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6.3k · Apr 2014
Jealousy Rages,
D Apr 2014
Inside, my jealousy rages
I do well to keep it in
You whisper Don't hold back from me
But if I didn't, what then?
It'd only cause more arguments,
You'll tire from my useless imagines.
Trust me when I tell you love,
That if you knew every single time
Another woman walked past
I saw myself crouching to attack,
Rip hair from root and gouge pretty blue eyes.
I want- no, need -to end their lie
That I know her beauty is,
In hopes you'll see it too.
I'm just afraid you'll fall prey
To the illusions the pretty woman portrays.
You're ever so smart,
But trust me, they're smart as well
They all went to school on how to walk,
How to smile with their pretty blue eyes,
How to make your heart, beat
And downunder rise
It's a lie though love,
I'm what's really real
So don't look at them, look at me.
*I don't like the way jealousy makes me feel..
6.0k · Apr 2014
D Apr 2014
I long for the days where
Roamed the skies..
Where honor and passion were hand in hand with war..
5.8k · Nov 2013
D Nov 2013
On Guard.

Forgo­tten meals.
5.7k · Nov 2014
D Nov 2014
Touch the parts of me I'm too scared to explore on my own
5.6k · Sep 2015
Bad Guy
D Sep 2015
I see you walking around
With your head held high
Like you're above everyone else
Because you're such a bad guy
That's why you got a tattoo, right
To remind us all you're dangerous
Well here's a news flash amigo  
You're as dangerous as my ****
laughing because I rhymed dangerous with ****

high school: thugs
5.5k · Apr 2014
Sweet Flowers
D Apr 2014
I'm sweet and loving on the outside,
I'm a flower; a soft, pretty thing,
I'm very kind to most everyone I encounter,
Even those who, harm, bring.

However, inside is a different matter,
Too dark for flowers to grow,
Images dance of blood and ******,
The dance of screams is sweet and slow.
4.9k · Dec 2013
Black and White
D Dec 2013
Roses aren't red
Violets aren't blue
Because theres no more color
In a world without you
4.9k · Dec 2014
D Dec 2014
I'm scared of the silence
                                                 It speaks to me
Of dangers and demons
                                                 And monstrous things

It's haunting my nightmares
                                                 It sings me to sleep
Turning all of my fears
                                                 Into reality
4.7k · Apr 2014
My Body Is Hungry
D Apr 2014
My body is hungry for something more
Than feather light touches
And sweet kisses from soft lips.
I want to be touched in ways only possible
By a man of which a fire lies within.
I need a passion so bright
It blinds me of my surroundings,
My only focus on his rough grasp
Holding too tightly, for too long.
I must know how it feels
For the rough skin of his grasp
To slide along my waist,
Taking in all of me and none of me all at once,
His only focus on my moaning cries of pleasure
Seeping from my soft lips,
Now burning and torn from being bitten
And abused by his teeth.
I crave in an uncontrollable way
To know every inch of his body,
How it feels crushed against mine,
What their mouth tastes like
And how much I enjoy reveling in it's kissing
Of places no one's ever kissed but him,
The feeling of complete intimacy
As his tongue flicks delicately along my lips,
Licking as my love flows from my wounds,
Tasting my pain, feeling it too,
Crying as one and I'm overcome
By sensations only ever given to me by one,
None other then him.
4.5k · Feb 2014
D Feb 2014
O how I wish you were by my side, because
This night
Is filled with the shadow monsters whom take such a
In feeding off the fear my perspiration makes clear

O my love, I just hope they don't get to me before you do
4.1k · Apr 2014
D Apr 2014
God, help us all
                     *When we fall

If we fall, there's
                    No catching
3.7k · Jul 2018
D Jul 2018
I want to go camping
no I want to live in the woods
That's also my cats name
3.7k · Apr 2017
aesthetic; by definition
D Apr 2017

adjective: aesthetic;
adjective: esthetic

    concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
    "the pictures give great aesthetic pleasure"

    giving or designed to give pleasure through beauty; of pleasing appearance.
     "several aesthetic gardens radiate from the fountain in the square"

noun: aesthetic; plural noun: aesthetics;
noun: esthetic; plural noun: esthetics

    a set of principles underlying and guiding the work of a particular artist or artistic movement.
    *"the colorless aesthetic"
found I like using this word a lot, but I never took the time to confirm I was using it right -- I was, but I thought this would fit my aesthetics; google made me do it.
3.7k · Apr 2014
Get To Know Me
D Apr 2014
"Let me get to know you"

Well, if you'd like to know me
You'd have to know how to read me
Because if my past serves me right,
I'll try so very hard
But never really tell you anything.
Instead I'll tell strangers
All about how I feel,
About you,
About life,
About me.

Don't be jealous
Just open a link
Type a few words
Find me online
And read me
Then you'll know
Exactly who I am
Well, maybe not exactly..

I tend to lie to strangers*
But I'll never lie to you
Would you?
D Nov 2013
Pull me close
Into your arms
Don't let me go
Keep me safe and warm

Hold me tightly
In your arms
Stars shine brightly
Guiding us from harm
3.5k · Apr 2014
Law Of Attraction
D Apr 2014
You're not very far but you feel light years away
It's as if I'll never see that smile adorn your face
It's killing me to dream in a bed all alone,
Dreaming only of you
But am I really alone?

Maybe if I think about you enough, you'll finally appear
It's the law of attraction, I'll manifest you from my tears
You're 70% water anyway, if science is right
And if it just might work,
I think I'll give it try

First, I'll imagine your lips, pulling taughnt in a smile
It's quite attractive if I remember, though it has been awhile
Then the sound of your voice;
O, how it makes my tender heart

Next, your soft hands, running over the curve and dip of my waist
These memories, such sweetness.. I hope they don't go to waste
The taste of your lips as they move feverishly with mine,
These memories are surely fading
With the passing of time

I never knew which spice it was, but you always smell of spices
I can almost smell it now.. These five senses must be my vices
And you've still yet to show your face
Maybe I forget something..
Again then, just in case
3.3k · Jul 2018
south america
D Jul 2018
she's leaving

highways and high seas, she's crossing them all
achieving her dreams while shouting
at the top of her lungs **** everyone
and she laughs

because she's leaving her past behind her at last
she's going to be climbing mountains and laughing for the rest of her life and I feel happy for her but sad at the same time
3.0k · Jul 2017
D Jul 2017
you branded me
angry red marks soiling soft skin
my body now a cage to the wild soul within

and like a stallion, i love you more when i'm broken
2.9k · Apr 2018
D Apr 2018
I want to write so badly
hurts with every line I delete
write about how it hurt this morning
when I woke up alone
when I fell asleep
with someone next to me
2.7k · Jul 2018
D Jul 2018
Outline the moon on the skin of his back,
he's never ashamed when I help him relax
Tracing the moon, the stars, and your smile
2.7k · Aug 2018
D Aug 2018
and as the paranoia creeps in
settling between my *******
the hollow of my throat tightens
with weak and shallowed breaths
my legs, they shake and shiver
under the extreme duress
of not knowing if again his love will wander
leaving me a foolish mess
its the swirling in my stomach, and the familiar ache when you go..
2.5k · Aug 2018
D Aug 2018
words and phrases
and mix matched pieces
of a language I never cared to learn;

words that mean everything
when you say them,

phrases that would sound like crap
coming from any other mouth but yours,

the mix matched pieces of a language
I haven't learned yet

strung together to make something whole.
he makes me whole
2.5k · Apr 2015
D Apr 2015
you were a better friend to me in a few months
then some have been to me in years
yet now when we see each other in the halls
we act like we're total strangers
the fallout was all my fault
I didn't believe I deserved a friend
"it wasn't fair you got stuck with me"
and so to make it up to you, I left
now I see how mistaken I was
to think such a foolish thing
but I'm the insecure one of us
it's my job to keep my heart in a sling
Literally been trying to write a poem about my feelings over this situation i'm in and nothing until now.. not that great, but i'm desperate to get this out so here.. who knows what'll happen now
2.5k · May 2014
Desiree the Dragon
D May 2014
Scales glisten
In the moonlight

Rises in plumes
Before the dark night

Scorches all
Whose swords do fight

A dragons name
Is one to cause fright
2.4k · Aug 2018
D Aug 2018
his hands sketch my edges, down
tracing the dips and curves and swells
his fingers curl into my skin, soft
where ever skin is found

burning with every seconds past
longing for his touch to last

his hands feel through me
reaching soul deep, he breaths
in holy serenity, feeding me solely;
his masterpiece
what it feels like
2.2k · Nov 2014
Memories 10w
D Nov 2014
Memories are the enemy to a heart struggling to heal
2.0k · Mar 2017
Trouble - Halsey
D Mar 2017
lets cause a little trouble
you make me feel so weak
and I bet you kiss your knuckles
right before they touch my cheek

but I've got my mind
made up this time
'cause there's a menace in my bed
can you see his silhouette
can you see his silhouette
can you see his silhouette

and I've got my mind
made up this time
go on and light a cigarette
set a fire in my head
set a fire in my head
because songs are poetry too
you need only sing it in silence

*her lyrics*
1.9k · Apr 2014
D Apr 2014
Daddy wasn't there
To tuck me in
And do my hair.
Daddy wasn't there
To feed me peas
And make sure I said please.
Daddy wasn't there
To tell me stories
And hold me till I slept.
Daddy wasn't there
Because daddy was a ****.
1.9k · Mar 2017
She Inspires Me
D Mar 2017
She inspires me to raise my voice,
and let myself be heard

She inspires me to stand my ground,
to find my own place in this world

She inspires me to chase my dreams,
and never be deterred

She inspires me for every day,
she's as free as any bird
For women everywhere, who are role models to the rest of us.
1.9k · Mar 2014
D Mar 2014
My scent
It lingers on your skin
The aroma is one of lust
That you must not let in
Because if you do
Everything about you
Will change
You'll be a slave
To the animal whom's only purpose
Is to love
1.8k · Sep 2018
D Sep 2018
I don't know if I ever want to have my poems
immortalized in a book, to sit on some shelf untouched
a reminder printed on blank pages; my love, and my pain
organized into pretty poetic arrangements for other's viewing pleasure
for strangers to know me that intimately on a level I barely understand
I can't comprehend--

my love, and my pain, indeed
the love I have is beautiful, and worth sharing with the world
but I dont know if I could immortalize the pain it has caused me to love so throughly
so completely have I given myself over to everything
followed the winding paths through heartache and back;
I would much rather forget them here, forget the past
cross the road when I get there I suppose
1.8k · Aug 2018
a new idea
D Aug 2018
believing a lie almost always feels better
than believing the truth

is that why when I tell myself he hasn't really changed,
I feel better then when I wonder if he had?
its scarier to put your trust into someone who hurt you once before, easier to believe they will do it again then to hope they wont and have your heart break when it didn't deserve to.
1.7k · Aug 2018
tough love
D Aug 2018
and even when I love you
I still hate you
for what you did to me

or do I just hate myself
for never being able to let it go
1.7k · Apr 2014
Winter Is Over
D Apr 2014
I'm stuck for words at the moment
I can't seem to find the right rhythm
To describe you

It's almost like the sweetest part of you,
The one that I always knew loved me most
Was hidden away from me for all the months
That it was too cold for his steady warmth
Like he was too afraid of becoming frozen
And decided to lock himself away
Inside of you

Because of this feat
I've found you to be more controlling,
Causing me pain in ways I never thought you could,
Or ever would, it hurt me to be with you,
Though it hurt far more trying to flee,
And so I stayed, holding on to the memories of the sweet boy
Who always packed an extra sweater
With me in mind, and never forgot
To kiss me goodnight
I hoped with all my heart he wasn't a facade,
And that he'd come back to me,
But hope faded fast,
I wasn't sure if we'd last

This is where I'm stuck,
Because I'm still dazed by it all
The weather is warmer,
The sun shines brightly
He's happy, Really happy
Not just for the minute or hour
Not because he just finished getting off either
I honestly don't know what happened,
Maybe he sees my effort?
Maybe that's all that sweet boy I missed so dearly wanted,
To see my effort in trying so hard to keep us together,
Because beyond my fast falling hopes,
I saw him today, all day.
In every time he said "I love you," I saw him
And it wasn't just an echo of something he should say,
But rather his own heart speaking to me directly,
I felt he meant it every time,
Complete and total joy well up inside me now
Love dripped from each word and syllable he spoke,
His breath stank of it
And I loved it
And I knew he loved me,
Despite all my horridness, he loves me.

My god, I can't tell people enough of how happy I am,
I've found the secret!
I know what to do!
Can it have been this simple all the while?
All I had to do was but open my lips
Let the sounds of my thoughts roll off my tongue
So easy, so simple,
And yet so hard all the same
But I know what to do now
And if this is what it takes to make my sweet boy
Greet me with smiles and sweet kisses every day,
That I'll **** well suffer through the hardships of change
Until it becomes as natural as loving him.
Bottom line, all I'm saying, is that I'm happy.
D Dec 2013
You're everything I wish to be
And I'm nothing at all
You're everything I'll ever need
And I'm nothing you'll ever want

And sure, you say you love me now,
But what about tomorrow?
What happens when we go back to school
And everyone's cold stares follow?

I'm scared --Scared of losing you
To someone else's selfish desires
But for now, listen when I call you in the dark
Be my lover --Be my fire

Keep me warm in the cold the late nights bring
Shed your light down upon me,
Show me the paths I must take to your heart
So that I may steal it for myself
Because I know that if it isn't me,
It'll be someone else
A thought I cannot comprehend enough
To even write about

I guess what I'm trying to say
Is this

I don't care how many glances get shot our way
It doesn't matter if your mind changes
And it's okay to make many mistakes
As long as its we who face them

Be my lover --Be my fire
Be my everything and know
That you are my selfish desire
And nothing I'm ever letting go
D Sep 2014
No home
Under all my own
A lie
Under the very walls
I built
1.5k · Jul 2016
a one sided story
D Jul 2016

you get everything I said
an indirect attempt
trying to confuse you is the only chance I'll get
everything.. it echos in my head
your blank stare has me trembling
with anger and regret
a one sided story gets a little boring
1.5k · Aug 2018
D Aug 2018
imagine black satin and lace
imagine slowing the pace
and taking your time

imagine feeling her curves

imagine stealing her nerve
definitely buying more lingerie soon
1.5k · Aug 2015
Default Emotion
D Aug 2015
Sad is my default emotion,
Happy only a lovely surprise drenched it poisons,
For happiness is temporary and fleeting,
Whereas sadness is eager to take her rightful place in my heart,
Always a bit stronger for it every time.
1.4k · Oct 2016
10w - Endless
D Oct 2016

and I am content
to keep dreaming
forever until death
1.4k · Mar 2017
Jerk - Tyler Cohle
D Mar 2017
i'm not a ****
i'm an introvert
and i say **** a lot
Not mine, Tyler Cohle's.
Check him out.
1.4k · Apr 2014
My new summer
D Apr 2014
Your skin, slick with sweat,
Burns where it meets mine,
Which feels to be every piece of me.
It reminds me of the summers sun;
I lay still, afraid you'll fall away,
Your blazing fires with it.
Instead I sit and ponder;
It feels good to be under
Summers harsh heat once more.
My own flesh grows hot,
Blood rushes to give color
To my failing parlor -
I've gone pale, but you!
You've saved me from becoming weak
With your self ignited fires,
Warming me from within.
Lips fall open, tongue is held..
A thank you slips out.

Do I ever miss summers scorching sun..
I wish for warmer weather, so I may burn the dry grasses with you holding my side.
1.4k · Sep 2015
The Artist
D Sep 2015
All artists are born with magic in them,
They use it to create beautiful things out of thin air
Though I've found that none could ever compare
To that of the wonders by your hands

You were born to shape the world
To twist and bend it to your design
I was surprised when you choose me as your canvas
Molded me to perfection and titled it 'Mine'

You once told me that I was your muse
A body so full of untapped beauty
That it was criminal to hide

I told you I know I'm not much
But I'm all yours, so take me
And rearrange me into something worth your love

You made me feel beautiful and I loved the attention
You told me to close my eyes and use my imagination
And when you gave me wings and told me to fly
I did so without any hesitation

If I would've just opened my eyes
I would've seen the truth
An artist lives off the high of creation
And once they've finished they're through

While my back was turned
And I prepared to take the fall
You were off to find another canvas
Another muse to use up
1.4k · Apr 2014
My Day In a Nutshell
D Apr 2014
I sat in a room full of people today
I didn't or barely knew at all
I sat there the whole time thinking, wondering,
Staring blankly at the wall

I jotted down a few notes here and there,
Mostly nonsense with no real purpose,
Now here is the interesting part my dear,
Someone else sat there, you've got three guesses

It wasn't Ronald of the McDonald
Or Mickey Mouse of the club house
One more guess, Oh! You've got it,
It was a couple, the very one I wrote about

My god, were they ever happy
I ******* envied them, hated their smiles
It made me sick to my stomach to watch them laugh
And I had to watch them for a long while

You may wonder what made me so angry?
Well I suppose I forgot to mention,
My boyfriend was also present in the room
But instead of happy all we felt was tension

An old routine I'm quite sick of
But the only reason for it is me
Knowing this while watching them
Well, it was plain misery

Oh lets play one more guessing game!
Come on, can you guess what I'll do next?
Well I'm going over to my boyfriends house
And I'm going to talk, talk, talk off his head

*Wish me luck, I hope this goes well...
It's actually more complicated than I make it seem
1.4k · Feb 2014
Windy day
D Feb 2014
Don't say a word
Let your silence be heard
Let it carry your message
Like the winds carry the bird
1.3k · Mar 2019
church girl
D Mar 2019
take me to church
we can play with creation
make me your god with the right reservations
1.3k · Feb 2017
Crying Emoji
D Feb 2017
that you came to me
in the late hours for comfort
it means more than I can express

I guess that makes me pretty pathetic
more or less
I know what I am and
I am insecure
1.3k · Jul 2015
D Jul 2015
I want to **** myself
That is as simple as it gets
Until then smiles all around
I need to let someone know, but I don't trust anyone to believe me. If I told anyone in my life I want to **** myself, they'd scoff, they'd say I'm fine, or they'd tell me to shut up, and stop asking for attention. They wouldn't take me seriously, and I'm done being treated like nothing I say has meaning.
1.2k · Jul 2018
chinese fortune cookie
D Jul 2018
If you always do what you've always done
you'll always get what you've always gotten
spitting harsh truths since 2018
1.2k · Jul 2016
My Favorite Poems
D Jul 2016

my favorite poems are the ones I don't want you to read,
about more than blind love, they're about the suffering.
a contradiction, they're the ones I want you to read,
because they're filled with the words
I don't even have the courage to breath.
another thing, I want you to read this one too,
but I know I wont show it for then you'd know the truth.
I guess I'm lucky that you don't have an interest in my poetry.. yeah, so lucky..

Edit: people keep liking this poem and it literally ***** to me lol this is not one of my favorite poems, as the title may suggest.
This is just a bit of humor I found
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