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Ayesha Zaki Sep 26
Would it be wrong
to attempt painting the blank canvas
that's been sitting in my attic
for longer than I've had it?

To witness the sky paint itself
shades you've never seen;
blooming with thorns of yearning
as your gaze turns away?

Or to be drowned
by the soft reflection
of worldly glee,
as the moon begins to fall?

Oh, tell me --

Is it really wrong
to pour your heart out,
when you've never had anything
to pour at all?
Why is it that we yearn for the things we can't have?
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2023
You treat me like minefield
Challenging to navigate
Wrong step will cause me to explode
You take caution with your gait
Got pocketfuls of problems
Neither can seem to fix
Each door we try to open
Leads to wall of bricks
You keep telling me think positively
Optimism is the key to success
When the half-full glass topples over
Still makes the same size mess
Got a fence built between bodies
Separating flaws we don't wish to see
Compatability questionable
Cannot be who you want me to be
Your expectations of me skyscrapers
So high I will never reach the top
To scale distance I'd need to sprout wings
I won't fly because I'm scared of the drop
Good enough worry is not what I am
Painting your colors dark grey
Overhead clouds pour rain and we're drowning
Wouldn't blame you if you decided not to stay
I am fragile like a bomb not fragile like a flower
hazem al jaber Aug 2021
Prose and pour ...

let me pour sweetheart ...
the sweeten my lips wine ...
at your sweet lips ...
to get your honey ...
as i prose my words ...
with every morning ...
about your heart ...
and our love ...
just to pour ...
the sweetness ...
and the happiness ...
to your soul ...
to make you ..
fly ...
from morning ...
until night ...
to get you drunk ..
to my all words ...

sweet angel mine ...
it's our morning ...
it just start ...
with my whispers ...
from my lips ...
from the depth ...
of my heart ...
to steal your eyes ...
while you read my words ...
and then to sneak ...
with a deeply fondness ...
to your lips ...
there ...
i pour ...
my all honey there ...

let me babe do ...

hazem al ...
Sanko May 2021
You’re far too expensive to be pouring into people who could never drink
you in your fullness

Let me drink from your well as I replenish you with the fountain of all my goodness
I want to
My heart out
So you can
Your fill

Ifra Khursheed Nov 2020
Not just yesterday I met her
Since ages I'm trying to get hold of her
So cold, so heartless she seems to be
The evilest of all she sounds to me
I'm scared and wish never to meet her
And stay away in order to cheat her
But helpless I seem in all my efforts
When only I step towards my mirror.
as the rain poured upon my palms,
i’ve reached out just to feel your touch.
wear a smile today :)
Spriha Kant Aug 2020
During a travel in Shangri La , the floating love in sunrays and choirs of birds opened my eyes.
And I found myself lying on mat on terrace with a handsome smiling man reflecting in sun.

While rolling mat , an invisible breezy naughty kid played with my messy hair and tickled and whistled in my ears.
Seeing this , the aunt flowers smiled and swayed in euphoria.
Closing the kid behind my terrace's door just before my way to downstairs, I sighed in relief.
And the kid went very far and higher and higher...

Capturing this moment , I poured it down into my diary.
Maria Hernandez Jul 2020
tu étais toi et j'étais moi

nous étions deux avant notre temps

J'étais à toi avant de savoir

et tu as toujours été à moi aussi
C'est mon poème préféré traduit de l'anglais
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