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270 · May 2020
Stick together
Zack Ripley May 2020
Once again, everything has changed.
This time, it was for the worst.
But we'll be okay.
Because we've always thought it was more important
To help an injured runner than finishing first.
We do this because in the end,
It doesn't matter who finishes first or last.
As long as we stick together,
No matter what we face, we can kick its ***.
270 · Aug 2019
Better days
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
First thing you see on the evening news
Mama cries in a sea of camera crews
She pleas for justice but we just stop and stare.
We could do so much better if we tried to care.
Mama's back to work after a week to grieve.
She can't help but wear her broken heart on her sleeve.
She breaks down and says "I need more time."
Boss says "sorry. There's the unemployment line."
We don't need to change the world.
We just need to change our minds.
We'll see things in a different light
when we pull back the curtains and blinds.
If we remember how to listen to what people say,
Maybe we can find our way back to better days
270 · Aug 2021
Gonna be okay
Zack Ripley Aug 2021
Thought I had nothing to lose
Thought I had nothing to gain.
Just wanted someone to share the pain with.
Then one day you came along.
Made me feel I could be wrong.
You Made me feel like I could belong.
And just like that, I had a friend.
Now I don't want this life to end.
I don't know what I'd do without you.
Cause now I know I'm
Gonna be okay.
Cause now I have a reason to stay.
269 · May 2019
I wonder
Zack Ripley May 2019
I wonder where you are
I wonder where you've been
I wonder if I'll ever see you again.
I wonder if you miss me
As much as I miss you.
I wonder if you dream of us
And all that we've been through
266 · Jun 2020
In the darkness
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
these days, shining a light
In the darkness
Is harder than it sounds.
But don't give up.
There are still people
Looking to be found
265 · Oct 2019
What do you have to lose?
Zack Ripley Oct 2019
Life's not gonna wait for you.
So tell me, what are you waiting for?
If you want to chase your dreams,
Pick yourself up off the floor.
The frustration and fear bringing tears to your eyes
Will give you the strength to get what you want.
Just keep your eyes on the prize.
We've all got things we want to do
But let our heads fill with doubt
The trick is to listen to your heart and drown all the other voices out.
What you do with your time is something only you can choose.
But even if you fall, tell me what you have to lose.
264 · Apr 2020
Ask the right question
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
"What are you doing
to better the world?
What value do you bring to society?"
"Those are not the right questions."
"Why not?
They're questions everyone asks."
"Maybe so. But they're meaningless if you can't answer another one first."
"Which is?"
"The right question is "what are you doing to better yourself?"
If you can't find value in yourself, if you don't think you're the best you can be, you can't be ready to better the world.
263 · Dec 2020
First step
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
There are so many faces
in so many places,
I'm sure I could get in someone's good graces.
But I can't get to know anyone at all
If I don't start to break down my wall
261 · Jan 20
Everywhere you look
Zack Ripley Jan 20
It seems like everywhere you look these days, you see something
that makes you want to close your heart,
your ears, your eyes.
Though the temptation gets stronger,
you keep agreeing to try one more time.
And for that, I just want to say thank you.
259 · Aug 2019
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
Standing on cloud 9 because you've joined your hand in mine.
And as the sun steps down to let the moon come out to play, we get ready to dance the night away.
Here in your arms, you make me feel safe and warm.
Here in your arms, I'm forever yours. Faithfully.
Yes I was listening to journey when I came up with this. I've been writing a lot about death and depression lately but thought I'd make a happy poem. And what better way to get inspired about love than journey
258 · Apr 2019
You make me smile
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
How can I show you I care about more than just your looks or the clothes that you wear?
How can I make you understand all I need to be happy is to hold your hand?
I know guys hurt you in the past and it doesn't mean much when we say we're different; that we're going to last.
So I won't say any of that. I'll just keep on loving you until you love me too.
Even if that never happens, there's one thing I need to make sure is clear. Every day I spend with you makes me smile ear to ear
256 · Mar 2020
I'm with you
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I'm with you in spirit
Just like I was before.
I'm right by your side
Even though you can't see me anymore.
I'm with you in spirit
So you have nothing to fear.
You're not in this alone.
I'll always be here.
256 · Jan 2020
Greatest gift
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
When I feel low, cold as ice
I think of you, and I'm hot as hell.
And when I get frustrated,
When nothing makes sense,
I talk to you, and my mind
Is as clear as a bell.
Thank you for making me
See things in a different light.
Thank you for making me feel
Like someday, everything really
Will be alright.
253 · Sep 2020
To change or not to change
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Just because the world changes
Every day, hour, minute, and second,
Doesn't mean you have to.
But, then again,
Maybe that's exactly why you should.
252 · Sep 2019
It's up to you
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
It's up to you what's wrong or right.
It's up to you whether you want to fight or go quietly into the night.
It's up to you whether you want to take this life by the *****
or fall in line behind the wall.
This is your life.
Your body.
You have the power to choose.
Whatever you decide,
it's up to you
252 · Apr 2019
People of today
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
I don't know what to say when I look at the people of today. We acknowledge the world's gotten worse and still act like it's ok. The people of today fight in wars for reasons it seems they don't understand and ask that we support them while they invade a foreign land. Yes I know the people of yesterday did this as well when they killed innocent people in America before they burned in hell but what the people of today don't seem to understand is that the best way to heal is to take each other by the hand. It's been 18 years since that day in 2001. Now it's time to stop fighting so we can take care of everyone. People of today, please keep something in mind. The people of tomorrow are coming and we need to ensure they won't be blind. If we don't tell them how to learn from the past, the people of tomorrow might be the last. People of today, carpe diem. Seize the day. Come home so we can sing, heal and be gay.
This is my first poem I wrote. I wrote it in 2014.
248 · Dec 2019
Live like the stars
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
It's funny how stars are so hot
But only come out when it's cold.
They're millions of miles away
But shine as bright as gold.
They look like they're so close together but they're actually worlds apart.
it's funny how we always aspire to reach for the stars
When the way they live their life
Is so similar to ours.
247 · Dec 2022
Zack Ripley Dec 2022
Who you are. What you've done.
What you'll do. People you know.
People you thought you knew.
These are all things
that can change your life dramatically.
But you can choose how they affect you.
And that's a lot of responsibility.
But it doesn't have to be yours alone.
247 · Oct 2020
My eyes
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
My eyes may say "cool as a cucumber."
But that's just what I want you to see.
Because in reality, my eyes
Are aquariums of anxiety in disguise.
245 · Nov 2020
Anyone can write poetry
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
Anyone can write poetry.
I say that because anyone
can tell a story.
Don't worry if you can't rhyme.
Most poetry doesn't. I just prefer to.
It helps with the flow
and keeping time.
Don't knock it until you try.
If you do, I think you'll find
It can ease your mind.
245 · Jan 2020
what the heart wants
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
"what do you want?"
"I don't know."
"Yes you do. listen to your heart."
"how do I do that?"
"close your eyes and breathe. you'll hear voices. that's your heart talking. what does it say?"
"I don't understand. It says get better. feel better. but i'm not sick."
"what makes you so sure it's talking about you? listen closer. concentrate."
"it says it wants YOU to feel better. it wants you to stop blaming yourself. to feel happy. to be proud."
244 · Mar 2020
For what it's worth
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
For the first time,
I'm not sure what to say.
I can't tell you it will be okay
Because I don't fully believe it myself yet.
I can't tell you not to worry
Because we come from different worlds.
But they say it's times like these
You find out who your friends are.
So let me be clear.
For what it's worth,
You've got a friend in me.
242 · Dec 2021
They are not you
Zack Ripley Dec 2021
I saw the world the way I saw myself:
a reflection. A reflection of how I thought people looked at the world; me.
I thought everyone else knew better than me. So, they had to be right.
But I realized that's not healthy.
Because they are not you.
Even if you tell them,
they will never understand
what you are going through.
Because they are not you.
Your decisions, your life,
are yours and yours alone.
But make no mistake.
If you ever want help, please,
don't be afraid to pick up the phone.
242 · Nov 2019
best I can do is hope
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
i don't understand
I know i'll never understand
I just wish you would have reached out for my hand.
I would have raised you up
got you back on your feet
and help you realize life doesn't have to be a one way street.
but there's nothing i can say.
no there's nothing i can do
to bring you back so i'll just remember you
and hope you're in a better place
where the sunshine kisses on your face.
I hope the beer tastes better
and it's always perfect hunting and fishing weather.
I hope you remember us
and know that we'll remember you.
it'll be hard to push through
but we'll find a way to cope.
but until we meet again, the best I can do is hope.
ever since the day you left,
my heart feels like it's been a victim of theft.
and every time i see your face in a photograph,
I can't help but sit back and laugh.
then your voice pops in my head
and I remember all the things left unsaid.
I wasn't ready to let you go
but I need you to know
I forgive you
and hope you're in a better place
where the sunshine kisses on your face.
I hope the beer tastes better
and it's always perfect hunting and fishing weather.
I hope you remember us
and know that we'll remember you.
it'll be hard to push through
but we'll find a way to cope.
but until we meet again, the best I can do is hope.
you inspired me to be a better man
and showed me how to be a better friend
and these are lessons i'll take with me to the end
but there's nothing I can say
no, there's nothing i can do
to bring you back so I'll just remember you
and hope.
242 · Sep 2020
Stuck in the middle
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
This is not the end.
It's not the beginning.
It's not even the beginning of the end.
Sorry to say,
but you're stuck in the middle.
But the middle's not a bad place to be.
You learn what you didn't know
In the beginning, and you find the skills you need to get to the end.
It's where you learn
From your mistakes
And meet your friends.
The ones who make everything worth it. So don't feel stuck.
And don't be so anxious to get to the end. You never know. It might ****.
241 · Jan 2023
What's important
Zack Ripley Jan 2023
I know it does, but hear me out.
What doesn't matter? What if none of it mattered? The clothes you wear, how little or how much you care. The way you deal with stress and grief. Whether people see you as strong or weak. How you spend your money. How much you get paid. How and what you eat vs how much you weigh. Here's the thing: it doesn't have to matter. Because you decide who and what is important to you.
241 · Sep 2019
You deserve more
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
If you don't think I'm trying, you're wrong.
At first, I was just trying to find somewhere I belong.
But somewhere along the way, I realized I wanted something more. Deserved something more.
Sometimes, we forget what's worth fighting for.
We forget who we are.
We forget it's okay to reach for the stars.
Sometimes, people need to be reminded that just because they can't see them, it doesn't mean we don't have scars.
But the truth is, everyone has scars in some way, shape, or form.
Proof that at one point, they were able to ride out a storm.
Everyone's journey is different.
But there are two things I know for sure.
We're all human, and you deserve more.
240 · Aug 2020
just as important
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
They say "it's not about what you say, it's about what you do."
But that's not necessarily true.
Like everything, it depends on the situation.
For example, when it came to writing the declaration,
The act of writing it was just as important as the words they wrote.
What I'm saying is, no one action is more important than another.
What we say, what we do, it's all important.
Because in the end, all we have is each other.
239 · Oct 2020
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
As the morning dew turns to frost,
Once again, we are blessed by beauty.
But at a cost.
For humans, the cold isn't much fun.
But ask a husky, they'll say they love it.
Because it gives them
the energy to play and run.
Eventually, we love it too.
It brings the promise of family, food, and something new.
235 · Feb 2020
Look ma! No money!
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
We're all magicians.
We all make money
Disappear before our eyes.
Too bad we don't have x ray vision
To see through people's lies
233 · Jun 2020
To be happy
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
"If you'd be with me,
I'd give you the world."
"I don't want the world."
"Why not?"
The world today
Is different than it was yesterday.
It's different from the world
We'll live in tomorrow.
I might not want the world tomorrow."
"So what do you want?"
"To be happy."
233 · Sep 2019
These days
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
These days, the years come slow and go by so fast.
These days, it's hard to make memories and even harder to make them last.
These days, we're afraid of ourselves as much as we are of strangers.
These days, we see everything as a danger
These days, we're getting farther apart even though we're starving for connection.
But the isolation is a great opportunity for self reflection.
Unfortunately, we look at the clock and think we have to rush.
These days, we don't take enough time to appreciate the power of a kiss, hug, or touch.
These days, words have more power than ever. So please take the time to think about what you say.
It may change how people think of you for the rest of your days.
230 · Mar 2019
Life is a boat on the sea
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Doc tells me im still alive. Don't know how but not complaining. Just trying to live in the here and now. But that doesn't mean I've forgotten my past. Think about life as a boat on the open sea. The mast, the pole in the center of the boat, is your past. It's the foundation and holds up the sail which is your future. You're the captain; the one who controls the here and now. Your loved ones are your power; the wind that pushes you forward. And the sea, that's the most important part
It represents the unknown. The things you can't control. There will be days when the thunder claps and your boat floods from Whitecaps. I know it's hard, but if you don't worry about the sea, what you can't control, and don't block out your past, you can give your all to someone and find happiness that lasts.
230 · Dec 2019
Without you
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
I don't know where you are
And frankly, I don't care
Because the air tastes so much sweeter
Without you here.
229 · Jun 2019
See you again someday
Zack Ripley Jun 2019
Are we really at the end?
Or is this just a new beginning
I can't say I'm afraid because I lived a life worth living.
Whatever lies ahead, you made me strong enough to face it.
My only regret is leaving you behind but it's ok
I know I'll see you again someday
229 · Feb 2020
Lonely hearts
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
Dear fellow lonely hearts I will never know, as this Valentine's day rolls around, I just want to let you know...i love you.
228 · Mar 2019
The pursuit of happiness
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
It's a big mistake staring at the ticking clock waiting for an opportunity to knock. Nothing's going to fall at your door. So find something worth fighting for. When you realize success in life is not defined by your wealth, you can begin the journey toward the pursuit of happiness that will ultimately better your health. On this journey, there may be times when your heart may break and the pain may feel like it's too much to take. But if you can find the strength to carry on, you'll find the things you can do will be remembered long after you're gone
227 · Feb 2020
The more you know
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
It pays to stay informed
But you have to pay to stay informed.
Because the more you know,
The more you grow.
227 · Apr 2019
Keep writing
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
Keep writing about you
Keep writing for me
Keep writing about the future you want to see
Keep writing about your love
Keep writing about your pain
Keep writing about your dream of kissing someone in the rain.
Keep writing when you feel blue
Keep writing when you feel high
Keep writing about the name you'd give your own personal star in the sky.
Keep writing about the fun.
Keep writing about the night you had one too many beers
Keep writing to pass your wisdom on through the years.
224 · Feb 2020
Lead balloon
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
Dear anger, frustration, denial, and fear,
I don't want you near.
You weighed me down like a lead balloon,
So I'm letting you go to find a new home far away, like the moon.
221 · Jan 2020
blind love
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
I get undressed and pat my bed
Until I find the pillow that rests beneath my head.
As I slide beneath the sheets,
I can't help but get excited
As I hear the pitter patter of your feet.
Then the bed creaks,
And as you get closer,
My face gets hotter. I'm sure it's as red as a beet.
Now, I feel something close to my face.
It's not my pillow, but a warm embrace.
As my head lays to rest, I can't help but wonder
if it's cradled in your hands or your *******.
As I lay there, tears stream down my cheek
And then, I feel blessed as I hear you, my angel, speak.
"What's wrong, my love?" you say as you wipe away my tears.
"I just wish I could see you.
To be able to look you in the eyes and "thank you."
You have no idea how much it means to have you here."
You just smile, kiss my head,  and stroke my hair until we fall asleep here in my bed.
220 · Jul 2019
Be you
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
For years, you've asked questions
you can never seem to find the answer to.
"How do I make someone love me?"
"How do I know if my feelings are true?"
So tonight, I have a secret I'd like to share with you.
It's something not a lot of people know or know how to do.
The secret? Be you.
I know vulnerability is scary.
But true love gets its strength from the heart.
And if you can find the courage to be proud of who you are, you may not find love immediately, but it's a **** good place to start.
217 · Mar 2019
Ask (it's okay)
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
You tell yourself lies to get through the day
because you feel like no one will believe what you say.
No one understands how cruel they can be to you.
They tell you they love you and that's all it takes
to forgive them until the next time they break.
Deep in your heart you know that's not what love really is.
Take it from someone on the outside looking in.
They're starting to do damage to more than just your skin.
If you don't get out now I fear it's only a matter of time
before you become a victim of the most heinous crime.
It's okay to ask for help.
It's okay for any of us to.
It may not seem fair to tell people about our struggles.
It may not seem right.
But if you let someone help,
eventually they will help you find your light.
216 · Mar 2020
Heart of stone
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I can't lie. I can't pretend.
I'm not ready to dive
into the fire again.
After all the heartbreak
The world has shown
I'd rather have medusa
Turn my heart to stone.
216 · Mar 2020
Zack Ripley Mar 2020
I want to thank you
For letting me see
The wonder in your eyes.
The ones that shine
Brighter than the stars in the sky.
I want to thank you
For making me believe
That it's okay for me to chase my dreams.
All the times I thought I lost my way
I prayed for guidance and I swear I heard you say...
It's okay if you feel lost.
It's okay if you don't know which way to go.
Don't be afraid of taking chances.
Sometimes that's the only way to know.
But if you're afraid
Just listen to your heart.
You can always find your way back home.
Every day, I wake up and say
"Thank you for another day."
But when times get bad,
And nothing goes my way,
I turn on the radio
And suddenly I know I'll be okay.
Because I heard the words you said that day.
It's okay if you feel lost.
It's okay if you don't know which way to go.
Don't be afraid of taking chances.
Sometimes that's the only way to know.
And if you're afraid,
Just listen to your heart.
You can always find your way back home.
As this journey gets longer,
My faith is getting stronger.
That we are here for a reason.
Cause we all need something to believe in.
And tonight I believe it's okay if you feel lost.
It's okay if you don't know which way to go.
Don't be afraid of taking chances.
Sometimes that's the only way to grow.
And if you feel lost,
If you feel cold,
Just listen to your heart.
You will always find your way back home.
214 · Mar 2022
Every day
Zack Ripley Mar 2022
Your birthday is important.
The day you die is important.
But so is every day in between.
214 · Apr 2020
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
The opposite of war isn't peace.
It's creation.
So take this time of isolation
To make something that inspires
A generation.
A poem. A movie. A song.
Something that reminds us
That even though we feel alone,
We belong.
212 · Mar 2019
Don't give up on love
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Every day, you feel like you're dying inside
trying to ignore the pain gifted by a world that can be so unkind. You look in the mirror and try to like what you see.
But the ones who broke your heart
won't let you see how beautiful you are.
If you feel alone and scared to trust the ones that love you
because you feel like they won't understand,
it's easy to push love away
when you feel like you're the only one who knows your heart
and you're the only one who can.
But please, don't give up on love.
Don't give up on your heart.
Forget about the ones who couldn't see your beautiful soul right from the start.
Don't give up on your dreams
and someday you'll find
this crazy life can be so much better than it seems.
So don't give up on love.
210 · Feb 2020
Turn around
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
Just because you don't have someone
By your side doesn't mean
you're alone.
Close your eyes.
Turn around.
When you open your eyes,
Tears might fall when you see
All the people who have watched you grow.
207 · Apr 2020
meant to be
Zack Ripley Apr 2020
I can't see myself the way you see me
But maybe that's the way it's meant to be.
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