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1.2k · Jan 2016
Happy New Year Everyone :)
D Jan 2016
20 16 is finally here,
Spread only love and cheer,
And have a Happy New Year!!
1.2k · Nov 2014
Love and Trust
D Nov 2014
They don't always go hand in hand
I love you with all my heart
But I don't trust you anymore
I wish I could and I'm trying to forgive you
But something keeps holding me back
Maybe it's for the better though
I tend to trust all the wrong people
Mistake poison tipped arrows
For cupids call to love
D Apr 2014
I wish there was someone who taught me
About the boys whose hobbies included
Breaking hearts of the innocent and naive.
I was unprepared when I met you,
With your dazzling smile, dimpled cheeks,
And bright, hazel eyes.
They tore down my guard, however frail it was,
In less than five words - All it took was one question,
One formality, to win me over completely.
I wish there was someone who could have warned me
That dazzling smiles and bright eyes are the best disguise
A boy can wear when they're trained professionals
In the art of breaking hearts.
But that time has passed, now I'm all yours for the taking.
I can only hope I'll be the one who changes your point of view.
But I'm learning swiftly, soon I'll be playing your games right along with you
D Apr 2014
I never use to have so much free time
I was always busy,
With the same people, doing the same things,
But I was busy all the same
Now that everyone has gone,
I have endless free time,
And nothing to do with it
I use to value the time I spent alone,
Reading to myself late at night
Largely because it didn't happen often,
I loved taking walks by myself,
With no real destination or purpose,
Because then it was quiet,
And I didn't have to fight for words
Now it's only quite because everyone has gone,
There's no longer anyone to talk to
I thought when I was busy all the time,
That if one day everyone left,
I would be fine, it wouldn't matter
How wrong I was then,
It's so depressing to be alone
Knowing that the people you use to spend
Every minute with, laughing at the same things
not because there wasn't anything else,
but because those were our jokes, our secrets,
and now its like they hold no meaning,
I could go over everything we've ever done together
And it wouldn't matter, just like I predicted
because you're already gone,
and you've probably forgotten
but I can't bring myself to forget,
Instead I linger in the past
where I was happy
I only feel sad now
1.1k · Apr 2014
D Apr 2014
Don't expect change in just one day
I'm not a light switch
You can't just turn me on
It'll take time, you may not even notice
But I'll be changing, little by little
More and more each day
If your desire is to watch me grow
You might need a magnifying glass
The process will be slight and slow
Stick with me, don't leave because you can't see
It'll take time, but I promise
The end result will be worth it
1.1k · Dec 2015
Inspired by a Friend
D Dec 2015
You're the kindest person I know
Selfless and strong

Even when things look low
You'll know right from wrong

Don't give up hope
Don't try to belong

Be exactly who you are
Be you or  *die young
she really is a great person, but its like she cant believe it.
1.1k · Mar 2017
You Should Know Me!
D Mar 2017
A childish exit, aren't we too old for this ****?
You should have known me better that this!
Why can't you see the pain lying under the surface?
-- or are you just choosing to ignore it?
1.1k · Nov 2013
Is It You I Asked For?
D Nov 2013
This is what I wanted--what I want, right?
To be held close with no escape
Tightly in the night?

With the stars desire burning above,
His once tender kisses turn into something rough.
What use to be soft nipping on his part,
Becomes wild, animalistic bites of love.

He tells me to stop fighting
And give in to his touch.
I yield to his voice,
My own lost in the rush
Of my heart beating against my chest,

My soft flesh against his--
This isn't what I wanted,
But you cannot change what already is.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Like a flower
D Nov 2014
I wish I was like a flower
Only withered from the winters cold
Ready to bloom again in the spring

But I'm more like a carcass
Left to rot in the sun for an eternity

All the while, these people around me
Rip pieces off to take for themselves
Then turn away without a backwards glance

Because I'm already dead
1.1k · Apr 2014
Fate Perishes
D Apr 2014
My words no longer hold meaning
My voice has long not been heard
I cannot seem to fathom living
If all I say will be lost to the world

There's is no point, it's useless
To try and fight societies lies
Instead I'll hold my tongue and swiftly
Seal my lips, and close my eyes

I'll be blind to the worlds destruction
Blind to my own demise
There's nothing here I wish to save
Not one thing has come to mind

But if I perish, will you follow?
****, this wasn't meant for you
But it seems that without a doubt
All my thoughts are yours, through and through

So I ask again, if I perish
Will you be quick to follow my fate?
I'm only asking because I'm scared,
Scared of societies growing haste
1.1k · Oct 2014
Office affairs
D Oct 2014
A doorbell ringing somewhere in the distance
Two sets of heels click-clack against marble floor
"Your  seductress  is here to see you, Sir,"
"Good, good. Send her in, and  *close the door."
1.1k · Mar 2017
High All The Time
D Mar 2017
why do I want to pack a bowl,
light it up and send my soul
into a marijuana induced haze?

could it be that I'm addicted,
or the dopamine too restricted,
and it just needs a push into my brain?
shut up
it's getting legalized
1.0k · Feb 2017
all she is, is my mother..
D Feb 2017
her love is tainted
barely there at all
she's cold and jaded
her back against the wall
always on the defensive
with no intent to listen
shes stubborn and stuck up
and can't stop *******'
and if she wasn't my mother
there'd be no way to tolerate
her aura of negativity
the way she spews hate
the way others brush it off
with an understanding nod
after all she has God...
my mother in a nutshell
though no one is that simple
1.0k · Sep 2018
for him
D Sep 2018
shh and allow me
to find the words

there aren't any;
just know I would
live through it all
to be here with you, I suppose it was worth it in the end
1.0k · Jul 2015
Fire In My Gut
D Jul 2015
Give me the words to fuel the fire
burning in my gut
It's growing stronger with every addition,
every insult, every cut
It's catching my blood a ablaze,
I feel my body burning up
Give me the words to fuel the fire,
I haven't had enough
I'll burn myself out, like a candle left over night
D Apr 2014
Sometimes I write because I feel I should
Sometimes because I can't let the words go
But other times, the most important to me
Sometimes I write because if I don't, I'll explode..

The poetry that is the by product of this
Is usually emotional charged to some degree
It's unstable, it's reckless, it never gets to the point
But really, it's what defines me
I always believe these are the best poems
They're raw, believable, and true
But it makes me so sad to see that no one else
Seems to think the way that I do

I'll read someone else's poetry,
About how it hurts too much to go on
No structure, no sense, I love it to death!
But one more thing,
No likes or comments
I think *Why?!

How could the 200 people who read this
Not see the burning emotion in every line?
Sure, there's no metaphors, no similes,
But it's real ******! This, this is their life!
This is who they are, stripped bare to the bone
They let us all sneak a peak
In a desperate hope that just one will understand,
Reach out, prove they're worth their keep
And nothing? No congrats?
No Don't give up, stay strong?
******* people, this is what you live for!
Humanity- where has it gone?
I bet if you saw her story on facebook,
Tied to a pretty picture of a broken girl,
Telling you to 'Like' it to save her
From her equally broken world,
You would call her beautiful for trying.
You would find thousands of comments
All identical to yours.
Because there, everyone is always watching what you do
But here, this is a more private world.
That's why she shared her story you know,
She thought she could be protected here
But just as she thought, you all proved again,
That there is no one is this world who cares.

Who knows what she'll do,
I liked it, told her I'm here to talk if you need
But I doubt she'll take me up on it
Because who goes they're whole life
Living on the belief
That they're alone, only to find they're not
And believing it right away?
I wouldn't message me.
I wouldn't message you either,
But it's the gesture that counts, it really does
I would know, so just be nice, would you?
1.0k · Jan 2014
Shadow Fiend
D Jan 2014
In the dead of night
When the lights are out,
And the world is asleep,
It's a wonderful sound.

Hear the softness around you,
The light crackle and pop!
Its finally quiet--
Though one voice doesn't stop.

It leaves a faint echo
That doesn't easily fade.
Instead, grows in its intensity
Little by little each day.

I call him my friend
Born out of the shadows.
Or is he the fiend,
Waiting to devour

My mind, body, and soul?
Hes coming quite close
For in the dead of night,
There are things I still don't know..

They lurk along the darkened walls
Plotting with twisted faces
Longing to reach out and touch me
And leave their cursed places

But oh, my shadow friend,
You greedy little thing!
He lets none close enough
For I to feel them breathe.

And he'll hover so near me,
Right above my lonely bed,
Whispering softly in my ear-
He's getting to my head..

And just when I decide
To give his words a chance,
The sun starts to rise.
I'm free again at last!

Oh, my shadow friend,
You torment my mind why?
Is it of loneliness? Love?
Or are you just waiting for me to die?

Slowly and surely,
I'll wither away
Then and only then,
*I'll finally let you stay
1.0k · Apr 2017
No Connection
D Apr 2017
And under the guise of connection, lonely are the addicted.
little 10 word thing
996 · Jul 2018
ocean tides
D Jul 2018
You remind me of the ocean,
a great sea ruled by the moon;
with calms before the storms,
the tides guide your mood
I've lived on your shores long enough to know your signs
989 · Mar 2017
D Mar 2017
watch out because the wall flower sees all
deflowered, standing tall
at attention, eyes peeled
but hidden underneath a veil
of nothing, only an invisible wall
promoting myself on twitter, I wonder how far that will get me
989 · Feb 2014
Couple across the room
D Feb 2014
~          ~             ~

I'm watching the couple across the room
She's Asian and he's Indian
But race doesn't matter,
They're happy, everyone can see it

~          ~             ~

They sit together, side by side
Clicking on keyboards, the monitor alight,
They talk in hushed tones, lips pressed to ears
They're in love with each other, it's so very clear

She leans on his shoulder, breathes in his scent
He turns to face her, plants a kiss on her head
She sighs in contentment, this is their third year
He pulls her in closer to whisper in her ear

~          ~             ~

As I'm watching the couple
Who sits across the room
I find my mind wandering
To thoughts of you

~          ~             ~

When we sit together, side by side
Is there someone who watches, eyes alight
With our love, it sings loud, reaching the ears
Of those who watch us, making it clear

When I lean into your scent, I start to swoon
When you kiss me [anywhere], my heart beats a thousand x two
And I'll sigh because I'm happy, almost half a year
*I'll always love you darling, I just hope you can hear
D Sep 2018
I got a new job this weekend and it's going really well,
if by well I mean I haven't cried at work yet.

I came pretty close though when a lady asked to do a return for her
see, I've never done a return,
let alone touch a register before noon,
and now there's a line of people all waiting with their dog food and tiny overpriced sweaters,
all waiting for me to get my **** together and figure this out
figure this out. figure this out. figure this out.

but I don't figure it out, and this lady is so patient it almost makes it worse,
and I can feel a swarm of bees building in my throat,
threatening to spill forth from my lips and even though I try to hold them in
with a pleasant smile and clenched teeth, it's not enough
it's not enough. it's not enough. it's not enough.

it was my coworker that saved me from the bubbling panic attack,
when she swooped in like superman, but with ******* instead of bullet proof skin,
then the lady left with a smile of her face, a few dollars richer,
while mine burned with shame and my coworker, bless her soul, told me it's okay to ask for help

I got a new job this weekend and it's going really well
if by well I mean I didn't completely lose my **** yet
985 · Jul 2016
Deciphering Dreams
D Jul 2016

Why do we dream the things we do?
Is it because deep down, we wish it true?
That life were a fairy tale, that we could fly?

I'd have to say no, that's not the reason why.
The dreams we receive are messages to decipher,
They are warnings against our uglier desires.

To fall prey to your dreams would be a tragedy,
It would lead you astray and quite happily
Cause you to create you're own catastrophe.

Dreams are less fairy and more a cautionary tale,
Be vigilant, watch for the warnings that are veiled.
I had a dream last night that I woke up smiling from.
It was warning against having too much fun..
984 · Mar 2014
Six feet
D Mar 2014
It's far too bright, too loud
I need to sleep somewhere without a sound
Close my eyes, just block it out
I need to sleep six feet underground
975 · Jul 2016
Funny Man
D Jul 2016
You intrigue me
With your ***** humor
And filthier mind
Look at the time
I should be in bed
But instead
I'm talking to you
With your *** soaked tongue
And your poems for fun
You intrigue me
I'm not getting enough attention
so I take it from where it comes
Both hands outstretched and
grasping at nothing
But it sure is fun
965 · Jun 2016
Idiot Fish
D Jun 2016
You never fail to fall for the bait--
An idiot fish I long to hate.
I told you before,
Stay away from their shores;
Your stupidity is too great.

I never fail to forgive the fish--
An idiot fish I always miss.
While you're away,
I dream that someday;
Stupidity will be cured with a kiss.
Who is the Idiot Fish? You, or me?
961 · Aug 2015
Stopping Time
D Aug 2015
Tell me I'm dreaming
When I look upon your face
Your smile is dazzling
Your eyes hold my gaze

And for a moment I'm trapped
Between seconds that refuse
To pass, because they too
See me looking at you
Even time is stopped by your charming self
945 · Nov 2018
a text goodnight
D Nov 2018
close your eyes and imagine me
lying next to you
our hands are intertwined,
your heart and mine
940 · Jul 2016
D Jul 2016

**** is quite
when it's you
I miss boinking
sorry *** 10w
D Mar 2017
I got it
I finally understand
it was never you that I wanted
but instead
the drama that you presented
some would even call it a plot conflict
You see, I'm a writer
I see the world through different eyes
eyes that sometimes aren't mine
so sometimes
my mind is taken over
and my thoughts, they stray

I'm a hopeless romantic
but that doesn't equate
I've never before been so afraid
of my own self
of the words that could come out
because I understand,
and now I have to learn to separate
the who I am from the who I create
it's exhausting being me every single day
the fantasies pop up and leave me dismayed
always in a sour mood, unsure of who I am
of the choices I've made

a line has been drawn and I'm sticking too it
I know that these thoughts aren't me, but lighter fluid
and it's me that holds the power
the lighter only a tool
passion is fire
my inspiration is crude
been toying with this idea for a while
927 · Mar 2017
Pedestal Problems
D Mar 2017
I can already see that you idolize her,
shes so far up on your pedestal that
when she falls it'll be inevitable,
she'll become only a smudge,
a stain on the ground at my feet
so easily washed away and then
my slow and steady will soon again
look good to you

but you wont look good to me;
you told of her character like an angel
while you tore me down as petty
you disrespected me to honor the frenchie
and to say I saw this coming is an understatement
my intuition is so on point,
to stay sane I have to medicate it
looking into your eyes and choosing to believe you
was a mistake I wont make twice
I wont stand for it -- I'll sit down
and quietly stare you down until you
realize my choice is made, now it's yours;
be honest with me, who do you value more?
he was feeling guilty and needed a friend = A++ excuse for being an unloyal heathen
927 · Sep 2015
D Sep 2015
Please, don't ask me to choose,
Because I'll never choose you...
922 · Dec 2017
D Dec 2017
I can still feel it -- sliding, melting as it runs down my skin,
slowly dripping down my sides and into places only you've been
when it's gone you reach for something warmer to wrap me in
919 · Apr 2017
D Apr 2017
I didn't want to be the one who left because she couldn't handle the change -- couldn't adapt.
But the truth is, I can't.
I hate writing this even now, knowing how it'll look when it comes out.
My aesthetics are dead.
I really don't want this to be the last, because where else can I find a black and white poetry site?
917 · Nov 2018
D Nov 2018
it's when the hour's late
and my thoughts become hazy
my resolve, it breaks
and my promise stays empty
I keep going back
910 · Jan 2014
Stupid Girl Anthem
D Jan 2014
Am I turning into one of those girls?
You know the ones I'm talking about―
The ones who make excuses for their bruises,
And hide the marks on their neck with pretty scarves?

Am I becoming the girl who I always said I'd never be?
I watched my mom growing up, strong and independent.
She always said "You know, you're a lot like me."
But am I really? I'm not sure anymore..

Oh look, a new one. My first thought
Is how to hide it from sight.
The second is what I'll say
If somehow my sweater rides up too high.

And the third is what will happen
If they don't believe my lie?
What will I tell them then?
Whatever happens, I mustn't cry.

No, I can't cry.
If I do, everyone will know
Know what I'm hiding
Behind all the baggy clothes

Secrets so dark, Monsters are scared;
Scratches so deep, no doctor would dare;
Black and blue bruises― my permanent paint,
Stained to my skin, forever more shall be taint.

And yet..
After this horrifying discovery
I still love him, don't I?
Of course I do..

And still..
I'll cover my body with his sweatshirt,
Not uttering a single word.
Because I can't lose you..
898 · Apr 2017
D Apr 2017
like the wind you blew gently
lightly caressing my cheek as you go
like the tree I stood ready
my roots planted firmly below
but a simple wind you are not
and soon your storms did show
you were my favorite distraction
leaving everything else unknown
881 · Dec 2013
After Midnight I Wonder
D Dec 2013
Am I in love? I like to think I am.
Otherwise I wouldn't know
How to categorize these feelings I'm having.
Just the thought of his smile, his eyes, his voice
Brings an overwhelming happiness --
One I have no choice
But to embrace gratefully
Seeing as it saved me, obviously,
From a fate much worse.

Being alone -scratch that -
At having never known
You, I wouldn't know it,
But it would drive me insane.
And insanity isn't a game
I take too kindly to playing.
Bottom line, all I'm saying
Is that you make my life better
By simply existing
By filling up that empty space
I never knew was missing.

*I love you
877 · May 2016
D May 2016
If I don't
Take charge
Of my life

I'm afraid of
What I'll lose


But most

871 · May 2017
D May 2017
It was late and I was starving
So I gorged myself on you

Now you're gone and I'm still hungry
What am I to do?
867 · Jan 2016
Completely Whole
D Jan 2016
I'm only half a person without you
And that's okay
It's alright to need you the way I need to
And that's every day
I was born solely to find my soul mate
And never let go
You're my other half, my true love, and together
We're whole
I love you a lot, I need you even more
856 · Apr 2014
The Truth?
D Apr 2014
Don't trust me, I am a liar.
I'm the best there ever was!
Don't trust me with your darkest secrets,
Don't trust me with your *****!
I'll ravage and pillage and ruin each one.
I'll **** them and hate them, all in good fun.
Don't trust me, I am a liar.

Don't trust me, I am a  liar.
I could be lying to you right now.
Don't trust me with a word or whisper,
I'm sure to spread them all around.
I'll sell half to the south for bread and wine
A quarter to the east,
Last I'll send to the northmen,
Then, I shall be king.

But don't trust me,  please
For I liar I am known.
I spin stories so gracefully sung.

No one dare question my words be true,
But trust me when I say one thing,
*No one will ever sell the truth to you.
If I someday ever told you the truth, I'm frightened that would be the end of it..
845 · Apr 2015
D Apr 2015
You say I'm being dramatic
I say I'm being me
All I'm doing is expressing myself
Without adding censoring

I don't blame you for not understanding
**I just wish you'd be more accepting
It's okay, just don't be so harsh next time you stomp on my emotions..
839 · Apr 2014
D Apr 2014
Yes,* I want to tell you
                That I can already see
                              Exactly where this is going!
                                         All your promises are broken;
                                                         Not yet, but they *will be..
A short of my current thoughts..
839 · Feb 2014
Persian Princess
D Feb 2014
من واقعا خود را فارسی شاهزاده خانم؟ آیا شما تا کنون یک شاهزاده واقعی بود؟ چگونه من آرزو می کنم من می توانم به شما تمام این سوالات را بپرسید، اما شما فقط به من هم همین را بگویید - "البته که من شما را دوست دارم!" به عنوان یک چاقو تو را به گلو من .. لطفا، لطفا هرگز به من اجازه رفتن ..
Am I truly his Persian Princess? Will you ever be a real prince? How I wish I could ask you all these questions, but you''ll just tell me the same thing-- "Of course! I love you!" As you hold a knife to my throat.. Please, please never let me go.
838 · Apr 2014
Not enough
D Apr 2014
No matter how loud I scream
It's not loud enough
No matter how high I raise the volume
It's not high enough
I crave to tune out everything around me
But something stops me
It's not enough
*It's not enough
I need better headphones
827 · Apr 2014
How Silly Of Me
D Apr 2014
I'm so infuriated with myself
How utterly silly of me
To believe if I changed my attitude
Anything would really change
I got far too cocky today,
Thought that if I took charge
He'll have no excuses, no other option
But to obey
How incredibly silly of me
To think that slipping into my costume
Of confidence would be a good look
Even if it was only a costume,
Like the ones on Halloween,
A one-night-a-year type deal
How silly of me

*How silly of me
818 · Dec 2013
Jealousy is the only bitch
D Dec 2013
Whoever the other girls [are] is,
She better know that I'm pretty ******* ******
And that if she ever tried to steal what's rightfully mine
I just hope she knows I'll send her flying back through time
Just so she can witness every kiss and caress ever shared between us
**** that ***** who thinks she could just walk in here and come between us

*Its just not ******* happening *****
816 · Nov 2015
Poetry saved my life
D Nov 2015
Before I took up poetry,
I had no way to express myself
I didn't talk to other people,
They wouldn't care about how I felt
I've always found this difficult,
Uncomfortable to speak my mind
Ever scared to make a fool of myself
Of being judged and pushed aside
That I never spoke of my worries,
Not my doubts, or my fears
I kept them buried deep inside,
And ignored them all these years..

I don't remember when I started writing,
Only when I did, I wasn't scared
My thoughts no longer caged inside,
And my poetry I shared
Before I took up poetry
I was lonely, confused, and afraid
Poetry helped me find myself,
Brush aside old habits and forget mistakes
And slowly through my writing,
I'm healing every day
Poetry can save lives
Don't believe me but I'm proof of it all the same
Poetry can save lives
Poetry saved mine
812 · Jan 2017
D Jan 2017
I want to get ******.
No, it's not addictive,
**** cures cancer,
Didn't you read that?
I read it somewhere,
But I don't remember.
What was that thing,
From last December?
I want to get ******,
and quiet my mind.
Smoke a bowl and chill,
Until it's almost alright.
probably high
not confirmed
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