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7.2k · Apr 2021
Rare Tribesmen
Norman Crane Apr 2021
The British anthropologist enjoyed rare tribesmen.
But after seeing his article published in the prestigious Journal of Anthropological Research,
he kept the poor man on the coals a little longer,
thinking, "Well done, old chap."
4.1k · Oct 2020
Digging Potatoes
Norman Crane Oct 2020
I hold the tool. I am the blade. I drive
myself into the fertile ground. I dig
potatoes out. They were buried alive,
but in darkness they thrive. Now the old pig
will feast. When he grows fat I will slay him
to feed me and kin. I don't like killing
but when necessary it's not a sin.
I shall live another year, God willing.
I have long been on the land. I am old
but my sun is not yet setting in the
sky. When I was a child I was told once by
my father you become earth when you die.
If so, I hope my children carve my chest
with blade. I hope I'll yield a fruitful harvest.
3.4k · Aug 2020
Norman Crane Aug 2020
What if all that counts is a kiss,
hugs are fallacies and a good word
conspiracy to make us miss
the obvious: lips on lips?
2.7k · Oct 2020
Norman Crane Oct 2020
I've a clever little friend
who guides me to
a world of neverend
where all the twists of fate
are twine
wrapped around my compass mind
pointing north
or in
or through
an acute tangle of you
2.6k · Aug 2021
The Fight
Norman Crane Aug 2021
on the ropes: pummelled;
somehow, he stays on his feet:
the bell ends the round!
2.6k · Apr 2021
Street Life
Norman Crane Apr 2021
on sunday mornings
the streets sigh
with hideous anticipation
awaiting an answer to a question—
is the city dead
or not yet awoken?
2.5k · Aug 2020
Norman Crane Aug 2020
Rip the saintly halo
From above your hallowed brow
To see how it obscured
A deep satanic vow
As through your skull are sprouted
                   Two twisted bony horns:
A rose no more disgracing
A beautiful stem of thorns
2.4k · May 2021
where the divermin dont go
Norman Crane May 2021
downpast where the divermin dont go
is an underwater sun
that casts a blackhole shadow
in to the fishes swim
but they donnot swim out
where oh where do they fishes go
after theybin drowngone in the shadow
after theybin infosucked by the blackhole
i say i dont know
but some days i think i seem them
floating on the cloud forms
as crows
2.2k · Apr 2021
Norman Crane Apr 2021
every day is a second chance
as the first is already lost,
every love is a second dance
as the first still plays in your thoughts,
every life: a second glance
at a past at present not worth its cost.
2.1k · Sep 2020
Norman Crane Sep 2020
how tranquil it would be
to sleep as deeply
as an anchor
at the bottom of the sea
1.9k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
ants protest the rain
in vain / water flows / terrain
specked with ant remains
1.9k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
chisel into rock
from no-form form: extracting
the sculpture within
1.8k · Oct 2020
Olive Orchard
Norman Crane Oct 2020
Let's lose our minds amongst the olive trees
Labyrinth of oiled imagination
Twirl like falling leaves / falling to our knees
in unbalanced joy and veneration
of ourselves. For there is nobody else
but us; there is no other time but now,
Red flowers bloom. A blue shadow propels
a still landscape into being somehow
fluid. Timelessly we swim, wet within
each brush stroke branch and painted wave of wild
emancipation—to forget the din
of the wretched asylum. Vincent smiled:
Dive too deep and you shall go insane,
The olive grove remains the other side of the pane.
Inspired by Vincent van Gogh's painting of the same name.
1.8k · May 2021
Wicked Laundry
Norman Crane May 2021
a filthy habit
drying in the sun / spotted
with little bits of nun
1.7k · Aug 2020
Norman Crane Aug 2020
we blossomed once
in the desert
two green weeds
seeking rootless pleasure
now flower bedded
horticultured—yet wistfully I miss
the *****
of cactus lips
1.7k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
grass wet with cold dew
the dawn light bathes me anew
asleep beside you
1.7k · Apr 2021
Norman Crane Apr 2021
reach out ye white antler antennae
up to the succulent sky
tree teach me how to always be
growing, spreading finger branches high
teach me roots
teach me the hidden why
of the fruit of not every leaving
is to die, tree
reach out ye white antler antennae
and blossom me into life
1.7k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
but does He please you?
asked the snake. nightfall in the
garden of eden
1.7k · Aug 2021
Warm Rain
Norman Crane Aug 2021
wet lines slice the dry summer
storm rages; sun rests
1.7k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
the night cracks the sun
like an egg into a pan
over the ocean
1.7k · Aug 2020
1.6k · Oct 2020
Norman Crane Oct 2020
riverside dusk
      daylight's pale remains
a sanctuary
1.6k · Aug 2021
Urban Dawn
Norman Crane Aug 2021
sweet birdsong consumes
the bitterness of cities
a summer morning
1.6k · Feb 2021
Summer / Symmetry
Norman Crane Feb 2021
Five red haired maidens / resting symmetry
Draped in bluest sky / arranged peacefully
Interwined pink flowers / chaining togetherly
One composition / from Antiquity
Arms wilt with leisure / classically painted
Their wild thoughts blooming / a pale recreation
Seated in judgment / of time untainted
By modernity / By degradation
in eternal youth / in a single row
They sit and they watch / seasons come and go
1.5k · Apr 2021
The Dawn Walkers
Norman Crane Apr 2021
in living we all walk toward the dawn,
through moonless nights,
through cold and touchless mist,
yet sunbirth come: only some shall carry on,
the rest remain,
in pain,
to on departed souls subsist.
1.4k · Sep 2020
The Night Café
Norman Crane Sep 2020
A billiard table imprints its damp shadow
on a yellow wooden floor. The game still
unbegun, mere fragment of the sorrow
felt by the patrons whose wilted heads will
still be here tomorrow, if tomorrow comes.
Red walls distended by burning lamps
and burned out hearts beating blood through ear drums:
Reverie to the night god /   Dreaming tramps
drowning in their heads in lakes of absinthe
color of the ceiling better than being
awake but indefinitely absent.
The lamps blink, eyes floating, speak all-seeing:
Vincent, let us meet before you entreat
the crows out of your head into the wheat.
Inspired by Vincent van Gogh's painting The Night Café.
1.4k · Sep 2021
Early Autumn
Norman Crane Sep 2021
summer lingers on
september on and on and
gone /   chill of october dawn:
pink frost, dew, warm bed, me, you
          —till the alarm clock turns on.
1.4k · Sep 2020
Norman Crane Sep 2020
From the eleventh floor
the world looks small
and possible

The cars
     black and white
     parked perpendicular
          to the curb
          to each other
are keys
     ebony and ivory
I reach out
through the window
and play the street like a piano
1.4k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
why do you have wings
if not to fly? /  for me to
pin you down by—
1.4k · Aug 2020
The Poem Updated
Norman Crane Aug 2020
Two posts emerged on my Facebook,
And sorry I could not peruse both
And be one user, long I stood
And scrolled down one as far as I could
To where it went into a long blockquote;

Then read the other, as just as shared,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was classy and about footwear;
Though as for that the likes there
Had rated them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
I believe with no comments written back.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever tap back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two posts emerged on my Facebook, and I—
I read the one less thumbed-up by,
And that has made all the difference.
1.3k · Aug 2021
He and she
Norman Crane Aug 2021
when already in his mind
he'd dusted himself off like a rooster
run down the hotel stairs
gotten on the train
to quickly
escape from her
to where the black pepper grows

she, snuggling up to
him with both eyes firmly closed
had already built with them
a house
smelling of dinner
and fresh children
to which he'd just come running
up the stairs

(in reality
he and she had slept
together for the first time
and lying
keep silent about this precisely
in two foreign
mutually unknown
My translation of Polish poet Józef Baran's "On i ona"
1.3k · May 2021
Ships Carrying Water
Norman Crane May 2021
They built a lighthouse,
to warn the ships.
The ships transported the sea.
You professed your love,
with living lips.
Your lips spoke words that buried me.

Tanker ships containing water,
run aground upon the sand.
A human being becomes a monster,
by another human's hand.

The future dies within.
The past is always evaporating.

As the tanker rusts,
so I also must,
until we are but two derelict husks,
filled with nothing but regret.

Once, here was the sea,
voluminous and wet!
Once, I was me,
until the day we met.
1.3k · Sep 2020
Norman Crane Sep 2020
In the beginning the sky was cold butter,
hard and riddled with kernels of corn,
which, as the world heated, popped:
And thus the clouds were born.
1.3k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
at this rate we die
beheaded by the second hand
nervous tick of hours
1.2k · Sep 2021
Boiling Point
Norman Crane Sep 2021
coffee cup broken
pieces strewn across the floor
sharp words were spoken
now we are silent;       no more
(s)weeping;    sad ceramic gore
1.2k · Aug 2020
Norman Crane Aug 2020
Among the hideous shapes
   you are my favoured
For the wretched silence of your scoliotic spine
   flavoured with our crimson wine:
Blood diamonds
   screaming songs of sirens
   writhing on a desiccated island's edge
Boiled alive—
   can be distilled into the language of a pledge
I hereby promise to be yours
Foretell you will be mine
1.2k · Jul 2021
Norman Crane Jul 2021
setting down the kettle,
in the light of the setting sun,
pouring water, the green tea leaves settle,
at the bottom of a teapot, brewed for no one.
1.1k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
we are astronauts,
among the stars seeking solace
in an infinite unknown.
we are suns.
we are daughters
of carbon—gravity-bound
to disposable celestial bodies
revolving against a cosmic background
we are space stations.
we are planets,
populated sparsely.
if to each other we matter,
we matter only darkly.
1.1k · Aug 2020
Local Alchemist
Norman Crane Aug 2020
another day, another lotion,
sighed, “much rather be making potions.”

tedium, boredom, boil and bubble,
add a spice, then add it double,
stir it well and let it settle,
in a kettle,
made of metal.

what's your fancy, what's your trouble?
basin clogged with dwarven stubble?

make one balm,
you've made them all!
concoct a cream, a cream?—a cream!
one more grog burn,
swear I'll scream!

tedium, boredom, boil and bubble,
add a spice, then add it double,
stir it well and let it settle,
in a kettle,
made of metal.

give me dragons, give me daggers,
give me jewels with emerald feathers!
give me—“what?
what's this, right now?
of course I know exactly how!”

roots to find, true essence to distill,
no, but pays the bills.
1.1k · Apr 2021
Norman Crane Apr 2021
The world inside / the house
is empty, and you're hanging on-
to the railing one final time,
before your father starts the engine /
you're moving out / you're gone
deep into your book, the one
you took (from the library with no
intention of giving back) so long,
childhood; so long: shadows
expanding on the lawn as you sink
into your thoughts / into the wall,
feshly painted so the house would sell,
reading: receding: what you could never tell
your parents. [ ... ]
"Let's go," your mother calls,
but you're no longer there. She doesn't
notice that you're staying / it isn't
you who is obeying, exiting the door.
1.1k · Apr 2021
Norman Crane Apr 2021
this is light she said
opening the curtains of her mind
i gazed
illuminously blind
1.1k · Oct 2021
Nothing but the wind
Norman Crane Oct 2021
nothing but the wind
escapes this abandoned house;
flowing,       it pushes
all the sunlight out   until
we are alone in darkness
1.0k · Aug 2020
Grousewater II
Norman Crane Aug 2020
fat drips
      fire, sausage crackles—flames
      hiss of steam
1.0k · Aug 2020
I Am Light
Norman Crane Aug 2020
Stick your knife into my crown,
Slice down to the chin,
Dig your fingers in,
And unwrap the skull within.
Stretch and dry this ****** leather,
Draping it over a conical framework of bone,
Ends glued together or sewn,
Next: sever
The skull from the spine,
Polish to a shine,
And ***** into the base of your lamp,
Plug in: electron flow illuminating my mind,
Aglow with ideas
Of a submission radiantly divine
1.0k · Sep 2021
Urban Morning
Norman Crane Sep 2021
city din under
-standing passengers passing
below the l train
1.0k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
birds switch direction
against the sky, the flock turns
black ink on grey clouds
1.0k · Sep 2020
Norman Crane Sep 2020
an idea blows
across a global garden
cities shake like leaves
1.0k · Aug 2021
Norman Crane Aug 2021
Lithuania! My homeland! You are like vigour.
How invaluable you are, only he can figure,
Who has lost you. Today your beauty wholly I view
And seeing, describe it, because I long after you.

Holy ******, who guards Luminous Czestochowa
And shines in the Gate of Dawn! You, who watches over
Strongheld Novogrudok and its faithful populace!
As once you healed me, a child, so miraculous
(When into your care from my despondent mother bid
I lifted my already departed eyelid,
And soon could make my way on foot to your temple's door,
Having gone to offer thanks to God for a life restored),
So too you shall restore us to our homeland's womb.
Meanwhile, may you convey my soul from its longing's gloom
To those aforrested hills, those evergreen meadows,
Stretched wide across the space where the azure Neman flows;
To those vast fields, painted in varicoloured grain-dye,
A landscape gilded with wheat, silver-plated with rye,
Where the runch is amber, and the buckwheat white as snow,
Where like a maiden's blush the red clover overgrows,
And all's interwoven, as if by a ribbon, green
balk, within which a wild pear tree can sometimes be seen.
Here's my attempt at translating the Invocation from Adam Mickiewicz's Pan Tadeusz from Polish into English.
Norman Crane Sep 2021
stormless nightscape
neon lightning
car-thunder and auto-hum
the dark doldrums
sky scrapes
violence even in brightest daytime
the city is
its own weather system
tempestuous / slum
lashing / victims
of architecture: humans undone
slithering, slithering
we,    slugs of no sun
982 · Sep 2020
Blade Runner
Norman Crane Sep 2020
That gibberish he talked was city speak,
Gutter talk near the Tannhäuser Gate:
Memories, you're talking about memories,
Moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain,
All I could do is sit there and watch him
die. Slow thing and he fought it all the way,
Where do I come from? Where am I going?
Go to Hell or go to Heaven, I'm afraid,
That's a little outside my jurisdiction,
Fiery the angels fell / deep thunder rolled,
Ships on fire off shoulder of Orion,
More human than human is our motto,
I watched him die all night. To have feelings,
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Created from lines from Ridley Scott's 1982 film, Blade Runner.
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