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maria 1h
My Lord in heaven engages me in plight;
Fists my lips open to beware a place way out of sight.
Unspoken for, unaccounted. Unsaid and unseen.
Unsung and unclear. Undone and unkind,

For His hands bestow creation
with no fault of my own. A kiss left on my cheek.
The very corner of my mouth I tasted temptation
To Him, stenography arose, so I have written.
Stammering between a word and the next.
What am I to Him if but a shroud?

Before His own might
This woman is my beloved.
My own being as hot as the earth would ever doubt
by birth at home, limb for limb. Blood and soil.
This place where His hands mound me –

My Lord in heaven hears my prayer:
strike me twice to my death,
for this love of mine won't ever suffice.

All of these words cage my experience,
Even if i burst my head open – won’t You
Put me up with The Choir? Bring about deliverance?

This secret place to
Bite my tongue red
scream away her scent
Mask it with the words You spoke,
I’ll repudiate her plough with a feathered stroke.
I’ll trace a pulse if it lingers within for too long.
Her beating heart shares my own
for this woman is my beloved.
this is the last one for this collection. inspired by sufjan stevens
There’s a you sized hole in my chest right now
That’s reminiscent of hopes and dreams
And the taste of chocolate chips and salty flesh
And guilt and desire

And I wonder why I always expect this to hurt less.
when you seek and do not find
a welcome committee among the worms,

when you seek and do not find;
when skin-surface nerves betray suggestive eye
over dirt-beds no "comfort" to lie and rot upon —
to stop-slash-to rot with shared harsh, hollowed O

when you seek and do not find;
when skin-surface nerves betray suggestive eye;
you'll find — though will not seek —

to scrub-slash-anoint under piscean seas:
welcoming waves with a current to swim upon,
submerge skin-surface to then affirm the eye
Come and awaken from slumber and let the breeze kissed leaves speak,
In ancient languages, whispers of ages of bygone days,
Hear the story of the natural realm, fantasy tales unfold,
Greet the new day as the first to tread upon its path.

Come, to the fields of paradise, it awaits the next one frolicking,
Untouched beaches and ocean waters remain unexplored,
Creatures of wonder and beauty dwell in distant lands,
The time has come, embrace the unknown fall with bravery.

Come and join me now, savor the wine of life, toast and cheer,
Rush towards the unknown, guided by blind faith,
Create your own destiny until the end of time,
Take flight with me and soar above the clouds, touch the sky,

Come, conquer darkness with reckless abandon,
Let it draw strength from our unknown roads,
Meet me where land meets sea, where the tide conveys its secret knowledge,
The answer to life's mysteries lies in fleeting moments, be fearless.

Come, where curious creatures reside under the canopy in rest,
Etched in the pages of a lover's gaze, offer the crimson rose,
Return to the time of youth, echo in laughter once again,
Run and dance without care, build a house in a tree.

Come to a home forged through bonds of friendship, grace, and peace,
Write a melody that only we can truly understand,
A song in tune with the spirit of rebirth and the enlightened,
Live, taste and see that it is good, now is the time, experience your worth.
This is free verse. Word count 253. An emotive piece inspired to live your best life
patiently, i wait -
my legs crossed,
and my heart too.
much time has passed
since the inevitable happened,
and yet, the light of a clement morn
never fails to justify the agony
of dying stars in the night sky;
or the ones too dead for even the
darkness that consumed them.
the heavens dispatch their
messenger birds to nook the
forebodings into the branches
of trees whose roots have shrewd
under the weight of logs that
outline their ascent.
such trees call upon the sages
to enlighten them,
and to warn them -
for they know too well how the
message might confound in the grips
of those who practise hedonism.
perhaps, the light has always been
too blinding for mortal eyes.

the flowers bloom all the same;
the winds usher the fragrant truth -
slowly, but surely;
and i lie in hope for the
rancid thoughts to inevitably
take on new meanings…

Have you ever longed for the love of me?
Just once, will you think of me?
My desire for you, entwining within the fire,
Have you ever felt separated from me?

My love for you consume my reason,
Where now, am I found in you?
In the unawakened realms hanging on to you,
Join me there, rejuvenate, and changing the fates.

Could you let go, set alight a passion within us?
I would take you away, in lover's castaway sea,
My chest your tears to fall upon, friend and lover,
Melodious reflection, beauty that radiates you.

So come out, come out wherever you are, my love,
I am lost in your ocean of emotions so turbulent,
Give in to me, surrender to my touch and feel,
Your allurement captivates in this fantasy under the moon night sky.
Have you ever felt this way with me, even just once?
Longing poetry. Word count 148.
Title:Into The Gloom Of Light, Free Verse,

Hark, hear the gray bell toll the midnight hour,
So still was the night, scarcely a breathing wind,
Tis' softly lulling, a haunting tune of emotion,
A musical line now silent, hushed through tears.

Sweet floral in thine hair, thy beauty so adorns,
If it should wither, my heart follows it thus,
Never leave me, for all my hope is in thee,
All alone I would tread, in the absence of life.

My cold heart pulses in its absence, as stone,
Fading beyond a chilling world, so betrayed,
Lasting agony mocks as my name is to scorn,
Hearts enshrined, hollow and low as a sepulchre.

Life's inhabitants, I haunt forever among thee,
Clinging to thine tempest and thine calm hours,
Abandon a last breath, cast the eternal portion,
Upon all countenance lies an unutterable misery.

Living ocean of empathy saves the eternal soul,
Sweet loving abyss, hold me away from cruelty,
Fall into thine darkness from rock and billow,
Wave to wave covers my own sorrow and pain.

Triumph as it lashes over me to receive my soul,
Deep, dark and dangerous, I float, drifting softly,
So softly, away into the nether world far beyond,
Beyond human cares, beyond horror and gaze.
Word Count 202. Free verse. Gothic and emotional. Thank you for reading , in the style of Edger Allen Poe. Lost in grief, loneliness and longing for peace of the afterlife and lost loved ones
blank Jan 26
the leaves sway and catch sunlight
and i catch both against my cheek
and chase them down to my throat,
crush them into each other into me
into chamomile: a trickling summer

i drown in sword-shorn grasses and
in return for breath they write on
my skin in languages that have never
been spoken, only sung only felt
only studied with one dirt-painted
fingertip, fine hairs punctuating
pink brown imprints of trodden earth

ants count dozens of steps, climbing
the winding train tracks (and rocks
sleeping beneath) of my wrists legs
nose and untraveled stomach, and i
let them travel; let my body be gravel
become highway become interstates to
ugly and restful towns diners hotels

and even as sunlight burns my eyes
and bobcats stalk past forests beyond
the reach of my oven-warm wind-wound
open palm, ground allows its drinks to
seep into my sweatpants desert skin
and curls: an oasis i carry on my back
--written june 11, 2018--

i went outside
blank Jan 26
i lied about the exorcism--
that neon ghost
still haunts my phone
and though all of us are silent
you sing my tinnitus till the storms get back.

you don't know it's been raining all week
because i never told you;
i'm so scared of spirits and spiders
and weathering small-talk--
your sun and my curtain-clouded bedroom.

in a sunpatch on your floor,
i dreamt of leaping off the grid
and landing back in lake hylia a hero;

now i only dream of daytime drinks,
a summer solitude as dull as the ends of my hair
'cause i can't even throw back my dad's ninety proof
without the sun in my eyes

so the truth is
between zelda and zookeeping
i've been seancing on the dusty carpet
arranging myself around album booklets and ***** shirts

and maybe i couldn't help it

maybe i lit a couple candles by your name
not thinking you'd think of me
or think to shine solar snapshots onto my pillow--
a presence to make me breathless
enough that i can't
***** them out

and they keep me up at night
--written june 20, 2019--
blank Jan 26
got caught up talking
balked through the window and fell through the back door
umbrella still in bloom

left rings of condensation as footsteps
and also frostbite in 60 degree weather
and also footsteps for nobodies to follow
freaked out by stale nature
valley-cracked teeth
translucent petals poking through nag champa clouds

lost spider solitaire
twenty-one times in a row

lost all the gaba napping in classrooms
and spinning circles around itself
untuned cerebellum in atrophy against the spins

lost it
won an advil liqui-gel
and quickly quit:
jumped off the peak of its dose-response curve
into the pool of a hallucinogenic july

doesn’t matter:
komorebi’s turned apocalyptic;
sunset's turned subvision

now you make shadows on the mirror and wet-floor signs on the tile
get caught in spiderwebs not a foot outside your bedroom
blast faith through android speakers suffocating in her comforter
drown your plants in ***** water

never heard a silver lining
only eat up deserts
for the cacti that’ll propagate later in your throat:

a seventy-five cent zinnia’s last whiskey-driven photosynthesis
--written sept. 24, 2019--
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