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BSeuss Dec 2017

brain: we've been floating for 5 hours. Do you want to go back?

Heart: FLOATING?!? I'LL TELL OF WHAT FLOATING IS! Never more can a seed bear stem if it has no subsidence to sustain it's sacred geometry! The growth of one that is physical is the same as one that is emotional!

Brain: .. so yes, when an apple is ripe it volunteers it's nutrients. When a woman is ready she will open her heart, yes?


brain: a man gives a woman his trust, just like a woman gives her trust to a man. Who would want that thrown in their face?

Heart: are you saying an apple can be compared to a human in this sense then?

Brain: apples are inanimate and without emotions heart.

Heart:........does that mean they want to hear themselves being ATE!?!

brain: it's science. Just because a tree is technically alive, doesn't mean it perceives it.

Heart: ENOUGH! This time is different brain. If a human doesn't want to be hurt why should the apple be hurt.

Brain: apples don't have nerves heart.

Heart: so what?! You're saying they can HEAR themselves being chewed and it isn't painful????!!!!

Brain: ....... yes....

Heart: ..ya?... hahaha? Why.

Brain: I don't truly know.

Heart: HA!! then HOW?!?!

Brain: science.

Heart:..............I forgot what I was talking about.

Brain: she dumped you. You did your best. Even to give her a pat on the back although you wanted to give her a talk of a century.  You let her go because you love her. She didn't feel the same at the end of the day, even if she did at the beginning. She is complex, and causes pain suddenly to avoid pain long term. You are a soilder. And would rather take the pain to what ever end to get to what you are trying to believe. You believe in love so much that it isn't tolerated when you get broken again. Because of your intention. And you know what? Your intention shows. Because instead of showing your pain to her, you wished her well, like a bad ***. Then came home, got drunk, destroyed your bedroom, and started talking to me, looking for sympathy... but you should know me by now.
You are so refreshing heart. I can't remember if I've ever felt a thing.
But out of all my knowledge, I'm still unsure as to if you have a mind of your own or not.

Heart: and what gives you this authority over me? Huh?

Brain: 42 you THINK you're all that eh?????

Brain: I know buddy. How do you FEEL?

heart: D*MNIT BRAIN!!!!
1.3k · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
Is that presence always doomed.
anticipation of entering another's
life. The hope of them entering yours.
The wait. Knowing effort could
crack the very time they linger.
The fear that distance will cause
opportunity to cease. The decision.
The stop light switches from green
to red. Never seeming to be a cautious
yellow light. Informing you to proceed

The feeling is wondrous with wait.
dreary with slight fear, even trepidation.


Hello there, you're familiar to me.
Did you know I exist. Or are you
yet to forget my face as well.

Will you stay in my life or will you fade too,
amongst all the others, old and new.

how wonky a feeling.

1.2k · Oct 2017
BSeuss Oct 2017
math plus history equals hindsight.
science plus art equals human.
1.0k · Jul 2017
no twinge in gorilla garden
BSeuss Jul 2017
Welcome to gorilla garden.
King Lions roam like lone wolves,
Some wolves are crowned like the head of their pride.
Few bears are curios, like your common cat.
Some giant killer kats are kind,
Some giant kats aren't killers.
A bear can sound like a dog barking, a cat purring, or you might barely hear a crow craw before you're mauled for being far to close to the cubs.
There's ants the size of pizza pockets.
And garfield hates lasanga because he got his name from never leaving the
feild he was born in; such a stubborn
Gar; born in a pond in the middle of a field, refusing to be carried to freshwaters in America.

Welcome to Gorilla Garden.

In here, family is king.
Not pride, not packs, not flocks no colonies.
Snakes are welcome, as long as they don't cause twinge.
3 a.m Web of thought
BSeuss Jul 2017
Why did I trust you?
Probably because your eyes are brown, the colour of stability, and solid being.
The Back of my Conscious felt okay.
Yet I should of listened to the front of the sub-aware in me.

Why was I so scared of you?
Perhaps because your eyes are red the colour of blood, feeling of rage and dread.
The back of my head found you irresistible.
The rest of me felt you were my death.

Why didn't I listen to you years ago?
Most likely because your eyes are blue.
Such a soft vibe, lethargic and gloom.
Yet soon I was cradled by a friend, and that was you.

After I'd been impaled by nails, the eyes I doubted conformed me the most.
To doubt her very potential, because of a soft colour; if not for my friend that one night, I'd be a ghost.

I trusted the sound of softness, blinded by art; little did I acknowledge a poison dart. The brown eyed lady, promises or not, taught me to never ignore my own heart.

Not much left to be spoken.
I just fell in love with the woman bearing blood red eyes.
She told me who she was with the first half glance.

Rage, dread.
Yet passion.


But why was I so scared of you?
When we were friends.
Nice one. I like it.
850 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
Ive done it again .

I am my own worst enemy,
Like im my worst friend.

Its like i am my own demon.
Plauging my own name.

How do i defeat this demon.
If its in my own body i wake.

I am my own demon.
Causing my own hell.
I cannot see a reason,
Is what it tells me well.

Sometimes i lose my angels,
They have to keep a range.

Thats because this demon,
Is in control and playing games.

But these games are not safe.
There dangerous, they can cause pain.

After every tempation implyed,
The sin just brings my bane.

Sorry to all whom i hurt.
Says the real me;
Hidden inside, restrained in chains.
While this demon runs a muck.
Thats my true pain.

Its like i am my own demon.
I hurt, again and again.
But the real me just wants love.
To give and feel, in the end.

How do i defeat this demon,
If the mirror says its me.

Because killing this demon,
Would seal me to pain, worse,
Than this purgatory.

They say Gods alive,
And that the Father , He will talk.

If ive heard any thing, its that with
My angels i will walk.

But how from all That they can protect me from.
Can the save me from this demon.
From which i wish to run.

The answer i know not,
But still i must fight with what i got.

A broken heart, racing mind and body of sloath

Mind circles thoughts.
Heart feels lost,
Body is weak and my spirit,
Feels wroth.

Im sorry to those ive hurt.
Says the real me,
The real heart.

But i just might end up there again,
Even though i hate its end.
It doesnt make friends..

Enemies will be sent,
But it just cant be helped at times,
Says the demon of such a wretch.

How do i defeat once again in life,
The demon that comes around.
If the real me just wishes silently.
Making not a sound.

Well, ive done it again
835 · Nov 2015
conduit closing
BSeuss Nov 2015
take this peace not forgranted
lest we forget the pain of war
it should be known
the coming pain
is of war
for the world know it to be undeniably inevitable
do not apply to life
what others say is truth
beware the barrers of false gifts and their broken promises
much pain but still time, there is good out there
conduit closing
743 · Oct 2017
remaining innocence
BSeuss Oct 2017
The black folk have lost their mends,
The Asian man lost his sense.
The white woman lost her wealth,
The native fam lost they land.
The middle eastern have lost their hope,
The Porto Ricans have lost their stand.
Maiyan people made a calender,
Curious people called it pretend.
Egyptians had built the pyramids,
We called it aliens.
Donald enforces police brutality,
Why is he president.

Tupac got shot for screaming peace,
Martin luther, the same deal.
Fake messages give new heat,
Raw truth sends chill feels.
Death by death by the minute,
Where is Hollywood's most broad.
Catastrophe by country,
This comic book chaos needs to stop.

Protesters reeking havoc,
Social media distorts what's real.
Toronto politics lookin loopy,
Landlord & tenant laws openly under veil.
****** and shaggy uncover a hundred
Frauds, yet still fear the devils friends.
People seem to refuse to stop and drop, their pride, because it protects their remaining innocence.
736 · Jul 2017
sorry, wrong number
BSeuss Jul 2017
The days when the bed monster took possession of peace.
Where on earth were you when I was strangled by the sheets.
The days when everyone thought that they knew what they see;
where the hell the were you when the blind man walked around me.
Good to see you again.
I still love you.
... stay very far away from me, okay?
707 · Jan 2016
BSeuss Jan 2016
The codgers devoid of sane be born, also men with no power.
But They stay to collude, In the tangible mainlands of man,
old world demise.
In a new world disguise.
684 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
These are no actions.
These words will fade in time.
No matter who reads them.
Not just because they rhyme.

Action makes history.
Remembered for centuries.
Words always fade.
Even when promised sincerely.

It matters not what year it is now.
It does not matter who is now what age.
If all your dreams hit the ground.
If all whom you love fade.

All around me.

Being humans trying to hard.
Humans trying hard not to be.
Evil is afflicted on the innocent.
That the masses don't stop nor even see.

Evil won't destroy the world.
Those who watch and doing nothing will indeed.

There's people who still think of you.
Yet from introduction you did not feel.
There's people who still long for you.
But their name from your mind you killed.

Why are we truly here.
Why are we all baffled.

I don't have an answer.
In fact don't let anyone say they do after.

A man sacrifices health to make money.
Then sacrifices money to reciprocate his health.
Is so bent on getting lucky.
That he forgets his own wealth.
Worries about the future.
Thus does not enjoy the present.
Clings to the past.
Although it happened when he was eleven.

End of such being he lives not in the present.
Or future.
He lives as if he will never die.
Then he dies.
Never having truly lived.

Are you still reading this.
A screen will never trump outdoors.
Are they at least feeling this.

God gave us it all.
Yet a man asks for more.
So here we are.
The so said year of light.

Yes here we are.
No where near the end of this fight.
Indeed here we are.
Strangers walk each other by at all times.

Oh yes here we are.
Loving money.

And wondering why we do not feel alive.

You were made to touch the heavens.
You could change the very earth.
Yes you.
And this is why the very world tells you your duties worth.

Here we are God.
On a world first made free.
Here we are my love.
Killing each other to make peace.

What if I told you.
Some things are designed to break.
Oil rigs.
Government support.
Especially what the world says you should make.
What if I told you.
You knew your destiny as a child.

Brainwashed since.
Told offence.
  Now you work.
at a restaurant called wings gone wild.

What if I told you....
The world won't disclose the truth.
  And if it gets out.
The billions of us will up rise without a clue.

What if I told you.

Something is truly wrong.

Not with you.
But the world.

In which we rent until were truly home.
And Not a moment before.

And so we stay strong in the fight.

Did you know that stranger on the bus.
Could very well change your life.

What if I said at last.
that the truth is the world is lying.

What if I disclosed they have all cures.
while millions are meaninglessly dying.

The truth is that its a lie.
The lie is their telling the truth.

The next time you get a call.
Tell them what they mean to you.


Is the only hope we have to escape the test of earth.
Hate in your heart that leaves not.

Is the worlds endeavor.

Not to love each other.
But to never escape the curse.
remind yourself. on your worst day you live like someone on their greatest.
649 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
I burnt my scar today
To see if it still peels
The mirror looks away
Through the shed of my blank tears

Through my depression zones
The only thing I've known
No one truly cares
We all die alone

So what have i become
My sweetest friend
Everyone i know, goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
My whole pile of dirt
I will let you down, i will make you hurt

You really don't have anything to fear.

I wear this crown of bones
Upon my scorching skin
Memories of old
Broken days of sin
Beneath the stains of time
The pain still feels
You are someone else
I have disappeared

So what have i become
My sweetest friend
Everyone i know, goes away
In the end
And you could have it all
I don't know what its worth
I will let you down, i will make you hurt

If i could start again
A billion planets away
I would keep myself
I would find my faith
639 · Sep 2017
BSeuss Sep 2017
Nay; the question may yes indeed be - how hath thine been; neither what is to be, nor not to be.
I say,
my word,
top marks old chap.
610 · Jul 2017
didnt scare me
BSeuss Jul 2017
Someone from my past was on my mind tonight, while i layed in bed.

Past twilight, which I will call midnight, I seen a figure, like a dream dip before you fade to sleep, followed by the obvious and unexplainable;

The image of two visible, yet dim eyes appearing on the inside of my closed eyelids, and vanishing.

I've been wide awake ever since.
Apparitions aren't scary.

Although, this is the first confirmed case of one choosing to

Look at me..
It's 1:30 a.m here.
But science can't explain yawning yet.
I'll just do something boring for a bit.
600 · Nov 2015
Furious Eulogy
BSeuss Nov 2015
its never to late
says the world to you.
what could be said of this now.
where do you stand, what would you do
if the truth had you in its sights.
soon in its scopes.
the cross-hairs of life do not discriminate.
this is how things happen

at the end of the day,
there is no mistaking what you feel.
No matter what you said, who you
said it to; when your alone, that's real.
Those are the moments that truly
define you.

Have you felt it
The brink of the breaking point.
The spine and heart of your pain.
Have you been there
The bottom. The absolute bottom.
For its so low, gravity itself could not go deeper.

And I've never felt so lost
in the dark of night.
I fought, till i crawled
but I lost the fight.
With God, we will go
so bold so bright.
You will never make me fall
in the cold of night.

Isn't the point of living to experience
isn't the point of remembering, to have experienced
Does reality have to be so delirious
isn't the best thing you can do for her is be ever so curious
Doesn't this planet just make you furious
Yet the only thing your doing is waking, thankful that your here again.
sometimes we wondered.
other times we just knew.
it wasn't a question
but it was somehow proven true.

exactly what she feels about you
is exactly what you feel about her.
wouldn't this be the perfect earth
but no.

there's puzzles to solve
riddles to crack.
ambitions that drive you
temptations that hold you back.

things that make you think
things that make you yield.
People that make you think
people that make you feel.

Your life may not be where you want it to be
but your much further than where you were at.
No matter how many times you lose a fight
rise back up to it.

Remember the days
when you couldn't say remember the days when
so young with not much going. just living innocent.
or so it seemed on the outside.
but at a closer peek, and a lift of a layer
you'll come to see there's still sin underneath
585 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
It hurts more than pain.
It falls more than rain.
It rises more than the sun.
It is never slain.
It is far from a game.
More powerful than death.
It will keep you up at night.
It will give you rest.
Its the worst.
Its the best,
Its the only real test.
Its confusing as it gets.
understood as its blessed.
It can be faked, but its real.
fills you more than a meal.
It leaves you empty,
feeling lost.
And there's no going back.
It will tear you apart,
it will keep you intact.
Sometimes we wonder, what did we really have.
There is a time to be humble,
And a time to just love back.
544 · Jul 2017
BSeuss Jul 2017
The shapes and shells of a lady bug vary.
Like the patterns of a snowflake.
Don't be ashamed of your image.
Appear as you feel.
(Post Edited)
BSeuss Jul 2017
I love poetry.
I am poetry.
My typing device provides no choice to, with willing will power,
turn of grammar suggestion.

To proof read a poem twice,
and still edit it once;
I love poetry,
I hate my typing device.
I am poetry.
Please steal my typing device from my rear left pocket.

As I need an excuse,
To aquire a new one.
Steal my phone.
I will pay you.
Poetry is worth much more.
This is not cool.
520 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
I've come here not to gain followers.
I've come here to express my human side.

I am so human. once wished to be super man.
but that would be so boring. zero challenge is not human.

I've come here not to make an impact.
simply to share what my nature is.

poetry is one thing to use in epic coping.
these words aren't ordered.
there not being looked over by some professor.

I've come here not to become famous.
I've come here knowing I'm not blameless.

I've not come here to offend you.
I've come here possibly to befriend you.

I've come here not to be notarized.
many billions will never know my name.

I've come here to express my pain through write.
I've not come here to give you chills at night, when you lay.

I've come here not to gain followers.
I've come here to express my human side.

I've come here not to gain respect.
I've come to respect and read works of the matters of art.

I've come here not to become famous.
I've come here knowing i'm not blameless.

I've come here not to change the world.
I've come to let you all know what mine feels like.

I've come here not to gain followers.
I've come here following my heart.
520 · Nov 2015
would you believe
BSeuss Nov 2015
would you believe me, if I told you.
that everyone
has thought a lot.
that everyone
has said a lot.
that everyone
has done a lot.

that everyone
has not thought enough.
that everyone
has not said enough.
that everyone
has not done enough.

And would you believe me, if I said.
that many of the things
that you've  thought,
that you've  said,
that you've done,
saved you  from death.

and that many of the things
you won't think,
that you wont speak,
that you wont do anything about,
can still **** you.

would you believe me?
515 · Nov 2015
let it go
BSeuss Nov 2015
many times i feel, as if the things i have to do matter only to me.
like my life or death isnt apparently a deal. but how can that be true.
we all live with love. but with pain more often we sleep.

now the only time we ever feel the hope in our heart is when things are shining, not bleek. but how can this be true.
we must learn to let go, of the fact our fear has pushed us onward.

well you only know its love when you dont know.
you only start to hide when it starts to show.
you only know you love life when you let it go.

move on now to better things. is what we are told. but how can this be so.
we live in the shadow of others mercy and we take to pride our own victory over others at the same time. is this how it goes.

let go of the love of power. and the power of love will win.

let it go

with our only hope being the main thing we wake up to, and the last thing we have in our heads as we sleep,  we must let go of fear, and the past must make its own course. free you're mind, and everything will follow.

the enemy is fear. we think it is hate, but it is fear.
fear creates danger, not vice versa, and courage dispels its.

let it go.

the fear.
the past.
the hate.

the love of power.

free your mind, and everything will follow.

let it go
take your time. and time will help you take more.
BSeuss Sep 2017
the light of the Creator is tattooed into my soul; as it looks at its reflection, through the window I call my eye.
510 · Dec 2017
small change
BSeuss Dec 2017
Dogs are extrovert.
Cats stay inside.
Roses seek attention.
Violets just hide.

I once wanted to change the world with intricate words.
But this small poem, gives me all I've dreamed on earth.
503 · Nov 2015
weary wish
BSeuss Nov 2015
She stared at me with the devils horns in her eyes,
that I didn't see due to the blinding love in my heart.
The hands of hers I took to be angel wings were truly
the talons of a malevolent creature. And within the
moment she appeared into my life, she faded into
the shaded night. With my souls blood on her teeth.
Seeking, ever so scarcely, for her next victim. To be
trapped by the hymn she sings.
sometimes what you wish for the most comes to you in the love of a person. but the devil is disguised as this person.
486 · Jul 2017
i cant believe you drank it
BSeuss Jul 2017
Did you know you can trick the brain; even if there is no trick. Simply by tricking it into thinking that it's been tricked.

"I can't believe you drank it"
*spits out water
(Title edited)
(Tags edited)
484 · Jul 2017
im sorry
BSeuss Jul 2017
A child that grows up being bullied, even by teachers, family;
That becomes a tween who is told to keep his thoughts and emotions to himself, or go to a hospital;
That becomes a teenager that is told to let go of people and emotions from just recent past;
That becomes a late teen that is told he is responsible for everything that he is going through all in his own self, with no support for his human nature;
That becomes a young adult whom is consistently abandoned because of the pain, trauma and despair he is solely seeking compassion because of;

Becomes a man who appears to be a warrior like machine. Powerful in demenour face to face, with words that will shine light on societies hidden ignorance; also capable of trumping others complacency of injustice in perception, and ending their crusade of fallacy towards disregarding others simple human rights. This man can make a crowd shake with his truth, that has been experienced far from feeble. They can carry a lie for years and have it crushed like an egg when they speak it to him; a intuitive reverse psychologist; vividly fluent in ethical philosophy, cannot be deceived.

Even jigsaw placed a restraining order, and turned himself in to escape.

God may have given him the curse, so he could show the world it could become a blessing.

But the most solid thing that this man becomes, after all the damage leaves him permanently disturbed;
This man becomes sorry.

No one sees him cry.
No more tears for himself;
The world has caused him a functional dysfunction; his only way to stop sudden confusion, is to make a paradox in his head about the situation, and solve it.

His heart wears titanium armour. None the less, does not cry.
His mind is quite damadged,
and no one knows why.
Yet they demonized a child, from the age of five.

And now he is unstoppable; still on the quest the universe had given his hand.

He's a transcendental man.

And he's sorry.
I'll try harder tommorow.
"...just take the week off, please rest"
479 · Aug 2017
BSeuss Aug 2017
all my friends are preachers just let go.
do not wait until your heading home.
get so drnk, smoke some ****, let loose.
you have no, m
th* f^kng clue.
all my friends are preachers just let go.
do not wait until your heading home.
get so drnk, smoke some ****, let loose.
you have no, m
th* f^kng clue.

welcome to the room of people who have seen deceitful lovers walk away, while getting paid.

just because we taped our mouths when we left doesn't mean our brains are slain, because of the game.

you'll never know the rebel, siting next to you,
you'll never know the genius, sitting next to you,
you'll have some weird people
sitting next to you.
all my friends are preachers just let go.
do not wait until your heading home.
get so drnk, smoke some ****, let loose.
you have no, m
th* f^kng clue.
we gave some new faces a chance to really truly sell,
they said they had it down script after leaving hell.

some got trust issues yet they flexin,
some are shy while carrying Gods message.

you'll never know the warriors sitting next to you,
you'll have some strange equals spitting out they food.

talking **** to each other,
in their hearts staying true.
and after all i've said,
please try to repress (Fck it)
ck it)
all my friends are preachers just let go.
do not wait until your heading home.
get so drnk, smoke some ****, let loose.
you have no, m
th* f^kng clue.
why you scared we here to change the world.
cannot stand a lying man or girl.
and now we,
move ghostly,
they hu-unt.
it looks like,
they might banish is us.
@ Fibonacci_0
suicide squad soundtrack remix
460 · Mar 2017
The question is not life:
BSeuss Mar 2017
We live in a time where people forget their family ties.
On pursuit of a new look.
We forget our friends birthdays until it pops up on Facebook.
Complaining is a new way to get through the day,
and we deny that we feel not so great.
Keeping real friends is a complex campaign,
and we look away when passing a new face.
The past can be held against us,
No matter our accomplished steps.
We wake wishing for luck,
and go to sleep in a mess.
We forget our own hearts.
We let our heads cloud our time.
People beg for loose change.
People walk right by.
Others give them a chance, to stop begging and work.
Some gladly accept.
Some stay in the dirt.
This life is a test. Please stand by.
The answer is not death.
The question is not life
We live in a time where people forget their family ties.
On pursuit of a new look.
We forget our friends birthdays until it pops up on Facebook.
This life is a test. Please stand by.
The answer is not death.
The question is not life
BSeuss Jul 2017
The worst
Place to be
On a battle field,
Is taking cover
From the man
Firing at you with
Blank rounds.
(Title edited. Didn't notice)
450 · Mar 2016
BSeuss Mar 2016
when i was a baby
i wanted peace

when i was a toddler
i wanted happiness

when i was a kid
i wanted fun

when i was a tween
i wanted friends

when i was a teen
i wanted love

when i was a young adult
i wanted family

now as an adult
i want peace
432 · Jul 2017
The missunderstood majesty
BSeuss Jul 2017
Bro1: ..... you look like you got hit by a TRAIN!!!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!?!
Bro2: I pulled a gun on God.
Bro: ...what? where's the gun?
1: I don't frigging know.
2: you look like you got mauled!! How are you alive?!?!
1: turns out God is just a fighter. Not a killer. I love you.
2: ......what the hell happened to you?
1: I just told you.
2: what did you drink......
1: let's just say I will be hung over for. eternity. I love you.'re scaring me.
1: and you're scaring me too.
What if God is real. But we don't know the truth about it.
428 · Jul 2017
its time
BSeuss Jul 2017
(At that time in life when you know you are ready, look into the mirror and say this. Repeat as necessary, only after you know you are ready to begin. If you say it once and you do not fully know, you will never know when you are saying it purely, with your heart and soul)

I know who I am because I know who I was; who I was was not.
To know who you are is to not defend yourself against assumptions
424 · Oct 2017
too much
BSeuss Oct 2017
I grade myself too much,
although I am the teacher,
write a poem, tear it up,
before there are any readers.

I rate myself too much,
although im not the audience,
click post poem, delete it later,
thinking no likes means no reminisce.

I hated myself once,
before I could make fun,
trauma days embarrassing ways that this day was not reachable from.

I choose to lighten up,
maybe buy some wine.
take a walk get chased by a dog
then stop and ask it why.
423 · Jul 2017
where did you go
BSeuss Jul 2017
You people leave me so ******* up.
Your world leaves me so ******* up that I find myself resisting temptations of unhealthy thrill, just to feel alive.
Yet it's my job to make you feel alive,
and our job to make each other feel alive.
You people leave me so ******* up.
...tell me I'm wrong.
Are you happy with this society.
(Edited and censored.  Sorry)
416 · Oct 2017
BSeuss Oct 2017
I thought I was writing
new forms of poetry.
I realize now it was not
at all to be.

people whom read my works
must be kind for not
boycotting my hypocrisy.

415 · Jul 2017
To fool a philosopher
BSeuss Jul 2017
How many times did you read this sentence before you found the mistake?
The mistake is simple....
BSeuss Jul 2017
I sometimes walk back into a public establishment, for a logical reason in myself, simply because I've  seen a person who looked curios to me. When I notice that they are no longer their as I enter and take my seat, I continue on. Nothing changes.

I've come a long long way.
When I was a little boy, I would breakdown in tamper-tantrums, because someone I cared about for no reason had disappeared,  never to be seen again.

(Hi, may I have a large coffee, please. That's all)
It is what is.
I guess I'm still me at heart.
Professor thoughts.
Transcendent soul.
But a kid, when I laugh.
I am still the kid I was..... difference is, I have to go to work now.
403 · Oct 2017
I was wrong
BSeuss Oct 2017
as a child a girl once asked me
why I always look down when I walk.
I told her, because there is nothing to
look up to.

I was wrong.
now I don't like to hold my head down.
if that same girl asked me why I always look
up, id say, because the world told me not to.
396 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
Why do we fall.
is it gravity that gives us our weight.
do we pin ourselves down with the stress.
does gravity fall, or are we planting ourselves to this.
why do we fall.

must we have so little to offer.
when all fails for us we ask of others.
yet we've given to little to receive.
and the cycle repeats.
must we have so little to offer.

are we even alive.
countless strangers could change your life.
countless friends become strangers.
must we play a theater in our head
towards the person across the room.
why is the word "introduced" so scary to adults,
yet we must teach or children to not talk to strangers.
I learned later in life that i wish i could talk to this stranger beside me.
are we even alive.

we've fallen.
angels without wings.
birds without beaks we seek.
and seek to the point we doubt the existence of our goals.
we even doubt the possibility of our potential.
we are limitless, us humans.
we could each change the world. its the main reason we struggle.
the truth of growth towards the sky is we've all been to the bottom.
we've fallen.

why do we fall.
just to rise.
must we have so little to offer.
are we even alive.
we've fallen.
just to rise.

Fallen does not mean an end to life.
remember when you fall. its a sign that you have risen. when you rise again. remember your last fall.
378 · Sep 2017
BSeuss Sep 2017
if you can't put yourself in my position through perspective,
don't talk bad about my shoes.
376 · Jul 2017
its them. not you.
BSeuss Jul 2017
You can give away 100 dollars, as a dollar each to anyone who asks you for change, for a week straight.

When you go broke, you can ask 10 people for a nickle, for three days straight. And when they all say no, remember that that's their character, not yours.

That's not your karma.
That's their intention.

Keep your intention while receiving their treatment. God forbid you have to deal with a selfish man's karma.
Give when you have.
When you can or when you want.
Let them be selfish.
And give when you have.
364 · Oct 2017
BSeuss Oct 2017
take heed in your place throughout life. we are snowflakes in an avalanche. and perhaps we should care, if a star disappears. what if that star was our last.
357 · Nov 2015
BSeuss Nov 2015
Have you felt it
The brink of the breaking point.
The spine and heart of your pain.
Have you been there
The bottom. The absolute bottom.
For its so low, gravity itself could not go deeper.
rock bottom does not mean death. rock bottom means life is heavy again.
347 · Oct 2017
forgive me
BSeuss Oct 2017
please forgive my optimism,
im aware this is a dark place.
is the world going to ****,
are we going to be okay.

I have not much more i want to say,
yet so much more that I need too.
should I be silent today,
should tomorrows words be allowed to bleed through.

forgive me for my optimism.
I know what you are going through.
I love you.
346 · Jul 2017
could be worse
BSeuss Jul 2017
I take breaths in moments with no pain.
But I've come to understand that the absence of pain is not the presence of peace.
(No not this time)
340 · Jul 2017
allow me
BSeuss Jul 2017
Has anyone with influence read this?
Point me in the direction of other poets? If you would; have my name mentioned once, I will mention yours for a few years, as a debt paid?

I have something to share.
Not something to say.

Would you allow me? To be here, amongst you, feeling more than myself, wanting to meet the rest of our clan?

Let me know.

B_seuss ♧♢♡♤
Hello, I'm the Dr.
Call me seuss.
336 · Jul 2017
destiny so far (savvy)
BSeuss Jul 2017
I left my house and started yet another dreadful day of what was a too familiar sorrow.
Within an hour and a half, it became the best day of my year, of the best year of my life, so far.
As I walked home from the bar, 11 pm, after yet another great interaction with you (human)
I looked into the sky, felt one star out of them all. And said with no doubt,
"I know you are my soul, come to me"

Looked into its light for 35 more seconds as I walked, unconcerned about what was  physically in front of me.

After these seconds, It arrived to me.
Because after these seconds, I seen a star leave the dark sky.

I seen a star vanish.

You're with me now.
So am I.

(We are 0.1 seconds old to this universe... JUST , HANG, IN THERE)
(New note) (feels better)
335 · Oct 2017
BSeuss Oct 2017
life is pain.
don't cause someone to feel
if its not going to be a rebellion to
what life is.

stop hurting yourself.
stop hurting period.
for others or yourself.

even though the days are dark,
try to participate in your wealth.
try to find your heart
331 · Sep 2017
BSeuss Sep 2017
were all here right now, why are we searching for the proof.
you love money, money doesn't love you too.
I can't believe the way we do this, down to the roots.
the tree isn't dead, but it bears no fruits.
327 · Sep 2017
BSeuss Sep 2017
where are we.
where did we come from.
where are we going.

we are here to learn the answer to existence.
not to fear the answer to existence.
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