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585 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
a white sheet of paper
to some,
to others,
an inviting canvas
sharpies lined up
in a rainbow
hand picked
and thought out
by ink-stained hands
then a line
what a miracle
the marker is
to create
with nothing
but the turn of a wrist
drag it along
with your rainbow of colors
and create
perhaps a red penciled rose
With few of blue
and thorns of green
or maybe
a cerulean sea
turquoise waves
white froth
emerald turtles
and golden sand
or possibly
a boy
with ashen hair
and icy eyes
rose petal cheeks
and baby-soft lips
something beautiful
and dreams
Wrote this on the long way back from edwardsville.
581 · Jun 2019
in the rain
Anastasia Jun 2019
in the  rain
i walk with you
an orange stained sky
cloudy and dusty
with nothing but grey ahead of us
soaks my clothes
my hair
my heart
i'm warm
and covered
with the misty,
and you laugh
and stick out your tongue
and i do
and the sky does
and i walk home with you
in the rain.
just walked in the rain, now i'm soaked but warm. hot-cocoa and Gilmore Girls for me.
580 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i think
your neck
is a delicacy
and sweet.
578 · Jul 2019
My Heart
Anastasia Jul 2019
My heart
My soul
For a taste
Of your
Love is tasteless
Without the taste
Of your lips
My eyes
It hurts
Your beat
To warm
Me over
Me closely
In your petal soft arms
And love me
Than ever
576 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
crystals slid down her pale cheeks
tears frozen from the wind
her eyes
they burned
the light
it dimmed
she was freezing out there
standing alone
lost her heart
lost her home
she was cold
it was old
and she wanted it to end
575 · Jun 2019
Dragging Bodies
Anastasia Jun 2019
Dragging bodies
Against the concrete ground
Is not nearly as much fun
Without you
To lick the blood
From your fingers
And smile
Your crooked grin
570 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i often wonder
if perfection
is attainable
in simple things
like a rose
although it has thorns.
like the neon frogs
despite its poison.
like the sun
despite it's blinding beauty.
in you,
although all you've ever done is hurt me
an old draft I finished about an old dream I used to believe in
553 · Dec 2019
Anastasia Dec 2019
i bet you'd taste like chocolate
melting in my mouth
sweet and decadent
just give me one taste
of sweet love
a rich taste
of your cocoa kiss
and your silky lips
32 words exactly.
553 · Oct 2021
Golden Admiration
Anastasia Oct 2021
As you were bathed in gold
And the whole world shook around us
All I could think was:
You are so beautiful

While you smiled at the distance
And the serenely lit landscape turned into a blur
Running through my mind was:
I'm so lucky to have loved you

When I couldn't look away
And I stared at the most precious thing no one could ever possess
Hammering into my mind was:
You are the only thing I could ever need
547 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
my blood

my cheeks

and their thorns
when i grasp them
with a closed fist.

my eyes
after i've cried

my heart
even when it's broken

my lips
when i bite them

my cherry

your tongue
when you take it from me
and smile
c.b. ♥
539 · Jul 2019
Love me
Anastasia Jul 2019
You love me
or you love me not
Pick a side
Tell me what you thought
What you thought when I cried
Almost died
Love me
Love me not

Running out of flowers
Petals falling
Making perfumed showers
I stand there
In the middle of the wind
Love me
Love me not
Darling have I sinned?

Tell me what to do
So you'll love me too
Love me
Love me not
9:30 p.m.
535 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i miss you
when you were next to me
and you were warm.
i'm still cold
even with
a deep blue
fluffy blanket
and cheddar-broccoli soup
i'm freezing.
i miss you,
with your grey hoodie
and your smile
that warmed up my insides.
531 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
Walls I've never seen
Floors I've never touched
Slight hostility and indifference
Dance like steam in the air
Blue eyes
Refuse to look at me
My only anchor
Abandoning me
And confused
I need you here
But you've forgotten
The truth we made
First day in highschool. No thanx
521 · Mar 2020
Anastasia Mar 2020
bare skin
separating lips
eyes closing
gentle fingertips
hands reaching
parting thighs
tongue searching
rosy skies
fluttering lashes
arching back
hands through hair
walls begin to crack
curving neck
swaying hips
hands on waist
biting lips
520 · Aug 2020
another episode
Anastasia Aug 2020
crimson beads
on a pale wrist
blade digging
white-knuckled fist
tears flood
from sparkling eyes
wishing for
a quick demise
a painful love
piercing heart-flesh
lips like velvet
on cuts still fresh
a dream of a lover
of someone so sweet
a lovely human
to make me complete
519 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
She didn't quite have a clear understanding of what she had come home to
Her parents lying on the floor
Jagged bits of the shattered mirror
And a bloodred carpet
Her older sister upstairs in the bathtub
With reflective glass in her wrists
She stepped outside
It was too much
She'd have to live with her aunt
She didn't want to
The weeds that grew around her house leaned against her ankles
Queen Anne's Lace to her thighs
Dandelions tickled her feet as she walked
She stood in front of the bridge
And thought


She decided


She called her boyfriend
He rushed over
And held her in his arms
As she tried to cry
Tried to feel emotion
He called the cops for her
She told him about her aunt
He almost cried
He held her tighter
With me
He said
She said yes
And finally cried
A story. I don't know. I'm just feeling... sad.
519 · Nov 2019
Black White
Anastasia Nov 2019
Ravens in the snow.
Beauty in its simplest form.
Darkness within light.
518 · Jun 2019
Poetic Thoughts ~ Day 3
Anastasia Jun 2019
Wednesday, 9:12 p.m.

I hope
that I'm pretty
I really
feel ******
and I wish
that you were here
with me.

My fragile bones
feel likes stones
and bending
and crying beneath my skin.

I'm lonely
and cold
and I just think
I could make you
505 · Sep 2019
promise 2
Anastasia Sep 2019
i promise
that i'll take care of you
i won't let you go
i'll look from your point of view
i'll play with your hair
and breathe in your air
if you're okay with being vulnerable
i'll let you cry next to me
if you don't think you're beautiful
i'll help you see
i'll lay beside you
while you fall asleep
tracing circles on your skin
i'll never feel
any regret
for letting you in
i'll draw pictures of you
anytime you want
i'll be your girl
the one you love to taunt
i'll put my arms around you
put my lips on yours
won't tell
what happens behind closed doors
it could be just you and i
i promise that i'll try
to make you happy
505 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
Your eyes
Ice in
A pool of lava
Cool stones
Against feverish flesh
An ocean
Against the lips of a desert
Your beautiful
499 · Aug 2019
warm night
Anastasia Aug 2019
the warm wind filled her dreams, while she dreamt of what she was missing
her eyes shined
and her cheeks blotched
the stars whisper a soft hello in her mind.
her hair gently floated,
the breeze playing with her locks
the beasts in her head nuzzle softly against her skull
she watches the stars
guarding them in their slumber
collecting her crystal tears
to make a chandelier
her shadow twirls in the dandelions
catching fireflies underneath the violet sky
stitched together
as a blanket for the night.
I don't remember writing this, but I found it in my drafts. Written June 4th, I love this poem, and I think I could call it one of my favorites. It didn't have a title, but I was able to create one. I hope you enjoyed, and have a lovely week.
499 · Sep 2019
may i
Anastasia Sep 2019
may i tell you
how pretty you are
how your smile
is the melting sun
how your eyes
are like oceans
that i just want to drown in
may i tell you
how i can't help
but want to hold your hand
to run my fingers through your hair
to fall asleep with you under the moonlight
may i tell you
how perfect you are
how you make my heart swell
and give me butterflies
how my gaze always travels to you
may i tell you
how much i love you
497 · Sep 2019
moonlit whispers
Anastasia Sep 2019
the shadows of stars
sparkle on your face
with your tears
i want to kiss your cheeks
and tell you it's alright
and we whisper to each other
in the pale moonlight
493 · Jan 2020
Anastasia Jan 2020
You are...
Every single thing about you
489 · Sep 2019
something about you
Anastasia Sep 2019
there's something about you
that drives me insane
something about you
thats takes all the pain
something about you
soothing like rain
something about you
that lingers like a stain
there you are
in the back of my mind
every single second
every minute
all the time
waves crashing
against jagged rocks
im falling for you
i don't think i can stop
487 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
To see you
My heart
It swells
At the thought of you
9:31 a.m.
486 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
Roses are red
Red as the sky
Red as the blood on my fingertips
Red is the color of my soul
Red as the sun
Red as the man on the street
Red as his eyes
Red as her dress
Red is the color of my tears
Red as the splatters across my vision
Red is the color of roses
484 · Jun 2019
anarchy soul
Anastasia Jun 2019
her soul was the flavor of anarchy
and he knew he wanted a taste
silver roses and bloodred flame
to win her heart was a lovely game
he kissed her in the rain
and she touched him without shame
he wanted her heart
but only got pain
she played around
with the strings of his heart
but she sometimes feared
she would tear them apart
a flicker
or flame
a bite
and a taste
of her
i've had the words "anarchy soul" in my head for a while, so i decided to make a poem. have a lovely day <3
481 · Dec 2019
heart breaker
Anastasia Dec 2019
vines 'round my heart
tearing it apart
dripping shards
paper skin
ripping softly
declaring love
absolutely falsely
dripping heat
blood falls
breaking hearts
an impressive feat
roses bloom
from seeds of shards
pure love
for you to discard
480 · Jun 2019
Crown of Knives
Anastasia Jun 2019
See this crown, upon my head?
Made of knives, one slice and you're dead
My finger, tracing your neck
Then come my lips
The blade is next
Watch your mouth
And watch your back
Is it love or a heart attack?
Backstabbing isn't really my style
Darling straight in your face will make me smile
Looked you in the in the eyes
Shouldn't be a surprise
Inspired by Billie Eilish ❤
468 · Jun 2019
Crying - Haiku
Anastasia Jun 2019
Crying so gently.
Alone, bittersweet tears fall.
Making small puddles.
an old poem i found that hit me hard.
467 · Jun 2019
Anastasia Jun 2019
i think
im kinda sad.
they called it
i think
its kinda complicated.
the simplicity.
it's just sadness.
but it's not.
464 · May 2019
Anastasia May 2019
I look up at the sky and see the moon,
Shining bright, like a lonely balloon.
The stars try to convince the moon to be happy.
But the moon’s salty tears slowly fill up the sea.
463 · Aug 2019
im so tired
Anastasia Aug 2019
my hands are cold
and my eyes are sore
and i don't think
i can take it anymore
my lips are chapped
and my energy is sapped
i'm tired
and weak
and i can't find what i seek
all i want
is to be
snuggling with you
right next to me
but my lids are heavy
and my body aches
im so tired
of making mistakes
462 · Jul 2019
Rug Burn
Anastasia Jul 2019
My flesh burns,
Irritated by the rough carpet
I kick and scream
But they won't let go
Holding me down
My legs are raw
No one can hear me
Down in this old
stale ***** drenched room
Hacking away
Cutting my hair
With a thin blade
The handle thick
Sending blows to my head
What have I done
To deserve this?
My arms
Are bleeding
Is peeling
They won't let go
They won't
They won't
In a scratchy carpet
***** scented
Face down
Kicking blows
Into my ribs
Mix with blood
What have I done
To deserve this?
461 · May 2022
The Crow's Theater
Anastasia May 2022
The Crow's pitch wings
Glide through darkness
Cutting through fog
Like each feather is a blade
Slicing the air
As if slicing my skin
His eyes red
Infused with the dripping from my veins
He soars above a paint-chipped steeple
Perching on an ebony cross
He observes the soil below him
Gaze landing on a single figure
The Crow keeps in his sight
A bleeding body
Staggering towards the final resting place
Who could it be, on this heavy night
But the troubled soul of a human
Toppling down onto a crumbling grave
A life soon to be taken
To ascend to the moon above behind him
A being
457 · May 2019
clouds and beasts
Anastasia May 2019

a night colored ocean
white clouds, floating above.
casting shadows along the jagged, watery surface.
or perhaps
they are the silhouettes
of beasts
leviathans beneath the surface
with water filtering through their jagged teeth,
scales as sharp as needles.
or maybe
there are just clouds.
soft tufts of water
above a jagged
Inspired by a passage of a book I read.
456 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
Cherry on top
Cherry on bottom
My heart is sinking
Straight to the bottom
The crickets say
They are ashamed of me
And the mosquitos take their aim at me
Cherries are crushed
No longer sweet
Rotten and bitter
False retreat
Writing at night
Gives me strange thoughts
Cherry on bottom
Cherry on top
At night
Is messing
With my mind
452 · Sep 2023
Anastasia Sep 2023
I hate when I make you cry
But *******, do your words hurt
I want to hold your tears in my arms and turn them into smiles
Shove them back into your estranged face
Maybe it will make a difference this time
You're not who you used to be
Am I still allowed to love you?
Can I still hold you with my words
Because my arms are not enough?
Hearts carved into my corneas weep with the thought of you
My fingers curl into twisted willows
Affection turns to concern
When your palms turn to fists
Will you forgive yourself?
Will you forgive me?
I don't want to go
I don't want to turn into a memory
I want to be a future
Maybe someday when you finally learn to love
To love the chasm of beauty of sadness that you are
I can drop more love letters into your darkness
Petals and whispers and poetry
Drift into your emptiness until they light aflame at the very bottom
If I could see it from your perspective
If I could feel the pain that wracks your body late at night
The pain that tastes suspiciously like tears
Maybe then we could truly understand each other
I wish my pretty words could heal you
I wish on every star I see
It's juvenile, but a part of me always hopes
I wish I could take all my love and crush it up into a little ball and shove it down your throat and never feel it again
449 · Jul 2019
what would love be
Anastasia Jul 2019
and starry eyes
what would love be
without you
is tender
what would love be
without you
447 · Sep 2019
never again
Anastasia Sep 2019
you took my wrist
in your hand
and traced my cuts
with your thumb
you caressed them
and kissed them
and spoke
few words
but you said
446 · Sep 2019
Anastasia Sep 2019
thinking about the way we used to be
and then looking at your face
its like
shoving cotton into an open wound
it's soft
but it hurts
you're so happy
without me
and i don't know why i act like it's my fault
i know it's not
i can't help but feel
that i wasn't good enough for you
i miss you
i really do
444 · Jul 2019
Anastasia Jul 2019
That you love me
With your arms
Circled around my waist
Softness in your eyes
While I fall asleep
In your embrace
I'm so tired. I wish you were here with me. 3:50 p.m.
443 · Jul 2019
Night Wish ~ 1
Anastasia Jul 2019
I wish I could create
Something meaningful
Miss you.  9:00 p.m.
443 · Jun 2019
purple poison
Anastasia Jun 2019
She was standing in front of me.
I could reach out and touch her.
She refused to look at me.
“Please… Just tell me.”
I asked her.
She still didn’t turn, but I heard her sigh.
She said.
“Because you, are beautiful. You hold the stars in your hands, lightning in your head, the moon in your eyes, and all I want to do is to touch you. To hold you. But I always have to stand behind a fence, a wall of glass. You hold the stars in your hands.”
Her voice started to falter.
“And me?”
She asked, as she slowly turned around.
“I am poison.”
She said as I saw her violet eyes,  brimming with tears.
And she jumped.
a short story i wrote a while ago. someone liked the one i posted so i dug up some of my other similar ones for them. hope u enjoy <3
441 · Jun 2019
sugar clouds
Anastasia Jun 2019
taste of you like sugar clouds
your voice in my head, so loud
tracing little circles on my legs
i know i'm not the only one who begs
i wanna draw all over your skin again
make you laugh, sounds like heaven
taste of you like warm cotton candy
see you at the beach, shirtless and sandy
laughter echoes within my bones
how lovely you are,
your heart is my home
love you so, that crooked grin
everyone think of you
i just want to let you in
taste of to like soft candy petals
traces of your heart
scorched on metal
I'd like to sit with you
on those sugar clouds
legs dangle off
our voices loud
441 · Jun 2019
corpses in the cradles
Anastasia Jun 2019
in an old
old house
there are corpses in the cradles
and an old
delusional woman.
it's reeks of flesh
and baby powder
piled with blood-stained clothes
a "husband" lies
cold in bed
with parts
from "almost-perfect" men
the floor sags
and the stairs creek
the walls echo
with the cooing
of an old
431 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
I want
To breathe
To understand
What's wrong with me
I feel like this is temporary
But I know it's permanent
The loneliness
I keep going
but I don't want to
dunno why im so depressed
431 · Aug 2019
Anastasia Aug 2019
That comes out my pen
My brain
And my wrists
Just simply
Not enough
It hard
To feel proud
When its nothing
But trash
I can't freaking make anything good.
430 · Sep 2019
watch and listen
Anastasia Sep 2019
listen to the sounds
the sound of my breath
the sound of my heart
the sound of my whispers
watch the world
as it slowly spins
the fireflies in the dark
the moon with her eyes closed
the shadows dancing
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