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If you knew my age
would you turn tail and run away?
Say I'm too young to understand
These feelings and god's greater plan?

Would you say I'm being over-dramatic
or a little bit selfish?
That it's not my right to decide my own feelings and choices?
That I should stop being so negative and start to cherish?
Maybe I should just sit back and listen to the voices

In my ear
Down my neck
In my business
Over my shoulder

Not the ones in my head,
Not my conscience that is me and belongs to me

No, I have to live the way everyone else expects me to...
A bubbly baby

A tiny toddler

A cute child

An intolerable teen

An angry adult

The grumpy elderly

To people around the world, no matter your age, have you ever stopped to think about how much you can learn from each different generation?
You might not get a wise piece of advice, but you can see life through a new lens tinted with the color hope, and you can gain experience without even experiencing.

Think about that next time you go to badmouth a parent, disrespect an elder, or even chastise you child.
Screams echo
Down the halls
Bouncing on and
Off the walls

Pain and confusion
Lace the screams
Except no one can hear
Through the mask of glee

Too deaf to hear
Too blind to see
The pained cry
And agony
Childish jealousy
Doesn’t at all look well on me
No one wants to find me
No one’s interested in my hurt
All alone in the darkness
No one to heal the burn

No one wants to hear about my troubles
Or wash away the pain
All alone in my darkness
No one to shine light or concern
Wake up cold, shivering, and alone.
When will that change?
‘Please **** me’
Laughing surrounds the supposed joke.
Little do they know,
It was less of a joke and more of a plea
His name branded
On my mind
and heart
Even 6,022
miles apart

Forever a smile
On my face
Forever a laugh
In silence’s wake
I’m not who you think
No, not who you see
Now that there’s your problem
You assume who is me

Though you don’t understand
You could at least try
Try and reach your hand
Across this large divide

I’ll reach my hand out too
To make you understand
Me and my goals,
Exactly who I am
love was made for two,
but not us two tonight
i like guys...
but i also like girls
i dont know
how could i not

the soft curves and delicate touch
my favorite lipstick, just can't get enough
the sweet perfume
and her lighting up the room
the long legs and mischievous smile
feeling things that took a while
to fully process and realize
that i cannot continue living lies

now don't get me wrong
i still like men
but i can't resist  
my cravings for them
still figuring things out
We are all just specs of color
Painting one big canvas
Portraying a much bigger picture
take this time to rest in bed
so that tomorrow you can clear your head
I’m giving you just the tools to break me

Do it

I Dare You
It hits me
Like a ton of bricks
Every single time

I’m not strong enough
To get back up

Brick by brick
I’m hit
Feet on the ground
Head in the clouds

Eyes always glazed
Knuckles grazed

Back hunched
Head slumped

Rough and calloused
And full of malice

But really just a broken boy
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but people always manage to hurt me
What has happened to this beautiful home
Broken down and stripped to the bone
She holds the universe in her little hands
A world of never ending possibilities
A future full of unlimited potential
Little girl, you control the world
You've already changed mine
To my nieces, little girls, go change the world.
My heart is at war with my mind
About what's wrong and what's right
When there really is no black and white
I can never tell
Anxiety from reality
I feel like crap
For feeling like crap
And that makes me feel crappier
I want to die

Peacefully, on my own terms
Without pain or hurt

On my own
So that no one

Has to bear a loss
Though they wouldn’t be missing much

Trigger warning ⚠️
(again, just in case)

I often ponder
How I want to die

Do I jump off that balcony,
Or cross that street?
Do I use this knife,
Or just not eat
I’m sorry if I offend anyone. I really needed a quick release.

The dam
Keeping thoughts at bay
Cracks and overflows
Please save me
Before I drown
A darkness so vast and frightening
So consuming and suffocating
It terrifies me
Also known as
Childish hallucinations
We all had dreams
But slowly
They lose their glow
And are forgotten
In the sea of dead stars
Realize that there is something called death
Death, meaning the end to all the insane madness of the world
Whether it’s a new beginning
Or the train’s last stop
Know that it happens all the time
It’s inevitable
Death roams around with no leash
But don’t fret too much
It’s not worth the pain of anxiety
Live a little
I want to write my own story
But sadly I only hold a poet's pen
Not the pen of destiny








But it’s ok
I’m ok



Just playing around with words here. Inspired by a nightmare I had a while ago, but it’s still haunting me.
Another holiday,
Different than before,
Tucked in safe,
Watching from afar,
While the rest of the world burns
My mind void
My heart hollow
My stomach pitted
I woke up crying and scared again
I don’t remember what happened though
I need someone to hold me, but he’s not there

There is no ‘he’ for me
Never has been

Scared and alone in the darkness of my room
I’ve never needed anyone to just hold me more than I do right now…
Eyes on the ball
Sweat falls to the ground
Be ready to move
In my own little world, there is no sound

But all around
are people

The adrenaline spikes through my blood
Stronger than it ever does

All of this
fuels me
energizes me
readies me
for the game

This is why I play
This is why I play

Meanwhile, all eyes are on the ball…
to be
cared for
so it
A forgotten toy
Left in the road
Lost out the window
With no hope

Forever unwanted
Forever used
Never to be kept
For I’m far too bruised
I never fully get a break
From trying to escape

I let loose with my words
But sometimes it never works

I’m never not alone
There’s no place called home

All this pent up frustration
means there’s no vacation
From all these feelings
In a room full of people

I’ve never felt more alone

All the lousy chatter

Never seemed so quiet

My insides full of sorrow

Yet a deep empty pit dominates my soul
the final push
the final crack
on the brink
of never coming back
Gravity keeps things
Hopes and dreams being no exception
I feel so heavy
My mind, body, and soul too
Constantly crushed
Am I a liar
For being someone I'm not
When I should be me?
Thanks for the help with this sis
Messing up scares me
so much, I’ve become paranoid
Which messes me up
While staring at the
Large, black abyss full of stars,
You tend to feel small
To speak from the heart
Is never an easy task
But you help a bit
My conscience likes to
play Satan all the **** time
Sadly I **** at this game
Too many people
Tell you what you want to hear
And not what they think
Sitting in a tub
Full of red water and tears
Waiting to see stars
Suspended over
A white cloud covered landscape
It feels like a dream
Isn’t it funny how
Earth, forged from the universe
Will die by our hands?
The question "What If"
Drowns me in anxiety
I cannot escape
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