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Mar 2018 · 685
Nelize Mar 2018
Mother turns cold as the light rotates
Revealing a dome of shining eyes
Moon crescent glisten, as I listen
Nachtmusic now turned on:
Crickets' overture
City car whispers on highway 99
Leaves hush
Frogs open doors
As watches tick in pronation
Mother tilts Her face in divine rotation
Muted light
Pulling from above
Stardust in my ****** glove
Gives me reason to believe
We are all astronauts
I love the ambience and unique atmosphere that the night brings. I often go outside and feel as if I am in space, literally. Yet, I feel at home, despite the nostalgic and majestic feeling of being part of this universe. We are all astronauts.
Feb 2017 · 793
Stars and Stories
Nelize Feb 2017
Do stars gather every night
For this dear mortal to absorb their delight?
Does their light patiently travel all those miles
Only for these eyes to absorb them with smiles?

Gravity of Force, gravity of Love
I wonder how much stardust twinkles in my ****** glove.

Grab a plate
Grab a drink
Fly if need be
Allow your thoughts to levitate among stars
Go outside and accompany them
Despite their countless numbers
Always being present
As if waiting for me to accompany them
As if without me they're incomplete
Happily flickering when they see me
Wanting me to be part of their story

Twinkling novas and dancing nebulas
Stars probably say, "there's Earth again, a merry go round, humans hide among rooftops and ground"
Numerous or singular, planetary or nebular
Human dust or stardust, neither of this matters
Humans in days, stars in miles
We all stories in the end

Eyes are windows of the soul,
Stars are windows of the universe abode
God's winking morse code
"Hi there, I see you"
Stars or souls, we're all stories in the end

Made in images of our Creator
So much so, even neuron clusters in human brains
Have similiar visual patterns of galactic clusters in heavenly terrain.

Sapiens city lights, interstellar starlights
So close, yet also, so far away
Sometimes I feel YHWH's eyes on me
The many, many thousands of starry eyes
As if God's out there and I'm just stardust
But YHWH is everywhere
Just like starry eyes

Gravity of Force, gravity of Love
I'm in God's story 'till the end.
Nelize Feb 2017
take*  this  to  heart  my  dear  valentine
'twas  ­never  meant  to  be  foreverly  mine
the  last  petal  fell
your  footprints  left  mine  

a  love   story  told  but  which  I'll  never  tell
hugs  in  mugs  have  now  grown  cold
a  cut  was  made  along  the  grape  vine  
th­is  love  story  that  will  never  be  told

it's  taken  my  heart  my  dear  valentine

win­e  glasses  were  drained  to  my  dearest  valenti­ne
a  sparkling  champagne  celebrated  that  time
sherry  go  round
whisk  it  away
now  cham-pain  drain  these  veins  of  mine
I  could  not  read  between  the  lines  anyway­

time  soothed  this  heart  now,  dear  valentine­
memories  have  spoken
it's  time  to  be  fine

take  this  to  heart  in  the  mean time
a  spirit  once  broken,  but  did  not  di­e
my  bittersweet  wine  now  petals  of  rosé

tim­e's  given  back  my  heart,  *valentine.
Nelize Dec 2016
let's*  take  a  drive  under the  moon
let's  hav­e  our  hair  taken  for  a  dance  in  warm no­cturnal  winds
let's  have  our  belt  of  love  ­conveyed  over  roads
around  the  world

let's  ta­ke  a  drive  under   the  moon
let's  have  our  hair  taken  for  a­  dance  by  rural  dust  devil  winds
let's  have  the  arch  of  orion's  belt  pass ­ us  by
as  we  catch  up  our  lives
on  whee­ls  around  the  world

let's  take  a  drive  un­der  the  sombre  skies
let's  have  our  hair  s­et  free  by  limitless  roofs  
of  fire  reds  ­and  icy  blues
among  the  belts  of  color  cre­ated  by  dawn  and  dusk
as  we  sail  over  t­he  salty  blue  table
and  dine  our  eyes  on ­ a  visual  reel
around  the  world

© Nelize 2016
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
She, the writer
Nelize Dec 2016
she*  lives  in  the  air,  the  foot  and  wheel-­driven  earth
her  beauty  in  the  breath  over  ­seas,  hurricanes,  tornadoes
the  boiling  hearth  in  rocky  mountains
her  mental  toil  all  over  the  earth's  soil­
in  words

she  is  a  writer,  her  soul  goes­  everywhere
where  she  has  written*
her  imagination  travels  with  you  everywhere
once  she  falls  in  love  with  you
you  will  never  die

she  is  a  writer
crickets  and  stars,  beetles  and  sun
her  wor­ds  of  love  have  spun
its  web  around  you
you  will  never  be  free  from  her  presence
­her  words  are  everywhere
this  is  she,  the  ­writer.

dropped  on  trees  of  paper
spilled  in  rivers  of  tears
exhaled  in  a  hungry  yet  appetite-free  breath­
as  her  fingers  bleed  that  heart  felt  emoti­on
on  the  next  note
she'll  be  a  fine  line ­ between  ******  and  memory
a  literal  pint  of  dopamine
she  might  one  day  only  be  a  memory

her  starry  starry  dream  for  ears  out  ther­e -
stepping  foot  marks  on  the  hearts  of  many­  around  the  world -
being  omnipresent  in  literature
to  all  who  need  a  pint  of  literature  do­pamine.

© Nelize 2016
She is everywhere. Where her mind goes, there she is present. She is everywhere in this world where her mind takes her. The inability to escape imminent heart ache in this world drives her imagination to places that heal her heart. An imagination gifted to her by her Creator, to help conquer the pain in this world. That writer is me.
Nelize Dec 2016
I*  love  to  hear  how  Ocean  breathes
waves  cr­ash  as  Sea  exhales
from  afar,  where  you  are,  perhaps  you  can­  hear

salty  breeze  come  kiss  my  face
wrap  my  feet  in  warm  beige  sand
a  sight  to  my  eyes,  to  see  this  face:
as  the  sun  blushes,  a  sunset  so  grand
sh­e'll  soon  hide  her  face
under  the  mighty  blue  table  that  is  the  ­sea
palm  leaves  wave  goodbye  to  Sun
as  she  tells  the  seagulls  to  guard  her  ­Ocean

as  I  look  at  layered  salty  scapes ...
my  figure  hides  in  three  storied  bricked ­ cliff
the  Ocean,  so  solemly  tranquil
a  blue­  face,  beige  chin  and  forest  green  beard
... as  the  Ocean  has  gifted  me  this  romantic  ­sight

as  the  salt  waves  corrode  at  the  c­lock
I  see  a  path  form  over  this  blue  face
high  tides  give  way  to  a  silver  line  pa­th
yielding  in  luminant  reflection  to  Moon

Moon­   cried  this  tear  path  across  Ocean's  face
hoping  to  meet  me,  but  stops  in  the  for­est  beard -
until  Sun  gifts  me  another  day  in  grace
Ocean,  grant  me  this  sight  again
to  witness  the  romance  of  Sun  and  Ocean
as  I  wait  for  Moon  to  once  again
cross ­ a  chrome  path  across  the  waters
to  meet  ­with  me  again.

Nelize  ©  *2016
As a city girl, I long to see the ocean again, with the sunsets and the quiet moon with crickets chiming. A time to clear my head from endless pain and haunting memories from the days I spent with my former love in Cape Town, SA, in December last year.  Therefore, I yearn for a different love to romance me - the sight of the ocean, my art, my love for words, and the beautiful gift I have... my eyes.
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
Hearing Adonai
Nelize Dec 2016
I searched for God in the sounds of the seas
oscillating butterfly wings
clinging of communion wine glasses
page after page after page in libraries
children laughing
ghastly howls of tornadoes
calls of wild birds

I listened to the rumbling of my inner wars,
I did not hear Adonai's voice there
until I opened the Bible ...

I heard Job loudly grieving his colossal losses
Jonah's boat crushed in a sea creature's mouth
crusty sound of Lot turning into stone
Samson pulling pillars apart
Daniel whimpering among surrounding lion growls
cries of women and children killed
blood dripping from the sword that beheaded John
whiplash echoes, soldiers spitting on Jesus
the rooster's third cry.. then Peter's cry
coins rattling in Judas' pocket
Mary mourning her son's death
warm dry winds blowing in 40 years of desert wastelands

and then I heard

the burning bush and Moses taking off his sandals
roaring thunders turn into calm waters
David singing palms
clapping dove wings, ascending down on Jesus
waters and rejoicing of baptised folks
waving palm leaves and announces "Hosannah!"
the pounding feet of a lame man now leaping
breaking of bread at the feast of the Table
rolling away of the Jesus' tomb stone

and then I know what I will hear one day...
well  done  my  good  and  faithful  servant
until­ then...
be  still  and  know  that  I  am  *God
Nov 2016 · 1.4k
Longing for a furry friend
Nelize Nov 2016
the further life progresses
the more it beams stresses
the more I yearn for peace
a road with no holes or grease
a broken siblinghood
I now yearn for Paraclete
my faith in humans deplete.
so bring tonight the gleaming dream
of a furry friend who understood
the erase button of esteem
and so my dreams flow like whipped cream
in the starry starry nights of what would seem
like orange cats make the best friends
tabby kings and big boy mends
the tears of mine dear feline heart
or a hustling panting brown eyed brook,
a long nosed lad reads like book
who smells and licks my aching heart.
my colourbook waits to be filled with love
of furry lives from each colour above.
Nov 2016 · 418
Mirror, mirror
Nelize Nov 2016
constant awareness of eagle eyes
from within between hello's and goodbyes
criticism flies like bees
when I'm in thought staring down at my knees
my inner media delivers its press
negative thoughts flow in excess
mental thoughts slash my morn' therapy
as I see reflections in cups of coffee
mirror, mirror, what's this I see?
I'm sure the mirror will softly agree
oh no you can't, there's no way
yourself will only lead you astray!
self-doubts corrodes my morning thoughts
to win the day's battles of mental wrought
I always observe my visible shell
no proof here, none will tell
humpty dumpty sits on the wall
he awaits me to take my final step
- to lose my fear and leap -
... all .....
Nov 2016 · 1.8k
Courtroom of the Mind
Nelize Nov 2016
welcome to the courtroom where royal minds reside
and Memory records where no feelings can hide.
situation states the case at the stand
allowing Conscience the right to speak at hand.
a constant strife between Mental and Feel
for Choice to ultimately seal the deal.
Doubt gained its throne right next to Faith's;
as Faith needs Doubt to keep it in place
sadness silently hangs on the smile
weighing down brows and heavy eyelids
Sir Anger accuses all the while
but Sadness knows what Sir Anger did.
Inhibition fold arms in a hesitant state,
as fear keeps him from accepting debate.
Guilt scolds the Heart for hushing Conscience
"conscience gives righteous advice to all,
you should not allow your guard to fall!"
Pain demands to be felt by the Heart,
he's sent by Guilt to do his part.

welcome to the courtroom of the mind.
Nov 2016 · 1.3k
Rain grace droplets
Nelize Nov 2016
rich*  in  grace
rich  in  love
poor  in  gold
my  love  is  sold
droplets above
falling blessing
running down
such is life
up and down
here comes Christ
as a dove
rich anew
fresh droplets
in my prayer today
prevents my everyday decay
rich  in  grace
rich  in  love
poor  in  gold
my  love  is  sold
His grace droplets
now unfold
rain grace droplets
I now hold.
Oct 2016 · 1.2k
Element of Surprise
Nelize Oct 2016
Everlasting Life or demise
a narrow path accepted by the wise
come our King, a fright to some
to us, a future brighter than light
my enemies caught as quick as lighting
caught by the Element of surprise.

spirits of good and bad will clash
our Water of Life will come with a splash
watch out for the Element of surprise.

He saves up His wrath of consuming fire
- for the world must know of His strong desire -
to engulf all with passionate fire
which flame will you invite?
Holy  Spirit or burning smite?
be prepared for His element of surprise.

closer than air you now breathed
fill us Spirit with a gust
spare us from everlast' Heath
obey and wait is our must
bend and shape us with Your Wind

we are gracefully broken, now ready
for Your  Element of surprise.
Oct 2016 · 684
The Butterfly
Nelize Oct 2016
steering soulfully through scented air
attracted to the whiff of a flora's flair
soft and whimsical describes this butterfly
as it dances, oscillates, flutters by

I struggle to fathom its complex sum
of cells, hair, color and flight
it often creates one in my tum!
beautiful... quick... catch one I might -
scattering away, it's too fast for some!
as I grow still and wait in daylight
reflecting in sorrow of what I have done
I learn to focus on what's right
there in the distance a butterfly will come
I learn to focus on God's delight
and then in between a butterfly had come
to comfort my shoulder, it's feet so light
its wings kindly wave goodbye to me

leaving me in awed surprise
as it journeys off while fluttering me

don't chase the butterfly as you'll see
chase them hastily, disappointment I'll see
be still in patience, and it will surprise thee!
There is a saying about love. Love is like a butterfly, chase after it and you will not find it, but turn your attention towards other things, and it will come sit softly on your shoulder.

I have recently broken up with my love, but I know God will take care of me... and him.
Sep 2016 · 1.1k
My hope in the Mountain
Nelize Sep 2016
I look up to the mountains
where does my help come from?

sliding rocks, slithering snakes
Life's patches, wailing winds
thorns in my flesh
cliffs taunt my feet
Serpent hisses all the while

all I see is steep punishment
all I feel is lactic burn
the air thin
I have no fleshly kin
"carry me Eagle, fly me high!" I yearned
but Eagle responds echoeingly
"your footprints carried you all the way,
but through the Way you will have learned"

I look up to the sky
His words  lifted me
I look up to the sky
where does my help come from?

Eagle, how high now am thee?
gone is the Serpent
Eagle's cross shaped shadow sweeps over me
bright light above me
"well  done  my  faithful  servant"
said the Source where help cometh from

I soar on wings like Eagle,
lactic burn leaves my soul
I run and don't grow weary

I saw where help came from.
Jul 2016 · 1.8k
A psalm of wealth
Nelize Jul 2016
anthems sweet as honey
a cup overflowing
break the power of money

it is now or never
a short life i have
the width of my hand
oh YHVH save this land
from now until forever

drag the thorns from our flesh
make us whole
our parched souls now fresh

our governors hunger for power
they mimic mammon
but the Lord our satisfying Power

bring my heart to tears
make it after Your own
a love that tears all fears
to save the lost at any cost
bless those spiritually in arrears

oh YHVH, i beseech Thee
you have been so good to me
parch our land from greed
that we may wealthily drink from Thee

may this psalm that leaked from my hand
bring praise to YHVH in every land
"My life is no longer than the width of my hand" -- Psalm 39:5

This poetic psalm may be used anywhere - whether you want to send it to loved ones, colleagues, or even for lyrics, you are most welcome to, as long as you don't claim it as your own and keep it anonymous. May this prayer bring many blessings to our countries.
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
ON THE EDGE (of a bridge)
Nelize Jul 2016
I was on the edge of jumping
to my fate
but there You were sitting
in the sunrise, so late…

between the rays of grace
sitting and staring upon Your face
You saved me
You saved once again

the false and broken strings of this melody
I can no longer ignore
my heart it felt so dizzy
broken between the waves
of what would seem
like a fast approaching door
a fast approaching floor…
but then I felt
a feather dusting at my heart
lighter than my body weight
would feel in mid air…
it was Your Love, your neverendin’ love,
Bridging my way back
to life
jumping my way back to life.
Most of us have reached a point where we thought of suicide - much fewer have actually gone to attempt it, and fewer that pull through with it. When I was in high school, I was sitting on a bridge one day, staring down at the oncoming traffic on the high way, thinking how quick my death will be here. When I looked up, the sunrise was in front of me. The Lord felt very present within it. He lifted my brow, my heart, and I felt very relieved.
Jul 2016 · 763
It is finished
Nelize Jul 2016
a silent deep breath
gazing up at the sky
He now sees death
hammers fly up high

lay Him down on lacerated spine
little do they know, they mock the Divine
soon this sky will show darkness
prove He's King, none will deny

nails hit wood
through miracle hands
a violent wail is His reply

spit glides down His heavenly cheek
sour wine runs down burst lips
'forsaken I am' 'tis now His brood
in His side spears now pry

a single tear drop lands on His face
not from His eye
but from the Father's sky

a single rabbi brings sin to defeat
as death comes by

His absence will be fleet
for us: not yet goodbye
Jul 2016 · 946
A galaxy's mystery
Nelize Jul 2016
math equations do their part
but how did existence find its start?

galaxies spin in aqueous tornadoes
twirling and swirling and on it goes
so elegant, perfected like Ballet Russus
yet furious with gravity's selfish pulls
like clutching claws of greedy fools

your unending motion, such loyal devotion
despite no praise from the silent darkness

births and deaths of stars alike
Fibonacci directs the nature's psyche
to form and destruct,
gain and deduct
my conscience results of the conscious
and conscious results from existence
is it the code of science,
or the laws of a Godly alliance?

this never ending bafflement
results in my soul's temperament.
I wrote this back in the days when I was uncertain of the universe and it's origins. The universe is indeed a fascinating place!
Jul 2016 · 2.1k
Grand Canyon
Nelize Jul 2016
how great is Your love for rock solid relations
yet in time rocks part through deep canyons

Your waters remain stilled;
Your mystery lies deep
Your raptors fulfilled
Your mountains so steep

how could man survive Your greatness?
even the eagle admires Your vastness!

Your tangerine gaze stares back at the sun
reflecting Your majesty where erosion has spun
its webs of beauty
cold veins are rare
the desert's peace treaty
with the hot bright glare
This is written in pure admiration of the vast and mighty beauty that can be seen in the Grand Canyon. I am in awe of our Creator's ability.
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
This must be the Love
Nelize Jun 2016
I'll follow You until the end
for 'tis this broken heart You mend
for 'tis Your broken body,
now my bread

in the moment where You bled
into this wine glass You commend
communion to us,
to You my Friend

death will never have us part
'tis known from the start

His nails driven for us
His wails cried for us
this must be the Love
'tis my soul that Thou do love.

--Nelize 2016--
Forever to El Shaddai, Elohim, our Lord and Saviour. #JesusForever
Jun 2016 · 3.0k
The Owl
Nelize Jun 2016
my face shaped hearty
I only see you partly
as you join my nocturnal party
I heard you miles away
your sounds as clear as day

birds of a feather
I cannot figure whether
humans are trusty
when they ruin my forestry

swoop towards your arm
in dead silent charm
my evolutionary armory
are truly my 'viving beauty

I claw down my goal
in aerodynamic prowl
feasting on successive bowl
my ornithologic growl
is my greet to you any howl.
Jun 2016 · 3.3k
The Olive Tree
Nelize Jun 2016
when they see this steadfast tree
rising up with strength and spree
trees that see this then realize
but choose to hush and wave their lies
with moving arms and gossip leaves
they choose to blind themselves with ease
but I, this steadfast tree, can not defy
the Blessing descending from the Sky
to honor loneliness and pain
and reward the life I gain
through perseverance and visions
purpose driven through regions.
The Olive tree is a remarkable symbol within the Bible. I made a painting and was inspired to write about it as well. How our lives and the perseverance we have will reward us and honor God one day!
Jun 2016 · 911
Nelize Jun 2016
waves tossing from left to right
my hope crashes against the next wave's might
quivering in fear of what would seem
to be the end of this never ending dream
slowly but surely this life will drown
without the help of the One with the Crown
thorns of beauty, thorns of grace
these tides cannot reach the place
where souls are snatched from distress
my SOS heard, saved from opress
oh Mark, how wondrous the word of your word,
my storms are calmed through our Saviour's loud Word!
This is a poem inspired by Mark 4:35 where Jesus calmed the storm. Oh, how much will He not calm you in your storms, when we ask for it! God saved me from 10 years of emotional ******* after a trauma that I suffered. Praise Him for helping me out.
Jun 2016 · 2.5k
The Aquarium
Nelize Jun 2016
from the smallest batch to the largest hatch
these cold fleshed beings are hard to catch
lurking slowly in dark places, but quick to find sight
when the cuisine arrives for their morning bite.
pellets, minerals, early catching worms
between swirling and dancing ferns
these wide finned beauties will show you a trait
making it hard to see them as bait
skittish and scattering from left to right,
to watch them and ponder is my true delight.
Jun 2016 · 798
Nelize Jun 2016
frail and short lived I tell a story
a message stronger than any force
I could leave an eternal memory
my thorns may show you no remorse.

sinuous, curvaceous as a woman's figure
my green arms open to show you my beauty
my looks are seen as a treasure
until petals fall from expired romantic treaty.

I witness true love and secret affairs
opposites in life now come in pairs
heavenly white, deceiving black
why does my purpose seem to have lack?
bashful pink, scarlet red
my lively appeal has now been shed.
Jun 2016 · 1.5k
Make Up
Nelize Jun 2016
Impression or suppression
an utmost subconscious decision
or an utmost practiced precision?
to cover her natural moving canvas
so he can see the physical bliss
never mind the festering dangers
that breed within her heart's cancers
until the day her painted face
is defied by time and space
of an old ancestral rival
time when death itself in arrival
comes and leaves none in its wake
evangelism; Cosmetics' new grace
offered at every corner and place
'that you must accept me or be ugly'
if she only knew
beauty fades like hubbly
the self conscious issues would be few.
It's crazy how the world is driven by image and how you cover your body. It's sad to see so many girls hide behind their makeup. It's painful to be beautiful when that kind of 'beauty' is only a mask.
Jun 2016 · 498
Nelize Jun 2016
clouds of white
rays of glow
colour delight
I see it grow
colours so bright
that God shall bestow
on all that's in sight
as to lift their low brow
and regain their might
His promise will show
to all His bright Light
Jun 2016 · 785
The tune
Nelize Jun 2016
Ever notice the hope in everyday life?
how nature declares peace over bitters of life?
how little birds rejoice,
so unconcerned
even the kettle sings at the top of its voice
when the water left its body burnt!
despite the dark cloud, the silver line shines
rainbows run through rainy lines

wolves howl praise in silent darkness
crickets chime through echoed abyss
if stars could audibly wink at you
their message would be that they hear you...
Jun 2016 · 814
Glaciers of a family
Nelize Jun 2016
How does one melt the glaciers of a family?
I have no might to see them through
she’s right, no bond rings true
he’s right, I feel their cold unfold

my life must now endure
the house of pain
atmospheric glaciers
of silence now remain.

I leave my room promptly,
the dining room empty.

Silence so loud, I hear the bell
siblings ring indifference to my well.
only Dad with his troubles too
will guide my hand, my life devoted
to him, the animals, the Lord
a loss so pure that none can cure
only the company of the Lord
I can now afford.
Jun 2016 · 806
Nelize Jun 2016
have you observed my heavenly scythe
this evening among the nocturnal myth?
I gaze over earth in its darkest times
when your dearest sun hides its warm ray lines
the animals admire my presence
but humans too occupied with evening errands.

the ocean gives praise in their evening tides
they worship in mecca arms - highs and lows
I shall bestow on all my glow
even the earth needs my rotating grace
my craters proved to protect his face!

do you see my lone night mystery?
few are blessed to notice my chivalry
to give you a glance of starry divine
a beauty too grand for words to define.
Jun 2016 · 758
I, the RIVER
Nelize Jun 2016
River of life, river of love
watery veins move through the world
as the clouds above are twirled
we take falling blessing from above

I wink reflections thanking the sun
for giving life to my moving gun:
amphibians as friends I won't be alone
my body finds rest over cobblestone

Colours turn from blue to greens
as my waters are swallowed by leafy strings
patience allows my powered nodes
to beat time as my movement corrodes
away at the rock
away at the clock
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
Nelize Jun 2016
A wild heart that beats for its pride
On mount Zion this heart will reside
From Judah, a noble king
Majesty defines this being.
This creature anointed
As the animal kingdom’s appointed
Predator that forever reign
Its noble spirit cannot be slain.
Adorned with a heavenly mane
A hunter of moving iron
A roar that soars the horizon
Like a wind gust, a  hurricane.
African dust with imprints of ferocity
Pounding paws announce their violent capacity
Their voice casts a shadow of authority
Over nature’s majority
Offering not a shade of rest,
But a footprint of nature’s best.
A royal glance of the lion’s presence
Is Africa’s essence
Of feral magnificence.
As a South African citizen and sensitised to the dangers that our nature faces, I wrote this poem to remind humanity of our wild animals' beauty. A Christian element is hidden within this poem.
Nelize Jun 2015
Melody expresses pain of the heart
that tongue cannot say when lips part

Secrets and lies can sting the tearduct
assumptions are termites that cling and destruct
their moods like waves in fluctuation
please free this heart of aching palpitation
release the torture of this bipolar oscillation
that the tune of this life creates
in the sound of my aching heart

The sensation of a heart tear
rebellious rips of guitars one cannot bear
when memories return that ones used to share
the rock of my soul, the roll of my head
the sway of the waltz now dead
Frustration strips like the sound of guitar
it roars emotions like a rock star
threatening to free hairs on your head
feelings that scream, leave ghosts in debt!

Drums of pounding passion, degradation
of harming words that echo atmospheric perforation
Drumsticks of cope try to pound through
yet the drumskin of hurt won't budge

Melody expresses pain of the heart
that tongue cannot say when lips part
just like the tune of my aching heart.
This is written due to certain losses that we all face. Whether it be loved ones, careers, possesions, or perhaps even yourself. My heart goes out to anyone with painful losses.
Jun 2015 · 5.5k
Nelize Jun 2015
Oh yes, what are those words again?
how do they start, how and when?
sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will never hurt me
every part of my broken heart
realise the lies of that famous part

invisible fists from the verbal toil
now sit like cysts in my mental soil
a physical scar reminds me the past was real
but thanks to those fists, happiness feels surreal
a mouth from afar, a single breath
can start that silent, you know, death

the blackhole so numb
from a word so dumb
yet so strong to break my bones
and hurt so long in my fine ear drums
as the throw of blunt stones
on my skin that burns and stuns.
May 2015 · 1.1k
Voice of nature
Nelize May 2015
The blue pandora speaks to me
the starts above they wink at me
the cliffs scream out come challenge us
the clouds crawl near to fly with us
but who are you bright city light
that you infest in Earthen sight?
tearing down the trees and coal
so endlessly from Mother's soul?
May 2015 · 16.6k
The Cheetah
Nelize May 2015
Within the fields of grace
and moving waltzing wheat fields
moves the spotted feline with pace
black tears run down its face and yields
to the sun's tangerine gaze

The rythmic thomping of paws through grass
with undivided focus so clear
every step as fragile as glass
sounds perilous behind this feeble deer

Colossal strides that fly through air
pefected anatomy claws down its goal
rules of nature have never been fair
but one must know the key is survival
this deer now knows its fatal fate
is nature's gift to the cheetah's plate.

— The End —