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Jamesb 5d
How many times have
We each said that
One to another,
You to me
And me to you,
Just a word and yet
A whole sentence,
Entire paragraphs on occasion,
Hey hello,
Hey how's it going?
Hey, I have missed you
And I love you
And I am so very very glad
We are in one another's lives
Because it, and this, and we
Are precious,

And although you in your mood
And anger and self-righteous
ADHD infused rage
May never say hey to me
Again in this life,
Even though soon
If not already
Your strop will thaw
And your softness return but
Stay painted in a corner
Against the risk of finding love,
Although you only see the ****** bits
And focus on anything but those
Truly great memories we have,
Despite all that
I am am still here,
And despite verse two I am still
Standing here,

And I am still saying


Can you hear?
When I smell Old Spice it takes nose back
Think of being close to your skin
Was it your sweat as our pulses raced?
We were producing promises to win
Homemade pizza promptly devoured
Flour handprints on ****
Bedazzled jeans
Holes in both knees
Blond hair perfectly cut
I remember admiring freckles
Couldn't take your eyes off my smile
Inebriated night after night
Dreamed of walking the aisle
When tasting Smirnoff *****
Always think of our start
Hearing laughter in my mind
No matter how long we have been apart
It's crazy how little things can take you back in time

Written 3-3-21
Jeremy Betts Jun 22
Believe me you
I'm tired of hearing me too
I'm ready for this era to be through
It's sad to see in both you and me that the same resentment aimed in the same direction grew

David Hilburn Mar 16
Avidly, the war of roses
So settled an argument
For a silent reproach, have what loses
A yet and a set time, for a hidden arrangement

Speed with a definitive smile
On the behalf of ides we never sated
Without the spoil to be, of an earning while
Saved from a declining share, in fated...

In the vanity we make, with surreal liberty's
Somewhere to love a silence, that has you to form
Dreams and a stir of wonder, with a reaching host to seek

Simple wishes for a graceful season, sun in the sharing...
Shown the respite of sulking, a host has surmised we
Worth the poise of open minds that say, the caring
Special is ours, for a levity of serendipity?

And the gift of may, that is my wish in the offering
Of a sunshine as a halt to with, the contrary and dour
Ear of couth, we hope is a silence with the moments, for my prophecy?
What if the Formaldehydes moved in next door?


Stand there...      wait
Don't stand there...    breathe.
don't breathe...    just feel

Nah.   Yeah..
Ya-sure...  breathe&feel

Or wait...   no..

Ah,  there it is...    Yasss.    Good girl.

When you ghost me
I get a *****

just talking to myself..
and whistling
and singing Winnie the Poo songs
You heard me,
that's what i'll always be.
Maybe not to my eyes,
but to yours they will see.
Different is the word to describe
the abnormalities in ones self of
I' am different because your music taste is awful,
but who am I to judge ones flavor in artistry.
You **** me in and ******* out like a dragons fire.
I' am the girl who you never thought you'd heard.
Different is what they call me, and in some other terms
just a freak in disguise.
I' am different, or maybe just a freak.
Jennifer DeLong Apr 2021
Immerse me in your music
Let your melody
dance upon my skin
Surround me
in the notes you play
seducing me from within
Let the music take over
My body starts to sway
Emotion flows from your guitar
It's rhythm taking me away
On a journey
to where there is nothing
but your music surrounding me
Encasing my body
in the beauty of its melody © Jennifer DeLong 3/11/19
neth jones Nov 2020
crowding the inner-ear
and clung

drum lightly
on the porcelain
'Tung - tung'
and its a simple world
peacefully distant
in a bathing bell

purse the breathing
an interspersed need for air
submerged ****
i lung for longer
with peace
i could
SiouxF Aug 2020
It ******* ****** me off
When people say something
Mumble something
Whisper something
Speak OneLongWord,
And because of a hearing loss
I don’t quite hear,
And they respond with
“It doesn’t matter”.

It does ******* matter
I just didn’t hear
And need you to repeat it.
I need you to repeat the whole sentence
Not just the first part or the last part
The bit I’ve already heard.
Sometimes I’m just missing a key word that makes the whole sentence fall into place
But without it
Wrong end of the stick.

Or they mumble under their breath
A hint of exasperation in their voice
Annoyed you’re interrupting their flow.
Don’t you think I’m frustrated and angry too?
Missing subtleties and nuances of what import say you

It’s Discriminatory
And hearing-ist,
I can’t ******* help
That I’m deaf.

It leads to
Feelings of
Missing out
Losing out
Feeling dismissed
Not important
Not valued
- The story of my life.....
Feeling on the periphery
Never quite fitting in
Never quite getting the joke
Laughing along
But no ******* idea what’s going on.

When I ask you to repeat something
I mean just that
And. in. individual. words. not. one
Annie Sep 2020
Sometimes love and hate are hard to differentiate.
They both give me sensory overload,
Even when there is nothing to
When there is nothing to
Silence can turn into screaming when I think about you.
I am bound to go deaf.
i hate a good love, and i love a good hate
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