     can be later

Can just be too late
Stop saying

No one knows
the last tomorrow,

Just do it!

What is procrastinated is never done until procrastination  is overcome.
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