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362 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
How foolish of me to think that I could understand
That I could even possibly comprehend whatever it is or whoever it was
Because clearly the struggle that I did undertake was something that I could not withstand
But even so and as I am
I cannot understand
Because I am just a mortal
I am just a man
But I wish I could
I wish you can
But I wish you could.
362 · May 2018
With Starlight In Her Eyes
Colm May 2018
When the skies turned cold, I never knew
I only could hope to find and see...

But now the truth before me sits
Like an open sky,
Staring up at me.

And behind your eyes
Is the starlight I've longed to see

Till the dawn blade pierces the night
And the skies renew
Look up at me my most alive

See only me
With such starlight in your eyes
With Starlight In Her Eyes
361 · Sep 2019
Colm Sep 2019
You’re a hole in the ground
When I’m looking for a break in the clouds
An old phone number resurfaced in my life today. And though I was very flattered, I was also very aware of why I wasn't very talkative back then. It just wasn't what I wanted and then some. Sorry.
361 · May 2019
Castles By The Sea
Colm May 2019
When all I try
And all I do
Falls down like sand
Midst castle molds

With knees
Red and worn

And eyes
Read and worn

I will dig the softly sudden earth
And build myself
A castle new

Never to be torn down
In this life
Castles By The Sea - With an inevitable end
361 · Feb 2019
Bitter Rain (Falling)
Colm Feb 2019
Nine meters per second
Twenty miles per hour
No speed is sufficient for this
This kind of falling

To close this wound I never knew
To slow my waking thoughts alive
One moment I am all a hope
The next I am crashing into a puddle down

But not like the others
Ever falling over and over again
For I am a selective raindrop now
Falling as a young man who learns
361 · Feb 2021
An Ache
Colm Feb 2021
When your pain is pain is pain is pain
And your only escape to mechanize ... is sleep

All day all day all day you wish
To be free from constraints and responsibilities, and

When you finally are set
And in your self contentment can stay

Complain, complain, complain, complain
Don't exist though you do this day
Sometimes I feel like two minds in one. And the responsiblity is my own, to grow and change ME.
361 · Apr 2017
In Writing
Colm Apr 2017
The moment when you think about
The way it must begin or end
To rhyme or flow
It’s there that you’ve lost the original thought again
For the sake of format
For the sake of style
For the sake of trying to relearn what which you already know
Because the original thought is something to be cherished.
361 · Mar 2017
What It Wants
Colm Mar 2017
Can you truly dictate the direction in which you will walk?
Change the manner of your subconscious ways
And develop yourself into a new role?
What of your mind, what of your body?
Can you bend such things to a fuller health
And channel your will for the good of yourself?
Not to mention the collectiveness of this
You and your futures mutual souls
And for those of you who are yet apart
And wandering further down the path
Only wondering what the future holds
You can relax and know that it has been decided
Because the heart will want what it will want
It's inevitable
Like the same walk we all must take on the foreign shoals
360 · Jun 2019
White Fly In June
Colm Jun 2019
Quietly falling
Into the cavernous dark beneath the day...

With a lone ray of light
Dancing a jig to ignite the fly...

As the predator prowls
Through the underground forest, silently...

So also are my prayers answered
With a furious and foaming bite...

And the fight ensues from there
From there...
Watching White Fly In June Vanish

Fervent Series (6/10) - 06/23/19
359 · Dec 2019
If Death Were Good
Colm Dec 2019
How could people die, I'd ask
In the springtime of youth
Most ignorant, find

Now I know, why people die at last
When the aches and the pains
Persuade, the mind

For they pass
And pass
As all do in time

And the new want of me
Is mine
This time

Because now, there is no one
Who remembers my ask
Noone outlives the time
Dying is fine
359 · Sep 2018
Shadowy, Friday, Fog
Colm Sep 2018
Quiet shadows
  Cooling coffee
Tiredness behind the eyes
  And light
A cheap little luminescent lamp
  In the corner of me
But the wrong corner
  To write about such worlds as these
Shadowy, Friday, Fog
359 · Nov 2017
A Different Universe
Colm Nov 2017
You've grown up into your own space
And I've settle back into mine
Now all I need is to be more content
With our galaxies never crossing
Never meant to collide
Sometimes you can just tell. From the way. Etc.
357 · Dec 2018
Nothingness of Mind
Colm Dec 2018
I dare you
    To sit or stand
    To draw or write
    To paint or wrong
    To not be so **** polite
    To force or feel
    To be without phone
    To stand in rain
    To not be so alone
I dare you again
I dare you alive
I dare you once more
    To stop thinking about it
I dare you to try
Nothingness of Mind
357 · Jun 2017
The Shadow of the Mountain
Colm Jun 2017
Sitting on a mountain top
On a sliver of rock
As jagged as the pointing edge of the west
Indefinitely, is the earth beneath me
For I do not know how long this will last
But I know that I will sit and wait
For the sunrise of my youth to finally pass
Not because I fear the day that’s been or will be
But because I am smarter than the shadows
Which will not outlast the light
A verse about time. About waiting. About my time.
357 · Sep 2017
Snow Globes
Colm Sep 2017
Every human has a world locked inside of them
And the eyes see the snow globe
When it shakes, and when it falls
And when the internal wind swirls and blows
The idea that someone out there, can see you
356 · Nov 2019
Colm Nov 2019
is not all       that I gained
When you said you would,       yes,
      to seeing       me

Not the source,
            but the desire       of true,       anxiety
      Your mere value alone       creates
the most anxious,       me
      To have       ever      been
            The hope       which once
Was just       a plea
A Hopeful, Anxious, Hopefully Desirable, Me
356 · Feb 2019
A Song of Memory
Colm Feb 2019
When I hear the song we once did share
Echoing though the woods of now

And bouncing off of the realizations
Of how we both cared then and now

It is here I find that I'm young again
Be it only in mind and consequence

Let not a wish be defined by when
But know this of this aged man

That the ending doesn't seem to stop
Me hearing that same old song again
No, it loops itself on
Again and again

356 · Jan 2019
Through A Window
Colm Jan 2019
All along
I’ve been looking through
The stained, the pure
The meaning of clear

With a surreal light
Which bends the prism
And frees me from physical
Prison cell

And all along I’ve been looking through
The edge of iron and steel
The wood, the window
The highest ideal
My Window - How appropriate
356 · Jun 2019
Blank Page Lies
Colm Jun 2019
The perfection in the blank page
Could never be matched by me
It says
In a boldfaced lie
Designed to keep me from the one thing which will
Colm May 2019
Are my knees
And I would get down on them
Over and over again
For you and then
And then
A Cheeky Picture
356 · Jan 2019
Colm Jan 2019
The most amazing thing
That a young man can do
Is age gracefully into the embrace of order
And out of the chaotic confusions of youth
It's so true. How we idealize the young and dumb. Too old too soon. Too smart too late.
356 · Oct 2018
Head In The Sea
Colm Oct 2018
How hard is it to soar?

When you've set yourself at the bottom of the ocean
Cross-legged on the crossing grains
To wait for different wings to sprout

How hard is it to soar?
To the tune of Stone by Jaymes
354 · Sep 2019
Pounding Heart (third love)
Colm Sep 2019
We love the heart
For how it beats aloud
For none to see and only one to hear
Pounding Heart - An honest series

From the twelve loves
354 · Nov 2019
Colm Nov 2019
As deep calls to deep
Earth to sky
Heart to clearing mind
Clouded atmosphere to crying eyes
So also does my breath in quiet panting
Catch itself within my chest
When you are revealed in celestial being as
And your starlight veil has come to pass
Really pretty vision
354 · Aug 2019
A Voiceful Tanka
Colm Aug 2019
Quiet voices call
Another restful mind's eye
To see as others
Be as being cannot call
And remind if quiet lives
Tuesday 12 - A tanka always has a place in my heart
354 · Jan 2019
Exuberant Joy
Colm Jan 2019
I could fly
Though I can't

I could sing
Without sound

I embrace
The dancer named exuberance

And follow her here
Amidst the internal

Spinning like the clouds
Round and round
How it feels to stamp
353 · Aug 2019
Missing Miss
Colm Aug 2019
I miss the way we used to sit
How you'd fall asleep on my shoulder cold

How you quietly would look at me, and I at you, because we'd know

I miss the everyday secret things
Which we used to do and could've been

With a oneness and once unified breath
I miss these more than anything
Missing miss
353 · Aug 2022
moonlight heart
Colm Aug 2022
When my moonlight heart

And cries eternity asleep no more
She says
“you do not know
where you are as of late”

And with a bright flash of light
So her insult speaks
And slowly resonates

And I then
Will inevitably wake
Just to contemplate
moonlight heart
353 · Dec 2018
Colm Dec 2018
Like a piston in an engine
Like a jet in the sky
Like a trebuchet once, twice, always described
Like a whip uncurling
Like a stone once rolled
I am always tossing, always turning
Life itself into the unknown

Always throwing stones
353 · Sep 2018
Stormy Lights
Colm Sep 2018
In the hours after

When the rain falls slowly beneath the stormy lights

When the only omission left is a sigh

And the duration of a breath has passed

I'll know then by

Where we stand within this life

And what was meant, therein, hereby

This is not my town

But must I try
Question is it.
353 · Aug 2019
That Certain Autumn Look
Colm Aug 2019
Rich and dark, like apple cider on an October street corner
I didn’t know you, dulcet and sweet
Until the full weight of your intoxicating world washed over me
These quiet little human memories - Good ones
353 · Mar 2018
The Unwritten
Colm Mar 2018
A man
Falls always from his pen again
And rolls a thought into a distant hand

As stories
Ever meant to pass
Are passed by
With the hope of hopes

That in someone else's world
His words will last
Another on from the depths of unoublished drafts. (;
352 · Nov 2017
Under The Illuminance
Colm Nov 2017
The same sky smiles down on us
Happy to see the same
Or similar these dreamy thoughts
Your milky eyes
But are you looking back at these
Or at someone else?
At the moon or the song which reverberates and comes back to you
For yellow is in your veins
All the things - Briar
352 · Feb 2019
Self Authoring
Colm Feb 2019
Are you seeing this?
This is why the home.
Because sometimes you have to be a part of someone else's story in order to be able to write your own.
Home life
352 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
Walk through my life without me
And see
All that your eyes could partake of
And still
I wouldn't be scared for either of us
My voice speaks louder asteticly
And within resides my will
I lie to myself far too much. Expecting those who get to see the true me will want more of what I have to offer. But it is not so... We are selfish creatures. And I am spoiled beyond compare.
352 · Aug 2019
Coffee Moon
Colm Aug 2019
There is a dark side
To the brightest coffee moon
In the cup before me now
Which stands alone

Sinking, smiling
Into a napkin brown as dust
Pale as where the snow begins
Coffee moon
351 · Apr 2019
Ivory Keys
Colm Apr 2019
Smashing ivory
Pounds like loving ***
But without the sudden sweet release
All there is left is ivory keys
351 · Jun 2017
Colm Jun 2017

Because I like her voice.


Because it feels like home.
Simple resonation. Just because.
351 · Jan 2020
Current Mood
Colm Jan 2020
It's the aching sting
At the back of my neck
Near the base of my mind
The opposite
Of all those days
Spent warm
And strong
In the summer sun
Alive, in step
I sat cold with my coat
Awash in January mist
And sore as this
May be far away
Though it's hard to look past
This thrive-less time
Back to Summers warmth
Return to me, please
Most kind
Return to me
351 · Jan 2018
Colm Jan 2018
Falcons do not concern themselves with inching worms
Nor bears with minnows
Nor I with you
Of lesser men. Opinions are kept. Quiet and out of respect. Even when it's not deserved.
350 · Sep 2019
Waving Waters (fourth love)
Colm Sep 2019
We love the sea
For her deep impartial parts
Which demand respect and remember fear
Waving Waters - An honest series

Just one of many loves
350 · Apr 2018
Let The Past, Be Past
Colm Apr 2018
The moment you worry
About the days which are gone
You create the current warry
About what you couldn't control
Warry is a slick word
Colm Nov 2018
When I'm There

After all of the noise
Of all the days
Of the all time spent prior

When I'm there

All that's left is silence
All that's left is the sound of the wind as it breathes
Through the spheric nature of me
At the end if the yearlong road
Colm Feb 2021
In the pulling of gravitational love, up
I need not pray for you will also find
that an entirely different universe
both warming, and cold, and burning
rests in motion there
spinning inside her beating chest

A taste can only reach so far
so take my sound
350 · Jun 2019
Colm Jun 2019
There is no green bright enough
In all the trees
Or in every sea
To tell of how envious I am of you
Yup - At finding such a friend true

And good for you
349 · Dec 2017
Colm Dec 2017
First, our bones and then our homes, with fences soon to follow.
Every stone built wall to turn back to the earth.
Like a grave left open every winter, burying itself within the snow.
No child is left to grow into youth when the world turns back into its own.
A collapse isn't always an inward thing.
Just as the inhabitants aren't always meant to inherent what their parents owned.
No life or existence is completely secure.
Drafts....killing me slowly (:
349 · Jul 2021
In Sleeping There Beside
Colm Jul 2021
Shorts which curl, and justify just half way up her thigh
Him outlining her, like the moonbright edge of a starless night
They in perfect unison align
In a quiet breeze breathed out between
And know nothing less until their mutual sunlit dawn, arrives
349 · Jun 2019
At The Edge Of The Clearing
Colm Jun 2019
Within the crackle of a fire

In the voices of the wind

Just beyond the nights first desire

Outside the morning and it’s halo ring
At The Edge Of The Clearing
348 · Jul 2017
Be (a look into the future)
Colm Jul 2017
I want to be able to say
That I saw you not as you were
But as you could be
As you will be, and would be
That is of course
Only if you desire to be
When I look into the you know what I see?
348 · Feb 2019
Life A Bridge
Colm Feb 2019
Winding these words
For a rope to you
Across a narrow bridge collapsed
Will you
Outreach, outstretch
To catch last
At the end where we both
Find findings true
Poetry A Rope
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