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13.0k · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
I hate the cold

Because I am naturally cold
And I never feel safe
Outside of heat
And the best heat

Is in your arms.

This is kinda ****** I dunno.
11.6k · Apr 2015
Self harm
River Scott Apr 2015
self harm takes many forms
from wrist lined in white
to burns on thighs

but i learned
it's much more than that
it's holding everything in
it's those negative thoughts i think
it's when I bite my inner lip
to remind myself that
any day,
i could decide i don't want to live

self harm is
so much more
than those white lines
or burn marks.

I was never one to put a blade to my skin, so I found other ways instead.
7.7k · Feb 2015
Fuck it.
River Scott Feb 2015
i find
that the word ****
is a poetic word.

is harsh

"**** me"
is ******
not classy.

"**** it"
means a lot,
like ***** these ideas
***** what is thought.

I find
**** it
is a good phrase.
The other two
one that's positive
**** it,
implys a lot.
And in this case
it implied
what the others
and how others

I find the words "**** it" have caused great things in my life.
6.6k · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
The noise
the light
the excitement

Chemicals mixing
creating explosions
and color

Fourth of July
New Year's Eve
all nights to spend with you
and watch the sky light up

I really hate the word fireworks.
4.7k · Apr 2015
Rainy Day
River Scott Apr 2015
The rain pours
And pours
The roads flood
The ground turns to mush

And yet I spend my day
Not in the rain
Not in the lost thought of sadness
Not in the fear of death

But in the thought of you.

It rains and pours and you keep me from the eternal sadness that follows
3.2k · Dec 2014
River Scott Dec 2014
I've decided
I'll conquer the world.
All that's stopping
is my lack of
I guess
I'll find the
when I hold
them in my hands,
just like I plan
to hold the world.

Maybe I'll find those words, when I hold you again.
3.1k · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
it's hard to tell
wether what I feel
is something real
or just a fantsy
in my head

and daydreams
create feelings
that aren't real

it's often hard
for me to
these false emotions
from those of truth
and decide
what i feel
and what i thought up

because when you live
with your head in the clouds
things become confusing
dreams and imagination
mingle with what's real
and it drives you mad
because you can't tell
what is real

It's funny though, in a sense. Because I can tell what's what, I just can't make the feelings go away.
2.9k · Mar 2015
Daylight Savings Time
River Scott Mar 2015
to bring in spring
we lose an hour
of sleep
of life

we celebrate this
and are happy
to lose this hour
to mess up our lives

all because
the bleak cold of winter
is killing us inside.

I honestly hate daylight saving time. I needed that hour of sleep friend.
2.8k · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
"Your a good kid, don't change"
No, I don't want to be good
Not if being good makes
You like me.

"You got a good head on your shoulders"
Never have understood that
I **** up everything
I mess things up on purpose.

"I just wish you'd make some time for me"
I have no time for you.
You aren't worth it.

"I guess you don't love me anymore"
I never did.
You only pretended I did.
You just played me, so I played back.

"I'll pay you in good hugs and kisses"
If I want that,
I'll get them from
Someone who actually means something to me

"I like you, don't push me away"
I'll do what I want,
You aren't worth it.

"Yep I'll take the hint, see ya" responds again anyways
It wasn't a hint,
My life doesn't revolve around you
When you want me in it.

"I swear you avoid me"**
Hell yea I do.
You are creepy
And manipulative.

I never wanted this when we became friends.

You are a *******.
2.8k · Mar 2015
River Scott Mar 2015
i love the feeling
of blood rushing out of my feet

it reminds me
that I am alive

i feel the blood
pull into my heart

and I remember
that I breathe and I'm alive

I struggle to feel happy
because the worlds so hard

and I sometimes forget
and the movement of blood

makes me feel alive

i lost my train of thought sorry

I'm back yay
2.4k · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
"I am not going to be in another relationship"
And now I have
feelings for everyone

"I just want to finish the year by myself"
And now life is throwing me
that are all amazing

I do not need anyone**

I want to be alone and happy.
1.8k · Apr 2015
River Scott Apr 2015
i pack my life
the past 8 years
into boxes
and into a car
and as i drive off
i realize how
little and insignificant
you are in these years
and yet,
you were the most important memory.
We moved and everything reminded me of you.
1.7k · Jan 2015
Flip Flop
River Scott Jan 2015
my world is messy
I can never be still
this feeling
that feeling
I never feel calm

I can be happy
and then
I can be sad

it's all a giant mess
and I can't seem
to gain control
and the only emotion
that's never changed
is the one of

funny how even those are

This one took a while. But it was worth it
1.6k · Oct 2020
october 25 2020
River Scott Oct 2020
what if?
what if all this studying
is for nothing?

what if?
what if i cant do it
i crack in the real thing
i just fall apart
how will i know?

i doubt everything
every little move
every little decision
what if it is not enough?
college is rough and im struggling
1.4k · Jan 2015
A How To
River Scott Jan 2015
How to be unhappy all the time:

it's not hard
to be sad
and angry
and unpleased with the world
because the way you see the world
is how you feel
but the way you feel
is how you see the world

and you think,
if all you see,
is the happiness
of your friends
and family
in their life's
and loves
you'd be
to be happy too

but all I see
is the lack of love
in my life
the lack of someone
to remind it's alright

all I see
is the girl whose found her love
and they are happy together
and I'm happy for them too
I'm just sad for myself

all I see
is the girl with her girlfriend
desperately in love
and I'm happy for them
I'm just sad for myself

all I see
are my friends happy
in everything that happens
and I'm happy for them
I'm just sad for myself

I know wallowing
in self pity
can't get me far
but it's hard to be
when the world
doesn't feel that way.

I am just sad.
1.4k · Dec 2014
Fairy Tales
River Scott Dec 2014
Classic fairy tales
Always start with once upon a time
Then somewhere a princess is put in danger
A little later her knight in shinning armor
Comes riding in
Saves her
They live happily ever after.

**** that.

I never enjoyed those stories
I never understood why the princess didn't help herself
I always resolved to never need saving
And yet, I never realized why they were always saved
Because humans need each other
I need to be saved.

Not in the knight in shining armor way
But I need someone to be there
I need someone to hold me
When night comes
At three am when I'm screaming at myself
At four am when I'm crying in my bathroom floor
At five am when I pass out and have nightmares
At six am when I wake up exhausted
At six pm when I come home and collapse

I never wanted to be that damsel in distress
But I never realized that in order to heal
Someone has to push me.

- r.y.s
That's why I hate fairy tales. They remind me I'm not strong.
1.2k · Feb 2015
Spring Time
River Scott Feb 2015
I want winter
to be over.

It reminds me
of the cold
and bitter
that is my soul.

I need spring
to come again.

To push me
out of the cold
and be happy
unfreeze my soul.

I just feel so cold.
1.2k · Jan 2015
River Scott Jan 2015
Tomorrow is big
Tomorrow marks the last
The last semester
Of high school.

Tonight is stressful
Tonight marks that last
Scared feeling
Of high school.

Second semester
Last semester
Senior year
Spring break

I never thought
It'd come to an end
I'm scared out of my mind
But it needs to end

I live in a box
Wake up
Go to school
See the same people
Go home
Sit in my room
Go to bed

I can't break the box
Until I leave this place
I can't leave this place
Until I break the box

So I run in circles
And I wait for the end

The end is finally near and I want to turn around.
1.1k · Apr 2015
You are missing
River Scott Apr 2015
there's something missing
a hole in everything I do
a hole in my existence

i hate to say it
but sweetheart, you
you are what's missing

i try to deny
that i miss you
day in and day out

it's hard to move on
when that's emptiness is there
and you seem to be all that fits

i just want you
back by side
to love me forever.

I keep trying to move on, but I can't do it.

I'm trying to write everyday now. I stopped and I hated it.
1.1k · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
i tell myself
i like being alone,
there's no one to:
be with,
be ready for,
or even worry about.

but my heart
tells me i hate it
i hate being alone
there's no one to:
to hold,
be with,
or even love.

i can't ever seem to decide
if being alone is want I need
or someone to hold me.

i don't care which one
i just want to feel whole
or at least alive.

I just want to be whole and happy.
971 · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
fears are strange

i fear things that are practical
like that those sirens
are rushing towards a love one
that i didn't tell them
how much i loved them
when i saw them last

i also fear things
that i feel unpractical
like snakes
the thought sends chills
in through my body
and makes me want to cry

but my biggest fear
is being forgotten
is falling into oblivion

and as cliche
and boring
as i seem
i know no other fear
then being forgotten

but other days
i want to embrace my fear
and fall into an oblivon
to be forgotten
to never have to worry
to never have to exist

it's a delicate balance
of life
and death, really.

I have this obsession with being forgotten.
962 · Jan 2015
You walked away a year ago
River Scott Jan 2015
New Year's Eve
2 minutes to midnight
1 minute
30 seconds
20 seconds
10 seconds

It's a new year
But it's a scary year
Every year
It's just been back to the same thing
Back to school
Back to friends
Back to boring

This year,
everything is changing
Back to school
till May
April showers
Bring high school graduations

4th of July fireworks
Fade into freshman year
of college.
I've always dreamed of this
But it's so close
And I want a redo

Because it's been
almost a whole year
since you left
and I sit
and think of you

We were supposed to do this
But you left.

And yet I still love you.
857 · Aug 2016
August 4th, 2016
River Scott Aug 2016
It's been
1 month
730 hours
43800 minutes

Since I left
Since I walked away
Since I realized, that you,
were not what I wanted
that you didn't treat me
the way you should

I realized, happy
shouldn't be fleeting
shouldn't be just you and I
shouldn't be, just here and there

Now I'm alone
And I'm not sure that's any better.
Why can't I just let it go.
840 · Dec 2014
River Scott Dec 2014
I want to **** myself
Every hour
Every second
And yet I haven't
Because every time the thought occurs
The aftermath seems to play out in my head

I don't want to be
the acknowledgment at the beginning
of a book i'll never read
  to my sister
  to my friend
  to my lover
  gone to soon
  i wish you could read this

I don't want to be
the sad news story that everyone hears
and wishes it weren't real
  a 17 year old
  young and bright
  lots of friends
  left behind family
  greatly missed amongst us all

I don't want to break
my already broken family
even if they are breaking me
  lost a sister
  lost a cousin
  lost a daughter
  sadness engulfs them all
  two families split back to four

I want to leave
And I'll never believe
The world loves me so much
That it will stop in place
Because I take my life
But even if
It's only half the truth
This idea of the aftermath
That would occur
Should I stop my breathing
I'll keep breathing
Just to see the world continue turning

If things never get better for me, at least I never made them worse for those around me.
835 · Apr 2015
River Scott Apr 2015
its funny
i've always told myself
weakness is tears
and emotions
that threaten to show
your true self to the world

but i've slowly learned
it's not just those things
my weaknesses are so much more
they are things like bad days
things like bad moments
things like good days
and good moments

my biggest weakness
i've discovered
is you

you have complete influence
over me
and you don't know it
you are my first waking thought
and my last conscious thought
my dreams revolve around you

i know no greater weakness
than my love for you.

I hate feeling weak.
811 · Jul 2015
July 7th, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
There's something about
the feeling of your arms
and the way the hold me
but i don't get that anymore

i will get them back eventually.
746 · Jun 2022
River Scott Jun 2022
Midas turned what he loved to gold
I wish I could do the same
Instead my touch brings destruction

No matter what I hold
I find it always ends the same
Lovers, friends, any other

My destruction knows no bounds
I often wonder, did Midas feel this way?
744 · Mar 2015
River Scott Mar 2015
snows melting
ground turns to mud
rain pours
flowers sprout

the harsh cold
turns to mild warmth
bitter winds
into light breezes

winter fades
into the spring
the bleak despair
into promising hope

spring into a hopeful view.

I am getting really happy with the temperature rising.
741 · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
I want to be immortal
I want to be forever
I want to never end

I want to see the world collapse
I want to see it restart
I want to find its beginning

I want to be worth something
I want to be valued
I want to be happy

I can't be immortal
I can't be forever
I must end

I won't see the world collapse
I won't see the world restart
I won't find its beginning

I am worth nothing
I am not valued
I am not happy

I was always told
It's the outlook
You have
That reflects how you feel.

Then why do I feel awful,
When I have such a positive outlook?

I want to get away from this negativity.
737 · Jul 2015
July 2nd, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
are common to me
normally of silly things
like zombies rising
aliens abducting
monsters slithering

but recently
they have been of something more painful
of you leaving me
either by choice
or by death

it's ridiculous really
i know you won't
but my mind
says you will

it's terrifying
how much the thought
terrifies me

that losing you
could impact me so much

but i guess that's what love is.

i never ever want to lose you.
736 · Jan 2015
River Scott Jan 2015
I want to
Fill the empty
And tell you
I feel.

There's three words
I've wanted to say
And I can say them
To anyone
If you aren't around
It's not love
I miss you

No matter what
I'll never feel
The way I felt
With you
No matter who
Comes into my life
You'll always
Be that special feeling

There's a hole
In my essence
In my soul
And no matter
The object
The person
The idea
I've tried to fill it with
Only you
Seem to fit

I'll never
Find someone
Who knows me
The way you do
You knew
From a look
That I still liked you
You always knew
What I felt
Just by my face
And no one
Has ever

I can't stand
Not having you
To hold me close

I'm not trying to hide it

I'm awkward and I miss you. Please come back.
706 · Feb 2015
I'll never be happy.
River Scott Feb 2015
I never want to be happy again:

If it means I'll see my friends
laugh and smile
and be loved and in love.

If it means I'll see my family
love and live
and be happy and together.

If it means I'll see all those around me
enjoy and thrive
and live and conquer.

I'd give up my life,
to see those around
thrive and be happy,
because I don't understand
how to be happy.

I just want to see my friends be happy.
653 · Nov 2015
november 4, 2015
River Scott Nov 2015
i stopped bleeding
bleeding the words
the feeling
i needed to write
and now
im bottled up inside

and i cant think anymore.

I have to keep writing.
612 · Jan 2015
River Scott Jan 2015
you always tell me
poetry is a rhyming game
but I'll never be
good with these kind of games
because words aren't for me
not in these rhyming games
I'm struggling to find the degree
of words that describe the flame
the fire inside me
that words can't contain in a frame.

I'm so clingy and I'm sorry.
597 · Dec 2014
River Scott Dec 2014
I chase the thought of you
Not like school girls get chased by boys
But the way you chase liquor
With something
And just as bitter

I turn you away
Not because I don't enjoy you
But the way you bring sadness
Along with
And ******* madness

And yet I still love you.
583 · Mar 2016
River Scott Mar 2016
i sit in my room
unpacking everything of my winter clothes
to begin to move out of the dorms for summer
and i have to stop

you can go months in your house safe
but after so long
your parents have to put you down
they have to remind you
that they don't believe in you

i cant help you
and i sit in my floor
on the verge of tears
because all i want to do
is remove the toxins
from your life
when your boyfriend has ****** parents, it gets to you some nights
546 · Jul 2015
July 6th, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
i hate the way i panic
i hate the way i think
and think,
and think
because i can't control it
all i can do
is think.

i had a bit of a mental breakdown last night/this morning.
542 · Feb 2015
River Scott Feb 2015
i honestly don't know
what it is
about you
that separated you from the rest
because God knows
I can't seem to figure it out now.

All I know,
is that
I've give up on you.

You waste my time
And **** my hopes
And make me feel
Absolutely worthless.

I'm giving up. I hope you don't come back.
520 · Jan 2015
The World is Spinning
River Scott Jan 2015
I swear
the world
is spinning

But mine,
my world
it's been
the day

And yet
I know
the world

Cause we
graduate in
May, and

The problem
is that
even when

Cause I
am still
stuck on
your face
your existence.

I hate you and your stupid face for stopping my world
495 · Jul 2015
July 4th, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
i hate the burning
i hate the god awful shaking
i hate the way i feel
i hate being away from you.

i miss you

sorry I was not home yesterday to post this
492 · Jan 2015
River Scott Jan 2015
As a child
I was always
That kid the teacher
Spoke of
As having my head
In the clouds.

I never saw
The clouds
I was never
Fond of the clouds
I prefer the night
The twinkling stars.

Because there
Is stories in the stars
And the stars hold truth.
A truth that
We aren't alone
And that oblivion is real

I've always felt
When I look at the night sky
Because I realize
Every moment
In this short life
Is just a moment
That could be the last
And I feel motivated
To try
To make my impact.

I have always feared
The inevitable
The thought of being forgotten
Because who doesn't?

I can't stand
To think
That I'll die one day
And know
I never changed the world
I was never a persons reason
To change, to live

I seem crazy
Because how can one
Be the change in the world
And I can't figure it out
But I will do it.

And I'll do it, for my love of the night.

Except the night is a metaphor.
456 · Jul 2015
July 5th, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
55 days
1,320 hours
79,200 seconds

all till I can be on my own.

I turn 18 soon.
455 · Oct 2020
october 10, 2020
River Scott Oct 2020
oh how far i have
let myself go

i have forgotten
how it feels
how the words

no more

i need to express
how i feel
and i have never learned
how to be vocal

its been about five years since i last wrote a poem.
429 · Jul 2015
July 1st, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
Home is where everything is

Home is not
Where I'm forced
To put on a smile
Or act like I care
Or where you aren't

I miss home
I miss my family
I miss my friends
But most importantly,
I miss you

divorced parents make for stressful summers

i want to try and write more so I'm doing a poem of the day now. I'm aware I'm behind right now but better late than never.
416 · Jan 2015
A Response To Lessons.
River Scott Jan 2015
Apologize for existing

Think your existence is less

Do I want to hear it

You are more
Then spiteful words
A parent
Who ****** up
One to many times

You are
Full of potential

And you are worth it.

Never apologize for existing.
412 · May 2015
What is love?
River Scott May 2015
I discovered what love is.

Love is a concept
That most adults
Can't explain in simple terms

But at the age of 17
I realized what it is

Love is understanding
And the other person
And realizing,
Neither of you are perfect
And that life is hard
But as long as the other is happy

You can be happy too

"It takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it to know what true freedom is" - Lana Del Rey
412 · Jan 2015
River Scott Jan 2015
It's always hard
holding feelings

when you hold
on and on
for so long

You know,
it's been almost
a full year
and yet
you're still in my head

It drives me
Like my feelings for
Because I can't stay

I'll never
why it's you,
maybe you're
"the one"
or maybe
I'm just a
little to

I don't understand and I give up on trying.
395 · Dec 2014
River Scott Dec 2014
I can't put down
(No matter how hard I try)
The way I feel
(I feel so much)
In words
(Letters arranged in different ways)
There just isn't enough
(No matter how many dictionaries I scour)
(Funny, kind, smart, loving, love, like)
And no matter what I do
(And I do so much)
I can't seem to find
(And I look everywhere)
The right words
(I think love isn't enough)
To describe the feelings
(They are more like galaxies)
That I feel for you
(I love you)

I don't think love is even close to the right word
395 · Jul 2015
July 3rd, 2015
River Scott Jul 2015
you would think
that if one is happy
they wouldn't consider
killing themselves

but I guess I'm just broken.

I'm not fixable and I know it.
317 · Jan 2015
River Scott Jan 2015
I miss you.
I think of you
When I go outside
When I go to school
When I see anything
Reminds me of you
But I sit here,
And you sit there
And I know it'll be forever
Till I hold you again.

I love you. I love you. I love you. I miss you.
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