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4.4k · Apr 2021
u never reply
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2021
Tell me a time
U needed me
A time u grabbed ur phone
2 text me.

Have u ever rung me
In the depths of the night
Just to hear my voice
In the darkness?

U could say u had
U could tell me u need me
But I’d see our messages
Or rather, my messages:

The lines and lines
Of my words,
Calling ur name,
That go on for miles.

Punctuated by one of urs
A smile :)
Or a word
And nothing more.

How can ily
When u never respond?
How can I be obsessed
When there’s nothing:

No message
For me to obsess over.
But u never,
ever reply :(
3.9k · Jan 2021
One Life
Daisy Ashcroft Jan 2021
One life, it's a world with one just life.
And here you are in my life,
Telling me to be brave and live a good life.
But now it's too late and there's a knife
In his hand and he's full of pride
He's at your side
Better luck in another life,
He slides the silver into my wife.
I tried, I tried, I tried
But they all lied.
2.2k · Feb 2021
The Criminal
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
Wrap my wrists in silver
And see what I do.
I saw the girl and shot her;
You want me to shoot you too?

Throw on the jacket,
Surround me in white,
I'm still going to escape it.
So come and join the fight.
2.0k · Feb 2020
Her Perfume
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2020
Her perfume
I just love it so

Her perfume
Where she got it I long to know

Her perfume
It now clings to me

Her perfume:
The last memory of her that will ever be
I am writing a story with a character whose girlfriend goes missing. Just really felt that if she wrote a poem, it would be like this.
2.0k · Feb 2021
The World Is Dying
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
The world is dying
Can't you see?
It's so **** obvious.
All I want is to be free.
1.7k · Jan 2021
fossil in the making
Daisy Ashcroft Jan 2021
is this
what it feels like
to be a fossil
in the making?
to have pebbles,
sand and grit
swept slowly
on top of me.
not to mention
the crushing
and deafening
of miles of water
pressing it all down
to bury me.

but sometimes
sometimes there's
relief and light
when someone
digs through the
weight to reveal
the shadow of the
creature that once
lay there.
but then that husk
is reduced to
cinders in a mountain
of others.
and i guess you could say
that 'power station'
is adulthood.
or life.
1.7k · Apr 2021
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2021
The number of worlds that exist
Just inside my mind
Is enough for someone to insist
That there is a mistake in my design.

They stir and they shake,
Yet nothing can compare
To when you smile for my sake
Or run a hand through your hair.

When I'm with you I feel
As if I'm in the imaginary;
I forget that it's real,
Not crafted by the words in me.

It's only when I think back,
When I am trying to sleep,
That I remember it's not mind crack;
That I might be in too deep.
1.6k · Jan 2021
Why I Tell You
Daisy Ashcroft Jan 2021
I don’t tell you
Because I’m scared
I don’t tell you
Because it’s something
That needs to be shared, right
This minute
I’m not hiding and
I’m not lying
If I don’t tell you
This part of me.

I will tell you
Because I want to
And because it’s
Always there.
Like how I
Would tell you
You’re my best friend
Or how I would tell my
Family I love them.

It’s there
And it’s clear
Perhaps not to you
But to me
And I’m saying it
So you and I can see
Just that bit
More clearly.
1.4k · Mar 2021
The Phantoms in the Water
Daisy Ashcroft Mar 2021
I’m certain that by now
The windows are all steamed.
There could be dust on my towel
But I sit here picking at my own seams.

The soap bottle is lying on the side
Watching with hatred from its huddle
As I stare at my hands and try to hide
My stomach with flannels and bubbles.

I squash the buds between my fingers
While hair clings to the skin of my back.
I scrub at the writing that still lingers
Faded to blue from black.

I remember only ink and tingling
And you smiling against a classroom blur
Our hands entwined, my concentration dwindling,
Who knows in what world we were?

I’m just scrubbing veins now the pen has gone.
I wonder why you even let me exist
In your world. Tell me, am I withered and worn?
If you kissed me- Ha would you ever kiss this?

I can still feel the ink prints etched into my skin.
Will they ever fade away?
No; the phantoms in the water always win
And I can’t help but listen to everything they say.
A poem I wrote for an art project I'm part of!
1.4k · Jan 2021
The Girl Who Saw
Daisy Ashcroft Jan 2021
There was a girl,
She’s gone now,
Who lived and breathed
Imagination and life,
(Aren’t they the same thing?).

She saw the house down the street
And thought it a monster
Never that it was replete
With the emptiness  
An innocent bungalow will foster.

Air was to her
As glass water that sings
About its giggling spring
And she would awaken
At its dance upon her skin
As she breathed it all in.

The air is now
As water, grey like mercury,
That dampens what the eye can see
And it is chagrin
That is awoken
At a world so forsaken.

Nietzsche was mistaken
When he proclaimed
Our God as dead.
It’s the vision and
Stories for which we used to aim
That expires instead.
1.3k · Nov 2019
Leave Me Alone
Daisy Ashcroft Nov 2019
Words have no meaning
And yet nor do sounds
These letters have no feeling
When I write them down
My pen is a tool
And yet I feel like no creator
I simply copy words down like a common fool
These thoughts are no straighter
Than a forest of weeds
They are burning inside me
But I cannot simply feed
Them out onto paper. You see,
I don’t know what all these thoughts even mean;
They are spoken in a language that has never been seen
So I write and I write and yet I still do not understand
How to lead them out by the hand,
Into the world for you all to read.
Now leave me alone, for it is more than just words on a page that I need.
1.2k · Jun 2021
"Word Therapy"
Daisy Ashcroft Jun 2021
midnight and i'm still here
tapping out words in the hope
that i'll write something worthy
of reading.

the instructions aren't clear:
am i supposed to sleep
or work on word therapy

i don't care now
just turn on tiktok
and i'll slip into my beloved
mind coma
Daisy Ashcroft Jun 2019
I built these walls up,
Brick by brick,
When I was just a child.
They kept me safe,
They kept me sane,
They kept me from you.

I built these walls up,
Brick by brick,
Cementing them with the hate,
The pain,
The disgust
That you inflicted upon me.

I built these walls up,
Brick by brick,
Hoping they could shield my heart,
Hoping they could protect me from the world,
Hoping they could stop you.

I built these walls up,
Brick by brick,
A layer for each hour of loathing,
Each hour of self-hatred,
Each hour of torture,
That I barely endured.

I built these walls up,
Brick by brick,
To save me from the world.
To save the world from me.

But then you came,
On that motorcycle.
Speeding down my road
With coldness in your heart.

But then you came,
And tore these walls apart.
And I couldn't bear it;
You ripped them asunder with your bare fingers
Without even laying a hand on me.

But then you came,
And I saw your face,
And these walls
I had built up,
Brick by brick,
All those years ago,
Those walls came shattering down.
1.2k · Apr 2021
Scorched Skin
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2021
Scorched skin and broken nails
This love makes me so **** frail.
Inked-on stars and shaking fingers
My heart thrives on these lurches and twinges.
1.2k · Jun 2021
Daisy Ashcroft Jun 2021
All it takes
Is one look at
You and my heart is
Set off at
A million miles - per second.

The back of your head
Is enough to
Make my stomach
Twist in knots
For a few long hours. Plain giddy.

Well look at this,
Here I am
Perpetuating all
The stereotypes:
Welp, I think I fell

For my best friend - well done
1.1k · Jun 2021
Daisy Ashcroft Jun 2021
Just know one thing,
Something before I leave:
This was never intentional,
Falling in love, being deceived.
I thought I could ignore it -
Push it to the back of my mind -
But it only grew, cultivated,
Leaving any sanity behind.
Just know one thing
Before you leave me forever:
I never meant to fall -
I didn't expect this feeling whatsoever.
1.0k · Feb 2021
In Too Deep
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
Must you look at me
The way you do
When I am falling asleep?

It's all I can see
The green and the blue
And I know that I'm in too deep.
1.0k · Jun 2019
This Noise Around Me
Daisy Ashcroft Jun 2019
This noise around me
It's more than I can bear
It's too loud
It's too busy
All I want is to be alone

This noise around me
Is all I ever hear
The chattering of a bird
The screaming of a child
They fill up my brain

This noise around me
Is suffocating. All I know
Is that I can't breathe,
I can't swallow,
I can no longer hear myself

This noise around me
It takes up too much space
There is no room for me to move
No room for me to live
It takes up every empty pocket in me

This noise around me
Is inside me. Loud and incessant
The sounds are my own
The voices are my own
But I simply can't rid of them

This noise inside me
It's more than I can bare
It's too loud
It's too busy
All I want is to be alone.

Truly alone
With the darkness
And silence.
Alone with no noise.
All I want is to be at peace.
955 · Apr 2021
i don't listen
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2021
i don’t ever listen
to anything you say.
i can’t help it
when your smile turns my way.

how do you expect me to hear
the words you’re directing to me,
when a laugh accompanies it
and it’s all i can see?
928 · Feb 2021
Mental Desert
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
it won't be long
this time won't be too long
i promise it will not last forever.

but somewhere deep inside
wrapped in the darkness of my insides
i enjoy this mental desert - or whatever
902 · Nov 2020
Singing in the acid rain
Daisy Ashcroft Nov 2020
Every day the delirium grows
That our actions don't change our fate.
It's only the scarce few that know
That what we do determines Earth's expiry date.

The more forests that we set ablaze,
The weaker our planet gets.
The more companies that say that it's only a phase
The more people begin to forget

That countless children
Are failing to see a future
Countless children
Have never seen the beauty of nature.

But if we stand together
And we don't fall apart
Everything, we will weather
And a change we will start.

Countless humans
Are begging for a planet to live on,
So countless humans
Must stand up and be relied upon
To make that possible for their fellow brothers,
Sisters, friends and everyone who suffers.
878 · Feb 2021
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
That shimmer
That glisten of my heart
Can't you see it's a mirror?
Oh, love, where do I start?
847 · Sep 2020
butterflies only flutter by
Daisy Ashcroft Sep 2020
It starts with his beautiful bright blue eye,
So steady and sure as the wings flutter and sigh.
They keep watch of the life below,
The nectar and the flowers that grow
A forest of colours, red to indigo.

Now, when the eyes shutter and blink,
The flowers look up and they think,
'Here is our dazzling friend,
Come here to dance and defend,
And to our gardens tend'.

Here, it whispers to a mother and child
Remembering all the times that they smiled
To each other and held hands
To help the child thrive and withstand
The winter's harshest command.

The mother waves and the child shakes
In excitement and down fall the flakes
Of yellow but quickly goes the protector
Gathering the pieces and the nectar
And hurrying back to inspect her.

Often people suspect that this pest
Eats the flowers and destroys their nest
But little do they know of why
The mother flower strokes the pest's eye.
You see butterflies don't just flutter by.

They have a duty and a burden
To protect the flowers of their garden
And see that everything is safe and sound
Down there on the ground.
A poem for my mum...
804 · Mar 2021
This Note
Daisy Ashcroft Mar 2021
If you see this note
I want you to know
It's not my fault
If love is starting to show.
So when I flinch at your touch
It isn't because of a crush
You just...made me jump.
When my cheeks go red
After you touch my leg
I'm not flustered, but...just something else instead!
It's just sugar and veins
that make me feel like I'm fizzing
And it's just habit
To hold your hand when I see you
Maybe I'm wrong and I do love you
Is that what I'm supposed to say?
Would that take these thoughts away?
But it's not like there's anything I could do
It's not like just this note would get all my thoughts through.
765 · Mar 2021
Too Much
Daisy Ashcroft Mar 2021
Vines wrap round their trees until
There is no bark left to see.
Flowers will drink and get their fill
But too much and it's a tragedy.
Often when a storm's too strong
Away any foundations are blown
And are lost to the winds for much too long -
Won't you please leave me alone?

The weeds strangle the neighbour roots
Of flowers just trying to bloom
They quell the reach of nearby shoots
Til they are driven to their doom.
Locusts once came and blocked the light
And blood drowned the rivers red.
Why won't you see that we are not right
And you should find someone else instead?
Love's Philosophy Pastiche
761 · Feb 2021
To be still
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
I wonder
What it is like
To be still.

It must be lovely
Not always shifting in your skin
And mind as well.

Is it even possible
To have that in this time?
Who can tell?

I don't know
But I hope one day
I will - you know, be still...
753 · Oct 2019
Daisy Ashcroft Oct 2019
Greeting and salutations!
Our esteemed guests are here.
To fight their imaginations
And give in to the fear.

Make yourselves at home
We hope you enjoy yourselves
And make it through the night.
Partly inspired by Five Nights at Freddy's; mostly inspired by my strange and crazy imagination!
Daisy Ashcroft Oct 2019
I am but thirteen years old and yet
I feel as though I am older

I write, I read, I play, I laugh
All things that a child of my age should

And yet somehow I feel as though
There is more inside that I need to let go
I read these poems, row by row
But these writers shall never know
That I have looked up to them since long ago

I am young, I am smart
Therefore there is not much I can change into art

I'm a teenager, I'm at school
So on this site I feel like a fool

Right now, I don't have much to say
But maybe I will some other day
So please wait for the moment that I say 'Hey!
Here's something I can write about that won't just fade away.'
Daisy Ashcroft Dec 2019
It's not a monster
That haunts me each and
Every night
It's the thing
That follows me
I go
It's just me
My conscience
And the
Demons inside
My heart
And mind
742 · Mar 2021
How I Know
Daisy Ashcroft Mar 2021
They asked me how I knew
That I loved only you.
Do you know what I said?
The first thing that came to my head?

I told them you're like lo-fi indie
One tear and you're there for me
Waiting to sing and help me through
One hour in your arms and I'm back to new.

And, like the music, you fill out the edges
The sharp that cut up my senses
You pad them out and soften them up
So when I fall, I don't feel so struck.
Daisy Ashcroft Nov 2020
Your wings, they whisper,
When my mind dwindles,
The words in my heart they kindle
And I fin'ly speak to her.

Your eyes, honey and cream,
Urge me to her room
Beaming in delight through the gloom,
Faltering faithfully when I scream.

Your hands, they hold me close,
When I wish to fall,
But now I see through it all,
Your beautiful serpents and crows.

You, Lucifer, smile,
In soft sympathy,
Dark in the light of infinity,
And I find,
Watching her body under your eyes glow,
That your seven rings, I don't mind,
Because I know
That, in helping my love grow her wings,
To heaven you will go.
648 · Jun 2020
She didn’t do it
Daisy Ashcroft Jun 2020
She didn’t do it
I scream I scream
She couldn’t have done it
What do you mean

They show me the pictures
The pictures of her
They are the pictures
Of her in her fur

She’s a fashionable girl
They say to my cries
Must have gotten it from you
But the pictures are lies

I refuse to believe
Believe that she did it
There’s no **** way
They wait outside a bit

They’re wrong so so wrong
She’s not a murderer, doesn’t even own a ****
No she’s not the criminal in this family
I’ll prove them wrong, prove it was me

The kitchen drawer opens, no time to smile
I walk past the table, walk past the file
I slit the knife across
No apologies; it’s their loss
647 · Feb 2021
To the farthest galaxy
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
You know, I love you to the farthest
Galaxy in our wide universe
And no scientist knows how far that is
No matter the distance they traverse.

I will love you til the sun turns white
And the stars begin to fade.
And when that time finally reached us
I'll even love you for a few more decades.
644 · Feb 2021
Winds Ever Shifting
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
Winds ever shifting -
dark on into light
   This feeling won't be lifting,
no! No, not this night.

   Winds ever shifting -
this..this can't be right
   My mind won't stop drifting -
it'll last forever, won't it?
   This Godforsaken flight.
635 · Nov 2020
look at me
Daisy Ashcroft Nov 2020
You'd think by now
I'd have learned
Not to think
And I swear
I try
But sometimes in
Moments when you
Like I'M
There's no way to
Me from coming alive
Read the capitalised words again.
593 · Apr 2019
Only Ever With An Enemy
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2019
Only ever with an enemy,
Glaring with blood-red eyes at our backs,
Do we talk.

Only ever with an enemy,
Snapping words of disgust
In our faces,
Do we unite.

Only ever with an enemy,
Splintering the world and all within to pieces,
Do we become sisters,
Do we become ourselves again.

So I ask,
In a voice no more than a whisper,
With a shadow of pure wrath spreading,
'Who are you truly?'
And 'Why only ever...with an enemy?'
Please please leave some comments!! I'm new to this website and I would love some feedback!
585 · Feb 2021
Blood, Sweat & Tears
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
Blood rushes
When you walk in the room

Sweat beads
When your shadow starts to loom

Tears vanish
Now you're down in your tomb.
567 · May 2019
My Friend: The Moon
Daisy Ashcroft May 2019
Tonight I lie so restlessly,
Tossing and turning continuously,
But sleep evades me and I am left alone
With just my thoughts and views on the world that is unbeknown
To everyone and no one. I am just a child,
My perspectives so naive and completely wild.
It is silent here and there is nothing but shadows
To console me when I fall into my many sorrows.

The gentle breathing of another
Calls to the loneliness that comes to smother
Me in its troubles and its woes.
Why I feel so empty, no one but God really knows.
With dreams in a far away land,
I sit up and extend a tired hand
To open the curtain that is the barrier between
My world and the real world that I have so little seen.

When the sun is slumbering in the blanket of darkness,
The sheets are my only solid harness
To keep me from slipping into the life beyond
And the peace of which I am so fond.
When the city is resting after a busy day,
I long to just simply fade away
Into the dancing pattern of stars
That seem to soften the stain of the world's many scars.

I feel no fear when I look out there
At the city that has been stopped bare
Of its many facades, leaving only the calm
That was once handed down to is by the holy Lamb's palm.
The silence is no longer a fright
For our there in the beautiful light,
Shimmering and basking in the great light,
My friend, the moon, smiles down at me and protects this little-known sight
That I have come to love and hold so dear
Every night when sleep is far from near.
562 · Sep 2020
Daisy Ashcroft Sep 2020
Roses bloom
When summer comes to call
But aren't we forgetting,
In spite of its strength,
The petals still fall.

The summer hides
When roses turn sour
We mourn the loss
Of its delight and threat
But it's still just a flower.

Now roses bloom
On your shirt and, Doll,
All the summers in the world
Couldn't make your flower of blood
Worth it all.
510 · Feb 2021
Satellite Soul
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
Maybe our souls
Are split in two
And happiness
Is when they are friends
The day I was born
Some of my soul
Was inflated with helium
And rose up up
Up to the
Always watching its other half
And when I am happy
When I feel
I am floating
It is when
The half on the ground
Finally makes connection
With my satellite Soul
And when this feeling fades
When I am centred and flat
And neutral
The souls have lost
If so
The signal connected
And my halves
Both heavy and light
Are friends again.
480 · May 2021
mind mind mind
Daisy Ashcroft May 2021
It's as if my mind awakens
Only when I try to sleep
Everything stirs and is shaken
And into my eyes seep:

The constellations, the films, the merging and surging feelings
The words, the songs, the sensations and conversation peelings
They build and build: piles of molten wax
When all I want is my body and mind to just relax.

Like static, the thoughts do nothing but build and charge
Like in a growing balloon, the exerted forces get so **** large
Pressure in balloons is what we learn in school
Pressure in my mind is what I learn in my sleep pool.
470 · Sep 2020
What I Want
Daisy Ashcroft Sep 2020
What I want
Want more than anything
Isn't a castle on a cloud
Or a palace and king

It's my life as it is
Only extended beyond years
It's my life like this
Minus all the fears

A place where I don't have to build up my armour
A place without this international drama
No climate change or ****** media
No wars and no 'Corona's newest feature'

So it's no castle on a cloud
And certainly no palace and king
I want a world with peace
That's what I want more than anything.
462 · Sep 2020
Can't get through
Daisy Ashcroft Sep 2020
Too much algae in a lake
Or rotten leaves in a puddle
They keep me awake
Evertrapped in this bubble
Of worry and exhaustion
Loneliness and doubt
I swim and they churn
And I can't get out
I can't get out
I can't get out of the grave I'm in
Is this really how it's always been?
Doesn't matter now; I've nothing to do
Except claw at the leaves and hope I get through.
446 · Feb 2021
Shift away
Daisy Ashcroft Feb 2021
I am drifting
A very lonely course.
Winds ever shifting,
My voice continues hoarse.
With the words
I will never say
And the herds
I shepherd every day.
It's time to awaken
But here I lay
Because those winds -
All they do is shift away.
I don't like saying lay instead of lie but it's what rhymes so oh well :)
416 · Jan 2020
Daisy Ashcroft Jan 2020
When my world turned upside down,
And it seemed all forces were against me,
I thought you were the one thing stable,
Something I could cling to blindly.
But instead you are the feet
That have shaken the foundations loose.
You are the winds,
Ripping years of roots from the ground.
I thought you were stable
In my world of instability.
But instead,
You are the world.
A poem loosely based on a story I am writing.
415 · Nov 2019
You can't see her
Daisy Ashcroft Nov 2019
The marks on her pen
The wood splinters on her headboard
The stained and bent feathers of her pillow
The cheap stimulants in her drawer
All masked by your ignorance and naivety
Her stilted smiles and loose words.
So don't say that you 'know her'
- I'll hurt you if you do -
And don't say you love her
- We'll **** you if you try.
You don't 'know her'
Or 'love her';
For God's sake you can't even see her.
406 · Dec 2019
Daisy Ashcroft Dec 2019
Keep blinking  
Don’t think more about it
Just blink
Blink away the dark
Because my lashes are that strong aren't they.
404 · Apr 2020
Daisy Ashcroft Apr 2020
Stop with 'you better come here now'
Stop with the 'who what when where and how'
Don't bother trying to break this vow
I think it's fin'ly time for you to take your bow

You haven't said a word
Yet I can still hear your voices
Wrapping round my world
No, I've got no more choices
But to do what you say
Coz I fear the pain is never gonna go away
Haven't written in a while so I'm a little rusty. How is everyone doing in isolation?
395 · Dec 2019
The Weight of Silence
Daisy Ashcroft Dec 2019
The weight of silence is easy
You can learn it too
Just sit and breathe and let
The silence do what it needs to do

Thus when I come to you
You know I don't want your talk
Of 'Just know I'm here'
And you won't expect me to walk
You along the path of my fear

All you do is sit and breathe and listen
Just sit and breathe and let
The weight of silence
Turn on the faucet
Of slow, slow healing
Started to lose its flow towards the end, but the poem just came to me so I had to get it out as quickly as possible.
391 · Jul 2020
See Those People Part 1
Daisy Ashcroft Jul 2020
You see those people
Far, far below?
We were once just like them
Eating what we grow.

But now we're here
Up in the sky
And they can't wait to see
The place they go when they die.
Read parts 2 and 3 on my stream!
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