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380 · Oct 2018
Unrest All Around
Colm Oct 2018
Neither the quiet comforts of your home
Nor the wonders of the great unknown
Will satisfy your thirst to know
The wandering rest within your bones

In one way or another
How the shoe turns and Crow flies
Untill no longer bound
We are all alone
Nothing is ever perfect. Nothing really lasts. At present.

Get all you wish for and be disappointed.

Read with a smile and be prepared for the truth of this life.

Blah blah.
380 · Aug 2017
Like Cider
Colm Aug 2017
I am like cider
Well preserved
Always available and warm
Though only appreciated in the fall
Or at least so I feel
Slightly fermented
My taste is not for everyone.
379 · Aug 2017
Colm Aug 2017
I want to be a wing of your mansion
Close the door on me if you like
But I'll always be extensive
No door can hide what's left behind
And just behind
The light within a man's eyes
All kinds of different lights in a house...
379 · Aug 2019
Everything Girl
Colm Aug 2019
Let it be known
That the sweetest nothing I ever tasted, was you

More light and charming than a sunset Summer
More distant and wonderus than a reflective star

You were first in mind
And last for me in many things

My distant, charming, everything
Everything Girl
379 · Sep 2018
When In Doubt, Live In Joy
Colm Sep 2018
In the stillness near
In the quiet hours of the meadowing deer

In the mourning pain
In the dead of night
In the dawns first crowning and tremulous sight

In the hopes you've handled
In the truth you can't hold
In the courage of every story untold

In these passing seconds
In every here and now
In all these questioning memories of why and how

In the eldest of them
In the youngest of you
In the heart of each moment spent silent and true

In the coffee to stir
In the brewing of cups
In the lofty ambitions spent star gazing up

In the light of the son
In the shade of the moon
In the inevitably of all things too soon

In the echoing mind
In the shell of the self
In the prominent values set high on the shelf

In the breath of your speech
In the fog drawing near
In the timeless long hours which encompass the years

In the youth of your springtime, with your fate every stay
In the Spirit I find you and from joy never stray
This took hours for me. But the gist of it means, regardless of what we humans can see. The spirit is present, if you want him to be.

Secondary quest, the summation of JOY > HAPPINESS. Something I believe in just as I believe the sun will rise tomorrow.

So if I keep asking for it, he will lead you to me. Or the other way around.

To noone in particular. 5+ drafts. Just messing around with syllable counts and line format. #selfimposedrules
379 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
Calling you
Calling me
Is like saying your smile is unique because of teeth
You are, yet you are not, unique
Colm May 2017
I'm not afraid of birds and beasts
Of men, of death, of passing time
Not often at least
How I catch myself
Although such fears can certainly be
Very valid in the viewer’s mind

No, I am afraid of something else, of something like this:
"What will I find when I get to that place, to the end of that line?"

And therein within, at the end of all things
When there is no tape left for me to rewind

I find my fear which is in fact, that I'll be left
Trying to understand and satisfy both of our minds

How actively and willing I’ll always be to compromise
But, that one day, I'd become this way
Like the only one who prays each day
To walk the narrow, bitter line

For years and years
That way to be
Simply stuck to you, and stuck with me

Trying to bend and break most faithfully
Until I meet my own demise and internalize the eternity

That, is the fear, which frightens me

Because a wise man says not change their ways
But change your own, first in your time

Which I can do because I’m me
But just being a wise man doesn't means
That I'm not a human
And that I won't desire change equally

For such a fear is real to me
Because I've witnessed, time and time again
The bitterness of inequality
Don't quote me on this... I'll probably end up tweaking it later.
378 · Feb 2017
Spark To Light
Colm Feb 2017
No shining star in the distant sky
Nor headlight glaring in your eye
Or a firework after it learns to fly
Can compare to the light in a man's heart
When he kisses his girl for the first time
378 · Jan 2017
Don't Even
Colm Jan 2017
Don't pretend to be something you're not to impress
Don't be like that
When in fact it's the claim that you understand
Which unfailing
Makes me laugh
377 · Oct 2018
The Zora Symphony
Colm Oct 2018
Symphonic fountain
Work your way
Carve out the hearing, sound a stream
And flow within
Trickling, never dropping or dripping
But moving steadily towards the heart
To meet the rising steam
As lillypads mourning
Are pulled by the stem into a watery sea
Let this gentle sound pull me beneath
The surface tense
Until all my former fear are broken
And I am but a rippling sound
Another trickle towards uniformity
Zora symphonic Symphony oneness in the water sound trickle
377 · Apr 2019
Hovering In The Sky
Colm Apr 2019
I will tarry here
For a little while left in hope
Until honesty grips me by the shoulder blades
And bades me back
To walk the lengthy line alone
For a little bit longer
For a while, I go

In the sky, a star hovers, while another passes by
I, in the sky
Colm Sep 2019
It's a simple smile
Softly over a small cup
Of steaming coffee
Which cries almost quietly
"Joy alive in crinkled eyes"
Happiness is overrated. But Joyfulness through faith, cannot enough be exaggerated.

Perhaps a verbal self-portrait of sorts. Lolz.
377 · Jul 2019
Why We Act
Colm Jul 2019
It's not a show
It's not a club
It's not a desire or a desired outcome
It's nothing really
It's just humanity
Suffering under the effects of this self provoked curse we call time
And this is why we act
376 · May 2017
The Honest Truth
Colm May 2017
I know when I am kept at length
I feel it still

The distance between
The shortness of breath
The memory of such

Did you know that such things never escape me?

Like the way in which you used to be
How you used to breathe

Just know that this change is not insulting to me
But speaks more firmly than any word
And more clearly than any crystal stream

So I need not ask if I may drink
I simply cannot
Nor am I capable of thinking beyond

For that is how you have made this to be
Quiet again
And short without sweet

And thus, I am left
Disappointed in myself
For sharing like this

How I feel like a child standing beside a rapid river
Raging onward
How it runs and swells and passes by my confidence, quickly it flees

For in my mind comparatively
We were the same in prior days
Like a mountain stream
Clear and crisp

But now, just know that I must learn to flow more cautiously
In order to be and protect myself 
Remaining as is

For this is how it must now be
Directional, proportional
Or at least based on what I've seen
For therein grows a greater distance between
And greater still

And I will not pay
I will not suffer
When your attention in such moments
Is no longer free, to the likes of me

So here I lay the honest truth
In an honest statement, without plea
There is nothing else to say I'm afraid. Somethings are just too complex to explain. And to bring to light such things, would only call attention to those feelings which, need not be addressed. I simply must go. I simply must let go and let it be. That is the best way for this. *nods at self, be it rather sadly*
376 · Sep 2018
A Mind, A Well, At Night
Colm Sep 2018
From where to draw
From which new well?
The night forever never tells

With no ear there
To hear the silence
But to speak another, break the spell

No mind to see what's in the night
Unless the dark is spoken till
The dawn it breaks another dream

With morning come a settled well

Deep to draw
Deep to dwell
A person's thoughts at night... A person's thoughts at night.
376 · Jul 2016
Look And See
Colm Jul 2016
Look into my eyes and see whatever you can.
For I have passed over,
And I become the former friend.

Though before you my feet may shimmer and stand.
You cannot see the path before me,
Nor the direction which my heart demands.

Like a wanderer, I'm an invisible man.
Standing beside the traveling son,
With the comrades in their own travelin band.

The rugged, the ragged, the weary souls.
Such tiresome eyes will always know,
What the steady feet will not understand,

So look into my eyes and see,
Whatever it is,
Whatever you can.
Written when I was the only one who knew the truth :)
Colm Feb 2019
I'd forgotten how big the sky was
How full of possiblity was a life filled with flight
Yes, Majora's
When that moon was hanging over me in such a way
It made it impossible to see the night from day
And to separate the time from the potential life
Be it without a countdown or accursed limit
But of a life outside of the dream far away
Beyond The Impending Moon of Doom (Majora's)
375 · Apr 2017
Colm Apr 2017
"Beneath the sky, above the grass un mowed and growing high.

There lives a quiet seamless wind, which whispers words in the back of my mind.

It questions me and my own being, and inquires as to if I am wasting my time.

Searching throughout humanity, for someone so practical and pure of heart, who I never was actually intended to find."
Homest words from an idealist. (:
375 · May 2017
The Sight
Colm May 2017
My hair, drifting in the howling wind
But you don't know the sight
To know that I am alive and well, within your eyes
Though you don't know the sight
Because...this is what is right
Colm May 2022
A wish is only a wish
When you have not the time -
Or the faculties
Or the will left alive
- to try

Be it again or for the first or for the eventual not

Will you try?
Presentme . 7
373 · Dec 2017
Colm Dec 2017
It was better before the stars burned out

Before the clouds dispersed and deserted our dreams

Before the oceans turned

It was better then

When you could dance in the rain and hear yourself

Before the mountainous trees had all burned down

And the gas clouds escaped the hollowed ground

When your mother and I would walk the earth

And sing until the words fell out of our open mouths

It was a different place to live and be

It was different world than what we know now
God bless The Road
373 · Apr 2018
What A Man Sees
Colm Apr 2018
More delicate
And yet stronger in such ways
Unbeknownst to me
And this is why
When I look into her eyes
I see nothing of me
And yet everything
I could ever wish to know
None will search forever. All searches end one way or another. And if you're wise and revere the old words, you'll always have an eternity of sorts. Waiting for you.
373 · Aug 2017
Colm Aug 2017
I can almost contend
Almost swear
That I don't age at all
Not even for a second
During those moments when I'm in the air

Flying freely without face
Until gravity pulls me back again
And greets me with a firm embraces

How I adore such things
Like the feeling of what it's like to soar
Quietly through the clever air

With a cutting figure bend the back
And unwind with time
Just to pause for a moment precariously
And hover right there in the air

How flying always makes me feel
That I am lighter than the world

Pressing down no more on me
For I am falling between my cares
There Is Freedom In Falling
373 · Jan 2018
My Favorites And Me
Colm Jan 2018
Frost is so good.

Cummings is so good.

Dunbar is so good.

Field is so good.

God, am I
Any good?

My Favorites And Me
372 · Apr 2016
Drink You In
Colm Apr 2016
True reflections appeal to me
Like the churning waters of the Atlantic
I am lost amidst the vastness of this deep blue sea

I think therefor I am and hope that I will ever be
A clever well of reflective waters
The kind that people always seek

And yet I search for you in streams
Because I thirst and need to drink
Your words in deep which comfort and compose the likes of me

No other soul will see you shimmer neath the snow capped mountain peaks
And so I stoop to catch your fragrance
And drink you in a draught so deep

371 · May 2019
Regardless of Ratio
Colm May 2019
You know
There will always be
More smiles
More good people
Almost Always
371 · Sep 2018
The Same Me?
Colm Sep 2018
I am too much of an all or nothing
Not enough of a contented now

An exhale warm in the breath of time
And a tall windmill standing still

With a quiet mind that won't shut up
And an open mouth to catch the rain

Unceremoniously I stand
On a world of ever encircling change

And I am the same
Am I the same?
Who knows if I was always this way? Definitely not me... Lol. Question mark? Lol.
371 · Jan 2018
An Author's Words
Colm Jan 2018
A million years at least would take
To read them all
Front to back and over again
And yet
If an author paid for every word
It would bankrupt them
Over and over again

Who knows how many they've uttered in darkness?
The mind and mindless penmanship
Just try and count your own thoughts sometime
370 · Sep 2018
Intimate Eyes
Colm Sep 2018
The captive head
Escaping hair
You are and then
So debonair
It's hard to tell where your beauty begins
And my handsomeness ends
Just a glimpse.
370 · May 2019
Drops In A Puddle
Colm May 2019
Overlapping like our hands
But colder, quicker
And in an uncontrolled fall
Free until splash, dew part
The rain drops in the puddle there
Are not like us at all
Rain Drop Ripples In A Puddle
370 · Nov 2019
If I Knew Before I Knew
Colm Nov 2019
Stay your tongue to save discomfort
Stay your tongue and lose forever
The chance to speak of whatever it was
No forever lasts forever  

John Mayer said it best. "Say what you need to say."

The Vision - All The Missed Conversations Avoided Before A Fathers Passing
Colm Jan 2020
Every morning when I hide my untie
Turn on a podcast out the door
And stumble through the cold
In my secretly Italian coat
I leave with coffee
Hot poured with opinions over sleep
And my inner child switches on the N64
Pours hinself some chocolate milk
And gloats
Holding his eternal freedom over me
Kids will be kids. Even your inner child. #skipwork

Favorite game?
370 · Feb 2017
Human Struggles
Colm Feb 2017
No woman's hand will warm my own
And I need no other voice to tell me I can

I'll find no confort in the confusion of another person's soul
I have enough problems within my own

I feel no obligation to try and break this human mold
For this is simply how I am

I just wish that I could stop expecting others
To somehow create the value in me
Which would permit me to grow old without regrets

This most definitely it's a terrible venture in which to invest
Where you'd least expect it
370 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
You bade me come
Like blades of grass and shields of rye

Like wind in mountain meadows past
Like sun and moon and sky

Your hand outstretched a breath from mine
Midst mire known to sink

I reached
And took you in with a sight so deep

You bade me come alive
This one started with a sound, which lead to a sight, which lead to a question, and ultimately brought me here. THAT is how this came to be.
369 · Jun 2018
Colm Jun 2018
All that a man wants
     But does not have.
Can be traced back
     To him, indefinitely.

Because all that a man
     Is required to do
Is to speak the truth.

And to ask with an open
     Honest heart
With a fearless
     Mindful propensity.
From the Sleepless Feet collection.

On a personal note...hahaha.
369 · Mar 2018
Winding Rivers
Colm Mar 2018
are like sips of whiskey

is like the first Great River.

are because of my thirst

will flow forever
through the valley of eternal consciousness
Pulled straight from my first old thought journal.
369 · Jun 2019
Up At Her
Colm Jun 2019
All she ever wanted
Was for me to never stop
Looking up
Into those beautiful eyes with white outlines

And it's with a sigh I say
That no but or excuse can justify
My faith or lack thereof

And now all I can say is that I
Henceforth will aspire higher
Open my eyes wider
And look upwards as I try
And ever longingly reach her sky

Up At Her
Up At Her
In her blue my own eyes come alive
The sky has blue eyes

Fervent Series (4/10) - 06/23/19
369 · Jun 2017
A Smile From Last Week
Colm Jun 2017
Have you any idea?
What you do to my eyes?
The wrinkles and lines which you evoke?  
With delicate ease…
You do this to me
And have you any idea?
Let it sit for changes needed. (:
369 · Apr 2018
The Night Wire
Colm Apr 2018
With every ounce of darkness
There is a wire stretching thin
Taught as a corset on her skin
And waiting for the vibrations to begin
Beneath what ever it is within
And yet a lust for me is not inside
For my heart is never dark
But a mind of equal, high in value
Is never to be scorned or laughed at
Only ever to be desired
And looked upon as a necessity in part
When it comes to hearing out the other mind
In the quiet pangs of this good dark
An openness of mind between two people... Such a thing is incredibly desirable.
368 · Jan 2019
Flash Flay
Colm Jan 2019
Missing the spark of your flash in the pan
The blinding seering light most quick
I miss
Not the way I'd behave when things would go amiss
I miss the fog of war
The flashing flay
And the feeling of victory
That most ignorant bliss
The spark
The flash
The flay is what I miss
368 · Apr 2016
Like Fire
Colm Apr 2016
A cylinder of burning flame, standing tall in the dead of night.
With wisping smoke and warming waves I radiate.
Emulating the fires of old, which charred the brick and mortar stone of a fireplace.
Like the flames which gave you first your warmth, turn now to me.
A fiery ember burning fast, a glutton for your oxygen.
My lifeless love will ever last.
Until the waters poured upon me turns the lye from Phoenix ash.
I am your love.
Your lonesome fire.
A comet in the sky to pass.

368 · May 2021
The vaulter
Colm May 2021
His standards
No pole vaulter on acid could touch
So high
367 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
What is man without action?
Resulting choice?
What is a man without action indeed?
Just a voice.
He said I will not dwell on what you said. But rather what you do.
366 · Mar 2019
Creative Wish
Colm Mar 2019
You make me smile like a smart chess move
With anticipation no less intriguing
You are the stroke of ivory in the lingering key of whatever tune has been most on my mind

Your heart must be yellow as a sunflower warm
As it melts away and slowly warms
The winter of my mind turned cold

And now, amidst the houring fields
Where this sound once was young
How it is only my wish for the time to grow old
Another sound, another sight
366 · Dec 2019
Skein (4LINE)
Colm Dec 2019
Twist and turn, our woven ways
Make gaps no more to close
Let death be the only unweaver of us
Tied to myself, you’re close
Skein is a knitting/knotted thing. Or in this case, a for lifetime kind of thing.
366 · Nov 2017
Colm Nov 2017
As snow descends unto the earth
With a calming, soothing, effortless ease

So you my friend should be like the snow
And settle the horizon beyond the trees

No snowflake was ever meant to last
Or to live to see the newborn leaves

For we are uniquely designed by God
As unique and beautiful as these
Not into special snowflakes. But everyone is uniquely designed. What we do to our selves after that is up to us. (:
365 · Jan 2020
A Nights Prior Tired
Colm Jan 2020
With that
A weariness crept up close upon me
Without a word or caustic look
More silent than a shadow stalks
More lonely than an abandoned Rook
It jumped and I fell fast asleep
Surely as weariness, consciousness, and companionship exist
I feel, as if only one of these can be
Whence awake
A creeping weariness alive
364 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
More ups and downs
Highs and lows
Ins and outs
All around
With thoughts abound which fall like snow to melting grounds
Citizens Cope play me out
Because knocking me sideways is what this life is all about
363 · Feb 2018
When It's Time
Colm Feb 2018
When the faces repeat,
And you rinse and lather the imaginary relationships between.

It is time.

When you no longer care about anything but a smile and a wave.
And the real relationships are laid bare before you.

It is time.

When you're too close to the fire and know you it is so.
By the smell of your smoldering self-realized ego.

It is time.

When the moments have passed and the omens you knew,
Which have been good tor you, for so long, are now gone.

*Yes, it is time to go.
Say so? I do.
362 · Sep 2019
Southern Storm
Colm Sep 2019
So you think my storm is done at last?
Just watch and wait till summers end.
When, with a quiet rumble I return.
As a single jar of lightning left.
To speak the words of thankfulness.
And to spark one more glorious storm to pass.
Nothing lasts forever. But for one more year. I'm just a notherner bringing one final southern storm to pass. God give me the strength and focus to do my best.
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