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Francie Lynch Jun 10
"Squeeze Please" presents as a cute word rhyme,
But its grip and depth
Is unique and sublime.
Part hug, some cuddle, but
More like a tickle...
It's fickle!!
I sense familial love songs
My limbs contract to stop his wiggles-
And then,
Before he starts his giggles...
My knees squeeze...
That’s when I heard,
Without one word...

Squeeze because you love me;
Squeeze because I love you;
Squeeze because I feel protected;
Squeezing keeps we two connected.
Squeeze Please makes me feel secure.

Please squeeze... please... squeeze please me more.

Squeeze me to my happy place.
Squeezing tells me that I’m safe.
A squeeze will make me feel content
Your squeezes tend to give me strength.
Then Squeeze tight for respite and peace,
Like a weighted blanket as I sleep.
Squeeze me like a pet boa,
Squeeze because you're my own Granda.

I hear and listen when he says Squeeze Please;
That cute word rhyme really speaks to me.

(Now loosen and Squeeze Please some more.........................)
Ciaran is on the spectrum, and to hear him say *Squeeze please* is such a treat.
Francie Lynch Mar 25
I need permission
To break through this invisible forcefield,
To give you a hug,
And make it not ******.
We both know
It not to be true.
Steve Page Feb 19
Some of my heroes wear
a cowl or a cape,
they might wield a shield,
swing from a web
or swing a big hammer.

Some of my heroes wear
a smile in the face
of foaming anger
and throw a mean hug
that will make you stagger.

I know who I'd rather
be my first responder.
Thinking about folk I admire
ZACK GRAM Dec 2023
Forget a degree
Its just you an me
I get 100 views without you
If i had a temp mines 101
Senetence 10 billion an belief
Top the page living legend
You read my write
Thats a law diploma
Forget a degree
I got 3
100 views channel 101
Me an you together forever
Sing to me
Reshnia crimson Jun 2023
My sister has curly hair
From day one
She has cut and burned it at every chance

Her hair is dark and thick
Like our fathers
I wish I had his hair instead

I wish the follicles on my head
Wernt thin and brittle
And quick to fall

Would that make me a man?

My sister has a flat chest,
My ******* have been called the best
My family and friends alike

She calls her own chest, childlike
If we traded, and my breath was unstressed
If they fell from my body

Would that make me a man?

What an unjust God
Who would give us bodies
That did not fit our souls

What cruel diety
Would leave us feeling
So cramped
Ash May 2022
Have you felt lonely when you have that one person in your life , yet you start crying suddenly?
Joshleen Kumar Feb 2022
The perpetual want of being held
by someone who recognises
just how touchstarved I am
judas Nov 2021
Your hand
On my knee,
My hand
On your hand,
Your arms
Wrapped around me,
And mine
Around you.
catching feelings man
Ant Sep 2021
the thing between you and me.
where i think of you most.
my favorite thing to spend on you.
where i get lost in you most.
the thing you bring to me.
where i embrace you most.
one of many things i see in you.
where i melt for you most.
the things currently above my head.
unknown Sep 2021
Sana sa mga oras na ako’y ubos na,
Andyan ka sana para bigyan ako ng pag-asa.
Sa mga pagkakataong ayaw ko na,
Yakapin mo sana ako at ‘di na pakawalan pa.

Mga yakap na siyang nagbibigay lakas,
Na wari’y isang lakas na nagsisilbing lunas,
Lunas sa mga sakit na hindi maipaliwanag,
Sa pagsasamang tila nauubusan na ng liwanag.

Mahal, isang mahipit na yakap,
Pantakip sa katotohanang hindi natin matanggap
you feel the sadness???? lol
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