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Jeremy Betts Jun 15
Thoughts refusing to leave yesterday
Won't stay out of tomorrow
Aware of the price one might pay
For lingering in past sorrow
Or fearing a role one might play
In a future no one could know
Becoming oblivious to the passing of every present day
Standing at a crossroad like, "where'd today go?"

Ken Pepiton Apr 2023
-listen man, I got the internet, in my hand.

There is just too much to think about, So true.
Imagine having all the time in the world to try,
and an ai to sort on my search criteria,
-what would I have loved to know?
outline history, done.
overlay Protestant Bible timeline.
overlay Parthian Empire
etc. BTDT ad infinitum fun item
Ai takes a rough draft life,
and makes all its test phazes open book.

To now. At the speed of that does not matter,
cut to the after the chase,
now, what matters?
Self analysis - eleven more to the now anticipated 1000 to beat the bane of reasonless rhymers, 502, Bad as in broken, blocked, dammed, crammed, done
-got around 989 times since counting began... life lived, enjoyed at the end.
One foot in my future path
The other one in my past
Two lives before me
At the crossroad

One pushes me
Into the land of prospects
The other holds me
like I have unfinished business

One is a path I’ve known
The other, I’m yet to explore;
Clean the slate and start afresh

Memories hold me back
But new ambitions push me away
Forever is not my place here

But for now, I’ll be still
For a short space of time
Deciding what's best for me
And me, and me!
And when you reach a crossroad
Dont look back.
you cant let fear, pain, worry, judgment, regret or anything stop you from going where you are.
Dark Dream May 2021
I came upon a crossroad
In the view of one year ago
That this life can be different
Something that had better flow

At the time I didn’t know
What the final change would bring
Only knew I needed some fragment
That would finally let me sing
I wrote this Dec 19 2019
M Solav Mar 2021
So this is how it feels
To be nailed to a cross
On a backdrop of pillows.

That mattress on which we lie...
The bedsheets are like the wind
Floating amidst your thundering sighs;

Yes, they are hammering me down
As you hold me there with your thighs
Beneath mine.

I am powerless,
I am breathless
As I tread upon the night sky
And the echoes of your rest.

There is a crossroad as I follow the path:

One to sorrow,
One to hopelessness,
One to indifference
And one to the divine.

And now at last there's a silence
That may linger til the morn.

We’re all prepared for renewal
From a past that won’t be left behind.
Written on January 7th, 2021.

— Copyright © M. Solav —

This work may not be used in entirety or in part without the prior approval of its author. Please contact for usage requests. Thank you.
Kamal Mar 2021
Run down the misty road
Run for the easy street
Take the least resistant way

Life is a journey with many paths
No right, no wrong
Happiness is at many crossroads

Don’t fight
Don’t be

Unless you know

Who you are
What you are

Run, run my friend
No shame in running from thyself

Life is easier doing the right thing.
Run and never look back!
Hammad Oct 2020
Watch your step
at the crossroad of desires and greed
It's the place
Where many stumble  
and change their course...
r Aug 2020
What is it for?
All this turmoil, the inner battles
I have with myself each day to try to keep floating

What is it for?
And what is the point of floating anyway
If it causes these controls?

What is it for?
Do I even have to be what I am?
What  they  say I am?

What is it for?
All my life's work to be seen as a life wasted

Unsure and confused
About what it's all for.
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