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Dec 2022 · 529
This drive begins again
Colm Dec 2022
I am that which is becoming

The realization of my dream

Which I’ve been asleep to for these past ten years

And ten years from now I’ll wake again

And in a new direction turn suddenly


And into the sun
Colm Dec 2022
One day I awoke
And in the mirror looked
Seeing not just myself
But you as well
And with a smile we
Went about our days
As two halves can only be
Dec 2022 · 189
Colm Dec 2022
Expressions cannot run like ink
    They can only hold fast
To the paper of memory
    And at our feelings . Grasp
For just a moment to pass
   And think though they will not last
Dec 2022 · 202
It is here
Colm Dec 2022
It's not the walls
Or the people same
Or the trains which make this place my own
Not the beaches which I joke about
Or the hilly slanted towny homes
It's the clouded skies and windmills wave
It's my own my spoken out in voice
In all that there is this homely place
And the power of my own my choice

It is here
Dec 2022 · 291
The trees atop
Colm Dec 2022
The trees up here are thin and fair
Beneath thickened wind which howls away
How they bend and sway and cannot bare
To be spoken of as if they will not stay

I can feel the deep gray clay beneath
The water where my father begs it lay
There is not so much as an autumn leaf of scented left
As there is searing cold to be brushed away

The trees up here are thin and fair
Beneath thickened wind which howls away
How they bend and sway and cannot bare
To be spoken of as if they will not stay
Colm Nov 2022
Color grows above
And wrestles darkness down slow
Behind the mountains
Peaking into wondrous lost
The next day is found awake

A set of colors and dreams and thoughts
Nov 2022 · 264
The tenth haiku
Colm Nov 2022
There's no back and forth
Left to be found here and when
All around are done
Nov 2022 · 126
Free indeed
Colm Nov 2022
Mountain airs
Beautiful trees
Unending ridges
Or winding seas

The colorful furns
The flowery bees
The fallen rains
Or the whispering leaves

No looks
No sights
No sounds
Nor scenes

Can ever keep me from my words
Or yours from my eyes and hopeful promise to me
That if written or not
One day I'll be free
Nov 2022 · 161
Trsuted Haiku
Colm Nov 2022
Kindness knows no end
Until the trust is destroyed
And remains no will
Nov 2022 · 166
Age old warrior
Colm Nov 2022
These humans have stoked my fires of old
With their chest beating brows
With their self praising pride

And so with my own and this hand of mine
I will move swifter than wind
And do my best to be better

And so they will find soon enough
In the waiting, wanting
In the destructive test
Nov 2022 · 103
Thoughts midst dreams
Colm Nov 2022
Fear is such a fleeting thing
A dream a dream
And in waking seeing
How's its gone as if it were never in being

But thoughts such as these
Which plague seven times over me
Are so much harder to set free
So much more difficult to let be

I am haunted by possibilities
Nov 2022 · 98
Suddenly actualized
Colm Nov 2022
It's a different sort of thing to feel
To go from one to another
No longer constantly

But to suddenly see
All of your fanciful dreams
Just as what they are in the light of day

Then you know what has been
And what will thankfully never be

And then suddenly you're free
But not in the way you'd imagines

Let alone in the time-frame

Yet you can finally see
Nov 2022 · 107
Colm Nov 2022
The spiderwebbed shadows reach
Out like friendly hands
From the feet of trees known only to me
On both this way and in this moment
They grasp at feet belonging to us
And thoughts owned more by me

Nov 2022 · 111
Windy Feels
Colm Nov 2022
A human feeling
When left alone
Has no more significance
Than a breeze unseen
Than a wood no longer at ease

But how a human being can howl
And whip round a small meadow of community
When they are displeased
And feeling ever powerless in their small being

What an unseen sight indeed
By their own feelings trapped
If they'd just set themselves free

It is sad
To not see

Nov 2022 · 171
Burn on above and beyond
Colm Nov 2022
If there's one thing I know
More than anything un
It's that the sunsets will fall
The skies will stand tall
And just out of reach
Of this shared everyone
The stars will burn on
And be unseen when they finally decided to come undone
Nov 2022 · 109
Settle me like rain
Colm Nov 2022
Rain knows how to sit so still
Once fallen from grace and gracious sky alike

Yet I
The man who can never stand
To sit for more than a minute still
Or to contain his mind for more than a second alive

Could learn quite a bit from this rain of yours
Not the least of which that it was never mine

How I watch you fall and settle still
Just to listen until I smile wide

And then at last we are at an end
A settling of some mysterous kind
Oct 2022 · 102
A Shared Cup
Colm Oct 2022
This feeling isn't my own perhaps
But imparted to me in part by you
The way the words just wouldn't last
The foiled hours which ran me through

I walked and spoke
You sat and sang
To each our own in tune and life

And yet the feeling permeates
And makes me sip another drip

To share like that another life
Oct 2022 · 410
Dreams die fast, sadly
Colm Oct 2022
Perhaps you are not as you seem
Or perhaps the problem
As it always has been
Resides with me

For I am my not that
As I'm not angry when awake
But that too often now I have gone to dreams
And dreams don't die for me

Instead, I breathe
And in sleeping
Dreams die fast, sadly
Oct 2022 · 83
Looking down at a love
Colm Oct 2022
Though you may squint,
And look and see,
And maybe catch a glimpse perhaps

In remembering your past,
In looking up most lovingly

That was the past,
And you're no longer that

And now, this present sight,
Is me
another yuppp
Oct 2022 · 108
God above
Colm Oct 2022
I will not worship
Those visions which claim
To be higher than God
And deliver far less
Then such a noble sacrifice actually did

No sight or promise if feeling compares
To he the am that it
All else
Oct 2022 · 85
When left alone
Colm Oct 2022
There's absolutely no proof
That if left alone
Human beings will be
Or course correct more than anyone
Who have lost themselves
Most resoundingly at sea

If anything we
Need more guidance than ever
In this time of being most encouraged to be

Whatever we feel
Whatever we dream

When really we are actually not at all these things

We are just that which sees
Humans who be
We stray
Colm Oct 2022
No subway car will ever hold my thoughts
No taxi will ever call me solved

Instead, I wait
Always create
And let not my being affect what will be

Like the string, I unwind
And pull these lost memories out of me

One at a time
So that the world can see
Oct 2022 · 102
A name by you
Colm Oct 2022
Call me something new
Don't call me anything that
was reserved for they
For my wish is not to be
but to forever have been
Call me it
Oct 2022 · 52
It takes too who
Colm Oct 2022
Love is a dance ... not a chase
And both partners need to step up
And do the ultimate about-face
two, too, to
Oct 2022 · 54
You can't hold the sky
Colm Oct 2022
It is right
And no wonder that I saw
And wrote you as starlight

Because I cannot touch you

And I need a loving vision
Alive and learning
And closely burning

Not at a distance
And for that, I'm not sorry

not about anyone who will ever read these beings
Oct 2022 · 100
Just so you know
Colm Oct 2022
I'm not a suitor
I am gray skies and bright suns
From flying days past

That is all, a Haiku
SJ - lol
Oct 2022 · 52
Less is such a human word
Colm Oct 2022
There are those who swim
Through stone and oak
And cannot speak a word to crowds
Nor care to feel what urchins lost
Or seek to speak what cannot be found

I am, I'm not
They are, they is

But the difference in being is none of this
The difference is just what is
And is

Less is such a human word
Colm Oct 2022
Such a human concept

For when you wish on physical stars
(which exist) -
For so long that
You wouldn't know what to do if you caught one
I'll tell you this -
At 3,500K, you wouldn't be so quick to wish

Maybe tell your lover
"I summoned you from an ocean stare" instead

Much cooler
When a falling star catches you
Oct 2022 · 74
Peaceful Feet
Colm Oct 2022
Peace, quiet.

Wash over me and see these feet -

Not own but owned by others

With joy-filled steps of contentment - leave

And I

Finding nothing but thoughts abound

And a will within to stay sitting down

Feel not their need as is not my need

And I - having all which I could want at hand

Am alone at last in me

I'm free
Oct 2022 · 49
An Ocean View to Hear
Colm Oct 2022
Rain falls
Hopes rise
Mountains crumble over lifetimes small

Night skies blink
Struck by waking tides
And waves crash down till no more tall

The humans run and walk their lives
Into beneath, beside, and in
The massive wonders of God alive

And yet so few ever stop to see
To breathe in these
Before their very eyes

Oct 2022 · 71
How Friends Appear
Colm Oct 2022
If life is sleep
Then best friends walk into being
Like a glorious dawn
And in your own confusion, you never see
Where they came from or what you did
To deserve to walk alongside
Such a kindred being

You never knew, and you never will

It just is
Oct 2022 · 322
A different type of glow
Colm Oct 2022
Perhaps you are not as you seem
Or perhaps the problem
As it always has been
Resides with me

For I am my not that
As I am not awake
But that too often now I have gone to dreams
And dreams don't die for me

Instead I breathe
And in sleeping
Colm Oct 2022
As I walk

Through the mountains of elevated responses to be

I look bout and feel, breathe in and see

A new outward being

Almost proud of, in me

Anew breath, a new earth

As I find newness

Where there was no patience in me


As I walk
Colm Sep 2022
Battled as a worrier be
I feel berated all around
Not just the wind or the waves
But by what I cannot see

As it is me always been
Always will not hopefully
These constant battering thoughts
Cautious tumultuous as is me

But if I'd speak as I speak
Lean on Gods listening
And just walk into freedom
Be it overtop of the sea

Next, I'm known longer lost
But instead, free to be
Like a sailboat again
Against winds constantly
Most times I, do indeed. Pray for me.
Sep 2022 · 145
Colm Sep 2022
That horizon
It would've been beautiful
To climb and peek
At its mountain peeks
And at the top to see
All of the breathless heights
Which it would've held

But instead
In the middle of the week
I wed
Colm Sep 2022
As I walk

Through the mountains of elevated responses to be

I look bout and feel, breathe in and see

A new outward being

Almost proud of, in me

Anew breath, a new earth

As I find newness

Where there was no patience in me


As I walk
Around this time - SJ
Sep 2022 · 311
With starlight in eyes
Colm Sep 2022
You walked in
And I saw
For a moment struck by falling awe
The same starlight in your eyes
As had been within my dreams as of late
And like that
The morning of not knowing was over
And you were there in the afternoon

I didn't expect such starlight then
Someone once struck me - but I'm glad it passed
Sep 2022 · 123
A Sight
Colm Sep 2022
On the days when I
Am aware and awake
And in balance with the world
From each stream to each oceans lake

I swear noone else can contest my sight
Or explain my innate insight
Or see the light as my eyes perceive

Where shadows meet
Both the man-made eaves and the un

I am there in feeling just beyond the chest

It was always me
The set about creations . 10

A mix of self, self reflections, beliefs, and observations about the world which currently holds me. None of these will change the world, but over time these have certainly changed me. For better or worse, I remain. Mr. Constant. (:

Thanks friend.
Sep 2022 · 129
A Challenge
Colm Sep 2022
Waiting for the Lord

As the soul waits for the wind
As hands wait for the friend
As homes wait for each of these

Small beings no more than the grassy seas
Just as rain is sent by the lord again
So that all of these may grow and be

I **** at accepting gifts
The set about creations . 9
Sep 2022 · 437
A Question
Colm Sep 2022
What if my tongue
Parched from its boredom
Runs out of ink
Or forgets itself
And the ways of penning graphite scenes
Into the reality of lines to be

What if my of
Has come forth only to be
Nothing more than a habitus
Or self reflective mirror
That worships either everything of self
Or of thee

What if our cause
Was already free
And found beside a quiet setting
Where the Idaho deer
Meet, paw, and breed their joys
Dispite of inequities

What if this
All the snow in heaven fell
And all the heat of hell rose up
And all the steam between were trees
And you were me
And we were these

What if is all I ask of me
The set about creations . 8
Sep 2022 · 165
A Beleif
Colm Sep 2022
I value creation
I care about outcome
I live not for me
But to die everyday
To away from the old ways
I flee
The set about creations . 7
Sep 2022 · 69
A Lover
Colm Sep 2022
Before she turns and sees my eyes
Which burn with similar fires
And hopeful truths

Like autumn rolling back her hair
Into a twisted bun
And messy painted summer skies

She keeps her constant gaze abroad
Before she turns
I'm a way to hide
The set about creations . 6
Sep 2022 · 109
A Taste
Colm Sep 2022
Noone wants filet minion
And if they do they don't have it

Envy is an occasional thing
Whereas the truth is much more real
And substantial
The set about creations . 5
Sep 2022 · 63
A Question
Colm Sep 2022
Is it wrong
To not want something so easy
As shallow

Is it noble to wait
For something so uncertain
As what you actually want

Knowing isn't having
Just as finding isn't searching
It's just known
The set about creations . 4
Sep 2022 · 66
A Thoughtful Heart
Colm Sep 2022
A thoughtful heart
   Wishes for a quiet corner
And thinks
   Not for the potential being or un
But for others warm
   And their tired feet
Though they may never meet
   The intent is pure
And purely kind
The set about creations . 3
Sep 2022 · 69
A Feeling
Colm Sep 2022
I love the feeling of these words
The dark of night dying to day
The distant hum of summer birds
And the lightning bugs in gloriful sway

Just wishing, hoping, praying that they
The birds, these words, this glow
Will stay

Though they never do
I turn

And they've all gone away
The set about creations . 2
Sep 2022 · 79
A Creator
Colm Sep 2022
Give me space and the freedom to feel it out
Into the existence which wasn't meant to be
But would never have been
Without the vision
Without me

I am a selfish, most biased, creator of worlds
The set about creations . 1
Aug 2022 · 148
dear alan watts
Colm Aug 2022
You are
Like cloud
And water
In the breeze

Like stray fodder
You lift
And float
And love
And hover above
The blocking sun
At ease

Until rain
Or snowfall
Or dew
Does fall

You are
As nothing
And yet something
As all
Aug 2022 · 335
moonlight heart
Colm Aug 2022
When my moonlight heart

And cries eternity asleep no more
She says
“you do not know
where you are as of late”

And with a bright flash of light
So her insult speaks
And slowly resonates

And I then
Will inevitably wake
Just to contemplate
moonlight heart
Jul 2022 · 280
In the arms of cafe
Colm Jul 2022
To be had
I don't know where you're at
But this coffee has me
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