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1d · 35
Someone Like Me
What are you getting with someone like me?
Not sure if we're meant to be
You call me idiot and I suppose you're right
If I died today would you still choose to fight?
Do you want me or just a hand to hold?
Sometimes you look at me with eyes so cold
The clock ticks loud it's all I can hear
Arms not wide open as they appear
The night chasing me
On my heels
Wrapped in silence company steals
Regret hangs heavy from battered hands
Dreams ripped
Thousands of strands
Reach for stars but only grab empty space
Lie awake motionless while my spinning thoughts race
Lost shadows swallowing me in one bite
Waiting for dawn's arrival with promise of light
To break memories free from behind bars where they bounce
Stillness remedy eagerly gulped by the ounce
A raging sea of intensity quakes back and forth inside
A storm I can't control though heaven knows I've tried
Floating a current unable to change direction
Singing audibly proof of affection
It's a fascination as to why you bother to stay
Trying to right my wrongs before you decide to walk away
What if there is too much to correct?
6d · 68
Seeing Red
I do not know why you do this to me
It's clear I'm not a priority
My eyes open
You prefer them closed
Too late to cover betrayal exposed
To me it's obvious as it can get
Stalling makes me more upset
Either way going to find out
You'll have to confront my pout
The death of consideration at our door
Birthing doubt that loudly roars
Staring at undeniable truth
Witnessing what's in front of me doesn't take a sleuth
My desires to back-burner are pushed aside
Then have the nerve to claim you "tried"
When faced with actions you turn tables
Insisting it's my mindset that is unstable
I've went through cycle over and over hoping it will end
Telling myself to not get angry because it's YOUR money to spend
Even though it's true can't help but feel hurt within
Never learned how to be confident in your ability to win
It must be a lifetime of letdowns and loss
Foolish failures have filled my flesh with frost
Seeming obligated to protect you from your habit
Of course you persist on chasing that white rabbit
As merely mortal you are not to blame
Pull is too severe calling out your name
In your optics a wild glimmer awakens
Want to tame it before your morality is taken
The dawn bridges bad past to promising present's fresh start
Gentle wind whispers words to calm currents crashing in my heart
I follow instincts and they lead to the front door
We would walk together but you don't mirror my strides anymore
And time trickles slower just for having bodies near
I'd live over your shoulder advising choices in your ear
Without fear of flailing or getting lost or stuck
Wandering paths anywhere without giving one ****
I would not hold against you the mistakes recklessly made
Wouldn't be so quick to throw your direction shade
I am a little hasty with my poor attitude
Afraid to fly your leaps of faith I automatically exclude
Rooted in wildflowers intentions sway easily with the breeze
Paint feathers black and white to match piano keys
Borrowed from sunsets is glow warming my ice
Sky calls out a sole last roll of the dice
But the ground quakes beneath our feet
In too much debt to surrender and retreat
A compulsion from a screen formed and it appears it's here to stay
Daring you to raise your bet until there's zero pennies left to play
I carry stress for both our hands
Aching brain responds to negativity's demands
Right this second selfishness has me seeing red
Soon as you mumble "sorry" I'll be holding you in my arms instead
Why am I so quick to forgive?
Mar 8 · 163
You examine everywhere for reasons to fight
Goal you achieve almost every night
Perfection and purpose put out of reach
Are there other methods to help than preach?
You make known exactly the ways I've done wrong
Can't tell drive to satisfy you is strong
And success a maybe despite trying my best
Do you understand what it's like to be depressed?
Instead of pressure provide pearls of praise
Small portion of patience will go a long ways
What will you trip over next?
Disagreements leave me perplexed
Staring at me as if you're scrutinizing a stranger
Alarm blaring loudly though there is no danger
This life we live occupying to get old
Sighing when shoulder turns away from me cold
I climb expectations but can't quite reach the top
Longing for lighter limbs so I wouldn't tire and stop
Your unfulfilled wishes are all engraved in stone
Won't be pleased until words are carved into each bone
When experiences are good they are beyond great
Light a room with brightness you radiate
Sparks fly from skin's surface moment we touch
Stomach starts rolling the second hands clutch
Stuck to potential so vast at the start
Before bogging under the heaviness of my heart
It seems I can't ever just get something right
Mar 4 · 162
Crossing Over
So now you haunt hollow heart
Victory lap through each body part
I'll forever be etched with your name

I'd like to think you are high above
So removed I can't feel your love
I can't honestly make that claim

I'm not sure your soul is resting
I've seen no signs suggesting
Paradise is on the other side

You crossed over without a word
Goodbye ears have never heard
Still cannot believe you died
I still can't believe it even after two years
For one who brightens up my day
Wrote this poem about all the ways
That you make life worth living
Constantly loving and consistently giving
I've thought lots about it and it's time I let you know
As long as I am breathing I am never letting go
Blessed lying next to you naked in bed
Savoring each sweet sentence said
And when I cannot find a single reason to go on
Remind me of the opportunity rising with each dawn
When all my hope has swirled down the drain
I cannot see the silver lining through the pouring rain
Anyone else would give up centuries ago
You dig your heels in the dirt refusing to go
I wish I could be more like you
Inspiration echoes everything you do
I never understood what you want about me
Complete mess at best it seems is all I'll ever be
I'm usually wrong
You're mostly right
Suspect the passion is what makes us fight
If we did not care getting along would be a breeze
In my opinion it is a positive sign we so often disagree
But some moments been known to take it too far
The last thing I intend to do is leave an emotional scar
I promise I will behave rationally when conversation turns heated
If both strive to change there's no way we'll get defeated
I know I test patience with my stupid decisions
Literally and figuratively suffer poor vision
My fingertips dance like whispers on your skin
Expectations are an ocean I'm drowning in
If I sink to bottom you'll dive beneath waves
Bring me to surface
Ensure I am saved
You rescue me regularly from dark parts of who I am
Afraid being vulnerable so I act like I don't give a ****
But in my mind screaming that I actually do
Held back by intimidation of not being good enough for you
In strength and perseverance outpace me by miles
Handsome face on top of that plus a gorgeous smile
I can't compare and that's why I rarely try
Because I assume eventually you'll choose to say goodbye
But until that happens trying harder every day
In hopes somehow you'll chance it in your heart to stay
Please forgive me for getting on your nerves
And thank you for treating me wonderful when it's not what I deserve
The only one who can motivate me when I am blue
I am lucky to have a partner like you
Feb 28 · 148
I feel like society stupider with each year that passes by
In an ocean of tears "cancel culture" has bred to cry
Going deeper and deeper into debt
A diving submarine
Deeper than bottom of world's largest explored ravine
No oxygen to saturate lungs because we keep cutting down forests
Is it just me or does it seem like to Earth the human race is nothing but tourists?
Just the smoke of warfare lingering once the end is reached
Solution that will save our planet is one we choose not to teach
I feel it is too late to make this sinking ship float
No light at end of tunnel
No safety net
No lifeboat
I don't believe in God above so there is nothing to rescue me now
Just shallows which are strewn with sharp rocks anyhow
Where the price of living increases quality of life plummets fast
Predators prowl
Disguised politicians controlling crowds amassed
Nights filled with sounds of crying infants and gunfire
Cats and dogs euthanized in shelters
Number growing ever higher
The majority of generation too busy clubbing to care
How come only a couple of us are aware?
Treating less fortunate like carpets on the floor
Unless happening to them issues are easier to ignore
Miniscule portion of millennials are willing to ***** their expensive boots
Rather dance to mindless beats
(That is until someone short-circuits and shoots)
That's what it necessitates for them to focus on what matters
Oblivious up to the instant their sensory defenses shatter
Then victims share their harrowing account
False sense of security revealed
They tally up the body count
Experiences that in past would change character for the greater
Now shrugged off with a wave
(As long as there's a compensator)
And the judicial system mostly for show
Judges and prosecutors more corrupt than population could know
I'm searching for tangible proof this is truly the "land-of-the-free"
If I establish this message until echoed will I have weapons pointed at me?
Our government abandoned us
Requests are seldom heard
Self-protecting entities whose morals are all blurred
The people stumble through mud looking for a light
Darkness used to divide us pretending there's only black-and-white
It's one extreme or other
Exists no in-between
Stuck inside the matrix distracted by a slow-motion routine
Cycle repeated historically at such length it's difficult to recognize
This facade is choreographed right in front of our very eyes
Meandering as if we are born lost sheep
Badly deficient of guidance
***** we're climbing too steep
We require a little push in the right direction
Declaring difference between patrol and protection
Each of us is so immersed in the pursuit of our own bliss
Don't realize in the process of grabbing we also fall into the abyss
And pull others with us so at least there's company there
When you're alone failure is much harder to bear
Reality is a ticking bomb nobody wants to face
If we don't figure out an answer eventually mankind will be erased
For things to become better we ALL must take a stand
Stop acting selfishly instead lend those suffering a hand
Some musings about the state of this country I am stuck in
Feb 22 · 230
Gone For Good
I wish I had told you that you were my best friend
Come to realize that fact now
After your life met it's end
Nothing said or done could ever bring you back
I still beg unseen forces to reverse your passing and unfade surroundings from black
Your death hit like a bullet straight through my chest
Here on out I'll continue bleeding every sentiment left unexpressed
I can't help feeling bitter towards the world turning round and round
For taking my heaven-sent angel and burying her in the cold ground
I wake each heavy morning and barely face the sun
Swept up in a hurricane but I seem to be the only one
Driving down an unpaved road no signs saying yield
Rain is crashing so hard I can hardly see through the windshield
And know if you were here you'd be encouraging me to keep fighting
I ****** myself bit by bit
Demise I'm expediting
I'm stranded on remote island surrounded by ocean of my fears
Beach shrinking as tide rolls in
Helplessly watch as all land disappears
It is not fair you deserted me in a barren expanse of loneliness
Wilting I long for the familiar warmth of your caress
Now aching hours are blistered by regret and rage
Heating shaky hands as I spill my story onto this page
Ready to give up what is there to continue breathing for?
Nothing lasts forever and I admit I simply don't want to anguish anymore
It's like I'm held underwater by a dozen unbreakable strings
Lay in bed when night falls tormented by sound of your laughter as it rings
How is it possible to be dead as my pulse simultaneously races
Feet exhausted from sprinting in circles over the same four bases
I once was aware of my worth
Moved with purpose and care
Presently time warps wasting away as I navigate this nightmare
Drinking nostalgia like alcohol
Enjoying shot after shot
Intoxicated with reminiscence
Drowning in love I have no longer got
I caught cranium on fire in attempt to warm up insides
Pursuing this glow your presence no longer supplies
Beneath sheets I roll until my limbs become a tangled mess
Dreams only location where I am briefly unshackled from distress
Speak to you sleeping then expect you to remain
Once eyes open you are left behind in another domain
Then experience you parting to the point like it was new
For one second I forget that there is no more you
And everything comes tumbling around me in a blink
Dire circumstances are slowly nudging me towards the brink
Trying to gain some distance between me and the edge of this cliff
Spent enough energy wrestling with two words
"What if?"
To taste that state of carefree bliss bathed in as a child
Unharnessed love shadowed me before innocence was defiled
Wrapped in an insatiable yearning for arms laid to ashes
No bandages or stitches are able to close up emotional gashes
I should have savored sweetness of your affection while I could
Every last bit of maternal nurturance is gone for good
Just talking to my mom
Feb 10 · 254
So scraps are what I have to show
Find myself amidst the undertow
A pathetic pile of perfumed dreams  
Like pretending life is greater than it seems
This multiverse molded with illusions and tricks
To knock you down just for kicks
Nothing glamorous about depression
A void that leaves the deepest impression
Feeling like rocks loaded onto my back
As if gravity is out of whack
Attempting to rise off the floor
Each movement leaves muscles sore
Past mistakes written in blood
Try but fail washing away with a flood
So sick and tired staying the same
Doubt and fear the scapegoats to blame
Reasons irrelevant nevertheless
Little extra effort might lead to success
I am aware everything is bound to fall apart
One by one shards will chip off my heart
I attempt reassembling it with some glue
To give it away like deja vu
These choices I cannot explain
Behavior proof I must be insane
Wasting more minutes than I have to spare
Fish out of water and I'm gasping for air
Can't you see I'm drowning?
A sea of my regrets
Ghosts dancing on horizon staring at their silhouettes
I think about years I continue to let slip through my hands
I'm so exhausted chasing answers to a puzzle I don't understand
Scared to admit this the extent of what I'll become
Wonder if I'll ever escape the place that I am from
I yearn to love now like I loved back then
Believe in magic and forever again
But hopeful naivete faded along with the sparkle in my eye
Like while I've been in limbo best opportunities passed me by
In a cerebral cage confidence confined by bars
Self-acceptance shackled by a multitude of scars
I am sorrier than lips will ever audibly speak
Unsure if my dungeon will let me discover the exit I desperately seek
This nightmare of creation darkens at an alarming rate
Need to wake up from this coma I'm in before it is too late
You live your life in a dream that you can't escape
Cause you live your life in a coma you're never awake...
Feb 9 · 290
Blood And Bone
I'm my mother's blood and bone
Features on my face are shown
Identical birthing hips
More alike the more I have grown  

And same bit of mischief is harbored in my eyes
In a slightly browner shade to focalize
Motionless in front of reflection transfixed
Cannot help but overanalyze

But on a binge of self-pitying despair
How can I mosey forward with only memories there?
Similarities between are reminders everywhere I turn
Her soul absent and I am all too aware

It comes and goes in undulations of pain
Lost in labyrinth lurking in my brain
Crippled by spilled love that will never return
Only empty echoes within broken heart remain
I look at the mirror and see half of my mother in all I do and it kills me
Feb 4 · 208
These emotions are powerful they surge right  through my chest
Chasing them around room they suddenly infest
First silent as they swirl between you and I
It doesn't take long for them to multiply
Soon they swarm every object we see
Easy to play victim instead of trying to agree
But there are zero casualties because we aren't at war
Blindness makes me wonder what we're doing this for
You think righteously but you couldn't be more wrong
Baseless accusations you build argument upon
Just the latest in series of false beliefs you create
Sick the way your perspective chooses to exaggerate
My veins get so hot blood begins to boil
Shieldless facing remarks insisting I'm not loyal
Onyx pupils boring holes my direction
Void between us growing as you describe each imperfection
Systematically pulling apart every sentence dared to speak
Pre-existing wounds deepening until blood starts to leak
Until becoming so quiet you could hear our hearts beating
Slowly breaking
Carefully retreating
Uneasiness creeping like a draft under the door
"Things never will be as good as they were before"
These helpless doubts wander through skull all night
Impossible questions kept awake til morning's light
Until poor soul is weighed down by despair
Tears blur my vision
Uncertainty put into my stare
My worrying in vain because it doesn't change anything
Non-existent compassion in your movements and it stings
Apparently don't have enough empathy to spare
Tangle up sanity by showing how little you care
While absorbing tension permeating air like a sponge
Hopes now flattened on the floor where they plunged
Words discarded like empty cola cans
Insults echoing like clang of pots and pans
From head to toe happiness is now crushed
Cuts could heal if only our fingertips brushed
Delicate balance of respect instantly would be restored
Neck removed from guillotine if you'd lower your sword
I don't encourage tables to turn
Just want us to both sit down
Pull knives out each other's backs and erase each frown
I wish us both to wear matching expressions of joy
Our feelings reset to a setting where our opinions didn't annoy
But for that to happen a gigantic amount of willpower is required
Fear we are not soft enough for animosity to permanently retire
But honestly hate distance between skin more than I'll ever admit
The path our steps are walking on is one I refuse to quit
I'll pour more energy into every single action I do for you
Even wasted at least my intentions are true
I'll collect memories and box up special moments we had
Store somewhere deep within to bask in when I'm sad
This might be hard this second but I have faith it won't last long
We can solve problems because our love is pure and strong
About my boyfriend
Are you ready to try?
Will I be left behind?
You listen to what I say
Not sure if I'm okay

I'm writing songs
Words come out wrong
Taking time
Let you inside

Don't let the days go by

To reach beyond walls
Can't grasp trust at all
Just pick me apart
Exposing who we are

This house ain't home
I live here alone

Don't let the days go by
Could have been easier on you
Couldn't change though I wanted to
Should have been easier on three
Old friend fear and you and me

Need to feel alive again
Need to feel alive again
Stuck in prison

Even when we care
Life seems unfair
No place I can see
Where I am free to be me

Don't let the days go by
Could've been easier on you
Don't let the days go by
The original song is by Bush
Jan 20 · 222
I never expected from you
The look in eyes
Something new
And the way hand is grazing my back
Turning me into an insomniac

In the beginning was casual
Was trying to be logical
It seems you've set my world aflame
Now I'll never forget your name

Before you arrived
My domain was dark and damp
You lit it up
My personal lamp
In one brief moment senses fell apart
Touched and lightning struck my heart

Your smile rescued me from depths of Hell
Without trying cast on me some kind of spell
Standing beside you
Enjoying whatever I can
Because at present from my perspective;
You're Superman
Found a small stash of unpublished poems in a folder.. very random but what a nice surprise that was!!! I thought I had posted all my old poetry on here so stumbling across ones I missed feels like Xmas :)
Jan 14 · 292
On your shoulder stands a monster
Name is insecurity
Grotesque green-eyed gargoyle
Subverting surroundings you see

My heart an antique treasure
Covered in dross and dust
Every afternoon bricks wedged between
Barrier built by broken trust

In haste to label me a villain
Strengths overlooked without a second glance
Few foolish mistakes I may have made
We will never succeed if you don't give us the chance

There's plenty space for us to grow
Turn over a new leaf
Full of abundant paranoia
No room in skull for belief

I cannot take anymore upheaval
Over and over again a skipping track
Interrogation ripping flesh
Infinite questions break back

On map I illustrate details
Appeasing you is tough
Doesn't matter how accurate my statements
Efforts seem to not ever be enough

I feel indignity
Gently caressing insight
Embracing like a family member
Not afraid of standing up for what's right

So very tired of being pegged as the bad guy
I take cover from insinuations
In a brave moment of futility
Kick the door in to house of expectations

I dance in entryway like the whole world is blind
Until I collapse because you make it so hard
Each invalid word flung my direction
Slowly wriggles through thought's guard

It comes together
Pieces of a mechanism
Dismembering my self-esteem
Out of nowhere insults are thrown my way
Rage rises in me like steam

My voices speak brutal tones
Echoing deeply within brain
Sometimes can't tell if my demons are lying
Till morning sheds light on what's sane

Sleeping dogs won't keep eyes closed
I'm turned upside down
I can't help but crawl back to your arms
When day shifts perception around

Every which way emotions are conflicted
Rest when you realize you are wrong
Leaving me alone in peace for awhile
Until next episode comes along

Till my fatigued legs are forced to start running
Miles to showa the light
Fly to a place with less distress
Pinky promise we will be alright

And wait for you to come to your senses
Whether noon or months from now
Playing out scene however it unfolds
In future like a garden we will bloom somehow

In jungle of life where so many are ruthless
Are the only man who catches my eye
Contrary to what imagination might assume
Have no inclination or need to glance at another guy

I told you before and I'll say it again
Simply not that kind of girl
Fact that you would even entertain that notion
Truthfully makes me want to hurl

We have faced fair share of challenges
I'm sure there are more to come
If you want me to be better try building my confidence
Instead of opposite like calling me dumb

Why does it look like you create obstacles?
If let be the path would remain clear
You search so persistently for problems
Eventually they are bound to appear

Making mountains of molehills
Just wish for you to appreciate what you've got
May never have as much to offer as you
I give you my love and that's a lot

I'm left wondering where things went wrong
Striving to present my best
Will you notice what's so obvious to me?
Despite our issues we both are blessed

Think if eyes were truly open
Have nothing but faith in me
Loyalty and devotion are screaming at top volume
You are too focused on my shortcomings to see
Sorry it's a little long
Dec 2024 · 484
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2024
Since second I was born you showered me with love
Made sure I was aware how adoring you were of
Michael and I
We were apples of your eye
Just wish I would have known how quick the days would pass by
RIP mom
Dec 2024 · 403
Peace Passed Away
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2024
Love tramples my bitter heart
Shadows follow my feet
Through deep pool of frustration I wade
Legs may as well be made of concrete

To find exit in this forest of grief
Quiet the picture of you in my mind
Grows in the gaps your absence has rendered
Tiniest light so sharp leaves my eyes blind

That chases progress in circles
Some wishes aren't meant to come true
Worth it warming memories over smoldering embers
For peace that passed away with you
Written 9-7-24
Dec 2024 · 143
More Than Your Memory
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2024
I trace photograph with shaky fingers
Scent on ***** laundry no longer lingers
Name on repeat spinning in my head
I choke on thousands of words I wish I would have said
Hope to wake tomorrow to revelation that none of this is real
If this isn't just a bad dream don't think I can deal
I can't take silence coursing through these empty rooms
A garden of agony and regret relentlessly blooms
I do not know how to care about myself the way you did
So I bottle self-loathing and seal it with a lid
Writing "why?" in cursive in all my notebook pages
Composure maintained
Emotions in cages
I release sigh and kiss loneliness goodnight
More than your memory needed to hold in arms so tight
Nov 2024 · 1.3k
Clipped Wings
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Life's about the suffering
Peace a destination
What is more important
Is what happens duration

Impossible to self-pardon sins
Plagued with doubt and fear
What if darkness creeping within
Sronger than the light inhabiting here?

Worrying is not worth the toll
I have to pay my dues
No one can walk path for me
Don't wear the same size shoes

Each break and bruise instruction
Finish line forever unknown
Happy endings fantasy
Majority synthetic like silicon

It has to shift before we surrender
To assimilation of society
In-between consciouslessness
And controlled compliancy

After Point A wandered astray
Point B hopeless cause
Meandering sheep in a deluded daze
Progression practically on pause

Creativity and cerebration rare
Killed in each as a child
Brainwashed being obedient
Different labeled 'wild'

Those in power yearn to program every step
Shaping image to fit their mold
Corrupt agenda is nothing new
Most don't realize they are trapped in their hold

I want to lead uprising
But I simply am too afraid
Remember when surroundings were calmer
Present for past I desperately long to trade

We had plenty of time to correct behavior
There is an existing disconnect
From planet earth and each other
Too immersed in screens for paths to intersect

A thousand unanswered questions
In silence reality is revealed
Up to us to find purpose in this dimension
Stumbling blindly through this battlefield

We are closer to cliff than we realize
Inching towards edge each day passing by
Shadows halting vision with uncertainty
Wings clipped so we are unable to fly
About the way society is in relation to our government and just how we have been regressing and it's exactly what those in power want. Wake the **** up people, especially Americans!
Nov 2024 · 369
Mental Instability
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Pain within my every word
Mental instability
Never very kind or patient
Definitely not conducive to tranquility

Oh to be free all I long for
World exterminated of hate
Something I've dreamt about often
Life has refused to cooperate

Relaxation an overstayed houseguest
Won't take my subtle hints to leave
Some think I enjoy lazy demeanor
Desperately wish goals I could acheive

I'm not worthless degenerate
Just process events differently than most
A am a lost soul fighting depression
Inside haunted by a nameless ghost

With zero way to discover a road to bliss
Words I scribble my comfort when dark
Everything is a fleeting experience
Perception altered by every harmful remark

Is swallowing truth so hard
That it sticks in back of my throat?
If it is I'll forcefully choke it down
Weight why it's difficult to float
I got hit with writer's block so that's why the ending is somewhat abrupt
Nov 2024 · 193
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Do colors seem pastel through eyes?
Yellow sunshine overhead
I wonder if hues would still appear bright
If your property instead..

It could've stopped escalating
Long long long ago
No quantity of ******* in the universe
Will stop from feeling hollow

I'm sure ways exist to justify
Type of behavior I hate
Perception of surroundings is so skewed
Probably think it looks great

Why would tidiness matter to you?
Not like the lot is in your name
I am the one forced to deal with consequences
You are the one to blame

It is obvious to any rational mind
Discipline is way past due
No longer willing to ignore the signs
The problem is linked to you

You distinctly do not give a **** about our feelings
Otherwise wouldn't have even begun
Now your hoarding is so out of hand
Don't recognize what land has become

I suppose that is what we get for our kindness
Foolishness leading us here
No good deed unpunished
If nothing else that much is clear

This destiny avoidable
Would have been easy to just say no
Generosity in our nature
Had no clue collection would grow

Don't comprehend how people live
In such a state of disarray
Chaos utterly consuming all around
Convinced carnage completely okay

I would have never guessed a human being
Could be so disastrous by design
Have been too lenient but now
It is about time we draw the line

We offered a chance to change outcome
Still carry on making a mess
Zero guilt or remorse displayed
This is what you call "trying your best"

The stress getting heavier
Longer we allow mayhem to go on
Most ******-up part is I suspect you believe
Truly aren't doing anything wrong

Maybe seek professional help
Only suggesting because I care
Anyone with some degree of mental stability
Of disorder would be aware

So you either are totally insane
Or taking advantage of our big hearts
Regardless something has to give
Before each vehicle there is in parts

The blatant disrespect overwhelming
Allow an inch and you take a mile
Only solution I can figure out
Has been coming awhile

Our patience wearing for months
Finally it has broken through
After the ******* we've tolerated
What do you expect us to do?

Just let you persist in accumulating junk?
As if deed to there is your own?
Until entire acre is swallowed up
And gone is beautiful location once-known

You have already inflicted a huge excess
Of destruction that can't be reversed
Acting entitled to anything there
Helping yourself without inquiring first

When you first parked bus we were misled
Under impression it was a temporary situation
Fact that your habitat keeps expanding
Expresses this is more than only a vacation

Are you even seeking somewhere else
To store belongings and dwell?
From where I'm standing it appears
You revel in making lives hell

Trash scattered in corners
Gets worse as you round each next turn
Are you that lazy and careless?
You can't put in one place and burn?

You disassemble things for no reason
If unbroken you tear it in pieces
Never reconstructing the objects you ruin
All the while cache increases

If not halted the amount will proceed growing
Until visible from space
I'd like to admit you are capable
Sadly that is not the case

Not to mention attention drawn
From law enforcement appearing there
Responding from neighbor's calls
Epitomizing our worst nightmare

The two properties connected by owner
Labels us negatively for sure
Positive cops are just awaiting the opportunity
To obtain warrant to search our house once more

Yet doesn't bother you at all
If so you'd minimize risk
Not use grow light to illuminate
And litter public street and ditch

And in the aftermath of these awful actions
Don't apologize for mistakes
Enough is enough
Party is over
Only so much we can take

It's your moment to float along to different shores
A destination new
Feeling physically ill every visit
Welcome is outworn-please shoo!

Half of me honestly fully fed up
Other side weakened by sympathy
I fear if I continue to endure treatment
You will simply walk all over me

And when finally you do move on
Left with an unholy mess
Which will cause a meltdown
Imploding from distress

So I kindly ask you hit the road
Commence process at once
Should have evicted weeks ago
That's not what any of us really want

I hope you don't interpret as declaration of war
You've become used to this "paradise"
Wouldn't have minded you staying here
If you kept it looking nice

But your indiscreet disregard for our disapproval
Has us craving distance badly
For our sanity's sake
You're too selfish sadly

This doesn't mean we don't like you
Loathe the position we're in
Wish we also could embrace the anarchy
Our essence is lacking the echoes within

If there was compromise to be discovered
Wouldn't plead for you to leave
Our standards are so drastically different
Insists harmony impossible to achieve

We often have people abuse our compassion
Silence disrupted only when too much to bear
After being disappointed over and over
Of shadows we should be aware

But within our core care more than we should
Inner voice whispering "they'll have nowhere to go"
If your intention was to carry on residing there
You would have improvement instead of negligence to show

We've idled for months while you should have cleaned up
Take one step forward than two right back
It's evident you won't come to your senses
Perhaps we've cut you a bit too much slack

Now forced to gather belongings
Pick garbage up off the ground
Don't want air to be cold between us
Still don't mind you coming around

I tried hard to be gentle
To my heart I must remain true
Only way to salvage my future home
Is stop you before damage is too bad to undo
about a couple friends of my dad's that he let stay on our other property which is supposed to be mine when he deems me responsible enough to have it in my name and they just completely trashed the place. They are quite possibly the worst hoarders I have ever met and I am not even exaggerating. They could be on an episode of Hoarders no joke. I wrote this as a kind of eviction notice but I never gave it to them because they started moving their **** thank God but I have a feeling I'm going to be left with a bunch of ******* to clean up after they are completely moved out...
Nov 2024 · 138
Your Favorite Daughter
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
I'm sorry card is a wee bit late
Beautiful items take time to create
I'd like you knowing how special you are
Best father in the world by far
You've cared for me since my very first breath
No doubt will until the day you meet death
I do not always make it easy for you to be kind
Reasons to love me you never fail to find
Dropping me off desired destinations
I lacked my own transportation
You accept me the way that I am
Helping when getting myself into a jam
Still offering piggyback rides (if need be)
Though I weigh more than I did at three
You have my back whether wrong or right
Still allow space to win my own fight
I make messes again and again
Advice taken from you now and then
You and Mom raised to be proud and strong
Integrity instilled so I can tell right from wrong
I have zero clue what the future may hold
Realized time more valuable than gold
Although the one loved the most now is gone
No other choice but drag our feet and carry on
I continue waiting for colors to shine bright once more
The world will never appear as vibrant as before
I miss her laugh and how she smelled
Since the day she passed away earth has felt more like hell
I hear words she said always echoing in my head
"You will regret treating me bad when I'm dead"
The silence permeating house reminds me they were true
Residence doesn't seem like home without BOTH of you
She would not want us to be forever sad
We must find a way to focus on the good moments had
But for now darkness inhabits two souls
Ingesting substances
Never filling holes
You have aged one more year
How could we celebrate without mom here?
I don't blame you making it just another day
I feel exactly the same way
Hopefully next year will be brave enough
Sing happy birthday although it will be tough
Her memory lives on for infinity in our hearts
For her have to do our best to heal our broken parts
So happy belated
Hope card causes you to smile
That the quality made the wait worthwhile
I'm your favorite daughter
You only have one
Tethers that connect us will never come undone
Nov 2024 · 437
Bloody Reds Broken Blues
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
****** reds
Broken blues
Heaven I want
Hell I choose
A menagerie of scars maps surface of skin
Eternity mocking every sin
Dawn overtakes darkness each day
Shining light inside is conquered by dismay
My heart is armored to protect from getting hurt
Harbor of regret hidden under my shirt
The birdsong becoming constant serenade
Along with the stars
Notes soon will fade
Watching windows
Don't dare crack my door
Bones too delicate to endure elements anymore
An ocean of fears drowning head
Scared to face future
I crawl into a hole instead
These evenings cannot seem to escape the shadow on my heels
Could never explain how immense every single problem feels
They are so heavy I can hardly hold them all
Nov 2024 · 1.2k
Moon's Work
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Last night evening crept slow
Daylight kissed goodbye
Left the moon hanging so low
At first barely reached the sky
After while climbed darkness's hills
Vibrantly glowing it peered down
The earth bathed in hues of grey fills
Embracing air in which it drowned
Beauty at hour most of world is asleep
Unparalleled by the sun
Blessed seeing dawns guardian instead of sheep
Close eyes when sunrise hits and the moon's work is done
Nov 2024 · 1.3k
I Cried Today
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
I cried earlier
I'm not sure why
Each tear will not change the fact you died
Under covers I sometimes pretend
You are not gone but the fantasy ends
When it is time to taste truth I feel sad
Silently scream cause I miss you so bad
Looking at photo I think of your embrace
Wishing I again could experience your lips on my face
Something shifted in soul the day you disappeared
Can't tell exactly what it is I just know I need you here
Hate the thought of stumbling through life without you year after year
Nov 2024 · 478
Years Of Tears (Senyrū)
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
After years of tears
Posing as pointless pity
Dug despair a grave
Written 3-9-23
Nov 2024 · 269
Patched (Senyrū)
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Watch me pick pieces
Cardiac geometry
Repair rut you ripped
I have taken small pieces of various places around my heart and patched up the gaping hole you left as best as I can. What else can I do?
Nov 2024 · 409
Shapes (Senyrū/Haiku)
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Shadeless shapes shifting
Back and forth and upside down
Not sure what is real
I'm not confident which category this should be placed in. It's kinda about the nature of things AND the nature of's a Henyrū ****
Nov 2024 · 578
Ancient Wounds
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Everything kept in bittersweet silence

Lips ****** from biting back the sentences I am not courageous enough to speak aloud

Eyes shut to avoid sting of reality

Upon shelves towering above stature sit dusty expectations
Long since placed carefully with wonderment
Slathered in cobwebs and mice have moved in and taken up permanent residence in the nooks between

It's a **** miracle they stayed in position this whole time
I cannot seem to stop fidgeting and swinging wildly from distraction to distraction
Branches leading away from my plans
Some of them not even sturdy enough to tolerate my weight
Sending me spiraling spectacularly to the solidly packed earth far below

Selecting thrills instead of skills

Denying truth politely
As one turns down a piece of gum

And it doesn't help laying bare my soul
I do anyways

Although I resent pain caused by opening these ancient wounds at least then my sorrow is freed
Nov 2024 · 195
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
Courage is being able to stand up and face your fiercest fears

Every evening
No matter how that idea terrifies you

In a world where the masses hide behind money
It is more valuable of a trait than ever

Drowning in their cowardice while the few brave still in existence fight their weaknesses with heads held high
Bravery isn't not being afraid it's being afraid but doing it anyway
Nov 2024 · 251
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
You once were here

You'd get unexplainable intuition allowing you to peer right into the depths of my soul

Eyes piercing as you perused aisles of my countless chaotic emotions

Hit hard with words I didn't ask you to say

Rubbed back of my spine like you were waxing a car
Firmly but so carefully

My head in lap but my mind in the gutter

Now hands aren't here to caress my edges anymore

We had moments of weakness but they are overshadowed by the brightness you blessed my dark world with

Drunken songs and Christmas presents and uttered compliments

But always time ends everything good
You were the greatest
Nov 2024 · 280
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2024
My heart burns without presence

Your mouth says my name and voice still sounds the same

The inner damsel in me fights way through my flesh

Leading her by glow of all the potential I set on fire

My hot skin itches for touch while yours is soothed by a thick coat of reassurance

Is medicated by unwavering dose of devotion

My wound so raw and pain so sharp knives flee in fear of injury

My blood screaming for recognition

Like how many drops must be spilled for you to acknowledge I'm dying?

How many cuts appear before you notice I'm not well?

At this point begging for my tissue to be pulled in two directions and a massive amount of sodium chloride poured in
Would relish the agonizing
Unpredicted sting
Because at least that means I can tell you know I'm not alright

You seem to understand exactly where to rub the salt in
Not where to bandage
Written 6-19-19
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
Verse 1:
We try to find answers looking towards the sky
All wanna know what happens when we die
As much as I'd like to sprout wings and to the heavens fly
Ain't no halo reserved for me when I say goodbye
Long ago I once believed that lie
Misunderstanding losses
Asking why
Demanding a reason for grief in my heart
Only heard silence
Faith fell apart
Sometimes asked why it's so hard to believe
Say maybe the rest of the world is just too easy to deceive
It's true when they tell you ignorance is bliss
Truth isn't what we want to hear so instead we just dismiss

If dying before I wake
Give the darkness my soul to take
Please do not cry
Know that I
Forever am thankful
If I die while I'm asleep
Soul I give the reapers to keep
I'm ready for my funeral

Verse 2:
Beneath the starlight contemplating life
Restless heart beating the question why
Wondering in Morse code if I will be all right
Stuck wandering line
Between wrong and right
But don't trust the route everybody else takes
Hear outside opinions about decisions I should make
In the end do what's best for my heart's sake
Eyes and ears will have to learn from my own mistakes
No matter how high flown eventually I'll fall
Mind is in a race with my feet
Both seem to hardly crawl
Below surface of my skin have trouble dealing with it all
Hanging hopes above my head until I crash into a brick wall

Hook x2

I'm ready for
For the funeral x3
I'm ready for
Ready for it
Ready for the funeral
Love this song let me know what you think if you have heard the original song
Oct 2024 · 241
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
I love moments our bodies touch
As well as what's within your mind
When you tell me I look beautiful
Words I replay and rewind
You help me lift off ground
When feeling discouraged and grey
Placing my needs above own
Even if issues get in the way
There never could be another
Make my wishes come true
Find you simply irresistible
Just being you
Oct 2024 · 704
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
When you stop needing someone
It is not that you want to be alone
Understanding that if ever you have to
You'll be fine on your own
There is undescribable freedom attached
No-BIRTHED by solitude
There absolutely is no greater power
Than peace in mind when you self-seclude
The most effective weapon held in your defense
To fight pain and heartache
Is learning the talent of being by yourself
Everyone else is unprepared for the break
Written 4-2-19
Oct 2024 · 885
We Tried
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
Promise me we'll come out stronger
We'll reach the other side
One day we can claim we made it
Not that we only tried

And when rest of the world gives up
Want to be able to say we did not
We attempted again and again until we succeeded
Not just "gave it a shot"

Each of these struggles faced together
Not a trap
A test
Persisted by any means necessary
Unlike those "doing their best"

Sometimes I am all out of resolve
Don't think I can do this anymore
Right when I am about to leave
Remind me what I'm doing this for

I seem to cry a lot presently
Afraid of tomorrow without your embrace
Simply need to know you'll still be here
When storm clears and a rainbow takes it's place
Written 3-10-19
Oct 2024 · 1.9k
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
You have my heart in chains
After all these years
The mercy of your affection
Hand that wipes my tears

You're mesmerizing beyond measure
Smile leaves me paralyzed
The sole word you have to utter is "Come!"
Legs move to my surprise

I obey each wish and command
Your approval I seek
All you need done to hear me talk
Simply call out to me "Speak"

You are not aware of power
Love feels like a restraint
Pulled me along by your heels
Never guided me straight

I am obedient pet
One that knows how to sit
I am too happy to lie down where I'm told
When you tell me to "Stop!" I quit

The fact is I keep heart locked up
In pound waiting for you to change
After all this time
Remains in your ribcage
Written 3-8-19
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
You are the greatest mom I could ever have
You're cruel occasionally when you get mad
You are cold on surface but I know inside
Warm heart is cloaked with fear and pride
And I love you but have a difficult time showing
Settle for easy words I like throwing
I apologize that dark mood cuts deep
True intention was never to make you weep
Cigarette-scented squeezes cement bond
Cradled in arms I need no facade
Wisdom and warmth woven into your skin
Every night protect from the howling wind
Soft as a whisper your tender touch
Your edges are calloused but never too rough
You cast eyes away from my flaws
Silent disappointment inevitably cause
You hold me in the highest regard
Watching my crimson spill must be hard
The vividness of your personality
Like constellations coruscate originality
Yet not a single celestial entity compares to you
You are full of magic in everything you do
Displaying your radiant colors to all
No matter how heavy
Catch me when I fall
Believing to be beautiful
Actually am a sorry sight
Telling the truth when it hurts because that is what's right
You kiss wounds so that better they feel
Blind to my ugly parts as if they aren't real
Oct 2024 · 118
Is It Too Late For Us?
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
There is no excusing what I did
Loss of remaining trust
Answer me one question
Is it too late for us?

Since that day you stare at me differently
In eyes is a hint of resentment
Every time I'm interrogated by you
Feel on trial and I'm the defendant

I need no bible to be truthful
I'm atheist anyways
Have no problem owning up
To my wicked ways

Whether being honest or not
Going to believe what you want
"Guilty" verdict already cast
Don't even put on a front

If we are partners
Will be able to move past
Want to gain your faith back in me
The only way to make this last
Oct 2024 · 220
The Monster You Made
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
I feel akin to a monster
You should be proud
I am everything
I'm scared to say aloud

Frankenstein's design
Spectacle grotesque to behold
You are responsible
Making flesh cold

You should have caught this coming
Mold I tried to fit
I got angry when I couldn't
Destroyed it bit by bit

You attempted to shape my emotions
Arrange me a little more like you
It backfired and I mutated
Into a monstrosity mimicking your every move

I transformed in front of eyes
Metamorphosis we both took hard
What was pure and picturesque
Hideous and scarred

I now am an abomination
Too horrendous for sight to see
Patchwork quilt of faulty components
Sewn with insecurity

I was supposed to be built in your image
Your perfection I hardly resemble
Lost the sweetness of my youth
Silhouette alone reason to tremble

In your efforts to change me
Into creature of similar disposition
Pushed me far enough to snap
Past point of recognition

I look into mirror and gasp
Not comprehending reflection
Asking how someone could diverge
So drastically the wrong direction?

I've grown talons
Replacing my human parts
I don't know how to undo the progression
Revert this revolting reprobate to how it was at the start

I once was a beauty
But became the thing I liked the least
Experiment got out of hand
Now all I will ever be is a beast
Written 1-18-19
Oct 2024 · 140
All Alone
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
Every morning I wake up next to you
Afraid our time is running out
Wondering when you'll stop loving me
All day long I'm plagued by doubt

Havoc wreaked on my insecure brain
I am unable to process why
You could give your heart to anyone
Yet drop it in hands that hardly try

Don't you realize I am not strong enough
Are you blind to my numerous flaws?
Reliant on you to stand on own feet
I just can't comprehend the cause

I worry I am a storm sent to disrupt
Your peace in a second or two
Yet even after months of tolerating my rain
You hold me down through and through

Across the spectrum of devotion
I fear we reside on opposite ends
Strive to continue making progress
So every cut inside you mends

I am aware you look and see no apparent results
Your disappointment affects me more than you know
Lost in the fog of dependency
Glimmer of hope to you I owe

Playing your voice over and over in my mind
Making sky seem blue when it's grey
I have given you the key to my heart
Promise me you won't throw it away

I caved and let you peer into my soul
When I hear your breath it makes me feel alive
Connecting with the invisible tethers tugging
Your encouragement fuels my once waning drive

Stress melts away when you hold me in your arms
Within my body a fire is lit
Trying to evolve into the image you desire
There are times I'm convinced it'd be easier to quit

I stopped counting my apologies
Sure you hate the way "sorry" sounds
Forgiveness hanging from strings hung high
Echoing through darkness that surrounds

Spoken words simply empty air
They still hit harder than a stone
Their meaning beats me black and blue
You might leave me behind here
All alone
"I fear that one day you will wake up and discover that I am not as great as you once thought I was"
Oct 2024 · 69
Get Out
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
Don't tell me to get out
If you do not want me to leave
Sad the day I actually do
Goodbyes worn on our sleeves

Necessary walls put between us
They cause stress to strike
Can never meet in the middle
Different views but so alike

When will I declare defeat?
Be the first to grow up?
Time to realize you never will
Stop counting seconds you interrupt

Animosity steadily building
Stone expressions swapped with pride
Oblivious to own ignorance
All the insecurity inside

Too stubborn to see truth
Is no way to change your opinion
Will forever be correct in this kingdom
Over which you hold dominion

There's nothing adequate to dethrone you
Don't acknowledge words I say
Wish we could live in harmony
Spoken sentences of spite stuck in the way

You do not make me feel welcome
Gravity of your rage makes me small
We're often overlooked in our haste
Broken heels pressed against wall

I never desire to leave the premises
With you memories were fondly made here
Living in endless frustration
A tender touch so insincere

Leaves me feeling captive
Instinct exclaiming
"Fight or flight?!"
How can I escape your wrath
Except running to him and proving you right?

I'm happier sleeping in car with him
Than my warm bed with a heart full of fear
Maybe if house felt like a home
I would actually want to live here
This makes me tear up because it was dn when my mom was still alive. I wish I had tried harder to get along with her instead of being stubborn like she is and fighting all the time. Now it's time I will never get back that I wasted arguing trying to prove who was right. Now I realize that it doesn't matter all that matters is cherishing the precious time you have with loved ones because you never know how long that time will last.
Oct 2024 · 122
"Be Patient"
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2024
They tell us we won't make it
We've wasted too much time
Was so much love between us
There's only walls to climb

You call me your babe
Call phone
Parents just call me dumb
They won't ever listen
A stranger I've become

I've heard it a million times
Each warning in the book
Analyzed situation for hours
You won't take a second look

I don't blame friends for being concerned
If it was me I'd do the identical thing
They should know I need belief in me
Not a phone I just let ring

The more I am smothered by my mom
More I want to defy
Given them answers for my reasons
They continue asking

Now I don't bother
Just tune their voices out
What is the point in talking?
All we do is shout

They're trying to protect skin
Heart from being broken
What they aren't seeing is in doing so
Lose me with each cruel word spoken

And I pull further from your reach
Don't know how to make you realize
I seem to be getting nowhere like this
Open up with honesty
Simply say my words are lies

"Be patient"
Beg you silently
Need time to get my life on track
True independence discovered through own decisions
Once free I'll be able to fully love you back
Written 12-16-18
Sep 2024 · 149
Damn Wrong
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
As much as I loathe my life
Hated it more without you
Pain inside I thought would go
Instead feeling grew

Days had become dark for us
I made the choice to leave
Tried and tried to make it work
You tried to deceive

I couldn't take more lies
Couldn't handle the hurt
Was so tired of being put second
I always put you first

So said goodbye to the greatest thing
Most amazing person I've ever known
For us to find felicity
Even if it meant being alone

It cut deeper than I thought possible
Every morning hated to wake
Pushed on by telling myself
Time would ease the ache

Months passed with no success
Stopped counting each "better" tomorrow
The agony did eventually start to fade
Not the emptiness

I did best to stay away
Not listen to alluring speech
Finally caved in realizing
Peace on own I wouldn't reach

Now you brighten each day
With texts and concerned calls
Every week continue to struggle
Around you the world isn't bad at all

I wish I would have understood
The first moment I held your body near
That my love for you couldn't be stopped
Though I attempted to make it disappear

The stars shine brighter now
Nearly lost love pure and strong
Don't know why I thought I'd be happier without
You in life cause I was so **** wrong
Sep 2024 · 266
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
Times seem difficult right now
Look in mirror and hate what I see
I have faith that if I keep trying
I'll start to eventually like being me
What doesn't **** makes me stronger
I continue building myself every day
Learning from my fuckups and messes
Fueled by faith in fate that someday I'll finally feel okay
Gotta have faith faith faith
Sep 2024 · 166
Trust Issues
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
This is why I have trust issues
It's why I won't allow you in
Say you've changed for the better
Here I am disappointed again

You continue swearing oaths
Unlikely to keep
Then get dejected
When I do not believe

Relentlessly hoping you will come through
You succeed
Once in awhile
Even then there's always some catch
Typical "Paul Wilton" style

Don't tell me words I want to hear
You lack the means to back it up
Reassure me you've got my back
When not taken care of

I do not expect a lot from you
This is the explanation why
Proven to be unreliable
Uttering lie after lie

I was dumb to depend on you
Made that foolish mistake
Displayed time and time again
Your stories are all fake

Plans laid do not work out
Never the one to blame
Any amount of faith put in you
Forever ends the same

Your anticipation to please just pains
When your statements are put to the test
The paradise you promise
Ceases to manifest

Be up front
About limitations
Don't offer lavish fantasies
They're only fabrications

This is why expectations are low
It's why I doubt your honesty
This is the reason we aren't together
Scared this is how you'll always be
Sep 2024 · 278
Hold Me
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
Hold me and I will try to absorb your pain
What we have is so difficult to explain
Words said pace through my mind
Voice the warmth I can't leave behind

Unable to cautiously proceed
Losing my judgement with trembling speed
Simple questions ask myself often
Answers have all been forgotten

Is love eyeless?
Is it just me?
Does it always make truth hard to see?
How can love hurt bad when it's supposed to be good?
Don't know
Don't know
Though here before stood

We're broken individuals
Together we make a whole
All the pieces I am missing
Are parts making up your soul
Written 11-12-18
Sep 2024 · 379
Heart On Display
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2024
You had me in boxes stashed under your bed
Understanding I was locked away
Didn't want to let me inside your head
To own more than each passing day
You kept out of danger
Towered over to protect
Crawling somewhere stranger
Prey limping with a broken neck
But that wasn't intention
Comes at the darkest part of night
Unrelenting unforgiving tention
Never saw before in my sight
Dragging heavy eyes along bathroom tile
I can't pull them away
You and I wrapped in compulsion we compile
Here I am heart on display
Written 11-10-18
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