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679 · Apr 2017
Goodnight Dear Future
Colm Apr 2017
Brush your hair back behind your ear
Pull my blankets to your chin
And kiss your cheek
Most gently
Just before I let you drift off to sleep

Because this is where the long day ends
And my loving care for you begins
And renews again
Over and over
Just like all of your dreams
Which my unbroken heart always wanted to mend

For as long as you need me here to sleep
I’ll wait for you most patiently
Be it by your side or a distance away
With a cup perhaps in the hallway
To sip until the break of day

Because I am yours
As you are to me
One meant for the other
And purposefully made
This way to be
Like coffee and her beloved tea

Yes I am your tea
And pleased so to be
Dark and rich like indian spices
Warm and soothing as a bubbling bath
To cut the edge of the winter's night
And to warm you to me

Oh dearest future
See only me
And know that I read not just for me
But for all of the stories which are yet to come
And for all of the secrets you may wish me to speak

How I wish that this sound could be more like me
Like the last lingering note
Of the lullaby we’d always sing
And I’ll sing once more one day to my kids
Which I hope one day you would give to me

And so in this momentaneous rhyme
I give you what's left of my lifetime of time
My eternity
My everything and all of me
With every sentiment and subtle though
Which ever passed through this imperfect mind

As well as this comfortable bed of mine
How lonely it's been
Here without you within
Oh dearest girl
Oh darling of mine

You're the future that I
Most every day desire to see
But must stop myself from picturing in mind
So goodnight dear future
You're far to beautiful to begin to describe
From a future guy to a future girl. :p

Who am I kidding... I'm just rambling. Good night.

Why did it stop?

I'm tired.

677 · Dec 2016
Locked Away
Colm Dec 2016
Sometimes I seek the solitude of a quiet room, just to hear my mind speak aloud. To question all that I've built in this world, and whether or not I am allowed, to act on it.

Should you ever find me doing this, don't judge me for it, and don't question it.

Because believe me if I knew why my mind requires this. I wouldn't have to close the door, or lock myself externally in.

I guess sometimes what is inside, is not always willing to coincide, with what the heart tries to keep alive. And this is why sometimes I hide.

In order to unlock the locked away inside.
676 · Aug 2019
The Last Light of August
Colm Aug 2019
I've seen the golden light of Summer
Fading into the September black

Born like dawn in the daunting Winter
Warmer than the Autumn solstice splinter

Caressing my cheek
Like a long lost lover

On such dusklight
I will never turn my back
The last light of August
Colm Oct 2018
Downfall ever sharp
Rainwards on the steeple tall
Propped up on one arm
The building farce built of old
Refuses to fall down cold
I guess Rainwards is a word now. Via Raindrops On An Old Roof, A Tanka.
675 · Mar 2021
Colm Mar 2021
WELLING UP inside your eyes
A sky is born above you
And ANEW your stars cry out
673 · Aug 2019
Poetic Rivers Underneath
Colm Aug 2019
Poetry is
The earth we see
When its tumultuous and green

And syllables
Are the rivers
Carving out valleys deep beneath
I did a pretty in depth analysis on one of my favorite singer/songwriter and the results were surprising. He often crafts lyrics in a very poetic fashion, with an orderly, underlying structure of sorts. Never unwilling to bend or break from the format. But still clever in the ways of syllable-based structuring. Which is cool and makes me want to take better care of my own prose and poetic lines.
673 · Mar 2017
Dear Son
Colm Mar 2017
The power of the mind is not eternal
It is not fixed, but it is fickle and it will unwind in due time

But for the betterment of others
For the expression of the self
And for all things good, most honest, pure and kind

For these things my son develop the power of your mind
That way your body, heart and head may align
One day
671 · Dec 2016
What She Is
Colm Dec 2016
Some days I miss her,
But I’d never tell her this.

Because you know what it is that I really do miss?
I miss only my thoughts about what it is that she is.
And the curve of her waist, the distort of her hips.

And at the end of the day the only thought left is this...
I can tolerate this,
Because I don’t really want what she really is.
When I see her photograph. It's nothing personal. Just life.
671 · Mar 2017
Family Trees
Colm Mar 2017
These trees are older than myself
And only half of them see the sun
As it sets beyond the distant ground
They're taller than me and I am tall
They've been reaching for the sky for far too long
Long before I could even crawl
My only brother's are these trees
And yet I've never acknowledge them as they are
As tall and faithful
As my slowly falling family
The kind of trees which stand to be
Such are these looming trees to me
I like such trees
669 · Apr 2017
Line of Sight
Colm Apr 2017
Don't Lose Yourself
Remember who you are
You have things and you want things
You've become things and you're becoming things
Beautiful, good and decent things
Which bring great joy to the one true ruler
And honor to your rightful king
So don't lower your gaze or piercing sight
For anyone who has no claim
Or cannot understand the way
That your eyes tend to see such things
Designed as they were for such a struggle
Born and bread for such a fight
For such a sight
Don't lower your line of sight for anything
Keep your head up, not because it needs to be, but so that you can continually look up and out. To see where you're going. Where you need to be.
666 · Feb 2017
Colm Feb 2017
Mistress of the cliffs
With eyes like lighting
And the rolling thunderous waves crashing down
Just beneath her fingertips

She is Demelza
The Goddess of solidarity and steadfastness

The epitome of emphasis
And the truth behind every last belmaidens wish

Which is of course…
To return to the fields of idleness
Of former youth

To thresh the wheat and kick the chaff
And to walk the surface of the earth
With a joy forgetting the hardships
And the toils of the fast

And so each day
She trudges her way
Though the dark and dull abyss
Until she reaches her new task
And sets herself to another height
For she was born to be mistress of the cliffs
With eyes like ice and hair like flames
Her servants know she cannot be tamed
Or kept on any windy ridge
666 · Jan 2018
Similar Thoughts
Colm Jan 2018
On days like this
With heavy flakes
Tumbling down
All around
I wish I had another set of eyes
To lose myself in
One more time

*Mirror me
And also you
My mind
Heavy flakes indeed
664 · Jan 2019
Dear Rosie
Colm Jan 2019
The coolness of night
Which purses my eyes
From far till the dawn of day
And when I stumble at night
It remakes me anew
And I breathe with both the dew and the old
Yes, I breathe with both the dew and the old
A sound, a light, it rips through the night, now too far away
But when I follow my heart, it leads me to you
And I'm weak from everything that I'm told
Yes, I'm weak from everything that I'm told
664 · Dec 2016
Driving Away
Colm Dec 2016
It is raining, you must be crying.
I left you on the dark side of a broken highway.
Just outside of the intersection of time and change.
You did proclaim that you were afraid that I wouldn't stay.
That I wouldn't live to see the light of the following day.

And I didn't.
You were right.

I got in my car and drove away.
But not because I wanted to.
But because I didn't feel at home enough to stay.
How could I possibly find our way, when you were without a map everyday?
Once alive and bright like the dashboard light.
I faded away, into the dark of this good night.

Yet you never saw the sadness which I kept when I did drive away.
Thanks for reading. I don't write fiction.
663 · Mar 2017
My Hoodie
Colm Mar 2017
Time hasn't aged but grown together
The considerate man and me
Because I haven't forgotten how to be sweet
Like My Hoodie floating round your shoulders
Swimming in it
So large that you can wrap it around your knees
And warm as the arms beside my side
So it would be
For you I would keep even closer to me
Than the meal which I like to prepare at night
Grilled cheese
So you would always be there by my side
In a place where you would never need
To fear the wandering of my mind
Or the inability of my eyes to see
Because I am all that I try
And to me you would most certainly be
The only wonderment I would seek
To keep until the morning light
Golden brown - Late at night
657 · May 2017
The Path of a Pensive Man
Colm May 2017
Firm collar
White as snow

Crisp and with an edge like steel
Cutting, not cold

Unblemished is he?

Considered rough,

Although in a certain way, he walks
Straight past his friends and his foes

Not aimlessly though

For where poise meets focus
There is also dignity

And a calming aura to be found
Amidst the calamity

With a hint of conflict
Though he speaks

His words are bound
To fairness and justice
To the law and to love

And though he spoke once
Not arrogantly

This is the sound of a constant man
Who is capable of change, and yet, is found

In a pattern which drowns out the breeze
Like the whippoorwill that’s lost its tree

By this you'll know, that you've seen
And crossed the path of a pensive man

Intent on this, to understand


And all around
657 · Jul 2016
Colm Jul 2016
On this tabletop we sit, soaking bodies weighted down.

Overturning back and forth, arm in arm, alone in town.

Rushing water pouring in and spinning round, pounding down.

Inside of this house and out. Turmoil rises up, and gathers all around.

Listen to the hallways hum, and hear the words escape my mouth.

Like a song you sing aloud, speaking of a hiding place where you belong.

Echoing, my old guitar is crying out.

Asking if within the flood we ever will at last be found?
If our love is a hurricane....
Colm Sep 2019
The rain unsettling shakes more than me
It shakes the summer out of the pensive trees
The quiet out of the evening still
The confidence out of the newfound skill
And more so than the colored leaves
Which newly rest on dampened ground
As the sorting of the rain gives way
Resulting in a plethora of familiar sounds
All merging beneath and moving fast
Like a symphony of cicadas in the summers past
Known only to one in time as the same  
As the parting whisper of the trees in rain
Written on a whim tonight, when I first heard the rain greet the evening trees and their fading leaves. True story, the idea behind this is that the trees part ways with their leaves, just as we human beings will one day have to part ways with our children. Slowly, steadily and with a whisper.

656 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
A turn of the torso in the hall
          Be it to look back or forward
          Past or beyond the past
          Is not necessarily wrong at all
Unless of course the owner of the turn
          Is twisting therein arrogance
          Or with an unsettling voice
          Which demeans all others in the hall
But if such a twisting diaphragm can actually sing
          Then arrogance is more all the more tolerable
          And not so much a problem at all
Because the sound will be beautiful*
          Even if the character is not beautiful at all
Like A Young Successful Artist
655 · Nov 2019
When : Becoming (1)
Colm Nov 2019
When you decide to fight
To battle back against the night and it's dying ways
Having seen the light which comes anew
To trump the lights of ever eave
When you've decided no longer to RUN but to BE
You will become as one
With every memory and hopeful dream
Which your childlike self ever dared to dream
When I was a kid, I dreamed of creating worlds and winning championships. BIG dreams for such a growing kid. And now I can say that I've been doing both of those things. (:

That's what this first verse in this series of three is about. Letting go of any worry and just completing. Giving it your all without fear of outcome and then being able to accept the results of that competition.

Stop running. Start being.

You'll never lose that way.
655 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
Like swimming in the sea
I am a wave crashing over you
With a current too strong
And too deep

On the side of a cliff
With arms outstretched and fingers clenched
Reaching for everything
Be it far short of eternity

When I’m standing tall
Like a pendulum
Rocking in the springtime of youth
Until my stride becomes a bitter fall

As the wicked winds are howling
Having carved their way inland
Ever trying to push me off the edge
Midway through my own decent

If you dare

If you will

If you'd like to see

All of the *TRY
that is left in *ME

"You're not going to be happy unless you're going Mach-2 with your hair on fire and you know it."
654 · Nov 2017
Cold Car
Colm Nov 2017
My heart is like a snow laden car
Freezing in the bitter cold

Left to stand in a parking lot semi-alone

Clearing my windows I depart
Most anxiously to feel the need

And yet as in each morning, each winter
When the days are dreary and quick to dark

There is a frost to be found all around

And so my hesitant in heart
Is to turn over and start

Warming only by this, the end of this drive

For my heart is like a snow laden car
Covered and only to be seen in part

When cleared away the beating heart
Is too warm too late and frozen still
Truthfully - This poem began as a thought, "my car is only warm by the end of my drive"
653 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
That moment by a windowsill when you're looking through a shade

At a different world outside yourself and yet inside remains the same

Do not wonder about what could've been or worry about the other way

Instead let time and seasons pass, good memories come, and bad memories fade away
The longer I look, the more I remember.
652 · Aug 2019
The Harmonica
Colm Aug 2019
I'll never talk about what it's not, but I'll tell you what it is

It's the jaw harps sound, clear as spring water in open mouths

It's an echo clear in a budding clearing

And clear enjoyment in the crinkling eyes of a crying wish

And as for my old mentor, his name was Kitten Lips

Because he purrrrrred when he performed on it
Tuesday 12 - Closed it out with a true story. Had some fun for an hour in change. GG.
652 · Mar 2017
A Glass of Humility
Colm Mar 2017
I say this with a glass of humility
That I've built worlds up and down these streets
And surrounded myself with all manner of things
Which I've pulled from inside of myself and out
And spread around
Like butter on my creative roll
With only this glass to wash it down
I am hungry for the here and not
The creation which keeps me wide awake
When all others have fallen asleep in my town
Even this very expression was kept on a shelf
Hence why...
I generally keep such things to myself
For a glass of humility is better than milk
At settling my mind and stomach down
I generally keep such things to myself
651 · May 2017
Where Oceans Collide
Colm May 2017
That kind of kiss is an intersection
Like a small stream
Where two oceans meet

How they’ve tossed and turned
And endlessly

End over end
Until afterwards
Experienced vicariously

Like the saltwater winds
Which whip and whirl
And swirl the sand

So I am turned at the intersection
At the memory which ends
Where the ocean began
And yet its vision in own minds which we really desire. Explain that one if you please. :p
647 · Jun 2019
Sleeping Cat
Colm Jun 2019
Curled up like a cat
Atop a spinning world of responsibilities

Don't wake me from this weekend dream
I can bear the nightmare occasionally

Instead, cut the lights and turn the fan over me
Breathing one final breath into this lifeless beast

You can expect me not to hear so much as a single sound
When the new day comes with an irksome, early, alarming scream
Goodnight cool world

Fervent Series (7/10) - 06/23/19
Colm Jul 2018
My echoing laughter
Catches the walls
Just below the ceiling
When I see it again
In the reiteration of his own hand

That you were right
And the world was wrong
That it was not meant to be as this
A singing song
But a reproach of the sigh
Of another man

How clever of the Frost to hide
On another set of snowy hands
How clever indeed were you also to find
The original meaning of such a man

With props to you
I laugh again
It was to reproach the sigh and to remember the moment. I think you were right (or at least on the right track).
644 · Mar 2017
Sturdy Feet
Colm Mar 2017
Rolling hills
Golden fields
Left to right
Feet to feet
With every step
Through the wood
They stride away
Towards eternity
Into the deep
The unknown scene
Away from home
From everything
They’ve ever known
Or hoped to be
And with this step
One more has been
Further away from home before
Than he’d ever thought he’d been
God bless your feet Samwise Gamgee
Step onto the road and you will see
The greatest adventure you’ll ever keep
Burning alive within your mind alive
Until the in Havens you reside
And therein find the eternity you seek
For alive and well
You’ll ever be
And beside the bearer
You were meant to be
As a friend against all enemies
And the second set of sturdy feet
Inspired by three words... "Come on Sam"
643 · Jan 2017
Are We Strangers Now?
Colm Jan 2017
The most honest question a man can ask, like rock and roll and the radio, was our kind of love, the kind which lasts?
Amazing song.... Google it.
Colm Aug 2021
Not on stars, or skies
Not on rocks, or trees
Not on mountains, or valleys
Or on rivers, or streams

Not on daylight, or night
Not on waking, or sleep
Not on coins, or on clovers
But on prayer that you will see
640 · Apr 2016
She Would Say
Colm Apr 2016
Revisit me my dear revised, see only me.
For I am a glutton for your eyes.
It’s deep within you've always seen,
The subtleties I've stored inside.

Said and implied, I love the way,
You scroll through each embellished line.
Besotted we were supposed to be,
An author and his beloved rhyme.

Within your book and by your side,
Is where I remain and to page I bind.
Don't leave without such fond embrace,
Or forget where we first met in mind.

Stay here instead and share my bed,
Rehearse my prose and read my rhymes.
Aloud we sound, like your favorite song.
Would you say my name just one more time?
This poem is written from the perspective of one of my former poems. As if, with a twinge of jealousy, this is what she would say to me if we had the chance to speak. Enjoy.
639 · Apr 2017
I Wonder...
Colm Apr 2017
After the newness of this new perspective
Clears like a fog in the mountain pass
What will you want then?
Soon after the end of this or that?

I wonder...

Where will you stand?
And have you since realized the value stored within?
So much so that it might make you want to go back?
Just passing through?
638 · Jul 2018
Colm Jul 2018
There are girls who smell like spring...

And there are girls who smell like books...

And there are girls who paint a trace along the lines of your own family.

Which are most to be avoided.
Something in the air. Which cannot be shaken. But shakes me.
637 · Jun 2019
River Rocks
Colm Jun 2019
Does every rock in every river
Dictate its place accordingly?
No, it takes centuries and ages
To find it's many moving places
To smooth out all of it's rough edges
And to be accordingly
They neither worry nor care. They always end up where they're meant to be and beyond.
636 · Dec 2019
Arise My Heart, Away
Colm Dec 2019
Neither burst
  Nor chains
    Will break this marrow cage

Nor sun
    Will not change my ways

Arise my heart
   Alive today
     Arise my heart, away
Bones And Bars Midst Living Heart
635 · Sep 2018
Tanka Of The Untamed
Colm Sep 2018
How you fire fury
How you freeze ferociously
A vein of lightning
Running ever furious
Never to be kept, but free
Could mean one thing or another. Need the original key/sight. LOL.
633 · Jan 2018
Colm Jan 2018
I'm going to take
A step
Further away from her
Until one day
I'm in that good horizon
And she
Is wherever I was back then
Noo Commento
629 · Nov 2018
Perfectly Natural
Colm Nov 2018
In the clutches of envy, or judgement, or denial
With eyes turned outward at another life
Don’t hide when the inkwell turns up dry
But accept the death which comes to life
And lets you pass by this windowed world

Fly into the perfectly natural
You should look up E.E. Cummings on how Dying Is Fine
629 · Sep 2021
Shadowy time, but a Tanka
Colm Sep 2021
Skies fall down slowly
As shadows lie beneath these
Most mountainous truths
Stretching out like outcrops down
In walking ways was our youth
Written from the perspective of a growing shadow. Creeping down from the mountains above without ever being noticed. Shadows do this nearly every day, just like the passage of time escapes us.
627 · Jun 2017
Encompassing Rain Clouds
Colm Jun 2017
For just one day
Could the rain clouds cover the entire earth?
Could the rains wash the weariness of another Monday away?
And connect our hands, our eyes, our hearts?
To tip the glass and spill the words out, quietly
Until all is spoken and soaked in happiness
And the doubts have all been washed away
Into the flooded pasture of memories

For we are such on such a day
But even more so now than ever
That is, if the clouds could cover the entire earth
In which case we could look up and see
That the same old rain falling down upon us, you and me
Smiling as it hit the ground
Until the splashing molding droplets
Are just a memory to be relived

Let the clouds cover and the raindrops flow
To ever be
Rain day!
626 · Sep 2017
Taste The Sky
Colm Sep 2017
The air is colder there at night
Don't let me forget the feeling

The sky is bitter like the darkest chocolate
And bitter still at me for ever leaving

It was only yesterday that the grandest sky stretched out before me
Ever high

Be it breathing down my youthful neck
Don't let me forget the feeling of why

*Don't let me forget the feeling
"It's like I can taste the sky again"
622 · May 2019
Over And In Time
Colm May 2019
Trees over rivers
Dew over blades
Water over gravel beds
Warm clouds rain over Western plains
And I
Trust in the inevitable over the doubt
Seek courage over the fearful flame
And think over and over abundantly
Yet over that in time I will be
Or so I proclaim
Geez man... Be more idealistic
620 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
I* ill *advised
  Because there are some things
      Which time will not fix
         Nor heal, or mold, or meld within mind
            When they simply are what simply is
               That is something for which
                  Only you can decide
620 · Feb 2018
Colm Feb 2018
Beauty in a subway station
Is often called
A crime

But contained within
Such an cavernas system
No right to move
Or way to judge
The intricacies of the human mind

It's what we do
And even why
Bend as we will
Be it by purpose
Or abandoned principal

In design we stand
Colm Nov 2019
Smooth as softened alabaster
Their scent to you an immeasurable bliss
Where the sun tucks the moon beneath his chin
Rests an endless dream no more than a wish

This series is all about containment. Quick and expressive. My kind of people.

The vision - A Lovers Embrace From South Pacific
618 · Sep 2019
Open Night (second love)
Colm Sep 2019
We love the night
Because she holds no secret stars
Or fears no moonlit falling out
Open Skies - An honest series
617 · Sep 2019
In truth (fireflies)
Colm Sep 2019
I cannot pull a star out of the night sky for you
But I can
With an uncupped hand
Coax every living firefly alive
To glow for you
OG title was going to be - Just To Make You Smile
617 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
And here
Settled like in water
I am going to sink into you like a falling stone
Like a tree half buried in the peat moss slow grown

Into you
I will seep anew
Seep into you my hobby
615 · Dec 2017
Inevitability of Life
Colm Dec 2017
The strength I have, will fade.
The moment at present, is past.
The second I win, I’ve lost.
And the instant I live, I'm dying.
That is not to say.
That the moment of hope, is hopeless.
Or that the second you find, you'll be found.
But that there always is truth and the opposite.
And the grace there within to be found.
Without his grace and mercy...I'm nothing.
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