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Ashwin Kumar Feb 4
Whenever I feel confident enough
To tackle all that is tough
It is you, who will get the credit
Because, your passion is almost impossible to beat
On the other hand, whenever am I down
I know I am not alone
Because, your fiery writing fills me with hope
And ensures I no longer mope
Well, I am a fan of quite a few poets
Yet, very few produce the kind of effect
That you somehow manage to do without even breaking a sweat
Your work sounds a red alert
To the entire Indian literary scene
Which has an unfortunate obsession
With being politically correct
You, on the other hand, are so direct
That you tackle every single issue head-on
Greatly do I admire, your grit and gumption
Though I share not, your profession
Always, do I derive motivation
From your never-say-die spirit
Thus, bit by bit
Do I summon the courage and strength
To do my very best
Fighting every single fear and insecurity
And climbing the huge wall of positivity
Which would ultimately lead me to success
Of course, I do fail sometimes
But thanks to you, afraid am I not
To push the limits
And never will I give up
Because, again, you fill me with so much hope
That even the impossible suddenly becomes possible
And the possible becomes probable
Thank you so much, Dear Comrade!
Jai Bhim!! Vaazgha Periyar!!
The effect the fiery novelist, poet, translator, academic and anti-caste activist Dr Meena Kandasamy often produces on me has to be seen to be believed!!!
Ashwin Kumar Feb 1
Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
For the late wishes, am I sorry
However, extended family you definitely are
And for you both, greatly do I care!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
God made a wonderful discovery
When he created you two
As human beings, you are so true!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
We are a beautiful family
Sharing joys and sorrows in equal measure
Our bond is something to greatly treasure!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May the pair of you always be filled with joy
Blossoming with deep, unconditional love
Very special indeed, is the number thirty-five!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
I hope you had a memorable day
You care so much for others
It's high time you did the same for yourselves
And for that, what better day than today?
May you keep all worries at bay!!

Dear Jaya Aunty and Kannan Uncle, wish you a happy anniversary
May you share many a sweet memory
Take care, love you to pieces
And see you soon, this time at our house
After all, so often have we been to your lovely little place
It's time you returned the favour
Again, hope you had a day to savour!!
Wishing my unofficial parents a very very happy 35th wedding anniversary!!!
Ashwin Kumar Jan 28
You are a feisty friend
Your chatter has almost no end
You light up many a morning
Around you, always are things happening!

You are a feisty friend
Really, one of a kind
So fun to work with
Your spirit is certainly tough to beat!!

You are a feisty friend
As a resource, an excellent find
So suave, when it comes to conversations with candidates
Every time, do you seem to have all the answers!!

You are a feisty friend
I believe you can survive on any land
So street smart and resourceful, you are
Nearly nothing do you fear!!

You are a feisty friend
We share a sweet little bond
Constantly, do I look out for you
Because, I am so fond of you!!

You are a feisty friend
Let there be absolutely no end
To the great times we have together
Because, you are so full of cheer!!

You are a feisty friend
With a very keen mind
Not to mention, a fighter through and through
You have absolutely no clue
What an incredible human being you are
Please stay like this forever
Keep that charming smile on your face always
And yes, do soon come to my house!!
Poem dedicated to Ritika, a good colleague and friend of mine.
Trinkets Jan 26
poor brainwashed people
dressed in suits
born in time unordered life ensues
taught nearly all not nearly enough
believing life is tough
believing in what humans should
with too much power
believing into
existence hell
on earth is swamped
with minds creative
a dying earth not saved
with science made unable
ideas are ranked
by suits valued importance
paying for a voice to only
thoughts of suits feeling
not heard must make a stance
poor brainwashed needs of self
realisation not in correlation
of the need for salvation
greed unimportant next to being
the one who looked down on the rest
poor brainwashed suits believing
themselves to be the best
the world continued burning
the right ideas through fear
kept mute
must not be overhead
when suits see fires
lit in tribute
Ashwin Kumar Jan 21
If my day goes well
Then you are responsible
If my day does not go well
You are the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel
Personally, 2024 was not a great year
However, you did your best to ensure
That there was something for me to smile about
Truly, are you a brilliant poet
As well as a cracking writer
Not to mention, an activist with almost no fear
All in all, an incredible human being
Who stops at nearly nothing
To try and ensure social justice for all
To do what you do, it takes an iron will
Moreover, are you amongst the fiercest voices
In the fight for gender equality
Well, you may not exactly scream from the rooftops
But you have a very special ability
Namely, expressing your thoughts in the form of words
Incredibly hard-hitting and powerful words
Which resonate for a long, long time
Because, they are so, so sublime
Seriously, are you creating waves
Changing opinions of millions
Including mine of course
Before I started reading your books
And watching your videos
My life was on a downward spiral
Thanks to you, do I now possess the will
To fight my darkest fears
And do my best to overcome my deepest insecurities
Of course, you are no magician
However, you are a beautiful human
Who has flaws, like everyone else
And most importantly, embraces those flaws
That's why I like you so much
Dr. Kandasamy, thanks a bunch
For coming into my life
And giving me an extra reason to live
Red Salute, Comrade!
Well, well, after more than 2 months, I am writing a poem for one of my favourite writers - the incredible poet, novelist, translator, academic and anti-caste activist Dr. Meena Kandasamy!!
For those who didn’t make it

and couldn’t handle

when the cruel world

came crashing down upon them


When the time came

that your fantasies ended

and reality

showed its ugly face

They hurt you

When all you wished for was peace

And the daylight

seemed so far out of reach

They said to stay strong

And they told you to fight

when you had nothing left

when you couldn’t find


to fight for

Because it’s just a problem

something to fix

just give them some pills

and make them talk

Shallow words

give little comfort

when all they say is

e v e r y t h i n g   w i l l   b e   o k a y

They said to stay strong

And they told you to fight

when you had nothing left

when you couldn’t find


to fight for

Everyone just needs time

they said

but it was too late

to save you
A tribute to those we lost
The sky above me

Exploding with colors

Eyes filled with awe

The ground shaking beneath my feet

But when you close your eyes

and hear the exploding bombs

it reminds me of

the war

they fought

for our country

A document signed

on the fourth of July

A pen gliding

across such

an important piece

of our history

our lives

A birthday celebrated

across the states

does anyone


to think

How did we get here?
The first poem I ever wrote. It truly was written on the 4th of july
Ashwin Kumar Jan 11
A very dear brother, you are
Warm and friendly by nature
Also, are you quite street smart
You would make Ravenclaw proud, with your quick wit
So happy am I, to have you in my life
Greatly dependable are you, in times of strife!

A very dear brother, you are
For me, a lot do you care
Fun to talk with, all the time
I can remember not, when we had not a splendid time!!

A very dear brother, you are
Almost nothing, do you fear
From kid to teenager to adult
Always, have you been difficult to beat
In many a debate
Irrespective of the topic
Trains, Harry Potter, music
Animals, food, cricket, politics
The list is endless!!

A very dear brother, you are
A fantastic bond, do we share
Your patience and fortitude, I can forget not
When we once missed a flight
Owing mainly to my behaviour
Really, are you quite the saviour!!

A very dear brother, you are
And will be forever
May you have a **** exciting future
Come true, may all your deepest desires
Have fun, take care and soon I'll meet you
Forevermore, may the Almighty bless you!!
Dedicated to my very very dear cousin brother Aparajith.
Ashwin Kumar Jan 5
Dear Shruti, wish you a very Happy New Year
On your side will I be, forever
God could not have given me a better friend
You are so very kind
Though strict at times
All in all, however, always do I enjoy our chats!

Dear Shruti, wish you a very Happy New Year
Often, can I be a bore
However, deeply do I care for you always
Many a time, do you help me find inner peace!!

Dear Shruti, wish you a very Happy New Year
With me, so many things do you share
Forever, will I take your secrets to the grave
A throughly beautiful relationship, do we have!!

Dear Shruti, wish you a very Happy New Year
You judge me never
Even after having seen me at my worst
For sure, will I do my best
To ensure you have a constant smile on your beautiful face
Every single test of life, I am sure you will ace!!

Dear Shruti, wish you a very Happy New Year
For me, 2024 was not an easy year
But you ensured there was a lot for me to smile about
Thanks to your constant support and encouragement
In the form of calls and voice notes
As well as sharing numerous pictures and videos!!

Dear Shruti, wish you a very Happy New Year
May 2025 be a glorious year
May all your hard work pay off handsomely
May you and your family forever be happy
May the Lord satisfy all your deepest desires
May you have a year nearly free of stress
And may we meet again soon, you wonderful human being
Till then, please do keep smiling
Love you loads, have fun and take care
And again, wishing you a very Happy New Year!!
Poem wishing a Happy New Year to my dearest family friend Shruti.
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2024
Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
As a colleague, were you quite dear
And as a friend, we share a lovely bond
By nature, are you exceedingly kind
Always, have you been on my side
Through many a rollercoaster ride!

Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
I miss you more and more
As the days pass by
Indeed, was it hard to say goodbye
However, shall our relationship last for life
And firmly shall we support each other, in times of strife!!

Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
You are a fantabulous wife and mother
Almost godlike, are your children
Your home nearly feels like heaven
You too are welcome at my house, any time
Your mere presence would make my family members beam!!

Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
May 2025 bring you infinite cheer
May you have a life almost free of stress
Come true, may all your dreams
Have fun, take care and see you soon
And till then, may you shine as brightly as the Sun!!
Advance New Year wishes in the form of a poem, to Namrata; an ex-colleague and a very close friend of mine.
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