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5.0k · Sep 2016
Foolish Little Fox
AD Snail Sep 2016
Foolish little fox,
You truly don't know anything,
Everyone is surprised that your still around.

Foolish little fox,
Stop your whining no one wishes to listen,
No one wants to listen to your pathetic screams,
Don't you see little fox, no one is coming for you?

Save your dying breath little fox,
Because no one wants to hear your voice again,
No one needs to be cursed with your worthless words.

Hush dear foolish little fox,
Your just a spirit of a foolish being,
That just couldn't betray themselves,
And prove others that your not a foolish one.
This Poem has a deeper meaning to it. For me anyways.
4.1k · Sep 2016
AD Snail Sep 2016
Sweet Hummingbird how you haunt my dreams;
That soon turn into nightmares.

Hummingbird sing me a song,
With bittersweet words that burn the very soul.
The humming is ringing inside of my brain,
My hummingbird please stop your hurting me, can't you see?

You keep on flapping your wings,
Making me scream and fall to my knees;
Wishing and begging you to stop those repeating sounds that echo through my mind.

My sweet hummingbird I do not mean to be rude;
But please just be silent forever.
3.5k · Apr 2016
AD Snail Apr 2016
Someday's I’m tired of smiling
Someday's I’m angry at the world and everyone
Someday’s I hate myself
Someday’s I want to die
Someday’s I’m scared of death
Someday's I think about the past
Someday’s I think about the future
Someday’s I’m thinking about to much
Someday’s I’m sad
Someday’s I want to be crying
Someday’s I want to be yelling
Someday’s I’m happy
Someday’s I question myself
Someday’s I’m my own worst nightmare
Someday’s I judge others
Someday’s I get angry with myself for saying mean things to others or judging them
Someday’s I’m broken
Someday’s My heart stops for a second
Someday’s I’m day dreaming, to get away from everything
Someday’s I want to be dancing around like a crazy person
Someday’s I think about what other think about me
Someday’s I’m sick and tired
Someday’s I want to join in the group
Someday’s I don’t think I’m wanted
Someday’s I think everyone hates me
Someday’s I don’t think my opinion doesn’t matter
Someday’s I realize my hands shake a lot
Someday’s I worry about almost everything
Someday’s I’m scared of everything and everyone
Someday's I write poems and quotes to help me out, with all the things I think about, telling myself “This is how I’m going to tell everyone my feelings” because I have a hard time telling them face to face without crying, and running away from them, and the next day saying it was nothing
Please Mind the grammar/miss spelling.
2.7k · Sep 2016
A Million Lonely Stars
AD Snail Sep 2016
Your alone,
Though their are millions of stars in the midnight sky beside you,
So you shouldn't have this sinking feeling,
This feeling that makes your heart feel hollow but heavy at the same time.

There are a million stars in the sky,
But for some reason they all feel alone sometime in their life.
Your no different,
Your all alone in this dark sky and you can't find the other lights,
That you are blind to seeing in the darkest of times.

Those million of lonely stars,
Are bleeding out stardust as they fly across the sky,
Trying to find their way but their in a daze.
That's why their just zooming by and stopping to see the others that past them by.

Oh million little lonely stars,
I know you don't mean to.
I know you want to see those other guiding lights,
And wish you could wish on them to.

There goes another falling star,
Because it was not able to open its eyes in time to see,
The actually lit up sky.

But please don't judge them,
Because they are just a million lonely stars that need us people to help,
Help them see were all there friends have been hiding.
2.4k · Apr 2017
Dysfunctional Love
AD Snail Apr 2017
Quietly I'll let you go,
Slowly I will allow you to get over me,
Gently I shall inform you I was not the one.

Do not muse over me,
I do not wish to be a bitter taste left on your tongue;
That is why its best that we drift away from this broken love,
And slowly forget.

You do not need to call me anymore,
Its no longer your concern to take care of me.

We were not functional,
And this dysfunctional Love only leaves us emotional;
Leaving us naked on the floor for each others to see one another faults.

Neither of us are peacemakers,
And never bring any justice to our cases of broken promises and hearts,
Leaving smudges of ***** lies polluting our skin.

These is our dysfunctional love and we need to know when to let it go,
So as we drift away, remember when I said "Its for the best,"
Because that is the most truth that spilled out of my mouth since the beginning.
1.7k · Sep 2016
AD Snail Sep 2016
Let me pull you back into me arms,
Let me breath in your perfume;
I want to always remember your scent,
So I am able to last the day without you.

I know I seem so clinging,
But I simply can't live without you.

Your eye's and lips,
They have this softness that Hypnotizes me.
Your hair and skin is like silk,
I am allured by them;
Making me want to reason out and touch.

Your words they are like witchcraft,
The keep me on the edge and in a trance.

Oh my dear can't you see,
I am under your enchanting spell,
I shall always be Hypnotized by you and the way you are.
1.7k · Oct 2016
Heavy Iron Heart
AD Snail Oct 2016
Hear the drums that make up your iron heart,
Hear that thud and clang,
As someone pounds down on it;
Throwing it down on the unforgiving ground.

Listen for that musical beat,
That is slowly fading away.
How intriguing it is.

Only the angels that choose to hear,
Are the only one's that can hear that flawed beauty.
That make up your iron heart.
1.6k · Mar 2017
Her Darling Unborn Child
AD Snail Mar 2017
She took her time crafting you,
And always remember that every dime she made would go to you.
Her darling little angel,
You aren't even here yet but she loves you unconditionally already.

She is keeping on my toes, knowing never to cause trouble;
She doesn't want you to have a mama that is a criminal.

She'll always be carefully; not taken any chances with her unborn angel.

Even when she becomes a wreck,
And worries about all the unpredictable situations that shall come along,
She remember she'll do everything for her sweet unborn child.

She will always protect, and very neglect,
Even now, even when the sweet cry's become voiced into this world,
And she'll get to see her small one open it's eyes.

She makes a promise to herself,
That her darling unborn child will be loved no matter what.
Something sweet, and more positive compared to my other pieces.
1.1k · Sep 2016
An Incomplete Man
AD Snail Sep 2016
Counting off regret’s,
And crossing off dreams,
As I sit and rot away in this prison of the past.

Just a spec of light shines in through the bars,
As I keep myself hidden in the darkest corner of my cage.

A smile appears once and a while,
On my dull express less face,
And some day’s I’m too tired to try.

As I have isolated myself once again,
I feel incomplete but I will always feel this way,
Because even when I surround myself with good and bad people, I always still feel incomplete.

So I sit in my empty, hollow cell,
And wait for the day when I feel somewhat complete.
Reading all my poems on PoetFreak and finding the one's a kind of liked the best and the one's others liked a lot, so I shall never forget them.
1.1k · Sep 2016
When The Clouds Turn Blue
AD Snail Sep 2016
The sun has gone away now,
It’s gone and hidden itself behind the clouds.

The clouds have turned to a dark grey,
And rain starts to build inside of it.

The once little white clouds,
They are feeling a little blue,
And need to shed some tears to lighten their mood.

So there tears start to fall down on the world,
No light can be found because the little clouds are to blue.

Sometimes there tears come pounding down on the world,
And sometimes there tears gently hit the world.

The clouds are weeping because there filled with sorrow,
And the blue’s, so don’t get frustrated when rain comes;
Because that is when the clouds are having a bad day,
So tell those little gray clouds “It’s going to be okay”.
1.1k · Oct 2016
Dear Mister Anxiety
AD Snail Oct 2016
Dear Mister Anxiety,
Can you please not nag me today?
Can you stop playing mind games with my already fragile mind?

Dear Mister Anxiety,
Oh how you make me petty and feel all lonely.

I don't want to think the world is always against me,
I just want to feel the love that is right in front of me,
But you don't seem to believe that it is true;
You state that its lies and push it away from my craving heart.

Oh, Mister Anxiety can you just let your worries go?

Can you finally lose your grip on me,
And stop thinking to deep into everything?

Oh I feel for you Mister Anxiety,
But I am tired can't you see?
Tired of you pulling me down into this pit of fear and worry.
AD Snail Sep 2016
They say your a nuisance,
And you'll always be that stupid little kid.

They call you all those awful names,
Making you want to not feel anything;
Your wanting to be hollow forever.

Your heart is hollow but at the same time its heavy with dark thoughts and desires.

Your all alone,
Your mind a racing with those words of venomous hate,
Making you feel dead inside.

They insult you,
With those words like;

They keep repeating all those nasty things,
Making your mind a bit hazy with foggy thoughts of bitterness.
1.1k · Jan 2018
New Years New Fears
AD Snail Jan 2018
Another year has left and gone,
Fear has now consumed my soul,
Unable to take back all the foregone.

They promised me my life wasn't a pawn,
But I don't think I can keep leading myself on.

I try not to worrying over all the issues and unknowns.

As the clock turns twelve, my heart skips a beat,
Fear is clenching it; trying to bring it into a waltz.
My thoughts screaming out to me,
'Don't allow it to sweep you away!'

As everyone is consumed with joy, making new years resolutions;
I am consumed by anxiety, paranoia sweeping me off my feet,
Singing to me all the things to panic about.

As everyone shall party, and stay awake,
I shall go to bed, trying to sleep and keep all the thoughts at bay.
AD Snail Sep 2016
I tried to be someone splendid,
I tried to change every feature of myself.

Dear I tried so hard being something I wasn't;
Someone that you could fully love,
So you would never leave me.

My love,
Don't you see?
I wanted to be your everything.

I tried to be everything that you wanted,
I wanted to be the very best like no one else was.

I tried deleting all my flaws,
But they came back secretly in my sleep.

I did everything I could physically and mentally,
To make you happy.
I tried to be your everything,
What I fool I was.
985 · Feb 2017
Words Hurt
AD Snail Feb 2017
Every time a sentence is spoke,
It can never be taken back,
Its out now for the whole world to hear.

Once someone opens their mouth and lets words drip out,
Those words are imprinted onto the world,
And time cannot be re-winded.

"So speak wisely," Everyone says,
But no one can seem to follow this small simple rule.
Why is it so difficult to think before speak?

Arguments can leave scars,
Lies and rumors can hold such damage.

Words have an impact, but many seem to forget,
As the letters dance out of their mouths and into thin air,
Already turning into a wild tornado storm and destroying who every is in its way.

Words seep deep within ones skin, burring in deep,
And burning that victim, as tears soon slip out and begin to fall.

"Words hurt," They told me,
But I never knew that they would make a tare in one's heart,
Damaging for a long time, and placing it in deep into one's memory.

Words have affect, words do hurt,
And words have a lasting effect,
So choose carefully before you let out a sentence that is filled with hurt.
Words have a huge affect on someone, no matter if they are kind words or painfully, just remember that once those words are out you can never take them back, so please think before you speak.
908 · Jan 2017
AD Snail Jan 2017
Slowly losing control,
Strings tugging away at my soul,
My mind is hazy.

These masks are my sanctuary,
Even though they make me feel like a liar.

I am no good at anything; useless.
So I put on a new mask everyday,
To cover up my mistakes from yesterday.  

Hold your breath,
Let your heart grow hazy and hollow,
Forget what your purpose is.

You are just another masked being,
Ready to dive in deep of your own mortality.
Losing your true identity to all of those masks.

Slowly losing control,
Letting everything go.
As you let yourself go, and the masks take control.
895 · Feb 2017
A Plan Not meant for Two
AD Snail Feb 2017
Let me hold my breath,
Before you throw me away and let go of my hand,
Let me have a chance to prepare myself for your upcoming plan.

I should of known, but how was I supposed to know,
That our hearts were worn out and the red string was fading away?

Your plan was your own,
It was no longer made for two.
But it's still hurt dear as the stone was thrown,
Flying into my window and shattering all my innocents.

I try so hard to hold onto the edge,
But the shards did their job and dug way to deep.

Maybe if this plan had a fairness apart of it for both parties,
Than perhaps I could be able to pull things together;
Stitch up my flesh wounds, that now have become something far worse.

My dear loved one, I know your no longer mine.
But that is not the thing that stings so much; its not the problem.
Its no longer the cause of my numbness.

I just wish you had given me some kind of warning,
Or at least told me about your plan, because I'll still mourning.

Your plan was not meant for two though,
So now I am left with nothing,
But all these shatter pieces of who we used to be,
Or rather who I used to be.
885 · Apr 2017
AD Snail Apr 2017
Be silent, retrain yourself,
Never usher out a word,
Perhaps it would be best if you were mute?

You do not want a violet reaction.

Don't need to be vibrant,
So let's just be silent, as quiet as can be.
You don't need to be as loud as a lions roar,
Its best to stay silent and hide in the back.

I am trying to keeping everything shut,
I have no talent to show,
So I shall be silent.

Not shy, but not wishing to be rude,
But is having trouble speaking up and not clamming up.

Smile and never spit out any bile,
Everything must be kept hush, hush.
No one needs to hear pointless chatter.

Its for the best,
To be the best at being silent.
Having some troubles.
867 · Apr 2016
I hate mirrors
AD Snail Apr 2016
I hate mirrors
I dislike them so much

I can’t look at a mirror
Without feeling

I can’t look at the mirror for too long
Or I’ll start to cry

I wish I didn’t have to look at a mirror
To see the one…
I have never hated myself
Till I looked at myself in a mirror

When I was 7
The mirror
Was my nightmare
My bully
Pointed out
Everything that was wrong with me

I wish I could smash and break
The mirrors I have to look at
But I won’t because
I don’t want to get in trouble and hurt myself from the broken glass

So I guess
I’ll have to deal with them
I’ll just have to try and stay away from them

I really hate mirrors
I dislike them very much.
848 · Oct 2016
New Skin
AD Snail Oct 2016
This skin I wear,
Is all I have to care and though I wish to shed,
This old frame,
It is something I must bear.

The new me is frighting,
But the old me has bared to much hate.
And I tired of it all.

The skin I wear,
Its been shed so many times its to tiring to even count,
So I stop my pouts,
And I live with the skin I was given to bear.

The old me is fading,
But the new skin that I wear,
Is not fitting on properly.

The puzzle will never be finished or fixed,
So I stop my pouts and worrying doubts.
And live with the skin that I remade.
830 · Sep 2016
Miss Spring
AD Snail Sep 2016
Oh miss Spring,
With a Autumn breeze, that can make anyone dream.

Oh miss Spring, you enchant people,
Making them stop in place,
And start dreaming of a better place.

Oh miss Spring, there you are,
You have come back along,
To fill the world with life and dreams.

Look at the beauty that starts to shine,
Back into the world,
Miss spring you bring happiness and hope into the world.
827 · Oct 2016
Can No Longer Breath
AD Snail Oct 2016
My chest is heavy,
My heart is a racing a mile a minute.
I can no longer breath.

Everything is moving fast pass,
And I just want to freeze time.
I can no longer breath in fresh air.

I cannot survive,
Everything is to much,
I can no longer breath someone please save me.

Life has amazing things,
But the negative one's always came back to haunt me.
I can no longer breath but that is not what terrifies me.
796 · Jan 2017
Petrified of the Outdoors
AD Snail Jan 2017
I feel secure in this little cocoon,
Never do I wish to metamorphosis;
I do not wish to take flight.

When I feel confident enough to take a peak,
I wish to sink back into my undamaging, innocent cocoon.
I do not like the idea of a ‘big world’.

Everything is not beautiful enough;
Its not as magnificent and imaginative like I want it to be,
Unlike this innocent and carefree cocoon I have molded my mental image into.

I am longing for some kind of change, but to afraid of the unknown to take it.

I am mentally unstable; I cannot handle the dangerous world,
I am much more safe and stable in this cocoon.
So leave me be in my little shelter,
I know it’s unhealthy you don’t need to remind me.

I’m I truly secure in this cocoon or is it all a fable?

I wish to be pure not mature,
Though sometimes I daydream of being both,
As I sleep away in the sheltered cocoon.

Everything is so frightening.
The outdoors that surround my cocoon are calling me,
But I can’t seem to shake away the worries.

“You’re so unsure of your own path, you never even take a step back,”
My thoughts sing song to me as I lull back to sleep.

I am to petrified of the outdoors of my own cocoon,
I can’t seem to win the battles of thoughts, even if it could save me,
So I stay silent and let it eat away at me never taking the chance.
AD Snail Sep 2016
The tears keep on dripping down,
As the words keep on repeating inside my mind,
And I am lost and ashamed.

My heart is heavy once again;
As I am reminding that I shall never be excepted for who I am.

I hear the words that people have said,
They haunt me every where I go;
While they tell me that what I am is not real.

So here I go again questioning everything,
While I hold my head down in despair.

Here I am staying silent and not speaking anymore about who I am,
Because I will never truly be excepted.
759 · Apr 2017
I'd Rather
AD Snail Apr 2017
I would rather be somewhere else,
Rather not feel so 'alive,'
I would rather curl up and die.

Sometimes I am afraid,
But most times I am just tired.

The world doesn't seem like my place,
I quite tired of this chase,
I no longer wish to find myself.

The body that I was placed in is now hollow.

I am shallow, after all I am a human being,
Not able to sympathies anymore can only play the role of 'me,'
No longer sweet, or the gently soul that everyone knows.

I wouldn't rather be a other,
I can never fix myself into this world,
So its best if I slowly lose myself and leave.

I'd rather fall into a deep sleep and continue dreaming.
758 · Apr 2018
AD Snail Apr 2018
A brush of gentle lips,
A small innocent caress.
That gave her butterflies,
And heart beat shore with affection.

Eyes connect, caught like deer's in headlights.

A brush of torn lips,
A small innocent caress.
That gave me a stomach ache,
And heart beat dropped with dread.

Eyes fluttered closed, belief in it being a dream.

Entranced in a dance,
She is swept off her feet.
Time seeming to stop,
Mind made up that she is madly in love.

Hands creeping subconsciously to wrap around.

Enchanted in a pull of a dance,
Feet are heavy like there chained.
Time seeming to stop,
Mind finally catching up with the facts.

Tangled into the game of bittersweet love.

She has so much love,
She wishes to give it all to you.
Her eyes gleam with pure bliss,
Deeply drowned in maddened love.

That sadly has only one person wanting to play.

I am incapable to love,
I wished to return but I had none to give her.
My eyes gleam with glaze,
Deeply drowned in sorrow and regret.
Incapable to return the love that you oh so gifted upon me. For that I must apologies, I am incapable to love you my dear.
AD Snail Sep 2016
My heart was struck with a strange feeling,
I feeling I never felt for no other before,
But here I am stuck in one place just starring right at you.

My mind was swirling around with flooded images of you,
I couldn't stop from my heart beating a mile a minute just for you.
I couldn't comprehend this strange feeling for you,
That has me questioning who I am.

I can help this rush of red to my face,
That makes me feel warm and sweaty,
It makes me shift around and act abnormal around you.

I don't know what I must say to make you look at me,
I want you just to stare at me and not any other.

I have this strange craving for you to be mine and me to be yours,
And I can't help but to notice that you shall never feel the same way.

You'll never get this strange emotions flowing throw you like they are right now,
As I try and take the chance to hold onto your hand in my own,
And sadly drop it back down beside me.
Have Many poems piling up that I have not posted, because I feel like there not the greatest but I wish to at least see others opinions.

Again I am never good at wonderful titles, but I still do try.
AD Snail Sep 2016
Depression eats at my heart,
And makes me feel hollow inside.

There is no hope my dears,
I can no longer see this light witch you speak of.

I'll let the darkness eat the very core of my soul.

I am covered in the very venom that took everything I believed in,
Bathing in it,
Drowning in it while I try to breath and keep my hope bright as the stars in the midnight sky.

These dark thoughts have taken my pride and honesty,
I am a liar and a coward now with a great sadness flowing over me.

Kiss me goodbye my dears because I am now one of depressions children.

Depression it has shut out the light,
Making me lose the battle I have fought for so long.
Oh, depression it does horrible things to thee.
736 · Dec 2016
Couldn't be Fulfilled
AD Snail Dec 2016
I promised to not drink it all away,
I stated I would never let these tears get to me,
But here I go again letting me emotions seep out of me.

Everything, everyone is getting the better of me,
I try my best not to weep in front of the world.
I am slowly losing my mind and battles.

I am at a loss for words,
But I never run out of tears.

I am going crazy in my own mind,
And no matter how hard I try;
No matter how many times I gulp down another drink,
I can't seem to win or get free from me.

My chest is heavy than light.
I seem to keep flying to high hitting the sun,
Burning myself and falling back down into the void I call my "home."

I'm taking another drink,
Gulping it all down as the tears stream down.
I keep on going till I go down and hit the ground,
Now everything is hazy and I feel light,
And I am free, just for a little bit.

I promised to stop,
I begged myself to,
But I realized I can't win or fulfill anything.
720 · Sep 2016
AD Snail Sep 2016
That laughter is echoing off the walls,
They haunt the structure.

The buildings tell the stories of all the one's that died on the inside;
Tells the stories of the children that cried on so many sleepless nights.

The laughter will burn itself into the hearts of human beings.
Just  the small ones that are just starting their journey,
Now they have these marks.

Hear the secret screams;
That never can spill out but are trying to float into the breathless air.

See all those words of laughter,
Floating around a young innocent mind,
That barley had any time to even see the wonders of the world;
Now those wonders are just myth's.

The laughter is a echoed tune,
That keeps replaying.

It seems no one shall silent that laughter and see:
Its not bringing any good.
703 · Sep 2016
My Precious One
AD Snail Sep 2016
My emotions turned into flames,
Rising into the bright blue sky every time you showed me affection.

My heart exploded when it got filled with to much love and wanting.

Every time you turned around;
Giving your hand to me when ever I fell.
Sometimes your fondness was to much,
And I felt I could never live up to it.

You seemed so devoted to me,
Then sadly I started to doubt my devotion to you,
Because I felt I could never give you as much as you gave me.

My precious one,
How you hold me so dear to your heart,
Making me feel I never want to be apart.
686 · Sep 2016
I Loved
AD Snail Sep 2016
I put my heart on a line,
Just so you could ****** it away and shatter it.

I loved and lost.

I was never meant to be a knight in shining armor,
Even though I tried so hard to be strong for you.

I loved and lost.

I kissed your shoe and bowed down,
You were the heartless queen and I was the obedient fool.

I loved and lost.

I put everything I cared for on the line,
Just for you.
You took it and gave me false hope,
Now I am left with a shattered mind, soul and body.

I loved and lost.
684 · Dec 2017
Far to Quiet
AD Snail Dec 2017
I am silent, no words come out,
I am silent, no thoughts come in,
I am silent, no way of stability.

I am so silent in my mind,
I simply forget to speak.

They say because I am so silent outside,
That the inside of my mind must be loud,
But the real issue is I'm far to quiet either way.

Far to quiet to be alive,
Its like my depression finally won out,
Because not only did I get myself to shut up,
But my brain has finally shut down.

I am not fully here or there anymore,
I am lost away amongst the fog,
Someone come get me, I am sick of the silences.
683 · Sep 2016
A Foolish Fool
AD Snail Sep 2016
I shall always be a foolish fool,
That gives her heart away for free.

I'll just shatter my heart,
I'll throw it down on the ground just to shatter it,
I'll do all this so I can put all my trust in all these random people with the shards.

I never think twice,
Always allowing all these people to take advantage of me,
All this strangers that clearly feel nothing for me.
So I have to go on adventures to find the shards that they all left behind,
For me to find on my own,
All over the world.

I am truly a foolish being,
I'll take in even the worst of people,
I allow them to leave all this bruises on my skin and mind.

A foolish fool I am,
To allow these thing to happen to me,
But sadly its me.
672 · Feb 2018
Mr. Cloud Nine
AD Snail Feb 2018
Drowning in a muddy mind,
So high in the sky;
That I could feel the clouds.

Spinning around,
Feeling like I could take on the world.
Grinning like a mad dog,
Will I inject another shot of Mr. Cloud Nine.

He takes my hand and spins me around,
We're moving to the beat, doing the tango.

He promise sweet nothings,
Makes me feel a sense of alive,
I feel so empowered with him by my side.

He offers me his cigar,
I take it knowing I'm already too far gone,
Mr. Cloud Nine is my sweetheart,
He promises to never let me go.
666 · Apr 2016
Pain Come Back Another...
AD Snail Apr 2016
Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When the world isn't so ashamed.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I can actually get back up on my feet.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I can make you go away more easily.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I finally have someone beside me.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I don't have so much on my mind.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I can finally pretend your not there.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I finally can learn how to survive.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I don't have to worry about everything.

Pain Pain go away,
Please come back another day,
When I the world gives me a break, so I have time to deal with you.
660 · Sep 2016
Friend Please Never Go
AD Snail Sep 2016
Hold me tight and never let go,
Because once you do you shall lose me in the pitch black sea.

My dear friend understand this; I am not perfect.
And I know your not either; that's why I keep on forgiving you.

Friend stay beside me on the coldest of nights,
Because I have gotten lost before.
Confused I am when I am by myself,
And I shall never get any better so please don't get upset just come and stay the night.

I don't ask for much,
All I ask is for a little bit of love and friendship to warm my hollow inside.

My heart was never my own so I gave the pieces away to my friends,
So please never drop me.
658 · Dec 2017
AD Snail Dec 2017
On this day I shall be vibrate.
Shining bright and uncaring;
Not minding ones hateful words.

I shall be strong and independent.

I'll talk a little too loud,
And act slightly more proud.

I will be happy and pleased today.

Then tomorrow will come,
And that day will become today;
But on that day I shall be grime.

Unable to stand the slightest of sound,
Startled and afraid, sick of being drained.

I will not be able to handle the day,
And all the things that await,
So I shall stay in bed and cry my life away.

To concerned now of the hateful talk,
Unable but wishing to change everything;
Every single little detail of me.

This today, is to loud,
But now its all in my head;
Where the monsters await for my dread.

Today, will always change,
But I will still be here for the next.
AD Snail Jun 2017
I feel the claws digging,
I know that its trying to claw away at the skin;
That locks it all away,
What is it trying to get at, I will never know.

I feel the inside of my chest wanting to ripped apart,
I can feel the aching numbness in the pit of my heart swell.

Something wants to be set free from within my fragile frame.

I wish for this feeling to be no more,
I do not want to cave into the craving,
I cannot destroy my appearance of "Normal, or "Just fine,"
I cannot be "Strange," my mother said.

So smile and laugh even if it hurts to move,
The stitching will soon heal all wounds.
It was your fault anyways, for giving in.

I cannot try to claw away at the feelings deep within me,
It is unnatural to react upon these things,
"You must not be so strange,"
Mama will say.

The unknown feelings will soon turn into aching feeling,
Its likes a scratch that you must never scratch at,
Because people have told you that it will just make it worse.

So these feelings deep within in my chest,
I must ignore, I must be actually how society wishes me to be,
"Perfectly fine."
637 · Nov 2016
Sewn Into The Silence
AD Snail Nov 2016
The silence has eaten away at me.
Everything is numb now,
My voice is no longer my shield or weapon.
I can't protect myself from this chill,
That consumes my body.

I am filled up with emptiness,
Putting on a hollow smile.

Its has become tiresome,
To keep playing this day to day game,
And keep up this mask from fallen down and showing even just a sliver of my true self.

My mouth is sew together,
Its not that I refuse to speak its just because I can't.
632 · Oct 2016
"The Superior One"
AD Snail Oct 2016
You can hear the children secret cries.
You know what the adults have done,
But you don't utter a word.

The children have no clue why they run,
They just know never to disobey,
"The superior one."

They silence their words,
Allowing themselves to leave them in their throat.
While they choke on the wild thoughts,
As words are throw like daggers at them.

The superior ones,
That's what they call themselves,
But the children see them more as the monsters under their beds.

They children don't understand,
They just want to make the cruel monsters proud,
But their trying just gets throw back at them,
With insults as the bonus.

The children never utter words,
As mentally bruises are put upon their innocent minds.

They stay silent as they get bullied away by the superior ones.
Sometimes we have wonderful teachers, and sometimes we don't.
AD Snail Apr 2017
Pounding onto the drums,
Acting dumb for the crowd,
Asking to be a little less proud,
And understand that we're all ****.

Hatred consumes us all, it comes so easily; its almost a gene of its own.

Painful truths and lies shoot us all down,
Everyone is bleeding out and trying to breath,
Everyone is falling from highs and trying to catch the prize.

The skies are covered in dim lights,
Telling the stories of those who lost hope in their dreams.

Everyone is being run down,
The guns are useful tools to pierce a person,
Words impeded in them, and once it hits you there is no turning back;
Your permanently damaged mentally and physically.

The painful truth about us; the 'Human race',
Is that we are all are the monster under neath the bed,
The skeletons inside our closets,
Ready to hunt us down and consume everyone is sight.

We are own parasites,
Every judging thought that turns into a spoke word,
Has already infected someone, and grown,
The rippling effect already taken place.

We are the demons that steal away another's child,
Damaging beyond repair,
Polluting their minds with pure hatred.

We destroy own another, our own loved ones, and random strangers,
That is the little bit of painful truth.
Not really sure what this is.
627 · Sep 2016
Sing Me Something Sweet
AD Snail Sep 2016
Sing me something sweet,
My dear.

Allowing me to be taken away amongst your words,
Let them repeat.

Sing me something divine,
Almost like a nice glass of wine;
Make me feel rich and old.

My love, allow your song,
To wrap around my body like a blanket of warm and protection,
As you sing to me something sweet like a master piece.

I shall be taken away into a place of dreams,
But until I do keep singing me something sweet.
624 · Sep 2016
AD Snail Sep 2016
Oh sister, Oh sister,
Tell me that the world isn't so cruel.
Hold me tight and let us fly away from this hateful world.

Oh sweet brother,
Let your older sibling just hold you in this miserable time.
Let me tell you my story with tears streaming down.

Oh cold world, Oh old world,
Can you find a place for me where I won't be shunned with words?
Tell me that you can become a new for people like I,
Just long enough for me not to feel so alone and hated?

Oh my sweet loved ones,
I am holding on by the tips of my fingers.
I am still going to beside you even if I shall never be truly happy.
624 · Jul 2017
Judgmental Interrogators
AD Snail Jul 2017
I remember the interrogation room,
I can still hear the voices boom,
Each question that was in burned inside my head,
Has informed and destroyed me.

I can still feel,
The clock of time, ticking by,
It's keeps reminding me,
This argument keeps going on and on,
And we both know we are done.

I don't have a voice lawyer,
That can talk back and defend me.
So I have to sit and take it.

The room is growing smaller,
Which is quite concerning because it was quite tiny already.  

My interrogators want me to talk,
But they only want to hear what they want to hear.  
So I stay silent, because I can't give them what they want.

They keep shining this spotlight on me,
And I feel so small, maybe there winning,
Because I just keep agreeing.

When I leave this interrogation room,
I know I’ll change myself all of again,
Because I aim to please,
And I never wish to go through that ever again.
610 · Jan 2017
Never Enough
AD Snail Jan 2017
I am earning for this addiction,
Craving for another touch and look see.
Holding my breath as I take another sip,
I am hoping I won’t get tipsy tonight on this addiction.

At this angel it looks quite painful,
Though my mind is so high on enchanting earning;
I can’t look away I am bewitched.

I am quite disgraceful, aren’t I?
Oh well, I am quite fine with being shameful,
As long as my addiction can be craved, no matter the cost.

Dipping down and going for the ****, making lust seep into another.

“You’re an ugly human being”, you scream,
I can only smile and continue being unfaithful.

Another kiss to cure my craving,
My addiction never can be fulfilled though,
So I soak in the bliss and then I am once again on the hunt.
601 · Jan 2018
Kiss it Better
AD Snail Jan 2018
Promise to kiss it all better,
Make all the boo-boo's stop aching,
Allowing me forget about the pain.

Kiss the pain that is caged in my heart,
Tell it to leave me alone,
And seal the spell with a kiss.

You promised me that it will be all better,
So allowed you to heal my wounds with a kiss.

A shame though that its not real magic;
It will never heal the broken pieces of my heart,
It simply makes my heart ache even more,
And I am left with craving for more.

Kiss it better dear, I trust you with my life.
591 · Mar 2017
Numb Boy
AD Snail Mar 2017
My body is pale and chilled to the bone,
Everything I once was is long gone,
The light in my eyes have dulled slowly.

I no longer feel like the lively boy I once was,
Expressions of emotions seem so foreign.

Everything feels so hopeless,
I am unable to feel anything,
I am to far gone, to hollow inside to care.

I am a **** living inside the little boy they all once knew,
A criminal taking away all the things that allowed me to feel,
Now only the feeling of numb runs through my veins.

This is the outcome; all I have done to get better has just left me numb.

I can hear the drums still,
Understanding when to react and play the 'act',
Another day starting but I don't even notice.

I wonder sometimes if I'll every get better,
Maybe then everyone will return back to me?
But I silence those thoughts, and just through my sweater back on,
Its knitted with all the emotions I once was able to freely feel.

All there is left is this numb little boy,
In replace of the once brightest little star that was filled with such innocents.
588 · Mar 2017
A Little Love
AD Snail Mar 2017
I miss your kisses,
And the sweet bliss we shared.
I remember when we we're free,
I still cannot dismiss these feelings, or stop reminiscing on our past.

We loved a little to soon,
And said the word to loosely,
That was simply our mistake, hopefully we learned.

I still dream of caressing your skin,
And how you beamed when I did so.

Such simple little things, sometimes mean the world.

I cannot get rid of this love,
You were my sweet little dove,
And I will not willingly let you go.

My angel, I know I'll will not be your only one,
But let me be your last little love.
577 · Jan 2018
AD Snail Jan 2018
Eating away at me,
Digging into my flesh,
And grinding down my bones,
It festers inside of me.

Slowly it feeds,
Leaving me feeling absent;
Amongst my own emotions.

Its to deep inside,
For me to cut away at.
Leaving me staring off,
Trying to go to space in my mind,
Because the fog isn't as frighten as the deep,
Imbibed emotion.

Left sitting for days,
Waiting for something,
To end this hopelessness that has made home,
In my hollow cage which is my body.
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