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614 · Apr 2019
The Patient
Colm Apr 2019
Temperature elevated
Lips sticky
And back curved with the slightest of pain
How I wish that I could kiss you now
Brush your brow with gentle cold
And take every ounce of your present misery away
The patient
612 · Apr 2017
Rude Awakenings
Colm Apr 2017
You should expect no human to satisfy you
To meet the need or the needful want
You will only find a distraction there
Be it a beautiful or a most handsome one

But instead look up to beyond the sky
And find yourself there in he who will not fall
Because when you wake from a distracting dream
It can certainly make you question it all
I struggle all the time.
611 · Sep 2018
The Mere Sight
Colm Sep 2018
When I see you

My eyes turn to the side
Just past the wrinkles

To the corners of the world
Where the greatest hope still resides
Besides that of eternity

And you, you…

You seem to me
Like a picture of a jubilee

As a lightning strike
Before my eyes
You change the way I view the night

And the days so short
Which pass us by

Though your heart of Autumn
Often beats
There is always summertime in me

And the will to be

Yes, the mere sight of you
And the mind I see

Always makes me feel
Alone but I'm glad you're not. With a wink and a smile. I strive endlessly.

Best when read to the tune of -
608 · Sep 2016
Before My Eyes
Colm Sep 2016
This is the creature which commands my heart?
Which demands my respect and defines my reasons,
For which I refuse to depart?  

This creature in front of me.

What must I try,
Or even ask why?  

Is it a need to impress upon the rest?
That I was I,
Or that she was somehow best for me?

For I have since gone on to see,
That she is but a creature,
And that I am but a small shard of humanity.

Is there proof of this,
Which I have missed?
Quite possibly.

Or am I somehow immune to the truth,
That I am the only one who sees,
Or that my soul alone is the one which pleads,
To be apprciated?

Would you tell me this?

Or is life just meant to be,
A bitter tasting hollow test which I must best,
In a single man’s own exclusivity?

Why must I define such a simple thing?
Why can we not just coincide with empathy?

But to say that joy and empathy are the same,
Is nothing more than a lie to me.

Only recently have I begun to understand,
That I must stand,
Alongside a girl who is not the result of a lesser man.

One who knows the self and serves not pride.
Show me such a creature before my eyes,
And my heart will fly.
Show me please. (:
607 · Apr 2017
Into Summer
Colm Apr 2017
As I plod along at a placid place
I ask myself most often if
My mind will ever approach that place?

If I’ll I ever be able to move along
Down that path
Be it into the summer or out of May?

“Your brightest days are yet to pass!”
Or so they say, with each differing dawn
And yet I am still unsure of such path, nowadays

Be it winding or not
How they stretch out before me, and bend at a distance
Turning just around the cornery edge
To entice my mind to stray away

How I’d often jump from rock to rock
Devoid of fear, in my younger days
How I'd fly through the air without forethought
That is until I became aware of this present day

Though still I must, and will I trust in my ginormous feet
For it is time I value, and the steadiness which is found outside
That is, I'm seemingly less capable of turning off my mind

For I am afraid of not being able to see
And witness all the beauty which is stored away
Within such paths

For its there and within that which I expect to find
This path of mine

As a memory to create down each pasture lane
Must be simply folly and waste
To ponder such things with every day
This is what I see

When the decision stretches out before me
Not far away
Like a field of green

Whereas so many others are thus condemned to a barren wasteland
Simply put
Her lushness is just one of the things
That will make me stay
I know this season will not last. Forever and always. As will the next. We all fade in time and memory. But what really matters? To me? Perhaps I will soon learn to value effort the being, as compared to just the struggle to become.
605 · Aug 2019
Tearful Rain (first love)
Colm Aug 2019
We love the rain
Not because we can hear the sky
But that we can see her thoughts
Tearful rain - an honest series
605 · May 2017
How I Feel This Morning
Colm May 2017
Standing on my windowsill
Your breakfast blend the only name on my lips
How I wash my exponential coffee cup
With cold rain water
Just to splash me down
As it falls to the ground
Rolling off that fated roof, and feeling amiss
For that is that, and this is this
The separation is clearer now. But I'll tell ya a secret...although I'd like to, I don't write fiction.
605 · Aug 2018
Between The Mountains
Colm Aug 2018
There is a quiet hour
       Between the mountains

When the trees are higher in the crown
       Than any expectation

And life, wildlife, lays bare beneath
       Resting at the feet of man most kind

Be it moved or unshown
       In this afternoon hour

The quiet distance covers the in-betweens
       And is found there, atop the tops
Written atop and yet between two mountains
604 · Apr 2017
Midnight Need
Colm Apr 2017
I need to know
Or else I'm afraid, that I must go
Quietly into this good night

Because not knowing
Of this so and so
Destroys my heart and plagues my mind

Every... Single... Time....
At midnight... Because the night will fade. Equally... Every time.
602 · Sep 2017
September Sky
Colm Sep 2017
My eyes open wider
My shoulders drop to my chest
When I simply survey the beautiful September sunset
I am alive
And colored like this
The inner sky
Painted that same old orange and salmon
Which no palette can describe
Pretty sight
601 · Oct 2019
In Love With An Ideal
Colm Oct 2019
In mind a young mans fortune told
His sky colored and emboldened by light

Though the story is winding like a forest old
Falling into complexity at every summers end

It's in discovery And time
Which you are found

Lest I find
That I loved not you but this image of mine
He named her and I couldn't help but laugh, at his lack of a tangible definition.
601 · Sep 2016
Beyond Compare
Colm Sep 2016
So beautiful, so very fair.
On a man made breeze wavers golden silk.

Extravagant each strand of hair.
So intent, with soft intense.
A gentle look to show how quietly she cares.

For or not for me remains to be seen.
And yet beautifully she looks at the silver screen,
In such a way which is beyond compare.

Her eyes of blue as summer streams.
Her thoughts obscured,
But her smile maintains a certain air.

Quietly I catch a glimpse of the unseen breeze.
Ever fading, hard to find,
And beautiful beyond compare.
She never even knew :p
599 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
And here's the only place
Where I can share this honest truth
That all I've wanted for weeks now has been
To hear most any words from you
But joy comes with the morning of a new mind
598 · May 2017
See The Sea?
Colm May 2017
I am an ocean
All men are
But especially me

You can look and see
Now for yourself
And also this

Within my name
Can you see?
The Sea?
Clever, clever, clever me. :p
Colm Mar 2021
Into the night there.
My voice erupts to no-one
close, without you near.
598 · May 2019
Walk Along
Colm May 2019
No mention of stars or sea
Or of sky or song
Or of rivers reaching
Roads winding
Or of trees singing quietly
As we walk along
None of it lasts
Nearly half as long
Or compares to the truth
Within the pursuit of you
As we walk along
How a verse evolves with each line.

I like this one.
595 · May 2016
Mind I See
Colm May 2016
Don't challenge me, I am not a machine. I am flesh and blood and a heart which beats, twice as fast as the former me. Hence why these words speed rhythmically from within my cheek.

One day my friend, one day maybe, you will spit my name from between your teeth. As I show you just how many mysteries can reside inside a man such as me.

Young wild and free, with intuitive eyes I often see, what others can only try and perceive. Attempt to hide, and shroud your mind in structured subtlety.

Overt your eyes away from mine, if you do not wish for me to see. Because this is the gift God has given me. And to not use it is to deny both the former and the present me. Like the blue in my eyes, know this. I see.
Watch it HERE -;
593 · Dec 2016
Colm Dec 2016
To be bold as love
Is not to fear the alone
As the italic
Does not tend to bend so much
As the mind itself does mold
A tanka for you
592 · Mar 2017
Skyward Eyes
Colm Mar 2017
Almost sweetly

So the clouds are near to me
And to you as well

Although we are not at this time
Standing right here or there beside

How these clouds smile back as they roll by
And tell us both to our surprise
That we are watching and watched over

Since long before we each sought after
That distant star in the summer sky

We are by ourselves and each other
Mere reflections in such skyward eyes
592 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
It's not there untill it is proven
            I create the unrest inside
Yes... Me... I'll own to it... Always, be it in time
592 · Jun 2016
Colm Jun 2016
Snuffed out,
Like a candle in the thrashing wind.
Your body breaks,
And we yearn for you and fade away.

Into the night,
Until the moment just before the light springs out.
We dream of you as you drift away,
Into the song.

Within this place,
A gift of sound and kind embrace.
A lover still of life and light.
Your life illuminates the darkest night.

Glowing was your every sound,
Radiant your very sight.
Your smile wider than the sun,
You voiced the passion of this life.

A candle burning fierce and fast,
Not at both ends,
But in our hearts Christina,
You will always last the night.
For Christina Grimmie - I will not say rest in peace, but instead, be well, and be with God. Give him a hug for me Christina.
Colm Aug 2019
Buried beneath the same old memories
     Are the papyrus and the paper scraps

The kind which will be eventually tossed
     Just to settle upon the winds of trash

But even still in stillness found
     Like a dream born near in this reality to pass

Though it’s a beautiful and ironic sight
     I am sleeping on your memory at last
Sleeping - A Fond Memory Past
590 · Jul 2016
The Sound Of Rain
Colm Jul 2016
Like a thousand tiny pencil tips,
Scratching out their little lines in eagerness.

Like the rustling leaves of the many trees,
Just beyond the meadow devoid of mist.

Like the tapping thimble of a seamstress,
As she scatters a cup full of pins to *****.

So the rainfall here is near to me,
With a sound I hold, above all else, most dear to me.
It's raining... :D
589 · Feb 2019
Habitual, Adjustments
Colm Feb 2019
When you're truly tired of it
And you cannot stand it anymore

That is when you learn to quit
To stay away

And afterwards
You learn to live with the person who's left over
The January Lasts

588 · Sep 2016
Neither Of Nor Above
Colm Sep 2016
I am neither of them nor above them.
Though I do stand here looking out.

I am separate.
I am me.
As much as you can ever be you,
And I have ever been me.

For it is in this place where we become we.
The investors,
The collectors,
And the testing who test the testers.

We are us and they are them.
And yet the youth of today and tomorrow so rarely see,
That the educated and the un are all the same,
Just like you and me.

We all are people,
And to each his or her own.
We each try and find our own way to flee from it all,
Above it all.

Outward and upward.
In such a world,
And in such words as you will find here,
Is where you will always find someone like me.

Neither of nor above.
Yet ever present,
Always yearning to be free.
Maybe one day....
588 · May 2016
If Love Is Like Water
Colm May 2016
They are dying for it, they are bleeding for it, they are begging for it. And yet it will not come.

Like pure water from a well of mud, I dig for those who cannot drink, and wait with those who thirst on their own.

I am disgusted by those who flaunt it. By those who pour their wasted water out and splash it down upon the stones.

So cold and careless. They care nothing for the crowded rooms, filled with those who stand alone.
"Because true love needs no post nor pin."
588 · Apr 2018
Shadows Length
Colm Apr 2018
Nobility knows no ends
Just as moonlight know no bounds
Besides the will of shadows
Which stretches out beneath
And lies in the most familiar heights
Drawn out upon the ground
As our feet meet with shadows everyday, so you'll always step on them as you walk the path at night. It's inevitable after all. It's better to be in the night and to understand it, as compared to be afraid of it like a child.
587 · Dec 2022
This drive begins again
Colm Dec 2022
I am that which is becoming

The realization of my dream

Which I’ve been asleep to for these past ten years

And ten years from now I’ll wake again

And in a new direction turn suddenly


And into the sun
585 · Mar 2017
Habitual Grave
Colm Mar 2017
Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like
And who I would be
If I dug out a grave six foot deep
And buried my bad habits there underneath
Once the freedom of topsoil was beneath my feet
Above that habitual grave who then would I be?
I wonder... I wonder... (:
585 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
The heavy patter of the rain
Reflects the pattern of my heart
In weariness
In longings last
How I've waited for this storm to pass
Most patiently
Slowly pouring out
With a cooling voice
Till I calm myself
And yet so much more than the afterstorm
Which I must create
Everytime I've felt
The need to be
More than this old me
This rainsoaked version of the self
*the sound of rain*
585 · Aug 2017
Cartoon Family
Colm Aug 2017
Time is suspended
Held in place and to be examined
Whenever I’m there
Within with those people
We are yet somehow still animated
Cartoon Family
584 · Feb 2019
A Wish Not For Himself
Colm Feb 2019
For all the water which poured out slow
And was wasted on such hollow words
I should not wish for myself at least
I should not waste
I should wish for her
Gosh... Finding this... Remembering this. Really makes me happy. (:
582 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
Her waist a stone laid wall I know
Beside a path walked quietly in the dark

With hair sudden like crashing waves
Informal as a Christmas morning
Full of lights, full of sparks

Persistent as the cattails in the northern breeze
Steady as the trees
And cool as stars, almost unreachable, untouchable
Unbearably far
Yet softer than the flowing mane
Of the mare untamed
In distant field that was once up close

With a breath of steam for a cold grey world
Hang on through mortal comatose
And wake
582 · Jun 2021
Where our obsessions meet.
Colm Jun 2021
The noise is not the trees.
Instead, I understand
And stand where life begins
And questions end.
Now comprehend,
What shakes therein.
For that sound is not a noise at all,
It is the wind.
True story of a past feeling. God bless.
581 · Jun 2016
On Top Of The Earth
Colm Jun 2016
Stand with me on the top of the Earth,
Look down into the valley of History.
See both the young man I always was,
And the young man I will always be.

Should I ever fall or quietly break,
Or even be thought to have ran away.
Stand here and be among the trees,
Look down on the earth and you'll see me.
When I was young, this rooftop was my escape. My pinnacle.
579 · Mar 2017
Cast Away
Colm Mar 2017
It’s like an echo off a cliff
Quiet as the hissing wind
Which hums over the wingtips of a gull
Lost in a sea of sand
Beneath the feet of a Castaway
Are the memories of bygone times and days gone by
They are washed away
As is every hope and happiness
Which once was brought upon, by the comforting rain
Though the trees connect his head and hands
To the barren sky above his head
No firelight can catch a glimpse of the looking glass
Or signal back, beyond the reef and its crooked back
For his is only in his heart inland
That survived the falling flights decent
Out of the sky above his head
Where the wings of changes could carry him back
Home to her arms, at loving last
0:27 - 1:00 ish

Been on my instrumental CD for some time... Such a classic.
578 · Oct 2019
Raindrops Over The Autobahn
Colm Oct 2019
The most ardent kiss which the asphalt will ever know
  Is when mother nature bows her head
    Purses her clouded cotton lips  
      And gently drops a trillion kisses on a square stretch of highway
        Until they puddle up in joyful memory
          And the autobahn is lost in a contented, smitten, bliss
Raindrops Over The Autobahn
577 · Aug 2019
August Glade
Colm Aug 2019
Through the rivers and the rain
   My emotions seep

No matter how far I reach
   How quiet I be
      Or how fervently I wish
      For this condensated heart to dry

Beneath stars and moonlight vain
   I stay
      Locked in the garden of perpetual being
         Without your warmth of certain meaning

And when the new morning comes
   With the quiet thought
      I realize what I had always ought

That I cannot seem to make you mine
   Regardless of the place or time
576 · Nov 2016
Colm Nov 2016
I'm a professor who professes to teach beyond the textbook lessons. To approach the very essence of the creative self-expression,

Known as man and known as woman. Call you to a higher ed concessions, to appoint the very purpose of this presupposed oppression,

Of your eyes, and of your mind, I wish you to the other side, of the unguided and unknowing creative self which lies inside.

Cause what is life without perspective, and what are trials if you do not try, and strive beyond your own horizons, and slide down the back of the other side?

Will there be shadows on the road, yes, will you trip and stumble, a couple of times, but never let yourself be doubtful of the potential you hold inside,

To create the future, sculpt the present, and tread the clay where it resides. Because in class is where I see you, but in this life you use your eyes,

To see the self-inside of others, to recreate what's on your mind. To be the difference and the vision, you have the tools to go and try,

And share your view of the horizon, survive the frustration in stride. Become creative in your endeavors, and you’ll bring joy to me and my eyes.
"What these things have in common is that kids will take a chance. If they don't know, they'll have a go. Am I right? They're not frightened of being wrong. I don't mean to say that being wrong is the same thing as being creative. What we do know is, if you're not prepared to be wrong, you'll never come up with anything original -- if you're not prepared to be wrong. And by the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this. We stigmatize mistakes. And we're now running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is that we are educating people out of their creative capacities."

-Sir Ken Robbins
575 · Jun 2018
Mother Nature's Headache
Colm Jun 2018
Tremendous pressure
    Between two trees
The pressures of autumn
    Which crinkles the fallen, forgotten, leaves
    And cry beneath our feet
As we grind them slowly back to the earth
    Unknowingly, she knows
    And drinks it all in
Like a summers mead
My head... good Lordy my head, just behind my eyes. /:
575 · Apr 2018
The Effect She Has
Colm Apr 2018
You shake me, because of you.

You hold me, not with arms available, but in captivation.

You fear me, perhaps not because of me, but because of who I am becoming.

I respect you, not only because of him, but because of a gentleman's decorum.

This is... Nerve wracking.

This is not yet... And yet more so for me.

And I thank you for that.

But what is this for you?

Nothing perhaps.

Nervous by Gavin James. Calm me down and make sense of me. Because who you are puts me out of sorts in the best possible way.

I'm glad that you exist. Really.
574 · Nov 2018
Words Mean More At Night
Colm Nov 2018
Reflected rays
Reveal the truth

Once read aloud
Between the lines

That words remain
Longer than footprints

And with illuminate truth
The moonlight shines
From the corners of my room.
574 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
There is an innocence about it
A sensation which slightly glows
And illuminates, the half of it
But does not act out of cluelessness
Or carelessness

No, it's a state of care free thoughtfulness
In which this kind of being exists

It hates the plow
It hates the system
It simply is
It simply lives

It connects itself to many things
And many people
With a genuine and expressive tone
And an innate sweetness inside of it

And when this sensation sleeps
The small corners of the world as they are
In one way or another
Are at peace

And when I am near
It is the same as when I am not
Behaving with steadfastness

And as it listens quietly
It puts me at ease
As I see it now, for what it is, in its innocence

And when given the opportunity to speak
I care for it
And yet, I cannot understand it's simplicity

In sight
It is a twist of hair in the seamless breeze
How it wavers without want or will

It simply is
A mess, yet controlled
And always in its own way, and by its own will

Deep water can be cold and treacherous
But shallow water can break, be seen and is warm
I love the water, but not like this
And not to submerge
That's not for me

Though these purveyors of sensation are incredibly
Unimaginably sweet
Little fragments of the past... Are embedded in my mind like pieces of glass. But not all of them are bad. Some of them are meant to last.
574 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
Mountains take an eternity to tear down and build up, and yet confidence can be drawn from a well within minutes.  All one requires is time, while the other requires the desire.
573 · Aug 2019
Starlight Over Oceans
Colm Aug 2019
Is the darkest singular star
Behind the sun in the known night sky

Is the sea in the sight of it's beholder
And long as the day is young and green

Is the order of man unknown
Tall, as it shoots and sparks into the fall of being

Is the starlight and seabed alike
As awakening grasps at the spark of meaning
Tuesday 12 - Because the vastness of life all around us. Ever waiting to be explored. Both above and below.
Colm May 2021
Ghibli films feel right because
everything is just as it is
or was
or was secretly meant to be
Like grooves on a record
like trails of the cautious deer
or etchings upon ancient stones together
You know, that what you're about to see
was designed to be seen
and seen uniquely

Whatever your opinion is, you're right
Deter Me Not Set (11) . Totoro
572 · Jun 2017
The Act
Colm Jun 2017
Stashing them everywhere
I store such coins to pay away the could've beens
To keep my bones and alabaster skin covered until the rainy day need not appear

At which time I can and will, take you by the hand
And show you either the former Winding Way, or create anew
By pulling coins out of the thin air, like a magic man

For this is how I make my way into the world of words
It is...yet it isn't. An act after all.
572 · Aug 2019
Colm Aug 2019
You roll like auburn hills
And crash like comfortable clouds in the sky
Into my living room couch

Calling me back
Like the last moonlit rays of the sunset sky

You are steady and both steadily mine

About A Song Alone
572 · Nov 2018
Envision And It Will Be So
Colm Nov 2018
Think as if JJ Abrams is watching
Speak as if alone
Be true to you amongst all the sounds
That way your presence will resound
And to yourself, you'll always be known
how to
570 · Nov 2019
When You Are By My Side
Colm Nov 2019
Valleys, rivers, mountains wide
To great upends and depths of trenches which divide

No cloud nor star
Nor sun nor gleam
Or misting fog at last be seen

Neath rock and root
Or oceans wide
Or frozen tundra stretched outside

No warming feeling felt
Twixt valley, river, and mountainous wide

No distance compares or parts our minds
When you are standing here beside
When You Are By My Side

The mountains collapse at a slower rate
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