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Madeleine Nov 2021
Suicide isn't the way
Talk to me, I'm here
Allow me to help
You are worth it!
writteninribon Jan 2021
I’m barely alive, been up since five
And I can’t fall asleep
I can’t remember last night, got too high
Now she won’t even talk to me
I know I can’t hide, been trying to run
These thoughts just follow me
Can you save my life and make it right?
Or is it just all of me?
hey, i saw your bio ig bio. im here. im may not be the person you want to hear these from, but please do know that im always someone you can lean on. ill be strong for the both of us
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
I'm not here to tell you why or how.
I'm just here to help you through when life goes POW!
Euphrosyne Feb 2020
This is a reminder
That you need to
Remember always,
If you're thinking
I'll gonna leave
If I got lost
On our path
Always remember
On your mind
I wont go far
I'll be at your back
Your scent
Your love
Our us.
Sometimes we get lost on our same path
But the truth is we'll gonna meet at the future and love again.
Armand-DeamoJC Aug 2018
I wonder if death is the pen
in the story of my life
and that life is the paper
like the canvas of an artist
I wonder if the pen burst
or if I have a creative author
I wonder and wish even more
that my paper can just end
and my story can be published
in your library of life
I wish, oh I wish
the paper will befriend the pen
like the beauty tamed the beast
and the sugar of sin held him tight
To my great friend Duncan, I'll miss you buddy. He's grown very sick, with an unknown disease yet, but chances are slim
suze suze Mar 2018
and once again here i am
not knowing what's even flowing through my fingers

          hoping ,
this will soften the things floating around my mind.
Here for me
Pastell dichter Nov 2017
For the broken
For the lost
For the confused

I’m here

For those who need a hand to hold
For those curled up in a ball on the floor
For the scared

I’m here

I will hold your hand
I will help you up
I will stand up for you

I’m here
I’m here for anyone who needs help
Jamie Rose Sep 2017
"I am worried about you"
      "Don't be I'm fine I promise"
"Please just talk to me"
      "I'll text you tomorrow"
"Okay.. I love you"
     "I love you more"
That was the last conversation I had with my best friend before he attempted suicide. He lives across the country and is currently getting help in a mental hospital. If you're thinking about suicide, please stop. Someone cares about you, I promise.
Delta Swingline Jul 2017
She was there.


I'm out with some friends., we find a spot on a hill, I know some of the people, I don't know some of the people.

I'm there having a good time. Trying to make conversation, not seeming like a complete loner loser.

I make due with what social skills I have left.


The fireworks have started, sparks of colour fill the sky and loud exploding noises fill my ears.

It's so dark out.
I watched the sunset not too long ago...

The sounds, the exploding bursts of shimmer and shine.

The fireworks are so vibrant, so alive...
I don't feel scared to die right now...

Maybe I should, but I don't.


I found my car and the parking lot is filled with people trying to get out. I grab a map and sit on the trunk of my car as I wait for an opening.

The night is calm if you don't pay mind to the drivers.
And I don't, I just stare at the map, searching for a way home.


I made it home about 10 minutes ago and I'm not tired yet.
I make myself a cup of hot chocolate and sit at my computer watching episodes of an old sitcom from a time I didn't live in.


I'm here.
Lying in my bed, next to nothing and no one.
It was only hours ago that I didn't feel so scared.
And now I'm here.

She wasn't there was she?
She couldn't have been...
If she was, I couldn't possibly have...

She was there.*

She was.

Our paths just missed each other.
Never crossing.

Just hours ago, I was watching fireworks.

And now I'm here.

Watching the darkness.
Celebrate the sky, light it up.
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