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13.4k · Apr 2015
The pencil case
Nameless Apr 2015
The eraser erased my bad habits
While the pencil drew in new ones
The glue stick glued on a whole new face
As the scissors cut away my background and past
The ball point pen then made the changes permanent
While the colored pencils shaded in my body
The calculator changed my way of thinking
As the sharpener grazed over my rough edges
Finally, the ruler
I had to measure up to your standards
Now me and you
We walk, talk and think the same
Two moving as one
I don't even know who I've become
What I was before
You've changed me more than you'll ever know
8.8k · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
Hey my name is kelsie, my friends say I'm like a cat, I like cats .
I don't have any, I wish I did, ooh and I like food, and candy, I got my head stuck in a trampoline once between the two springs... oh I have ADHD, reminds me of ACDC, I love music like punk rock, screamo, metal, and old rock... I'm bored im a go find a cat.
Bye bye O.O^
Nameless Sep 2014
Inequalities of this fed up society

i won't stay silent
i won't sit down
i will fight
i will stand
i will scream and I will shout.
to all you haters
who think I'll give up
you're wrong
when you tell me to shut up I'll just get louder
because the words that you say echo on my face
right here and right now
it's you who makes my skin crawl

you ask me the same question six different times
you accuse me of loving a girl
as if I've committed a crime

i have one foot in the closet and one foot out
but you rip my world apart
you make me want to slide back in
you make me beg and plead that this isn't me
i beg to be a somebody, somebody other than me

just to be straight
you make me want to be straight

i try and deny it
i tell myself it's a phase
i tell myself that it's okay
that I just have to hide away
hide from the gay
but it doesn't work that way
those are your words that I say

you say “f
" without a second of thought
as anger bubbles in my blood
do you realize what those words mean?
do you realize what you're saying?
Are you listening?
you pretend it's joke
but it maddens me
and now that I'm mad you tell me to chill
But NO!
you don't comprehend the words I'm trying to say
the voice I'm trying to speak
i don't need you to have rainbows on you walls
but could you at least try and respect me?

your eyes pop out
and your tone insults
proud that you've brought me down
I force myself to clench my teeth
Try and breathe
because what you said directly hurts me
your words just **** me
and it isn't funny.
don't think that's in your vocabulary

while you laugh at me
i fight for the rights of people that are lacking
as you try and tell me who I have to be
but I will not fit the mold that you have made me

you think I'm a freak
cuz I go to GSMC every single week
you don't understand the deeper meaning
that is hidden behind those four letters
it's a safe place
an escape from you
people who understand
it's 40 minutes that save me
when you try and drown me

yes, I'm wearing a men's shirt.
you get mad cuz you think it's too baggy
but f
i don't dress for you
i dress for me
my biology doesn't have to correlate
with the clothes that are covering me

I'm done with you
I'm proud of who I am
I'm proud of what I do
I refuse to fit this society's dumb rules
I'll break these stereotypes every single chance I get
I'm just me
maybe a little more masculine than you want me to be
but that's me
throw me labels all you want
but I really don't need you to be my label maker
i am not a container of strawberries
sitting in your refrigerator.
I am a human being

you do not understand
what hiding behind a closet is like
struggling to find an identity
as you try and crush me
Hell no, it's not easy

it's the 21st century
but we still fighting for human beings?
Human beings
that's it
Are we still not equal?
someone explain to me
the nonsense of this ******* up society
why can't you embrace our diversity?
i am me, only me
I will not apologize for being me
But you could apologize for hating on me
and not just me
but an entire community
because I am done with your bigotry
5.9k · Feb 2016
Thrown in the trash
Nameless Feb 2016
Cuts on my arms
And a pipe in your hand
Which, is worse?
My depression
your addiction.
You have a KID!
Oh, and I'm just a kid...
You give ME ****,
About MY scars;
While you're doing
   ****, in the next room?
And I thought I was ready to die...
But you've thrown your ******* life away.
5.5k · Jan 2016
Nameless Jan 2016
When it comes for the weekend,
I'm happy to have a short break
from the hectic daily life of school.
I'm grounded, stuck in my room.
Netflix, Youtube, and video games
help distract me...
I feel really lonely.
so inexplicably lonely.
5.4k · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
If you're insane,
And you love it.
4.4k · Jan 2016
Nameless Jan 2016
Ever since I was little
I was taught NOT to trust people... they will hurt you.
They are Sick, Perverted, Homicidal, Suicidal;
From **** to A *******.

But now...
I'm scared of everyone
but I ignore it & act like a 'People' person.
4.4k · May 2014
Panic attack
Nameless May 2014
Tightness in my chest
I cant breath.
The only time I can escape
is when I fall asleep.

Constant nausea
constant fear.
How did this happen
knowing I'm safe here?

It's a constant worry
another will strike.
I worry about it all the time
it makes me lose my appetite.

My sight darkens
my life flashes.
My worries control my thoughts
my heart crashes and burns to ashes.

You have no idea what its like
to live one day in my shoes.
Maybe if you did
you wouldn't judge me as you do
4.2k · May 2014
A cry for help
Nameless May 2014
(Barbara Green)
A child so small
so vulnerable and weak
helpless, powerless
not allowed to speak.
Lying awake in bed
knowing he'll soon appear
Frightened and trapped
living a torturous nightmare.
Body is shaking
trembling with-in
preparing for
the terrible acts of sin.
Left all alone
with no-one in sight
The abused child cries silently
all through the night.

How does one heal
from such a horrible crime?
The scars, the damage
lasts a lifetime.
Emotionally I struggle
to make it through
Not knowing Why?
I feel and act the way I do.
The tragedy is over
but the turmoil is still there
I wonder, If my outbursts
is a way to see if anyone cares.
Please! God help me
I cry out
with so much anguish
fear and doubt.
3.2k · May 2014
Lone wolf pack
Nameless May 2014
I believe the lone wolf
Is slowly finding its pack
Even though it may be small
The strength as a whole will not lack

Because she has found someone
To tell her hopes and dreams to
Because she has found someone
Who she'd never lie to

Her feelings are growing
With ever moment they share
They're pack is as close, as it is fare...
3.1k · May 2014
Searching for maddness
Nameless May 2014
{Some are born mad}

{Some achieve madness}

{Some have madness ****** upon them}
2.9k · May 2014
Dare devil
Nameless May 2014
I was a dare devil,
I always raised the level,
I got bruises and scars,
But that didn't stop me from going bizarre

I would jump and skate,
But it wasn't my fate,
I have to find something else to do,
Before I don't have clue
© Sasha Morales
2.9k · Apr 2015
Broken family tree
Nameless Apr 2015
I am one of many
Small branches of a broken tree
Always looking to the ones above
For guidance, strength and security.
One little branch trying
To keep the others from breaking away
Who will fall?
And who will stay?
Now I stand alone
Looking at the earth through the rain
And I see the broken branches I knew
Scattered about me in pain.
There are those who have taken an axe
To the root of our very foundation
And who have passed this destruction
Down to every new generation.
If I could take that axe
I would toss it deep into the sea
Never to return again
To harm the generations that follow me.
I am one of many
But alone I will go
And plant the new seeds
Where a beautiful tree will grow.
2.6k · Jun 2014
Nameless Jun 2014
we are the one's who have been questioned by society,
the one's who are socialy different,
the one's who see the world in a different light,
we are the one's who fight,
for our right to be noticed and seen...
we are the outcast.
2.2k · Apr 2015
Quiet Thoughts
Nameless Apr 2015
I sit in the floor.
My knees hugging my chest.
Everything masked by a thick fog.
My body covered in a second skin.
My head held under,
My hair dripping,
My mind buzzing.

But all I hear is the sound...
The sound of rushing water.
2.0k · Feb 2016
Mona Lisa
Nameless Feb 2016
Mona Lisa,
I'd pay
more to see you smile.
I'd love you more
than he ever did.

You're not stuck
in the barrier
of your
Go on
take my hand.

Mona Lisa,
I'd pay
more to see you smile.
I'd smitten you
with color,
Just to see you smile.

Mona Lisa
2.0k · Sep 2015
When she stares
Nameless Sep 2015
I caught her staring at me again
I can't quite place
A name to the expression
she has when I catch her
but it's different from when
she doesn't know i'm watching her
watching me
from the corner of my eye

She never brought up the 'notes'
even the one I wrote out of rage
I don't remember putting it
into her bag

But is she afraid
What name can I for a fact
put to the face she makes
when she stares

And when I catch her
Poem inspired by a girl at my school... Addy.
1.8k · Oct 2014
Socially awkward
Nameless Oct 2014
People make me nervous.
Don't ask why,
'cause I can't explain.
But they make my hair stand on end,
when they walk my way.
I start to steadly shake and quiver,
as their body brushes against mine...
I hope they just say hi and take their leave.
1.7k · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
When I feel this way
I try and think
I'm not sure what about
I just completely zone out
Lost in deep thought
...but I can't seem to remember any of it.
1.6k · Apr 2016
Nameless Apr 2016
I'm not dead,
I was in the hospital for a while.
I'm back now! :)
I was in a psychiatric hospital :/
1.6k · May 2014
I hate Big brother
Nameless May 2014
He came into my life
when I was just a little girl
I was happy and young
And then he changed my world

One night I was in bed
And he came to say goodnight
except he took a little longer
before he turned out the light

He really hurt me that night
And I didn't know what to do
I thought it happened to most
well every little boy and girl

I lay in bed that night
Hurting inside and out
tears streaming down my face
I tried hard not to shout out

I put that tragic night
to the back of my head
playing games at school
there was nothing to be said

A year had passed along
and then it happened again
My mum was out at work
it was him and me again

I was sat next to him
just watching the TV
when he pulled me close to him
and again molested me

I thought it only happened once
When I had done something bad
but now I knew I was wrong
I felt alone and sad

And 8 years on I got
the courage to tell someone
the police got involved and stuff
I was hated by my mum

she kicked me out that day
and stuck right by his side
saying I was attention seeking
and that it was all lies

so in the end it got too much
and I told the police I lied
everything went back to normal
I swear I wish I'd died

everything was going well
until he sent me those texts
saying he would **** himself
it was all my fault instead

so I went back to the police
and told them it all again
he's moved out for now
its investigating time again

but my mum still hates me
and thinks its all a lie
I feel so alone right now
I wish I would just die

I've told a couple of friends
but its hard for them you see
to put up with something as stupid
as a teenager like me

all I do is mope and cry
because no-one understands
what I feel inside each day
please someone take my hand

I cut myself sometimes
When the pain gets too much
I hate him for what he did
and where he used to touch

I often think I'll run away
or step into the road
my future seems so black and dim
I'm only 17 years old

And if the case is dropped
he will come back home again
and I'll be back to where I began
In a world of sadness and pain

I hope someone hears my cry
and says they understand
I just don't know what to do anymore
I'm scared and on my own

So you see I'm stuck forever
I just want to scream and shout
But there's something you have to know
That for me, there's no way out
1.5k · Dec 2014
Run Away!
Nameless Dec 2014
For as we lay
Together in tangled arms
To regret the land that's too far
Waiting to grasp any hope
Us finding a way to cope
Love is a difficult thing
Never the less it clings
But you are the blinding light
In my no longer dark night
So run away with me
For our fate will see
"Just one call Brooke... And I'll drop everything and Run"
1.4k · Oct 2015
Nameless Oct 2015
No one listens to me.
When I say someone bothers me, don't take it lightly!
By 'Bother me',
I mean they disrupt my entire being.
They make me want to peel my skin off; to let my anger take over.
I feel like I'll explode!

It makes me so unsure of who I am,
almost to where I can't control myself.
Might add more
1.4k · Jan 2016
Nameless Jan 2016
Today is the day I end someones life.

For a span of 2 to 12 years,
will I feel guilt... through the span of those years?
Will I feel something when he gets out?

I'll be around 21, when he gets out.

Not even the age he was,
when he put me in that awful position...

He ruined my life... kind of?
So isn't it fair that I ruin his?!?!?

If it is...
Why do I feel so guilty,
like i'm the monster.

Stockholm's syndrome?
(Why do I feel sorry for him?)
1.4k · Nov 2015
Tile Floor
Nameless Nov 2015
Pink converse,
white tights,
And she's just hanging there.

I don't dare disturb her,
because somehow I knew
She wasn't real.

(My Mind Questions It)

So I peek...
Peek under the stall door,
to see nothing in it's place.

A tile floor.
Something thick,
it's covering every inch.
But, it is naked to my eyes.

The air is heavy.
Breathing in dense fog
and nothing comes out.

Who was she,
and why would my Hallucination be her death?
In suicide.
November 13, 2015.
(Most recent hallucination/vision)

I went into the girls bathroom,
And as I walked into the second stall...
I see pale pink converse .
I could see through the wall that separated us,
the shoes connected to legs... but that was it.
(She) was only visible from the knee down.
(She) had white tights on.

The pale pink shoes step up, on the toilet.
Turned and leaped  off,
but (Her) feet never touched the ground...

Today I saw a (Girl),
In pink Converse and white tights.
Hang (Herself),
In the third stall of the girl's bathroom.
1.3k · Mar 2015
Ode to Androgynous
Nameless Mar 2015
Hard to swallow:

When they see you,
stretched languidly across the page,
frivolous in your expenditure of letters,
This is what you are to them.

Long and polysyllabic,
a frustrating combination of strange, small word-parts
And that Y (such an indecisive letter!):
flung in there so gracelessly.

You are repulsive to them;
You have broken their rhythm
of short, blocky words that trip off the tongue
with your sudden and awkward out-of-place-ness.

You are abhorrent to them;
You have blurred their strict margins
of male and female roles,
of pants and skirts,
with your little blip of existence,
mucking about in the wrong side of the clothes store.

You are an anomaly, a mistake, a mystery to them;
You are a *** to be located
A term to be defined
A word to be pronounced
A gender to be assigned

But I like you.

I like how your letters sprawl,
confident and self-sure.

I like how your attire causes others to gawk
and reorder their worlds.

I like how your legs look in that tux,
your eyes in that dress.

How the long swoops of your g and your y
echo the way the ends of your undone tie drape from your collar:

1.3k · Apr 2014
Nameless Apr 2014
Nosy little red head,
don't be a snitch.
Nosy little red head,
acting like a *****.
Stay in your own ****,
or I'll treat you like a kid.
I wanted to slit your throught,
when I heard you read my note.
Not for nosy red head,
so hold your tounge or you'll wish you were dead.
1.2k · Feb 2015
Abandoned by mom
Nameless Feb 2015
Behind your shadow,
I stand and fall.
It's a tough battle,
In which I feel so small.
My feelings toward you
you might think are dumb.
Sad, upset, confused,
angry, hurt, and numb.
When I needed a mom,
you were not there
to talk about boys
or to fix my hair.
Yes, you did call,
every once and a while,
but an ocean of tears
hides behind this smile.
Tormented, trapped, and torn,
my heart says I feel.
Seven years after I was born
my heart won't start to heal.
I see other girls
laugh with their moms,
I go dizzy with swirls,
and crash like a bomb.
The anger in me
rages in fright,
always staying angry,
I just think I might.
Time heals everything,
I don't think that's true,
I know something
time did not do.
Time has been flying.
For a long while
I've always been trying
to show a real smile.
One thing that hurts,
and I don't know why,
you moved far away,
and it makes me cry.
When I think about this,
to myself I lie,
I've gotten over you,
that I would not try.
You are a mother,
a mother of two,
me and my Sister.
We hardly know you.
Every night I think
of how my life could have been,
tears run down my face,
and my world starts to spin.
These past few years
have been really hard.
For the rest of my life
I'll be severely scarred.
It took me time to realize
what you did to me.
Tears in my eyes,
and you're clueless it seems.
I try to be brave,
it really hurts.
You could have stayed,
instead of making it worse.
I want you to know this,
it's sad but it's true,
you hurt your little girl,
and your other girl too!
You ruined me,
you made me cry,
you really hurt me,
and to laugh I try.
There is a hole in my heart
the doctors don't see.
I guess they don't know
what my mommy did to me.
If you want me back,
you have to prove
you can be a mom
to me and Brittanie, too!
When I screamed for you,
did you hear a sound?
I guess you didn't,
because you were never around.
I will tell you something
you cannot forget,
once you hurt your kids,
it will soon come to regret.
1.2k · Oct 2015
My life as...(ANXIETY)
Nameless Oct 2015
I question myself and reality.
Finding the worst possible outcome, then a hundred more.
When I feel safe, but then startled, I panic.
I go through the list, I made, of good things…
But, I can’t make any of the words out.
Nor can I speak, But I CAN scream.
I can kick, punch, and bite!
…Because I feel threatened!?
Oxygen fills my lungs.
Only to come out in Erratic, Choppy, Panting breaths.
I pull on my skin, to make sure it’s still there.
The others only give me a migraine.
And, I’ve only been here maybe… ten minutes.
But it felt like a LIFETIME.

& then I die, only to be born again…
                                                                                          & again.
Another English 3 assignment
1.2k · Feb 2016
Follow The Leader
Nameless Feb 2016
Follow The Leader,
I play.
... Lost as a dog.
through a dense fog.
A girl without a voice,
born to follow...
not to rejoice.-------------------------------------------
But now,
He tags along.
And before long, you see...
what he sees.
Following the leader,
as he plays.---------------------------------------------
Only two,
and one behind.
Only when I realize,
I wasn't born to lead.
...Do I see, that he;

Is following me.
1.1k · May 2014
Seven sadist smiles
Nameless May 2014
There's something growing inside of me,
I can feel the twists and change.
I tense up and try not ignore it,
But the feeling is just so strange.

I've turned my mind off for the day,
Music vibrates through my skull.
Don't ask me to function properly today,
My fight has turned a bit dull.

Never mind, I lied.
I can't feel anything, I'm stagnant.
Shattered and tattered and torn and destroyed,
You devoured every fragment.

A growl arises from my throat,
Voicing the pain I refuse to feel.
Clutching at the life growing inside of me,
Laughing because it's not real.

I can smile seven sadistic smiles,
One for each day of the week.
Place a mask upon my face,
To break I'd be deemed as weak.

White knuckles,
Clenched teeth.
Bile in my throat,
Reminds me I need to breathe.

Breathe you worthless being!
Put life into your lungs!
Smile your seven sadistic smiles,
In your hands their necks are wrung.
1.1k · Jan 2016
Nameless Jan 2016
Her laugh,
it tickles the back of my throat.
Strands of her hair,
get caught in our lips.
I bite her,
to quiet myself.
But the sound she makes,
shook me to the core.

   Drugs, ***, and Rock n' Roll.
But not in that order.

   The windows fog,
the car stalls;
My face,
buried in her neck.
Her mouth on mine;
My shoulder, collar bone, neck,------

    She takes a moment,
to look at myself.
Empty words tell me,
I'm "Beautiful".
And the look in her eyes,
scare me to death.

     Her car smells like a 'One-night Stand',
but her eyes hope for something more.
A poem about my 'New Year'
1.1k · Apr 2014
Mother's weakness
Nameless Apr 2014
Mother's weakness is all too high,
leaving her wallet almost dry'
mother's weakness is all to important to her,
which causes one daughter into leaving her,
a boy and a girl still left in her arms, while
her weakness not left in the air,
a father left in destraught, wonders how
a mother could leave her babies to rot.
1.1k · Feb 2016
Paint, Self Portrait
Nameless Feb 2016
Do you feel your hands, tight----------
... Around my neck?
Do you see my face,
the same shade of purple
... To go with the walls.
Why is black and blue
... The only color, in your life?
And I still don't know you--------
Know me?
... And I could NEVER
write about you.
Do you hear yourself, how---
How can you paint me?
Do you see your face?
My face, the same face.
Staring back at you...

The same blue eyes,
And a different mirror.
1.0k · Jun 2015
Nothing happened, right?
Nameless Jun 2015
I was walking from the class
Next to my math class before the bell rings
I see charlese and answer her question
She stops me while saying "your mascara is running"
She has one hand holding the side of my face
Time stops when I feel her touch
Mainly I was startled and confused
I flinched
She uses her thumb
To wipe away at the corner of my eye
I'm stiff and frozen in place
For a split second our eyes meet
She lets her hand fall
And I come back to earth in a dense fog ------------
She smiles/laughs
Our legs go at the same time but her leading
As we act like nothing happened
We walk into class I sit down
Still in a haze...
Nothing happened--------
So why does my heart ache?
1.0k · Oct 2014
Nameless Oct 2014
I rise against,
the forces inside me.
They tug and pull,
trying to hide me.
what is there to fear?
I don't want
anyone there!
'Cause you see,
I don't REALLY care.
Nameless Oct 2015
One day…
The bird looked up into the sky, from the comfort of her nest.
As she looked to the sky,
She noticed the woman in the moon.
the woman smiled at her.
So every night she would look up at the woman,
Talking till the sun came up.
On one special night,
when the moon was closest to the bird and full,
the bird confessed her love to the woman in the moon.
The moon wept…
So the bird began to fly, closer and closer to the moon,
but as she did  the air became thin.
As the woman in the moon turned her back to the bird,
the bird began to fall.
Landing in a pit.
The entrance collapsed,
Trapping the bird.
… Her love was gone,
                                               She would never see the moon again.

~Moral or Lesson: Do not fall in love, because eventually you will be hurt.
An assignment for my English 3 class: write a fable.
Nameless Apr 2015
I saw her during recess

And then again at lunch

I kinda liked to tease her

I'd always dodge her punch

I said I didn't like her

But it really wasn't true

I liked to be around her

Without her I was confused

Then at lunch we'd sit together

With our lunches made

From our broken families

**** I miss first grade
965 · Oct 2015
The Root of Raw Emotion
Nameless Oct 2015
I’ve dug into the root of every known emotion of man.
From mere happiness to dread and fear, it’s scary… Really!?
How we can feel, really feel, and how it can change us-
From innocent to tainted, good to evil.
And that you can also feel; feel for not only inanimate, living, or anything.
But you can feel for other people.
You can feel so strongly, that it shakes your soul.
And you can also…
Not feel-
Numbness, or is it a feeling?
It can over take your very being
And **** the life out of your eyes-
To where you don’t eat,
Don’t get out of bed,
And never open your eyes.
You just lay there, in a void that you yourself created…
But eventually you’ll pull yourself out…
Feeling, Feeling, Feeling.
Feelings are not the only thing… that I’ve dug into.
I’ve found more than anyone ever could.
Because, I look a little harder…
Free Will;
Is that what makes us different from the animals, evolution?
Free will.
The choice, the choice that is ours to make… or not make.
Some people find beauty in it.
But, some people find hell and torture in free will… The ones who can’t think for themselves.
In some ways-
I find them weak.
But also cunning, in a ‘Monkey see, Monkey do’ kind of way…
In spite of everything we know about Free will.
We still do not quite understand-
How Free-will makes us any
More or less… Human.
933 · Oct 2015
Poetic minds alike
Nameless Oct 2015
Just, Why?
I over analyze simple things, hoping for a better or worse outcome…
I look for answers, where there are none.
If the universe in infinite, why do we find so many things… A great discovery?
When we haven’t even scratched the surface!
I’m on the wrong side of the universe.
So, when will others learn that up isn’t up and down isn’t down?
     My mind is so vast.
But I am young, to an untrained eye.
I’m a writer, artist, and a poet…
I have lived and died so many times.
I’m a kid.
But I feel as if I’ve lived for thousands of years-

                                                                 So many lives!
931 · Jun 2015
I'm not JUST A KID
Nameless Jun 2015
It starts
with the little things

the long car rides
the you're never too old
and the new generation

I look back

when they say
I'm just a kid

I crinkle my nose
and narrow my eyes
as they look at me

I wonder
if they enjoy little things

the all nighters
the wishful
the benefit of the doubt

I shake my head at them\
it was very unlikely

they look down at me
small minded
and irrational

they don't think like me

because if they did
they would not
look down at me
call me
"Just a kid"
916 · Oct 2015
Don't let me get hurt
Nameless Oct 2015
Love is some
peoples favorite
four letter word
and the Topic
of a major poets mind
love can be
and dread,
it can make you feel powerful
but even worthless.
when you lose it,
its a feeling you cant describe
with mere words
let alone a get well card
And when you
love someone
REALLY love someone
with all of your being
and when that's lost
You feel the whole world
weighing down on you
maybe you find another
but you're scared
scared that you'll butcher it
and wind up some
that is tossed away
when they find
a shiny new toy
but I'm not her toy,
Maybe I was to Brooke,
But Brenna is different.
She has so much love
in her heart
she tries more than anything
just to hear my voice
she takes care of me
I don't feel like a pawn
Or a second choice
to her I come first
Her love is real
Not that Brooke's wasn't
But Brenna's doesn't
cause me pain
or panic attacks
She is a rush of everything
she makes me calm....
Just a random trail of thoughts,
I started typing.
906 · Sep 2014
Hi, I'm Human.
Nameless Sep 2014
Hi. I'm human.

I make a lot of mistakes.

I'm hard-headed.




I say things I don't mean,

And I mean things that I don't say.

I'm very curious., yet I fear the unknown.

I display all of my vices and conceal all of my virtues.

I get in my own way.

I'm human.

I am very unique, yet completely ordinary.

I lose interest in things quickly,

Yet stick with others 'til the end.

I'm loyal, yet promiscuous.

I want it all, but I'm happy where I am.

I'm quick to love amd slow to hate.

Well... Most of the time.

I am shoot first and ask questions later.

Well... sometimes.

I believe that there is a being greater than I.

And, no, I don't mean Beyonce.

I believe that science s a way to explain religion.

I believe in magic.

I'm Human.

I'm a bit sociopathic,,,

A bit crazed...

A bit depressed...

...but still lovable.

I'm very lonely,

but prideful and independent.

I'm desperate for love and need a good hug.

I'm human.

I'm stressed about the small things and

Lax about the big.

I set goals I never work towards,

And pass up opportunities that were thrown at me.

I stand up for what I believe-

Even if it's just in my imagination.

I want to fit in.

I want to stand out.

I'm a walking contradiction.

I'm human.

I have been stripped of my innocence and ****** into the real world.

I am given questions that I cannot answer.

I am given choices that aren't mine to decide.

I work through the hard times,

And pray for rain.

I have little faith in myself, though I would support my kin to the end.

I detest the atrocities of life,

And then add to their fuel.

But, I'm human.

I submerge myself in material things so that I don't have to face the terror that is our Earth.

Not the Earth of nature,

But the Earth of OUR creation.

I do stupid things, and ignorantly stand by them.

I do smart things, and stupidly apologize for them.

I have attitude-

PLENTY of it-

But maybe not the right type.

I'm human.

I defy the laws I have created.

I live to die.

Sunrise to Sunset.

I am NOT infinite.,,



,, ,And that scares me.

Because i'm human,

I am not limitless.

I push my own boundaries,

And orance on the border of sanity.





I'm human.

So my lies come easy but my truths are hard.

I'm scared of the dark,

Since it screams the truth.

I embrace thelight and oush the unwanted into it's shadows.

I want life to be eventful,

but I don't ever wanna lesve my bed.

I laugh.

I cry.

And panic.

And rejoice.

Bacause I am human.

100% ****-sapien.

And this. Is. Me,
888 · Feb 2016
Nameless Feb 2016
Speak louder,
than words!?!
... But not in my case.

Never could a poet's actions;
be anywhere near,
the volume of their words.
Which are SCREAMED,
Louder than ANY action could!

Not only do our words
speak louder,
But they evoke EMOTION.
Letting you feel...
what we felt.
So you FEEL our pain...


Look us in the eyes...
& See if you can utter,
879 · Oct 2015
Nameless Oct 2015
I stare at the ground, no need for attention.
I don't want them to find me, to fixate on me.
So, I make myself small;
Just a smudge on a camera lens.
I won't make a sound.
Be something... not desired.
Don't show that you're scared.
Try and scare them, anything to shake them off!?
They have a tainted soul, all they do is hurt.
Their hands reach for me.
...Maybe if I wasn't so small, I could yell.
And someone would help me!?!?
But, They already forced their sin
down my throat & hands tight against my windpipe.
Why don't they fear me!?
My psychotic tendency's, nulled by my loss of consciousness.
I hope I never wake up,
to see their face.
No struggle.
They've tainted my body,
but not my soul.
I picture their death at my hands...
                                                          But I'm nothing but a dog with no bite.
855 · Apr 2014
The knight and hare
Nameless Apr 2014
Time is constant
time is rare
time is flowing
through the air
day by day
night by night
time is late
time is shy
now they turn
out the lights
to say good night
but our light is shy
so we'll be quiet
and that is fair
to the knight
and shining hare.
855 · Apr 2014
Nameless Apr 2014
Born with a veil
but scared as hell
of what she
not only hears
but see's
no longer knowing
what it means.
849 · Sep 2014
My lovable clown
Nameless Sep 2014
send them in
  I'm sad as sin
    not next year
now, my dear

bring on color
  so tired of dolor
    I want to smile
more than a while    

here you are
  shining star ...
    your antics please
you give me
a squeeze ...
816 · Jan 2015
Nameless Jan 2015
Why do you show,
an interest in me?

I'm dumbfounded!
In a world not of my own,
will our minds work together?

You're in search of someone,
all to square...
Yet you've found me?

My perception of the world
is contorted and skewed.

Your words so sweet!
They bring me to my feet,
As I learn to walk.
Your message rose,
it made me take charge again...
Thank you,
now I'm no longer have writers block^^
795 · Oct 2015
LIE, For a Lost Love?
Nameless Oct 2015
I remember getting THAT call... every second.
I remember the STING of the cold air, against my skin.
The JAGGED stains of dirt on my jeans
When I FELL to the solid ground.
...Like I was just STABBED.
Dirt COVERED my hands, that could be mistaken for blood.

I could HEAR the sound... of my heart shattering.
An EXCRUCIATING wave of pain.
I couldn't BREATH.
Choking out tears & Stifled SOBS, until I was nothing.
But, a SMALL mess on the cold ground.

My eyes flicker OPEN,
"Did I JUST die? Am I dead?"
I FELT dead, and empty.
I feel an AWFUL numbness, take over MY body.
I look AT the sky, through scattered tree limbs.
Specks of WHITE fall on me.
My hot face stings WITH every speck.
...with EVERY newly made snowflake
I now see MY breath in front of me.
Staring at the SNOW as it falls.

I am nothing but a SHELL,
I am NOTHING without her.
I live FOR her.
So... HOW do I learn to, live without.
I wish for DEATH.
But, I get CONSTANT waves of numb and empty pain instead.

I hate HER and I can't stand her.
...But I NEED her.
So, NO matter how much she hurts me.
I'd APOLOGIZE for it, and she's killed me so many times.
That if she got MY blood on HER hands, I'd clean them.

I just CAN'T un-love her.
If she murdered me.
The knife in my back, me falling to the ground.
I'd cry.
But, my last words would be...

I'm sorry, I'm SO sorry.

I'd say to her, "It'd okay, I still love you>"
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