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Nov 2016 · 946
I Stand, Giving a Gesture.
Hunter K Nov 2016
Let's be honest here,
On this enlightened day.
Here I stand in fear,
Not exactly sure what I should say.
I stand before you,
Trembling in fright,
My sad reality has come true,
As I keep my composer with all my might.

Look, yes, I make mistakes,
More than most seems,
I know I made your heart ache,
But know it haunts my dreams.
You are my friend,
And this friendship I don't want to end,
Because of my stupidity,
My dishonesty
And certainly my arrogance.

Here I stand before you,
Asking, begging, for forgiveness.
A request, not an order.
A true mess of an offer.
But yet here I still stand,
Holding out my hand,
A gesture that I hope for you to take.
A gesture to mend the broken pieces.
A gesture of a friend.
A gesture I hope for you to take.
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
Our Role Play
Hunter K Jun 2015
Roses or red
Violets are blue
Our rps are fun
I want nothing new

I hope we are friends,
I hope this is true,
as I always try
to look out for you.

I will never forget
About our little crew,
Fighting many battles
and losing my shoe.

It would break me,
if you said you must bit my adieu,
as so much word and imagination
is what made this rp grew.

All the problems,
I would have never gotten through,
Are all thanks to
little old you.

So come on now,
just me and you,
two phones and two lives,
But one rp is drew.
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Look at me!
Hunter K Apr 2015
Look at me,
Look at me!
As pretty as can be!
My hair so curly,
My teeth so pearly,
My cloths so neat,
Making me look so sweet.
My shoes on point,
I know I won't disappoint,
As I walk down the halls,
Saying "******* all,"
As I know I am pretty,
But unlike you,
I am witty.
Apr 2015 · 4.8k
I'm a Little Unicorn
Hunter K Apr 2015
I'm a little unicorn,
Short and cute.
Here in my magic horn,
And here is my hoof.

I like to drink my chocolate milk,
And chew on silk.
I **** evil wizards,
And chase the lizards.
Because I'm magic,
Isn't my story tragic?

I was left behind from the ark,
And almost killed by a shark,
(My evil nemesis)
Until I met the pegasus,
And flew back to modern day life,
Only to see my cousins killed with knives,
Oh what a world it is!
How long was I gone?
Can I forgive?
I got bored.
Mar 2015 · 905
The Monster (Incomplete)
Hunter K Mar 2015
The monster is out tonight,
And is ready to bite,
He is looking to fight,
He stands 7 feet in height,
Not one man nor knight,
Could take him down towards the light.

One terrible day,
A brave little man had something to say,
He declared he was going to slay
the big old beast within the month of May,
Everyone knew this man was just old prey,
As he was going to meet the highest price to pay,
When that beast came stomping his way.

That night the monster was hungry,
He was looking for something crunchy,
Something oh so yummy,
Mar 2015 · 687
His Crime
Hunter K Mar 2015
Once upon a time,
There was a little crime,
Nothing too big,
Nothing as major as a stolen pig,
But the one who done it,
Felt as if he has done more than the first hit.

He wants to say he didn't mean to do it,
But he knows that is a lie,
People ask him why.
"Why, why do such a thing?"
But he only cries.

He understands what he has done,
He understands that he shouldn't run,
But how couldn't he?
He knows he will never be able to face *me
Feb 2015 · 5.1k
Stealing Her Prince
Hunter K Feb 2015
Fourteen long stormy years ago,
Was a dark and gloomy night,
A spidery women as far as we know,
Was looking threw every house's window,
She walked ever so delicately over the snow,
Keeping herself out of sight,
Not a part of her seemed to glow,
All except her eyes that were anything but white.

Not so far away,
A newborn child lay,
Sleeping ever so peacefully,
Smiling ever so sweetly,
How could this creature resist?
The longing she had for that child,
Was a feeling she could not dismiss.

Forget the child's parents!
He must be her new prince,
Her next movements were completely errant,
As the creature just lost control,
She snatched the child up,
Holding him like a pup,
She fled to safety,
Before the child awoke,
The mysterious spider lady,
Took him to her home,
To raise him as her very own.

Now present day,
The child now given himself his own new name,
A prince? That is not want he wants to be,
He wishes to have his own word free,
Tired of staring at blank walls,
The child for the first time travels threw new halls,
Leaving the place his once called home,
Not knowing the new places he will roam,
Not knowing the adventures he will have,
Or the people he will share them with.
Feb 2015 · 10.0k
The Tin Warrior
Hunter K Feb 2015
The tin warrior,
Stands tall and strong,
His creator looks in horror,
As his new creation has gone terribly wrong.

The tin warrior was suppose to have no heart,
But no, he came out with a part,
The tin warrior was the key to victory,
Now who ever wins the war is a pure mystery,
Who do they blame for this new creation?
Obviously the one who created all this frustration!

The tin warrior has a half a heart,
Not the best, but it is a start,
Instead of stone cold,
It became pure gold,
Only one person knows why,
And it most certainly wasn't the creator guy.

The daughter of the creator,
She was the one,
She may be a traitor,
But she knows what she had done.

The tin warrior was better than a weapon,
The daughter knew that,
She doesn't regret her choices for a second,
The tin warrior was even better than her father was aiming at.

The tin warrior was build for peace,
His sword pure white,
Not a speck of blood upon it,
To walk he used all his might,
To keep his heart pumping,
He struggled greatly,
What the daughter witnessed,
Make her quite shaky.

You see, a heart was meant for man,
And the tin warrior just wasn't it,
The tin warrior went out with a plan,
So he left a dent in this world,
Letting himself shut down,
Knowing his plan was unfurled,

Everything would be fine without him,
As he did his part,
The daughter was grim,
But knew this was just the start,
The tin warrior saved many souls,
And now it was her turn to achieve the tin warriors goals.
Feb 2015 · 406
Family = Forver
Hunter K Feb 2015
Family if forever,
Weather I like it or not,
It is a bond unbreakable,
I will forever be stuck with this lot.

Sure, I must admit,
Family can be annoying,
They sometimes make you loose it,
But this way life never seems too boring,
Because they will never let you quit,
They want to see you soaring!

Family can also be outside of blood,
Since I have my friends too,
I have my new and old buds,
Including little old you.

I have my Sunday friends also,
What a joy that always is,
I have old instructors steps to follow,
And teachers rulings to learn in order to take up any quiz!

I see God's love in all these people,
Friends, family, and parish,
In them I see no evil,
As they all love me so much,
Threw God's work and threw their own way,
All with a gentle touch,
They make sure I don't stray away,
And on the path of God I stay.
Feb 2015 · 721
Hunter K Feb 2015
My brother and the others,
Make me very mad,
I wish they didn't have the numbers,
Because if I did they would be the ones being sad!

I hate them for their jokes,
Always picking on me,
They act if life down here is a hoax,
Well I'll tell you if it was we wouldn't be down here now would we?

They act as if this is all going to blow over!
Well I bet you its not!
No luck of any clover,
Can save us from this evil plot.

Zombies are here.
Zombies will stay.
No doubt about it.
We will never get our way!
A poem for my character Lucy from my zombie book fanfic.
Poor Lucy, stuck underground with 4 boys!
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
Imposter, I Will Wait
Hunter K Jan 2015
I shall wait,
Until the day fate,
Puts too much weight,
On my shoulders.

I will wait for the day,
To call you prey,
As i am done playing games,
I will start calling your name.

I will wait for the day,
The day I almost collapses,
And on that day perhaps,
I will get a helping hand,
From the true loving man,
That you wish to be.

Love finds a way,
And so does fate,
Just know I shall never betray,
My true mate.
Jan 2015 · 814
Hunter K Jan 2015
You were the new addition to the house,
Over the past year I watched you grow,
Oh how I love you so,
You were my pride,
You still are even after you died,
You were my joy,
My sweet little boy,
Why did you have to go?

So frail you were,
Just a dot of black fur,
Little did we know,
In your lungs grew a great foe.

You ran so strangely,
Like a tottering baby,
But we didn't know,
About the pain you refused to show.

Your eyes,
Flutter closed,
Not knowing what was going on,
Not knowing you were gone,
I hope you hold on tight,
To the clouds above me tonight.

Mouse I love you,
After all you been through,
I hope you rest in peace,
And let your soul release,
To the sweet above,
Followed by my ever lasting love.
R.I.P MOUSE 12/24/13 - 1/19/15 died from a lung toomer he was born with, but we didn't catch it soon enough. Rest in Peace, my sweet kitten.
Jan 2015 · 703
Hunter K Jan 2015
Hello, sir,
Do you have a minute?
I just wanted to transfer,
A poem with no required ticket.

I miss you so much,
I don't know how i have made it for such,
a long time without you.

I been wanting to text you,
But i knew it was no use,
This time may be no different,
Maybe i am just looking for an excuse,
To text my significant,

I just wanted to say,
That I hope you stay,
Even if you are far away,
I cant give you a bhang,
but I can say I love you Woodsfang!
Dec 2014 · 456
Oh my!
Hunter K Dec 2014
Oh my!
The monsters in the closet!
Are coming out tonight,
I bet they have empty sockets,
And that they know how to fight,
I have no weapons in my pockets,
As I am no noble knight,
But what can I do?
Its like my feet are stuck to the floor with glue.
They can see threw my soul,
Like in my chest there is a hole,
I can't gain control,
The feelings that make me whole,
Why must I be haunted,
By these unwanted,
Misunderstood souls?

Oh my!
Here comes one now,
Crawling on all fours,
Looking like a thin cow,
Coming out of my closet doors.
It begs,
To me,
For something more important than my legs,
More important than its knees,
It asks for my trust,
It asks for me to not run away in disgust,
I scream,
Please tell me this is all a dream!
Tell me this is not what it seems,
That this is all just an evil scheme.

I wake,
Feeling myself shake,
With pure fear,
As if I am about to shed a tear.
What was that dream about?
Why do I feel as if I must shout?
Have I seen my closet the wrong way?
That it may just be a home?
For all if the stray,
Monsters that roam,
The earth,
Looking for what they are worth?

I climb out of bed,
Remembering what the monster said,
I open the door,
Peering down at the floor,
I heard no roar,
I heard no squeal of a boar.
Could it all have been fake?
Well that's a chance I will not take.
I place myself down,
Inside my closet,
I try not to frown,
As no monster comes for my nightly fear deposit,
I sigh,
And close my eyes,
Giving my monsters a surprise,
Giving them no wails or cries,
But hugs in till the sun a rise.
Dec 2014 · 572
Won't Be Proven Wrong
Hunter K Dec 2014
You go after her mother,
Then his little brother,
How many lives must you take?
You swarm on my friend's father,
And my aunt's daughter,
When will all this madness stop?

Cancer, go away.
No one wants you here,
Begone i say,
Didn't you hear?
We will get rid of you,
Even if its the last thing we do,
We work all day and night,
Battling this endless fight.

So close to the answer,
To get rid of you cancer,
Any kind in any place,
Before you wipe out our whole race!

I promise you,
You wont stay long,
Because i know this is very true,
You may be strong,
But we will not be proven wrong.
Dec 2014 · 521
Two sides of Death
Hunter K Dec 2014
She screams,
Wishing it was all just a dream,
But it keeps going on,
She never wakes up with a yawn,
It was all real,
And it certainty wasn't her ideal
day to seal.

Life says goodbye,
As the life in her goes dry,
What a world it is,
Even if it was never his,
Blood stained on his hands,
As he runs off to new lands,
Guilt in his eyes.

The girl dead,
A crack in her head,
Bones broken all over,
In her pocket a four leaf clover,
A shame it brought her no luck,
As her demons have already struck.

So alone,
About to be pelted with stones,
The boy pushes on,
Already gone,
He knows what he has done,
And it was no fun,
Living with the guilt inside him,
Forever grim.
Dec 2014 · 17.4k
Hunter K Dec 2014
Goodnight my darling,
I hope your dreams are charming,
As I love you with all my heart,
And can't bare it when we are apart,
So promise me you will dream,
Of a flowing gentle stream,
Its a cold starry night,
No reason to be a fright,
As I am always with you,
No matter how far I seem,
I will always be in your dreams.
Dec 2014 · 608
Hunter K Dec 2014
You lie down in bed,
Feeling the presence of the dead,
They moan and groan,
Their fingers as cold as stone
clawing at your bare skin.

They beg for your soul,
As they now have no other after life goal,
They wish to be you,
Able to chew and to put on a new pair of shoes,
Oh so lucky you are to be alive.

They tug at your hair,
and at all the cloths you wear,
They all have grim faces,
Each from different places,
All dead,
At least that is what they said.

They want to live,
Like you and me,
They no longer want to strive,
This endless destiny.

One day they might,
Maybe even as I write,
They may just break free,
and live on for eternity,
In *heaven.
I am reading a ghost story so i was really inspired!
Nov 2014 · 653
Meeting Him
Hunter K Nov 2014
I saw him standing there,
Not tall but he was fare.
Black jacket and orange hat,
I felt as if I was about to fall flat.
What was it about him?
He defiantly wasn't like my last boy named Jim.
He looked my way,
Saying a calm "Hey."
I froze,
Not sure what he knows,
About me.
Did he hear about my 5 cats?
Does he know my social stats?
Does he think I am bizarre?
Does he know that I cant play guitar?
I don't know what to do,
Suddenly he says "Whats up with you?"
I feel my cheeks warming up,
Forcing out an awkward "Sup,"
He chuckles,
As I bend my knuckles.
****, he was cute,
How could I ever shoot,
for a guy like him?
We chat for awhile,
Letting myself back into my normal style.
No longer nervous or scared,
As I felt as if he really cared.
Maybe this could actually work,
So far he isn't much of a ****.
I guess it is worth a try,
He doesn't seem like such a bad guy.
Maybe in a month or two,
Maybe i will come through,
And ask him out,
Who knows what route,
We will take.
Met a guy today.... and i am pretty sure i made a fool out of myself.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
The Seven Seas
Hunter K Nov 2014
Roam the seven seas,
My hair tangled by the mild breeze,
Oh how much I feel at ease!
Who cares if I freeze?
It is not like i have a disease.

Scourer the seven seas,
My best friend at my side,
Even if he lied,
Even if i cried,
Were still in this together till the end,
No going back my dear friend.

Seek the seven seas,
How wondrous is might be!
So close to the end,
Too bad we cant extend,
this journey with you my friend.
I know we been threw a lot,
Always getting caught.
But it is time to depart,
Right where it seemed to start.

Wondering the seven seas,
All alone on an empty ship.
It seems kind of lonely,
With out him, my friend Tony.
But i will never forget,
About all of the threats,
We came across together,
Because i have to admit,
I will remember them forever,
As long as i have my living spirit.
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
The Damsel Rewrite
Hunter K Nov 2014
Fight with all your might,
As you can be your own brave knight.
So take a big bite,
Of this new rewrite,
The damsels are about to alight,
From their high plight.
I dunno, I got bored. I meant to write about something else but it became that
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Hunter K Nov 2014
Its Tuesday,
You turn off your movie,
Ready to get to bed.
You wonder what time it way be,
And suddenly, you regret your movie watching spree.
Five minutes to midnight.

You panic,
Remembering that gigantic,
Test you have the next morning.
You scramble to put your laptop away,
Trying not to crumble your essay,
Into your book bag with the rest of your school things.
You lie under your cover,
Only to discover,
It is 4 minutes till midnight.

You close your eyes,
Only seeing the lies,
You told about going to sleep hours before.
You toss and turn.
Realizing you may never be able to adjourn,
You movie night brain.
Your eyes wonder off,
What they see makes you cough.
3 more minutes till midnight.

You gasp,
Just wishing you would just clasp,
a sweet visit to dream land.
You then hear the loud thunder,
And start to wonder. . .
Is it giants?
Stomping angrily from the heavens?
Or dancing with glee in groups of sevens?

And then, as you think,
You suddenly need a drink!
You get out bed,
accidentally hitting your head!
You grab a drink from the kitchen,
Scooping up your kitten,
As you go back upstairs.
You spot the clock,
You feel as if you need to knock,
on wood as it is
1 minute to midnight.

You crawl back into bed,
listening to you kittens purring,
You feel the fur ball stirring,
trying to get comfortable.
The giants above quieting down,
You see no reason to frown.
You close your eyes,
and take a deep breath.
You did not get a visit from death,
But you did get to sleep,
Just as your clock hit,
Cant sleep!!! Time goes too slow at night!
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
No One Will Listen
Hunter K Nov 2014
Have you ever felt,
As if your about to melt?
Not from love,
but from being sick of,
being ignored.

You ask your mother,
To listen to your latest poem,
but she says to go ask another.

You leave the room,
Feeling as if your everyone's doom.
You sit back on your bed,
Thoughts floating around your empty head.

You feel left out,
As you gaze out the window.
Knowing their is many like you,
The gift to pull fresh poems out of thin air,
It just isn't fair.
So maybe,
Just maybe,
You will go read your poems to an infant baby.
Everyone is too busy to listen to my latest poems. It stinks since i am really want to share them.
Hunter K Nov 2014
You walk down the sidewalk,
In your head to imagine a cyclops,
Lurking around the corner.
It watches you,
But you know it isn't true,
You imagination is just not right,
Wondering away into the dark night.
You hear footsteps,
Coming from behind,
Or maybe in front of you,
Maybe your just going out of your mind.
You keep walking,
The night creature stalking,
You start to grow frightened,
Scared even.
The footsteps growing louder,
Your heart pounding against your chest,
You just cant put the strange feeling to rest.
You turn around the corner,
What do you see?
Just a few trees.
You keep walking,
hurrying home.
You go strait to your room,
The strange feeling gone.
You glance around your dark dwelling,
You start to imagine the sound of someone yelling,
Not sure what to do,
You close your eyes,
and drift off to sleep.
Hoping it was nothing,
Knowing it was something.
My room is extra creepy tonight... and I don't know why.
Nov 2014 · 3.9k
Little Wolf
Hunter K Nov 2014
Bright eyed,
And bushy tailed.
Happy yips,
And loved by all.
Oh, when did it go wrong?
Foot soldiers,
And flying boulders.
Screams and howls,
Along with angry hooting owls.
You run so far,
Following the East star,
Not knowing what to do.
Mother dead,
And Father crazy,
Who else is there?
To watch over you.
Nov 2014 · 860
Can't Help It
Hunter K Nov 2014
I try my best,
To make sure your not like the rest.
That you won't break my heart,
And make me feel as if I am not smart.
I can't help but feel,
That you are about to steal,
My heart.

Pretty flowers,
Beautiful bows,
Heartwarming compliments,
And good morning texts.

I just don't get it,
What makes you different?
I am your princess,
As you say.
But who knows how long that will last.

Maybe I am crazy,
Or maybe I am just somewhat lazy.
Maybe you actually care,
That we actually might make a good pair.

I guess I have to wait,
And go on the date.
About to go on a date....
I still can't believe I accepted!
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
My Favorite Stuff Animal
Hunter K Oct 2014
Its time to rest,
My favorite stuff animal on my chest.
No matter how old I grow.
My favorite stuff animal will help me defeat every foe.
I cuddle with its old fabric,
No longer new but still seems to be magic.
Its stitches now loose,
And is stained from some old juice.
But I love my stuff animal,
Even if he is flammable.
He is always there,
Waiting to declare,
That I shouldn't be scared.
Because he in there to protect,
To keep me in check,
So I wont have a freight,
About meeting my worst fears yet.
As I know I will be safe,
As I lay down and wait.
Good dreams will come,
With my favorite stuff animal and then some.
I love my stuff animals
Oct 2014 · 1.0k
Brave Swiftness
Hunter K Oct 2014
He tried so hard to fulfill,
Something that was not his to build,
But now his blood has been spilled,
and he is not the only one who was killed.
I do not say, he was brave.
I do not say he had it made.
But I say this, as my final words,
*Thy who remained unheard,
The unseen sibling of Hiccup the Third,
I wish I could have conferred,
the death of his old vicious herd.
Oct 2014 · 3.0k
Hunter K Oct 2014
Stay away!
Stand back!
Don't come closer!*
I change into the monster,
As I am called an impostor,
By my own father.
I wish I was once more the perfect daughter.
My brother waits for me to be slaughtered,
I wish to plea, and ask for water,
But to them now, I am a helpless otter.
A witch even.*
No matter how loud I cry,
I am still the bad guy,
Don't you see?
I just want to be left *alone. . .
Oct 2014 · 919
Her Becoming of Battle
Hunter K Oct 2014
War has begun,
And only the leaders son,
Knows what his father has done.
He tries to protect,
The one he loves and respects,
But he knows what to expect,
That blood already trickled down her neck.
She died in battle,
Since she talked prattle.
Not knowing he was coming,
Not knowing what she was becoming.
Oct 2014 · 4.4k
Hunter K Oct 2014
You curl up in bed,
Just like your mother said.
No monsters in the closets,
No more nightmare deposits.
Its that time of the week,
Where you can get a good nights sleep.
No more sharp claws,
No more strong toothy jaws.
Its about time you over come,
And send the monsters back to where their from!
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
Hunter K Oct 2014
Chipmunk, Chipmunk,
Where could you be?
Maybe in this pretty little tree?
I wish to meet you,
And become your friend.
Maybe I could crush to your little head.
Just promise me you won't scream,
If your blood travels downstream.
So come out little Chipmunk,
If you dare.
Ill be waiting,
Right here,
I sware.

— The End —