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486 · Sep 2017
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
the sky falls down on me
I'm starving my umbrella
to death
483 · Jun 2017
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Drunk on liquor metaphors
High and falling fast
No direction in the clouds
Why does winning feel like losing
Why does your image burn
So extraordinarily
On the inside of a skull box
I am tossed away from answers
I’m a coin in the fingers of the sun
The last hundred flips were
The white puffy scarves
Only swirl into themselves
Sympathetic, yet,
Not bothering to reach out
They know they aren’t strong enough
To catch me
Or break the fall
But my lips are wings
Stretching into flight
481 · Apr 2018
Two on Sunrise
Gabriel burnS Apr 2018
My look perched on its medicine,
Twin hazel pills approaching slowly
Going down even slower,
My look took the dose that I tried to convince the doctor, is insufficient
I was told I couldn’t get another prescription
I’d have to adjust and make do, and cope, and adapt…
My doctor says it’s for my own good
And in time I’d feel more appreciative, less trapped
But I don’t really have time… it’s the other way around
And time has Me instead… And I refuse to be a resource to be had
I just want those caramel pills
I just want to feel the sun spill into my heart…
With an unending kiss that bears your name...
476 · Jan 2017
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
Caught a wave,
snatched the chance
to ride the tide;
took me straight
through the goosebumps,
the antennae
of the skin
protracted and receiving

...and the ripples multiplied

I always thought
the depths were cold,
not warm
but melody knows best
and I can't wait
to be surprized
holding breath
in the uneasy calm
before the storm
468 · Jul 2017
To The Rescue
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Distress calls are a Venus flytrap
Don’t come flying to the rescue
Or your wings will be
Its 4 o’clock snack
Can’t seem to shut its flap
Ever hungry for more
Always empty at the core
Traveler beware;
Heed not that mayday;
Move on and pay no care!
Gabriel burnS Jun 2018
in the realm of man, beauty is a weapon that maims everyone within its reach… and ends up killing the one who wields it…
461 · Sep 2017
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
cold drops falling
soft leaves slowly
sliding crystals
the soil again
becoming rich
color taking fill
lungs come whole again
one with the rest
connecting the opposites
into the loop ever stirring
the wheel slowing down
never stops turning
461 · Oct 2017
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
archangels banish the devil
in the depths of your heaven
like a non-violent exorcism
the likes of which I haven't witnessed
sentimental plague covers our
binary consciousnesses
until the veil burns off
and the ashes feed the land
till it softens
wiping clean the mourning
desiccating grief
from the haunting
worshipped debris
embedded rootless
to the thick of the longing
to the excised fat
of past-time reveries
yet the ivory towers
still stand bared
amidst newborn flowers
sparing no sand
from the hourglass
for an epitaph
for only tomorrows
carry redemption
promising blossoming
454 · Jul 2019
Gabriel burnS Jul 2019
the sky is death
the sky is closer than you think
you’ve been living upside down
you cannot fly or swim
the sun takes all
the sun will swallow you

light rented your body
and it will take it back
nothing can ever be stolen
for nothing is truly possessed
you are just as cursed as you decide
and you can be as blessed
453 · Sep 2017
The Shard Song
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
My broken lightbulb,
I have conserved your light
Unto my pages
Stop raining shards
You are weeping now
Your crumbling body
Wasting further away
Beyond return
But you will find no solace
In my eyes
In my skin
Where you cut and you burn
For you’ve been but a shining
On my ceiling
That I’ve let too long replace the sun
446 · Nov 2018
Gabriel burnS Nov 2018
We are building New Babylon
out of carcasses and bones,
repeating the design flaws
of ancestors,
undoing our future,
sealing the destiny
for generations to come,
We are the very stones
built into these walls,
the same ones we throw
when we turn on our own.
And these stones
are what our hearts are made of.
Our thoughts are but paper
forgotten tomes, decaying pages.
Redundant and irrelevant
is what we have become.
Behold the great construction
of our ultimate destruction.
...just dug up this oldie from back when I used to write like this...
445 · May 2018
Forward Incompatibility
Gabriel burnS May 2018
Everything is so slow when I have no bridge to you… everything is the pace and longevity of the kiss I dream your lips in… but time is a reverse-caress…
442 · Jul 2017
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Arrhythmia is…
Wondering if next time your heart skips two beats in a row. (translating into “don’t hold your breath for a 3rd one, they just cancelled that show)
Feeling the (ribcage) prisoner starting riots with potential fatalities
Seeing your time so far as “oh well I’ve had a good run, though;
not hall of fame worthy but still, got decades in tow”
Forgetting all about poetry.
Re-syncing your breathing.
Feeling pathetic.
Not missing anything.
Wanting control.
My heart doesn’t love me enough
Despite the fact that I love you all.
just a feeling
441 · Aug 2017
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
I am casting shadows
to stop the growing
smiles of petals
for they are feeding thorns
carving poems on my skin
I can't unlove your demons
439 · Aug 2017
Play Blind
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
I do know lip-reading
But that smile
Demands for tactile
I’ve got something on Your lips/(still there) not yet (/let me get it for you)
437 · Sep 2017
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
She said "to hell with your dreams" and "let's do like the others"
I told her, to me, there could be so much more to discover;
"Join me, I said, this insanity burns with countless tomorrows"
"Forgive me, forget it", she pled, "you're on a road I can't follow"
hands unlock, fingers unfold
434 · Oct 2017
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
My amputee heart
Recognized its long lost
Severed limb
A recurring phantom
Of a feeling
Naturally grown
Excised at its ripe
That you were the root
And the blossom
The marrow of the joint

How come... so well preserved...
Frozen? For so long.
Perhaps it still demands
To serve a purpose
One that hasn’t coped
With moving on
434 · Apr 2017
Stealthy Moods
Gabriel burnS Apr 2017
I no longer
wear hats
or drink from cups

the eyes of cats
are searchlights
and curiosity
is killing us
433 · Oct 2017
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
As my footsteps disappear into puddles
And the ripples go silent
I put to doubt
The things we make
Of mud today
As knowledge travels
Rails of science
Instead of the path
Of knowing time
We’re sending light
Where it wasn’t meant to be
Like the greatest of all angels did

We have turned learning into
An autopsy of everything
Lobotomizing every liberty
Analyzing mistakes to find
Better excuses
Bitterly abusing conscience
And sapience
Numbed by the applause
Of every new Eureka!
433 · Jun 2017
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
You rearrange the constellations
Of my compass
With the grace of an orchestra
With the majesty of symphony
Yet you keep my central star intact
The spine of the cellular staircase
You shine the way
Two steps at a time
Not leading; keeping company
On a voyage in the dark
Beneath the sails of night
432 · Jan 2017
Gabriel burnS Jan 2017
natural elements
unnatural monuments

primal ingredients
in a mold of obedience

we'll have none of this
and flee
dull predictability

we weren't meant to be
through the voyage of history

so we daydream in mutiny
to feed
newborn possibilities
430 · Mar 2020
Gabriel burnS Mar 2020
They say that scale can break the laws of science
A crime so high in magnitude
Yet they cannot police
This bully that reality turns out to be

We met by means of tunneling improbabilities
The kiss of a miracle
Punishing the God complex
Of the self-righteous
Because the real laws, unknowable,
Dwell in realms higher than dogmatic notion
Whose knowledge is the surface of an ocean

Hence judgement cannot be
Wrought by the swimmers
And their fear of mortality
That guides them through the waves
And so their laws are the transgression

And We
Are the justice of the storm
...might be a quantum phenomenon...

It's funny to me when I hear scientists say that in a situation, such as "at the quantum level, particles act so bizarrely their behaviour breaks the laws of science."
No, it doesn't. It doesn't break any universal laws, just the current knowledge on how everything works; it just means we don't know enough yet, apparently. Don't make it sound so arrogant, as if we know the most important things, and reality dares disobey our extraordinarily accurate perception of things. Just accept it's probably not enough currently.
427 · Jul 2017
War (The Queen, pt.2)
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
To war!
The queen commands,
Battalions defend at once!
The battleship is pounding on her shores;
and past defensive lines extends
the front of the invading force,
retreats, regroups,
rallying the troops,
the enemy is pouring through the doors.
Her thoughts are soldiers finally expired.
Her generals now under heavy fire.
Yet she's the one who, after all,
this battle, skillfully,  provoked.
It seems that she forgot
that cold wars can turn hot.
She managed for awhile to slow down the assault.
Now the end draws nigh when final hill embattled falls.
oldie-goldie (18+)
Gabriel burnS Nov 2017
The Catcher In the Rye reboot trilogy; sequels comprise Pitcher In the Rye and part 3: Batter In the Rye. The love story of a ball and a glove, whom a bat tried to separate. Stay tuned for the spicy novel 50 Shades of Homerun, where the characters go through all the bases, all the way to the home...
425 · Jul 2018
In a Nutshell
Gabriel burnS Jul 2018
love is evolution window shopping for eyes
shopping for genes
420 · Dec 2018
Gabriel burnS Dec 2018
light blue - as in light enough to fly; blue enough to fall; a pull in both directions; pooling inflections of the light-wave sifted through the dark weave; near-symmetrically mindful of the sent and received
Why June when it’s December...
Just... thinking ahead...
419 · Dec 2016
Gabriel burnS Dec 2016
Do you remember me
because I do
remember you
like the sea waves -
the shore sands;
for I surrendered truth
into the scarred hands
of time
where our silence
left its hesitation marks...
415 · Aug 2017
Southern Heat
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
And the breath she took
Didn’t cool her down
The heat was spilling out
Thirst began
To scale her tongue
Lips and legs ajar
The fire spread within the dark
Until it rained
And clouds embraced
Sighs escaping smiles
yeah... I know... lately...
415 · Aug 2017
Behind the Curtains
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
Don't keep this
hidden inside
behind the windows
beneath your eyelids

You shy away
from the flare
in my gaze,
the light bulb
in your room,
lit blindingly
between the
osseous walls
413 · Nov 2018
Crude... Into the Grinder
Gabriel burnS Nov 2018
heart, a softened shard
thumping deeper than itself
I insert music in my ears
Picking things, living and inanimate,
snatching from all around me;
I put reality in my pocket,
kidnapping eyes
as I build my time-armor
to crunch the kilometers
so hard to swallow
feeding the cogs of routine
daily and hourly bits of myself
...crudely put in shape...
413 · Jan 2018
Why I Don't Hold Regret...
Gabriel burnS Jan 2018
I’ve seen shooting stars,
Their, bodies, burning undesired
Thrown away
Like banished tears
From the dark pupil of the sky
I’ve been holding the hand of
A decade worth of dreams undone forever
So they could achieve dreams of their own
Before my gaze
I’ve held their ghosts in my arms
I’ve been standing at a full “I mustn’t” worth of distance
From their lips
I’ve been filling in vain, the bottomless glasses
Of the most beautiful words,
That spring from the electric spark
Beneath the ribs
I’ve been leading the guerilla squads
Of my beliefs
Against the empire of Impossibility,
And its most decorated generals: Doubt,
Insufficiency, Wrong…
I’ve lied face-down, hands tied behind my back
For that traitor, Restraint…
But now… I forgive him now…
And now, Empires fall on their own
Now those dreams unachieved,
Meticulously paint their eyes
Wrinkled from the salty trickles,
That realization has drawn towards me
For I’ve always known that…
Loving is now or never
You cannot wrap it in tinfoil
And freeze it for later
Yet, they, those morally unattained, chastely righteous dreams,
They do arrive at Knowledge station
Aboard the Intuit train,
Atop the tracks of true common sense,
Alas, too late.
My loving is given now
To Fulfillment,
For it chose now to never
And caressed my scars of restraint
With warm fingertips
And kissed my see-through “I mustn’t” from the other side of the wall
To melt away the distance to my bloodless lips

*This one, I wrote first in my native language. Here is the original in Bulgarian:

Защо нямам съжаления...

Гледал съм падащи звезди
как горят снага непожелани
като прогонени сълзи
от тъмната зеница на небето
държал съм за ръка
десетилетие мечти
завинаги несбъднати
докато те постигат своите
пред взора ми
прегръщал съм призраците им
стоял съм на едно “не бива” разстояние от устните им
пълнил съм напусто чашите бездънни
на най-красивите думи
извиращи от искрата електрическа
иззад ребрата
водил съм партизанските отряди
на вярата си
срещу империя Невъзможност,
именитите й генерали: Съмнение,
Недостатъчност, Нередност...
лежал съм по очи с ръце закопчани
зад гърба ми
заради предателя Въздържание…
Но сега… сега му прощавам.
Сега империите падат сами.
Сега несбъднатите мечти
гримират старателно очи
набраздени от солените струйчици,
които осъзнаването е изтеглило
заради мен…
Защото винаги съм знаел, че…
Обичането е сега или никога…
не можеш да го завиеш в станиол
“за после” във хладилника…
Но те, морално несбъднатите, целомъдрено праведните мечти…
Пристигат до гара Знание
с влак Усещане по коловози
истински здрав разум…
Прекалено късно.
Обичането ми вече е дадено
на Сбъдването…
Което избра сега пред никога
И погали белезите ми на въздържание
с връхчетата на топли пръсти.
И целуна прозрачното “не бива” от своята страна на стената, за да стопи
разстоянието до посинелите ми устни
411 · Sep 2017
Gabriel burnS Sep 2017
fingers grasp around you
the ribs of my embrace
slicing solitude in ribbons
wrapping new flesh
with shy promises
filling up the body
of a possibility
its youthful iridescent eyes
now blossoming
giving out near-future sparks
to the world-pyre
407 · Oct 2018
Gabriel burnS Oct 2018
carbon - the backbone
of our density
so unexpectedly flexible
that the marrow
is woven of poetry
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
I found out that I’ve known
The language of the autumn
All along
But she couldn’t handle
Her own
Transitive verbs
And the silent consonants,
The stressed vowels
That brought her sorrow
I was pure torture when
I spoke to her
With a passion that
Shed her chills
In cold tears
Stabbing shards
Crashing in my ribs
I was our undoing
Inevitable as winter
405 · Aug 2017
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
Thought you got me in your grasp
Fallen in your hands,
Money in the bank
I'm a human hand grenade
you’ve pulled the safety pin away
division now awaits
the careless
399 · Dec 2017
Gabriel burnS Dec 2017
Everything is digital printed on glass by silicon
All analog feelings, a thing of the past
Like a million years ago
And emotions are coal
Buried deep beneath stone
And steel and concrete
Like our bones are
Beneath our plastic skin
395 · Aug 2017
Gabriel burnS Aug 2017
and with their hands of words
they reach towards
my thoughts to slice them
to widen the cut
and tear open
my intricacies
digging for spice and mud

as you unsheathe analysis
I devour all the violence
of voyeuristic
searing intentions

I will not allow
this foul transparency
to be my autopsy

The ghost of spread lips
will haunt the house
inside your skull
there's nothing wrong
with being who I was
389 · May 2018
Gabriel burnS May 2018
Beneath the facade
The opposite awaits
So few though, I let in
Because my friend,
This heart of mine,
It may not be a temple
But make no grave mistake
For it’s neither a brothel
383 · Nov 2017
By Our Own Hands
Gabriel burnS Nov 2017
cities with their
glass skin
iron bones
gray flesh
of concrete
and a soul of
light bulbs
the skylines…
the giants that
swallow us whole
we didn't know
how to stop
the magic of
the beanstalk
and now
that we have raised
our titans to unite us
we gave them will
we gave them back
the gift of fire
and it returns
to **** the life in
to burn the bridges
throughout and within…
our Atlases...
are they home
the shelter, still,
or are they now
the labyrinth
and the Minotaur
382 · Apr 2018
Gabriel burnS Apr 2018
Carrion wings hang limp
On the backs of broken yesterdays
I don’t want them in any proximity
I cannot bear the stench
But vultures come along like doubts
At the speed of darkness
To save the undying from burial
And bring them back to me,
The predator feathers of prey wings
I man the guns myself and
Call all hands to battle stations
And it starts raining
Exhumed evidence
That the buried hatchet often is
A boomerang seeking fulfillment
With the new found vengeance
Of primeval sapience
Burning mad with
Insatiable curiosity
381 · Oct 2017
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
The puppet master's gone completely mad
Who knows when
Weaving webs of chaos
Knots collide
Casualties fall
And so I do not know
What he was before
But now I’m sure
He is a spider
Eating his own
381 · Jul 2017
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
She wants every poem
To be about her
She wants the foam
Of every wave
As the skintight
Dress of dusk;
Divine forces be her tailor
And every Olympian as
The servant-king
To every whim of hers
376 · Jun 2017
The Slide
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Heart is singing loud so loud I can't hear other sounds but the rushing bloodstreams
Head is yelling uncontrollably
"oh my god the brakes are severed; Reason's gonna die in a horrendous high-speed crash"
they're pulling Common Sense out of the wreckage mangled on the seat beside the driver
something happens to the flow of time and there's a comatose thought still left alive
voices fading in calling names some crying some sifting words through teeth
you look what you did you killer, liar, thief, deceiver, cheater, coward, selfish hypocrite
Guilt will lead the trial but the tried is firm with silence
See you, Heart, don't forget to write and the conjugal visits, after all I'll do Your time
re-publishing an oldie I had previously deleted for some reason
370 · Jul 2017
The Hunt (The Agent, pt.2)
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
secret agent
nearing endgame
chessboard of patience
unraveling sapience
burning the haystack
the needle will come up
delivered in charred black
the countdown is on track
different in tone and approach, deliberately inadequate perhaps?
369 · Oct 2017
Slow Burn
Gabriel burnS Oct 2017
she said
"my clothes are beings of their own
they come and go
as they please
but in your eyes
they melt from me
like wax from а candle"
368 · Mar 2018
Falling Up
Gabriel burnS Mar 2018
Stretching out, my palms
Are swaying in the wind
Like leaves of palms like
Leaves of trees
That are my palms
And off they go like kites
Like leaving calm
And making way for grinning madness
And its widening smile
Leaves of palms like leaves of palms like leaves of palms like leaving calm abreeze
367 · Feb 2018
Feeds on Wings
Gabriel burnS Feb 2018
I feel the call of Arachne
The pull of fine threads
And in the rifts between
The web of thoughts
The interlinked highways
Of my inner circle,
A hunger wakes
The lids of eyes are jaws
And I promise you rebirth
If my love consumes you
If I loved you now to death
364 · Jun 2017
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Cheveux noirs,
mystérieux comme le soir,
sachez que
pour vos yeux verts
mon coeur est ouvert

* * *    


Hair of blackness,
Mysterious as the night,
Know this:
To your green eyes
Open is my heart
a dedication with a vague translation
- to Viktoria
362 · May 2018
Gabriel burnS May 2018
And some might say
I've lost my way
But who are they
To judge
When numbers rule
Our nights and days
A life of Midas' touch

And all of those
Who quantify
All the good and woe
Will be too vain to realize
They are their own foe

And some might say
I've lost my way
A sentence I'd forgive
But it's the dreamer, not society
Who, the way forward, shall cleave
I dug this up from the dust...
Gabriel burnS Jun 2018
Do the blind dream of blind horses
And of long monochrome, dark on dark, black glows in the unequivocal hell.
Do the blind dream of blind horses
Steep hills, winds and skies,
And nightmares unnamed.
Do the blind dream of blind horses
And longings unseen,
And blind arms like snakes,
And the sorrowful dark scream of the flesh.
Do the blind dream of sighted horses.


Author: Pavel Vesselinov
Translation: Gabriel Burns
I present to you a Bulgarian author whom I met only recently, and whose works had an instant effect on me. Without further ado,
Pavel Vesselinov.

*** the original in Bulgarian***

Сънуват ли слепите слепи коне
и дъги едноцветни, мрак върху мрак, сияния черни в разногласния ад.
Сънуват ли слепите, слепи коне
стръмни баири, ветрове, небеса
и кошмари, без имена.
Сънуват ли слепите слепи коне
и желания неизразими,
и слепи ръце, като змии
и тъжният, тъмен, вик на плътта.
Сънуват ли слепите зрящи коне.
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