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Ayesha Jun 2021
O you bleak, bleak little soul
Tell me, what do you want?
The crescent shines a quiet heaven
And winds whisper on
What do you want?
Ask, and have you shall
Ask, ask, ask on
Blue fires smiling green
Or ashen papers soaring up the dark
Two nights ago

We tore an old notebook into
Rootless pages
And crumpled them into *****
One upon the other slept
As the matchstick kissed herself a flame
And shrivelled up like a worm
The papers gleamed from inside out
dragon dens, alive at last
And they smoked all the curses
We dare not utter

They burned themselves away
And fire, the fire followed
The embers remained

They twinkled on the black concrete
Daughters of the sun
Quietened beneath our shoes
Tell me, you bleak, bleak little flower

What is it you ache for?
Dawn brings forth his circus
And hues fill up the world
Why do you weep?
There are drinks that
Make the tongue dance around
Spices as lively as bees

Women prettier than stars
feather touches, and tender seas
voices that dance steady and slow
There are glories on the mountains
Waiting to be loved
Rings and rollercoasters,
Rooftops there are
Ask, ask, ask away

Bards, and beaches
Prayer mats stitched with gold

Thunder upon chirping cities
Moors, and meadows
Museums of all the futures ahead
What do you want?
Ask, ask, ask it all
O you beak, bleak little moon
Why will you not speak?
Mia Apr 2020
i wish i could explain your smile,

and how it cures me when i’m down.

i wish i could explain

the small things you do,

and how it makes me smile

when i have no reason to.

i wish i could explain

the sound of your voice,

and how it calms my aching heart.

i wish i could explain your laugh,

and how it makes any

tiring day bearable.

i wish i could explain you.

and how just seeing you

makes me feel at home

and complete.
With these unknowns
These powder bones
Slip across't each other
Just to miss their mark.

Ready for the coming seasons
In no particular order
The sun comes up at different times of day.

The moon really is my best friend anyway
Because you're the one who watches over my dreams every day.

Apparently the thoughtfulness that I escribe
Unto these phantom pages coule magnificence readyness.
But they're kind of just random mots that somehow convey the way I feel at the time.
It doesn't even have to make sense.
But it always does in the end.

Au revoir
Otis Oct 2018
That's when I realised;

I'm not very good at writing dramatic single sentences.
Colm May 2018
I miss you,
More than anyting.
More than earth and sky and sea.
I miss you,
And the sight of you, which I've yet to see.
And I wish you were here,
So that I could ask you about you,
And inadvertently learn something new about me.
EVewritesss Apr 2018
Jemari mulai gemulai
Dikala ia mulai melambai
Bahasa tubuhku tidak diragukan lagi
Lika likunya sudah tertebak dari haluan pertama bapak satpam
Dia mulai menyapa
Aku teriak keras
hatiku yang teriak
Hawa panas tubuh beriringan membara bersama
Peluh terbawa jatuh dipipi
bisa bayangkan, bagaimana wujudku waktu itu....
Kini, segala fana itu harus di nikmati, entah menarik, suram, dan basi
Aku pikir, kapan lagi akan bertemu dan beradu argument sedekat itu
Kapan lagi berdialog serius dengan elokan tubuh cukup dekat
Kapan lagi aku bisa pandangi wajahnya 4 cm lebih dekat dengannya....
Jadi kupikir, aku harus syukuri, jika nanti tak bisa lagi. Yasudah ku kenang saja....
Nanti senja jadi pelengkap saat mulai mengenang moment itu, sudah ku jadwalkan
Jangan sia-siakan waktu dan selebrasi saat berasama dia atau mereka. Coba nikmati, arungi bersama, cairkan bersama. Pasti indah rupanyaaa
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